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Intracellular Motility

Virtually every component inside living cells moves to complete mitosis, because other motors take over allow-
some extent (Fig. 37.1), but the magnitude and velocity ing mitosis to proceed, albeit more slowly.
of these movements vary by orders of magnitude (Table The diversity of cargo, motors, and tracks poses a
37.1). At one extreme, the bulk cytoplasm of algae and traffic control challenge, which cells manage by specify-
giant amoebas streams tens of micrometers per second, ing the organization of microtubules and actin filaments,
but most cytoplasm is generally less dynamic. The cyto- matching appropriate motors to specific cargo and regu-
plasmic network of cytoskeletal polymers has a pore size lating motor activity. Most cargos associate with more
of less than 50nm (see Fig. 1.13). This allows small than one type of motor, so their activities must be coor-
molecules and macromolecules to diffuse essentially dinated. For example, some cargos with two motors
unimpaired. Particles larger than the pores must be trans- reverse their direction either along the way or after
ported actively. For example, lysosomes, mitochondria, reaching their destination. Local or global signaling path-
secretory vesicles, and endosomes all move actively in ways influence many of these choices, allowing cells to
cytoplasm, frequently between the centrosome and the adjust transport to adapt to environmental conditions.
cell periphery. Similarly, messenger RNA (mRNA) moves This chapter takes a broad view across biology, high-
from its site of synthesis in the nucleus through nuclear lighting the wide range of mechanisms that produce
pores into the cytoplasm and then may be carried actively intracellular transport. In most cases, transport involves
to specific parts of the cell. Intracellular pathogenic bac- single organelles on an actin filament or microtubule,
teria and viruses take advantage of the host cells actin but organelle transport can result in bulk movement of
system to propel themselves through the cytoplasm. the cytoplasm. The chapter also considers mechanisms
Virus particles can also move along microtubules. that produce special types of intracellular movements:
Two ancient mechanisms (Fig. 37.1C) account for cytoplasmic contractions generated by myosin and
most intracellular movements in eukaryotes. Transport actin filaments that propel cytoplasmic streaming; and
along microtubules by kinesin or dynein predominates polymerization and depolymerization of microtubules
in animal cells. Transport along actin filaments by myosin and actin filaments. Chapters on membrane traffic (see
is more important in plants and fungi. Specialized iso- Chapters 20 to 22) and mitosis (see Chapter 44) cover
forms of myosin, kinesin, and dynein are dedicated to more examples of intracellular movements.
particular movements. Experiments with drugs that
depolymerize or stabilize actin filaments or microtubules Rapid Intracellular Movements
(see Boxes 33.1 and 34.1) originally identified the cyto-
on Microtubules
skeletal polymers that support various biological move-
ments. Discovering the motors was more challenging, Organelles in most eukaryotic cells can move along
given multiple genes for myosin, kinesin, and dynein in linear microtubule tracks at relatively high velocities, on
most organisms and a limited choice of pharmacologic the order of 1ms1 (Table 37.1) at least part of the
agents (Box 37.1). Even loss of function mutations and time. The physical organization of microtubules deter-
depletion by RNA interference (RNAi; see Fig. 11.12) mines the patterns of these movements (Fig. 37.1; also
have limitations, because some motors are essential for see Fig. 34.2). In cells with a radial arrangement of micro-
viability while others contribute redundantly to trans- tubules (Fig. 37.1) organelles and other cargos associated
port. For example, dynein contributes to mitosis, but with kinesin-1 move toward microtubule plus ends
Drosophila tissue culture cells depleted of dynein can located at the periphery of cells. Cargo associated with

640 SECTION IX n Cytoskeleton and Cellular Motility


Nitella streaming





FIGURE 37.1 MECHANISMS OF INTRACELLULAR MOVEMENT. A, Fibroblasts and neurons move organelles bidirectionally along micro-
tubules (red). B, The green alga Nitella moves cytoplasmic organelles along bundles of actin filaments located in the cell cortex.
C, Microtubule-based and actin filamentbased motors.

TABLE 37.1 Velocities of Intracellular Movements

System Velocity (m s1) Mechanism
Microtubule Motors
Anterograde fast axonal transport, squid 1 Individual kinesin motors
Retrograde fast axonal transport, squid 2 Individual dynein motors
Chromosome movement in anaphase of mitosis 0.0030.2 Motors plus depolymerization
Endoplasmic reticulum sliding, newt cell 0.1 Individual kinesin motors
Slow axonal transport, rat nerves 0.0020.1 net 1 (intermittent) Motors on microtubules
Microtubule Polymerization
Endoplasmic reticulum tip elongation, Newt cell 0.1 Microtubule polymerization
Actin-Myosin Motors
Cytoplasmic streaming, Nitella 60 Myosin motors on tracks
Cytoplasmic streaming, Physarum 500 Actinmyosin contraction
Actin Polymerization
Actin-propelled comet, Listeria 0.5 Actin polymerization

dynein moves in the opposite direction. These motors and CENP-E favors tyrosinated microtubules in the center
are processive (see Chapter 36), so they can work alone of the mitotic spindle. In addition, microtubule-associated
or in small numbers. Intraflagellar transport of proteins proteins, such as tau, can influence the choice of tracks
in cilia and flagella (see Fig. 38.18) shares many features by reducing the run lengths of motors under some
with the movements of organelles. circumstances.
The chemistry of individual microtubules subtly influ-
ences the delivery of cargo to specific locations, as Matching Microtubule Motors With Cargo
some motors favor microtubules composed of particular Pairing motors with appropriate cargo and regulation of
tubulin isoforms or with posttranslational modifications. motor activity control the traffic along microtubules.
For example, kinesin-1 favors acetylated microtubules, Coupling can be as simple as kinesin binding to a
CHAPTER 37 n Intracellular Motility 641

