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Electronics and Communication Engineering

A Research Paper Presented to the

Department of Engineering Management
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement

For the subject
Engineering Management of
Engineer Ruben Pureza

Presented By:

Joshua Balmes
John Ebitner
Lance Rovi Luaa
Al Sojaime Mokamad
Prince Jairon D. Tarnate
Darwin Valdez
Kerstinejoy Denise Verdera
Jasmine Victorio
Sheen Yanzon
Jietz Calamaya
Abbas Maghazehi

BS ECE 2-2

March 2017

Life is like a big picture filled with millions of dots of different activities.
These dots, without planning and proper management would be a picture
without a soul. Management starts from the basic: you. Without proper
management, nothing will come out properly and organize. Consciously or
not, we run life by planning.
There are many kinds of management. Management is often defined as
the coordination of resources through the process of planning, organizing,
directing and controlling in order to attain certain objectives. We make use of
planning and organizing every day: we plan what to wear, what to eat and
where to go. Another thing that we encounter every day is problem. We treat
any form of complication as a problem. Whenever we encounter as such, we
immediately try to find a solution. We analyze, we plan and organize a
solution, we took hold and control of the situation, and thus we manage the
problem. Managing is a part of every system. Without proper control of the
situation everything that surrounds us will crumble to pieces.
Management consists in guiding human and physical resources into
dynamic, hard-hitting organisation unit that attains its objectives to the
satisfaction of those served and with a high degree of moral and sense of
attainment on the part of those rendering the service. Lawrence A. Appley
School management is one form of management. The discussion of
school management is like limiting the topic to a certain point. There are
three important words relating to school management: organization,
administration, and management. In achieving a goal, organization is
arrangement of resources, both human and non-human. Administration
determines policies to direct the process. Management concerns with striving
to achieve the goal. The goal of school management is to guide pupils to the
right direction by the right teachers, enables them to learn and gain profit
from it, and to build good relationship between the pupils, parents and
teachers, as well as the other pupils at school. Other responsibilities of
school management are in terms of school plants, curricular and co-curricular
activities, and the organization of human and financial resources.
In every country, there are certain laws and policies implemented by
the government to help the teachers and administrators in managing the
school. The Board of Education directs how a school should run. One
important factor in management is faculty/staff management. What are the
important things to consider in managing the staffs? On the other hand, what
are the things the faculties should remember in order to stay?
Since the focus of this study is school management, you can compare
later the aspects of school management against corporate management
which were discussed by the previous lessons. Also, you will learn the
effective ways of training new and old staffs, and other concerns about the
case. Other scope of the study includes the financial management, how the
managers improve the writing skills and leadership capability of their staffs.
You will also learn the basic problems encountered by the administrators and
how they solve it. All the questions were answered by skilled personnel.Being
a manager is a difficult task. They have to monitor the people under them.
Every now and then, new laws and policies are made. They have to
implement this as well as maintain the old. We will see how the managers
and administrators of Pasig Manggahan High School encounter such
Brief History


Manggahan High School, formerly Rizal High School Manggahan Annex

dawned through the heart of courageous heart of Mayor Vicente P. Eusebio. While
seated as city mayor of Pasig City, he deemed it wise to open a school at Barangay
Manggahan so that the children of the barangay and other neighboring barangays
can avail of secondary education.
The school is located at Magsaysay Avenue, Karangalan Village,
Manggahan, Pasig City at the site of former ANRRENN, a rehabilitation center for
drug addicts. It was reported then, that ANRRENN was operating illegally and
NHA department owned the lot. Because of this reasons and complaints, the people
of Pasig headed by Mayor Enteng Eusebio, in full force worked as the one to get
and win the fight. It was in 1999, RHS Annex Manggahan started to operate with
Mrs. Nancy Tolentino as Head Teacher-in-charge.
The first building was constructed sometime in 1998 during the
administration of Mayor Vicente P. Eusebio and inaugurated on May 30, 1999 by
Rev. Fr. Jorge Bellosillo of Immaculate Conception Quasi Parish.
There were 430 first year and 210 second year, a total of 640 initial numbers
of students who enrolled with 21 teachers.
At the start of classes, the rooms were bae, no school decks, and no
blackboards. Some students brought their own stool for them not to squat on the
floor. The needs of teachers and students were aired on television and printed on
new page; thus, for the DECS to reciprocate and provide the basic classroom
The 2000s marked more improvements. Additional chairs and tables were
received. Facilities and equipment were improved. Computers were forwarded
through the initiative of Councilor Bobby Eusebio. Special rooms were organized:
Audio-Visual, Computer Room, EMIS, Science Laboratory and T.H.E Learning
Center. The office of the administrator was air-conditioned. The third year level
was opened in S.Y. 2000-2001. By then student population reached 1,033. As the
student populace kept growing, there was a need for additional classrooms. In the
year 2001, two new buildings were constructed, the SCE I and DPWH. This was
the time when fourth year class was organized.
The year 2002 marked the milestone for RHS Annex Manggahan. The first
batch of graduates received their diplomas. The commencement exercises were
held at RHS main campus with the graduates of other annexes.
Thrills and excitement was the air in year 2003 not only for the graduates
but also to teachers and parents because the second commencement exercises was
held at the school ground. It was the first commencement exercises outside the
main campus .
The school year 2003-2004 started with the inaugurated SCE II, under the
administration of Mayor Soledad Eusebio. The year also marked another first, the
first valedictorian of the school.
The enrollment increased from 2,003 to 2,288 students and forms 61 to 80
teachers. To cope up with the growing number of enrollees each year, DPWH
Building was constructed into a SCE III, which was a 6-storey building.
Upon the recommendation of the RHS principal and compliance with DEP
Ed Order No. 71, s. 2003, RHS Manggahan Annex was separated from its mother
school on July 30, 2004. The exemplary performance, meritorious services
rendered and selfless devotion as Head of RHSAM, Mrs. Nancy J. Tolentino,
named as the principal of Manggahan High School.
The first year of Operation as MHS was initiated by renovation and
constructionof the additional rooms of fifth floor of VPE I building. The 437
graduates of Manggahan High School were led by Jessica V. Lacson.
The school provides programs and activities, democratized access to basic
education, computer literacy among 4th year students and active participation in
curricular and co-curricular activities, academic and non-academic competitions in
local, city, division, regional and international levels. Students have been
participating in prestigious contests where they reaped awards and prizes.
With these developments, the school is initiating the steps towards
discipline, cleanliness and quality education that will bring about progress to Brgy.
Manggahan in particular and the City of Pasig in general.
There is no end for growth of Manggahan High School as it works in the
attainment of its Vision, Mission Goals and Objectives.


