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NOVEMBER - £11.50 -US$23:€17 English Edition DETAIL Sustainability in the desert The window of the future Air-conditioning systems: a comparison 02/11 DETAILGreen 02/11 DETAIL Special Edition 66266 ISSN 1868-3843 4 Magazine Passiuhaus takes hold in Bitain L 2 Lite cycle analysis ot buildings Jakob Schoof Projects, Publications events 2 Background Suslainabilty in the desext Karim Elgendy Sustainable architecture Towards.the sun Residential building in Pressbaum. Hein=Troy Architekten, Bregenz/Vienna. Jac iden Office building in Badautl arghitestuWERKSTATT Bruno Moser. Breitenbach. Living in a laboratory 4) Research and practice Air-conditioning systems: a. comparison. BernhadLenz he window of the futur Interview with Manual Deel, Nor Patti 5 Producis.and matariale 6 Specialist information The ctive forlaw energy refurbishment ‘Andrew Peel, Editorial and oublishing data/photo credits Publishes aid cara! deparurert: ns ators Seearmen Grian Sehien(ecrar incre) waka Scrao! Erall castorate tohane: +49 8938 1820 Adverising e-mal qfaegenglsialce telephone: +48 89%8 1820-8 Desrbuton & suosctptns: ral Uk corspendon: ker Lowen Translators. sine lodau-Konck,Feargal Dole, Gean McLaughin, Ingrid Tyr Engst pronteadng: Anna Roos labogvervisbsunion de; ieleprone +498) 230298-211 10 16 22 44 70 74 6 2 fr ematorale Nehitekour-Cokumeration GmbH & Co.KG, Hackertrccke 6, 8C035 Munich, Germany, DETANG:e 201102 The entire world seens to be wrangling over money at the monent. This is hardly surprising given that Europe’s state coffers will tend to have Jess and less in then in the future. It would be illusory to believe that the pressure to impose cuts in public budgets will have no effect on climate-change policy; too many technologies and projects continue to depend on public funding, in spite of their long-term necessity. Up until now, even those with otherwise complete ly opposing interests have been united in their call for state funds. In future, this call is Tikely to fall on deaf ears with increasing fre- quency. Does this mean that aspects relating to design are being completely ignored? And how will our acceptance of the need to protect the climate be affected if such protection becomes more ex- pensive for us? Even now, sociologists are pre- Gicting that the willingness to contribute to- wards incisive measures is more liable to de- crease than increase. At the same time, the suspicion that we have not even started to make substantial savings cannot. be denied. Anong politicians, heads of industry and the public, the development of renewable forms of energy - not to mention their own set of claims - is considerably more popular than an in- crease in energy efficiency. “Anything but having to cut back!” is the unanimous cry of the leading thinkers in the sustainability debate.In the long term, however, it is possible that we will be un- able’ to avoid’ the question “How much is enough?”. Otherwise, the increasing amount of living space per inhabitant and the ongoing consumption of land by our housing estates will make all efforts to achieve greater efficiency appear absurd. Lifestyles that are sufficient to needs must arise from the conviction of the individual ~ and are already doing so: more and more employees are doing without higher salaries in favour of nore free time or are giving preference to a balanced family life over mobility in their profession. Time, education and social intercourse belong to those resources, whose utilisation does not bring about any negative effects on the environment. What's more, they are more sought after than ever before today. Architecture could help to support these 1ife- styles, especially in times of economic crisis. Where are the residential buildings that equally enable withdrawal and social interaction in a small area; where are the city districts that al- ow mixed uses and thus, from the onset, avert the issue of mobility; and where are the rooms that remain comfortable even at an indoor temper- ature of 19 degrees? Doing without the superflu- ous has nothing to do with self-denial but can very well accompany a rise in the quality of Vife. At the moment, this insight may be unpopu- Jar but the situation could change faster than we might think possible today. Jakob Schoo 2/102 DETAMGiecn Passivhaus takes hold in Britain ol Lowenstein (On a warm October day last year. Chris Huhne, the new coalition govamment’s Energy and Environment Minister, strode ppurposelully towards the lactern to glve a keynote speech in North Landon’s Ising: ‘on town hall, The hall was packed, and ‘those attending the evert, the frst Pas: sivhaus conference in Eitain, waited 10 hear what the minister had to say. Later bis words were analysed and deciphered {or clues to ‘the greenest Government ‘ever’ commitment to decarbonising the county's building stock. A key line 18- {erred to the event as “a watershed mo: ‘ment, in which he would “Ike to see ‘every new home" reach the Passivhaus standard. Ithad been quite a joumey for the continental Passivhaus apprcach to building, which just three and a halt years before hardly anyone in Britain had heard of, (One year after the Passivnaus conference last year, what high hopes were held for the Government's commitment to decar bonis Britain's entire residential building stock have been fading by the month. Yet alongside this, with regard to strategies {or realising zero energy bulldings, the momentum ot intarast and practical take: up, whether in irining or actual live- projects, in the Passivhaus approach in the UK has been burgeoning. As with the Us take-up of massive cross laminated timber | wrote about inthe last Issue of Detall Green, this is once again a story of research, techniques, tachnologies and building expartse that have been devel oped abroad and, after 2 considerable time-lag, have begun to migrate to Britain, Different professionals have been in- volved, though also a very similar cultural dynamic, involving small networks of ‘commited sustainable builders and ar cohitects, breaichrough moments and in- creasing acceptance, This was followed by curiosity, interest and take-up by the mainstream. What is markedly diferent is how recent the take-off has been, and in terms of certified Passivhaus buildings how ~ stil comparatively few there are. Germany has passed its 10,000th Pas- sivhaus building, even ifno-one seems to know how many are certified. Here, in Britain they can be countad in a few handfuls and even with the current wave, of excitement, tis dificult to really ervi sien the numbers catching up with the levels of central mainland Europe. A Passivhaus pretistory ‘At the heart of those campaigning for ‘the Passivhaus standard in England has been a sustainable building network, the relatively small Association cf Environ mentally Gonscious Builders (ECE), ‘ounded in 1989. Though often described aa ‘grassroots’ organisation, the AEE, includes members with a high level ot specialist knowledge, skills and exper ence, albeit at odes with the prevailing UK architectural orthodoxy of the time, vwihere sustainability wasn't an issue worth thining about. One of these forerunners is David Olivier, who, through the eighties and nineties, acted as an independent consulta, conducting research which, although immensely detailed, did not re- ceive the attention it merited from the mainstream, including Government re- search centres such as the Building Re- search Establishment (BRE). Through the rineties, Olivia's work found an audience among the 1500 or so mambers of AECE, a substantial part of whorn were archi tects and others working olosely with ar chitects. This said, BRE started up a Pas- sivhaus Unit in 2004, lad by Gareth Hodg- son, with the explicit intent of bringing its principles to the wider building sector. ‘The unit has grown into the influential Passivhaus UK body, disseminating infor- mation and running certification courses to tho mainsveam. It was only, however, in the around 2005 that Passivhaus really began to gain vider attention. Andy Simmonds, partner cf the arcnitectural practice Simmonds Mills, (and also AECE's current part time CEO), recalls that through 2008, this had coalesced into “three identtiable group- ings: the AECB, BRE's Passivnaus Unit, and a small number of pioneer architects, including John Williamson, a west Wales architact, and the Londonbased, Justin Bare.” Within two years, after following differen, iat times intertwined, Passiv haus paths, together these groups would effectively Springboard the launch ot Passivhaus in England, DETANG:e 201102 Already, in around 2008/4, the AECB be- gan receiving requests from its members for guidance concerring low eneray building design and construction. The re ‘sult was a set of energy standards, Sub. ‘sequent ciscussions with BRE and the Energy Saving Trust (EST) to look at har menising energy standards through 2008 ‘and 2007, the AECB launched Caren Lite, a majer earbon literacy programme based around the AECB standards, led by Simmonds and Liz Reason, an eneray markeling specialist working with AECE, ‘Simmonds, converted to the Passivhaus approach, in his architectural capacity began to look at how he could apply what he was leaming to firs, rafurbishing his ‘own home, and then, Disability Essex ‘a Centre tor Disability Studies through 2008/9. The later building passed Pas- sive certification last year. Simmonds and Olivier, together with 2 growing number of close AECB colleagues, used what they were learning from their avn projects to provide technical and design understand ing for those new to very low energy de- ‘sign. All this