Power System

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MULTIPLE CHOICE TYPE QUESTIONS [de ‘Each ofthe ollowing ypestions comonses multiple responses (aww or nore thantwoanswers) See tiv eortest answers Ta ase youTeal ] | ‘hat thoe is mucce tha one cere answer, sleet the answer which Yous consider ths best. In any case choose ONLY ONL aren ot respons Jor each question, I. Traasuuission fine connects G) generating station to a awitching stationfsteptown iransformer station, (8) step down transformer sition io service ransformer banks (0) distibuton wanstormer 1 eonsuuusr piemines. ()_ service points iu eonsumer premises. 2. A3phase, d-vire system is commonly wed for () primanydistibution, (6) secondary disibutin, CG} primary ansmission, (4) secondary trunsinssion 3. Theraed vollageof a 3 phase power system is given as (6) am phase veluge. ——¢)- peak phe voluge. (©) msline line valiage. (0) peak ine ro in volage TATE E296) 4, Which of th: follewing i usnelly not te generating voip? () G6RV. WOOK. GURY a) I3ZRW ISLLE Seem, Por spt Winer 190) 5. Ina ttarstassion system the Feeder supplies power ta (a) trnsfoemer substations (pup (b) sereivemams, fe) sributore, (a) alottheakove. (6. Heder is designed mainly fe the pinto view of (a). itscueent carying capac, Ib) volage deep init ‘)_ wperaling vliage. ( cperating tequency 7. Distributes ae designed fom tho poiat af view of (a) tseurren carying capacity 1b) opsratine voleige ic) volagection nit, (@)_aperecing requency, 8. ‘Transmission and disutbation of electric power by undetgaoun system & supcnor to overhead system in reel of (a) apposranee and publ safety, (b) mvtinteranee est. {)_ frequency of fouls, power Failte aed accilenis, @) allofuie above. 9% The main daevtackis) oF undergionnd syslem over overhead system ier (2) exposine wlighuning, —(b} heavy inital wwe (©) expnsare to almosphesie hazards anch as smoke, ie, wind sts, (inductive imedeenice between power sod communication 10, ‘The main dravbuckls) of overhead system over unlergrond (2) underground system is move flexible tan evsthead system. () higher charging eucent. ©) surge problem, (0) igh inital ost, 1, Hyinereasing tke transmission voliagedoubteofitseriginal va, the same power can be despatched hoeping she fine los a) equal iyits exigial value () half otoviginal value e} coublethe orginal ves, (@)_ one-fourth of original value USM Se MSc 19% WU ens Powe Se 12. fa fixed amount of poweristo be ransmitted ever certain Leng wth Fixed poses Toss, tan be sd that volute af eoeducio: fa) inversely proportionate maznitnde ofthe vette snd that oF power Tactr ofthe la, (b)_ inversely propetional in gquareo the volte andl spare of power actor ofthe fi, (¢)_ proportional io square of voltage and lit of power facinc a thel (4) proportional t magnitude of he volgen: TOPs 1s. nasa, 2n) 413. or the same voltage Grup, increasing the volage os a dstribitor ines (a) reduces the x-setion ofthe conductor by tines Ib) ineteases the xsection othe eoncietr by times (©) reduces th xgoton of the condor by 1” ines. GQ) increases he sseetion of he eoxcuctor hy Himes AMIE cB Saree 98) 1 Ina anscssion system, te weight copper used is pronertiona w mr oe ee wy ue, (2) non of he above, ALLE ec 15, ‘The volume of copper required for an av transmission line is Inenely proportoaal (conn, (of 16, Lnproving pf G2) eres erent for aigiven upon (0) inereases asses in ine, fe) inereases theeost of ation equipment {Mt Be Powe Stes Senne 197] 17, Fora given umount of power to be distance with fixed powet ss, the Yexume of coppee requied is {a diteety proportionaio vatiage (b) inversely propontional wo voltage, €)_invessely proportional othe suse of volts load (©) direutly proporional othe sqvanett the voltage and po the bead, IR, For the simie conductor feng, sume amount of powes, sane Jesoes and sume maximum voltage io ears, which ssiem quizes iminimnmcenduotor anes? a) Single phase ae (0) voltage (4) oth (and 6), nsmied over 4 centain sind pot the (©) 3 plise xe fo) J wine re (©) 3witede IARALE See Dogs a Et Seen Witt aM] 19. Which of he following vistobution systems i pre ffcieney ae high econoray? ud foegocel ite ye, [h) 2phase, Swine ester (1 Sephase, Aine system, (a) Single-phase () 3 phase, bine afte. Answerss 1. (2), 2 (D) 3. (6) 4.10). 19. (a (eh, (0), 7. (0), 8. (ah. 9 0) 10 (9, 1.) 12.6) 13 @, M4, 1S), 16 a), (e) 18 ah, Objsctve Type Cuiestions 20, a 2. Phe approximexe enst rule of a 220 IY, underground cable teansission end 220 kV OMT ceanemission is @ 0) 2 ww LAMALE Se, Pe Spt Somme! 200) With the same maximum vollag: Wy cath, which of thefllowing sa systems wih (8 pf wil eel more capper in comparison 0 de owe syste? (o) Single-phase, ewire(mnidpoin earthed, (6). Singie-pnase, 3.wire (neural half of cute) (6). These phase, Sei (@)Theee-phuse, 4 whe (nextel ‘The tai eaven For using high voliage for long distance power lrarsission is (4) reduction in eranmision losses ii) redaction m tina of tansmission, 6) inereaseingpstem relist, Ad) one of he abo. 6 AY is suitable ter transmission of power over fa Mike (6) Wm (6) Ok Ea) 200 brn Mr ee Ponce opis Pane 10 ter | 13 MW power is to Betrasiniaed over a disiance of 80 hy the Alesinble eanensegion voltaye wil be fa IIH ()33KV GORY @ITEV (AMEEE Sor, Ponee Sm Wink 199) The highest kansiission voltae used in India (a) 400K (b) 2208 (© B2kv eb) TOS WV WA. they et edhaobgy Power spt, 29010) If varie part of amwaleosi cn account oF inesest and depreciation onthe eaptalont ay s equal othe annval ens of electicalene7z Avasted nthe ganduetrs, the foal suns) cost iH be iain tn ie eorrespadling size of eondhctee willie Ue most feconomicel, Fis siemens knowns (a), Lena's (), Kelvin’ aw 1b), Faracay's i, sat) Obs las zy. Mire anes 7 Zoiwanmnuce 8 @ = TRANSMISSION VOLTAGE © erence Angwers: 20. (21 i, ccaracteristits) 0" {)_bighrmcelianical strength an longer lie (0) good locking git nveight end caily vecesible forpsicning dnt ereeion of Hinseanduetors, (6). cheapin initia as well io waimonanes eo 8) allo the above 37. (an, 38. (0), 395 (6), AD, (B). AL. (2), aL. 36 wm a a a. a. 2 ay 2, 2. 04 28.) 36.) 27. (9), 28.4). 29.) 0 303 ‘The wooden pote well innpregnated with ereosite oll or any preservative compound Rave ie of fa) 25-30 yoors, (©) 20-25 years, fe) Wel yous a) 5-10 years Steo! poles For transtaission Ines need protest agains fa) bore () termites. fe) comoston, (a) allot les, . RCC pes unully Inve tbe spans of (ay 250-400 m. iby 8.150™, fe) 380m, fa) 25-50, India for distibutio of eleerrie power ve usually use la) wonden poves (b)_ sel poles. fo) RCC poles (a) bash tb) andes, (Conucions used ia transmission ines ae stranded heeause of (a) incrcasectensilestengih, b) eave mhanlling (e) cheaper in cost WW) reducediesisiviy ‘Consider following materials for Tine conductors 1 Hard drawn capper, 2, Cahmiumeopper 4S. Aluuninivm, 4, Galvanized sel Te comest sequence uf the descending onder of Ukr electical ceonduetvitiesis 1) 1243) WLAG W134 @) ree L234 Ue Fie, 198) Which of the following properties hes yo higher value: the aluminiuwn ncormparison W tha uf copper G) Hleoisalnsssivity, —()- Molin oct. fe) Themnulconductivity, (@)_ Specific gmvity 230 ACSR voncuctor why is grease pat between sos! and lumina conocer? {a} reduce cowosion hy electulytie action between zine (ealvanicingagenton steel and alumina, Gh) Tu eduve vistion benwesn the arunds (©) Toredhoe leakage nfeurrent from aldniniam stands steel strands (@ Toslininaeair pockets ACSR is sed in place af copper in vrerhead lies Rezause of (@). highercureateanying capacity ep {)_ being ligherin weight, Le) econo. RSC 8, BE, 2008 G2) ighertensiie strength. CSR comlbetors have {).alleondaeters made of aluminium, {b) outer conluctors mde of auminiu, (©). inner cendustors mace of alurimiurn, {i} vocondacters madeof aluminium. 1st Expanded ACSR” are conducts voriposed of (a). lovgerdiameter individual stands fora given cris seetion te wbuiniaen strats (b)_lergerdiameter af the conta gee strands oragiven overall slameler ofthe ccodncter (ec) letger dire of the aluminium stants onty for u given ‘overall inner of conductor. (uh A filer tewween the nies sieel and the outer uluaiisns tarands inesase the overall diameter ofthe coneito. Guus, ts SB 10) ettanen 1931 The furetio of sel wir imum ACSR consoctor ie 19 (a) compensate forskin effec, (6) ake cazeof sizes (o} previ additional necksnicalsrengt, (aly rede nectar. (2), UL (@) 32. (0). 38. (0), HO}. 35. 3G La, 304 : ‘Tarsmiesion ‘ahd Disvsution of Electival Poier 2. The meri use for he mametacture of ground wires (Sap 0). Conietor vibra, (a) akin (b) galvanned tel (6) Linc loses, (6), Meciantea nsion (©) cation W) Saintes eet firsc-1ns BAN, ao) ei 86, Thesagbftheconducters ofa ansission lines 2.511 whe the 43. Guy wine is employ or et “ ‘ 4) providing protion agains surges {0088 250. Nowe ego sporting erin ©) providingcierseney eat mute yao bs Reg a {ec} supporting the pole. (3) ll of the above, {a) reduce by 25%(b) nema by 259¢ (6) waiechy 128% @).remainonchanged, A: Tieng a ip aM a ME ES 87. Inan overhead enaston line with the condectors supported AG) aero Se between eo sapporste Yaron intesion T wih aesphenc {) current thous he eoncneror Boe (©) annospherctenpxtatine, (@) eedepeniion on theonrehicor 45, fleet of emporanie risen overhead ins sto rs ”, 48 4, SL Sh. (@) increase the sa and dctease he renston b). decrexxe the sand ineroace the lesion, (0) cease but, Gd) decrease bom The sip ofa raneaissin Hine Gorehctor in mame ie (0) fess haha in winter, (b) anos ta at in warter (©) same ssn winter (SULA Soe 8 Mer ye Sum 198) Tn stasis line, sty depends on (span length 1) tension in conductor, fo) weight of uc eonduccr per unit length {@) allot theabowe, Whiet ofthe tllowing statements is eornsee) (2) eeon conacors increases skin ater, (©) Wind presse reduces corana eect Wind pressure is taken 9 net at perpendicular to that fries fa) tee an conductors reduces st ‘rind leading in costal regions isin ie range of (a) 4050 by (hy 150 tafme fo} Sign (Ane 6, Pore poms Simmer BF ‘The masimam tension ina section of uverbeae! bine éndactor berween fo supporis of unequal heioht accurs lu) the higher suppor. (the lower pian. (e)dhemuiopoint of ube eomat Id) None oF the above, (AML Sst Powe ystems Whaee 19661 Ss We 186 Slangin ehart i useful (a) for inding the sain he contac bi in te design of er fe) in che design of insulator sing, {)_ finding the distance between towers. TERME fs Sommce 1) 52, Hot template enves are plots of (@)_ temperatures hums {) conductor sap and span lengths, (6) conductor weit and saa, (@) none of the above ‘The efeet of wind pressure fs move predominant on a) tesulatrs, (>) sransinssion lias, (©) supporting towers. (@)_ none pt the above Galloping in transmission Hine conductors arses de )- asymmetries lyyersot ice tevination (0) vortex phenomenan in Light ins (0) heavy voight ofthe line conhiciors, () adoption of novizonta couluctor eoizuation. THERE: TES, a, 29m) ‘Wich one ofthe following is reduced by using stasis bridge ‘simpers on power overheial tatninsion tines? ol. a 64, “. 