Highly competent teachers enlightened, empowered

students, fully equipped buildings and better relationship with
community enabling each one to take responsibility for the
upliftment of education and development of everybody for a
common good and goal


MHS is committed to serve students by helping him shape his personality

and equipping him with resources and competencies necessary for life-long
learning through the most relevant and highest quality of education.

Name: Eleanor V. De Roja

Age: 46
Years of Service in Teaching: 20
Educational Attainment:
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
College of Holy Spirit Manila

M.A. science Education-Chemistry

Philippine Normal University

Mam Ellen is currently Head Teacher VI-Science of Manggahan High School.

Name: Rolando C. Julian
Age: 46
Years of Service in Teaching: 35
Educational Attainment:
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries Science
Masters of Art in Education
Doctors of Education Management
Marikina Polytechnic College

He is currently Head Teacher III-T.L.E. of Manggahan High School.

Name: Leah S. Pilipina
Years of Service in Teaching: 35
Educational Attainment:
Bachelor of Science in Education Major in Physical Education
Rizal Technological University

He is currently Head Teacher III-MAPEH of Manggahan High School.

Name: Zenaida Q. Adan
Age: 54
Years of Service in Teaching: 26
Educational Attainment:
Bachelor of Science in Education Major in English
Philippine Normal University
Masters of Arts in Education Management
Marikina Polytechnic College

He is currently Head Teacher VI -English of Manggahan High School

Name: Imelda T. Tuano
Years of Service in Teaching: 35
Educational Attainment:
Bachelor of Science in Education Major in Filipino
National Teachers College
Masters of Arts in Education Management
Marikina Polytechnic College

He is currently Head Teacher III-Filipino of Manggahan High School.

High School Management in the Philippines

High School Management in the Philippines

Education in the Philippines is managed and regulated by Department of Education
(DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority (TESDA). In our research we focus on high school education which is
mainly managed by DepEd -- Bureau of Secondary Education (BSE) but in some cases there
were high schools which have TESDA based curriculum which are the Technical Vocational
High Schools that have share management between DepEd and TESDA.
Let us discuss the Hierarchy system of high school from the top we have the Principal,
followed by Department Heads for each subject inline with the guidance counselor the next are
the master teachers which act as up as the OIC when the Department Heads are away and at last
the teachers which teaches the subjects. Then next we have the curriculum.
Before school year 2012-2013 high school education will only took 4 years to complete.
It has the curriculum of:
Year 1 Filipino 1, Algebra 1, Integrated Science, English 1 and Philippine History
Year 2 Filipino 2, Algebra 2, Biology, English 2 and Asian History
Year 3 Filipino 3, Geometry, Chemistry, World History and Geography
Year 4 Filipino 4, Calculus, Trigonometry, Physics, Literature and Economonics

In some cases Calculus is changed into Statistics and minor optional subjects added up
which include Health, Music, Arts, Physical Educations, Home Economics and Technology.
Selected school present additional subjects.
However, after the implementation of the K-12 Program of DepEd add up 2 more years
in high school to the total of 6 years to complete high school. 4 years of high school is classified
as junior high school before moving up to the next 2 years of high school which is senior high
school. The K-12 program had the core curriculum of: Languages, Literature, Communication,
Mathematics, Philosophy, Natural Sciences, and Social Science.
Interview Proper

The interview conducted this last January 12, 2017 was neatly and
sufficiently done. We were able to gather enough information as the
interview lasted for almost an hour covering various topics such as
administrative aspects, skills and abilities of a manager, leadership, and
especially, our topic,
financial management.
Because of the
circumstances, the
limited time and the
astonishing number of
questions, the plan of
interviewing them
individually ended up in
a group interview. As
you can see in the
picture, the interviewers
were seated on the left
hand side while the
head teachers aforementioned above were on the right.

We begin the interview by

asking general questions
like the common problems
encountered and ways of
working out things and
were followed by specific
questions pertaining to
different aspects of
management. The setup
was somehow preferable
because the interviewees
were able to collaborate
and give better response
with good substance. With
that in mind, we presented
their answers as a group.
We picked ten questions from the full interview to present you here. The full
transcript is inserted after the documentation at the last pages as a
reference and a proof.

1. How do you implement policies and regulations?

- Marami, basically connected with the department orders or

department memos so we do not make our own policies, rules,
regulations, ganun. Ganun yun. Sa policy ng Dep-Ed. At laging sa
school at laging ang kapakanan ng bata ang inuuna, lagi at
kelangan child friendly ka dapat. Di tulad sa mga company policies
yung samin ay nangagaling talaga sa DEP-Ed. Halimbawa gumawa
ng policy si principal, maggagawa siya ng memo, ang tawag doon
ay School Memo. Oo kasi we have, division memo, regional memo,
national. From National down to the schools. Principals are
empowered to make policies pero nakabase parin talaga ang mga
policy sa orders Dep-Ed.

2. How do you allocate/manage funds or resources?

- Depende sa darating na memo. From National, to school na kami.

Ang tawag kasi sa secondary ay they have their own implementing
units so they collect their own units. Tapos sa elementary naman ay
galing pang division, so from division to elementary schools.
Depende rin sa budget.

3. What responsibility do you have for budgeting, and what

budgeting methods do you use?

- Since we are government we have the RA 9184 or the Procurement

Reform act for the purpose of prescribing the necessary rules and
regulations for the modernization, standarzation of the procurement
activities of the government.

4. Tell me about a time when you have to prioritize limited

resources, how, what worked and what did not?

- Syempre kelangan yung prioritization based on needs. In case of

scarcity of the funds/ resources, as a school manager you have to
tie up with the LGU's saka yung mga alumni mga NGO,
stakeholders. Nakadenpend nga siya sa seriousness, gravity and
emergency ng fund.
5. Do you handle any seminars or trainings for your people. If so,
how significant are they?

