(Wh-Question Word) Will' and The Base Form of The Verb (Infinitive Without To' / V)

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Forming the Future Simple Tense

(Wh- question word) will and the

Task 1 - Rewrite the sentences into
base form of the verb (infinitive
without to / V1). interrogative then give short answer. Look
at the example.
(When e.g.: You will paint the walls of his house tomorrow. Y Will
What you paint the walls of his house tomorrow? Yes, I will.
1) The doctor will examine you. N
you ___________________________________________________
he ___________________________________________________
she 2) Mrs Jenkins will punish Robert if he tells lies. Y
you ___________________________________________________
theyread? 3) I will pay for the dinner tomorrow. N
play? ___________________________________________________
Sample sentences 4) The dog will bark if someone comes here. Y
Yes/No questions: ___________________________________________________
Will you buy anyting in the shop?
Short answer:
5) They will deliver the food I buy. N
Yes, I will / No, I wont. ___________________________________________________
Wh-question: ___________________________________________________
Why will you dig in the garden? 6) Lily will remind me before I leave. Y
Question words
Question wordWhen to useWho? 7) Sam will join a tennis club if he can play tennis. N
peopleWhat?objects, things, ___________________________________________________
animals When?time / dateWhere?
possessorHow?mannerWhich? 8) You will prepare for your lessons next week. Y
objects, things, animals How many ___________________________________________________
?quantity (countable nouns)How ___________________________________________________
much ?quantity (uncountable
nouns)What colour ?colourWhat
9) We will complain about their noisy dog. Y
time ?time ___________________________________________________
Useful to know ___________________________________________________
10) George and Iris will marry next year. N
If you ask about the subject of
the sentence, the word order is
the same as in an affirmative ___________________________________________________

Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the interrogative form

of the verbs in the brackets.
e.g.: Will you write a letter?
1) _______ they ______________ about this event? (report)
2) How much _______ you ______________ for this book? (charge)
e.g.: Who will ask me? 3) Why _______ you ______________ a meal until Anne arrives? (not
What will happen order)
there? 4) _______ mum ever ______________ me as a child? (treat)
5) What _______ they ______________ her? (suggest)
6) Who ______ you ______________ your new bike? (lend)
7) How _______ you ______________ his son at the party? (avoid)
8) _______ Mr Jacobs ______________ me this homework if I ask him
to? (explain)
9) _______ Tim ______________ me after 30 years? (remember)
10) _______ you ______________ a message for me when you go home?
Susan V Toth
Task 3 Ask questions about Task 5 First write a question with the given
the underlined parts of the information. Then write a full answer with the words in
sentences. the bracket. Look at the example.
e.g.: You were eating a cake. e.g.: They will come to the party.
What were you eating? (Who) (my classmates)
Who will come to the party? My
1) Grandma will knit me a beautiful jumper. classmates will come to the party..
2) Surely you will copy my identity card tomorrow. 1) I will correct the students tests. (When)
__________________________________________ (tomorrow)
3) The kids will play in the playground next Sunday. _______________________________________
4) Ms Greenes daughter will wait for the taxi.
5) They will compare the two pictures. 2) Jake will meet her. (Who) (Anne)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
6) Maybe Anne will read a book because she wont have _______________________________________
any homework. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 3) We will make an excursion. (Where) (to the
7) You will ask the professor tomorrow. mountains)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
8) Mary will wear a yellow scarf.
9) Ms Logan will possibly teach that student.
__________________________________________ 4) Dad will change his email address. (Why)
10) He will drive carefully. (somebody has broken into his email account)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
Task 4 Ask questions about 5) I will do something. (What) (skip the rope)
the underlined parts of the _______________________________________
sentences. _______________________________________
6) You will paint a dog. (Whose) (Daisys)
1) Grace and Andy will watch TV
when they come home.
2) I will ride Toms bike.
__________________________________________ 7) He will read newspapers. (How many) (two)
3) Hopefully Mavis will buy some juice. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
4) The teacher will write on the blackboard. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 8) They will discuss it. (What) (this problem)
5) The teacher will test the students. _______________________________________
6) The boys will walk fast.
7) The flowers will bloom in spring.
9) We will have a picnic tomorrow. (Where) (In the
__________________________________________ park)
8) Dad will have a shower in the bathroom. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
9) We will miss our old teacher. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 10) The children will go to school. (How) (by car)
10) Mum will water these plants. _______________________________________

