Sach Speaking Full 3 Parts Ngoc Bach - Version 1

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I. Part 1 ......................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Celebrity ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Advertisements ........................................................................................................................................ 9
3. Gifts ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
4. Transportation ....................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Colors ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
6. Flowers ................................................................................................................................................... 17
7. Bus and taxi ............................................................................................................................................ 20
8. Computers .............................................................................................................................................. 22
9. Noises ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
10. Home/ Accommodation .......................................................................................................................... 26
11. Visitors .................................................................................................................................................... 30
12. Newspapers and magazines .................................................................................................................. 32
13. Outdoor Activities ................................................................................................................................... 35
14. Photos ..................................................................................................................................................... 38
15. Teachers ................................................................................................................................................. 42
16. Walking .................................................................................................................................................. 44
17. Books ...................................................................................................................................................... 45
18. Music ...................................................................................................................................................... 48
19. Study ....................................................................................................................................................... 54
20. Work ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
21. Activities near water .............................................................................................................................. 60
22. Birthday .................................................................................................................................................. 62
23. Chocolate ................................................................................................................................................ 63
24. Hometown .............................................................................................................................................. 65
25. Singing .................................................................................................................................................... 67
26. Sunny days ............................................................................................................................................. 68

27. Weekends ............................................................................................................................................... 70
28. Art ........................................................................................................................................................... 73
29. Family ..................................................................................................................................................... 75
30. Handcrafts .............................................................................................................................................. 78
31. Hats and bags ......................................................................................................................................... 79
II. Part 2 and Part 3 .................................................................................................................................... 83
1. Describe a person/something that made you laugh ............................................................................. 83
2. Describe your favorite movie ................................................................................................................. 87
3. Describe a piece of equipment in your home . ...................................................................................... 94
4. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others ................................................................................. 100
5. Describe an interesting song ............................................................................................................... 106
6. Describe a creative inventor or musician ............................................................................................ 112
7. Describe a special meal you have had ................................................................................................. 118
8. Describe a favorite part of your city or home that you often visit/ Describe a place where you
relaxed ........................................................................................................................................................ 124
9. Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting .................................................................. 130
10. Describe a person that you admire ..................................................................................................... 137
11. Describe an interesting photo ............................................................................................................. 146
12. Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive ......................................................... 152
13. Describe a garden you visited and like. ............................................................................................. 158
14. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics) ................ 166
15. Describe someone who has a great influence on you/ Describe a person who you have met before
and you want to know more about ........................................................................................................... 174
16. Describe a tall building you like or dislike. ....................................................................................... 182
17. Describe a wild animal ......................................................................................................................... 189
18. Describe a time when you were very busy. ....................................................................................... 194
19. Describe a famous person in your country ....................................................................................... 200
20. Describe an outdoor activity you like to do ........................................................................................ 206
21. Describe an advertisement you have seen. ......................................................................................... 215
22. Describe a website that you like to visit. ............................................................................................ 223

23. Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you had
the chance. ................................................................................................................................................. 228
24. Describe a time you needed to use imagination ................................................................................. 235
25. Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time. .............................................. 241
26. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something ........................................... 250
27. Describe a team project for study or entertainment ............................................................................. 254
28. Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work .................................................... 259
29. Describe a sport stadium thats important in your city. ...................................................................... 264
30. Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your country. ............................ 269
31. Describe an event that resulted in a positive change in your life. Or Describe a positive change
that you made to your life. ....................................................................................................................... 274
32. Describe a piece of good news that you received. .............................................................................. 279
33. Describe something special that you saved money to buy. ............................................................... 283
34. Describe a good part of your personality or character. .................................................................... 287
35. Describe a person who you like to spend time with. ......................................................................... 292
36. Describe an item that you received and made you happy ................................................................ 297
37. Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. .................. 303
38. Describe a time when you made a mistake. ........................................................................................ 309
39. Describe a big company that you would like to work in. ................................................................. 314
40. Describe a useful app or computer program for a smart phone, computer or tablet that you have
used. ........................................................................................................................................................... 321
41. Describe a course you would like to study (or, do). .......................................................................... 326
42. Describe a difficult decision that you made. ...................................................................................... 331
43. Describe a time when you tried a new food for the first time. ......................................................... 335
44. Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness. ....................................................................... 341
45. Describe a situation that made you a little angry. ............................................................................ 346
46. Describe an occasion when you got up very early. ............................................................................ 351
47. Describe a skill you learned when you were a child. ........................................................................ 357
48. Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike. ............................................ 363
49. Describe a wedding that you have attended. ..................................................................................... 369
50. Describesomething that you have shared with others (or another person) .................................... 375


Hi cc bn, cc bn ang c quyn ebook IELTS Speaking FULL 3 parts by
Ngoc Bach version 1

y l b cp nht cc v p n cho thng 9/2016 n thng 1/2017.

TT C CC B cc bn c trn mng phn ln u cha chnh xc thi
im hin ti, nht l cc b cc bn down v thi im u thng 9 hoc sch bn
cng (n gin l bn cng th lm khng th cp nht c na trong khi thi th
thay i lin tc). Mnh s lin tc cp nht, so snh v i chiu vi thi cc bn
hc sinh thi v update thm list v p n mi st nht cho cc bn

V cch hc:
+ Cc bn c th da vo b , p n tham kho, gii thch t vng chi tit do mnh
son -> hc ly cc ideas hay p dng vo chnh bi ni ca cc bn. Mnh khng
khuyn khch hc thuc lng.
+ Nhiu bn hi hc thuc lng c s b gim kho pht hin v tr im khng?
Cu tr li:
Th nht, v nguyn tc, min l bi ni ca bn tri chy, pht m s dng t vng
chnh xc, ng ng cnh -> khng ai c quyn tr im bn.
Th hai, khng ai nh ht & thuc lu tt c p n trong b ny c nn chng bao
gi cc bn i thi ni ging hon ton nhau c. t nht l hn 2 nm sch speaking
ca mnh ra i cha ghi nhn trng hp no gim kho pht hin v ni ging nhau
c (ton l im tt bo v hehe)

Cui cng, cc bn hy bit rng, khi cc bn ng k mua sch, nu c bt c
thay i no trong b c 3 part, mnh s lun theo di v cp nht thi & p n
sm nht cho cc bn. Cc bn khng cn (v khng nn) nhn gic nh, mnh s mt
thm thi gian tr li tng bn thi, li chm cp nht hn.






Mt ln na cm n cc bn ng k mua sch ca mnh !

-Ngc Bch-

I. Part 1
1. Celebrity
1.1. Who is your favorite celebrity in Vietnam?
Well, to be honest, I adore quite a number of Vietnamese stars. Regarding music,
young and celebrated singers like Toc Tien and Dong Nhi are definitely my top
choices whereas if its acting, veteran actors like Binh Minh or Manh Truong always
give a really convincing performance.
1.2. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
As a matter of fact, yes. Ive been an avid fan of Western contemporary pop singers
for quite a time now, especially those who have excellent vocal skills like Adele,
Bruno Mars or John Legend. I even created a special playlist on my phone which
contains only their songs to listen to whenever I want.
1.3. Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?
Ive never given this much thought but Id have to say that entering showbiz isnt
really the path Id choose. Rising to stardom means losing a great deal of privacy as
well as having less time with family and friends, so I guess Id prefer to stay as a part
of the general public.
1.4. Do you think we should protect famous people's privacy?
Well, definitely. Its a human right to have your private information kept
confidential and to have freedom in whatever you want to do, without being followed
by paparazzis all the time. Just because celebrities are public figures doesnt mean
their private life has to be exposed to everyone for gossip.
1.5. How do celebrities influence their fans in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, as in any other countries, admirers consider celebrities a source of
inspiration as well as consolation. For example, they might watch videos or read
articles about their favourite artists to cheer themselves up when they feel down.
Additionally, fans can be affected in the way they behave or dress, since most of
these fans are impressionable teenagers who want to appear like their idols.