weuld fiter through into the AECB community and beyond in different ways. During this came period, architects John \Willamson and Justin Bere devolved their first Passivhaus designs ~ both sup. ported by BRE an Hodgson — with Wi llameon completing a residential dwelling and an Adult Community cantre tor Powys ‘County Council in Walas. These became the first UK Passivnaus Buildings to gain certification in 2009, Bere, who has had @ lte-long passion for low energy building, was only alerted to the existence of Pas: sivhaus when a German assistant, Tobias Schaffrin, pointed out how similar the detailing on Bere's 2005 Focus House project was to Passivhaus. Bare was ‘amazed to find literally huncreds of arch tects across Europe developing similar, though mere advanced, ainight buildings. he'd spent years aspiring to, He began integrating Passiv principles into his de- sign, and, in spring 2007, attended the European Passivhiaus conference held that year in one the epicentres of Pas sivhaus activism, Bregenz in Vorarlberg Tho visit for Bare was nothing short of an architectural revelation, discovering there ‘beautifully designed low energy bull Ings cl the sort that appealed to a design- led architect. Oliver Lowenstein runs the UK Green Cultural Review, Fourth Door Review (wis., and is a UK correspondent of Detail Green. Tamaces houses tor the 2010 Satan Housing spo, vernens Ga arches 2. Unda ue, The Cetsuoiss, Gloucester Seyoursinih achic's 9 TighNaCadach Duron Gokay Devoe! Another UK altendae, Nick Grant, who is closely connecied to sustainability pio- neers, Architype, had been unconvinced about Passivhaus prior to Bregenz but retumed with @ changed pecspective, “travelled to Bregenz with haifa mind at debunking 1, but came away pretty con vvinced. Part of it was seeing actual buil- ings, and the rationality of the process. | was impressed by how it was conceplu- ally sophisticated, though also very sim- ple and realised that actually there's ‘something in this.” Grant returned to Brit ain enthused, learning the Passivhaus In stitute's PHP computer modeling som vyare, and began showing others within Architype's west atfice, near Heretord, both how the programme worked and Underining the potential benefits. After 2 number offalse starts, the practice used this knowedae on two primary schools in Wolverhampton, Bushbury and Oak Meadow. Opened in October this year, they are Architype's frst built passive projects. Meanwtile in Scotland, xnovdedge about Passivhaus concept also began to circu- late, albeit through an entiely dierent route, Research visits to Norway and Sweden by Scottish architects in the early 2000's, including Gokay Daviei and Edin- burgh's Gaia Architects, nttcduced the Scots to the Nordic Passivhaus communi- ty, including one of its founders, Hans Eek. As the climate and geography of Scotland Is closer to Scandinavia than to southarn England, its hardly surprising ‘that a separate Scottish Passivhaus path has emerged, witn Devio's Tigh Na Cla- ach affordable housing in Dunoon on Scotlands east coast being the most sig- hificant project to have been realised so ‘ar. interestingly, Devici states that his in- tent was research focused. Frustrated in previous projects dus to the difference between the claims of different energy approaches and thelr actual results, he ‘wanted to see if Passiviniaus would work in practice. So far post-occupancy testing is showing very good results. 6 Pooshravetalee helen etal rear ire ter Dasbty uses, Essex ‘Srronds is A The centre becomes interested Itis apparent that those picking up on Passivhaus have not at frst bean metro ppoltan, London-based architects — AECB. is a predominantly West Country, West Midlands and Welsh congregated net work. twas only withthe linicin with Bare (as well as John Gatland af the Good Homes Trust) that interest in Passivhaus, both from architects and the media, be- ‘gan fo gain momentum in the capital By 2008 Bere had commited his new projects to Passivhaus standards, which, ‘along with lectures, warashops, and con: ‘erences, helped build momentum and raised Passivhaus's profile in London. The projects include 3 residential home locking net unlike a Verariberg building} ina leafy, afiuent part of North London, a North London community centre rebuild and finally a competition win to design {wo experimental houses in a large South Wales building programme on the edge (of ex-coal mining tov, Ebbw Vale, The lattor two, Larch and Lime house, have been designed specifically to affordable housing budgets, and withthe diferent South Wales climate in mind, Although all ct these early projects have required es: ‘tablished passive product companies ‘from across Europe, Ebbw Vale and South Wales are attempting to change this, with a few British companies begin- ring to manuiacture products. At Future Works, a group of Welsh joinery compa: niles have come together under the name, Company Precision Joinery, to produce a {first UK standardised Passivnaus window. The result has bean a frst wave of ganu: ine, accrecited Passivhaus projects across a broad aeoaraphical range, Bere's residential projects, as well as @ small umber of private hemes, including Un- derhill House by Helen Seymour Smith, Denby Dale house by ex-AECB chair and Green Building Store founder, Chis Her ring, and SimmondsMills’ Disability Essex ‘were all acereditad in 2010. The housing projects ought to be seen in the context Ct the British Government's 2006 an: | BA nouncement that every residential build ing, including existing stock, would ba legally required to attain zero carbon energy levels by 2016, precipitating the ‘AEGB's Carbon ite programme, and in 2009 the major government funded ‘Ret oft tor the Future’ research. This re search is now being concluded, and in- cludes practices that have committed to Passivhaus, researching how to refit a cross section of older, primarily urban housing typologies. Among them are ProwettBizley Architects, another young London practice. Rob Prevett notes that ‘many of these Retroft research project are informed by Passivnaus concerns and ideas, including cold-bridging, heavy insulation and walls, even if they were net technically, passi-projects. =< What the cites have to say ‘The passive rush, as 2 few have called it, has not been without eritics. Within the Belish sustainable building environ rant the most high profilo comes from BedZED's Bill Dunster, who in a 2010 Building Design magazine antcle com: ‘mented that, "1's not so clever to insist on expensive levels of air-tightness in the temperate south. But itis even stranger to demand electicity-hungry, fan-criven, heat-ventilation when passive techniques work fine. The UK has fo combine Medi- {erranean passive cooling techniques with the northern European need to con serve heat.” Chis Morgan, from Soot land's Locate Architects, a passiv-adve. ‘oate hoping to complete the first passive sel build, notes how some “tail to 806 the drawbacks’. Morgan also points cut how divisive the taxe up of Passivhaus has been in Britzin across the wider sustaina- ble architecture community, in this re ‘spect mimicking ts central European re- ception. Aesthetics, and the vexed ques- tion of how far Pacsivhaus allows archi toctural expression, Is given an ecological perspective by Mole Architects’ Meredith Bowles, in underlining haw Passivnaus's ccontinental development has cone so 2/102 DETAMGiecn vithin ‘part performance, part product” parameters. While Bere argues that Pas sivliaus is more process than produ, i is widely acknowledged that EU funding tor the early experimental Passivhaus, RAD vias partially premised on develop: ing such products." Bare feels vindicated in that passive isan approach, which ‘works: *What is clear is that the tests are showing the Passivhaus buildings built so {ar are pertceming ‘spoton.” ‘There seams to be consensus that the Passivhaus rush is set to continue for a vile yot. There may be dark muiterings 28 to where exactly tha Government's 23 ro carbon housing is heading, as well a5 concems at the lack at sills of UK build ers, and specialist contractors, and vihather they are up to delivering passive standard insulation, even if training pac ages are now emerging. Places on BRE PHPP taining courses for architects are also over-subseribed and last year's first UK Passivhaus conference avr both the ministerial keynote and the launch of the Passivhaus Trust, New Passivhaus projects regularly cop up In the Betish architectural media, 4Orm’s Arbark Park is the fst passive mult-cwelling for five households. The mainstream ara alse getting in on the act: two large-scale resi- dential Passivhaus schemes, a 28 dwel ing project in Houghton-le-Spring by Devereux, and b3 architects’ 68 housing development in Portland on the South coast. are nearing completion, while Rick Mather Architects have teamed up wath Architype for a housing block in London. While this isn't central Europe: there is ro regional municipality legislation that all public funded housing be to Passiv- standards, as in Vorarlberg, nora munick pality reauiring public buildings to attain similar standards, as on Frangiurt. Neither has there been ary sort of iconic passive latements, as in Arno Lederer's Ravan surg passv-museurn, But what is cortaln is that Possivnavs, although relatively ‘small in scale, has arrived in Britain, and Is set to stay, > ‘Schueco ProSol TF moves BIPV to 3 new level. For the first time, thanks to the combination of ‘advanced thin-film technology end Schueco aluminium facade systems, architects can combine unbeatable solar energy generation with complete design freedom. Available in large formats