1 "The diameter of eaci stand ik then the diameter of 1 | v i ‘i : 1 @) cuvell. lel curve @) carve lV, For 400kV Tine, the spacing between phase wondactorsisaround @) ¥m @) lim ©) im a) 1m LAUER Se BP Syn Somer 1986198 @) carve . Stratdedl conductors estally have a went write sround which there are stecessive lasers ol 6121824 wie, For nleyery, the (otal number of icvidnal wires f@) In@ed ©) InGea fe) Bainenet @ 2nosHel stranded cunducenr will be @ Grand ) Saba ©) Gre @ 30-e Strain ypo irsulatces ave wed fa) atdead ens, @)_atiatermeatiaes anchor towers, (@) on straighr rans. 4d) any af ayer Wovy sruetuie of pin invalatr increase its (a) ‘mectenicel teneth Gb) punstare sreneth (@) flash overvoluge, ——(@) thermal sueagh, [AME Sse Por $n me 1903) The voltage cating of a auipe shell (peticon oF ranshed pio (ype imsulatoruniteanmot he ineveused beyonela limiting valve by increasing the mumbe a shells, cause ute miemal volige disiibution between shells b ‘nega (b) the leakzoe path resistance stare diminishing (6) thedissuptive eilial voltage forthe mate of the inslanne sreschel (©) the puncture yoluge Gf hetnrerial ofthe insulators reached POPS. LES. eet, MA Which type of insulators ine used on 132 RV trarsmalssion lis (@ Pintype, ©) Diseiype. (©). Sickle type. (@)_ Pin and Shackle 1p IAAL ee Per Sits Winter 39891 Sheucver the conucors ave dewd-endes or there isa change i the direction of ansnission line, he ineulators used ure ofthe no wers: 42. (AB, (6, 4. cb) 45. a, AOL (O47. (A), (6), 4B. (DD, 50, (a), ST. (0), 82.0}. 83.0). 54. Ce). 58 6. (0), 62 (6). 3. (3). 64. (h), 68. (6), 60. (6), 56, 57. @), 58.0), “Objective Type Questions 05 on 0. nm mh. n nm ms 1 The won: iim Pin ype (6). Swaintype. (©) Suspension type (Shackles HPS. LCS 6198) 5. Post ype insulators are generiy used in ines operating (2) shove TKR, ()_belew 33 (©) wtany voliage level, Hv ce ey ROLLE Se 8 Pave Span ne 199) “The number of dixon astingo insulator for AOD ae overead ‘vansmission line ies in therengeot ) O92) Bw |). 16016 S010 URS. ES hi £0) stibution of vole sero ‘of suspension type insets is dae to (a) unequal self capacitance of the unis. (©) non-uaifon distance of seperation of the unity from the tower body ©) the existence of suuy capacitance between the: metalic jimetions of the its an she tower bo (2) bonunifucrs disinnee betyoen the cioss mas aid the nits, TUES is it “The voltages scenes the various dies of wtiag of susponsion wulators having dential diss isditeren! ce (a) ourfneo leskage eueents (b).seriescupnetince, (6) shuntespuciimee to ground, (@)_seties and shunt expacitances, isin a sing “Te string efficiency of 4 string of mspension insulators is dependent on sige ofthe insulators, (©) size or wer 100 per cea string etieteney means (8), one of tac insaluor dives shoste. {b) 2210 poteatia across exch aise {)_ equal potential aeross each insulator dsc (U) ope of the atove Ina suspension type insulator te potential drop (@) svaximuin somes the lowest die, (bo) maximum aeross he topmost dis. (6) uaifonvly dictated aver the dises. SMILE fos Bes Stns Summer 41 (6) nanan dissin the string THM Sie 8. ne 1984) Ifthe frequency ofa rensnnission system ie cuenged from 5 11 (o 100 Hz, Ue stg eticiency (a) willineroas, 1b) ill decease. (©) remain unctanged {a may inerease ordecreass depending om the Line parameters TAMLLE eB Wer 105 “The string efficiency of high voltage lise is around fa) 10% (by BOK fe) 40%) 105 MELT See Hover Sats Str 191 - Jnthees-unitinslator string, yells aerossthe towestunitis 17.3 LY and sting efficiency is 4.289, Tho total voltage auroes the string willbe equalto G@) B28SAV() H2SKY G) MLISKVE) 4425.KV HEPA, Ls a 200) 5, Tyo-insalator discs of identical capacitance value C males wp 4 sting. for 422 KV. 50 He, single-phase overhead ine insulation systeu If we pin to earth capacitance is also C, thea the string eFiciencyis| (a) 0%) 75% le} 90% (dy Bese 7" % ™ 80, a 83, a ‘Theequivalent capacitorarrangement cof a tyarsting insular i shown in the figure, Tae maxima voltage that cach unit can withstand should not am “ ir ‘enove 175 KY. Thine voltage ofthe es rons div et Lyte t © Tt I Comsiter a thcesphase, 30 Ha, 11 KY isteibution system. Tach of the convuets is susperde by un insulator suing having two Hentieal porcelain Insulators. ne se-eapavitace of the jinulatris Stims the shunt expaciance herween the lnk and te ground, as @ SKY @ H3kv (CPSC LES. Bet, HoH sliownin he figate Thevolage arose conllcToR the to nsulators ae @ a m4 © 4=S0k¥, 4 soar 30m In 2 cable the sheath nuliue is R and conductor ais in AST ‘changes fiom 9.5 R 00.25 the maximum vollaye graGientinthe dele (a) decreases by about Ol. (h) mercases by about %. (© incromes by aboot 15%, (2). deoreases by about 15 TADALE Sc 3. Pores Spectre 210) (Consider the following ststemeris I tncease of suspension type insulators, the sting eicleney can be improved by 1 using x longercross arm, 2. uslog guar ring, 43. grading the inonloedises, 4, recucing theeross-ant length (b) 2,3 and 4 ae comect. (© Zanddureeonec, —(@) Vand Faeenrest TPR LE a 88) ‘The rio of prncture voltage to Ue Mash. over valtege of line insulators () equal tat (6) muuch grates tha “He insulators may Fall due © G2) flash over ) short-cicuits, (©) deposition of dust, (@)_ any of the above “The purpose of guard ring i wanemission lines iso 8). teduce the car eqpoviance of the lowest uni {)) increase tho eath capacitares ofthe lowest unit fe). teduce the rarsmission lie losses. {@)_ none ofthe above ‘The use ofa guard sing G2) equalises te voliige division terwoen insulator des ()_ishonecessary compfication. (6) deeroaes sing eficiouey TANGLE Se B,D Stn Sem 197) () owerhan 1 AME, Sort, Wit 998) Coron is G@)_ partial weakstown of air. (6) complete breakdown of cic {o) sparking between lines A MAE Sea. Powers Seamer 97) 5. Which of te fallowinu statements is ue regarding corena [4) Corona takes plasoataveltge Ines than breakdown olage (0). Coron takes place af a vollage higher than breakdown voltage. ‘Anoworss 66. (6), 67. (6), 68.40), 9.40. 70, (6). 7 (Ch, Th lh, 73, Wels FAA, 75D), 7 (O77 Oh 7 (O} TB. (WH, 80. (2), BL (C, BBs 83. a), BF. (), BF.) BG. GD, Be. 0. on. 9. 94. 95. Answers: $7. (c). i (e} Coonaisacuereer pheromenon. {| Corona increates the transmission line eificieney, 1. Which of the following satonentsregacding corona aoe 9 Iccauses raiointerterenee. Iatenuates lightning sess 5 HLamplities svilcing surges, Iroances power loss uistrore prevalent in he middle eoneuetor of a tration lineemplaying «fat condcor configurstinn Select correct answer” sing te cudes piven Belov, Codes: a) 135 234 © L2A4TW 2345 NPS a el 1988 Cora is eeonpmied by {@)_ violet visible dizeharge in aeknass (b) using sun, (e) vibration. (2). power loss dininertorece (exon. all ofte above, [ALE So Poner Sytens We 18, Ozueettectcanbe detected by (@)_ prosones of ozone deleted by ober, () hissing sound. (2) faint luminous plow of bluish eclows, @)_allofthe above. Cerin loss increases wi (@) decrease in condor sive and rereat in supply frequency: (©). irease m1 bot conver size and supply fieguency. (6). decrease in beth condesoe size snd ropply frequency. (@), iroese in conductor size an decrease in supply frequency NOESC UES. Best 2008 The geod effect of corona on overhead Lines 60 (@). increase thotine carrying capacity dts to conduce air envelope around the conductor. (increase te power facter due to corn los. (} reduce de radio interTerence fom the conductor. (G) reduce the teapness of surge fons Wena ionised sii) CCompceed witha solid conductorof the sume mins corona pent: na stranded eonduccor at lower vollage, bevause standing @) assists ionisation. (0) makes thecurrent oa spray about the as of taceoneuctor (6) prodoses oblique sections to. plane porpendicularte axis ff the conduct, G2). prodases surfzces of aller radius. LS. 15.107) Coren Joss can by reduved by the uke of hollow conductors ease (the curred density is eee (0) the eddy cument is the conductor i eliminated (6) fora piven exoss seution, the radius of dhe conductor is incre (@)_ofhetse vention inthe conductor LSC-LuS EE Ae undled eonioaor rede G). surfiye eles suess of conduct (). inemases he Tine acre. () deuiewses the i eapuciuance, TRHLLE SB ge Sete Samer 1971 CCorens toss in armsmission Tine dependent on diameter of the conductor. ©} mueial of hecorsuctor. ()_‘height of the conductor ALI Se 0. inter HM 100. 101 192, 104, 106, 197. 108, 109, 103, cc. £04, (0), 105.106, ic 147. (a, 108. (3). 109. (b. ‘Transmission and Disitibition of Electrical Power (Comaa necars berween wo transmission concurs when they G) hvehigh potential difereree, (b) sre closely speed (0) camry de power, {a} bow a) and, la humid weather the corom occurs at avoliage (2) snuch lo than that nooded in fair woathor (0) tne higherthan tha needed in fle weather. {equal tn that needed in air weather (@) sone ot he above “ineeffeet of coronas G)_ increased onergy los. (©) increased inductance. (8) increased reactance (© allorineabove. IGMLLA Se Roser Stim Winker 1989 9 Thecharging curren ins trnsnission ine increases defo conona affcerhacanse enmora incense: G@) line curren, (b) effective line volage G) powerlonein tines (@) theelfeesve concuetr diameter TPS ERS RAD, st Tae dunce: of oesumrenes of sorans ue rssnimun during (@) hwnidweaber (b) dry weather. © winter. 42) hoc summer. ‘Coma is kel 0 occur mani jo ease of () distobutiom nes, ¢)(ansuision lines (0) domestic seirng (service mains Coronas alseted by (@)_simot conductor (&)_ shape snd surface condition ofthe conductor () operumgvonaze, ——(@)allortneabove, 1 Taeonly advantages coronas tat it (9) prodaeve u pleasing luminous glow. (G) makesline current sinoscial (0) works safely valve for surges. (€)_ ozone ges is proeuced. Presence oF one owing Wocorant (improves the pt (8). reduces the pf (©) comtodesthe material (@). improves regulation 5. Whitiethe sppmsimatebresklewn areegih of amnphedeaieat NBT (03 4iem (6) .0kVem. (© 3 kVee (@) 30Kviem, TOPS, Les a, 200) ‘Te diclectnic strength of air under nonmnal conden isaboat fa 100 4N, em (t) 2L1kV Jom (©) 30k, fens (@) 2008 em 0, Ue of Tecan Ter Seta, 200 Disruptive corona begins in smooth eylinctieal conductors aie IN'ID if he electri field ensiey 2 the eordactr surface 008 pw. G) ATTY (emesim. ——hy () 2LLAV(arcagevem —W) 211 KY [peakyen, BLA KV cms). TORS. LES. R-, 200) ‘Thedislecticstength of aivis (2) proportional obarometr: pasture, ()_ proportional absolute teperatare (€)_ imenety propordanal w buremene pressure (@)_ sone! the above Visual eriical voliageis ()- bawor tn dsrapeive vial volte (©) igherthancistuptive cic vottage (©) equal weridealvoliage. (G) none of tw above, 2h 89.) MO. (a), 91. (Ly, 9B. Cy, 9B. CC) BA a, 95. fa BO fl) 97 (a, FB. (a) 3. lh, LOO. Ga). HOM. CH), 102. (0, Objective Type Questions 10, Clic voltage lm of « vaasnisicn ineinieeressed by (9) nereasiny he radiug of he eondcins, (&)_ increasing tho specing barween condectors fo) recucing the spacing netween corduciors. (2) reducing the radia of th conductor, ‘The iasimumparmiccibfe value fair weather corona loss foram HV Ines () GERWIZphase km. (B12 KW/S-phase i. (© C3 EWA-phawe km, (a) 24 KWEqhise ha [ASULE Ses B over Sats Ste 198) ‘Conona lessee ae minimised when (a) condtctor sic is reduced, (0) stevotl conductors wee, [sharp points are provided in Yh line harcore. (@), cawent density in conductorsisreduced, (GATE EE. D™ ‘The corn oss on pasticulr yysten ut $0 Hi is LkWikm per phase, Whats the earan Tossa 6) Hin kW fer per phase? @ 6 1 @ LB @ 12 TEATS 20, LS. LES, Me 208) an. 42, 1a, ‘Commnaloss van be retuce by wag (a) solid conucts af distmeter ‘a (©) hollow conduc of diame ‘a + 8a" fo) bundiecominetoe (a) hor a) and (, (tosh) aul (©, FR. Uno ti Pe Sst S, Jo atuarsmission line the distrbuted consanes are (@) sesinianee und shunt conductance only (©) esisiance and inductance only (6) rsisianes, induelanoe and capacitance cay (© eesisiaace, inductance, capacitance and sham conductance 1, 09.10) 116, Skin feet depends upon () sssectionofeoudueter. (&) supply flequency (©) pemmecbiliy ofconucior mati (6) allot theabove. 