- Yeah we conduct seminars base in the results of TSNA. Teacher

strengths and needs. Before the start of the school year. After the first
semester. We always conduct service trainings. Para mas mabigyan
ang teachers ng bagong strategies. Tsaka yung mga updates on
strategies, innovations. Especially now na we are in the 21st century.
Skills are needed.

6. What and how do you delegate?

- Delegation, actually delegation is already obsolete word we are

now using the word empowerment, we empower our teachers to do
the task because we believe in there skill. kasi we delegate if hindi
alam ng tao diba, kaya masasaktan ka lang sa result kapag mali ang
result diba Pag mali ang delegation magiging mali rin ang result.
Kaya you choose, you will choose the person who know how

7. What is the key to developing a good team?

- To build trust and respect to each other kailangan may harmony.

Kailangang may Orientation and various activities kayo. Also, kaya
meron tayong tinatawag na Theme Building o Capability Building
para maging comfortable kayo sa isat-isa.

8. How do you deal on co-workers with attitude problem?

- Actually maraming bagay yang, how you do you handle those

teammates as a leader kailangan hindi ka mainitin ang
ulo.kailangan nga as a leader you know the difference with a leader
and manager, when we are talking about the leader and manager
kailangan you possess yung dalawa nayan eh, yung leader at
manager pag pinagsama mo iyon maganda. Kasi yung manager ay
nakaupo yung leader ay nakatayo. Kung leader ka gumagalaw ka
para sundan ka pero yung sina sabi mo are those na mga ganito
kailangan may open communication sa kanila, kasi as a leader
dapat ilapit mo ang sarili mo sa kanila. Para malaman nila yung
major ng trabaho nila. kailangan we hindi I, o kaya you ganito
ganito hindi yung basta sinabi sa kanila gagawin, pakita mo pano
gawin iyon. Wag mong na porket ikaw yung manager nandyan
kalang in the four corners of the room waiting for a good result,
wala yun as a good leader you have to go out know the reality
anong problema so open communication.

9. How do you evaluate performance?

- Using RBMS. Result Based Management System. Kung ano yung
trabaho mo, kaya tinawag na result base kung ano yung trabaho mo
dun ka mag fofocus tapos may percentage. How do we evaluate
syempre, kaya so how do we evaluate yung RBMS nga diba through
RBMS kaya lang para ma authenticate may result portfolio. Ano sya
ebidensya kailangang may katibayan or documentation. Kung
walang evidence mababa ang grade. Do documented and
inievaluate for the performance of our subordinate. Kasi kung sinabi
mo outstanding ka doon patutunayan mong outstanding ka
magbigay ka ng ebidensya mo .

10. How far in advance do you typically plan activities for

yourself and your employees?

- Kasi we have what we call monthly yearly plan. School

improvement plan yung ang 3 years plan, tapos tinatranslate siya
annually, yearly tapos evaluate yung pag hindi natapos sa year na
yung dadalhin sa year 2 pag di natapos sa year 2 dadalhin sa year 3
hanggang ma accomplish na yung lahat ng plan sa 3 years.
Finanncial Management Functions
Financial management refers to the efficient and effective management of
money (funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of the
organization. It is the specialized function directly associated with the top
management. The significance of this function is not seen in the 'Line' but
also in the capacity of 'Staff' in overall of a company. It has been defined
differently by different experts in the field.

The term typically applies to an organization or company's financial strategy,

while personal finance or financial life management refers to an individual's
management strategy. It includes how to raise the capital and how to
allocate capital, i.e. capital budgeting. Not only for long term budgeting, but
also how to allocate the short term resources like current liabilities. It also
deals with the dividend policies of the shareholders.

The four sub- functions of the Finance Management business process, listed
in order of a life-cycle concept of managing finances, are:
- is a management process, concerned with defining goals for
company's future direction and determining on the missions and
resources to achieve those targets. To meet the
goals, managers may develop plans such as a business plan or a
marketing plan.
- is the analysis, organization and oversight of costs and expenditures
for a business or organization. Managing a budget requires adhering
to strict internal protocols on expenditures.
Management and Control
- is a comprehensive system of internal controls put in place by and
under the responsibility of budget user heads, which, by way
of managing risks, provides reasonable assurance that budget and
other resources will be used in a regular, ethical, economical,
effective and efficient manner ...
Performance Measurement
- is the regular collection of data to assess whether the correct
processes are being performed and desired results are being

As a business/company process, these sub-functions are arranged in the

following sequence:



Bridging the Interview
e and the Report Topic
nt and
Measureme Control

The success of an institution depends upon the strength of their

foundation. This includes the harmony of the relationship between the
superiors and their subordinates and the trust that they give to each other. In
Manggahan Highschool, they use the word empowerment instead of
delegation which says a lot about the relationship of the superior to his
subordinate giving him motivation for a positive outcome of the assigned
task given to him. The key to developing a good team for them is based on
how they build trust and respect with each other. Various activities,
orientation and team buildings are done in order for them to know and
develop a harmonious relationship with each other. Another important thing
is the management of their finances. Financial management refers to the
efficient and effective management of money (funds) in such a manner as to
accomplish the objectives of the organization. It is the
specialized function directly associated with the top management. This
includes planning which is the process of determining how financial
resources will be used to achieve mandated goals and objectives. On the
other hand, budgeting is forecasting estimates for the predicted use of
financial resources. In a school setting like the one where we conducted
our case study, their operational funding mainly comes from the government
since we have the RA 9184 or the Procurement Reform act for the purpose of
prescribing the necessary rules and regulations for the modernization,
standardization of the procurement activities of the government. This covers
a schools running costs, including the wages of all non-teaching staff,
property maintenance, classroom materials, purchase and depreciation of
capital items, leases and rentals and staff professional development. The
budget allocated to them is based on the memo from the Division Office.
They have to utilize whatever the amount of budget that is given to them.
There also comes a time where in they have to prioritize limited resources. In
case of scarcity of fund, they prioritize their needs depending on the gravity
and seriousness of the problem. They also get some help from some NGOs
and LGUs for funding whatever needs they have.


