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October 2009


Michael Widmer +44 20 7996 0694
Metals Strategist

Nickel pig iron in China

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Nickel demand declined because stainless steel producers

curtailed output as the global economy slowed

China is also an important driver of the

Stainless steel production has collapsed
stainless steel market
YoY change, '000 tonnes
400 '000 tonnes

-200 2000

-400 1500

-600 1000

-1200 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Jun-07 Oct-07 Feb-08 Jun-08 Oct-08 Feb-09 Jun-09 China World ex-China
China World ex-China
Source: CRU, BofA ML Commodity Research Source: CRU, BofA ML Commodity Research

A tight scrap market has boosted refined nickel offtake

Stainless steel mills have reduced their scrap

The scrap market is tight
Scrap price, % of LME nickel price
90 48%
60 46%
50 45%
30 44%

20 43%
95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 41%
US Europe 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09E

Source: CRU, BofA ML Commodity Research Source: Industry sources, Woodmac, BofA ML Commodity Research

Chinas nickel requirements have increased

The increase in stainless steel production also Nickel demand in world ex-China has
boosted Chinas
China s nickel demand underperformed
'000 tonnes '000 tonnes YoY ytd change,'000 tonnes
140 140 40
120 120 20
100 100
80 Nickel demand in world ex-China is down YoY ytd 80
60 60 -60
40 40 -80

20 20
China's nickel demand is up YoY ytd
0 0
Nov-04 Sep-05 Jul-06 May-07 Mar-08 Jan-09
Demand China Demand world ex-China World supply -160
China World ex-China

Source: INSG, BofA ML Commodity Research Source: INSG, BofA ML Commodity Research

China has been building nickel stocks

Chinas nickel imports rose sharply though not all of the material has been used

'000 tonnes nickel content Nickel stocking activity in China

'000 tonnes
40 20
Stocks are built
35 17
30 14
25 11
20 8
15 5
10 2
5 -1
Sep 04
Sep-04 May 05
May-05 Jan 06
Jan-06 Sep 06
Sep-06 May 07
May-07 Jan 08
Jan-08 Sep 08
Sep-08 May 09
May-09 -7 S k are reduced
Stocks d d
Refined production Net imports refined nickel Net imports ferronickel -10
Jan-05 Jul-05 Jan-06 Jul-06 Jan-07 Jul-07 Jan-08 Jul-08 Jan-09 Jul-09

Source: Woodmac, CRU, company reports, Bloomberg, Reuters, Metal Note: nickel content includes refined nickel and ferronickel
Bulletin, BofA ML Commodity Research Source: Antaike, INSG, BofA ML Commodity Research

Ore imports have risen and concentrates prices are down

Imports of nickel ores into China have risen The price of nickel ores has declined

mn tonnes
2.5 $/t, CIF $/t
250 35,000

2.0 200

1.5 150
1.0 15,000

0 5,000
Jul 07
Jul-07 Nov 07
Nov-07 Mar 08
Mar-08 Jul 08
Jul-08 Nov 08
Nov-08 Mar 09
Mar-09 Jul 09
Sep-04 May-05 Jan-06 Sep-06 May-07 Jan-08 Sep-08 May-09 Price Ni concentrate imports (lhs) Nickel (rhs)

Source: Antaike, Bloomberg, BofA ML Commodity Research Source: Antaike, Bloomberg, BofA ML Commodity Research

Blast furnaces are still important

Higher cost blast furnaces still the lions share

Many NPI facilities are owned by mills
of the market

Electric furnace
Independent Mill
49.8% 50.2%
Blast furnace

Source: CRU, BofA ML Commodity Research

Source: CRU, BofA ML Commodity Research

Nickel: The cost structure of NPI producers differs

Key characteristics of nickel pig iron production in blast and electric furnaces
Blast furnaces Electric furnaces
Main cost items: nickel ores,
ores coke; other cost Main cost items: nickel ores,
ores electricity; other cost
items include: inland transportation, electricity items can include: inland transportation, coal,
calcium lime
Tend to be higher cost Tend to be lower costs; new generation electric
furnaces have lowest production costs among
NPI producers
Tend to produce NPI with nickel grades of Tend to produce higher grade nickel pig iron, i.e.
between 2% and 6% material with nickel grades of 10%, though
facilities can by now produce pig iron with nickel
grades of up to 20%.
Existing EAF: no rotary kiln, so higher electricity
consumption; shorter life-time of refractory lining;
New EAF: with rotary kilns, so lower electricity
consumption, dedicated to NPI production and
close to seaports, so lower transportation costs
Source: Tsingshan, CRU, industry sources, BofA ML Commodity Research

Many NPI producers can operate profitably

Average NPI grade at blast furnaces and NPI production costs are low relative to current
electric arc furnaces prices
NPI grade
14% Production
NPI grade Type cost, $/t
Low grade BF 14,500
10% Medium grade EF 9,200

8% High grade EF 7,300





Source: Industry sources, BofA ML Commodity Research Source: BofA ML Commodity Research

NPI production has rebounded

'000 tonnes, annualised

Nov-04 Sep-05 Jul-06 May-07 Mar-08 Jan-09

Source: INSG, Antaike, BofA ML Commodity Research


NPI likely to remain important

Many facilities could operate profitably, but

Pig iron production is a significant raw material
higher cost operations have been cautious in
source for Chinas stainless steel producers
boosting output
'000 tonnes Production cost, $/t
350 35000

300 30000

250 25000

0 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
89 91 93 95 97 99 01 03 05 07 09E of cumulative production
Refined NPI - EF NPI - BF

Source: Woodmac, company reports, Reuters, Bloomberg, Metal Bulletin,

Source: Woodmac, BofA ML Commodity Research
BofA ML Commodity Research


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