117, Shan effed in rensnission tne is due 0 (0) supply frequency. {bp suf inductance of coudactor, (0). igh sensitivity of mterial nthe cent, © bob @ and. 118, Tac effective resitanee ofaconductoe will be the sume us oanie resistance when (a) voltage is lon. (by cure is bu siuso'dal (6) coveent is uniformly Wisteined in the -xcetion of the onder, 119, When ua allemiing canent flows theeugh acondhctor (a) ese current passes through tht ere o the eonductor. (b) portion oconducter neariie surface eaties more verte in eonpavison by he eve (©) currentremains uniformly dstituted over tue whole x-scion ‘ofthe conductor: (@) portion of conductor near the surface cates jess current ‘omporison 1 he coe, 120, ‘The eondacior autes sows cuxront onthe eurfics incomparston tots core This phenomenon is called th> () skinettose (H) comae. fo). Renan effet @ Lens'settee. AA. Inexeanng the frequovey of ansmisson Tine wil (6) increase shunt reactance. (b) decrease line wsistanee (0) inerase inecesistonce (6) desreage series rectance TANI, Se Bor Str Some Hl] am, ma, ws. 16. 127. 128, 29, 130, am. 207 Skin offestonits @) cablecamyingdecurent. (b) de unussaission line only (©) setamsanision line only, (@) deas wells ac transmission ines ‘Skin effect in aconductor becomes more pronounced (a) athigterfeyweney, —(G).allower ecuenny (©) atde, renee ac ter 1975 ne skin effet in eunduer ess in (9) ineroacos in tederesistares. (b) daseeatein is acresinanece (6) nereasein is eres, TORRE See, Por Stns Summ 199] Skint (a) increases the effective resistance and effective: ioternal reuctnnce (@)coiucen the toca reseance sn efoto internal reactance. (e) imsreases ihe effetive resistance hut reduces the effective ‘nema esesanca (@) celuees the erfective eslstance but increases de effecive Jimoml rsczanes ‘The thin sffestof acondeeror meee withthe inersase in (a) supply trequency, )_cesistvityof the convetor material (©) xeon of conductor G)_vermeallty of conductor materia Skin effetin conductor is propoitional 10 @) Glameterof conductor)”. (by “dametrof conduct. ©) (diamsterofeandcios’. (a) (ianeter oFconductoe Inprder recs the sin effect at UMP (a). copper wes wi silver plang ase used () copes rods with silver plating ae used (6), anodised conductors reused, G@)_ painted conductors ate ued ‘A 100 hin long tansenissiow Fine fs Ipaded at | LOKV.Hthe Tess oF line's 154 W and ie Lal is LSOMVA. di tesistance ofthe Fine {@) 806 chms per phase; (b) 0.806 oluns per phase. {) 0.0806 olin per phase. (4) 80.6 chm per pha unse Ure “The componentinductance deta thejnternalflasclinkugeoanon rmagnede staight sold cieular eonducwr per mete length has a ‘onctontvahe andisindeperden af trecendustordnmese, because fa) Allihe nieal Mus due oa curren zeeins conczntatedom Ue pavighora region ofthe conduct, (h) The ermal magne fan density aloag ther dstance fron te cont of he conchetornereases proporinely (0 hecurren enclosed. (e)_ The entre curren is assumed to flew along the eoudacior asin anid the inlcraal flux is disubuted wniformly and cconcenticaly () The current in the conductor is eased t0 bo uniforaly istcbuved throughout the conductor cass secaem. IMPS Hs Hath 201 Cansdera loa, uve-nire lie composediof sob sound conductors. ‘The saiuectboth conductors is 025 emsand theditance bebeen| tbeircentess Ln. 1Luisdistarce Is doutied, then the inductance pereait ongth, ‘a)- doubles ©) les, ) ineweares but des vat double a) decreases but does nu Tave, feare 4 Amuworst 110. 125. (€), 126. (), 127.) MLL ly C12. (0), HAS. 2), 114. (9, 1S), 16. (8), ANT. GD), IB. 119. 0}, 120. (4), 121 (6), 122), 123.10), 124. ©, 128. (3), 129. (i) 130. (ADL ©, 308 122, The indtetanceof single-phase two-vine power teansmission line perk gets doubled whew the {G) distance between the wires is doubled. () distance Benween the wires is iucreased four fol, ie) distance between he wes is increased as square of Ue ginal distance, @) taliusof the wine doubled, (RSC URS Ha, 144, 1183. Inductance fan overhead in, in comparison i that ofa vad of sane capacity Is (anger) smeller (©) ofthe same onder, 118, Se BB ptm 1989) ire Hine is piven by (Dis isthe vadins of conductor) 1184, The induetance of a single-phase 1 te distnce booseen euuductors and Go Oty, 2 wt 0) 5800, 2 min () 94 bg, (2) 0.580g, 2 sateen It ee ver Spt he 2 138. Hor TL ling, the inductance per ka per phase wil be of the © pth D ‘oxtkr of @ 1h OLR @ tm) Ole TAMMIE, Sr Rewer Hess Wit: 1990) £36. Fora single-phase ovsrieu line having sabid copper conductors of diuneter | om spaced £0 or berween centres inden milf ie 4) 0.05 02 19g 60 (0) 02 og 60 2 ior & igsre a wom © 005407 Bw Odie teats. wom 19T, A Sephase tesssin inehasitscordactorsatthecernen ofan ‘Shilton ring with 3, The dames of eahearsucior ts Las om, The indacsene of tele pet phase per kas G 122ml) EK2mH ( 103nH @) 101ml TERS 188, BE, 202, 138. ‘Thy conductors of « 10 km long, single-phase, swore line ate spate bya distance of LS, The dinner of each conductor je) em, I the conductors are of copper, te inuetance of he () S00 Hb) 453m] VS mA |G 19.6 mil (ete 2008 139, ‘The nauctanve Uf « pores ansilson Tine increases with (a) decrease inline lengh {@)_nerese in diumcr feo: {©) sree in spacing heween he phase volvo (@). eres i oad cunent cated bythe conductors esr Re 190 149, ‘The inductance of tonsmision ine is ninimum when (@) CMD se bigh {) GMR is high (©) both GMD an GMAR. ate hip {@) GMD ie low und GR is High, 14, Fore given conduete the valus of GMR is fa) lixgerlorvapueitanceealcaaton. (@)_lexpoefor inductee calslation, (c}_ same lor both copacitnce an intuctanee calculation, TSE $00 favor Sinton Samir 198) 142, Theself GMD ofa conductor with three stands each oF indus sv touening each ole a fa) rQLFPBR% 2% 2) dh) PUOATTBG 2922 fe) PULTPEB DDH BE (ay MOTT I 39° (uns, be renner ‘Tranemission and Distibulion of Elactical Power 1M3._Hollow coxductorsaze used in transmission ines «0 (a) reduce weight of copper. (b)_inuprove daily. te) reduvs corona. fa) increase power werumission capacity Fens rs A119 141, undied eondvctons are employed i ieaprove fa) appearance ofthe feansinision line, th) mechanical stability ofthe line (e}_ canentcerrving capacity ofthe ine. (a) camna perforanve of de Lie ave ee amy 145, nb transmission, the spacing berween subeonductarsoF abounds isapproximately (a) Dem) Wem ) Som fd) Sem He ee owes St Samer 208) 146, "ora stranded wooo, the atio-af GMR to actual en la) equatto 1 (b) more tha fe) equal 0.7788. [lose thon 0.7788 (noth Poves Spe Smee 2 147, Buillod vouuducses in KITV trmsmission ayatem provide a)» reduced caracitanee, (b) inereased capacitance (6) insesedindactance, —() increased volng TPS. Les 1148, Whict cae ef the foTiow/ing easements isnot comeet forthe wae of smunled conics in (ransmssion lies? (a Contol of voltage gradient. (Reduction in corona ss, (©) Reduction inca imestereacs. (crease mingerference with communiction Hines UNSC Les a8) 129, Buraled conductors see mainly nsed ie high volte overhead Luansnission tines (@)_reuee teansiission Tine losses. (8) increase mechanical trong ofthe Tas, (©) redueevorom, (@) reducesse. Weare ne 200 150, 1, isthe GME of each subcondactor of & fur subeonaustor buine conductor anil is he burdicspacing. Whatisthe GMR of | the equivalent sinude wai’? () 1.09,)D, 2 ©) Looypixe 1. 9m) fo 1.099 t@ Longo, xa (neva. a9 454, Consier a undid conductor ofan overbead Fine, consisting nf thre identical subcondctrs placed a the comersor an egal iviangle as shovn im the igure. If vo y neglect the charges on the other phase ‘conics and gruel and wsaetbat sousing between sudconcuctors is ze frock larger than their radius, the ‘maximum electce Held intensity 1s a exporeneedat (@) Pein Xb) Pointy Ge) Poiet 7 ta) Poin W Oo youre 1. se 152, Proximity etect (4). is nore pronounced for large eonductors, high Fiequencies ant close proximity (6) ineeaser the reeistenes of the conductors wad reduces the selreacrancs. (6) issubstantally limincted with eended conductors (@) allot meabove. “Answers: 132. (0) 133. (a), 134, a), 185. (0, 136 fe), 197. BB. 139. (0,140. (0), 11. 149. (b), 148. (a, 149, (0), 150, dL). 182. td, 2, a) AAR (eh, 1, (LAS), 146. (0, Objective Type Questions: 183, 184, Ist. 158, 159, 160. 161, 162. Answers: 153, (i), 154. (0), 185, (2), 156.(), Following efésts ane aimncated with rnamission lines 1. Seinefiect, 2, Covomaetfeet, 3. Proniuty effet "hs efestive resistance ofa coneltetar incisated by (@) Loaly. 1b) 2and3 oaly (ey Vand Sonly. (a) 1,23. Capacitance in equivalent ciruit of gtrmeinietin line I do 10 (@) cumentinite line, (b)-difererecim potentiat ot ine, (6) Teakageofearent —(@)_ presence of magnet ux svn lines If the sopmation betweunthe tbe phaser of transmis smereased ten (a) the inductance will incon and capacitance will remain uuneaange () both eindsetee and supectonee wilLinersie, ()_ the inductance willineresse ane thecapaciance wil decree (0) the indvctance vill eros end the capacitance wllinerese UN es Poe geam Wins 194) ‘Tha capac ofa ovechead teen lo ines wh Leesites i mua geometric rea tne, 2. near nfight of condom above grote Seen comet ane ttm fe tlowmn (6) Boh ahd Para (6) Both tad a fle © Ou sine (6) Only2inine hase ts. ea 203 ‘The hay tetance of 30 Aa ent te ne 6 1300 ‘Whar ete changing mean for 1 im ego he ne? @) Boe hy OW w) BOL W) we Bundled conductors are used to " a (a) mice neuctincen ee. (2) redo bolton depen. {@) rede corona ls. { tadace cormalout and th lint indice (atl ewe psn Ws 37 A Suphase overhead transmission fire has ie eonctors Healey sped ws spacing bees alec cendutos cel #4” Poste conic Ff line te earned 0 foes equal inngleotadesequalto then (a) stomgecapactanceardinfucance wil mere (6) emg carina vil doareeand tase GG) emspeaaciance vil ares and niece wl dcx. {@)_atngelnpedanes oan fhe Be inset, Team 190 Proximity of ine to the eeth sutece (2) docs notatfeet it canaeizance 0 neural (0) increases the capacitance to near (6) doereesenthe capacitance t neal TLC Sie Pace Syms Sm 199) Wihcetfect of ait is hou into eeount then theeapacitansco! Tine to ground 0) decease (0) emainsunalere ©) increases. (@)_ becomes infinite USE: 1S. eat 290) ‘n= half centre to centre spacing. r= conductor radius and © = enituvty of the medi, Which one ofthe following sequal to thecapacitance pertmic length of anwar transmission line? ® 168. (0) 169. (2), 170. (0), ATL (a), 4163, 16, 166, 167. 168. 168. 