of up 10 2.6m x 2.2m, ProSol TF modules are suitable for both ventilated and non-ventilated fagades. ‘They can also be installed on flat roofs or supplied as a lean-to package for retro-fitting onto solid walls (such as industrial buildings) or ag lerge-louvre shading. I's @ perfect example of Schueco's Energy? - Systems for Saving and Generating Energy concept in action. ENERGY 2/102 DETAMGiecn Embodied energy: All just dry theory? Life-cycle analysis of buildings Jakob Schoof In Europe, the aimis that buildings should vse less and lees anergy in the future. The clocks appear to go backwards in conly one respect: most concrete floor slabs teday are considerably thicker than 20 years ago, technical building systems fare becoming evar more complex anc) insulation seit 's becoming thicker and thicxer. The energy requited for their man- Uulacture is thus also increasing, The em bodied energy used for manufacturing, maintaining, repairing and disposal is be ‘coming an increasingly important factor in buildings. In the case of passive houses, ‘this can account for more than a third of the ‘otal primary energy that a building needs in the course of 80 years. In zero-energy buildings, only the embodied energy has anegalive effect on the eventual eneray balance. This posesnew questions about building planning. How can the use of en- ergy and resources be minimised as early as the construction phase? And what rei- able decision-making criteria are there for tha selection of eeological materials? More transparency dlie to EPDs? Nowadays, there exist so-called Enviren- ‘mental Product Declarations (EPDs) for an increasing number of building products They contain reliable intermation, compa rable throughout Europe, on the enviror- ‘mental characteristios of a product, This ‘mainly includes the eco-balance with de tails of he primary energy consumption and CO, emisions during manufacture ‘as wellas data relating to recyclabilty anc the velatile o-ganic compounds {VOCs} that the procuct may centain. However, ven) few architects today are capable of using EPDs and eco-balances in ther ‘everyday practice. Hardly any of them know the application of terms such as “eutrophication potential” or “ozone deple- tion potential" —not to mention baing able to correctly estimate the associated unt of measurement and orders of magnitude. Eco-halancing far architects: In practice, eco-balances currently only play a role in building certification, inter- nationally, the new standard, ISO 21931, creates a Framework forthe criteria and evaluation methods of building cetifica- tion, Hore, fe-eyle analysis plays a oan tral role. Even eystems such as LEED, in which eco-balances do not yet play a role, vill probably change their evaluation methods over time, Martin Zeumer, scientific associate of the Technical University of Darmstadt, who is active in the area of lte-cycle analysis, thinks thal eco-balances fer building cert fications will continua to be the domain of 2 fow experts in the future. However, sus: tainable building materials are in demand more and more atten, even in “everyday” projects. Especially in this regard, he says, the discussion ought to be placed ‘on an abjective ‘ccting with the help of eco-balancing. But, stresses Zeumer, we are not yet al this point: “Most architects slil keep to very general statements such a ‘building with wood is sustainable’ rath or than to scientifically grounded but ab, stact Key data from eco-balances.” From the planners point of view, there Is another disadvantage. Even if ne mean: ing of the results is understoed, they most ly do nat allow conclusions to be drawn abeut a construction's potential fo im- provement Inmost architectural offices, neither the knowledge nor the tools exist to integrate eco-balances in building planning. This particularly appliae to the inal planning phases becausa then is the tine when the most far-reaching decisions are usually made. Competitions also need to be up: ‘graded, Even if an eco-balance is stipulat- ed as part of the submission, it wil hardly ever play a cle when it comes to deciding between paricioants. Usually, there is a lack of qualified advance inspectors and jwors as wellas the necessary tools that ‘would allow the designs to be assessed appropriately. If, however, building re sourcefully is nota oriterion in compet tions, the participants will hardly pay much attertion to this aspect efther, thus reinforcing the status quo. Appropriate tools for architects? Databases and eco-balancing tools are already available today in (almest) any dearee of complexity. Some ~ such as the ‘SNARC method developed in Switzerland in 2004—make it possible to roughly as ‘8095 the embodied energy at an early stage in planning on the basis of building volume, typology and compactness. Other methods, in contrast, require detailed DETANG:e 201102 1 Goneree, rpsrteuar nace ltt energy 22 rranutacuret te meats even mare dag Vartagecus i ecrerets eulings ar tom don long bee send oor scrncal sence te 2-9 Bani ental Europe, PU modules Usa pay back heir mandoetuing energy ae aperoe rely tvee years Win regalo etal ale tn, eet ceretes pay fhe fastest ih aninulaon heSens of 20 cents tid more, conta, the amoteaion tne n fame of energy horeasoe rapid. nth ose, iVewoet ghig coreeraton'9 he embogee foeegy ot tferen Palting matte 49 wnat nao aea09 & moro susamasle? Th ‘quaston can any be arenes rafererce ean otal eulding lerredo andiho orbie ta eyes knowledge of the manufacturing process- ‘65 used for individual building produets in ‘order to arrive at a result. The most com men tools today allow successive refine: ment of the reeuits in the course of plan ring. Their calculations are mostly based Con average (ie. not manuiacturer spect ic) eco-balance data for building materials that can be found in databases such as Oxobau dat (Germany), baubook (Austia) cr ecoinvent (Switzerland). Moreover, an increasing number of databases that pro: vyide product information specifically for bulling certification are being created at present, For example, they provide details Cf what floor covering can generate points in whioh LEED criterion However, caution is o be recommended whatever data source is used. Firstly, data ‘rom different databases cannot readily be ‘compared with each other. Secondly, the whole is more than the eum of its parts in an eco-balance; most building elements ‘contain layers of material wih cifferent fe cycles. In the worst case, the entire ale ment has to be replaced as soon as the first layer ceases to perform ts function ~ vith correspondingly negative effects on ecorbalance values. In short, ecc-belancing is anything but trivial and the balancing methods and tools that exist are hardly known outside ‘specialist circles. At universities in parlicu- lar, tharafora, work is being continued on simple, but sufficiently precise, planning tools. Here, the question always arises as {o what influences and what components are really Gecisive for the eco-balance of ‘building and which ones can be ig- ered? Whereis embodied eneray hidden? Initial insights into issues, such as how the embodied energy of buildings can be minimised, already exist. The Swiss by ing physicist, Martin Lenalinger, wrltes: “Effects on the embodied energy of a building decrease (...] rapidly as the de tails of te project are made more precise, the reason being that the shape and size Cf the building are the most important influencing factors.” Ifthe building elements are considered in more detail, especially the shell of te building — which usually accounts for more than haf af the emibadied eneray is cf consequence. This is mainly dus to the cement content in conerete building ‘componerts, The cement industy, alone, ‘causes around 5% of worldwide green- house gas emissions. In the case of fa- ‘cados and other used suriaces, it isnot ‘so much the manufacturing energy as the maintenance, cleaning and repairs that make a difference. Low-maintanance, du- rable construction Is therefore essential for these building components. The compos- ite thermal insulation systems that are much eritcised by architects, in contrast, are problematic in terms of thei disposal but are hardly significant when consid: ‘ered over the entire lifetime of a building, What is not to be underestimated, howev- ¢r, is the influence of the technical bull: ing systems. Thair share in the total weight, Of the building is usually far below 8 % but = depending on the indicator that is con: sidered ~ account for up to 25% of the ‘enviconmental effects resulting trem man. utacture, repair and disposal. In ths re gard as well, the reascn is net enly the rel- alively shart lifetine of the technical sys- tems in buildings but also their high metal and plastic contant, co:balanoing as obigation? Widespread, overall use of eco-balances inarentecture is stil a long way ott. One ct the reasons is that a redluction of the embodied energy in buildings does not bring any noticeable benelits for he client unless he or she is stiving to obtain a sustainability certificate for his or her building. Less embodied energy leads rrelthor to a better interior climate nor to ‘greater user comton — in most cases, it Goes not even result in lower construction costs, The situation will probably not change Until the legislator grasps the intative, At ‘the least a limitation of embodied energy inbuidings would make economic sense. For highly energy-efficient buildings, i is often substantially cheaper to reduce the energy involved in construction of the building than to lower the consumption cf heating energy or electricity further. By 2020, according to the nev EU