To adore [v]: to love or admire (someone) very much
Eg: He's a good doctor. All his patients adore him.
Celebrated [adj]: known and praised by many people
Eg: He is one of today's most celebrated young writers.
Veteran [adj]: someone who has a lot of experience in a particular
activity, job, etc.
Eg: He's been an event organiser for over 20 years and, as a veteran, he
is widely respected for his vast experience.
Convincing [adj]: that makes somebody believe that something is real or
Eg: The actor gave a convincing performance as 007 in the latest James Bond
To be an avid fan sth [expression]: to be very enthusiastic about sth
Eg: I like to play the electric guitar as Im an avid fan of rock.
Contemporary [adj]: modern, happening or beginning now or in recent
Eg: Vogue is a magazine devoted to contemporary fashions.
Vocal skills [n]: singing skills

Eg: Having great vocal skills is the most important talent for a singer.
To rise to stardom [expression]: to become famous
Eg: He rose to stardom in such a short time after winning a TV talent show.
Human right [n]: The basic rights and freedoms to which all humans
are considered to be given
Eg: Everybody should be entitled to free medical care as a basic human right.
Public figure [np]: a well-knowned and notable person
Eg: She is a famous public figure as a result of her appearances on TV.
To be exposed to [expression]: Make (something) visible or
know by uncovering it
Eg: The real truth about the war was exposed to the public through a series of
newspaper articles.
Gossip [n]: an informal talk about other peoples private lives, that
may be unkind or untrue.
Eg: He had been spreading gossip about his co-workers.
Consolation [n]: something that makes a person feel less sadness,
disappointment, etc
Eg: His kind words were a consolation to me.
To feel down [expression]: to feel blue, to feel sad
Eg: I listen to upbeat songs when I feel down.
Impressionable [adj]: easily influenced by someone or something
Eg: Teenagers are at an impressionable age and they often copy their friends or
even their favourite celebrities.

2. Advertisements

2.1. Are there many advertisements in your country?
I would say yes. You can easily see a wide range of advertisements almost
everywhere in my hometown. For example, almost half of a newspaper is made up
of ads.
2.2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
I guess its due to their benefits. First, advertising is an essential part of promotional
campaigns for companies to reach their end users. It helps raise the visibility of a
company's brand. Second, advertisements can act as decoration on the street. I find a
street better-looking with advertisements.
2.3. What are the various places where we see advertisements?
Today advertising gets to people through different forms of communication, from
print media to electronic ones, so you can see advertisements on websites, social
networks or in the newspapers and magazines. There are also ads you see outdoors
as well, for example, large banners and posters hung on the roads, on the buses or
2.4. How do you feel about advertisements?
Most people may find those ways of product promotion annoying, but Im an
exception. Im quite into advertisements. Theyre colourful, brilliantly designed,
illustrated, photographed or typeset pieces and often have useful, informative

Promotional campaign: [noun] A series of advertisements using various
marketing tools that share the same message and ideas to promote a
business or event to a target audience.

Example: Promotional campaigns play a crucial role in the marketing
strategy of a company.
End users: [noun] Person or organization that actually uses a product
Example: We provide the best quality products to our end users.
Print media: [noun] refers to paper publications circulated in the form of
physical editions of newspapers, articles, journals, etc
Electronic media: [noun] refers to television, radio, etc
Informative: [adjective] giving useful information
Example: The professors lecture was very informative and I learned a lot
from it.

3. Gifts
3.1. How often do you buy others gifts?
Not very often, I think. I used to send gifts to my friends on most occasions when I
was younger, but I havent been doing that these days.
3.2. Do you like to send expensive gifts?
Well Im still a student, so sending expensive presents is a no-no for me. I prefer
giving gifts that show my love and care for that person, for example handmade ones.
3.3. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?
Birthday gifts, such as books, clothes or accessories are always popular. Or teddies;
when I was in secondary school and high school, we used to send each other teddies
or photo frames as birthday gifts.
3.4. Why do people send gifts?

I think people send gifts to show that they care for the other party and that they
treasure the relationship between the two. It can be more specific, like to express
their affection, gratitude, or even to ask for forgiveness.

To be a no-no for smb [expression] to be impossible or inadvisable for smb
e.g. Meeting this weekend is a no-no for me; Ive already got something to do.
Handmade [adj] made by a person using their hands rather than by machines
e.g. He asked me to give him a handmade scarf on his birthday.
Accessory [n] something added to a machine or to clothing that has a useful or
decorative purpose
e.g. She wore a green wool suit with matching accessories.
Treasure [v] to take great care of something because you love it or consider it
e.g. I always treasure those memories of my dad.
Affection [n] a feeling of liking for a person or place
e.g. She felt no affection for the child.
Gratitude [n] the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express your thanks
e.g. He smiled at them with gratitude after he had opened their present.

4. Transportation
4.1. What's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown?
The most common vehicle in my hometown is the motorbike. As Ive read in a
current newspaper, most Vietnamese adults have their own motorbikes. Moreover, I
can easily catch sight of motorbikes whenever I go outside.

4.2. How often do you take buses?
I take buses to go to school at least twice a day as I havent got my own vehicle yet. I
also usually use buses to visit my relatives or friends homes.
4.3. Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?
Obviously, airplanes and trains have their own particular benefits for passengers.
Regarding planes, they have been the fastest means of passenger transport invented
so far. They enable people to travel all around the world in the shortest possible time.
The biggest advantage of trains is their impressive safety record. Accidents are rare,
and so people can feel relaxed and just sit back and admire the views from their
comfortable seats.
4.4. Is driving to work popular in your country?
Yes. Im pretty sure that private cars and motorbikes are the two most popular
vehicles in my country. Therefore, it is obvious that there are a large number of
people who tend to drive to work.
4.5. Do you think people will drive more in the future?
Yes, I think so. There will be more drivers on the roads in the future due to the
convenience of motoring and the affordable prices of cars.
4.6. Would you ride bikes to work in the future?
Yes. As Im a young person, I like to do energetic activities to help me keep fit, so I
will give priority to a job that is within cycling distance of my home.
4.7. What will become the most popular means of transportation in
Personally, I think the prevalence of motorbikes will continue to dominate in
Vietnam due to their advantages, namely they are great for getting around quickly,
they are easy to park and economical to run.

4.8. Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?
Although owning a private vehicle has various advantages, I prefer using public
transportation in order to economize as well as to help protect the environment.

Catch sight of (expression): to see something only for a moment
Ex: I caught sight of someone with red hair, so I knew that it was you.
Safety record (noun): details of how many accidents a company has had
Ex: With no accidents in the last 5 years, this airline has a good safety record.
Admire (verb): to look at something and think that it is attractive/impressive
Ex: We stood for a few moments, admiring the beautiful view.
Motoring (noun): the activity of driving a car
Ex: Shes planning a motoring holiday in France next year.
Affordable (adjective): cheap enough for people to be able to buy
Ex: This type of car is affordable for people who have a low income.
Give priority to (expression): deal with something first, because you think it is
more important than other things
Ex: This month I must give priority to revision for the exam, so I have taken
some time off work.
Prevalence (noun): the fact of being very common at a particular time or in a
particular place
Ex: There is a worrying increase in the prevalence of smoking among young
Dominate (verb): to be the largest, highest or most obvious thing in a place
Ex: The skyline is dominated by smoking factory chimneys.

Get around (phrasal verb): to move from place to place
Ex: Getting around in this city is hard, because there is too much traffic.
Park (verb): to leave a vehicle that you are driving in a particular place for a
period of time
Ex: I parked my car in front of the supermarket while I did my shopping.
Economical (adjective): providing good value in relation to the amount of
money spent
Ex: Buy a small car it will be more economical to run.
Run (verb): to own and use a car or other vehicle
Ex: On my low salary, I cant afford to run a car.
Economize (verb): to use less money than you normally use
Ex: In winter, dont economize on heating it is more important to keep

5. Colors
5.1. What colors do you like?
I am an outgoing person who is usually in a buoyant mood, so I like warm colors
such as red, orange and yellow. Although I have a lot of vivid-colored clothes, my
favourite color is white. The reason behind this is that I have a great sense of
5.2. Do you like to wear dark or bright colors?
I prefer wearing bright colors as a way to cheer up not only myself but also people
around me and remind us to look on the bright side whenever our mood is down.
5.3. What's the difference between mens and women's preference on

In my opinion, gentlemen like to wear dark colors whereas ladies often prefer vivid
colors. However, there is also an opposite trend due to divergent personalities, so its
hard to generalize.
5.4. Do colors affect your mood?
Yes they do have some effects on my mood. Apart from the influence of warm colors
I mentioned before, cool colors including blue, green and purple give me a peaceful
feeling, while brown and black make me feel gloomy.

outgoing [adjective] liking to meet other people and enjoying their company
Example: She has an outgoing personality and enjoys going to parties with all
her friends.
buoyant (si ni, vui ti) [adjective] cheerful and optimistic.
Example: After receiving the message from her crush, Anna was in a buoyant
mood for the whole day.
cheer up [phrasal verb] become more cheerful/happy, make somebody
Example: Lets invite him to the party we need to cheer him up after his bad
exam results.
look on the bright side (nhn theo hng tch cc) [idiom] consider the
positive aspects of a negative situation.
Example: There are always challenges on your way to success, so just look on
the bright side and do your best to overcome them.
vivid (chi, rc r) [adjective] very brightly coloured.