110, im, 308 © los, 7 @ bog, — f).f fey fe, fie i} Wee WAI) rinses te Frpil 6 Siinin nlp phe ine rose G2, Hie ay eG (Sag AN ERMAN inetereace, ‘ekelenee raltingendvalye-md ro communication (©) balanced reeeiving-ond voltage and commanietion ttlalined recivingend volage and communication heen ete et om) w @ Transmission lines ae bsenposed to (a) teducecnmratoss (hb) seduceskin effet, G)_ prcvent interference with ncighbuusingtelepbone ines, (4). prevent short-circait between any twa lines TUS. Les EA, se ‘Transposition of tnassmision line i dome 10 (@) seduce Tine loss () reduce skin eos {e)_ lames in voltage drop, (0) reducecorona. (5. ai seem igh voltage wansiaision Hines ae teusposed becuse ui (a) connna loses van he minimized () compataionofinductanee becomes oaien fe) voltage drop in the lies can he minimized. 2) pase vollge imbalances eat le mnie AML, SH Wier 1984 ‘teconsentfan clenicaly shor, meta nd lane i based on the (2) nominal caltags oftheir fe) wavelength ofthe line (@) powertransmittd ver thatine. ern a, sey ‘Equivalent x meals quite sacableforanalyzinghe performance: of transmission line of G@) sokmieagth (b)_ 150 er engsh (©) 250 km keg, (@) Allof the above lent PSC 1. Lely 208) lvted while analysing a share nay (b> physical length ofthe ne, Whic of the following iv sransmission ne? (Shunt adimitances, (6) Seviesimpeaince. ——(d) (6) Power losses None of he aboxe. In medeting the eysivaten, cireut of ¢ short eth overhead tranemission Hino, the Hine resistance and inductance ate only considered because line eopueitanee to grounds (@) equal to 000 (h) nie but vary eal, (6) initebut very ange, inne, Tus... wae, 30m) Forsome given transmission ineexpression for voltage cesclvion Iv, 11a isgwen 100% . Henvs, (2) this must bea shout line h)_thismayetherbe a 'mectnn tine” er short Tne fo) his expression is ue for any Tne (@)_ thicmaysitharhe «medium fine! or Tong Hn’ TRUS. LESH, 2m) 1 3. (8), OAL fe), 165.40), 166), 167, (), 310 mai 172, Ascompared to serting-end vokge, the roeiving-end walage of {sort line under no ond condition is (@) higher. (b) lower. (c). remainsthescme, nse TES 8,20 fs shor transmission line it delivering to ageing pf fond, the sending-end of would te (ootations havieg thei wal meaning) Vp soos TR sinh Vy.coeg-tIR Ny sope+TR se § Nec coeg TR o 7 ® = 5 Yasingste Sind + TR cos © . @ i mse rms. Rr, 200) 174, Which ofthe following voltagereyulation is considered toh the tex? @) 2% th) 20%) 7% LAE oP Spe Wr 188 175, The regulation of Tine a fll load 0. pf lagging is 12%. The gulacon at fll-na (8p Teading can be () 24% 0) 18%) 1% ae IKDLE Sie oe Stns Son 198) 176, Tina shor transmission line, resistance and inductive reaetance ace fouud (9 be equal and regulation appears wo be aco, then the Toad @) hve (©) be 707 leading nly power factor (b) have zero power Revo, (be 0707 lagging TORS. Gat 97) 177. A short transmission Fine, having, its ine impedance age 360, 6 Uslivering a given power abe reveving end at aging povier feos mgleat 4, Whichoneo! the fhllowing ea st of conditions for wach his ive will have maximum and zexoreguluion Marion Regilition ZetoRegilation ® o-0=5 & 6-055 o=0 © bred dd) ove $9 a POURS. Les. Et, 196) 478 In x short cansnissin Hine, volte regulation is zero whi the [prs factor angle ofthe oid at the receiving nd sidesequalto RY x) ir) Zz) hase is a a 170, IF Xierhesnecrive roxtanceiphace and Riethe rsiteneelphace (ofa ster trusaission line, what le power factor angle oF tne lead formaximuim vokagersgulaion? @) cos! Xi. ew! 7 (© cos BK @ wl RX Muse, Les, Ban, 2046) 130, Fora host ine ifthe receiving end vollgeiseuual wosending-end vvolingesnnderInaded concitions a) the serding-enl pow fector is unity (b)_ the meaiving-and power fastoriauniey, (@)- the seuuing-end power lator is lealiny. (@)_ the eoiving end power fastoris leading ROLLE Sc. Sumner w@ im (] 05 tn © w Answers: 172.(0), 187. (3), 188. (4) a 2, 183, 185, 86. “Tanamistion and Dist A single nhasé transmission line of impedance j (ohm supplies laresatve loud of $00 A w 209 V, Thc sending-end poner factor (unity (© OS eading (h) 08 lnpsing [d) Qe geing TUPSC. LES. ERI 58) Foran ac transmission line of length ner exceacing 80 kr its sual to lump the Ti eapacuane a (a). the senting end (h). the recevingend [0 Uhe midpoint (0) any convenient point he active andthe reactive pote del veredat the receiving end of a short uansnission ine of impeduuce Z 2 are especively aivenby We Mg Be YEN cos cv —8)— Mi cso, en e538 y= “Hts ner AE sin vith ‘ype fal ths wil get ping nd rexvving onus 5 the poweransle Atk posit conden fermen (a) leling VARS (Q,) xs 0 loud for ury value af Vand ¥, n (b) Ising VARs (Q,) gocs to the loud ONLY fe Vg = Vy, (©) ageing VARs (Qy) goes tothe lond foray velvet Vy and y, (2) Inging VARs (Qyo gous tothe lead ONLY for V, = Vy. uns. eset, Son snd Y atetheindnstance,capacitarcesand ahem advance cof line peuniclength, then torlength (@) Meshuncadmiuaneeis¥/._ (te inductance isL/, (o) Gecapuetanceie CU (@)the shuntadmiancs Vil IR.AGLE. Se 3 Seer 294) Tronsmssion sficieney of a transmission lire increases with the (a) cectease in power factor and voltage (6). inereuse in power actor and voltage. (e} increase in power fecios but decrease in valage. (@)_ inane in voltage het desraase in power factor Comer no pared short ansmission —°* Sor lines aFimpedancce 2, | I and Zy respectively. Carmen Fae 0 me both lagging andl the seading end volings is Vs, I the eastaneo to wsivanve elie of bath te impedances’, and /, at equal, then the toa! eurreat | wll |) Iapboun Landy. (hy) lead hom, and {e) legone ofl, and fy bat lead the thor (d} be mphase wat howd and Ip. IPSC. LES. HL 1 Unt no-lose conditions, tne cument in a wansission Tine is pecue of (a) capactmeeetfect, ——(b).corona.etec fe) proximtyetfect Id) buck Flow from earth Which ofthe following satemenis ane correc! ? (@) Flow of unduly hewy eumrent is Ferant effet {b)_ Rereant effet aeenrs under naloaded condition affine (©) The tse in eeeiving-cod yolugs iy Ferran fee. ‘) Bosh (by snd (e)eorined ie Fosranst eect, 3. (0) 174 (2), XT. (1760), X77 (0), 17), 179, (9) WSO), HBT), Hf), DC), HBL a 185. (0), 186, Objective ys Questions 19, 190, wt, 12. 194, 195, 199, an. Inafong transmission line under mo-Houd condition (a) thenvoeiving ond voltage ls thanthe sending en vltogs (hy). tesending-end volageislessthun thereveving-end valleys. (o} theaending end voliageisoqualto the cossiving end oltege (a) none these Mt Se, Wer 18 \Whenis the Fermi effect long overhead lines experien (a) Tho line ie ighly loaded, (b) The lie hewsily loeded. (c) The line is flly lowed, (a) The power factor is nity TPS, JES, FEAL 308) eran efféet hapnens in sranamission Hine wher the line is ( siwstaadlonded, (0) long and loaded fo) longard unleaded. (a) none ot these. NB of Tecogs Raver Stans the ABCD constants of #2 phave Latnposed truss line with near and passive elements (a) arsabvays equal (b) never equal, le) Aand Dare equal. (a) Band C are equal TAMLLE See heer 1995 | Thevlues of 8, B Cand D enastants fora short transmission line rc regpeetively fa) 7,0, Land 1 (by G1, Lan. [9 42,0 (LL Zaudo. TLS, eth 290) The qugle of A, constant of the uansinission line normally Ties hereoen, (a) 9070" @&) 76-40" (@_A4OK10" @)_1eeo TALL Soc Hover Sate Somer 193) Fer a uansinsion fine with resistance reactance X are nexlgibis apseikanc the genersised const Ais @ Oo Mt | RX REX UPS. 28. E194) “The vatte or the A parameter of a tans line {a} ineseasos with the increas in length of the Tine (hy decreasen wien he inerease in ine length, (e)_ isindependost of line length GALE ox, Por Stes Wr 106) Fora medium length transmis fine, 8s fa) cqualtoB. (b) equiltoC. (¢) equal oD. |) vtequal to any of he above. [ADH Se B, Sinner 198) ‘re generalised constant A for ined line bas fa) lose w but lose than 1. (by closeta hu’ greaterthae 1 [e) mean equal toe seiesimpeduuce ef tie Tie. SSH Sec 1. Poser Syst Sune 199) Fer wsnsinission Hine which ons ofthe flowing elation fa) AD-BC=1 (by -AD—BC. fe) an—nc=-1 (@) AD Be THUS. 8, Hea 2a) ‘Which ene of die following equetions is correct? [s) AB +c. () AD +CD=1 ly AB—CD=-1 AD #BO= 1 where A, B, Cand D are generalized eieuit consis TRS. 1, I 08) A. 10) em long. lossless trunstision line hus u reactance of | 0.3 Otkan aod tegligible cx: Travaueor| 3 nad glia st capsize, The va of| 1 Oj ost » | 159. 204, (by, 205. (c), 206. (ap, 207. (2), 208. (b}, 209. 1c. mM. 205, 206. 207. 208. 209. 3, 190, (ay ID, (Ch, 192.6). 193, (0, 194. (0), 198, 1b) 196 (0). 197), 1B. (2), 199. ta), 20. 200 1B [20 c a © fi @ ([?° oS. Fa 200 The ABCD constants of 4 -phuse arussien line ae AeD=O8 218 Ra IT 78 2 C=O0K 00.4 mh he seaing-erd volute is 400 AN. The reosvingrend volage unde no lead condition is G@) 4COKY (by SOORY (&) SOKV Gh AITAV TASC. tet 20 1 The A,B, C, Decanstats a 8 220 RV Fine ae A= Da 004 210", 8 = 130 279 C = 0.001 290.15 the ‘efing-e voltage of the line for & given load alivered aL 8 rnoninal voltae i 240 eV, tho %volageceaulation othe in is @ 5 i) 4 Ow wa WASHES. The ABCD parameters ofa 3-plase ovate transmission fine ae A=D=08 20? B=200 AW Gand C=095 > W200" $A ro-lend condiion a slunl inductive ea is connected of he roecivingerdloftho line tolimitthewsaiving-end votagerabs qual to the sending voltage, The ole yale of te reactor is @ OW) WO |} 105260 (ay 10526. (Gate FE 03) “The goncialiedcieenrconsinesea'- phase, 220 kV rated voluge redliun enh tasnission Hine are A=D=0936+)0016=0.936 7098" BaHS+)138=12.0 £7600 CH(58 4) 914) x10 Ifthe load athe teeeiwing end ix SORW a¢220 KY with a power facer of 09 tagging, then magalude of Tine line sending-end voltage shit he (13329 Y (b) 22000kv ) 24078 (@) 24630 kV 4220 BV. 20 em long phase ransmisden ine hae the flowing A,B, €, D eomtants, A=D=006 22, 5/85" Ciphace, 0005 ,/ 80° Sipe. Hs. eharging current por phase fs nL 220 @ BA NA | mA w FA nai “The veloiy of propagation of eloctromnegnetio waves cn ovehead Iinasis G@) 310% ne (b) 3108 eave () 3x10" mis (@) 3x10" kmvhour OSE Se Per Sse mer 996) A cable has the following chanietensties, = 0.20\pElan and € = 196.2 pin, The velocity of wave propagatim through the cable is (@) 3210s (h) 150.21 mf (©) 00312 mit (@) 13924 ms The charcterisic impedance of a transmission fine with ones impedance ohms por unit long and shaee edmitancs ¥ mks permit Legh is given es © JZD © Re) © eal ons. ms 19 202. (6), 208, (9), a2 210, the operand shorCeiceuiinputimpedanes of ssl Tine ae 1 anl7,,iischarsceeristcimpekince wile “ee respect @ 4% © (Fra ow ) (ae w 2 ONG @ GLE w ae TPS. 8 2 211. A transmission tine section shows am inpo impedance of 36 8 tid 649, rapectvely, when shorteireuited and ppen-iruited What isthecaracterstc impedance ofthe transmission ine? @) 100 &) 50a ©) 458 G@) 48.0 ruPse.nes eA, 210% 22, ‘The opereiteuitand sbort-cvcuit impedances of ine ace 1001 cach, Whaticthe characteris impedance ofthe Fine? 100 : a) w m2 (9 MB sve () 100v22 «by Bo ot we, ae 4 2m 213. A lossless transmission Tne of characteristic fnapedanes 300.0. land lengch 7/2 is shorted at one end and is terminated! in its aencteristiimpanceatthe othe, The np impedanee nace athe mid ection of fe line is @ 09 © Woo 214, A cable has inductance of 0.22 ml per in ana copocitance of ©) 100 G@) 1300 eesenes net (0.202 perk. The sarge impedance of the cable is, @ 82 % B32 ©) #2 @ HO [URS LES, EU, 208) 218, & 5)QalsttfontesransnissonHnekas acapuctanccot 1°" Fin, Whatitsindaesnve perms? 