build ing directive, all new bulklings wll have to achiave the lowest energy standard ~ and ‘then such a ruling would be the next logi- cal step, 10 Prokes Local harvest University building in Sutton Bonington Nake Architects, London The University of Nottinghamr’s new Prant Sciences building is th first siage of a 20-year masterplan to expand te univer: sity’s Sutton Bonington Campus, to the ‘north of Loughborough. Housing a combi- ration of laboratories, serminar rooms and fice spaces, this 3,000 my, £5:million building brings together the university's ‘Scheol of Biosciences and the School ot Veterinary and Medical Sciences. The lent had chosen the desian by Make Architects for the high flexibilly it provided in accommodating the various uses within the building, forits high efficiency in the use of space (according to the architects, the floor plate efficiency is 80%), and par- ticular for its sustoinabilty credentals, “Localism” is a keyword to the design and cconstaiction of the Building. The majorty ct suppliers was chosen fom the regien. For the opaque parts of the facades, the architacts conceived a construction meth- (od that relies on locally harvested saw as (one of ts main materials. Strawbale con struction had been used as a structural walling solution in the UK betore but never ina construction of tis kind: not anty te ‘the new Biosciences School the largest strawbale building in the county to date, but tis also the frst where the bales were Used to insulate a curtain wall. Geb Leung, priner in Make Architects, explains the reasons for this choice of material: “The university has a farm and produces straw a8 a waste product soit seemed a shame ‘not to use it as pert of the building fabri. Iwas free, with excellent insulating prop: erties, and, as itis a plant sciences build ing, it seemed fitting considering what they do." ‘The decision to use straw as building ma- torial had to be made well before con: struction started, as straw is only harvest fed once a year. To turn it into a viable ‘construction material, Make “stacked” the stravibales into cross laminated timber frames, each ot whichis as wide as one stravibale and as high 4s the building it self. These long, slender elements hold eight to nine bales each (adding up to a total lenath of 14,5 metres), and weigh 2 tons when filed with straw. Weoden dividers were placed between the straw: bales to hold them in place after the ele ments were mounted in their final, vertical position. The facade elements achieve a U-value of 0,14 Wink. They were pretab- ricated in a “tying factory" that was tem- porary installad in the barn where tha straw had been stored, According to the architects, the medules allow a great deal of flexibility in the de- sign, as they can both be combined to form large opaque wall suriaces, and be positioned at intervals to allow daylight inte the building trough glazed, vertical alts between them. The north facade of the bullding was thus made far more transparent than the south facade, to limit solar gains while maintaining the coherent overall design of the building skin, ‘The elements are covered with a cementi- tious board and coated with moisture: permeable render on the outside, which \sill allow the straw to “breathe” and to ‘constantly keep the same dagrae of moisture as the exterior ar. According to Bob Leung, this is crucial o prevent the material rom rotting, To reduce tire ris non-flammable boards were chosen and 2/102 DETAMGiecn = 5 a tansparent fre resistant coating was applied tothe outside of tho elements, Behind the stravibale and glass facades, isa tree storey reinforced concrete con struction, wih load-bearing columns both immediately behind the facades and on either aie of a central corridor. Nen-struc ‘ural partion walls allow fora flexible lay- ‘out ofthe interior spaces Approximately 50% ofthe bulding con sists of offces, which are naturally vent lated through parallel opening windows located at high and lov levels, The re malning 60% of the spaces - mostly labo ratores and high eapacty teaching spac es are mechanically ventiated. A low NO, GHP unit provides the major part of the heating energy forthe bulting. This is enhanced by a low NO, gas fre boiler DETANG:e 201102 1970s revisited Refurbishment of a college building in Manchester Walker Simpson Architects, Manchester ‘The Fielden Campus of Manchester Col loge was opened in 1972 to offer adult ‘education courses across southern Man- ‘chester. From 2000 onwards, howevs the site gradually deteriorated unt its ‘owner, Gity College Manchester, merged vith MANCAT to form The Manchester College in 2008. Recognising the educa tional and ecological value of the site with its landscaped campus, the new principal conmissioned Walker Simpscn Architects to convert the buildings into a 21th ogntu- ry facilly for academic learning and voca- tional training Fioldan Campus consists of a six-storey ‘classroom block and a L-shaped wing ‘containing a learning resoures centre, re tectory and kitchen facilities, The current courses include creative media, facilities management, anda centre ct excellence for the blind. Werking kitchens are also part of the programme, mith an adjacent restaurant on the fifth floor to take advan- tage of tha panoramic views ofthe city surrounding the sits. At the intersection Cf the two wings, a new glazed reception replaces the dimiy It ariginal entrance, From here, a new “glass thread” snakes through the two-storey section of the building, connecting the social areas and providing them with daylight. The original building envelope was weath- er beaten with single glazing and uninsu- lated spandrel panels. It had, however, distinct aesthetic qualities that the archi- tects sought to preserve, namely the vis ble conorete framework of tha facades vith fs glass and brick infil. The archi tects, theretere, opted for internal linings rather than over-cladding wherever possi- ble. They introduced a new double- glazed, thermally-broken window system with insulated panelling to the spandrels and intermediate columns. Elsewhere, mortar and resin concrete repairs were carried out and left visible, as would be the case with stonework repairs. \With the double glazing and themal insu- lation, the new curtain walls achieve @ Usvalue of 0.35 Wire. Additional insula- tion was fitted internally to the end walls, as wellas an insulated inverted roof add- ‘ed to the existing roof. The roof of the Loarning Resource Centre, which is visi ble ftom the taachiing block, was replaced with a. secum roof Inthe interior of the building, greater visual coherence was achieved through drylining selected struc tural elements. According to the archi tects, "his device resclved the complex junctions cf pipework, internal partitions land new windows in éxisting apertures land, through its re-appearance in most ‘spaces, provides a unilying motif Due to the shallow flocr slabs of the build ing, passive natural ventilation was feast ble, Mechanical solutions remain restrict: ‘ed to the kitchen floors, and limited air ‘conditioning to servers. New gas con: densing boilers were installed, andl light ing was replaced with improved efficiency through control measures and low light- ing outputs per square metre. Overal, the refurbished campus row achieves a ‘8° rating according to the Energy Perform: ance Certificate, with an operational rating (0f 39 (equivalent to that of an average nev, building of the same type). The bull ing emiesion rate acceding to the EPC is 24.6 kg CO,/mva ‘Yer! facado section Seale 1:25 3 Carain ating, Summum rare wih bronze nodeed inch doucle-gazea, top tung opening igh win mochancalconwolo Geese bb Posertoardiing. 2 125m 2 Exesing beam for aces preoas: conoste 15 Extn cnc wal, sorersts bree 400 ry © ‘neuatedspardrsl aun panele woh benz shedsed tneh Uvatue 0 Worn 1 Gscking panel esting cote, lamar wth tranve snes eh Ua DEW 12 Propete Form follows sun Office building in Esslingen Stucheli Architekten, Zarich *A building as power station’ this was the guiding principle for the new office building of the enginooring attice Basler & Hoffmann in Esslingen near Zurich. Certi> fied acoording to Minergie-P-Eco, tho bullding is pan of a largar, new complex, ‘which Is to serve as the new centre for the: town vith fs 1600 inhabitants. Two ot the {our office tloces which cover a total at 2900 m? are used by the engineers them- ‘selves. The ground floor and the top floor are leased. SiUcheli Architekten designed the build- ing in two parts: a sclid concrete con- struction with an inner timber panel fa ‘cade and an oxterior, foldad bulking skin constructed entirely of glass and steel Whereas the shell of tne building, which is mostly exposed on the inside, acts es a heat accumulator, the outer skin provides. protection against solar radiation and OO led prey eta hamesses solar energy simultaneously Approximately 200 m? of PV modules on {he roof and facade, as well as a further 965 mr of thermal solar collectors on the roof make the building autonomous torms of heating and cooling energy Heating is provided by means of ground probes. These are not connected to a heat pump asis usually the case but directly to the heating circuit. The solar collectors (and the servers in the offices) deliver their heat directly into the ground via the probes, whereby the ground can reach temperatures of up to 26°C in sum- mer. This heat source is available for hhaating in winter. For cooling in summer, a separate, adiabatic recooler is used in forder to ensure that the thermal “loading” Of the ground is not interrupted. With their heating and cooling concept, Basler & Hoffmann have