A p25/p27 B C
Cargo Dynactin
p62 Lysosome
end Arl8-GTP
Arp11 SKIP
-actin Dynein N
Dyenin KLC
Arp1 (ADP)
Filament Shoulder Anterograde
p150Glued/p135 (+) movement
p50, p24

Bottom protofilament
Barbed Top protofilament
end (+)
Capping protein ()

the core of the dynactin complex determined by electron cryomicroscopy. The short filament of Arp1 is capped by capping protein on the barbed
end and by Arp11 on the pointed end. The shoulder is formed by part of the p150 molecule, most of which was disordered in these samples.
B, Drawing showing dynein linked to a vesicle by dynactin complex and moving toward the minus end of a microtubule. C, Coupling of kinesin-1
to a lysosome. Guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) Arl8 on the lysosome membrane engages the adapter protein SKIP (SifA-kinesin interacting
protein), which binds to the kinesin light chain as shown in Fig. 36.9E. (A, From Urnavicius L, Zhang K, Diamant AG, etal. The structure of the
dynactin complex and its interaction with dynein. Science. 2015;347:14411446. B, From Cianfrocco MA, DeSantis ME, Leschziner AE, Reck-
Peterson SL. Mechanism and regulation of cytoplasmic dynein. Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol. 2015;31:83108. C, Based on a drawing from Rosa-
Ferreira C, Munro S. Arl8 and SKIP act together to link lysosomes to kinesin-1. Dev Cell. 2011;21:11711178.)

Other subunits at the pointed end serve as cargo adap-

BOX 37.1 Tools for Studying Motor Proteins
tors. Association of the dimeric tail of dynein with the
A small compound named monastrol inhibits kinesin-5, dynactin complex and adapter proteins activates its
resulting in monopolar mitotic spindles that fail to motor activity. The 150-kD dynactin subunit (p150Glued)
segregate the chromosomes. Higher-affinity inhibitors of includes a long extension that links the Arp1 filament to
kinesin-5 are being tested for cancer therapy. The small both an intermediate chain of dynein and a microtubule.
molecule blebbistatin inhibits cytoplasmic and skeletal The two dynein motor domains take steps of variable
muscle myosin-II (but not smooth muscle myosin-II) and size as they pull the cargo along the microtubule. Muta-
blocks cytokinesis. Vanadate and ultraviolet light can inac- tions of p150Glued cause developmental defects in the eye
tivate dynein. Vanadate binds to the -phosphate site of and brain of Drosophila plus some forms of Parkinson
dyneinadenosine diphosphate (ADP), but it binds simi-
disease and motor neuron degeneration in humans.
larly to other adenosine triphosphatases (ATPases), so it is
Most proteins known to link organelles and ribonu-
not specific. However, ultraviolet light has a novel effect
on the dyneinADPvanadate complex: It cleaves and cleoprotein particles to microtubule motors interact
inactivates the dynein heavy chain. with both dynein and kinesins, but some are specific for
one or the other (Table 37.2). These interactions often
activate or inhibit motor activity, coupling physical
transmembrane protein on a cargo vesicle, but usually association with transport. For example, some cargo
involves adapter proteins that recognize a molecule on adapters overcome autoinhibitory interactions between
the surface of the cargo and one or more motors. Dynein the heads and tails of kinesins-1, -2, and -3 by binding to
associates with the dynactin complex (Fig. 37.2B). the kinesin tail or light chains.
About a dozen other known adapter proteins also Other than their linker and regulatory activities,
interact with the dynactin complex, kinesins or both to adapter proteins have little in common, so they likely
direct traffic to specific locations (Table 37.2). Local had independent evolutionary origins. The following
conditions in the cell regulate both coupling of motors sample illustrates the diversity of these adapters.
to cargo and the activity of the motors. Other proteins Motors and adapter proteins are targeted to cargo
tether some organelles to immobilize them and prevent membranes by integral membrane proteins, peripheral
their transport. proteins or lipids. Kinesin binds directly to a few trans-
The 1mDa dynactin complex consists of a short fila- membrane proteins, so no adapter is required. For
ment of actin-related protein Arp1 capped on its barbed example, calsyntenin and alcalpha on certain neuronal
end by capping protein and on its pointed end by the vesicles have short sequences with acidic residues
most divergent actin-related protein, Arp11 (Fig. 37.2A). flanking a key tryptophan that bind kinesin light chains
642 SECTION IX n Cytoskeleton and Cellular Motility