We, the researchers, have been tackling on the topic of Managing Financial
Functions. It is the study on how do men manage and maximize their financial
aspect in a certain business or project. Money is a vital part of a business sector or
in every establishment. It is the reason why materials are present and why some
establishments improve, but what if these cash are not properly handled and an
official takes advantage of the budget distributed for them. These is where the
importance of managing financial functions takes place.
Last January 12, 2017, we have visited Manggahan High School and
interviewed their Faculty heads in order to find out not just their ways on managing
financial functions but also their ways on management. Managing money on an
establishment with more than a thousand people to benefit from it can sometimes
be troublesome but with the help of management, anyone and everyone could
benefit from it. We cannot deny it but whether it is a school or a company, all of
them aim to maximize their profits or make their profits stable.
Certain methods are done said by a faculty member of the school. One of it is
by having higher officials and a department to manage this budget coming from the
government since there is a present subsidy for every school in the country. DepEd
(Department of Education) is the one responsible for handling the budget given per
division, example the DepEd - Division of Pasig holds the budget for Manggahan
High School and many more schools in Pasig. By this process the high school itself
could avoid the instances that their school will take advantage of the subsidies
given to them. It is really helpful because instead of wasting on too much budget on
the school the division itself, sets the project for the school in order to control the
budget they should use per school year.
Management is really an easy task to do but a hard habit to continue. We
tend to give the best for the company itself in order to ensure the future of it but
when one step is overlooked or missed then it will become a hindrance to the
establishment. In order to fully understand what we would like to infer on
management these are some ideas given by our members:

Lance Rovi C. Luaa

I learned a lot how to manage people and how to manage the finances. I learned the
difference between coaching and mentoring. Coaching is a short-term while
mentoring is long-term. They also teach us about close monitoring of people and
supervision. Communicate with the people. If there is a problem, fix it immediately
through face-to-face communication. But most of all, be an example. Be a leader
and not just a manager.

Jietz Calamaya
Management is the brain and heart of every organization. It is responsible for
planning, organizing, directing, and controlling an organization's resources. It create
rules and policies and implement. Repeal and make adjustments based on the
organization's needs. It is management's responsibility to direct employees to its
objective to fulfill as well as for itself. It is also ideal to have a stress-free and light
environment workplace to make task less hard as much as possible. We want to
make people love what they're doing, so as we. We want to make ourselves love
that we are doing. And its management duty to make that happen. Not just to
manage employees but also to lead them proactively. That is the key to success and
thrive of an organization. An ideal and healthy relationship between employees and
the management

Prince Jairon D. Tarnate

The interview we had with faculty head teachers enlightened us. They gave
helpful insights and pointed out essential points regarding leadership and
management. The discourse transcended multiple topics including financial
management, leadership skills, appropriate approach strategies, stress and work
management, and much more. They kind of gave us a peek on their work
experience and on what's going on behind their duties and responsibilities. I learned
tons of stuff and was inspired by these professionals. I could see, by observing how
they tackled each question, their expertise and experience in handling the said
subject. Regarding on school management, I discovered how they are mandated by
DepEd. Public schools don't directly make their own rules rather they adhere to
certain policies DepEd imposed on them then craft their own school memorandum
based on DepEds regulation.

Darwin Valdez
The budget of a school mainly comes from the Division Office. The school
utilizes the budget allotted to them. In case of scarcity of resources, they utilize
their fund/resource depending on the gravity of the problem. Mainly the school
manages their finances provided by the Division Office according to which problem
that needs the most attention. They also get some help with their finances from
some NGO's/LGU's in case they are in dire need of some. Still, the success of the
school depends upon the harmony of the relationship between the employees of the
school which we think is good. They use the word empowerment instead of
delegation which says a lot about the relationsip of the superiors to their
subordinates. A school setting differs with a company setting in some aspect but
what is the same and important is the trust and proper management of their
resources and finances for the betterment of the system.

Abbas Maghazehi
Financial management always could be a critical part of a management
system. most of the management problems arouse from this part and controversies
tend to develop. In order to prevent this a effective financial management system
must be done. In the case of Manggahan High School, the financial management
has been a critical part of the school management system and so far those who are
in charge have done some key points to prevent problems and make it easier and
convenient. Some improvements must still be done in order to make transparency
and these will make a better management system and make the day to day
operations of the school run smoothly and efficiently. Truly a financial management
system is essential for every management system.

Jasmine Joy Victorio

The topics are interrelated. Does the said topic in our report helps my
profession? The Finance Function is said to be an important management
responsibility that deals with the "procurement and administration of funds with the
view of achieving the objectives of business". Future engineers are expected to
maintain effective work forces. It is impossible for an engineer to interface the
organization or the given project without the understanding of financial aspects and
statements. Learning the financial strategies will be very useful for us to manage
the activities in the future. But doing this requires taking responsibility for the
parameters in our lives. Self-leadership is the first one merely needed. We have to
be trained hardly to develop the ability and apply all the learned skills in our future
career. It will surely help us, the future engineers to overcome all the hardships and
a start that might bring us to our great profession.

Al Sojaime Mokamad
In decision making or problem solving they use consultation or
communication, they also think for the good of others and see that the decision
made is for the benefit of all. Solving problems should be taken wisely where the
good effects should always be greater than the sacrifice given. Example is the
budgeting of funds, prioritizing needs and seeing how scarce your resources is
needed to properly manage the funds and wisely choose which is needed to be
expensed. In making your employees follow you, you should build trust within them,
you should be a role model, a leader not a boss and manage them with proper care
and attention, see who fails and teach them not scold them. When youre a leader
persuade or encourage them to follow you and what you do. Have rooms for
communication and enhancement

Sheen Yanzon
The study of finance function is very important not only on engineers but to
all students out there. Later on, each one of us will face difficulties on financial
aspects. Financial management, and management in general starts from each
individual. We learn first with ourselves and as we age we add knowledge to this
basic wisdom through learning and experience. One of the importance of learning
financial management is that we are able to help the people around us may it be in
our home or workplace. And if in the future we make it to have our own office then I
will at least have a basic knowledge in managing. Many successful engineers in the
world doesn't only know how to solve complicated mathematical problems, they
definitely know how to handle their life, money, and people!