pioneered new 2/102 DETAMGiecn Secion, Seate 1900 territory. An unusually dense field of ‘ground probes (33 probes, 95 metres deep and only 2 metres apart from each cother), highly efficient convactors in the rooms, and an appropriate building de: sign were necessary. Whereas a thermal separation between the rooms was avaic ed as far as possible [even impact sound insulation could be dispensed with due to the unusually heavy ceilings), the enve- lope of the building achieves the passive house standard. The ventilation system is filled with a moisture recovery urit to pre- vent excessively dry air in winter. As an addtional motsture barrier, the architects finished the interior walls with clay plaster and clay construction panels. In ine with the stipulations of the Minergie-Eco cent cate, all concrete parts of the building (with the excaption ot pretabricated aie. ments) are made of recycled concrete, Cutting-edge architecture TE Wren UL WREST Uars) eeeg aol fold) DETAIL DETAIL Cols PNM oi "Now including two issues on sustainable planning and construction DETAIL is one of the worle's most influential architectural publications. DETAIL English aclion is published six imos per year since 2008 complemented by two adcitional DETAIL Green feeues in May and November. Architectural professionals benefit irom stimulating, upto-date, informative matarial for design and planning. Specially prepared detailed scale drawings, supplemerted by text and comprebancive kays fer a unique opportunity to study the very best in conten porary architecture, DETAIL Green: DETAIL ee aeed sustainable planning and construction 1m Published twice a yeer in May and November within the DETAIL subscriotion programme = Examples of actual buildings and the relevant conttication processes Excelent practical value Global relevance Compiled by the people who ergate DETAIL oguiar information updates accessible at wwvw.dstall. e/englisn. Topics 2012 1 January Concrete, Masonry, Stone DETAIL Grocn is also availbale as 2 March Timber Constuction ‘mini subscription (2 issues per year) 3 May Concept: Gastronomy and Catering plus DETAIL Green 1/11 4 duly Cost-Etfective Building 5 September Facades 6 November Load Bearing Structures Quick and easy ordering: 2) wmmteta de/subscrption call +4989 3616200 | would like to order DETAIL English C t-year classic subscription sa) © 126.50 /£.80.-/ USS 172.50 roving cosoaescockngs 1 1-year student subscription sss €7490 /£56.50/ USS 105.90, (sus soranosn) 1 Green mini subseription €99— /024~/ US$ 55— (rouia pseanacknd + grrtaad pcs dra 0 you doar = reas 2010 DETAIL * Hackerbmiecks 6 + 80395 Munich plus DETAIL Green 2/11 Fax: +4909 998670 DS email: D4) Send to: DETAIL - Hackerbruecke 6 - 60335 Munich - Germany ae LOLI tty ee a Oe GERMANY * phone +4989801820-0 + fax +49 88208670 * mallesetalse * wiwateactesnalsh. 16 Publeatone Evens Integrated Sustainable Design of Buildings Paul Appleby. Earthscan, London 2011 416 p,, ISBN 978-1-84971-117-3 £49.90 In ‘Integrated Sustainable Design of Buildings‘, Paul Appleby succeeds in estwnnaous Lorene phot mune window PYG ames wth ‘nooden core role 200 «© Catrg above aroun ror ak aravet ole vr ue, 10m xy treed win undo Fegan SO mm, series aviyicompressed gavel lye, 10 mo! ‘Serene lararaies timo ea osings, daveled ‘nem den ayes 208mm 4 Gating above ve Pose ‘b geind kor ering, bt wiheeferced com ‘Sete roat slab rom tis farsaea arma 220 m8 © Exerral val a ov gourd oor ‘Tine era's, eprucs, 30 mm: baer hetzon {al cb bars varie “Orr; wnorct ‘yer, Westar: Oss bear, 20 mm, extucre ‘tlaten blown, 289 rm: OSB board 20 nvm, 2arigt aver sheoo'e mod! nauon botwoan Batre, 79/mm (arse cov) tereue ear ara. compressed 2 12 5 hm Weed G39, ploned ences oles write 20 mm 1 Pest romheast ‘od rorhiest bul exenal cdc Shuce fre baer roughed, 90. 19. Exwiraloacerertwalexposed ty ura a Tinbee baters spruce ugh ct, 50 mn hai Zorval bers, 20m werteal oxen «Orr viteproo' layer, Uvreseirt wood ibrcbaara in. ‘Mision, 190 mma 3S incuaion, comm, beered fie formu 190 mm ronveroes eancrete 330 ‘nade win ble! tunaes cement Brora! oacarart wal aaph eu0so Foro cencete codang. 13mm lor ptr (yea) Limoieg eheot urn seanage tele, 7m [ent input aris a ewan 200 ‘Sretnal un eintorces carers ins mace wth bibs mace cement ware permease, 282 rom Foo sib aga subso Pareuel. gue, 10 nm. dy screed wih underooe hating, 50 nr serves eo fen Insatin, {5 nm bums seat related concrete oe Slab fom be! nace cere, ae pment, 220 mrs 9S resin, 200 mm, ear corre, som TS 28 Reside buleng Preesoaum The result of the experiment Peter Holzer Today, the economic use of energy must be a given for every building - even mare 80, when the building elas to be a ‘Model Home 2020'. From an energy standpoint the most im portant planning goal for the Sunlighthouse was, theretore, a Positive energy balance, The energy required tor the building should, as far as possible, be minimised and sourced solely ‘rom renewable energies. This was achiaved with a well insu lated and airtight building envelope (U-value external wall: 0.18 Wimek; roof: 0.12 Wir; triple-glazing with U, = 0.7 Wik, The combination of a ventilation facility with an efficient heat re- covery system means that the buildin’s heating requirements ‘are 24 kWh/méa forthe lreated gross floor space. ‘This begs the question as to why the building does not reach the Passive House Standard - that is @ healing requirernent ‘of 15 KwWh/ma for tha heated gross floor space. Three factors: lied in descending order account for this: + The shape ot the building. The building Carries the disacvan- tage ofits long narrow, partly shaded, strip site with limited views and compromises maximum compactness in favour of more functional and inuling exterior spaces. 2/102 DETAMGiecn + The arrangement of windows. Beyond their function as gener ators of passive solar energy, window placement was opti mised in favour of better ighting quality and views to the out- side. For this reason, windows were placed in areas which de Not otter a nat neat gain. + The use of numeraus roof windows. In addition to their many outstanding qualities, root windows have the basic problem that the glazed surtace neads to be elevated trom the insula tion layer. This naturally makes them prone to act as cold bridges, From an energy viewpoint, these ‘sacrifices’ are compensated by tangible functional quaiiias. Beyond the issue of a few klo- wall-heating hours, the Sunlighthouse is, in its net annual energy usage, a CO, neutral plus energy house with an entirely renowa- ble energies supply The energy balance (Over the course of the year, the 43m? photovoltaic system gen: erates more electricity than needed for all energy-based appli- cations (including electricity for the househld). In order to mini mise electricity requirements, electic lighting was optimised through a daylight and use-dependant control system. Further: more, the house was installed with applances of the highest available energy class. Soma appliances typically used in single ‘amily homes were omitted entirely. For example, a window that can be opened in the kitchen replaces the extractor hood In stead ota clothes dryer, a drying cabinet connected to the ven tilation system was installed in the basement Greenhouse gas emissions have emerged as a key criterion cof sustainability, surpassing the importance and sole consider- alicn of the energy requirement by far. An cil heated house dal- ing from the 1960s shows typical emission levels of 60-80 kg CO,/m?a. In contrast, a long-tarm cirmate compatible threshold ‘would approximately be 6 kg CO, /m?a; a value applied to the sum of all energy consuming household applications ‘The Sunlighthouse is CO, neural in is operation: in other words, it does not even come close to the climate compatible limit of 8 kg CO,,/m2a, This is achiaves through minimizing energy usage, efficient building services, solar hot water provision and a root integrated photovoltaic system, the eneray supply of which surpasses eneray usage by 24%. Were the CO, content Of timber to be considered an emissions rectuetion, the construc- tion of the Sunlighthouse itself would count as CO, neutral. How- fever, the legitimacy of such a calculation remains contzoversial among experts Burling service systems Heating and hot water for the house are supplied by a 3.3 KY brine-to-water heat pump which is integrated into a compact DETANG:e 201102 heat recovery ventilation unit, The heat pump uses environ men- tal heat from a ground collector buried in the garden and feeds the heat energy into a low temperature underiloor heating sys tem. Itis supported by a thermal solar system with a collector area of 8 m? which covers 70% of the building's warm water requirements throughout the year. As an adfional perk, even though not strictly necessary, a cooling device was installed ath the heat pump. As @ desired side ettect, the ground collector is, thereby thermally regenerated and is thus better prepared for winter operation In terms of ventilation, the client opted for a double strategy: when exterral tgmperatures drop below 14°C, the ventilation ‘system operates in conjunction the heat recovery system. When temperatures rise above this thrashald, the house is ventilated by an automatic window operation system, The opening and closing of the windows is dependant on the CO, levets of the air in the room, in addition to internal and external air temperatures, wind speeds and rain. The most crit- Cal factor for opening the windows is a CO, concentration of 600 ppm in the internal air. Automation and monitoring Elaborate automation and measuring technology was installed in the Suniighthouse