TABLE 37.2 Adapters for Microtubule Motors

Adapter Protein Links to Motors Links to Cargos Cargo Destination Regulation Connection
Dynein Only
Dynactin Dynein IC, Endosomes, Mutations
complex p150Glued, other mitochondria, cause neuron
adapters listed Golgi membranes degeneration
RILP (Rab7- Dynactin Rab7, spectrin Late endosomes Trans-Golgi Rab7 GTPase
interacting network
SNX6 (sorting Dynactin Other retromer Endosome vesicles Trans-Golgi PI4P on trans-
nexin 6) proteins with recycling network Golgi
receptors membranes
releases dynactin
Kinesin Only
DENN/MADD Kinesin-3 Synaptic vesicles Synapse Rab3 GTPase
(Rab3 guanine with Rab3
Mint1 (Munc18- Kinesin-2 tail Vesicles with Synapse Phosphorylation
interacting NMDA glutamate by CaMKII
protein) receptors
SKIP (SifA-kinesin Kinesin-1 LC Arl8 GTP Lysosomes Periphery Arl8 GTPase
interacting lysosome
Dynein and Kinesin
Hook Dynein, kinesin-3 Early endosomes Bidirectional
Huntingtin Dynein IC, HAP1 HAP40 Rab5, Endosomes, Bidirectional Phosphorylation Traffic defects
dynactin, Optineurin lysosomes, of Huntingtin and massive
kinesin-1 HC myosin-VI autophagosomes, and motors neuronal
and LC vesicles with degeneration
APP or GABA in Huntington
receptors, mRNA disease
JIP1 (JNK Either dynactin or JNK, vesicles Synaptic vesicles, Bidirectional Phosphorylation
interacting kinesin-1 stalk, with amyloid autophagosomes, by JNK favors
protein) tail & LC with precursor mitochondria, kinesin-1 binding
aid of FEZ1 protein vesicles with APP and transport to
plus end
JIP3/JIP4 (JNK Dynactin, JNK, Arf6 Synaptic vesicles Phosphorylation
interacting kinesin-1 tail to synapse, of DIC
protein) and LC, JIP1 endosomes with
nerve growth
factor to cell
La Dynein IC, RNPs Ribonucleoprotein Bidirectional SUMOylation may
kinesin-1 HC particles reverse direction
at periphery
Milton/TRAK Dynactin, Miro/RhoT2 Mitochondria Bidirectional Local Parkinson
kinesin-1 HC transmembrane concentrations disease (?)
GTPase of ATP and Ca2+

Data from Fu MM, Holzbaur EL: Integrated regulation of motor-driven organelle transport by scaffolding proteins. Trends Cell Biol 2014;24:564574.
APP, amyloid precursor protein; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; CaMKII, calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase; FEZ1, fasciculation
and elongation protein zeta 1; GABA, -aminobutyric acid; GTP, guanosine triphosphate; GTPase, guanosine triphosphatase; HC, heavy chain;
IC, intermediate chain; JNK, c-Jun N-terminal kinase; LC, light chain; mRNA, messenger RNA; NMDA, N-methyl-D-aspartate; RNP, ribonucleoprotein;
PI4P, phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate.
CHAPTER 37 n Intracellular Motility 643