Example: I remember on the first day at school she was wearing a vivid pink
divergent (khc bit, bt ng) [adjective] Tending to be different or develop
in different directions.
Example: Vietnamese is one of the most difficult languages because there are a
lot of slang phrases which have divergent interpretations.
generalize [verb] to make a general statement about something
Example: It is difficult to generalize about current fashions, because they are
always changing.
gloomy (u m, ti tm) [adjective] depressed or dark
Example: The news said the worlds economic forecast was going to be less
gloomy than the previous year.

6. Flowers
6.1. Do you like flowers? (Why?)
Yes, flowers give me a lot of pleasure, especially bright colored ones. I love the way
various types of flowers harmonize with each other in a garden or in florist shops,
creating a beautiful picture. Every time I admire a gorgeous bunch of flowers, I feel
relaxed, and optimistic.
6.2. Which/What is your favorite flower?
Im really keen on colorful flowers and sunflowers are definitely my favorite flower
due to their symbolic meaning. This flower represents the flexibility to overcome
obstacles, happiness and good luck.
6.3. Do you think flowers are important?

Personally, I think flowers play an important role in our lives. They make people
feel positive, energetic and they lift our spirits. Without gorgeous and colorful
flowers, the world seems to be dark and boring, and that causes people to feel,
depressed and lacking in inspiration.
6.4. Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)
Of course, besides representing beauty, some flowers also show our Vietnamese
peoples key virtues.
For instance, the Lotus was chosen to be our national flower due to its beauty and its
representation of the virtues of the Vietnamese people namely purity, and
6.5. Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?
Yes. Flowers are widely used on special occasions in my country such as birthday
parties, weddings and graduation days in order to show the respect of senders to
6.6. What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?
There is a wide range of reasons for people to send or receive flowers.
One of the most popular occasions is a birthday party. Colorful flowers will always
brighten up that special day. Another occasion which would not be complete
without flowers is graduation day, when flowers are used as congratulation gifts.
6.7. In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?
Yes, they do. Generally speaking, Vietnamese people tend to give flowers as a gift on
some occasions like graduation day, a birthday party, international womens day and
many other celebrations.


Bright colored flowers (noun phrase): (nhng bng hoa nhiu mu sc)
flowers which have bright colors such as yellow, red or orange.
Ex: Bright colored flowers make our gardens cheerful and beautiful.
Harmonize (verb): (ha hp) harmonize (with something) if two or more
things harmonize with each other or one thing harmonizes with the other, the
things go well together and produce an attractive result
Ex: The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.
Florist shop: a shop which sells flowers
Ex: I saw some beautiful roses in the florist shop near the bus station.
Bunch of flowers (noun phrase): (mt b hoa) a group of cut flowers that you
hold together or that someone has tied together.
Ex: He was given a bunch of flowers as a graduation gift.
Optimistic (adjective): (lc quan) expecting good things to happen or
something to be successful; showing this feeling
Ex: They are cautiously optimistic that the reforms will take place.
Be keen on (phrasal verb): (hng th vo vic g) be very interested in
Ex: He's mad keen on planes as he always keeps searching for information about
how to make his own airplane.
Symbolic (adjective): (biu trng) representing something else
Ex: The skull at the bottom of the picture is symbolic of death.
Represent (verb): (i din cho) to be a symbol of something
Ex: Each color on the chart represents a different department.
Overcome (verb): (vt qua) to succeed in dealing with or controlling a
problem that has been preventing you from achieving something

Ex: The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue.
Play an important role: (expression) be an important part of something
Ex: Computers play an increasingly important role in education.
Lift our spirits (expression): make us feel happier
Ex: After the long walk, a hot shower and a tasty meal lifted our spirits.
Depressed (adjective): very sad and without hope
Ex: When he failed his exams, he felt very depressed about his future.
Inspiration (noun): something that makes you have new ideas or makes you
feel creative.
Ex: Her new novel is lacking in inspiration she has no exciting new ideas.
Virtues (noun): good qualities or characteristics
Ex: Patience is one of her virtues - she never gets angry when she has to wait.
Purity (noun): the state of being morally good
Ex: The Buddha was famous as an example of spiritual purity.
Brighten up (phrasal verb): make something become more pleasant and
Ex: Your invitation to the party really brightened up my day.
Congratulation (noun): the act of telling somebody that you are happy about
their good luck or success
Ex: After I graduated from university, I received a new laptop as a congratulation
gift from my parents.

7. Bus and taxi

7.1. How often do you take the bus?

Well, since Im still a student and buying a private motorbike remains unaffordable
for me, I have to take the bus to go to my university on a daily basis. Though I dont
really enjoy buses, I have no other choice.
7.2. When was the first time you took a taxi?
It was 10 years ago when I took a taxi for the very first time. The 10 year old me,
together with my 8-year-old brother, took a taxi to travel around the city on our own.
It was one of my fondest memories, though we frightened our parents to death.
7.3. What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared with buses?
Taxi companies today provide their customers with 24/7 service and can be tailored
to your need. So hiring a taxi is more flexible and can save us a great deal of time and
energy, compared with taking the bus. For example, if you opt for taking a bus, youll
have to deal with everyday hassles like walking to the destination and waiting for the
7.4. Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city?
To be honest, a large number of citizens in Ha noi prefer using their private vehicles
to travel due to the inconvenience of taking buses. Ha noi buses often arrive late and
are overcrowded.

Unaffordable (qu kh nng chi tr) [adj] too expensive for people to be able
to buy or pay for
Example: For many people, this type of treatment is unaffordable.
On a daily basis (hng ngy) [adv] everyday
Example: Though we fall short of our ideals on a daily basis, Americans are
committed to the principle of the level playing field.

Fond (tnh cm, hnh phc) [adj] Happy and loving
Example: We said a fond farewell to each other and promised to write.
Frighten someone to death (lm ai s cht khip) [expression] to make
someone feel extremely fear
Example: I was frightened to death by the anger in his voice.
Opt for (chn ci g) [verb] To choose something, especially over some other
Example: I opted for a king-sized bed when I made my hotel reservation.
Hassle (S rc ri) [noun] (a situation causing) difficulty or trouble
Example: It was such a hassle trying to get my bank account changed that I
nearly gave up.
Customize (chiu theo yu cu ca khch) [verb] to make or change
something according to the buyer's or user's needs
Example: The company specializes in customized computer systems.

8. Computers
8.1. How often do you use computer ?
Very often, I guess. Because right now Im a university student and I wouldnt be
able to finish my school projects without a computer.
8.2. What kinds of computers are popular in Vietnam?
I think Dell is ahead of the game in the computer market, but HP, Lenovo and
especially ASUS have also become really popular recently.
8.3. What do you usually use your computer for?

For entertainment and education purposes most of the time. Like when I have to
finish an essay for Macroeconomics, when we have group work or but also when I
want to watch a movie on the Internet.
8.4. Who taught you how to use a computer?
My brother and dad. My dad bought a PC back in 2009, I think, and he taught me and
my brother how to use it first but Ive learnt most computer tricks from my brother.
8.5. Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?
Yes. I first loved it because of the games but now I cant live a day without it. It has
made my life much more convenient and interesting, not to mention the fact that my
study and my part-time job now require a lot of computer use.

Ahead of the game (vt trn i th/ngi cng a v trong cng mt lnh
vc) [expression] ahead of ones competitors or peers in the same sphere of
e.g. This investment is needed if we are to stay ahead of the game.
Trick (mnh li, th thut) [noun] a skilful act; a clever or particular way of
doing something
e.g. With a few cunning camera tricks and makeup, he literally becomes a paralyzed
man, both of body and of heart.
Require (i hi) [verb] need for a particular purpose
e.g. Being a teacher requires a high level of patience.