enabling both monitoring and user-comtert The temperature, humility and CO, concentration of the air is, ‘continuously measured and processed in seven zones within the building. An external climate station records these same values: In addition te intensity of the solar radiation, & bus system was installed into the building in order to process the reccecied val tues and to control the varicus systems for heating and ventila- tion, the automatic window opening system as wellas the entire lighting system. This high level cf aulornation is part of the ex- periment and was deliberately applied in order to test the com patibility of various components available fom different subi aries of the same firm, In essence, this lightfiled, comfortable, CO, neutral energy plus house would have managed aven with only a traction of the technology, KISS ~ Keep it Smart and Simpie ‘The Sunlighthouse complete with its high level of automation is ‘an experimert. Its technology may be ‘smart but its ne longer ‘simple’. Once again, the challenge is presented of incorporat ing home technology systems trom diferent menulactures in a logical manner - in terms of regulation - and that functions fav lesaly. As the Sunlighthouse will be monitored and optimised intensively in a structured process for at least ons year, tore is hardly any doubt that the experiment will be successful. The rule, nevertheless, to solve prcblems in a ‘smart and simple’ way sti stands, Peter Holzer studied mechanical enginee- ring in Vienna and, since 1994, has been engaged in the research and teaching of energy efficient building. Since 2011 he has directed the Departnent of Building and the Environment at Danube University krens Demand Preaueien = Surpiue a 60, emiesone CO, compensaiton sm ac nr Secion mtr energy conse and eyes diagram Pots wet oar eng © Nncral version 4 cet ating wi cart ana occupsncy senso F Nacralvertiain feack fect: extraction 9 Ground eatectr Fr Compac system (eration unit th bineto-watr perp) I Thermal serage unt | Natura vents eck fet: ake Foomin ino spor awit fibrous acubowe eaaing Prmary anergy salares (ran resenabi) kV (Go, eaaresin eg CO,/mva 2° Elacnery necos x mecranlaleonices 5 Housdls leery reaurr ery ent raugh opens operation and anton 5 Hesteg P hotaetae 5 Saar colectors Pius 2/102 DETAMGiecn Office building in Radauti Modular identity Bukowina ~ in English, "beech tres county” - a region located between Romania and the Ukraine, exhibits its forested wealth ‘even in iis name, The close proximity to the woodlands and the accessibiliy cf the Eastern Euranean markets induced the Aus: ‘rian timber composite product manufacturer, Egger, to open 2 pew manulacturing plant in Radauti at the foot of tre Carpathian His. In 2008 the company invited five Austrian architectural practices to particivate in a competition fer the design of the ‘new administrative building for the branch, The building, to ac commodate 150 employees, was lo be erected in a modular fashion and should be easily extendable. Furthermore, ithad to be possible to apply the design conaept to other Eager loca- tions as well; hance the olfant’s wish for the modulas to be pre: ‘fabricated in central Europe. The fact that in-house products ‘were to be used for the load-bearing building elements and the interior finishing was a given, Bruno Moser’s winning design makes the building's modular Construction its design principle, All four facades are composed ‘of altemating ficor-to-celling glass panats and trapezoidal sheet copper cladding protecting the timber construction beneath ‘rom the weather. Constructed in this way, the structure is fae ‘rom hierarchy and indifferent to its solar crientation. There is @ three storey foyer nestled in the centre of the building te which the ollices of the four departments, meeting roams, seminar rooms, and the first-floor show room are connected. ‘Ayear after the competition, and therefore relatively late in the planning process, the development of DGNE's certification ‘system had progressed to a cufficlently advanced stage, that, Eyger docidad to obtain certification for the bullding according 10 the new system. Nevertheless, as Bruno Moser emphasises, ‘only few modifications to the construction were required in order to achlave the Gold plaque. For example, the bitumen reoting DETANG:e 201102 1 Saurn aca, vew Toreone 2 Seetonal perspec tvs fond seatng hig tghiech green) 9. Fayerwth rscapen membranes intended to be used at first wore replaced by an environmentally-riendly alternative made trom EPDM. ‘The energy concept alsa played a considerable role in achiev- Ing certification: In its business expansion Egger values integrat- ‘ed locatians, in which the processed wood material, procuced co site, is used wherever possible. Weste from timber cutting production is further processed into composite weeden boards — and what isnt useful for this purpose ends up in a biomass heating plant. The new construction in Radauti will be heated solely by exhaust heat from the manufacturing plant. In the mean lime the Radaufi concept has attracted follow-up orders {for Mosar’s office: Currently the office is planning a further new bbullding for Egger in Unterradiberg (Lower Austria). Consecutive ccerifcation for all future new bulldings is, however, not what Egger is aiming ter: this wil, as it has been to-date, be deter mined individually for each building, 9 Susiancbiewetviecue 31 Client: SC Egger Romania SRL, Radauti Architect: architekturWERKSTATT Bruno Moser, Breitenbach Building services engineering: udwig Ingenieurgesellschaft, Traunstein Structural engineers, timber construction: Alfred Brunnsteiner, Natters Interior design: Schwebius Gestaltung, Building certification DCNE, Linz Auditor: PE Central & Eastern Europe, Vienna 22 Offeebuing i Rada Construction kit for high efficiency Bruno Moser Spatially and organisaticnally, Egger’s new administrative build- ing forms the "head" of the factory grounds in Radauli. The for {unes of the operation are governed independently by the em: ployees in the four departments located here. Furthermore, the new building serves as a central point for visitors and represents ‘the company in the public realm, The site at the entrance of the manufacturing aeea, creates the boundary between the factory ‘grounds and the undeveloped landscape, Raised above its surroundings due to its location beside 2 drain ‘age canal, the new administration building is accessible by tra- versing a sinall bridge. In this way, the vistors and employees ssonse thal they have reached a secure and spacial area, The longitudinal trree-storey building is defined by altemaling rows cf open and closed facade suriaces. As wtih the company's in usta halls, the building ie oriented in an east-west direction, 2/102 DETAMGiecn ‘Modular construction The primary construction element is a box bean measuring 28 x 11.4muwitha floor, celling and root depth of 62 om. Struc. turally tis designed so that the box beam elements rest only on thelr Comer points, The size of the elements is derived trom the maximum dimensions of Egger's OSB hoards (11 500 x 2800 x 30 mm), which were glued, wthout cutting, on both sides to the laminated timber supporting structure. After the adition of the empty ducts for electric and ventilation cables, heating and cooling elerrents, as well as a layer of gravel (ior acoustic pro- tection), the wall and ceiling cavities were completely insulated. Five adjoining box beam elements create an approximately 160 mé office medule, which spans the width of the building (14 m) and is designed for between eight to sixtoan office spac 86. Inside each office module, one box beam element is en- DETANG:e 201102 closed on all sides by walls. It contains the ancillary rooms (WC, archive, technology ete.) as well as single and double office ‘spaces for quieter working conditions. The modules are stacked ‘over three floors, their orientation alternating with each floor lev- €. In this way expansion modules can be adided to each floor and module without the necessity of larger building alterations, Currently the new construction at Radauti encompasses 21 mod: Ules on three levels, The madules house the required working ‘spaces as well as 2 certval three-storey foyer and a show rocm ‘complete with a reception and hospitality area on the fist floor As a result of its location in an earthquake region, higher struc: tural standards wore required for the building. Stoo! trusses (in the ceiling) and steel frames {in the wall partons) are used al junctiens between office modules. They carry the building's vertical loads into the foundations and brace the tranaverse. Gross floor area: 3879 nm! | Workspaces: 150 | U-values: exterior wall 0.14 W/m, flat roof 0.11 W/nek, Floor (adjacent to subsoi1) 0.10 W/mk, Windows (spruce with triple glazing) 0.60 W/nek | Heating energy demand according to Energy Certificate: 9 kwh/ma Bulg as she hour tacade laddeg) Longrttisa secton Sea 100 Upper Toor pan Seale 500 rider plan Seale 100 Greer backgtound: tafloe nodule (60. Vow rom ts noch west fe space wih glass parilon wale The building's longitudinal side is also braced by partition walls entirely constructed with timber. The steel construction made it possible to keep the office modules free from supporting col umns. Butiaing services engineering With regard to services engineering, each office module func: ‘tons as an entirely independent unit. Thus, each module is fited ‘ith its own air-conditioning system, heating circuit and electi- caldistributien circuit, as well as its own measuring, regulation and controling equipment, The decentralised energy supply ‘and