(see Fig. 36.9E). In other cases an adapter protein links but some stop moving in regions with limited adenosine
a transmembrane protein to a motor. For instance, a triphosphate (ATP). A local high concentration of cyto-
transmembrane protein called Miro on the surface of plasmic calcium binds to EF-hands (Ca2+ binding site in
mitochondria interacts with adapter protein Milton/ calmodulin consisting of -helices E and F) of the anchor
TRAK1, which binds both the kinesin-1 heavy chain and protein Miro. Calcium binding turns off both kinesin and
dynactin for bidirectional transport in axons. dynein, keeping mitochondria in place until ATP concen-
Guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) on organelle trations return to normal. Another protein anchors sta-
membranes interact with other adapter proteins. For tionary mitochondria to microtubules.
instance, different GTPases target kinesin and dynein Faulty axonal transport resulting in clumps of vesicles
to lysosomes. Lysosomes with Arl8-GTP (guanosine tri- is observed in human degenerative diseases of the
phosphate) bind the adapter SKIP (SifA-kinesin inter- nervous system including Alzheimer and Parkinson dis-
acting protein). An acidic/tryptophan sequence in SKIP eases, but cause-and-effect relationships are still under
interacts with kinesin light chains (Fig. 37.2C) during investigation. One intriguing part of this story is that
transport to the periphery. This interaction with SKIP the transmembrane amyloid precursor protein not only
also turns on the kinesin motor by overcoming the auto- binds directly to kinesin-1 light chain, but also is cleaved
inhibitory interaction of the motor domains with the in Alzheimer disease to produce amyloid- peptidea
tail. Similarly, vesicles containing transmembrane recep- toxic peptide that is implicated in neuronal death. Hun-
tors (mannose-6-phosphate receptor, for example) bud tingtin, the giant (350kD) adapter protein mutated in
from late endosomes with the GTPase Rab7 on their Huntington disease, normally participates in bidirec-
surface. Rab7-GTP binds the adapter protein RILP tional axonal transport of multiple cargos (Table 37.2).
(Rab7-interacting lysosomal protein), which anchors Other membrane-associated scaffold proteins, including,
dynactin and dynein for vesicle transport to the trans- JIP-1 and JIP-3, bind kinases from the mitogen-activated
Golgi network (see Fig. 22.12). Phosphatidylinositol protein (MAP) kinase cascade (see Fig. 27.6) in addition
4-phosphate (see Fig. 26.7) on the Golgi membranes to kinesin-1 light chains.
binds sorting nexin 6 (part of the retromer complex; see
Fig. 22.12) and releases dynactin and dynein.
Many cargo particles associate with both a kinesin and
Fast Axonal Transport
dynein. In this case, regulatory mechanisms responsive Analysis of microtubule-based movements is particularly
to local conditions must coordinate their activities to favorable in axons of neurons, because axons are long
achieve net transport. One example is the adapter protein (up to 1m) but narrow, the microtubules have a uniform
La, which links ribonucleoprotein particles to both polarity, and organelles move at steady rates in both
dynein and kinesin. After being carried to the cell periph- directions. Furthermore, nerve cells contain high con-
ery by kinesin, covalent modification of La with a SUMO centrations of microtubules and microtubule motors;
protein inactivates kinesin, allowing for reverse transport indeed, cytoplasmic tubulin, cytoplasmic dynein, and
back to the cell center by dynein. Phosphorylation regu- kinesin were all originally isolated from brain.
lates the adapter protein JIP1 (JNK interacting protein-1), High-contrast light microscopy of living axons reveals
which binds either kinesin or dynein. Phosphorylated that most membrane-bound organelles move either
JIP1 binds and activates kinesin, favoring anterograde toward (anterograde) or away from (retrograde) the
transport. Mitochondria move both directions in axons, end of the axon (Fig. 37.3) with some pauses and even

0 sec 3 sec 5 sec

2 1 2

1 1

4 4
A 3 3 3 B
enhanced differential interference contrast micrographs show movement of organelles in both the anterograde (rightwards) and retrograde (left-
wards) directions. Four large organelles are marked with numbers and colored green at zero time, blue at 3 seconds, and red at 5 seconds.
Movement (arrows in right panel) is from the white to the black number. The original video record shows hundreds of smaller organelles moving
steadily in either an anterograde or a retrograde direction at 1 to 2m/s. B, Electron micrograph of a thin section showing vesicles associated
with microtubules in axoplasm. (A, Courtesy S. Brady, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas. B, Courtesy R.H. Miller, Case
Western Reserve Medical School, Cleveland, OH.)
644 SECTION IX n Cytoskeleton and Cellular Motility

Proximal Ligature Distal
surrounded by a darkly stained myelin sheath. A, The cytoplasm proximal to the ligation demonstrates the accumulation of vesicles and mito-
chondria, which were being transported toward the nerve terminal to the right. B, The cytoplasm distal to the ligation shows the accumulation
of lysosomes, multivesicular bodies, and mitochondria, which were being transported toward the cell body to the left. (B, From Hirokawa N,
Sato-Yoshitake R, Yoshida T, etal. Brain dynein (MAP1C) localizes on both anterogradely and retrogradely transported membranous organelles
in vivo. J Cell Biol. 1990;111:10271037.)

occasional changes of direction. Retrograde move- Figs. 17.8 and 17.9). Endosomes and multivesicular
ments (2.5ms1 or 22cm/day) are faster than antero- bodies moving by fast retrograde transport pile up on
grade movements (0.5ms1 or 4cm/day). These the distal side of the constriction. Autophagic vesicles
rates are remarkable given the densely packed microtu- also move primarily in the retrograde direction. Retro-
bules, intermediate filaments, and vesicles in the cyto- grade transport can also move signals from nerve termi-
plasm (Fig. 37.4; see also Fig. 35.9). At these rates, a nals to the cell body. For example, kinesin carries vesicles
round trip from a nerve cell body in the spinal cord of with the nerve growth factor TrkA receptor tyrosine
a human to the foot and back takes only 3 weeks. If a kinase (see Fig. 24.4) to nerve terminals where it joins
0.1-m vesicle were the size of a small car, it would move the plasma membrane. When activated by nerve growth
anterogradely at 50 miles per hour and retrogradely at factor, TrkA is taken up by endocytosis for transport by
250 miles per hour. In the axons of vertebrate neurons, dynein back to the perinuclear region. Once the vesicle
mitochondria move back and forth in both directions. reaches the cell body TrkA activates the MAP kinase
Their net movement toward the nerve terminal or cell pathway to regulate cell growth (see Fig. 27.6). Herpes
body depends on physiological conditions. virus and rabies virus also use dynein for long-distance
Biochemical reconstitution showed that the plus-end transport on microtubules from the terminals of sensory
motors of the kinesin family are responsible for antero- nerves to the cell body, where viral DNA enters the
grade movements toward the nerve terminal and the nucleus for replication.
minus-end motor dynein is responsible for movement in Many questions remain regarding the control of
the retrograde direction. Accordingly, kinesin mutations microtubule motors during fast transport, including how
in flies result in paralysis of the back half of larvae, kinesins remain active and dynein remains inactive
because transport fails in the longest axons. Mutations during the long trip out to the nerve terminal, how cyto-
in three different kinesin genes also cause human nerve plasmic dynein on retrograde cargo is activated locally
degeneration. at the nerve terminal and kept active during movement
Classic nerve ligation experiments revealed the cargo to the cell body, and how defects in fast transport may
carried in each direction by fast transport (Fig. 37.4). contribute to neurodegenerative diseases.
Different organelles pile up on either side of a mechani-
cal constriction that blocks transport. Small, round, and Slow Transport of Cytoskeletal Polymers
tubular vesicles, including components of synaptic vesi-
and Associated Proteins in Axons
cles (see Fig. 17.8), accumulate on the side near the cell
body. Fast anterograde transport carries these cargoes Many neuronal proteins move slowly from their site of
from the cell body toward the end of the axon, where synthesis in the cell body toward the ends of axons and
they enter the cycle of synaptic vesicle turnover (see dendrites. This transport is essential, as most protein
CHAPTER 37 n Intracellular Motility 645

