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UPPER INTERMEDIATE Virginia Evans - Bob Obee Module 2 Module 3 Module 5 UNIT 4 Crossing Barriers ‘communication; language; gestures meanglways of communication; types of languages; gestures & feelings; - ‘A Multilingual Internet’ (gapped text) (pp. 7-22) sayftellspeak/talk; fixed phrases & ~ "Theatre for the Dea? Phrasal verbs related to communication | (multiple choice questions) UNIT 2 feelings; emotions; _| moods and emotions; physical + ‘Happy?’ (gapped text) Moods and happiness sensations; expressing feelings; * Extract from Sense & Sensibility Feelings extreme adjectives; smiles; phrasal (capped text) (pp. 23-38) verbs; prepositions ‘Self-Assessment Module 4 (pp. 39-42) UNIT3 work/fobs; earning a |ob skills and qualties; forms of + "Why don’t you get a proper Making a living; money matters | money; confused words; job? (mutiple choice) (pp. 45-60) «| idiomsiphrasal verbs related to money; | ‘Great British Jobs’ (multiple prepositions matching) UNIT 4 dwellings; household | types of houses; rooms/areas of a - ‘Going Underground! (gapped Make Yourself at | items house; appliances and furniture; idioms| text) Home and fixed phrases with ‘home’; phrasal | Extract from Great Expectations (pp. 61-76) verbs; prepositions (multiple choice) ‘Self Assessment Module 2 (pp. 77-80) UNITS modern trends; appearance and character; media, + ‘Reality show fever’ (multiple Modern Living | ifestyles fame; idioms and fixed phrases related | matching) (pp. 83-98) to lifestyles; phrasal verbs; prepositions | - ‘The Magic of Pantomime’ (gapped text) UNIT 6 holidays; traveling | getting around: holiday objects; signs; | - ‘Guilt-free Holiday’ (multiple Going Places (pp. travel; describing holiday experiences’ || matching) 99-114) phrasal verbs and fixed phrases related | Extract from The Moon and ‘Self-Assessment Module 3 (pp. 115-118) to travel; idioms; prepositions Sixpence (gapped text) uNit7 history historical peace and conflict; taking control History Lessons (multiple choice) History figures idiomsfixed phrases related to history; | Amelia; Where are you? (pp. 121-136) phrasal verbs; prepositions (gapped text) units ‘education education systems; places in a school “The Cyber Schoo (gapped text) Learning Lessons ‘types of school; exams and qualifications; | _- Extract from Tom Brown's (pp. 137-152) Self-Assessment Module 4 (pp. 153-156) UNITS Planet Issues (pp. 159-178) ‘environmental issues idiomsyfied phrases related to education; phrasal verbs; prepositions green issues; environmental problems; Dhrasal verbs/idioms & fixed phrases related to the environment; prepositions ‘School Days (multiple choice) The Antarctic: key tothe Planet Earth (gapped tex) ~ Save our Seeds (multiple choice) UNIT 10 ‘The Cycle of Life (pp. 175-190) health; eating habits; stages in life Self-Assessment Module 5 (pp. 191-194) ‘Grarnmar Reference Section (op. 196-212) Irregular Verbs (p. 213) Appendices (pp. 214-221) Further Practice (pp. 222-238) Tapescrpts (pp. 237-258) Word list (op. 261-264) healthy lifestyle; heathy eating; food & drinks; phrasal verbs, idioms related to health; accidents & injuries; prepositions Living for a Century (multiple choice) ~ Extract from Little Women (gapped text) ea 4D articles; determiners; too! | multiple choice; note- | expressing preferences; letters/emails ‘enough; partitives; ‘aking comparing/contrasting; = informal countable/uncountable nouns ‘making suggestions; responding + semi-forral positiveyinegatively; making = formal assumptions; saying goodbye Present Simple & Present matching speakers to | asking about and expressing feelings; | transactional lettersemails Continuous; Stative Verbs, | statements; multiple | exclamations; indirect questions | - requesting information Used to - Be used to/Get choice = making complaints Used to; word formation: forming adjectives -ing form or infinitive; reported | multiple choice; expressing and asking for opinions; | - reports speech; introductory verbs; | sentence completion; | agreeingidisagreeing.encouraging’ _|- letters of application ‘word formation: forming matching speakers to | responding posttivelynegativey negative adjectives, statements demanding and giving explanations; _ asking for and giving advice Present Perfect; Present matching speakers to | expressing wishes; making 2 = making suggestions Perfect Continuous; statements; multiple | complaint, avoiding giving a direct | (letters, articles) ‘word formation: adjective | choice ‘answer; making suggestions! endings recommendations; expressing the result of suggestions adjectives; adverbs multiple choice; note- | asking for personal views; expressing | - for-and-against (articles, comparisons; taking likestdisikes and justifying; soreading | letters, compositions) ‘word formation: adjective ews; reacting to news; making suffixes suggestions giving alternatives, paying ‘compliments ‘modal verbs; matching speakers to | interrupting; encouraging; = narratives (1) ‘word formation: derivatives | statements; multiple | persuading/agreeing/disagreeing; choice ‘complaining; criticising; apologizing; asking for opinion; complimenting, thanking past forms; past modals; multiple choice; note- | asking for confirmatiorvtesponding | - narratives (2) ‘word formation: verb suffixes | taking Positively/negatively; expressing Uncertainty, narrating personal experiences the passive; the causative; | matching speakers to | congratulating; consoling; expressing | - stating opinions word formation: -ingi-ed statements; multiple | and justifying cpinions/agreeingy (letters/emaiis-articies- endings choice disagreeing; giving opposing views; | compositions) reacting future forms; conditionals; | multiple choice; note- | asking indirect questions; expressing mixed conditionals; wishes; | taking ignorance/uncertainty; expressing | reviews word formation: prefixes concern; introducing a topic; asking about feelings; expressing fear/anxietyhhope/negatve feelings; expressing frustration defining/non-defining relative | matching speakers to | giving advice; rejecting/accepting causes; clauses of concession’ | statements; multiple | advice + revision & extension urposeriesult; question tags. | choice

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