interior conditioning creates a foundation for flexible future extensions to the building. Furthermore, the individual depart ments and werking areas ean, in this way, regulate the indoor climate in ther vicinity. The new Egger administrate building is 24 Offepbuidng n Bday 2/102 DETAWGrcen DETANG:e 201102 heated solely by waste heat from the nsighbouring production 7 Elevator lobby inthe foyer. Nearly allinerior wells: Se ae ee eae | racine seca HaDkivare ve ter eealeg Conta vestngand costing 2 eee rasr ston en celings account for 60% of the nealing, while 40% is supplied Sea 10 en eonicon uct by underfloor convector heaters which can be regulated by the Siseaeec rican Ghee verter nomeeles ean ak 6 supped ty ce cenval, 2 Sree SS one ene ised CO, controlled air conditioning units, each feeding an ctfice x £2 mam, while glaze rede (each approx 1eO mr). They aed wth cree Now Saari sO sy Teal exchangers ocimng 0% othe heat fom exhaust a ees For the central requation ofthe bulking services and for the 4 Ot an ‘measurement of eneray used Egger uses a software that is com ‘Sadie aureoe amie pale witha contol onan artody sod formant fetes ron corm ing plants. The system is connected to the other company loca- (iv F30 was: 120 mm) tions and thus enables remote maintenance and servicing Teemearicre meee Ir wt sem Implementation ‘dazedon bom sides {he bulng xt on iateralyonlnte concrete op und (ds hcescivastac ectouemsteae Tera Oty he entrance areas basermer tral The one- — tions and basement in Radau} are cast in in-situ concrete. The 1 Facade wee scton Sele 126 pox bers ncbeing acting or etcea,skconctont, Te croa von heating, cooling and lighting needs, were prefabricated in Aus- O86 baarei, 22mm tria and delivered by truck to the building site. The ceiling-high anghertnion es tipo gaz vindowe ard apecldaleopper easing dada eet Semis i ewolod clr prlseten ere realed on ie Sete een ‘The consiruction phase lasted oniy five months, mira or nada btwn, 620mm ‘tha bling al O56 arta a conte eh a ie ieeraleorgehee trarepatert glaze ins maiioning ire sob of hl suace jeans texte. Clading was only tited in locations where the acoustic Patra rapzotal capo clading Sine potectonequromontemade tteceseny nocder te ieeoraieneaivnens ce, mariana vanapareet arora ties pan als re cn ee ee structed enbrely from glass. This also holds bue forthe pation ming ix aan beeen, 220 mm {bite yer whe equted a he prelecton casaticalon el i ooneite rast ete akg op andi £00. eoger abo produced rodulr deste al are poeta precontigured to include connection Io electri, ig, tle 1 Gat vor eng 6 mm phone cables and IT connactions which are laid beneath the Oboe een estou Feira 0m Fire protection concept Savior vertalowar condoning dlectical Forthe mu asey ibe bulking —vbieh, er Reraien start fone ards, is pioneering achievement the planners developed a Less eninge. cm ca. 25 Kam) fterpreteston concept ossed en the Geman wuldng code eee (MB 2002). Apart from the basement level which adheres to the: | Triple glazed windows in wooden frame fire protection class F90-A; all structural or enclosing wal ele- * Samed hesing noon rns fecocng ceo) have eSOmints re ellen Asia oat (Fever aoa igh fo teas val 0 ond 50) dos Sees camamestmccanes ‘the building into two fire zones. The basement ceiling is con- ‘ooling covty, 620 mm Susie oho 00 oardar, Fe olga nts eppe hore and fhe root abo eter 0 minut restarcs prea Residential building Living in a laboratory ‘The public hes become increasingly extcal of promises of sus, tainabily. ti rely suficient for elles and planners to merely pre-calculate the enercy efficiency of a bulding. They must also be able to prove the results cn the completed work The mutifamiy dweling, 835, n the Zurich district Oberstrass is an example of what can be achieved. tis to show that entirely emission-ree buildings can be achieved that are nether pad ‘ded wit thick layers of insulation nor powered by huge quant tios of CO, nevita eloctcity. Furthermore the strategy pursued here should be able to reduce CO, emissions of buildings more effectively than mere insulation and eneray saving approaches, particularly because itis possible to realise th ite efor in ex isting buildings. The key te 85's enargy ccneept ies within tha building's service equipment and taciltes, heir etficiency and inteligent interconnection. Hansjira Leibundaut, client and deiv- ing force ofthe new building, is protessor of building services engineering atthe ETH in Zurich, He summarises his approach withthe torms ‘Zero Emission’ and ‘Low Ex'~in plain English 60, nevialy and, as far as possible, low exergy (i. electicity) Consumption, In contrast, the amount of heat a building con suas is of secondary importance for Lebundgut, as long as tho heat eneray is derived from renewable sources, such as tne sun cr the earth. For about a decade, Leibundgut has been propa- ‘ating his concept without silencing Mis crties and skeptics 2/102 DETAMGiecn in Zurich “Ihad no other choice but to prove the functionality ofthe con cept using a real building’, says Lelbundgut. During the plan- ning and construction phases, he was supported by his son, Johannes, wo works at the agps architectural office and was re- sponsible tor the design and construction management af B35, Ini evelopment in a Wieiminian quarter ‘The abbreviation 'BS5' stands tor Eolleystrasse 35 ~a sloping site, only about 15 minutes walk from the central railway station. Despite its central location the area 's unusually green and quiet. Multi-storey residential buildings dating from the fist two dec- ades of the twentisth century stand cn spacious properties, Views from the upper floors exlend over the Limmnat Valley and in gome cases even as far as Lake Zurich. For aver 70 years the sites Bolleystrasce 33 and 35 formed a break in an otherwise rel atively homogeneous neighbourhood. Between 1920 and 1890 1 parilly underground water reservoir existed here, which had never been buit over. An attempt by a client association to build (on the site failed as a result of protests from local residents. In a second attempt, the area was finally divided into two separate lots and multifamily units were developed on each sits by two different clients. Both buildinos were, however, designed by gps architecture from Zurich, constructed simultaneously, and share an underground parking facil. New building with historic basement In terms of energy efficiency, B35 is by tar the more ambitious of the two buildings. Furthermore, and in contrast to the neighbour- ing bullding, about half of the ole water reservoir was maitainad fon this site. Installed with new skylights, it now serves as an of- fice and a studio. Stl, the enarmous height ofthe rooms and the mushroon-shaped concrete columns are an impressive testino- ny to the previous use ofthis space. Above the basement is a 1. room apartment on the frst floor, which eecupies only the front part of the building, and two 170-square:mete 4.5-room apartments each with a loggia. The uppermost part of the build ing ls home to a 136-square-metre loft apartment which opens onto two comer terraces. ‘The shape at the roatis determined primarily by the lacal bull ing codes, The code required that only one third cf the bullcing’s facade length could be three stories high; forall remaining parts ot the facadle only two storeys were permitted. Instead of de- signing the roof in the spirit of the building code with hips and added dormers and gables, the architects set two thirds of the loft floor back trom the window level and in compansation added ‘wo spacious roof terraces. The two apartments in the floors below each have a comer loggia, which is separated both from the apartments and from the outside hy double-glazed folding doors. Theretore the loggias can serve as an aditional int fr exterior space, however desired DETANG:e 201102 2 Step Seat 72000 9 Mew tom he wes Client: raf. Dr. Hansjurg Leibundgut, Zurich Architects: agps architecture, Zurich Construction managenent, financial management Renokonzept Bauleitungs AG, Zurich Structural engineer: Buro Thonas Boyle, Zurich Building services engineering: Amstein & Walthert AG, Zurich Electrical engineering: Mettler = Partner AG, Zurich “ eigen! burg n Zusich 2/102 DETAMGiecn Solid waits as heat collectors ‘The only load-bearing elamants in the upper floors are the solid external walls and the concrete core of the staiwall, Allthe co: maining interior walls are nor-load bearing. They can be entire removed or he reconfigured at a later point in tims. in many cases they are constructed as bullvin cupboard units, with only sliding doors connecting to the extemal walls and the core of the building. Materials which display their industrial manufactur- ing process dominate the intenor rcoms. Bright, sanded anhy- rite floors and white plastered walls and ceilings provide a contrast to the dark ccloured buitin MDF furniture. The banister in the stairwell is made from rolled steel which stil bears traces of the sanding pracess, and which was coated enly with a trans- parent glaze. In contrast 19 833, the white rendered building next door, B35's facade was finished in a darc greyish-brown colour, the porous: surface of which is reminiscient of tuff stone. The facace is made ‘rom insulation concrete, the surface of which was sandblasted and then glazed. The facade material - where foam-class seves as aggregate in order to achieve higher insulation values was used for the first ime as a cavity wall construction with addition al core insulation, The 12-centimetre thick core insulation layer was not necessary foreach te zero-emission standard. In the meantime however, Swiss