Joshua Balmes:
In every sector of our industry, Management is a vital part of every
establishment. We give time and effort to learn how to uplift the state of a certain
business by following some rules in management thus making it a routine to
continue its achievements. In our case, we have discovered the importance of
management in the finance section. It is shown that as engineering students the
budget allocated per project should be properly liquidated. It should show true
information on where the budget should be spent on and what to use it for. These
are some information I have learnt from the interview done to the teachers, and it
shows that their input and output of cash are well-manage from their higher
officials. Certain processes are included in order to maintain such large amount of
budgets given to schools and it is only reliable that by the use of management it
could help each and every one benefitting from it.

With all that, Management and Financial function alone is not effective only
by applying it but it is more efficient to every sector of a company if it is done by
every member willingly. The Manggahan High School, showed us that financial
management is really essential to every employee or person in order to comply on
the needs of the people affected. We could conclude that Managing Financial
Functions is an effective way to further expand the limits and capabilities of a
certain company, but also Financial management will be nothing if the people inside
this departments do not comply to the job needed, so management is therefore
inferred that it could be attain thru the hands of the people in it.

The interview was completed not without a hitch. We did manage to
obtain enough information but the interview could be better. Admittedly, the
interview we had was not intensively planned because of this we were not
able to perfectly craft our set of questions. We ended up bringing bunch of
questions prolonging the interview which is detrimental and inconvenient to
the part of our interviewees. Also, we were not able to setup a one-on-one
interview with the teachers instead we proceeded in a manner of group
discussion. However, group discussion might have its advantage, doing an
interview individually could yield better variations of answers giving us more
Having our experience evaluated, we would recommend to future
interviewers to not commit the same mistakes we did. Plan your interview
carefully. You should come to the venue with your questions ready and
printed. Having a printed copy of your questions is convenient to the part of
the interviewees. You should also be aware in the duration and the time of
your interview. Be mindful that youre just asking for a little time with these
busy people. To make your interview efficient, be sure to prepare your
questions well. Lengthy and irrelevant questions would prolong and
disappoint the interviewees.
Above all, practice engagement. During the interview, be sure that
your party would participate in the interview. This is not a job interview
where youre the boss and trying to evaluate and scrutinize your subject.
This is an interview where youre politely gathering information from them. In
other words, they are doing you a favour. Be sure to compensate this act of
The research team would recommend for future researchers to focus
and study in the details of the financial management system of school and
college institutions. We would also recommend to make interviews with
financial management experts on getting comments, suggestions and
recommendations on the research subject they would pursue.
Interviewer: Eto naman po, as ece students po kase. How do you emply
technogy and innovation to management?
Teacher 3: right now we are using the technology the IC integration
Teacher 2: yeah the electronic submission of reports
Teacher 1: electronic computation of grades
Teacher 2: we use e-records. The e records, the ebooks and the email.
Interviewer: Next question po is do you handle any seminars or trainings
for your people. If so, how significant are they?
Teacher 1: anong (type) seminars?
Teacher in the background: maraming seminars
Teacher 1: very significant.
Interviewer: In general po.
Teacher 3: yeah we conduct seminars base in the results of TSNA.
Background: yeah. Teacher strengths and needs (inaudible)
Teacher 2: before the start if the school year. After the first semester.. We
always conduct Service trainings.
Para mas mabigyan ang teachers ng bagong... strategies.
Background: tsaka yung mga updates... strategies, innovations. Especially
now na we are in the 21st century... Skills are needed.
Interviewer: Eto naman po. About sa decision making. At which point do
you find it necessary to bring others into your decision making process and
Teacher 1: We have no other resource to follow us kasi kami yung mga boss
nila (giggle) Kasi hindi mo maalis samin it make decisions kasi nga managers
kami. We have to make decisions. If we have to device some methods
wherein our subordinates we follow out, we follow with our decision. Lalo na
pag memo.
Interviewer: Sa next question naman po is describe your approach in
decision making and solving problem. Why do you do it this way?
Teachers: Ano ba yung approach natin? Yung parang deductive and
inductive method? Deductive and inductive method (tawanan)
*What are the approach youve learned in the school, in solving the problems,
and name some.
*Know the problem. Yun yung una.
*The question is pertaining to what type of approach. Now in a way
approach. Any which way approach. What if what if approach.
*Depende nga ang approach natin minsan sa tao e.
*Im asking what are those approach so we can uhhhm connect
*Kasi may sinasabing different strokes to different folks.
*Tama! It depends on the person.
*See to it that the decision you are going to make will not only, you the
manager will be *benefitted. It should be everybody's benefit
*Ayun consultative. Consultative approach.
*Most likely consultative kasi we are Democratic kasi We do not use
authoritative Instead we want a climate that is very good.
*Hindi baril kundi bibig. ( tawanan) joke lang.
*Puso ang ginagamit namin hindi baril hindi din bibig. ( tawanan)
*Kasi in some other school they use memo, because to them memo is form
of communication. So it depends upon the school kasi dito we do not receive
memo from the principal. So it forms a family.
*Makatao, Maka-Diyos, Makabayan (tawanan)
*Child friendly school
*Humanistic approach.
*Tama din yung consultative kasi doctor ka ehh (tawanan)

Interviewer: Yung next naman na set if questions is sa administration

naman po. What areas are within your sphere of responsibilities in your
current position. How do you make sure that you know what is happening?
Teacher 1: Monitoring.
Background: Close monitoring. Supervision.
Yung first part po?
Teacher 1: Supervision. Mapeh si maam. Class Supervision.
*Admin kami kasi lahat. Kaya talagang supervise.
*Iba-ibang department lang kasi.
Teacher 3: Iba kasi ang set up ng school setting sa different companies. It is
more on instruction. Curriculum and instruction kasi kami.
Teacher 3: so 70% if it is more on instruction and 30% is administration
Teacher 2: Depende kasi sa mga clientele ninyo e. Ganun yun. Management
ehhh iba-iba kasi yung manager ehhh.
*If you are not satisfied with the answer you can... Follow up.
Interviewer: Nabago lang talaga ko sa set up. Kasi sa school ko kasi sa
santolan, every department nandun yung head teachers and dito
magkakasama yung mga heads
Teacher: Ahhhhh dito kasi kami magkakasama, Sa santolan by
department talaga.
Interviewer: Kung more in instruction talaga what... Pano yung bond niyo
dun sa mga other teachers kada department
Teacher 2: Nag-iistay kami sa mga department nila.
Teacher 3: Atsaka we meet, may meeting.
Teacher 1: Pinupuntahan namin sila. We see to it na we go to our
department everyday
We monitor.
Teacher 1: Yung sa santolan kasi I know na wala silang space talaga, so ang
set-up ay ganito.
*Kaya we see to it na we go our departments everyday.
*Kami ang pumupunta sa kanila. Kaya everyday may monitoring talaga.
*Tapos kung wala kami doon, sila naman yung pumupunta dito, kaya meron
pa rin naman nanyayari.
And my monthly meeting. May inset dun na nangyayari.