A. Radiolabeling pulse-chase protocol B. Photobleaching C. Fluorescence microscopy of a

neurofilament moving through
Inject radiolabeled amino acids into eye Inject fluorescently a bleached zone in an axon
where neurons synthesize them into proteins labeled tubulin

Bleached zone


Uniformly fluorescent

Time (sec)
Photobleach 72
discrete zone
Wave of labeled proteins
moves along axons
toward brain 80
Bleached zone


Wave of labeled proteins
progresses 1-2 mm/day Zone remains

FIGURE 37.5 EXPERIMENTS ON SLOW AXONAL TRANSPORT. A, Pulse-chase experiment. Radioactive amino acids are injected into
the eye of an experimental animal. In the nerve cell body, radioactive tracer is incorporated into proteins, which are transported along the axon.
Some proteins are incorporated into stationary structures and are left along the way. B, Photobleaching experiment. A cultured nerve cell is
injected with tubulin labeled with a fluorescent dye. Tubulin fills the cytoplasm and axon as it grows out. A section of the axon is then bleached
with a strong pulse of light. This bleached zone is stationary over a period of minutes. C, Fluorescence micrographs of the axon of a cultured rat
neuron showing rapid transport of a short neurofilament labeled with subunits fused to green fluorescence protein (GFP). Note the photobleached
region (bracket) and the ends of the moving neurofilament (arrows). The neurofilament moves rapidly into the bleached region, but the bleached
region does not move because most of the neurofilaments are stationary. Scale bar is 5m. (AB, Modified from Cleveland DW, Hoffman PN.
Slow axonal transport models come full circle. Cell. 1991;67:453456. C, From Wang L, Brown A. Rapid intermittent movement of axonal neu-
rofilaments observed by fluorescence photobleaching. Mol Biol Cell. 2001;12:32573267, 2001.)

synthesis occurs in the cell body, whereas more than many proteins, including clathrin, glycolytic enzymes,
99% of cell volume can be in axons and dendrites. If and actin.
nerve cells were smaller, shorter lived or less asymmetri- Defining the mechanism of slow transport was
cal, we might not even notice such slow movements. challenging because various experimental approaches
Labeling proteins with radioactive amino acids during yielded apparently conflicting results. Radioactive label-
their synthesis in the cell body allows for tracking their ing showed that the moving proteins are spread out
movements along axons (Fig. 37.5A). Proteins that are and diluted as they move away from the cell body
moved by slow axonal transport are classified into two (Fig. 37.5A). Photobleaching of fluorescent tubulin and
groups based on their velocities. Tubulin, intermediate actin in axons of cultured neurons demonstrated that
filament proteins, and spectrin, which compose the the bulk of those cytoskeletal polymers is stationary
slow componenta, move exceedingly slowly, approx- (Fig. 37.5B).
imately 0.1 to 1.0mm per day (or 1 to 10nms1). In a This puzzle was solved for slow componenta by
human, these molecules take more than 3 months to imaging single fluorescent intermediate filaments in
travel from their site of synthesis in the spinal cord to axons of live nerve cells. These filaments are stationary
the foot. Slow componentb moves approximately 10 most of the time (up to 99%), but occasionally, they
times faster and includes 10 times more protein than move rapidly (0.2 to 2ms1) for up to 20m. Most of
slow componenta. It is a heterogeneous mixture of these intermittent movements are away from the cell
646 SECTION IX n Cytoskeleton and Cellular Motility

body, accounting for the net anterograde movement.

These rapid but intermittent movements depend on
microtubules and are presumably driven by kinesin,
although how the motor is linked to the filaments is not 00:00 00:00
known. A few intermediate filaments move in the retro-
grade direction explaining why waves spread in pulse
chase experiments (Fig. 37.5A). The movements of
whole microtubules are similar to those of intermediate 00:35 01:00
filaments. Thus, what appears to be slow bulk transport 00:00
is caused by fast but intermittent movement of cargos.
Slow componentb proteins seem move by alternatively
hitchhiking transiently on some moving structures and 00:42 02:00
diffusing locally between movements.