2) 025 p11 (b) 30 gRE (6) 5000 pt Ga) Sop furs 188 B24 205) 216, Considers foto "The chuavessie impedance of utansmission line van asrease swith the increase 1. sity uittongdh 2 conductance pernitleneth 3. eupeciuuce por wit 4 indoenece perunitength ‘Whie oft tateneatsawevoneet? G@) Lani? fb) 2and) @) Vand fa) Yanda Tense ues Bes, on 207. Which ofthe following statsments i come ? (@). Surgeimpedance isthe impedance athe dine oe breakin ofvoltae () Surge impedance an charseteristic impedance for a transmission line are the same, (©) Surge impeshnce isthe impedance of rans corona akesplace, (2) Nous ofthe above. 218, Tae churacteisicinmpedanes ofa ransrissionine sponds upon G)_ shape ofthe condnctr () conductivity of theconductor material. (0) geometrical configuration of he conductors (@)_neavet the above, 219. Fora losey transmiasion Uns, the characteristic impedance docs roo depent on (2) the operating fiequency ofthe tins (6) dhe eonuctivity ofthe conduc, (6). condnetivicy of tho dielectric teereting the conductors, (0) engthof te lin, WPS HES. Ea, 01 ‘Transmission and Distribution of Bestieal Power 20, Incas the charwtersticimpodanes ofa transmission ina iesgual totheload impedance (8) the system will resonato bail (0) allthe energy sont wil be absorbed by the foal, (©) allube onergy somt will pssst the earch (@)_llche energy willbe lost in ransmnission tne as tans losses 221. Ins tansmisuion Fine having negligible resistance, the surge inp @ We © a @ ‘| \ to vie 222, Charscteritce of as ewerho Tine is enally inthe range of (100 ofxns-200 ohms (b) 200 ohms=300 ohms (6). 400 ohms-S0.0hms_ (GC chm 106 chm Int Gs of Teese Por Spt 208-0 223, Surge impedanesof'aranstormeris in herings of (@ 80-1009. (ey) s00-5002 (© TAALIE. Se 3 Simmer 67) 224. ‘The surge impedance of a 400 LV, 100 ki (ransinission Eine iy 2300 oluns. Fora 200 km Jeng te line surge impedance will he {) 200 ohm (0). 150 obs. (© ¢00 obs. (€) 400 obas, UPS, LES, tL 208) 225, The characterise ineedancy of 4250 km long evercad tine is 400.0. Foe a Tine of 200 ken length oF the eame Line, the haters inapedance willbe 500 (by 400.9 (o) 2002 @ 202 [WER Unk oF Tetmdogy Powe Stn 226. Suegeinpecance valucs fur eablesaae (a) higher han thoxe of everhen ines, (0) lover dan hose oF ores lines, ()_ ofthe sime order as those of overhead ines THAIS eB Winker $9) 227. Multiple cortucior tines have (a) Tower surge impedance than single coneucor lines, (h)_ higher surge impedance than sugle ne conductors, (e) ghee surge inden than srg concietr lines foeshort lengihs and lower surge impedance fer long lites. ILLES, Wier 1) 22R._ A tranarition line is ditortionecs if (@ RO=LC () RC=GL. ¢ == fd) R=G ; aR forsc.1es saan foi als 220, The propagation contact of a) sow tb WEE io) WEE ia NCTE 230, ‘The transmission capacity of o ine at 30 Ha frequency 4s vrs paral otha ut 6) Hs frequency it ‘@) Tower. tb) higher (e) these VAAL Se wer Sp Sr $98) BL. As thelineincuctanee ineeases the reasmission sapscty fa) Inewwases (0) dewreases, {e)_remamns tha same. Tens, 1s. 304) Answers: 210, (i), ZL (ch, 212, 0), 213 (e), 214. (0). 245, (al. 206. (6 1217. (b), 248. (6). 219 (A, 220, (0), 2K, (0), 222. (©), 2B.) 224. a), 22S. (b). 226. (b), 227. (n), 208, (b}. 228. (9), 280. (6), 231. [b), Objective Type Quastions 232, Whatis the characteristic impedance 7, ofa ine having esistance F, indootancel, capacinee C unl conductance? iC © ejot i co yee (ot Wee, ee ta, A tangmission linehas RT, G.Calatibniel parmmelersperenit Jength of fine, 17 is tbe propagation cansiant of the Hine, wich ‘one of the following expressions represents Ge vharaciristic mode ofthe ine? 283, oy Rivol [Grjne Rr job ss an a @ 284. Whontheloadon arensriesion Ins iaqualte the surge inpedancs leas (6). the moviving-endvoringes lees thanthe sending end vats (W)_ thesending-end vokage is los an terecelvingy-erl voltage (6) the receiving-end voliageisequal tothe vended voll (©) one oF bse. ARIE See BW 95] Me recieving-end voltage of a srmsinssion line will be greater then the senling-end vege i the fon (2) greater han SI. (surgempedaace loading), ess dan SIT, © equal sit AULA See Wane 56) cuit 220 RV line is arene 70 MAW (@) 400 MW a 236, ThesSIL ofa single (20 MW) SMW CO St me 18 297, What i the surge impedunee loading of a tosses 400 KY, 3+ phate, SDH overhead line of average af suige impedance of 400 ols? ) 00 MW 6 00,8 MW @ FP MW (a ATO B Tess, LES, ue 29m 238. Consider the fliowing statements Surge impedance loading of «iransansion ine can be inareanel by Linccensing ite volte eve 2, saidldon of ummpet inductance in paral 3. aldition of umpod capscitance imserion, 4.__redeing he lengihot he tine, Oi these statements la) LaneSareconea, —b) Land A aeeunvet (@) 2and4ave comet, (Q) Zane darecomect. UPR, BRS, BRIE, 290) 239, ‘The LiCratio for 132 KV anel4OORV lines are typically 160 LO" spd 62.5 510" rospostvels. The natural phase loading foe the: ‘wo tines will berespectively (a) 1089 and 2,560 MW (eo) 44 and 030.40 ia) (b) 44 und2.560mw 610 and 44 MW UPS. 185. M1906 ‘Which one of the folowhng Is the currect expression Fer the propagation stant in 2 reansmission five? R— job) Yee) fy) =H G= fC) apy an. 24 as, ar. 248, 43 (YR POLST OH TOPS. LES PRA, 2003 A lossless ein ansiissioa line with suege ipedane? oa (a) tukesnegative VAR atsendingerd ard ze VAR ateeosiving end. (b) tekespositive VAR at sending end and zero VAR atreceiving ond le) his thal voltage profile and unity pewer Factor stall psints alongit (e) bus semling-end vovtape higher than receivng-end velae ‘nd unizy power factor al sending od THAN LS 0) Whee dows the standing wave rat (SWR) of enty imply? (a) ‘Transmission in is open-cteited, {)Tramnision ines shortcivuited (©) Transmissfontine's characters impudancc sequal 6 load iimpedanes (a) Transmission line's chauoterisie impedance it wo: equal to lead impesenec. unset wt, 2071 y © YG gnc 1. Consider the following statcments J. Tapuvalst-T cirenit of long lie is prefered Rei, 2. ‘The nate of reactive power compensition is diffrent for peak. oad andor -peak oad consinions, 3. Feranti effec is sigaiicant only on mdm aad tong ines ‘Whit oT tie statements given ahve are comet? @) Vand Zonly @) Lund 3oaly (©) Zand 30a (@) 1,2an03 TUOSC IES, EA, 20) “The propagation constant of a tasiissiom line is 13 x 1 JS ‘The wavelensth ofthe reveling wave ie gy Ueto 2 roa © a — ipaq TASC LES. Fa, com For good volage profile under no-load condition, lang Line needs @) shantcopsciters at receiving end. (©). stunt reaciors at therecelving ed (6). shunt sistance trocciving ond, sea cSt 9 5. Ne-loal compensation of «high voltage lie favoives ()_ shunt reactors 4) shunt capzeiters, (©) seriesexpuciters Tallon compensation i s Hine weuines (shunt capcitors (0) series capacitors, (6) ramefoomers (stat racer, [OH soe mer 197, Use of acditional shuar capacitor ean be rade fv increasing the capability of tine asi G@) reduces surge impedance Zy 40) increases phase shite. 6) incase in, @ aortexove, )-Toincreasetheransmission capabilty of: high vellags ong line G@) the resisianes eon beinesased () he resisanes can hedeczeased, Answers: 252, (a), 233, (U), 234 (©), 235,(), 236, (a), 297 (a), 238, (0), 299. (0), 240. (8), 241 6), 242, (C) 2AD. (C24. tb), DAB, (0), 246. ), 247. (a). 248, (0), 249.40), 314 () the series resetanes cut be eae (2) theshuntadesttece ean be reduced, TAMELE ee Sumer 109) 250, Powe despatch Hong line ean be inereased by (a) instalingseries capacitors. (6) lasing sbunteapeeitos, (©) iescling series eacioe. (4) inslling shunt renetc. TAMIR oe Saree 9) 251, ‘The power trail willbe rassinnam when (@) Maereactanceishigh. —(b)- corona Josses are minima. (6) amding-end volage is more. (@) receiving end voltage isimore 282, Forconsian volte trmsmissivn, the wlage drop ao Fnancintnined eoentaer hy nealing f@) cepacia, ©) inductors (6) retistors. ()_synehronous phase modifiers ae receiving end. 253. Constant votage transmission have the drawback(s) (4) noxouse of shoe cucu cunt oP systom, (o)_lewereserve of Hines in case of tne rouble, (o) ineveused sik of imecragtion ef supply dew to filing of synchannous moran eut oF synchro, () sll ofthe above, 254, Conseant valage tranimision have the advantage(s) of {)_uvailbility ofsteady vokage at all oads st the recelring end ()_ possibilty a hetax protcetion forte line ducte possibl: use ‘ofhigher tenninal eactances (©) possiilty of camying nereaced powerfer a piveneonaueior sice in case of long distance heavy power usnsmisslon )allof he shows 255, Constant volage transmission have the advineage(s) of (2) tnerease of short-creuit curtont oF te sys ())_laige eoserve of lines in ease oF line true (©) improsement of power factor al dhe Gines oF eerete aad heavy loads (i) allefine abow, 256, A synchuonos eomenser ia (2) synehronous geneculor. ()_pepervonsfenser (©) syuehionous motor, (2) none of these. WB. Univ of Tebow Pest Sto, 200-40) 2257. A synchrorouscompensctorabsert inductive rezcive power. I (a) overexcited (o) normally excted 2) none of those Mt Cl of Teg Rover Stn, 2001 258. A gynchonous phese medifier septs (both active and reactive powers (b)_ otk lapping and leading eactive power (©) iesuctivereaciive power caly. AME. Se Sumner 141 250, A gynehnoas phase waif compared to synchronic motor forthe same eating tas (4). lscyorshaltdiameior and bigher speed (o)_ smal shat ciameccr and higher speed. (6) lasyershalt digmeier and smaller spose (0). smaller shat ciamecerandsmallerspeed, TALE Se, Winter 195 260, Phase muulfier is normally installed in easeoF (@)- show iransmission fines, (2) medium Jemeth ines. (long lines @). fer any length ofa AALLE See Bee 14, Sion 195) ‘Transmission and Disiridution of Electrical Foner 261, Which of de following stauenemts s wot uue ? G)_ Synchronous phase mecltiens ae insiallod at Sending end (Wy. Synchowoas phase neafers ae iasalled a loud end (e). Synchronous phase modifies sre nosing but syehmonous snore (pecially desiuued (€)_ Synchronous phase meifiees do not cary load 262, Capacitors are used in power eystern 19 (2) improve supply power factor. (i) improvevoltge (6) change te leas eharacttities: (0) allot theabove, 263, Series enptlt1s on tansimssion lines ae a inleuse when (a) the load VAR rociremertis small (8). the load VAR requirement is lange (0) the load VAR requirement i loctustin. (0), sesies capacitors as aover uscd in wansmission Vines TAMILE Sef Wate 98) 264, ‘The reactive power transfer over fine mainly depends on (0) power angle 5, @) WEN! ©. Vs (6) Vp pinta 265, Fora fixed value of complex power Now in a sansmission tine having a sending end voltage V, the real povter loss will be ‘propartional to 9 Oy ov @ 266, Consider the model shown in py jot yu fy M% Ptw py oF atnnemsion nev ¢-0G ee“ eS Soe Seclerie nid piee up ) { 267. A qanemission in has equal voltage alte wo ends, nainiained ‘constant By two soutces, A third source is woe provided 10 ‘maintain constant vokage (ex to end ellages) a either the tnidpola ofthe line or at 75S of tielstance tombe sealing ‘Tien the maximum power transfer eapabiiies oF ts line in che ‘vigil ease and the other wo cases cespoctively will be fn the following ratio @ dt @ 1:2: 0.58 (124 @ 1416, 268. For 4 fixed ceceiving-end and sending-end voltages in a luuestssion syste, wht is he Toeus of dae constant power? (©) Acstaigt Hine. () Anellipse © A parabola @ Acie. THMPS. LES Ra 209) 269, Two networks are ‘connected in cxseatle 25 shown in he figure Winn the usual notation’ the ‘equivatetn A,B, C und D ‘constants af abkained ‘Given that, C=0.025-24 © 10 700 2y210.20"0 0 80 © 12 (©) 02 (earnmeay ams 270, ‘Transmission of power by i cables impossible beyond (3545 km {b) 500 kr (©) 300 rn [bate ee re Stim Wit 988 ‘Answerse 250. (), 284 el, 252, (0), 289. (284. (8), 255. (cl, 286. (€), 257. 