9. Noises
9.1. Do you mind noises?

To be honest, I really cant stand being in noisy places, especially when I have work
to focus on. Then, I wouldnt be able to put my mind into what Im doing, which
would undoubtedly reduce my productivity.
9.2. What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?
Actually, there are a variety of noises a person may come across on a daily basis. The
first type is traffic noise such as the engine sounds/ noise or honks, which can get
worse during traffic jams. The second is noise coming from factories, construction
sites or maybe stores where there are lots of machines in use.
9.3. Are there any sounds that you like?
Well, as a matter of fact, I dont mind nature sounds, I enjoy them actually. I love to
surround myself with nature, listening to the chirping birds or blowing winds. It has
a great calming effect and is an excellent way to unwind. Im also keen on listening
to the sounds of musical instruments, especially pianos or violins.
9.4. Where can you hear loud noise?
There are many places in the cities where you can hear loud noises. Construction
sites are one of them as they are filled with large machines. Another place is on busy
roads where there are a lot of vehicles or in stations where many people chatter and
announcements are played again and again.
9.5. Do you think there's too much noise in modern society?
Actually, I do agree that the level of noise is increasing overtime and most of it is
caused by human activity. Industrial activities such as factory operations has
contributed greatly to the rising level of noise pollution. Together with this are noises
coming from traffic, concerts or stores that play loud music to attract consumers.
9.6. Are cities becoming noisier?

To be honest, I think it depends on the development of each city. Those that are
undergoing industrialisation or modernisation are definitely getting noisier while
those which are not or have already undergone this process might be unaffected.

Cannot stand V-ing (khng th chu ng ni vic g) [expression]: unable
to tolerate something
Example: Mary cant stand being distracted while studying.
To put ones mind into sth (ch tm vo vic g) [expression]: to focus on
Example: I need to put my mind into the project or else I might fail.
Productivity (hiu sut, nng sut) [noun]: efficiency in doing something
Example: The factory needs to increase its productivity
On a daily basis (thng xuyn, hng ngy) [expression]: everyday
Example: I go to the gym on a daily basis
To surround oneself with sth (bao quanh ai vi ci g) [expression]: to be
surrounded by something
Example: She often feels lonely so she wants to surround herself wih people.
Unwind (th gin) [verb]: relax
Example: Im going on a vacationto unwind.
Chatter (ni huyn thuyn) [verb]: to talk in a quick or casual way
Example: Children chattered in the middle of the playground.
To have calming effects (c tc dng th gin, n nh tm l) [expression]:
have the ability to calm someone down
Example: Classical music has great calming effects.

Consumer (ngi mua hng) [noun]: buyer
Example: Many consumers are still not comfortable making
purchases on the Internet.
Industrialisaton (s cng nghip ha) [noun]: to build and
operate factories and businesses in a city, region, country, etc
Example: Some developing countries are still undergoing

10. Home/ Accommodation

10.1. What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed rooms, two
bathrooms and a lovely back garden. Its not really a spacious house, but its just
right for me and my family.
10.2. Who do you live with?
I live with my parents and my siblings. We always get on well with each other and
have a lot of fun.
10.3. How long have you lived there?
Ive lived there since I was a child, until I graduated from high school and moved to
the city to enroll at university, where I lived in a student dormitory during the
10.4. (If you answer you haven't lived there long) Whats the difference
between where you are living now and where you have lived in the
Living in a dorm with other roommates is totally different from living in my own

My current residential area is quite small and its very noisy because there are a lot
of people there and I dont have my own space. Conversely, when I was living at
home, I had my own spacious room and it made me feel comfortable.
10.5. Do you plan to live there for a long time?
To be honest, I intend to buy an apartment in an urban area after I graduate from
university. I can decorate and design my ideal home with whatever facilities I want.
10.6. Which room does your family spend most of the time in?
Its definitely the kitchen. Not only lunch or dinner time but all our family reunions
take place in the kitchen where all the family members get together to eat tasty meals,
and chat to each other its a really harmonious atmosphere.
10.7. Are the transport facilities to your home very good?
To be honest, most of the transport facilities to my place are not very modern. The
bus service from my work place to home is irregular and usually overcrowded.
10.8. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?
I prefer living in a house to a flat because I value my privacy and need my own
space. Owning an independent house, I can plan and design a house layout to suit
myself. Moreover, I can modify a house according to the size of the family.
10.9. Please describe the room you live in.
My current room is actually more like a bedsit. It is a multi purpose room, I use it
to sleep and study as well. It is painted in pink, thats my favorite color with a bed, a
cupboard and desk. Its not really spacious but its just right for me.
10.10. What part of your home do you like the most ?
I prefer my bedroom most due to its convenience and privacy. Because of my
stressful work I want to be in a quiet place and concentrate on my work. In my own
room, Im never disturbed by anyone else.

Moreover, in my own space I can do whatever I want without bothering others.

Terraced house (noun): (ngi nh trong dy nh cng kiu) a house
connected on both sides by other properties
Ex: In England, most people seem to live in terraced houses with lovely back
Back garden (noun phrase): (vn pha sau nh) a garden at the rear of the
Ex: I live in a terraced house that has a living room, a kitchen, three bed
rooms, two bathrooms and a lovely back garden.
Spacious (adjective): (rng ri) (of a room or building) large and with plenty
of space for people to move around in
Ex: The hotel rooms are spacious and comfortable.
Sibling(s) (noun): (anh/ ch em) a brother or sister
Ex: The younger children were badly treated by older siblings.
Get on well with sb (phrasal verb): (ha hp vi ai ) to have a friendly
relationship with somebody
Ex: She and her sister have never really got on well with each other.
Dormitory (noun): (k tc x) a room for several people to sleep in, especially
in a school or other institution
Ex: Ive lived there since I was a child, until I graduated high school and
moved to the city to enroll in university where I lived in a dormitory.
Residential area (noun): (ni ) (of an area of a town) suitable for living in;
consisting of houses rather than factories or offices

Ex: It was not safe to locate the chemicals factory in a residential area.
Urban area (noun): (vng thnh th) connected with a town or city
Ex: Pollution has reached disturbingly high levels in some urban areas.
Reunion (noun): (t hp, xum hp) a social occasion or party attended by a
group of people who have not seen each other for a long time
Ex: The College has an annual reunion for former students.
Harmonious (adjective): (m cng, yn bnh) friendly, peaceful and without
any disagreement
Ex: It is important to have harmonious relations between the
country's ethnic groups.
Irregular (adjective): not happening at the arranged time intervals
Ex: His irregular attendance at school resulted in his failure in the final
Overcrowded (adjective): with too many people or things in it
Ex: The train was so overcrowded this evening that I was unable to find an
empty seat.
Privacy (noun): being alone and not disturbed by other people
Ex: I read the letter in the privacy of my own room.
Suit oneself (verb): to do exactly what you like/want
Ex: Everyone had a different opinion about what colour to paint my room, so
in the end I decided to just suit myself.
Modify (verb): (sa i, thay i) to change something slightly, especially in
order to make it more suitable for a particular purpose
Ex: We found it cheaper to modify the existing equipment rather than buy

Bedsit (noun): (phng va ng va hc, tip khch) a room that a
person rents and uses for both living and sleeping in
Ex: He lives in a tiny student bedsit used for both sleeping and studying.
Multi-purpose (adjective): (a chc nng) having many different uses
Ex: This room is multi-purpose we use it for meetings, interviews and
taking breaks.

11. Visitors
11.1 Do you often invite friends to visit your home?
Yes, I usually invite my friends to get together with me at my home, maybe once a
week. We normally spend the whole day cooking and watching movies together.
11.2 Do you like visitors coming to your home?
Well, Im really into inviting others to my house especially my friends. This is
mainly because of the relaxed atmosphere at home, so we can talk freely. My parents
are also pleased to welcome them and always prepare some delicious food for us.
11.3 When do visitors come to your home?
Actually, it depends when everyone is free. Normally, they come to my home at the
weekends as its the time when we all finish an arduous week and want to relax and
chill out. However, on some special occassions, such as birthdays, holidays, or
simply when I successfully try out a new recipe, I love to invite my friends to come
and try my food.
11.4 Do you prefer to have friends visit you, or relatives?
Well, its hard to say, but I think that I invite my friends to my home more often than
my relatives, whereas I tend to go out to my relatives houses more regularly I
dont know why for no special reason.