Interviewer: Tanong ko lang po anong klaseng rules/regulations/policies

niyo? and in case paano niyo po inaaply ito? And in any case paano niyo po
in-eenforce ito?
TEACHER 1: Marami, basically connected with the department orders or
department memos so we do not make our own policies, rules, regulations,
ganun. Fine also with the Civil Service division. Ganun yun
TEACHER 3: Policy. Sa policy ng Dep-Ed. At laging sa school at laging ang
kapakanan ng bata ang inuuna, lagi at kelangan child friendly ka dapat. Di
tulad sa mga company policies yung samin ay nangagaling talaga sa DEP-
TEACHER 1: Halimbawa gumawa ng policy si principal, maggagawa siya ng
memo, ang tawag doon ay School Memo. Oo kasi we have, division memo,
regional memo, national. From National down to the schools.
TEACHER 2: May sinusunod lang na chain. National, Regional, Division.
TEACHER 1: Principals are empowered to make policies pero nakabase parin
talaga ang mga policy sa orders Dep-Ed.

Interviewer: Sa Writing skills naman po

TEACHER 1: Ha? Sa writing correspondence iho
Interviewer: Ayyy opo, basta sa letters po. What do you see as the
difference as for writing a report order versus memo versus a letter?
TEACHER 1: Normally if we follow the Dep-Ed, memo is good for 1 year
which contains announcements. Kapag order naman actually ang school ay
di pwedeng gumawa ng order, nangagaling ito sa dep-ed. Ang ginagawa lang
naman ay kung ano lang yung concerned sa school, usually ang duration ng
order ay until may bago muling dumating na order. Pagdating naman sa
letter, maraming klase ng letter.
TEACHER 2: Usually ang ginagawa lang naman ay request letter. Kapag
nagrerequest kami ng mga gamit na mga kailangan. At principal ang
nakakapirma at gumagawa nun.
TEACHER 1: Pero usually sa letter lumalabas lagi ang pirma ng principal.
Kami hindi kami authorize. Taga-type lang. (tawanan)

Interviewer: Ahhhmm, pagdating naman po sa pagmamanage po ng mga

resources, sa fund. Paano po yung Sistema po doon?
TEACHER 2: Depende sa darating na memo
TEACHER 3: From National, to school na kami
TEACHER 1: Ang tawag kasi sa secondary ay they have their own
implementing units so they collect their own units. Tapos sa elementary
naman ay galling pang division, so from division to elementary schools.
TEACHER 1: Yun ba yung hinahanap niyong sagot sa tanong? Ano ba yung
budget ba?
Interviewer: Opo yun naman po pero sa lahat naman po.
TEACHER 1: Basta depende sa budget, pero sige, ulit-ulit tayo.

Interviewer: What responsibility do you have for budgeting, and what

budgeting methods do you use?
TEACHER 1: Since we are government we have the RA 9184 or the
Procurement Reform act for the purpose of prescribing the necessary rules
and regulations for the modernization, standarzation of the procurement
activities of the government.
Interviewer: Tell me about a time when you have to prioritize limited
resources, how, what worked and what did not?
TEACHER 1: Syempre kelangan yung prioritization based on needs. In case
of scarcity of the funds/ resources, as a school manager you have to tie up
with the LGU's saka yung mga alumni mga NGO, stakeholders. Nakadenpend
nga siya sa seriousness, gravity and emergency ng fund.
Interviewer: Regarding po sa past question, ano po yung currently o
recently na problema sa pagmamanage ng resource? (tulad po sa dati kong
school Commonwealth High School, may mga rooms po na may division sa
TEACHER 3: Kunwari may gusto kaming bilhing TV, May mga limitations, di
pwede basta lang bumili ng gamit.
TEACHER 1: Teka doon sa graduating school mo ano bang scenario doon?
Interviewer: Doon po sa Commonwealth High School po, may mga rooms
po na may division sa gitna dahil crowded po yung school. Grumaduate po
kami na with 2,000 plus students and yun nga po may limitation sa
TEACHER 2: So far dito hindi naman nagkakaganun dito kasi we are trying
our best to maximize our classrooms. Isang section isang classrom.
INTERVIEWER: Yun po ginanun po kasi siya dahil po sa K-12 po na system.
TEACHER 1: Di naman kami umabot sa ganung point, oo, isang room, isang
Interviewer: Ano po yung parang capacitor population niyo dito? May
limitation lang po ba kayo na itatanggap?
TEACHER 2: Wala , were after the EFA (education for all) goal. And 5,600
lang naman ang aming population.
TEACHER 1: Actually tapos na yung education for all, na-implement siya
noong 2015 pa. Atsaka di pwede tumanggi, kasi pupunta sila sa Dep-Ed at
isusumbong kami. Kaya magsisiksikan kami ng magsisiksikan kasi wala na
kaming magagawa.
TEACHER 2: Kaso kasi kung saan ka na malapit doon ka na, ganun dapat.