258, (0), 259. [b} 260. (6), BHA a), BEB, (0), 263. a), 264.0). 265. th}, 266. (¢). 267. (2), 268, (Qh, 269. b), 270. (2), Objeciive Type Gusstions) 271, Conduit pipe is generally employed fee protection of (@) unshecthedcables, —(B). armour cables (©) PVC shewthed esbies, (@)_ allot above, 272, Sheaths or used in cables co ()_ provide properinsultion, ()provide mecaenical strength, (©)_provent ingress of ministre id) one of the above. TAMU Sec ner 8; Sune OS 273, “The hedding on a cablecansistso (jute teand. (2) hessian tape, (0) paver mye compound wii a Hberoustratetia. (2) ay ofthe above, 274, ‘The materials) ue for ammouriay of en uaderground vale ine () gabanisedstecl wire. ¢b)- steele, (6) sluviniam cher (a) er. 215, Metallic shielding is provided on uvderground cables t9 (@) reduce thempal resistance, (9) reduce corona effet. (6) contol uncelectrosaie volugesseess, () alloPthe above 276, Mellie shielding prow on eables is usually of thickness (@ 0-03 mm, @) som © 10-15mm (15-25 :am TT. The effhes ef honding tho cable is () Wincrease heettectve resistance end inductance (8) toinereace the atestive rsisanes but reduce inuetnce, (©) dorelue iewtfective resistance and inductee (2) oredocetheetfoccveresigsanes bur inereae the inductance TAAMLLE Se Bitar 198 27K, ‘The ttckness of mulation layer provided on Uke vorduciy, i wales, depends mpon operating voltae. (power fee (©) current to be canted, (@) beth (ard 279. ‘The insslaéing maeral used for cables should fase all of the Tollowing except (0) highalslscats dcength high mechanical tength high ensle strength al plasticity, han resistvey and nigh viseesiy at “anpregnation emporatae, (8). ow thermal coelTvint, low pemnivily, avid proof, non: inflommmable and non hy oscopie. (© high water absomption. (@) capsbiliy of withsinding high euptaving vollages, 280, Empire tape is G) vsrnishellewnibric, ——(b)_impeegoated paper (©) vuleanisedrubner. (4) etal insalacon, 261, Paper as an insulating mated as the malneback tha it (2). iwhyprovoopie, (b)_ bas poordislecuicsrengt. fo) has low insulation resist, (@) has highcapacitance. 282, I puperinslated cables, thecomluctorx-secton is uslly Hated 0 (@ 30sma® (bp 250 smn? (2) 600 mw? fa) 1200 285, ‘The videcuiesuength uf impregnated paper (@) Vim (8) 20mm about (© ISkVimm (a) 5 «vam 284, Payer used a an insulating material is usually weated with iy ‘corpo hasan it 288. 29. 20, 291 22. tna ph s15 (a) ishyginscopie. (b) gow clectontauiealy charged vt high yoluge, (©) is powns, I} all of he shove Single-core eles ae wsvally not provided with armouring in oder ty G@) void eieossive loss in the anion () -maketbe cable more Heible. {e} make tecsble wco-hygroscopie (@) nore ofthe above 5. Single-core cable sould have armour nade of fa} magnet material (D) torr mgguesic und non-conducting mateial {)_ non-magnetic ht conducting materia [AME Seem Samos 190) Muhi-ceneeables generally we a) oval shaped conductors. (b} Secor shaped conductors, (c) que conductors. id) eather orb) swirecahle he x-sectcnal area of neural conehutee fa) alo the srea of phase conelacor. lb) equal tothe wes of phase commun [e) double the area of phase condacter, (dh LS timesthe atea of phase concucter, ‘re belted type constuction is nol suitable for cules used Fr voltages excoeding 291 hecase of (a) development of hon midland tanger stresses (b) oration of vacuous spaces and unis on lonting sed Unloading owing to nor-homogenity uf eke in beled (c} local neaung eased by powerless theventre Ming owing to lenge cuerent pence by tangential stecses along the fimpeegted paper insulation esuling in beau a ay (a) allortte above, SLiypecabls over H-iype eubls, Rave the udvaniage(s) uf fa) possibilty of teuding of cables owing to n0 overall lead heath (b) less tendoney or oll drainage on billy routes ove clirsinaionof fillerspaces containing coerpoun, (eo) easy manufacturing, [d) both (al and (by. Sroened1ype cables, overelted cables, have the ivantagets) of [a seduced possibilty ofcore core faults {h)_ union radia electesresssin all cations ofthe dietetic, (e) mo peasbily of founmtion of voids within thedielectic (a) increasedcurentcarrying capaci. le) allofthe above, Solid type cablacare net consideredsuitablafer operating yokeges exceeatnp.bn KV hocause (a) skin efeat dominates onthe coudctoe (b) there is @ danger of breakiown of insulation because of Formation of vei in he ayers of dicict (6) herein cron loss henween conductor ard shah ma [a insolation my melt dacto beating to ma Scereeztrahigh volageuble,umetilicsereva sound en cone insulation Is provided 10 (a) heise heatdisspation, (e) obusin mia eleowie sess (cota loegimdinal alee sess, () sivemectunical stengh Answers: 271. (2), 272. (c), 273. (d), 274. id), 275. (d), 276. ib), 277. (b), 278, fa), 279, (c), 280, {a), 281. (a), 282 (c), 283. (a), 2M. (b), 2S. a 286. (c), 287. (6), 288 (289, (8), 29M. (291, (2), 292 (293, e, sis Transmission and Distibution of Electrical Power 204 Ac the operating voltage and consequently the eesti sizes on be dieleurs of totd type cle is mereased froma low vate. the dlioletec power facto: cos 6 roma aliool unchanged up 1 cerita value of the sires bevend which eos increases very rapidly. Tis is €ve to inereaxein (w_resstiuty of dicloctic material (0) fonition in the voids present in te dicleetic, (eo) core-tocare capactince ofthe cable, (@)_ corso euth capectanoe of th cal, Us t8. 9) Avhighr voltages bolted eables are moe suitable than aereened| cates fa yes, beens: (0) np, hecanse a: bigh voltages a breakdown may evr due 12 on-radial Uiclevbestewies. (SME eB. Wier 995 206. Dililled cables have me advantsgo(shof (a) op lonisatiun, oxidation ane formation of vous. {Ib}. possibilty of ncreaced remporaence range in eiviee {¢) merematimun permissible sresscx )_alloftte ahoee OiLsiled cableshave the aduaatage(e of fa) sullexoveral size. Jb) ntoxt pert impnegnation, (c) exsy deection cf fault (ah all of he abv Oiled cables have tae deawback(s) of (a) pexsbiity oF impregnation after sheatting. (b)greatersost atl complicated using of cables andvainrsnnce, {e)_ high thermal resisanos (i) alloftde above, (Cables utd for 220 LV Hira areiewsrinbly (@) compressed ol or vorapressu ys insulated 6). paperinslstert ©) miainsulacd. ()_ none of he above, ‘The insulation used in a cable Uosgnad for se on L000 RY is vually (@) innpregnated popes. (b)_evinpressed SP, ga © PvE, (@)_ any ofthe above, Sulphur hexafluride cable is inslared hy (@) impregnated gape.) polysinyleloride ()_ high pressure ol G@)_ compressed gas. TAMU See B, Wer 1995 1s the gas presere ihe wr. 298, 309, 201, 502, tn cempnssedl ges insulated enbe SF range of G@)- 10-20 mm He ©) 9kyen? Acbidge aussiings ado reused became they (@) ae offigh tile strc, ()_ are oflow cneffcien of hemal expansion, (ue oflow specie gravity (@)_ cam withstand shocks and vibrations. 304, Intemal pressurecables have the advensage(s) of @)_ elimination ofexteral acesscriog (©) suiaitry tor vertical un witout any fear of change with suitable designs (©) -markestimprovement in the pFofthe cable dilectuie with the increased prossene. (@)_allotthe shove, ‘Withtho sie inromperate, the insulation rsisinity (@) remuinsuncianged. Co) decreases linearly. (©) ineroasestincarly, —(@)_ reduces exponen ©) 80-100 en thy (@) 40-90 Kaen 303, w erally vac wrnary leads 28, 208, sor. 316, an. 312. ats, 314, as, 37. he insulation resistance ofa singk-core cable is 200 Ma. “The insulation resistance for $m Teng is @) 40M) 1000M2°—() 2002. @) 8 Ma MURS. LES 1 19) “The power factor of apen-ented cablecan be improved by G). increasing the capecinmee (@)_doetwasing the capacitance (©) inomasingthecondcior resistance (@) increasing the inslacion resistance, (AMAA Sie surmer 9 ‘The capaciuace of cable Sacreases (@) Tinearly withthe ineresse in cable ener b)_Tiacanly withthe decrease la cable Keng. (©) exponentially wth the increase in cable length G2) noncof the above ). The capacianve ofa cubte depends upon the (a) lengthot theca (6) celaive poomiltvity ofdiclcaric ined inca, (ec) rato of sheath diameter nd covedtiaetex (4) allo te above, “The charging cumtent drawn by the cable (2) lagsbehind the wltage by 90°, foVfends he volte by 90° G) leads the vokage by 180°, none ofthe above In underground cables, the electestate stony is (a) aximumat conductor surface and minimum the shesth ()_ miniswm wtcomfuctor sueZace and animus the sheath, (©) sume athe conductor and sheath. (2) reroat theconsuctor as ell as cn the scl, In c cable of concir Giamcter “lane overall diameter wit scleetricmatenal‘D" the macimam dielectric sess (@) ocoursal the ennlucor surface an ix propartional a {b)_ 9ccursat the-condacio surface and is preportional 1d. (6) secur a the middle ote dilostic and is proportional to Wb, G2) coeweattho outer surfiee of te diclete ai propentional ‘ob, TARGLE Se, Wht 184 To obtain the minimum value ef sess in cables, the ratio (RU) should be (@) 213) 2718 fe 196d) 15 (8.2 Oy: of Tag He Sto. 030) he saree impestance of a 50 miles ong underground exible is 50 9. For 25 miles length i wil be (2) 252) 02 ©) 1002 MW) noneofthesw, [HOHE Sc Sem ‘Tebrealow of inslation of enble canbe avoided cocnornically by sing (2) hnsuluion layess of ditereu dielectrics, () inerehoath (© aber @ur. ——@_aune af me above, Capacitance grading oeable mens (2) exec dielectresin different concentiatons, (©) invodvetion of eapactanves ul various lenges of eas to councer te efecto inductance, (©) vee f dicleouies of differon. permitivitcs, (@)_ grading according to capestance per km length ofthe cable, Grading of cables (2) reduces insuluion cost ard ncrocaes current rating, (®)_ reduces insulation cost but decresses curren (0) inereuses both (6) ron0 of the above, TAMILE Se. Wine 155) Answers: 284, (b), 298. (b). 296. (0), 297.(€). 298. (b) 208. (3), 300. (b, ADL. (i), 362), 303. 