Susan V Toth
Forming the Past Continuous

Task 1 - Rewrite the sentences into

(Wh- question word) will and the
base form of the verb (infinitive interrogative then give short answer. Look
without to / V1). at the example.
e.g.: You will paint the walls of his house tomorrow. Y Will
(When you paint the walls of his house tomorrow? Yes, I will.
1) The doctor will examine you. N
Who)WillI ___________________________________________________
you ___________________________________________________
he 2) Mrs Jenkins will punish Robert if he tells lies. Y
we ___________________________________________________
you 3) I will pay for the dinner tomorrow. N
theyread? ___________________________________________________
write? 4) The dog will bark if someone comes here. Y
Sample sentences ___________________________________________________
Yes/No questions:
Will you buy anyting in the shop?
5) They will deliver the food I buy. N
Short answer: ___________________________________________________
Yes, I will / No, I wont. ___________________________________________________
Wh-question: 6) Lily will remind me before I leave. Y
Why will you dig in the garden?
Question words ___________________________________________________
7) Sam will join a tennis club if he can play tennis. N
Question wordWhen to useWho? ___________________________________________________
peopleWhat?objects, things,
animals When?time / dateWhere?
placeWhy?reasonWhose? 8) You will prepare for your lessons next week. Y
possessorHow?mannerWhich? ___________________________________________________
objects, things, animals How many ___________________________________________________
?quantity (countable nouns)How
much ?quantity (uncountable
9) We will complain about their noisy dog. Y
nouns)What colour ?colourWhat ___________________________________________________
time ?time ___________________________________________________
Useful to know 10) George and Iris will marry next year. N
If you ask about the subject of
the sentence, the word order is ___________________________________________________
the same as in an affirmative
Task 2 Fill in the gaps with the interrogative form
of the verbs in the brackets.
e.g.: Will you write a letter?
1) _______ they ______________ about this event? (report)
2) How much _______ you ______________ for this book? (charge)
e.g.: Who will ask me? 3) Why _______ you ______________ a meal until Anne arrives? (not
What will happen order)
there? 4) _______ mum ever ______________ me as a child? (treat)
5) What _______ they ______________ her? (suggest)
6) Who ______ you ______________ your new bike? (lend)
7) How _______ you ______________ his son at the party? (avoid)
8) _______ Mr Jacobs ______________ me this homework if I ask him
to? (explain)
9) _______ Tim ______________ me after 30 years? (remember)
10) _______ you ______________ a message for me when you go home?
Susan V Toth
Task 3 Ask questions about Task 5 First write a question with the given
the underlined parts of the information. Then write a full answer with the words in
sentences. the bracket. Look at the example.
e.g.: You were eating a cake. e.g.: They will come to the party. (Who)
What were you eating? (my classmates)
Who will come to the party? My
1) Grandma will knit me a beautiful jumper. classmates will come to the party..
2) Surely you will copy my identity card tomorrow. 1) I will correct the students tests. (When)
__________________________________________ (tomorrow)
3) The kids will play in the playground next Sunday. _______________________________________
4) Ms Greenes daughter will wait for the taxi.
5) They will compare the two pictures.
2) Jake will meet her. (Who) (Anne)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
6) Maybe Anne will read a book because she wont have _______________________________________
any homework. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 3) We will make an excursion. (Where) (to the
7) You will ask the professor tomorrow. mountains)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
8) Mary will wear a yellow scarf.
9) Ms Logan will possibly teach that student.
4) Dad will change his email address. (Why)
10) He will drive carefully. (somebody has broken into his email account)
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
Task 4 Ask questions about 5) I will do something. (What) (skip the rope)
the underlined parts of the _______________________________________
sentences. _______________________________________
6) You will paint a dog. (Whose) (Daisys)
1) Grace and Andy will watch TV
when they come home.
2) I will ride Toms bike.
__________________________________________ 7) He will read newspapers. (How many) (two)
3) Hopefully Mavis will buy some juice. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
4) The teacher will write on the blackboard. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 8) They will discuss it. (What) (this problem)
5) The teacher will test the students. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
6) The boys will walk fast.
9) We will have a picnic tomorrow. (Where) (In the
7) The flowers will bloom in spring.
__________________________________________ park)
8) Dad will have a shower in the bathroom. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________
9) We will miss our old teacher. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ 10) The children will go to school. (How) (by car)
10) Mum will water these plants. _______________________________________
__________________________________________ _______________________________________

Susan V Toth
Task 1
1) Will the doctor examine you? No, s/he wont.
2) Will Mrs Jenkins punish Robert if he tells lies? Yes, she will.
3) Will you pay for the dinner tomorrow? No, I wont.
4) Will the dog bark if someone comes here? Yes, it will.
5) Will they deliver the food I buy? No, they wont.
6) Will Lily remind me before I leave? Yes, she will.
7) Will Sam join a tennis club if he can play tennis? No, he wont.
8) Will you/I prepare for your lessons next week? Yes, I/you will.
9) Will you complain about their noisy dog? Yes, we will.
10) Will George and Iris marry next year? No, they wont.

Task 2
1) Will they report about this event?
2) How much will you charge for this book?
3) Why wont you order a meal until Anne arrives?
4) Will mum ever treat me as a child?
5) What will they suggest her?
6) Who will you lend your new bike?
7) How will you avoid his son at the party?
8) Will Mr Jacobs explain me this homework if I ask him to?
9) Will Tim remember me after 30 years?
10) Will you leave a message for me when you go home?

Task 3
1) What will grandma knit me?
2) When will you (surely) you copy my identity card?
3) Where will the kids play next Sunday?
4) Whose daughter will wait for the taxi?
5) How many pictures will they compare?
6) Why will Anne read a book?
7) Who will ask the professor tomorrow?
8) What colour/Which scarf will Mary wear?
9) Which student will Ms Logan (possibly) teach?
10) How will he drive?Task 4
1) When will Grace and Andy watch TV?
2) Whose bike will you ride?
3) How much juice will Mavis buy?
4) Where will the teacher write?
5) Who will the teacher test?
6) How will the boys walk?
7) What will bloom in spring?
8) What will Dad do in the bathroom?
9) Who will you miss?
10) What will mum water?

Task 5
1). When will you correct the students tests? I will correct the students tests tomorrow.
2) Who will Jake meet? Jake will meet Anne.
3). Where will you make an excursion? We will make an excursion to the mountains.
4) Why will Dad change his email address? Dad will change his email address because somebody has broken into his
email account.
5) What will you do? I will skip the rope.
6) Whose dog will you paint? You will paint Daisys dog.
7) How many newspapers will he read? He will read two newspapers.
8) What will they discuss? They will discuss this problem.
9) Where will you have a picnic tomorrow? We will have a picnic in the park tomorrow.
10) How will the children go to school? The children will go to school by car.

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