Interviewer: Sa leadership question po. No 1 is How do you get your

employees (or others) to follow you?
TEACHER 1: How do we?
TEACHER 2: Hiring Process
TEACHER 1: Oo. Hiring Process
TEACHER 3: Kasi may hiring process kami
TEACHER 1: Hindi to follow you daw
TEACHER 2: Hiring muna diba
TEACHER 3: Hindi to follow you
TEACHER 2: ulit

Interviewer: How do you get your employees (or others) to follow you?
TEACHER 2: Ahhh Hindi yun hiring
TEACHER 3: no hiring
TEACHER 2: so to be ano
TEACHER 1: haa.. ang ibig sabihin nun
TEACHER 3: kung pano sila susunod sayo
TEACHER 2: Oo kung pano sila susunod sayo
TEACHER 3: Oh show show you walk you talk you walk walk
TEACHER 3: Panu yung
TEACHER 2: Sumunod ka muna gawin mo
TEACHER 1: MBWA. Management
TEACHER 3: Be a role model
TEACHER 3: Be an Example
TEACHER 1: Management
TEACHER 3: Be a leader not a boss
TEACHER 2: Ano Rolly Management by
TEACHER 2: Ano yun
TEACHER 1: Management by
Inteviewer: Next po is How do you use power or authority to get what you
want done?
Interviewed3: Power daw
TEACHER 1: Authority Ah syempre in the school setup we got 9 authority
syempre yung 9 in the school setting is the principal authority, Head teacher,
the master teacher
TEACHER 3: ano bang tawag doon
TEACHER 2: edi yung flowchart
(The voices where somehow undistinguished and more interviewees where
added so we changed TEACHERS 1,2 and 3 to Person 1, 2, 3 and added 4 and
Person (2, 3,4and5): Organizational Chart
Person 2: Pano gagawin sa organizational chart
Person 1: Ulit yung tanong mo ulet