304. (), 308. (A), 306. ),07. (8), 308. (0), 309, (A, IHD. Cb). SAL. (0), 32, (09, 313, (Wp B14. Oy, BAS. 6)s BEE. 17. (a) Ghjsetive Type Questions M8, Theinershuatis in cables are use 0 fa) provide proper scoss distbution, (hy minimize hesteess, _(&) ase inferior insulation (2) prove protection agains moisture and voliage surges. e)_ provide protection agains cuirent an voaze surge 319, Thedesired overall diameter of We eonductor wrhoutinerensing, ite sectional ares can be hd by )._ using aluminium core instead of eopper. () standing the copper cenductorssround a emp centre, {e)_ stranding ene copper conductors overated rubs (@)_ any ofthe above Tn e3-cow cublo, he capacitance between fo condos (Wil sheath earthed) 3 uP, The capacitance per phaze wl he @ SRE 6) 3uF © 6RE fd) MF 320, Consider a three-core, Lee phase, 50 Hi, ILE cable whase conductorsare ddesoted a8 RY and B in the figure, The inter phase ceapaeltanee (CL) between ‘ach pair of conductors is (6.2 pF andthe eapacitancs berreon each ine ‘oadacterand te Shea is 0.4 BE The per phase chung ort @ 208 (@) 24A &) BTA BSA ieare ne. 208) 32, For the cirewil shown in figure. the 223. aA (@) 0050 tapaciance measured between terminals “PC er snd Pall be i + fa) CHCA) iF ss Io C+ ae fe 3¢,+2¢, ler 199) Underground exbles are tal at sufficient ¥ {a} rninimsetemperanare stresses. (h)_tiaimise effects of shocks and vibrations owing to passing vehieles ete 4). het (@) aud Incase th commonication cables ar oe Id parallel 19 power cables the distance between the vo sould beat ants that tere @® 05m bh) 20m) 40m 325, While crossing ts rund the cable should be (0). period in venches. G6) laidin couats or pipes. (2) nome ofthe above: ‘Consisr the following salements 1. Theinsulaenrcoistines ofexble willinerezciftheleagthot 2, Forthe aume everll diameter of cable, the paling of cable ‘will increase te sale wosking voltage, 43, The nnnmal opscaing fompuriure of PVCeableis THC, bh Crem _ dp so 0 (o voli being uncured saily owing to emoval of soil ino nerfersice {6}. sutoenced by savas 0 aso vibrations cables increased. 4. -Thetremnlrsistanceofslinseases athe cise contrk x, 3, at. 32. 333. 35. 336. 237, 317 Cfthesesetemerts (Hamed 2are correct, (b) awed 3 ate ener, Gj) Band garecomect — (Q) Lal tare wurect. TUESG. ES, LEAL 18) ‘The souree(s of neat generation in eves sare a). copper los in conduvioe. {b}_ dielectric losses incahle insulation (e) losses in metalis shethings and armourngs, (a) allorthe above, Aube eamryinga has (a) leakage lesser only. (b)_ hysteresis losses only. (}_ hysteresis and Leakage loses mi: (a) yseress, leskage and iricton losses. Diokctnc hysteresis less in 2 cable wates as ‘a} impressed voltage. (b)_ impressed voltage) ) Gampressed votinge)™. (A) Gimpressed valage)™ [A L1O EV, single-core coaxial, XLPH insulated power cabis delivering pawer ut 5QH7,hasaapectance of 125 nPfao. the idslelss loos tnigent af XLPE 2 x 107 then deleetre power ess tis cable ia Wok is @ 30 O37] TR @ 950 (Ga 20 “Theeorrent saying capacity of cable indeismorethan hatin. nismamly dueto {smaller bystoresic losses. (b) absence of harmonies. (e)_ absence of ripples. (8) none ofthe ebove, “The Fans) whieh te Tkely to occur in cables infarc (@)._bresledowa of sable insulation. (®) ofoss-o seat ccc fault {@) open cet fa. {a allele dbove, ‘The bad south of the eihle may get damaped duc to (a) mechanical njty {@)_cxyatulisadono lead dough vibrations. {o)_ chemical acuon widvimporiiespreset i te soi whenbbaricd ‘near (i) any of neabove, re cable shoul! not be opeiaied too hot hese ()_ expansion of ol may cause sheeth to bust {h) the oll may looses viscusty and it may sla deawing off fiom higher levels (e)_ungpalecpansion ry crcote voids inthe insulation leading, tcinniraton |) repiinreasctn deletsclosoo with temperature may eae thermal instabiiy (eal ofthe above, Theteaktown voltage of aceble depends upon a) yresenceot moisture, — ()_ operating winperatre (6). tine of wpplcation ofthe vllage (@ ailoftieatore, Reeskitown af cable insulation may occur die 10 4) thea inwability. (0) puncture. (© wacking. {u) any of the above, Fibre-optic cables ave used in power system applications mnnly tor (SCADA. (b}_ communication bewwoen poor sation and substation, {)_ coninuncalion between ower station and loneeontel ee. (a). allot these, Wse-1ES EFA 200) Anawers 5d), 287. (2, (a HO. GBH le) 32L GW, BBB. ©) 428. (9, 32K (1), 3B5. (0, 396. (ET hy 338. CC). 30. (0), IDE fad BBN 318 $338. ‘The main enterion for selection of te size of a distor Far a ail dist ibution system ie [W yoltare dren. fe) temporntuc rise, (by conana toss. (2) capitalcuse twats ex. 1 399, The disibution systerms ia aca ve uxsly fa) rial, (b) parti |e) motion fd) either (oper te), IAI See Lise of Elsa sens Wier 206 340, Why is ating main dssbution system preewed aad syste? L. Noitage crop inthe feeder i les. 2 Power facet is higher 3. Sunplvismore lable Soleoetho coreet answcr using thecode given blow: ro) @) Zand Soaty @) 12aW3, TURSG. Us a3 20 Mi, As porelecicty segulaious in India the msaanuns permissible vollage change at consumer premises send be fa) 15% ofdeclued wolage. (0) 26% of deciaed voltage (). 10% oF declared voltage, (@), 12% of doclved voltage TALL Se Baa of Fetal Sens ae 26 342, The cost of material used in a Uistibuton eitonit pet kVA of dlisted power vies ss (2) square of incer dimensions of supply area (h)_diseotly acwcrn to (supply area} (©) eu of linear dimensions of supply area (2) nene at the above 3M3,_ An approximate formula for loss factor in a distbution system ix (@)- Loss facor = 6.9 > lo ator +0:7 (oad factor? Gb) Less hetor = 0.5 Coal facon) (6) Les facie = toad Factor (0) Loss factor = 0.7 x loatl factor +013 (land factor)? AMIS Serb Desig o heal Spt Suse 200 344. Th acisirinoion sysiem. which of the fellow itm Hae the (a) Conductors, (©) Disuibatien wansformer, (b) Eamhingsystoun, (@) Iusutavors, 345, The distibutorsin resident ares are (a) single phase. two-wins. (b) thive pes, hewe-wit. (6) Gusepinse, tour-wire. (Q) wo phase, Tour-wie, 346, The loads on 3-phase, 4-wiveeserittors ete usvally fa) alum, (©) wubalanesd. Ie). either oF above. (a) neneof above, $547, wnifounly loaled de Usibutor is fed at ott ends with sual voltages In eompirson to a sinaiar distbstor fed at une end nly, the masinasn vote deop will be (w) onestnrta, ¢h) one-half. (@) omahing, (@) ene-snth. 348. ‘Tho mul point ofc unifermly oadedtevibone dal equal veltage st bts cs Hcw at (a) micpoint (b).oitherene. le) bvorhind distance fromoneent, (€) one-fourth distanue from one en. 4413 S05 349, miformly loaded de distributor i fed a both end with equal volts. In comporisea to w star csrinator fed. one end ‘oniy.the do a the mid poien wll be {> one-fowrr, &) oneal, 4) ove think (@ onesiath ‘Transmission and Distributen of Electrical Power 360. 4 se Giswibution system is Ye yo shows i figure with Load uments 0s marked. The tw, ends the feeder ace ted by voltage sources sch that Vp Vg=3¥. The valve of 010 boread ora Be weal ah, olga cng CRE ilay pong maa EBV) 2aHVO MmoV Ww ziKEY 351, In a de Swine distibuior exing balanceas and having unequal Joauls or the two ses () hath balances operas goreritns, {@) both balancersopersieas mois. (©) balanosr connstted te lighiy loaded side uperates as 4 senraion, (@)_halancer connscted to heavily Joeded side operates as a exemtor 382, In ¢ de Sire distribution systen, balancer fiekls ae erosse connected in onde to (0) equals: vollages on He andre outer, (b)_hoostthe generated votage fo) tse both machines opeuted st untonted motors, (a) alloftheabove, 383, Thehooster (a) is serics wennd do generator driven by de shunt now1 (b) is a low voltage and high current generator operating on sirtightor linea: postion of ia volexgo-cerment careless, (co) tsahigh voluge and iow eicuit machine, (a) beth ca) and 0), $84, The booster is inserted in thecinal to (a) redies sent, Ab) tnesease cure (©) reduce voltRe drop. (d)_cornpenssre fr voltage drop. 355. Floating ncuual ina “-phase supply isvonsideredundesizabe ai {a)_high vole seros the load, (b)_ lee volage across the load (€)_uncyualline vohages aoss the fd) none ofthe aluve 35%, A-single-phase ac A Usju%0 _avjeasa Siseribator uapphes 2997 (oro single-phase Toad asséncv nthe gure. The voltage tithe oR chop fora Ato Cis is are @1sv 3I9V¥ ©) OY @ Ov ST. Single lite diagram of 4-bus sige source disttntion systera is shown in figue. Branchss fem, €5 aud &, lnave equal impedances. The load 6). op cconeot values indicated in the igure mS 2 ace in per unit, Distributing Zl company's policy requires radial} \-% system nperaton with nina fogs. 170 ey) ‘This can be achieved hy opening of the branch on Og O42 8 O& [are ex. 300 388A 230 V (Phase), $0 Ha, Uew-phate, tire, syste hs sequence ABC, A unity power-factor joa of 4 KW is connected ‘Amowerss 338, (0) X99. a), 340. (0), 341 (D342 (0), SA. (ah 344, (), HS. (C346. (8), B47. (2), 348. (3H. (0), ASD, (a, 38H, 35B. Cw, ‘383, (A, 354, Gl}, 355. (0). 356. (), 387. (dy BSR. (), ‘Objective Type Questions between phase A snd neutral N, This desired to achleve zero heutral etiren’ shrougt the use Of @ puse dnscior and impane apacitor in the other two phases. The value of inductor and capacitors {a} 72.95 mill in phase Cand 130402 HF in Phase B. (b) 72.95 mld in pase B aul 139.02 uP in Phase C. [e) 42.12 malin phase Cand 240-79 pm Phase B (@) 22.12 nll in pkane B wad 240-79 HP in Phave C. earn 889. In order 40 seduce she inductive inwrference to parallel communication eiteuits lbenno, {a} the eonklctous ace transposad at eyular intervals. (b)_ bende conducrors ae used. (eo) thick conductors are wea (A) either (ayn OD 360, When the‘eisinecference in an overiead communication tine ning parallel and inelows proximity toa overhcad pow In, the voltage induced inthe communication line ince Kong nl ‘anc lateral citeosumy bythe powerline are dae to (a) magnetic indesion andeletrcinducticn wespecsively (6) lect induction ad nragnotc indvesien respecsie’y {¢}. bollwagneic induction and elocuie induction, (6) megneti induction only. IMR, 1S, Ee [364 A single-phase transmission line and telephone Tine are boil Syiimetriclly situng ene below me other, in hosizoatal configurations, on a common ower The shortest and logest slstanoes between the phase and telepacne conductors ace 25.» ‘3 matespecsvely The alta (voll) indice nthe telephone ‘iret, ue to 50 Ha cusrenc oF 100 amps in the powsx eit is @ 481) 388 @ 220) 127 eae eo say 1362, A long wire compared of « smooth round earehicior rans ubove ‘anaparalil (oe geound (ascumedic be large connuting plone) ‘A bigh voltage exits awseen the sendnctor and the grou. The maximum clestie sires oceans at 0) the upper surface ofthe conductor: (o)- due Jower sure of dhe conetcter (6) the groond surtace (@) midway betwee te conductor and grou. foarte, 29) 363, Extra high vouage eisinission means G)_ vellage Jos than di RV. {(b) vottage sme range of 400-750 BV. (Ge) vellage gaesterthan TSDIEY,— (AMLE. Se Sane 197) 364, hanced conthutorsaerased For ransssion ines primary Jorseducing the G)corema los. (6) surgeimpedance ofthe in, (©) voltage drop aes te ln, HR tees Re, es. B20) 365, For an extta high volluge overhead transmission line, four ‘eomidactersaze used per phase (in bundle) a tke cornees of @ ssjare of side ¢ metre, The GMR (Geometric Mean Kackus) of each conden is mot. ‘What ie the GMI of ihe bundle conductor? © (xem & (rx) © (e0e)" @ irpcier ease. urs. exec, 2m 319 $396, Use uf bundled conductors reduces {@)_ poworlogs due to cerns. (0). suege impedance 3) endo ntarferenes, () abut wes, 367. Wath bundled conductors a) the corona incepsion volage ines, (>) me corona invepion voluage decreases, {) the corona incepsion vollage reins unalTected () fineind 368. Consider tho flossing atatsmeals 1. By sing bundle coneaciors in an pvernead ne, the ene loess duced. 