Other Microtubule-Dependent Movements

00:49 02:10
Other cells use the same molecular mechanisms as
neurons to move organelles in the cytoplasm. Secretory 06:24
vesicles use plusend motors to move from the Golgi
apparatus to the plasma membrane (see Fig. 21.1). Endo- 02:06 02:49
somes use dynein to move from the plasma membrane
toward the centrosome.
The intracellular distributions of the endoplasmic
reticulum (ER) depend on microtubules. Strands of the 03:02 03:30
ER align with microtubules in cultured cells (Fig. 37.6).
This codistribution is achieved in two ways: (a) Motors
transport strands of ER bidirectionally on microtubules, 12:48
and (b) other strands of the ER attach to the plus end of 03:30 04:00
microtubules and ride the microtubule tip as it grows
and shrinks during dynamic instability. The +TIP EB1
(see Fig. 34.8) interacts with transmembrane protein
STIM1 to couple the ER to growing microtubules. STIM1 03:58 04:10
has another role in maintaining a supply of Ca2+ inside
the ER (see Fig. 26.12). This is the best example of move-
ment of an organelle driven by forces generated directly
by microtubule assembly. 19:15 04:40 04:40
Microtubules and motors also distribute other organ-
elles inside cells. The concentration of the Golgi appara- MOVEMENT OF THE ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM IN A NEWT
tus near the centrosome depends on microtubules, EPITHELIAL CELL. The cell was microinjected with rhodamine-
because dynein motors transport Golgi vesicles toward labeled tubulin, which incorporates into microtubules, and a lipophilic
the minus ends of the microtubules nucleated at centro- green-fluorescent dye (DiOC6 [3,3-dihexyloxacarbocyanine iodide]),
which labels endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Time series are indicated
somes (see Fig. 21.20). Mitochondria move bidirection-
in minutes and seconds. Scale bar for all panels is 5 M. A, This
ally on microtubules in animal cells but depend on actin column of fluorescence micrographs illustrates the dynamics of
filaments in yeast. Thus, not only the dynamics of the microtubules (red) and ER (green), over a period of 19 minutes.
organelles but also the overall organization of a cell Note the strand of ER moving away from the leading edge (arrow-
depend on microtubules and associated motors. As a heads). B, Time course of the movement of a strand of ER toward
the end of a microtubule, followed by retraction. This type of move-
result, cellular architecture is determined actively, not
ment is thought to be driven by a kinesin motor attached to the
passively. tip of the elongating membrane (arrowhead). C, Time course of the
The intracellular distribution of nucleoprotein com- movement of a strand of ER attached to the tip of a growing
plexes also depends on active movements. The most microtubule (arrowhead), followed by retraction of the membrane
obvious example is the movement of chromosomes along the microtubule. (Courtesy C. Waterman-Storer and E.D.
Salmon, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. For reference, see
during mitosis, which depends on microtubule assembly
Waterman-Storer C, Salmon ED. Endoplasmic reticulum membrane
and microtubule motors (see Fig. 44.7). Microtubules tubules. Curr Biol. 1998;8:798806.)
and motors can also produce asymmetrical distributions
of mRNAs in cells. The adapter protein La links kinesins
and dynein to specific ribonucleoprotein particles for
CHAPTER 37 n Intracellular Motility 647

() Nucleus
RNA granules

0 42 51 63 75


grown from brain tubulin nucleated by a basal body in the extracted
carcass of a ciliate, Tetrahymena. A chromosome (arrow) was added
as a test cargo and captured by the end of the microtubule. When the
concentration of tubulin was reduced, the microtubule shortened, car-
Branch rying along the chromosome attached to its tip. This transport occurs
in the absence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or guanosine triphos-
phate (GTP). (Courtesy J.R. McIntosh, University of Colorado, Boulder.)

Membrane chromosome make multiple weak bonds with the walls

Immobile granules of the microtubule end (see Figs. 8.21 and 8.22). These
Mobile granules interactions rearrange rapidly enough to maintain attach-
Disperse RNA ment, even as tubulin subunits dissociate from the end.


