Sources For Lets Build A Wall

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Hello, I am Julia Williamson, and this is Adam Kristensen.

We are here to explain why

building the wall along our southern border will be beneficial to the United States. Ill bring to

your attention those involved in the walls construction, and how much they will profit. After this,

Ill be talking about the numbers, in terms of how many illegal aliens are crossing and have

crossed the border, and how the wall will deter future illegal immigration attempts. Ill also

explain why this wall is in the best interest of Mexico, regarding the companies that will profit

from the wall, along with the lives of immigrants that will be saved as a result of the wall.

To begin, one company expected to help build this wall is Cemex. Cemex is a Mexican

company, and they specialize in producing building materials, namely concrete. Concrete is an

expensive medium, costing around $90 per cubic yard, as stated on the ConcreteNetwork

website. For the construction on the border, which is proposed to be about 1,000 miles long, 47

feet tall including underground sections, and 10 inches thick, Cemex is projected to gain 700

million by providing the 7.1 million cubic meters of concrete for the wall, according to

MarketWatch. This is a huge benefit to a company that is, may I remind you, based in Mexico.

At this very moment, there are 11.4 million illegal aliens in the United States, making up

3.5% of the national population- of these unauthorized immigrants, 52% of them are Mexican,

according to PewResearch.

Heres an interesting statistic: the Los Angeles Times states that 85% of people found

dead along the US-Mexico border are Mexican. In fact, Colin Schultz, of,

reported that, between 2000 and 2014, over 6,000 Mexican immigrants have died while trying to

cross the border.

Washington Post writer Brad Plumer wrote that, in 2012, 356,000 Mexicans tried to cross

the border illegally. This article also states that of the immigration attempts, 43% of detained

immigrants said that theyd try to immigrate in the future. 36% of this group said they would

cross sometime in the future, while a whopping 7.4% of those detained intended to cross within

the next week.

Relating back to the Los Angeles Times, Smithsonian, and Washington Post articles,

deaths on the border and illegal immigration could be fixed by building a wall. The current

border fence in place has failed at keeping Mexicans out of the States. Because this fence is

penetrable, potential immigrants become hopeful that they can cross illegally. With a wall in

place thats nearly impossible to cross, Mexicans will realize that, if they want to enter the US,

they need to immigrate legally. This new mindset will prevent future border-crossing attempts,

and will save the lives, money, and energy that goes into both crossing and protecting the


Now, to conclude my speech, I have two very very relevant Donald Trump quotes to

share, both of which are provided by CNN Politics.

The first is, "Anyone who tells you the core issue is the needs of those living here

illegally has simply spent too much time in Washington." This statement explains that, the

United States of America has become a far too idealistic society. His criticism of Washington is

directed towards the overwhelming liberalism in the DC area, a region distanced from states

overflowing with illegal immigrants. Perhaps, a wall could represent the beliefs of the silent

majority, and, as Trumps motto states, this wall will Make America Great Again.

The second quote being, "If we can save American lives, American jobs and American

futures, together we can save America itself." By this, President Elect Trump means that illegal

immigrants are jeopardizing the well-being of this great nation. Building this wall will save both

Mexican and American resources, and the wall will strengthen our nation as a whole.
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