Interviewer: How do you use power or authority to get what you want
Person 1: so yun again
Person 5: organizationzal chart
Person 1: hindi kasi how
Person 3: how eh.
Person2: how do you
Person 1: how do you get
Person 4: Power
Person 3: How do you use power
Person1: How do you use power to
Interviewer: To get what you want done
Person(3 and 4): To get what you want done
Person3: Hindi pwede
Person2: we dont use power we use our heart
Person1: Hindi kasi meron parin kakayahan doon kasi yung principal meron
parin authority, meron siyang kakayahan na pasunurin ang mga tao niya
Person4: may limitation parin
Person1: Oo pero,
Person4: kasi may lost parin sinasabi
Person1: kasi ang principal, in Republic act 9155 the principal are empower
so they will use this authority na sinasabi ninyo
Person2: Republic act 9155
Person3: School based management
Person1: Empowerment of school principal para mapadali ang trabaho,
hindi kagaya before kasi central
Person2: na isa lang ang masususunod
Person1: Centralization kasi ngayon, Kasi pag centralized kasi matagal ang
flow ng trabaho, ngayon centralized the principal has the authority to make
the decision, Tama ba
Person4: Oo, Tama
Interviewer: May isa pa po
Person4: Meron pa isa nalang
Person1: Tama na, okay na kasi yung iba di naman na sagot
Interviewer: Please share with me an example of how you helped coach or
mentor someone. What improvements did you see in the person's knowledge
or skills?
Person1: 1st we have to differentiate the meaning of coach and mentor,
mentoring in terms of length is mahaba, coaching is shorter education.
Halimbawa you are teaching basketball you will use coaching instead of
mentoring, okay another is sabi mo how to be mentor we have
Person4: TIP
Person1: ah. Normally we mentor for those
Person3: 3 years
Person1: 3years ah 3 years those teachers who need, ano yung kailangan
Person2: Hindi that is why we have TIP, Guiding teacher first to identify
then, identify the TSNA, So ano yung mga terms na yung.
Person1: Basta yung mga minimentor natin ay yung mga teachers na
ngangailangan ng tulong. Kasi syempre when you enter in the service hindi
naman lahat ay magaling syempre kailangan ay hahasain diba. Ulit mo yung
tanong mo para makita natin kung anong sagot.
Interviewer: Please share with me an example of how you helped coach or
mentor someone. What improvements did you see in the person's knowledge
or skills?
Person 3: Kagaya sa Mapeh we have 9 teachers who are not PE major
teaching MAPEH, imagining mo English teacher magtuturo ng MAPEH, yung
ang minimentor kailangan tutukan sila so they could teach physical
education, music the way na matututo ang mga estudyante nila kasi hindi
nila alam yung
Person1: sa TLE naman ang magandang example niyang ay with the use of
ICT, ICT edukasyon kasi it doesnt mean that when you are using a laptop
you are an ICT expert, mali yung eh
Person2: Marunong lang
Person1: Gumagamit lang siya ng laptop, laptop is only a gamit, pero yung
ICT integration yung mga kumkuha ng ginagamit pang trabaho.. pero sa TLE
meron parin, samin kasi sa TLE hindi lahat ay pare parehas na may major ,
halimbawa ako ay major ng Cosmetology mag tuturo ako ng electronics, so
kailangang ay imentor mo siya in terms sa pagkuha ng electronics, yung so
color coding how do we get it black, red, orange, yellow, green ganun may
mga teachers na hindi alam yun. Tolerance value ma ganun so yung ang
mga minimentor, ganun parang yung mentoring ay bago kayo isalpak sa
trabaho hindi kayo iiwanan basta basta
Person2: Training muna
Person1: kaagapay kayo
Person3: May orientation
Person1: Ang tanong sino ang nagmementor?
Person4: Master teachers
Person1: Oo dito sa school setup kung walang master teachers mga senior
Person2: Seasoned nalang wag na Senior
Person1: Season Teacher
Person2: kasi may bata pa naman pero seasoned na eh
Person1: okay next
Person2: Madami pa
Interviewer: Sandali nalang po, eto meron po ba kayo sa system na parang
probationary mentor?
Person1: Probationary
Person3: Wala na, they are all regular teachers, wala ng contractual
Person 1: Hindi kagaya dati, sa iba yata meron,pero if they follow the deped
orders kailangan dapat wala na, ang hiring automatically ay permanent
Person2: Permanent dapat
Person2: So you cannot teach in public syempre without a license before
kasi pwede eh, sa private pwede, pero sa public walang ganon dapat may
license lahat sa private pwede kang mag turo ng wala kang lisensya
Person4: Pwede kang board passer, pero sa public hindi pwede yun
Interviewer: hmm.. next question po is about delegation of responsibility,
who do you choose? What and how do you delegate and what do you
monitor and follow them?
Person1: Delegation, actually delegation is already obsolete word we are
now using the word empowerment , we empower our teachers to do the task
because we believe in there skill kaya lang may tanong sa dulo eh
Interviewer: Opo
Person1: Ano yung, on how we monitor
Interviewer: What and how do you delegate and what do you monitor and
follow them?
Person1: Normally delegation syempre unang una tinitignan mo ang skills
ng teacher, tama?
Person4: Yung specialization , lalong lalo sa TLE yan
Person1: kasi we delegate if hindi alam ng tao diba, kaya masasaktan ka
lang sa result kapag mali ang result diba
Person3: Pag mali ang delegation magiging mali rin ang result
Person1: Kaya you choose, you will choose the person who know how, know
Interviewer: Kunti nalang po, Last question dun po sa leadership ah
Person1: Technical Know how yung ilagay mo doon sa delegation, Technical
know how para ma impress naman si professor what is technical know how.
Interviewer: eto po yung lang question. In your experience, what is the key
to developing a good team?
Person1: syempre kailangan maging, ah para sakin ah kailangan maging
role model to my subordinates kasi yung ang kailangan eh, na makita ng
ano ah.. what Im talking is kung ano ang sinasabi ko I know how to do it.
Person2: Oo kailangan ginagawa mo rin
Person1: ginagawa mo rin, para masundan ka ng subordinate mo.
Person3: be an role model be a example.
Person1: Oo mga ganon. Paulit pa nga isa pang ulit ng tanong, mahina ang
aking retention sa question
Interviewer: In your experience, what is the key to developing a good
Person2: What is the key?
Interviewer: Kung paano po ibubuild yung trust, respect
Person1: ahmmm.. meron ano diyan eh kailangan ay anong tawag dun
cama camaraderie, kaya nga meron tayong tinatawag na yung binibigay
natin sa mga teachers sa ibat ibang uri ng activities to develop harmonious
relationship anong tawag dun.
Person2: Activities
Person1: Yung ano yung mga binibigay niyo
Person4: Orientation?
Person1: Aside from orientation, kailangan ng orientation kasi foundation
yun diba, para matibay ang team kasi kung hindi alam ang rules at
Person3: Teacher introduction??
Person1: hindi yung ano.. Para maano yung key key nga for development
Person3: Capability building, Theme building
Person1: ayan tha-tha-that is the right word
Interviewer: yung po yan sa relationship between others po yun
Person1: Oo
Interviewer: pano ninyo naman po minamanage yung mga katrabaho na
may attitude problem?
Person1: ah actually maraming bagay yang, how you do you handle those
teammates as a leader kailangan hindi ka mainitin ang ulo.kailangan nga as
a leader you know the difference with a leader and manager, when we are
talking about the leader and manager kailangan you posses yung dalawa
nayan eh, yung leader at manager pag pinagsama mo iyon maganda. Kasi
yung manager ay nakaupo yung leader ay nakatayo. Kung leader ka
gumagalaw ka para sundan ka pero yung sina sabi mo are those na mga
ganito kailangan may open communication sa kanila, kasi as a leader dapat
ilapit mo ang sarili mo sa kanila. Para malaman nila yung major ng trabaho
Person 3: kailangan we hindi I, o kaya you ganito ganito
Person4: hindi yung basta sinabi sa kanila gagawin, pakita mo pano gawin
Person1: wag mong na porket ikaw yung manager nandyan kalang in the
four corners of the room waiting for a good result, wala yun as a good leader
you have to go out know the reality anong problema so open communication.
Person3: kasi kailangan pag leader ka persuasive ka, kailangan hikayatin
sila to follow you
Person1: so last question for leadership, marami pa yan
Person3: Ay may gosh
Interviewer: tatlong category nalang po
Person1: tatlo nalang
Person3: ah tatlong category
Interviewer: ay isa nalang po about evaluating the performances, about po
sa paano ninyo inievaluate yung performance
Person3: ah RBMS yan
Person1: so ano yung RBMS para ma ano na
Person2: Result Based Management System
Person1: So we evaluate sa paggamit nun ah, sa paggamit ng sinasabi ni
maam na RBMS
Person4: kung ano yung trabaho mo, kaya tinawag na result base kung ano
yung trabaho mo dun ka mag fofocus tapos may percentage
Person1: how do we evaluate syempre
Person3: kaya so how do we evaluate yung RBMS nga diba
Person1:through RBMS kaya lang para ma authenticate may result portfolio
Person2: ano sya ebidensya
Person3: Kailangang may katibayan
Person4: documentation
Person2: kung walang evidence mababa ang grade
Person1: so documented and inievaluate for the performance of our
Person3: kasi kung sinabi mo outstanding ka doon patutunayan mong
outstanding ka
Person4: magbigay ka ng ebidensya mo
Interviewer: Sa planning naman po last na to, isa nalang po
Person3: last na to ah
Interviewer: How far in advance do you typically plan activities for yourself
and your employees?
Person1: kasi we have what we call month yearly
Person4: school improvement plan yung ang 3 years plan, tapos
tinatranslate siya annually, yearly tapos evaluate yung pag hindi natapos sa
year na yung dadalhin sa year 2 pag di natapos sa year 2 dadalhin sa year 3
hanggang ma accomplish na yung lahat ng plan sa 3 years
Person1: teka parang mali eh ulet
Person3: How do you accomplish
Interviewer: How far in advance
Person3: ah how far in advance
Interviewer: do you typically plan activities for yourself and your
Person1: plan daw eh
Person4: what we plan for this school years before, before ng opening may
plan na
Person1: all the department head will get together with the concerned
Person3: Principal
Person1: Personnel
Person2: magkakaroon ng planning seminar
Person1: yung seminar
Person2: the planning team
Person1: we have the planning team kasi eh
Person2: Kasi kaya meron tayo 1 week or 2 week before the opening kasi
yung ang planning kasi school to eh
Person1: Yung sinasabi ni maam yung result of the planning
Person3: pero kung kayo lang ang nagpaplano before the opening
Person4: sa planning lahat may representative may estudyante, may
magulang, may teacher, may head
Person1: May planning team kasi eh
Person2: They have the access the quality and the governance
Interviewer: Last Request po, pwede po ba kaming magpapicture sa inyo.
-End of Interview-

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