Bulk Movement of Cytoplasm Driven by
thesized in the cell body (or, in this case, labeled with a fluorescent
dye and microinjected into the cell body) is packaged with proteins in Bulk streaming of cytoplasm is most spectacular in plant
a ribonucleoprotein particle, transported from the cell center along cells (Fig. 37.1B). Although confined within rigid walls,
microtubules at a steady rate of 0.2ms1, and released at the plant cell cytoplasm streams vigorously at very high
periphery, where it moves randomly at 1m/s. (Modified from Ainger velocities (up to 60ms1). At this rate, cytoplasm
K, Avossa D, Morgan F, etal. Transport and localization of exogenous
moves 5m/day! Such cytoplasmic streaming is best
myelin basic protein mRNA microinjected into oligodendrocytes. J Cell
Biol. 1993;123:431441.) understood in the giant cells of the green alga Nitella.
Streaming occurs continuously in a thin layer of cyto-
plasm between the large central vacuole and chloro-
long distance transport to sites of local protein synthesis plasts immobilized in the cortex. On each side of the
(Fig. 37.7). For example, localization of certain mRNAs cell, a zone of stationary cytoplasm separates streams
in fly oocytes helps establish the polarity of the embryos. moving in opposite directions. The physiological
function of this streaming is not clearly understood.
Intracellular Movements Driven by Bulk streaming in Nitella is brought about by move-
ment of ER along tracks consisting of bundles of polar-
Microtubule Polymerization
ized actin filaments associated with chloroplasts (Fig.
Microtubule polymerization and depolymerization have 37.9C). All the actin filaments in these bundles have the
long been known to play a central role in the assembly same polarity, and cytoplasm streams toward their
of the mitotic apparatus and the movement of chromo- barbed ends. In Nitella extracts, membrane vesicles
somes (see Fig. 44.7), as well as the establishment of move along actin filament bundles at the same high
cellular asymmetry (see Fig. 34.2). Polymerizing micro- velocities as the cytoplasmic streaming. A type XI myosin
tubules can exert substantial forces, but strong forces (see Fig. 36.7) pulls the ER along these cortical actin
buckle microtubules longer than approximately 10m. tracks, dragging along other cytoplasmic components,
Consequently, microtubule pushing mechanisms work including organelles and soluble molecules. This myosin
best over short distances, such as positioning the ER moves nearly 10 times faster than the fastest muscle
(Fig. 37.6), the nucleus in fission yeast cells (see Fig. contraction, apparently by taking large steps rapidly and
6.3D) and the mitotic spindle in budding yeast cells by the cooperation of several motors working rapidly on
(see Fig. 34.2D). the same membrane.
Remarkably, the end of a depolymerizing microtu- A completely different actomyosin mechanism pro-
bule can also pull on attached cargo. An in vitro proof- duces equally spectacular cytoplasmic streaming in the
of-principle experiment (Fig. 37.8) showed that acellular slime mold Physarum. In these giant, multi-
chromosomes could ride on the end of a depolymerizing nucleated cells, cytoplasm flows back and forth rhyth-
microtubule, even in the absence of ATP or GTP. Linker mically at high velocities through tubular channels
proteins associated with the kinetochore region of the (Fig. 37.10). Cycles of contraction and relaxation of
648 SECTION IX n Cytoskeleton and Cellular Motility


FIGURE 37.9 CYTOPLASMIC STREAMING IN THE GREEN ALGA NITELLA. A, A pair of differential interference contrast (DIC) light
micrographs showing the movement of organelles in cytoplasm. Note the strand of endoplasmic reticulum (ER [arrow]). B, Time series of DIC
light micrographs showing movement of a vesicle isolated from Nitella along a bundle of actin filaments isolated from Nitella. C, Scanning electron
micrographs of the cortex isolated from Nitella showing the bundles of actin filaments associated with chloroplasts. D, Transmission electron
micrographs of a freeze-fracture preparation (upper) and thin section (lower) showing ER associated with actin filament bundles. E, Freeze-fracture
preparation of a vesicle associated with an actin filament bundle. F, Movement of ER along actin filament bundles dragging along bulk cytoplasm.
(Courtesy B. Kachar, National Institutes of Health. For reference, see Kachar B, Reese T. The mechanism of cytoplasmic streaming in characean
algal cells: sliding of endoplasmic reticulum along actin filaments. J Cell Biol. 1988;106:15451552.)

cortical actin filament networks push relatively fluid (Fig. 37.11), although the movements of these solitary
endoplasm back and forth in a manner akin to squeezing vesicles do not produce cytoplasmic streaming. Myosin-V
a toothpaste tube. Myosin-II is thought to generate the is the motor (see Fig. 36.7), so vesicles fail to move from
cortical contraction, as it is present in high concentra- mother to bud in null mutants of myosin-V genes.
tion in this cell and can contract actin filament gels in Myosin-V also transports certain mRNAs along actin fila-
vitro. (This was the first nonmuscle myosin to be purified ment cables from the mother to the bud, where they
in the late 1960s.) Cortical contractions similar to those determine cell fate. Similarly myosin-VII and myosin-X
of Physarum are used by giant amoebas for cell locomo- transport cytoplasmic and membrane proteins in filopo-
tion (see Fig. 38.1), and by other cells for cytokinesis dia of animal cells.
(see Fig. 44.23), and movements of some embryonic Animal cells generally use extended microtubules for
tissues (see Fig. 38.5). long-distance movements and shorter actin filaments for
local transport of vesicles and RNAs. Fish skin cells use
Actin-Based Movements of Organelles in both systems to change color: dynein aggregates and
kinesin disperses pigment granules called melanophores
Other Cells
along radial microtubule tracks. Myosin-V contributes
Like Nitella, budding yeast cells transport vesicles along by moving dispersed melanophores laterally between
bundles of actin filaments from the mother to the bud microtubules.
CHAPTER 37 n Intracellular Motility 649


