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Martinez, Gabriela


Global Seminar


Global Citizen Essay

No matter the type of institution, when a group of people are working together;

communication, respect and cooperation is needed in order to keep a harmonious

environment. The mission and vision of ASGL sets an expectation for us as global

learners that will help us to cooperate in such ways to ultimately aid us to become well-

rounded and understanding global learners and leaders. The mission and vision of

ASGL supports us as students and individuals. I believe that the mission can always be

used in whatever situation and can be applied to our day- to - day life, the mission of

ASGL is to, raise awareness of global issues through exposure and discourse; aiding

us to become aware of not only whats happening in our communities but globally. The

mission of ASGL can only help us to become conscious of what surrounds us in a global

spectrum, allowing us to become more open- minded and culturally aware which is a

necessity in todays globalized system. ASGLs vision affects us as students; which then

goes on to affect our careers; the vision of ASGL the vision of ASGL is to prepare us,

the students to become college and career ready, as well as globally competent. The

vision and mission of ASGL are only two of the outcomes that are expected from us; as

global leaders/ citizens we are capable of much more, but in order to achieve more we

must apply the qualities that we obtain within us to the mission and vision. The qualities

that a global citizen / leader should obtain are qualities that encourage and help us to
see both ends of a perspective,understand one another and to practice in educational

through personal situations.

It is essential to be a global learner and leader because it prepares us to

someday overcome obstacles and to have opinions in different situations and events.

As I mentioned before, a global citizen needs to be able to see both sides of a situation,

a global citizen needs to understand and recognize different perspectives. Someone

who I believe to be a global citizen is the CILT director at the the camp I volunteer at.

The CILT director, Juan Arambul obtains qualities that define a global citizen. Juan is

someone, like all of us who grew into a global citizen. It was because of his experiences

in which he noticed that he wasnt acting as such. During the program he shared stories

about his first experience as a counselor at the camp he works at; he explained how he

wasnt giving his all to the position that he had earned and how he didnt even consider

the perspective/ background of some of the children he was having trouble with during

his 1st experience as a counselor. He also explained about a time in which his

academic career was suffering due to a personal problem at home. Although Juan

encountered many other obstacles, he always took those encounters as an advantage

to learn from them. As he worked on his qualities, he explained that he grew into a more

selfless person, and a better person overall that ultimately helped him become a better

counselor. Like I mentioned before, a global citizen needs to attain qualities that

encourages others and that help see both sides of the spectrum as well to be proactive

in educational through personal situations.

Becoming a global learner and citizen was crucial to my academic and personal

life/ professional life because it made me aware of not only what was happening to me

and those around me, but to those in different countries, allowing me to broaden my

perspective which is beneficial due to the reason that it can be applied throughout my

life and can enhance the way I analyze situations that I witness day to day. In

order to follow through with ASGLs mission and vision, it is essential to apply the GPOs

to my academic/ professional/ personal life. The GPOs are pillars (structure) of a global

citizen, they are the foundation on which we act upon. The four GPOs are; investigate

the world, recognize perspectives, take action and communicate ideas. I believe that I

have mastered the the global performance outcomes best through challenging yet

educational situations. Challenges are the situations in which I believe that we learn

more about ourselves and how much weve grown as individuals. An experience in

which I learned more about myself was during the summer of 2015, in which I attended

the C.I.L.T program at Circle V Ranch Camp, and the experience in which I broadened

my horizons through the GPO, investigate the world during the youth human relations

retreat with the county. The experience of mastering the global performance outcomes

has helped me to understand more about others and more importantly, about what Im

capable of and what I can improve in. As well, mastering the global performance

outcomes has assisted me in setting goals for myself as far as working on expanding

and creating new qualities. It is undeniable that achieving these qualities of a global

learner has improved my overall being because of these qualities I have overcome and

taken challenges.
The global learner and citizen can bet contribute to society because he/ she

creates a solid example of what a person who wants the best from themselves and for

others. One who has not achieved global competency is not as competitive because

he/she has not had a progressive change within his/ herself involving themselves are

individual and others on a global/ local scale. I will contribute more effectively to society

because I have an understanding of what the world needs from me and what I can

contribute using the four GPOs. I plan on using and passing on the GPOs throughout

my life. I believe that the GPOs will be beneficial when reaching out to others. Global

learning and engaging is critical to the world because it allows us to keep an open mind

while enabling us to take action upon what we witness with an open mind. Therefore, I

plan on not only using and working through the GPOs but passing them on, an example

in which I plan to use the Gpos is as I am working as a camp counselor, due to the

reason that I feel that I have already began to use the the GPOs in every element in my


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