11.5 What do you usually do together with your visitors?
Honestly, one thing that we always do is to enjoy dinner or lunch together. Im pretty
keen on trying out new recipes, and for me, the time preparing food is the most
enjoyable part of the day that my visitors and I can share, its like a kind of
teamwork. After finishing the meal, we may watch our favourite movies or sing
karaoke at home.
11.6 When someone visits you, how do you usually show hospitality (or,
entertain them)?
Well, most of the time, Id ask them to enjoy my favourite kinds of tea and sweets.
Im passionate about baking and making tea, so I always want other people to eat
and drink what Ive made and I then ask them to tell me what they think about it.
Luckily, all of them enjoy it and thats the way I welcome people who come to my

Get together (phrasal verb): Gp g to meet somebody socially or in order
to discuss something
Ex: We must get together for a drink sometime, its been a long time since we
Be into something (expression): Thch th to be interested in something in an
active way.
Ex: Hes into surfing in a big way he goes to the beach every weekend.
Free (adjective): available to do something
Ex: Lets get together for lunch on Sunday, if you are free.

Arduous (adjective): Vt v, kh khn involving a lot of effort and energy,
especially over a period of time
Ex: Studying for the exam is certainly arduous, and I still have 3 more
months before the exam date.
Chill out (phrasal verb): to spend time relaxing
Ex: After work, I sometimes like to just sit on the sofa and chill out by
listening to some music.
Try out (phrasal verb): Th to test something/somebody to see how good or
effective it is
Ex: They're trying out a new presenter for the show.
Recipe (noun): Cng thc nu n a set of instructions that tells you how to
cook something and the ingredients you need for it.
Ex: There are a lot of tasty recipes in this book would you like to borrow it?
Keen on (expression): Rt thch liking sth/somebody very much; very
interested in something
Ex: Hes mad keen on planes he has a huge collection of photos of aircraft.
Passionate (adjective): am m having or showing strong feelings of
enthusiasm for something or belief in something.
Ex: She has a passionate interest in music, so we often go to concerts together.

12. Newspapers and magazines

12.1. Do you often read newspapers?
Yes, I read the newspaper everyday to keep up to date with the latest news and see
what the hottest topic of the day is. Ive been in the habit of doing this for a long

12.2. Do you prefer to read local news or international news?
Well, I suppose that I have an inclination towards international news, especially
news about relationships among countries around the world. This is probably because
Im quite fond of diplomatic issues and want to keep track of whats happening
outside my country.
12.3. Which is more popular where you live, newspapers or magazines?
Well, I think that people read newspapers more often than magazines, normally
because newspapers provide information that is relatively easy to understand for
almost everyone. On the other hand, magazines contain longer articles and
specifically focus on a particular topic which may be quite difficult or unfamiliar to
some readers.
12.4. Do many people today read newspapers?
I guess yes, maybe. Because every morning when I go to my office, I can see many
people reading the daily newspapers at pavement cafs. However, I think nowadays
people are tending to gradually change their habits and accessing the latest news
12.5. In the future, do you think more people than today will read
magazines, or fewer people?
Im not really sure about this, but I suppose that there will be fewer people reading
magazines in the future. Its probably because nowadays there are various sources of
information, so people can search if they want to find knowledge of any field,
especially on the Internet its easier and cheaper. Maybe in the future perhaps
specialists will be the only ones who read the magazines which relate to their own
particular fields.
12.6. Do you think newspapers will be very important to you in the future?

Well, honestly, I havent ever thought about that before, but I love my routine of
reading newspapers while drinking coffee every morning, its completely relaxing
so Ill try to keep reading newspapers as a regular habit as long as possible.

Keep up to date (expression): Cp nht to provide the latest information to
someone or for something
Ex: I keep up to date with world events by watching the news on CNN.
Be in the habit of (expression): to do something regularly and almost without
needing to think about it
Ex: My grandfather is in the habit of taking a walk in the park every morning.
Inclination (noun): Xu hng a feeling that makes you want to do
Ex: Her inclination has always been to live and work in Australia.
Diplomatic (adjective): Ngoi giao connected with managing relations
between countries
Ex: Attempts are being made to settle the dispute by diplomatic means in
order to avoid a war.
Keep track of (expression): Theo di to be informed about what is
happening or where somebody/something is
Ex: Bank statements help you keep track of where your money is going.
Unfamiliar (adjective): Khng quen, l that you do not know or recognize
Ex: Although I knew some people at the party, there were also some
unfamiliar faces among the guests.
Pavement (noun): Va h a part at the side of the road for people to walk on

Ex: In summer, the restaurant puts a few tables and chairs outside on the
Tend to do something (expression): C xu hng lm g to be likely to
do something or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or
usually happens
Ex: When I'm tired, I tend to make mistakes.
Access (verb): to enter or use something, such as a computer file
Ex: If you want to access information about the exam, there is a new website
that I can recommend.
Specialist (noun): Chuyn gia a person who is an expert in a particular area
of work or study.
Ex: He is a specialist in Japanese history.

13. Outdoor Activities

13.1. Do you like outdoor activities?
Definitely! I think outdoor activities do wonders for our mental and physical health.
So, I often spend my leisure time playing sports or taking a walk around the park.
13.2. What outdoor activities do you (most) like to do?
Well, I enjoy lots of activities like hiking, camping or skateboarding, but Im
particularly keen on cycling, especially in the open countryside. Its fun, relaxing
and easy to do, you know. More than that, biking helps me get energized and ward
off feelings of exhaustion.
13.3. What outdoor sports do you like? (Why?)
Im really into playing badminton. Its quite popular in my country so I can play it
with my friends, my family members or my next-door neighbor and strengthen the

bond with them. Moreover, badminton develops my quick reflexes as well, so I do
think its a fantastic sport.
13.4. How much time do you spend outdoors every week?
On average, I guess that I do some outdoors activity 2 or 3 times a week . I normally
spend at least one morning per week cycling, and take part in some sports or other
outdoor activities when Im free. Its not so frequent, I know, which is due to my
busy schedule, but I always try to arrange as much time as possible for some outdoor
13.5. Do Vietnamese people go out a lot?
Its kind of hard to say, but people around me tend to spend more time indoors.
Theyre living a fast-paced lifestyle with most of their time devoted to working,
commuting and connecting on social media, so, doing things outdoors doesnt seem
to be a regular or important part of their calendar.
13.6. What (types of) outdoor activities are popular in your country?
Well, probably jogging and yoga. Im not sure about this but in my country, you can
easily catch sight of groups of people from all walks of life jogging or doing yoga in
the parks every morning or in the evening. So, these may be the most popular outdoor
activities, I guess.
13.7. How and where do people in your country usually socialize?
People in my country nowadays tend to socialize at work or at school. Besides,
people of my age often meet up and chat in coffee shops or restaurants which are
popular and often beautifully designed, while the older usually get together in the
parks or gather at someones home to cook and have a chat.


Do wonders (for sb/sth) c li cho [expression] have a beneficial effect
Example: Fresh air and excercise do wonders for your health.
Be keen on (expression): Rt thch liking sth/somebody very much; be very
interested in something
Ex: Hes mad keen on planes he has a huge collection of photos of aircraft.
The open countryside (expression): far from cities or many houses or other
Ex: I love to walk in the open countryside, through the fields and over the

Energized (adjective): cm thy trn y nng lng feel full of energy or

Example: Doing some morning yoga is a natural way to get more energized.
ward off (phrasal verb) n, trnh to protect yourself against danger or illness
Example: She often carries a bit of fresh ginger to ward off headache.
Be into something (expression): Thch th to be interested in something in an
active way.
Ex: Hes into surfing in a big way he goes to the beach every weekend.
Strengthen the bond (expression): to make a connection stronger between
people or things
Ex: The peace treaty strengthened the bond of friendship between the
governments of the two countries.
reflex (noun): phn x a persons ability to respond to new or changing

Example: A sportsperson must have quick reflexes, especially in sports such as
tennis or football.
Schedule (noun): a plan of all the things that you have to do
Ex: My schedule today includes lunch with the company director and a
meeting with a client in the afternoon.
Fast-paced (adjective): nhp nhanh happening very quickly
Example: Its a myth that all older people struggle with the fast-paced
evolution of technology.
Catch sight of (expression): bt gp, nhn thy see something for only a
Example: I caught sight of someone with red hair and I knew it was you.
Socialize (verb): to meet and spend time with people in a friendly way, in
order to enjoy yourself
Ex: At university, I enjoyed socializing with other students.