5 cm


Balance-pressure (cm of water)

FIGURE 37.11 Fluorescence micrographs (AD) showing actin fila-

ment bundles and patches at various stages in the cell cycle of the
budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Myosin-V uses these actin
12 filament bundles to deliver vesicles (including the vacuole), certain
8 messenger RNAs (mRNAs), and at least one enzyme (chitin synthase)
from the mother to the bud. (Courtesy J.A. Cooper, Washington
University, St. Louis, MO.)
-4 5 10

Time (min) Movements Driven by
Actin Polymerization
FIGURE 37.10 CYTOPLASMIC STREAMING IN THE ACEL- Some intracellular pathogenic bacteria, including Liste-
LULAR SLIME MOLD PHYSARUM POLYCEPHALUM. A, Photo- ria and Shigella, use actin polymerization to move
graph of Physarum polycephalum, a giant multinucleated single cell through the cytoplasm of their animal cell hosts at about
growing in a baking dish. B, Blur photomicrograph made with polariza- 0.5ms1 (Fig. 37.12A). These bacteria hijack the
tion optics by taking a time exposure showing the bulk streaming of
machinery normally used to move the leading edge of
the endoplasm in a cytoplasmic strand (long arrow). M, Mucus.
C, Time course of pressure changes produced by shuttle streaming motile cells to polymerize a comet tail of actin filaments
of cytoplasm through a strand. (B, From Nakajima H. The mechano- that pushes the bacterium forward. One end of the bac-
chemical system behind streaming in Physarum. In Allen RD, Kamiya terium has a concentration of proteins that directly (Lis-
N, eds. Primitive Motile Systems in Cell Biology. New York: Academic teria) or indirectly (Shigella) activate Arp2/3 complex
Press; 1964:111123. C, For reference, see Kamiya N. The mecha-
to polymerize a network of branched actin filaments (see
nism of cytoplasmic movement in a myxomycete plasmodium. Symp
Soc Exp Biol. 1968;22:199214.) Fig. 33.12). Growth of this network at its trailing end
pushes the bacterial cell forward. The comet tail of cross-
linked actin filaments is stationary and depolymerizes
The direction of movement depends on the motor distally at the same rate at which it grows next to the
and the organization of the actin filaments. Although bacterium, so it remains a constant length.
many actin filaments in animal cells are not uniformly Vaccinia viruses attached to the outer surface of
polarized, those in the cortex tend to have their barbed animal cells move by a related mechanism. They use
ends near the plasma membrane, allowing for local direc- transmembrane proteins to activate the cytoplasmic
tional transport. For example, myosin-V moves recycling actin assembly system to drive their movements at one
endosomes toward the plasma membrane. Similarly, stage in its life cycle (Fig. 37.12B). Placement of a plastic
myosin-V transports pigment granules called melano- bead coated with adhesion proteins on the plasma mem-
somes within and between cells in the skin. In both cases brane of some animal cells can induce similar propulsive
a small GTPase and an adapter protein link melanosomes actin comet tails in the cytoplasm.
to the tail of myosin-V. Mutations of myosin-V, the Fungal and animal cells use Arp2/3 complex to assem-
GTPase, or the adapter protein in mice and humans ble actin filaments at sites of clathrin-mediated endocy-
cause not only pigmentation defects but also neurologi- tosis. Polymerization of these filaments assists with
cal problems owning to faulty mRNA transport in vesicle separation from the plasma membrane. Nucle-
neurons. Other adapter proteins link myosin-VI to newly ation promoting factors associated with some endo-
internalized endosomes with various types of receptors somes stimulate Arp2/3 complex to assemble actin
for transport away from the plasma membrane. filament comets and move similar to Listeria.
650 SECTION IX n Cytoskeleton and Cellular Motility

A. Listeria B. Vaccinia virus

5 m

FIGURE 37.12 Fluorescence micrographs of actin filament comet tails in animal epithelial cells infected with the bacterium Listeria monocy-
togenes (A) or vaccinia virus (B). Both pathogens are stained green with fluorescent antibodies. They use host cell proteins to assemble a
crosslinked network of actin filaments shaped like a comet tail. Actin filaments are stained red with rhodamine-phalloidin. A, The comet tail pushes
Listeria in a PtK cell through the cytoplasm and into projections of the plasma membrane at the edge of the cell. B, When the replicated vaccinia
viruses in this HeLa cell reach the cell surface 8 hours after infection, they activate Arp2/3 complex to assemble a cytoplasmic comet tail of actin
filaments that are thought to enhance the spread of the virus from cell to cell. Actin-based motility of vaccinia virus depends on tyrosine phos-
phorylation of a viral transmembrane protein A36R that remains inserted in the plasma membrane. (A, Courtesy K. Skoble, D. Portnoy, and M.
Welch, University of California, Berkeley. B, Courtesy T.P. Newsome and M. Way, Cancer Research UK, London. For reference, see Frischknecht
F, Moreau V, Rottger S, etal. Actin-based motility of vaccinia virus mimics receptor tyrosine kinase signaling. Nature. 1999;401:926929.)

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