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Houston Baptist University

Department of Education and Kinesiology

Lesson Plan Format

Subject: Language Grade Level: 2nd Time Estimate: 45 min

Unit: Parts of Speech Topic: Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Adverbs

Goal(s): TLW understand the difference between nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

Objective(s): TLW identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

TLW come up with a noun, verb, adjective, or adverb that makes sense in the context of a

TEKS: 2.21A--Students are expected to understand and use the following parts of speech
in the context of reading, writing, and speaking: verbs (past, present, and future), nouns
(singular/plural, common/proper), adjectives (e.g., descriptive: old, wonderful; articles: a,
an, the), and adverbs (e.g., time: before, next; manner: carefully, beautifully).

Materials/Resources/Technology needs: white board, markers, Mad Lib print outs and
ones with modifications, poster paper


Instructional Procedures
Focusing Event:
There will be a couple of sentences on the board and as a class we will decide with words
are the noun, verb, adjective and adverb.

Hungry Susan quickly ate her pasta.

Cody, who was creative, beautifully made a quilt.

Teaching/ Learning Procedures:

1. There will be 4 posters around the room labeled verb, adverb, noun, and adjective.
2. The class will be divided into 4 groups, each entry with a different colored marker.
3. Each group will start in front of a poster and have 3 min to think of as many (verbs,
adverbs, nouns, or adjectives) as they can and write them on the poster.
4. After 3 min the groups will rotate to the next poster and have to think of as many of
whatever that poster is labeled, but can not repeat the previous groups words.
5. Each group will get 3 min at each poster. The teacher will then collect the posters and
as a class review if the words are correctly placed on the poster.
6. After that each group will found the number of words they had on each poster and add
them together. The group with the most total words will get to pick something from the
treasure box.

Formative Check (ongoing or specific):

As the groups are coming up with words and writing them on the posters the
teacher will walk around and monitor the words the groups are coming up with
and helping if a group gets stuck.

Reteach (alternative used as needed):

The students can play a bean bag toss game where a word is written on the bag
and they have to toss it into the basket with the correct part of speech the word is.
The students instead of a Mad Lib can do a coloring sheet where they have to
color according to the part of speech.

As a class, we will review what a noun, verb, adverb, and adjective is again and
some examples.

Assessment/Summative Evaluation:
The students will fill out a Mad Lib. That is where there are blanks in a story with
the part of speech under the blank and the students must come up with a word that
fits that part of speech and fill it in the blank. They do not have to make sense and
are supposed to be funny. The student will receive credit as long as it is the correct
part of speech.
GT: These students will have to create their own Mad Lib. They will be given a couple
Mad Libs to look at for examples and them they will write their own and fill in the
Special Ed: These students will be given a Mad Lib with a part of speech for them to fill
in but they will be given the choice between two words and then they must choose the
correct one.
ESL: These students will also fill out a Mad Lib but pictures will be provided by the
words so the students can associate the word with something they might know.

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