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Subject: [The Edge] Non-dice task-res.

Date: Tue, 10 Feb 1998 18:13:46 +0100

My intentions are to create a non-dice task-resolution system for Over the
Edge. The most time I will use the dice task-resolution, so the systems have
to be quite even in chances. I thought the first thing to do was to take a
look at the dice system.
Below you have a diagram of percent chances to succeed a task in Over the
Edge. I ve calculated the chances for rolls against the fixed _Difficulty
Factor_ and not for _Dice to Roll_. (However, I will talk (write) about the
_Dice to Roll_ and not the _Difficulty Factor_ below.) You may think there s
something wrong with the diagram because 1 die/Hard and 2 dice/Hard have the
same chance to succeed. But for 1 die you have to roll a 6 to get another
die (blowing the top of), and it has to be a 6 as well if you going to
succeed. For 2 dice you also have to roll two 6s to succeed. So you have to
roll the same, okay?
Easy Moderate Hard Very Hard
Near Impos.
Trait Score >4 or 1d >7 or 2d >11 or 3d >14 or 4d >18 or 5d
1 die 33.3 13.9 2.8 1.9
2 dice 83.3 41.7 2.8 1.9
3 dice 98.1 83.3 37.5 9.3
4 dice 99.9 97.3 76.1 44.4
5 dice 100.0 99.7 94.1 77.9
So what do I get out of the diagram? If you have (Referring to _Trait
Score_ against _Dice to Roll_)
At least 2 dice more - you have at least 94.1% chance to succeed, you can
use automatic success!
1 die more - you have about 80% chance to succeed, se below.
Same amount of dice - you have about 40% chance to succeed, se below.
1 die less - you have about 10% chance to succeed (I use Hard as >10), see
At least 2 dice less - you have at most 2.8% chance to succeed, you can use
automatic failure!
So I have to get some non-dice task-resolution system for at least 10, 40,
and 80% chance to succeed.
The best I could come up with is something like stone, paper, and scissors.
You use your fingers on both hands. You re either Pointer or Blocker
depending on your chance to succeed. (If you re Pointer or Blocker have
nothing to do with for example if you re Attacker or Defender.) You Draw
against another person, usually the GM against a Player, where one is
Pointer and the other Blocker. Both with the same number of fingers to split
between left and right hand, depending on chance to succeed. Blocker trying
to match the Pointers Draw. For example when you Draw 2 fingers, you can
draw (left - right hand) 2-0, 1-1, or 0-2. If you re the Blocker you should
try to match to Pointer with same amount of fingers on each hand, your left
hand against his right, and your right hand against his left.
An example:
It s time for a task resolution. The GM looks at a Player and points 3
fingers at himself, indicating number of fingers and that he (GM) is Blocker
and the Player is Pointer. The GM (Blocker) counts to three, and shows 2-1
(left - right hand), the Player (Pointer) shows 1-2 (left right hand). The
Blockers (GM s) left hand has the same amount of fingers as the Pointers
(Player s) right hand, and vice versa. The Pointer (Player) has failed the
If you use this in combat count the success as 3 (for Damage calculation).
Below you have a diagram that shows your chance to succeed depending on if
you re Pointer or Blocker and number of fingers.
Side 1 finger 2 fingers 3 fingers 4 fingers
Pointer 50 (1/2) 66,7 (2/3) 75 (3/4) 80 (4/5)
Blocker 50 (1/2) 33,3 (1/3) 25 (1/4) 20 (1/5)
So what do I get out of this diagram? I needed task-resolution for about 10,
40, and 80%, here I get 25, 50, and 75%. It s fine by me. The diagram below
shows who is going to be Pointer/Blocker and numbers of fingers.
Side 1 finger 2 fingers 3 fingers 4 fingers
Pointer 0 0b/+1p +1 +1b/+2p
Blocker 0 0p/-1b -1 -1p/-2b
+1/+2: Trait Score 1 or 2 dice more than Dice to Roll.
-1/-2: Trait Score 1 or 2 dice less than Dice to Roll.
b: Bonus die.
p: Penalty die.
I haven t tested this system yet, but I don t think it s so complicated as
it may seams like the first time you read it. Feel free to ask any question,
come with any comment or improvement, or another (better) system! By the
way, does anybody know how many subscribers this mailinglist has?
Jesper Carlsson

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