14. Photos
14.1. Do you like to take photographs? (Why?)
Yes, I do. Absolutely! I think photography is great because it helps us to document
our life to keep our memories from fading. And, the process of taking a photo is also
enthralling and fun.
14.2. Do you prefer to take photos yourself or to have other people take
photos? (Why?)
Normally Id like to take photos by myself, so that the memories captured are from
my perspective, and are what I really want to remember. But I guess Ill need a
professional for high-quality pictures when it comes to significant moments in life.

14.3. How (why) did you become interested in photography?
When I was 15, I accidentally caught sight of a man kneeling down trying to take a
photo of a flower in the grass in the park. That scene was strange to me, as he seemed
so passionate about it. I was so curious about photography then, and it just simply
grew on me over time.
14.4. In what situations do you take photographs?
I often take pictures to commemorate special events such as graduation or a
wedding ceremony. Sometimes when Im in a good mood I snap a photo of anything
that catches my eye or do some selfie with buddies or by myself.
14.5. What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)
Its probably landscape photography. I love the feeling of being involved with
nature and the elements. Its a way to recall the personal observation when Im
outdoors / in the great outdoors as well.
14.6. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
Its kind of hard to choose between the two, but Id go with scenery pictures.
Looking at the beauty of nature and taking a shot is kind of mind-purifying to me
and is a good way to escape from the artificial world.
14.7. Who do you take photos of?
I often capture the moments in the lives of my family members, especially my little
sister. When she smiles, its like a ray of sunshine is painted all over her face, and I
just love it so much.
14.8. How do you keep your photos?
My photos are stored on my computer drive and the Internet for backup. There are
extremely good pictures that I will have printed out and keep them in my albums.
14.9. Do you keep your photographs on your computer?

Yes, of course. Its been the most common way to store images until now, besides
photography websites where you can upload, share photos and keep them there.
14.10. Are there any photos on the walls of your home?
Yes. In my room, I hang several pictures on the wall to make it an inspring and
distinctive working space.
14.11. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? yes,
which?& why?)
Yes. There is a big photo of my whole family that I framed 3 years ago in my living
room. The picture was taken on the spur of the moment but I love how genuine
feelings were perfectly captured in it. It just makes me feel warm and fuzzy every
time I come home.
14.12. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you
took yourself? (Why?)
Well, I probably go with photos of my own, as I think people will feel extra special to
receive something that is unique and typical of yourself rather than getting an
everyday/run-of-the-mill thing like a postcard. Its the best way to express your
sincere gratitude towards the one you love.

Document ones life ( ghi li cuc i) [expression] record the detail of ones
Example: There are myriad ways to document our life, such as
scrapbooking,journaling, blogging and of course, photo documenting.
Enthralling (m hoc, v cng th v) [adj] captivating,holding the attention

Example: Enthralling, explosive and often very funny, Skyfall doesn't just
exceed expectations but shatters them like a bullet to the head.
Perspective (cch nhn) [n] a mental view or outlook
Example: Its usefull occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on
the present
in a good mood (tm trng tt) [idiom] having an easygoing and cheerful
Example: If you want to stay in a good mood, you have to cultivate habits that
will keep you feeling happy.
Mind-purifying (lm tnh tm, lm tm trng tt hn) [adj] make your mind
natually pure,free from negative thoughts
Example: Indulging in a hobby can be mind-purifying, as it helps you tale a
break from your busy, stressful life and clear your mental place.
Paint a ray of sunshine ( v mt tia nng) [expression]
Example: When she smiles,its like she paints a ray of sunshine all over her
On the spur of the moment (bt ng, khng c k hoch trc) [idiom]
suddenly, done without any planning
Example: We just jumped in a car on the spur of the moment and drove to
the seaside.
Genuine ( chn tht, tht) [adj] honest and sincere (people)
Example: In an discreet moment,the president let his genuine opinions be
Warm and fuzzy (m p, thn thng) [idiom] comforted and reassured;
friendly and affectionate

Example: The key point to make business sale skyrocket is to make customers
feel warm and fuzzy, as they are your bussinesss lifeblood.

15. Teachers
15.1. What kinds of teachers do you like best?
Well, I would be blessed to have teachers who have a good sense of humor,
dedicated to work and above all, they should be firm and fair by being consistent
with rules.
15.2. Who was your favorite teacher when you were young?
My favorite teacher was Mr Long, my math teacher when I was in high school. Not
only is he a subject specialist, but he also has a deep-rooted sense of belief that
every child can, which is kind of encouraging and inspiring to me. More than that,
he did have our interests at heart and thats amazing, you know.
15.3. Would you want to be a teacher in the future?
To be honest, Ive never even contemplated that. Actually, since I was a little girl,
Ive always been dreaming of running my own business and becoming a successful
entrepreneur in the fashion industry.
15.4. Have you ever had bad teachers before?
I dont think Ive really had one, but my high school Physics teacher, Mrs Huyen, did
not leave me with much of a good impression. Her teaching style was kind of
teacher-centered, where she just focused on providing and controlling the flow of
the content. It made me feel somehow distant to her, you know.


Dedicated (tn ty) [adj] devoted to a particular purpose or cause
Example: In the face of frustration, a dedicated teacher continues trying to reach
each of their students, and they exercise the patience needed to ensure that a
disinterested student still learns
consistent (with sth) ( kin nh, nht qun) [adj] being in agreement with itself
Example: The new goals are not consisting with the existing policies.
subject specialist ( gio vin c chuyn mn tt) [expression] a teacher who
has a great deal of knowledge about the subject they teach.
Example: Many people think that subject specialists at primary school level help
to provide a better quality education system.
deep-rooted (n su vo ngi) [adj] deeply engrained, deeply established
Example: She says there is a deep-rooted expectation - across the generations -
that Chinese children will go to university, get a good education.
have ones interests at heart (thc s quan tm n ai) [idiom] be concerned
about and want to help someone
Example: I know she was only doing what would benefit her, but she
said she had my interests at heart.
entrepreneur (ch doanh nghip) [n]
A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.
Example: In the United States an entrepreneur often is viewed as one who
starts his or her own new business.
leave (sb) with a (good )impression ( li cho ai n tng tt) [idiom]
provide a lasting impression after someone has left.
Example: Her performance was less than stunning. She didn't leave us with a
very good impression.

16. Walking
16.1. Do you like walking?
Yes, I do. I love doing exercise to keep fit. Walking is one of my favorite activities
because it is easy to partake in, in daily life by going to nearby places on foot.
16.2. Do you like to walk on your own or with others?
I prefer to walk with somebody else. When I have a partner, I can walk longer
distances by talking to him or her, which means that I can get fit and keep
16.3. Would you say that your city is a good place for walking?
I live in Ho Chi Minh City and I take pride in my city since it has a lot of parks for
the residents to enjoy walking in. Besides, there is even a main street in the city
center called Nguyen Hue which caters especially for pedestrians.
16.4. Do Vietnamese people walk a lot?
I dont think there are so many Vietnamese people enjoying walking due to our
cultural setup/ way of life. They often ride their motorbikes even if the destination is*
a matter of a few hundred meters away.
* a matter of - no more than (a specified period of time).
e.g. "they were shown the door in a matter of minutes"
16.5. Do you think that we need to walk more?
Yes, I really think that the Vietnamese should be encouraged to walk more to avoid
obesity as well as air pollution from transport such as cars and motorbikes.

on foot (i b) [collocation] using your feet to walk or run instead of a vehicle.