building regulations demand such high insulation standards for the building envelope, thal a mono: lithic insulating conorete facade would have been too deen {and theretore uneconomical, The facades were finished on-site and within one work cycle. To be able to do $0, the insulation was placed into the formwork before pouring the concrete. The inner skin is conventionally reinforced with steel; the mere nine centimetre-thick outer skin is reinforced with glass-fisre. In comparison to a compound in- sulation system, the double skin also offers advantages from an energy point of view: whan the gun shines, the dark coloured ‘external concrete face heats up, storing the heat energy for sev eral hours. According to Jchannes Leibundgut, on many days the heat ravelling through the external wall anly comes to a complete hait until around midnight. During this time the room does not “lose” heat to the external ai. As a resul, the external walls — with a nominal U-value of only 0.18 W/mK — achieve the same heat balance over the course of a year (the sum of the heat gain and the heat loss) as an external wall with a U-value 010.15 Wire, ‘The concrete construction also enabled the installation of pano- ramni¢ windows, up to seven-metres-uide, into the facade without the need for additional supports. The windows in the southeast and southwest facadas are divided inte sall sactions and oan be opened. They are conventionally double-glazed and are ft ‘ted with external drop-arm awnings for shacing. The large win dows to the northwest (which are fixed) are titted, in contrast, DETANG:e 201102 with a recently developed solar protective glazing. The solectivi ty the ralio of daylight transmittance to radiation vansmission) ‘ot the glass is more than 2 - which means that this glass allows, 2 high level of daylight but only litle solar heat to pass into the interior of te rooms. From the extenor the distinct green ct the \window panes is clearly noticeable; from the inside the windows 2re practically colour neutral ‘The eneray conceot When asked aboul B36's envisaged target group, Hansidra Leibundgut does net mention the potential tenants frst; Instead he mentions the industry. Its to dellver the technology through which the building's Zero Emission Low Ex’ concept ‘can be realised. B35 is a type of laboratory, in which the func: tionalty of many of these technological components has to be proven trst Site area: 700 m! | Volume: new building approx. 41000 + water reservoir (exist- ing) approx. 1250 m! | Floor area: new building approx. 1300 m+ water reservoir (existing) approx. 250 nm? | heated Tiving space: 840 m | External dimensions: 20m x 11,60 m| Height: 11.50 m | Construction costs (BKP 2): CHF 719/m° Longruaratescion Sea 1400 Lotfi tin 5roure. 136m) Seale 1-400 Sate 100 Saeerent tor pln (Oftee/ sudo 226m") Seale 1400 air vew oan aaron! we opi Ut) 1 Wansvereasecton’ Seale 00 47 Aparna xtance wih panerama window (igh Solar haat, stored in the earth Heat energy for the building is supplied by two systems, which can be flexibly combined. Fiety, there Is a cascade at three heat pumps, each with a 8 KWV capacity, connected to two geo- mal probes. Secondly, solar hybrid collecters are installed fon the reat. Each of the gecthermal probes consists of two U- shaped pipes, of which one reaches @ depth of approximately 150 metres and the other a depth of up to 380 metres, The two longer U-shaped pipes are insulated in ther upper parts (up to 160 metres deep}, thereby preventing heat transfer from the pipes to the subsoi. In this way 835 makes use of two different layers of earth: at 12°C the shallower layer acts as cold accumu: lator; and with a temperatura of at east 18°C the deeper layer serves as a heat accumulate. The hybrid collectors consist of standard, commercially availa ble crystal solar cells, Onto the back ot the collectors, a system 42 Reside buleng 9 Zane cf aluminium tubes is fixed through which water is fed, removing ‘exhaust heat from the PV module, On the one hand, this increas- ¢s the module efficiency. while on the other hand the modules. also supply approximately 30°C hot water, which can be fed into ‘he low-temperature underfioor heating system. In the summer ‘he modules supply excess heat whichis then fed through the ‘geothermal probes into the sub-scil and is later avaliable for eating in winter (Over time, the subsoil around the deeper part of the geothermal probe is Io heat up to over 18°C, whereas the forward-low tem peratures are 30°C for the underficor heating system and 43° {or hot water. For higher water temperatures, as needed on oc casion in the kitchen, decentralised electric continuous flow heaters are used. Two systems are also used to cool the apart- ‘ments, Making use of the cold tram the shallow geathermal probes, the underfloor heating enables free cooling, and the excess heat from the apartments is fed through the deeper geo: thermal probas into the subsoil. Higher heat loads can be r= moved at night by means of inverting the energy flow of the solar colleciors. Instead of gaining heat trom the sun, they radiate the ‘excess heat from the building inte the coo! night sky. Diversity of options in heating and ventilation ‘One prerequisite for this degree of choice in heating and coo! ing is that all water eitculation gysterns in tha house the water- pumps, the solar system, the underfloor heating and the hot 2/102 DETAMGiecn ‘water bulfer storage ~ connect o each other and are controlled using an inteligent- building autorvation system, In terms of ventilation, B35 also combines two systorns: natural ventilation through windows, and so called ‘airboxes’. The latter are decentral air-intake unt, which are embedded into the con. crete cellings near the facades and connected to each other via circular floor ducts. To pre-condition the air supply, each airbox is conected to the underfoor heating circu. The floor ducts enable the exchange of air between the incividual airboxes. This prevents rooms on the wincward side of the building receiving more air than rooms on the leeward side during windy condi- tions. Only very small ventilators have been integrated into the airboxes themselves. Primarily, the central exhaust air facility is responsible for the internal air circulation. Its fited with a heat ‘exchanger intended 10 minimise ventilation heat loss Energy supply and management ‘The 30 my hybrid collectors on the southeast monopiteh root wil supply roughly 4500 kWh of electricity per year, covering the building's entire electricity needs for heating, hot water and ven. tilation. Electricity needed for househeld appliances and for mo: bility ~ should the residents acquire electric cars in the future is generated where this can be done most efficiently. Included in the building's investment are shares for a solar power plant in southern Spain and a wind turbine in northamn France. To enable the consumption of as much root-generated energy $0012" mom 18'0 som—18'6 DETANG:e 201102 28 possible within the building itself, an automation system with igitalSTROM Technology was installed in B36. This technotagy, ‘developed at the ETH Zurich, enables household appliances te ‘communicate directly with the 220-volt grid using a builtin chip, Inthis way, iis possible, for example, 10 extond the operation time of the heat pump when there isa particularly high amount Ct photovoltaic electriity available. AS an aciitional tina ‘butter in the electrical installation, Mansjirg Leibundgut warts to add, 2 lthium-metal-polymer battery in the coming months, which has recently gained attention with its new long-distance world reeerd for electric vehicles. To ensure thal B36 will pass the reality testin energy efficiency, Luzern College started a monitoring programme in the building in the summer of 2011. Hanajirg Leibundgut’s next geal is cost ‘ficiency. In the case of 835 the investment costs ware about £260 Swiss francs more per square metre than a comparable nen 2er0-emissions standard building. Not included in this, price, however, are the particularly high development costs tor the energy systems and their components, which were carried by the respective manufacturers. Only 300 metres away from B35, Leibundgut is currently planning a new apartment building with 180 units where the additional costs are to be less than 100 francs per square mete. Among other aspects, the heat re- ‘covery from the exhaust air will be foregone ~ according to LLeibundgul, it has provan to be uneconomic and therefore su: periluous. seifretlconctte raat with core ‘orden (TABS) 250 mm 12 Viewino the a epartrent 13 Hyp ele colctrs 14 Energy tow diagram 3 Sdrradaion B Aroray sap © Exergy sul 19 Sutver anor: Contra’snergy storage Hyrid boar estore Corrs shes (tone) ‘Shonen ea pump ‘boxes Urdertoor hating Hostecharger Deen gootiemal probe im Shall geohnal probe 1 Wirwer soteme: heating 1 CO, tos eect 17 Arsoe Sealo 29 1 Merapech roc: yen esc panels a2 rotng. 3 mon A tg im sean Sngl ayer brsmnous seeing ‘oamed-gass nauston 150 Mn huis vepour bate, thurinas underena ‘Srocth pace ending. 101m bb Parorana wind wah Soubla aii tem solr hausion lace eeade Pagrering gaze: nsuaioncor- eta candelaced, 00 ‘Nehyaoahabe ectrent Troature ataang cor nuttin, Ee. Worm ad bearrg ma fe concre. 10 Soom alse ence, 10am © Goings ‘Sean onng anys scree, Bim vi unteror het ineuston. 30 mr ratorcd anette cellng, 260 mm, smoomh paste rondetg, Orr © reon Trp atezsa wnsou Tecrncal data ot naiaion corer Thermal corey: O27 WK: eroagn ene (cae (goss densty 950 kg eine OE i sotrega'e 190% oar gas; mex grtsie: 22 mm 201102 DETAMGre

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