2. By using bundle condciors, the induces oF asunssion line inerssnes and espocitance seduces. |. Conona oss causes Interference in adjoining eomauutction lines, ‘Which of de these statements aeecorect @ Land?, ) Jand3, Ge) Land3 (@) ),2ant3, ons. 12S, 8, Se 2462. The sondustor ofa EHV tine ie seleted on ihe basi oF (a). cucent cacryingespaci. {) corona and RI pedonmance (©) lite volage (a) nove oft TSH Se Somer 8 2370, Frequency of resoranc vib les inte range of ta) 10-208, hj 1-200 ©) soot (a) 200-300 He TANILE Se Smee 164) 371, On whachsns isthe insulation level ofa ACO KY, HITV ovetead ‘canwisionlin decide? {a} Lighmingovervoliwe, b) Coronainceptonvornge. GG}. Swiching cvervohge. (€)- Radio and TV interfotence (ul. io. HL 200 372, The wha eactance and oa susoeptance ofa losis overhead [BH fins, operaing at £0 Hr, ate piven hy O43 pu and 12 ps respectively. H te valoity of wave propagation i 3 108s, thon he approsinate leet of he ines fa 12D kem, (8) 17m. (@) 222 ko. @) 272k feare Rr. 2 373. A exira biph voltage tamsenission line of length 308 km eat be uaposimatedl by @ Insless ine having provetion constant = (01KI1.27 radians pera, Toe th pereentage ratio tine length to ‘wavelength willbe given by fo MAG (>) 122% ( 1908% (4) 66% Ter a 2) 374, A lossless truisinission lite of long St em with L = 10 pn, (Ced0 phim is operated st 30 MHz. Wht i the electric lene por @) 2A) OZR (@_ 108" AON urse ues. Px 081 375, Asuryeof 20EV magninice ravelsalongalosteseable towards its onetion with wo dente! lossless ovechood ronsmision lines, ‘The inductance ad the capscitae of the eabie we 0-4 mi ax (05 ja pee he. The inducsance ad ezpacicance of the overheat! trursiissive lines ave | Smit and QO013pP per kus The magaiuae lof the valiage at ce unlion due to ge i W@) 6TLAVG) IRIOKV EE) GO7KV @) 3293 (ath EA 278, [Answers 389, (2), 360.(€), 361 (i), 302. (b), 363. (0), 364. (a), 365. (0), 6b 314. (c), 395.2). 368.2) 36D. (8), 3. te}, STH, 372) 373.(€. 36 a. a8. 37, 381, am, a 384, Answers: $76. (a). 377. tb) 378. (a). 378 (a), 380. (), BL (0), 382. (), 383. (ESHA. (c), RS (0), WF. fe), Series capacitoris usd ina twenanission fie (> (4) compensate volagedrop. (>) reduce Tine Toss, (©) limitshort sheviteurent (©) improve load power tactee Serisscapactiveeampensatin inl (a) rece the line loading (G)_ improve he stability of the sys22m, (e) redicethe votege role. (a) improve the pretetion of cha ine. Sutieseepucitors fa) tnccease me power dansilssion capably oft EBV long Tine. [h) provide vokagecontie. (@)_ increase the Sunt mites ofthe fine {ASLNE Sm Sm 197) IY eansmissien linesisusel ts [are mE, 18) Series capacitors cub useU in dstibution lines {a} to provide reacive power componsation, {) torediwe he eosivingrend vollge ander ight last conitions fe) torectceie voltage drap, (d) wroduceliae lsses. nmr 8) 1. Shunt compensaicn in_an HITV fine is use vo Improve fa) stability and ful evel {b)_ faueiovel and vokage pe, {e)_vollagepioile end sally, (4) stabil, faultevel and yell profits VOPS.C. LS, HH, 20 ‘Haemost scare sd vera ach achieving reactive power compensation isby wing (a). svileied eupictors, (b)_ fixed capacitee wihcontrlled waste, [e)_ selurcble rexewr wih capacitcr bank. (@)_ switched cageeitor wth contclled raster, TUS Ls tt, aa Installation ofcapacivors at witeble locerions and of ogmnun size in distibution systerp resis in 1. improved voluge egulaton, 2. reduction in distribution power losses. ssdlucsion of KVA racing of dictibation wansfonines Select the comet answer from ihe ees given Below: (@) Talons (Hy Vand} @) 1.2and3 (a) Sakone TUESC HES, Esl 201 Tnaation coordination for UHV lines (above SOO) is deme axed on ) lightning surges (©) lighaning surges ane switching sages, (©) switching surges.) non of he abwve. vc a an 190m ‘AC am indus subsation with 2 4 MAW Toad, a capacitor of 2 MYAR ie installed to naintainthe Jed owes Feetorxl 097 gga, A Gwweapucitor gous outa service, he load power Factor becomes @) 085 @) 100 ©) O86 leg 0.90 ing (co 25, . Considsriwo busexconnested by an inapedance of 0+/5) 2, The tus I voltage is 100/30? ¥, anu bus 2 vollaue is 10 FV. “Te teal and reactive power supplied by bus 1 espectvely, ae (2) WOOW, 268 VAR (h) -1000.W,. 134 VAs (©) 2169.W. 26.7 VAx, (ud) “269 W, 30:1 Var 0TH Fa, 200) Forentsning he pow tansmission na long BAY trusts fine, dhe mest presemed mstied inte esnnsct 8 aT. 389. 390, 301 392, ‘Tansitission and Distibution of Blectical/ Power (2) erica mtuetve compensator ia the line (0), stunt snduc.ve compensator atthe receiving end, (6) series eapectivecompensetor inthe fine. shunt capacitive compensator 2 ihe sending end (ee 2, 2001) Tnatransmission ine. yy the midpoint voiag ratte i, we we 2st] Wai is maiotainedto V by 8 compensating deviee as shown in the cirouit above. - ‘Wat is We real power low through the line? i @ sin) v © Sans (arse ks ee, 0) A short transmission lire having ceo resistance aad (pt series reactance of 040i provided with reeves pewsorecarspensation al acaipoint of thelr uch thar the mipolut voltage shea (095 pu when tke voilage at uth ends are 1. pu, Whar isthe steudy sate power transmission limit of such syste? @ 480 @) 00m © 24 pu @) 9.6 pu TORSCAES EEA 209) ‘A nucleac power sation of 300 MW capacity islocated at 300m. vay froin a load contr Select the most suuble power cvacaation Uunesmissioa coatigarstion among the following options 6 ©1364 © OP 290 en ge Cie YK 4 Sine Capt Corynson © ONe+——_+ ‘0%, 300 tm Sige Gra 0 & (eave ex ou A lossless irasmission tine having Sirge impedance Leading (SIL jof2,280 MW is provided wi a uliuily uisributed series eapacitve compensation of 305%. Then, SIL ofthe compensated ‘wansinisson line ill be (@) 1.835 MW a 1.280 Mw © 2725 MW (0) 3,257 MW eare sx ams) [As compen jo ae transmission de tans is ive from inductance, (©) capacitance’ (ce) phase dislacoment, —() lof theubove, pecs Oatof considerations (to Gv listed elon: ()socistance imitation seated stealy-tate sabi (i) nv reaetive power mequirernent fom the system at the Yi terminals ‘oo substantial effect on Fini level af he ove ayetems atthe terminals inspite ofthe intexconnecton fix) necorone probiens. ‘The considerations which constitute advanlages of HVDC Cransoxision ae 821, 80 ew Doble Ca 1] onbenres "4001 £00 ln ai Cit. 3) 87. (). 388 (©), 399. @), 20. bi, ‘Objaetva “ype Questions @)_allofthe ebove, (©) GatjandGi Inan HVDC system: ()_ both geneiuion aud usulbunion are de, ()_ generation i a and distribnien ied, (©) generation i cc ara distibutionisae, (@)_ both generation ood distdir ane a urse.nes. 2 ©) Gand an, @) Garde) tears 2100 98. 3) 304, lu ade tansinissio tine () itis necessary forthe wending end and receiving end wo be pete in syactrouism, () the efleetsof inductive and capacitive eactances a unin an ae transmission line ofthe same (6) ere acenocees due tinvuctve and enpaciive euetances (power ranster capes ited by stblity considerations, (CATE RE. 199) HVDC trnsinission is prefrred ww EHV AU become (2) HYDC tenninal eouipmens areinespenstve, () VAR compeasation isl quired in HVDC sysiem, (6) syste stability can be improved (@)_ harmonics problem is avoided. High Voltage DC GHYDC) transmission ie mainly used foe (@) bulk power vansminsion over very long ste (6) inerconnecting two systems with Ue erie nominal sequeney, (0). dliminating rsactive power osicementin the vperion, {€)_ minimizing hamonies atthe converter stations ster rears 19 m6 7 Consider the following statements vegerdinyg HVDC power 1. The mouora HVDC systems use 12 pulse converters, DC systems never use ground or sea elu, 5. Most of present day de schemes ace wvoserminal Hinks, Which ofthe sitemenes givenuboveislanecorieet 42am. (by Lonly Go) Dane 3 only. (@) Lend 3 nly, TUS, LS. th 28) Choose the appropriate auvitinry components of HVDC Iransmission systeas fran the following 1. DCtine inducer, AC Tine induetr. 397. 398. 3. Rewlivepowersourees. 4, Dietonserelayson de ling >. Sette capacitance on AC line, fa) Tand2 @) Tand3 (@) 2aw4 (a) 4ana5 [CATE RE, 2031 Bulk power irawnission everlong VIC ines ae prefered wt account of (@) low cos of HYDC testinal, (6) no hartaonie problems. |e) (4) siuple proweaien, |. Consider Ye following staenienls: HYDC transmission is superior to HVAC wansmission due t 1, Lackofrelishleds iret breskers 2, Lesser numberof conductors forse power secryingcapacy. 8, Non-synchronons link between Lwo differant aysioms ‘nin line power lovee TA 109) 101 a, 403, 405, at. 324 44. No cost terminal equipments suchas converters end inverters sre rquite Which of tie above statements isfarecorseet? (a) aly. an (© Vand 2 © Land 3 (cas aay aM For bulk power transmission over loag distance HVDC transmission is (@).sccononically and technically superior to ec trasinision, (0) not good akemative ro seremsinission, (€)noweconcricaly viable TANGLE Se. Pon Soon Wc 208 Corona loss in ade line is (a) Tess (a hat in ac ine oporating ct same nis voltage, (D) more than tharinactine a the sane ras voltage, (ec) aameas in linear equal rns voltae. IAMLE eB omer Satie 8 1 Inthe case of an HVDC systea, there is la) charging curent but no skin effeu, 4b) no chagping eareat bul skin ctfect. (6) nether charging current nor skin offs, (both charging curent and skin effect TUS. tet 24) ‘Which one of the following statements in respect of HVDC transmission Tin is moveonet ? (a), The power rrmanistion capability of bipolar iw i almore the sue as Unsof single eicuitac in. ) HVDC tink ean epsrats borween ne systems whose ‘requencies need aot be equa, (©) There fs no distance imitation for IIVDC reansmissen by UG cable. (@)_ Corona lass is much higher in HVDC wansnassion tine, TUPSC LIS. x8 A de tine carries G@)_less power tha an eyuivatent ae tine, ©) more power hun tae as tne (6) same peweras an ac ine, fine Sewn Spt Sa 97 The puiimpadunes of lint 0 MVA, 132 KV bseeie Othe pe impedance t a 100 MVA, 132 KY buse will be @ 02 O04 © 08 wh 16 [BALL eB Payer Stns Samer 200) DBackto back HVDC is used (4) ineeoasothe tunsmission capability ()- decrease line losses. (6). provide stabie interconnection. Gd). reduce voltage dio HVDC teanaaiion needs (pulse convenes (© sefltrs (e). transformers (ss Sc er 14 (6) degensrators. (@) defers. (ARGUE, Se Po Spe Soe 98] |. Tn an HVDC tink, power flows (2) trom mereclfir endto tre inverter end. () from heinverteread t the ecifer end. (te ee Messe We 195) Smpllying te problem of xorege stability aud reyueney 410, Iv HVDC system a converter att 36a rectifier shen te fing corto angle has value Amowerss 393, (39. (6), 398. ©), 396. 4,397, (U), 398. (0), 399. (0), 400. (A), AOL, (a, ADR, (a), AM. (6), 41. (a), 405. (406, (2), Te), 498, (a), 409. (2, 410, (1), 322 m) 0 0, then (tops, us eK 2090) Power rLow vor nS tee | veal] —a a RECTEIER INVERTER y Ae SYSTENE (9 Vpp€0,Vep €0.¥ pn? Yer Yan ?2.Ven? 9 Yaw Yeo (© Vane 0.Ven™0,Van> Ven Vag 0.Ven lh ‘care nx.) Two eel ystems, och ing eral ochre neo and Toads ae imercooeeed by an line aed TIN i Showa in he ge. Which of the following statment is toe the eats Pa a {@) Hoth regions nae not have the same frequen. {hy The ora power dow between dhe regions (P,P) sat be hanged by cantolling the VIC converters lane (©) The power suring between the ae line and the HVDC link as bo changed by eortolling ths HVDC evavertrs lone (@) Thedlitectioa of power flow inthe HVDC link (P.) eannot be reverted, ears 2017) ‘Answers: 411. (bp, 412, (0), 413. (0), 414. (a, 15. (by, 416 (0, 417. Cb). 4TH. (AD, Go, 420. (0.

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