Example: The weather turned out to be sunny so we decided to go to the
supermarket on foot.
take pride in (t ho v) [idiom] to be proud of something.
Example: If you don't take professional pride in your work, you're probably in
the wrong job.
resident (c dn) [noun] a person who lives or has their home in a place
Example: The local residents were angry at the city councils proposal to cut
down the trees.
pedestrian (ngi i b) [noun] a person who is walking, especially in an area
where vehicles go.
Example: Since the beginning of this year, there have been a lot of pedestrians
hit by cars.
obesity (bnh bo ph) [noun] the fact of being extremely fat, in a way that is
dangerous for health.
Example: An eating habit that is high in fat and sugar leads to obesity.
due to (do, bi v) [linking] because of something.
Example: The companys financial losses were due to poor management.

17. Books
17.1. How often do you read?
As a student, I often spend 1 to 2 hours per day reading books. The ideal time and
place for reading is in the afternoon at the library, where it is quiet so that I can
concentrate on reading without any disturbance from outside.
17.2. Do you have many books at home?

Not so many. I own a collection of fantasy novels written by J.K. Rowling. Besides
novels, Im also keen on cook books and travel books. The Lonely Planet and
Cooking like a MasterChef are the two favourite books on my shelf.
17.3. Do Vietnamese people like to read?
In my opinion, most Vietnamese people like reading very much as we were told to do
so since they were at school. Vietnamese pupils are taught to love reading and how to
keep their books clean, and this is also one way to evaluate the pupils behavior and
attitude to their studies.
17.4. What kind of people like reading and what kind of people don't like
reading very much?
Well, I think people who are involved in outdoor activities generally do not like
reading very much, and people who do research or work at schools or universities
tend to like reading. However, this depends on other factors, so its hard to

Concentrate on (tp trung, ch tm vo) [phrasal verb] focus on, pay much
attention on something
Example: I cannot concentrate on study because there is so noisy outside
Disturbance (quy nhiu, ri nhiu) [noun] action that makes you stop or
interrupts what you are doing.
Example: The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance.
Fantasy (tng tng, vin tng) [noun] imagination which is unlikely to
Example: Stop living in a fantasy world!

Cook book (sch dy nu n) [noun] book that teaches you how to cook
Example: Reading cook book is really interesting
Travel book (sch hng dn du lch) [noun] books that gives guidance on
traveling, trips, hotels, etc.
Example: I have bought a travel book about how to travel to Thailand.
Inherit (tha hng, k tha) [verb] receive something from someone.
Example: I inherit the manor from my parents.
Immense (khng l, s) [adjective] extremely big and great
Example: I have to do such an immense amount of work from my boss.
Long-lasting (lu i, lu nm) [adjective] something that can last for a long
Example: She lived in a long-lasting castle with her children.
Masterpiece (kit tc) [noun] a work of art that is excellent or the best
Example: His painting is really a masterpiece
A piece of cake (mt vic d dng) [idiom] a thing that is very easy to do
Example: Thats a piece of cake. I can do it easily
Evaluate (nh gi) [verb] to form opinion/comment on the quality of
Example: We have to evaluate the impact of the storm
Behavior (hnh vi, hnh kim, cch c x) [noun] the way that somebody
behaves, especially towards other people.
Example: This medicine can improve the users behavior.
Involve in (lin quan ti, tham gia vo) [phrasal verb] related to, engaged in
Example: People involved in the project are being interviewed.

Generalize (khi qut, tng hp) [verb] to make a general statement about
Example: It is difficult to generalize about current fashions, because they are
always changing.

18. Music
18.1. Do you often (like to) listen to music?

Yes, of course. I listen to music quite often. I have a smart phone which I download a
lot of songs onto. When I fancy listening to something, I just turn the phone on, put
on my headphones / in my earphones and play my favourite playlist.
18.2. When do you listen to music?
I often listen to music while I am cooking or doing the housework. The vibrant
sound of the songs cheers me up and makes me move rhythmically in time with the
songs. Sometimes I listen to music while waiting for the bus. This is a great way of
killing time effectively.
18.3. Whats your favourite kind of music?
Well, thats definitely K-Pop, I mean Korean Pop music. I am a crazy fan of Big
Bang, a boy band of super stars. This boy band has become famous not only for their
songs but also for their fashion style. In the other words, they are trend-setters for
the fashion of youngsters in Korea and some other countries including Vietnam.
18.4. When did you start listening to this type of music?
Actually I first listened to K-Pop when I was at secondary school. At that time I
didnt quite understand the meaning of the songs, as Korean wasnt a compulsory
language taught at school. However, the rhythm was so fascinating and the dancing
was so great that I could not take my eyes off the TV.

18.5. How do you feel when you listen to this music?
Well, listening to K-pop always makes me feel greatly buoyed up and optimistic.
Even when my mood is down and tired, this music helps me pick up my energy and
makes me feel stronger. I think listening to music is also a therapy to relieve stress
and boredom.
18.6. Have you ever been to a concert before?
Actually I have never been to a concert before. I have just watched a live concert on
TV. It was the most amazing show I have ever seen. I think if I had been there, it
would have been even more fantastic!
* generally gorgeous means beautiful; very attractive and refers to appearance.
18.7. Do you like to listen to live music?
I always prefer listening to live music to recorded music from the studio, as live
music always gives me the true sound of the instruments and the voice of the singer. I
really love the hot and excited atmosphere of the crazy crowds when the singer
breaks the rules and communicates with the audiences.
* generally furious tends to mean extremely angry.
18.8. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
Yes, I have learnt to play the guitar. Its not so hard as people say. There are a lot of
videos online which teach us how to play the guitar. I downloaded some videos and
started to learn. It wasnt easy to pluck the strings at first. My fingertips hurt terribly
for being toughened up. However, after a couple of weeks, I found my skills had
improved and now I can play a complete song.
18.9. Is music an important subject at school in Vietnam?

Well, actually music is not a main subject at school in my country. Pupils have music
once or twice a week. Because music is not a compulsory subject in the final exam,
most students find it convenient to learn this subject.
18.10. Did you often listen to music when you were a child (If yes, give
Yes, as far as I can recall, I often listened to music from the radio when I was a child.
There was a childrens channel broadcasting songs for babys bedtime. Sometimes
my mom sang me to sleep with her lullabies. Now I still remember a lot of the songs
that I heard when I was little.
18.11. What kinds of music are (most) popular in Vietnam?
Im not sure what kind of music is most popular in Vietnam, but I guess
contemporary pop music is the most in demand /sought-after now. This is most
evident if you follow the Top Hits Online. Pop ballad songs always rank at the top
and are played in many public places.
18.12. Do you like traditional songs?
Well, actually Im not keen on traditional songs very much. Some of them are rather
difficult to listen to and understand, because the lyrics and melodies are out-dated.
However, Im quite interested in some traditional songs which have been modified to
be played or sung by young artists with electrical musical instruments.

vibrant (si ng, si ni) [adjective] the sound which is strong and vigorous
Example: The vibrant sound of the two amplifiers in the party makes all
people feel excited

cheer up (phn chn, lm cho ai cm thy vui v) [phrasal verb] become
more cheerful/happy, make somebody happier
Example: The fragrance of the flowers in the room cheers her up
kill time (git thi gian) [idiom] do something unnecessary while waiting for
Example: Weve got 20 minutes until the next bus comes. What are we going
to do to kill time?
crazy fan (ngi hm m cung nhit) [idiom] foolish lovers, with
unreasoning fondness.
Example: She has hired a bodyguard to protect her from crazy fan
trend-setter (ngi lp ra/m ra xu hng) [noun] a person with
outstanding styles who can set a new trend for other people to follow.
Example: My Linh could be considered as a trend-setter of tomboy hair style in
the middle of the 90s.
youngster (thanh nin) [noun] young people
Example: Many youngsters now become addicted to Facebook
compulsory (bt buc)[adjective] required to be done
Example: English is now a compulsory language to be taught at school
rhythm (giai iu)[noun] the beat, the sound of a song
Example: I love the slow rhythm of that melody.
fascinating (li cun, cun ht) [adjective] extremely interesting and
Example: The trip to South America sounds absolutely fascinating
take my eyes off (khng ri mt khi) [idiom] find someone/something
interesting or attractive that you watch them all the time

Example: She was so beautiful that he could not take his eyes off.
bouyed up (vui v, phn chn) [adjective] feel cheerful, happier
Example: The son looks bouyed up when he saw his mothers smiling face
optimistic (lc quan, yu i) [adjective] positive, expecting good things to
happen or something to be successful.
Example: She was not so optimistic about the outcome of the talks
pick up my energy (ly li nng lng) [phrasal verb] to get better, stronger,
to improve
Example: After a hard-working day, we do massage therapy to pick up the
therapy (liu php, tr liu) [noun] treatment of a physical problem or an
Example: We now prefer natural therapies which do not use drug.
Relieve (x, lm du bt) [verb] to remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or
Example: Take these pills to relieve the symptoms of a cold.
Gorgeous (hp dn, honh trng) [adjective] very attractive and amazing,
giving pleasure and enjoyment.
Example: It was the most gorgeous show that I ever have seen
Furious (cung nhit, si ni) [adjective] excited, with great energy
Example: There was a furious debate on the use of smart phones when taking
the exam.
Break the rules (ph b ro cn, ph b quy tc) [idiom] act or behave in a
different way, not as usual standard

Example: The competitors are encouraged to break the rules in order to explore
their potential abilities.
String (dy n) [noun] a tightly stretched piece of wire on a musical
instrument, for example a guitar, that produces a musical note when the
instrument is played
Example: The strings of her guitar need tightening.
Toughened up (b chai sn) [phrasal verb] make something stronger so that it
is not easily broken or hurt.
Example: His parents sent him to the farm to toughen him up
Sing somebody to sleep (ht ru ng) [phrasal verb] to lure somebody to sleep
by singing a lullaby.
Example: My mom used to sing me to sleep when I was little
Lullaby (bi ht ru) [noun] a melody which is sung to lure the child to sleep.
Example: Its bedtime! Its time for a lullaby
Contemporary (ng i, ng thi) [adjective] modern, belonging to the
present time
Example: This dictionary deals with contemporary English
Lyric (li bi ht) [noun] words to describe the music
Example: I remember this song but I forget its lyrics
Out-dated (li thi, c) [adjective] old, no longer useful for being old-
Example: I dont like traditional music for its out-dated lyrics
Modified (chuyn i, ci bin) [adjective] changed or adjusted to be more
suitable with the actual purposes/requirements
Example: This regulation has been modified to be applied in this school

19. Study
19.1. Describe your education
I started school when I was 7. I finished my primary education 5 years later and I
went to secondary school at 12. Then at 16, I made it to a high school for gifted
pupils in my hometown. In my country, highschool education lasts 3 years, then I
went onto higher education at the Foreign Trade University where Im currently
studying economics.
19.2. What is your area of specialization?
Well, my major is External Economics. I have mastered the basics of economics
and socio-economics, combined with business knowledge mainly related to the
import and export business.
19.3. Why did you choose to study that major?
I think it would help to fulfill my dream of introducing my countrys agricultural
products to the world. Vietnamese goods have a real potential, but they still struggle
to make a name for themselves, you know.
19.4. Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)
Yes, of course. Studying economics, especially external economics is interesting and
practical. It helps me to keep up with current affairs and it improves my analytical
and problem-solving skills as well.
19.5. What kind of school did you go to as a child?
As a child, I attended a public elementary school. Its quite a big school in my
hometown which provides both high quality education and a supportive environment,
so I think I was quite lucky.
19.6. What was your favourite subject as a child?

Well, I used to be very passionate about drawing when I was a little girl. It was fun
to work with brushes and colors, you know, as it was the time when I could indulge
in my own creative world.
19.7. Do you think your country has an effective education system?
To be honest, I dont think so. Our system has somehow become unduly stressful,
does not promote creativity and the ability to be critical due to the fact that our
society still cares way too much about grades and schools consequently focuses on an
exam-driven curriculum, which I find quite impractical.
19.8. (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working?
Absolutely! Its great to join the workforce, especially when I can do the job I love.
Not only will it pay the bills, but itll also give me the joy of making a contribution.
Its hard to be happy and fulfilled without working, you know.

Higher education (chng trnh i hc) [n] post-18 learning that take places at
Example: According to a research, nearly 50 percent of Vietnamese students in
U.S. higher education are studying either business or engineering, with business-
related majors making up 38 percent of all enrollments in 2012/13
Master (tinh thng, nm vng) [v] learn how to do sowmthing well
Example: She lived in Italy for several years but never quite mastered the
Make a name for oneself ( tr nn ni ting) [idiom] become famous and
respected by a lot of people

Example: By the time he was thirty-five, he had made a name for himself as a
successful railway contractor
Keep up with (cp nht thng tin v ci g) [idiom] be aware of
Example: Even though he's been travelling, he's kept up with what's going on
back home
Analytical (thuc v phn tch) [adj] using analysis or logical reasoning
Example: Analytical skills are essential in the workplace to ensure necessary
problem solving occurs to keep productivity and other areas of the workforce
functioning smoothly
Elementary school (trng tiu hc) [n] primary school, school for children
between 7-11 years old (in Vietnam)
Example: Its essential that children at the official entry age for elementary
school attend classes fully.
Unduly (qu mc, khng chnh ng ) [adj] excessively/ to a level that more
than is necessary, acceptable, or reasonable
For every new parents, the decision about whether to vaccinate his or herchild
has been unduly stressful
Exam-driven curriculum (chng trnh hc phc v cho cc k thi)
[expression] the courses taught a school, college, which focus on teaching
what will be on the exam
Example: Many parents believe that exam-driven curriculum can change
their kids attitude towards school in profoundly negative ways.
Pay the bills (trang tri cuc sng) [ idioms] provide enough income to sustain
ones lifestyle

Example: Being a dentist isnt so glamorous, but it pays the bills.

20. Work
20.1. What do you do?
Im currently working as a graphic designer for a fashion magazine for youngsters
20.2. What are your responsibilities?
Well Im mainly responsible for designing the cover of the magazine. I normally
work with the concept team to make sure that the final product will both attract the
potential buyers attention and express the theme of the magazine.
20.3. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or, that job)?
I guess its because of my artistic passion. The process of creating beautiful things
is somehow intriguing to me, so I chose to be a graphic designer, which combines
both art and technology. Its quite interesting, you know.
20.4. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?
Well, if possible, Id like to be a freelance writer. Actually Im a big fan of action
movies, and I also care about healthy living, so, Id love to write about these topics
and share my stories with people of the same interest.
20.5. Describe the company or organization you work for
My company is not huge, its just a small art design office, but is definitely an
inspirational workplace with a young, creative, and extremely passionate team. We
work on the basis of mutual understanding and respect for each other, so its kind of
an ideal environment for me.
20.6. Do you enjoy your work?

Most of the time. Its rewarding to co-work on projects with amazing people in an
open and supportive environment to bring out an art production that will ultimately
give me a sense of satisfaction and pride.
20.7. What do you like about your job?
Well, the perk of being a graphic designer is that youll surround yourself with
inspiring images everyday. My daily working life involves seeking out inspiration in
all sorts of places, researching incredible illustrations and graphics, and creating them
too. Its great, I think.
20.8. What do you dislike about your job
What I dont like about this job is that our personal taste in design varies, and
normally Ill have to do a thousand edits to get the final product that meets the
demand of my boss while still * relating / staying faithful to /remaining true to the
initial concept.
* conform means to behave according to the usual standards of behaviour that are
expected by a group or society this does not relate to things like concepts.
20.9. (Possibly)Do you miss being a student?
Sometimes, when Im burdened with heavy workloads or the pressure of everyday
life, I recall the memories of being a student. We were all carefree and innocent back
then. Its a precious time that I cherish.


theme ( ti,ch ) [n] the main subject of a talk, book, film, etc
Example: The father-daughter relationship is a recurring theme in her novels.

Intriguing ( hp dn, gi thch th) [adj] very interesting because of being
unusual or mysterious
Example: The Huns are intriguing not only because of their notoriously
hawkish history, but also because of their place as middlemen between
Mongol and Turkic ethnicity
On the basis of (trn c s) [idiom] base on
Example: Discrimination on the basis of race, gender, age or disability is not
Rewarding (b ch, ng lm) [adj] giving pleasure, satisfation
Example: The most rewarding aspect of living forever is you have unlimited
time to perfect your abilities and accumulate wealth.
Ultimately (cui cng th, rt cc) [adv] at the end of a process, period of time,
Example: Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at
the meeting with the directors next week.
Perk ( c quyn, th lao thm) [n] an advantage or something extra that you
are given because of your job
Example: A company car and a mobile phone are some of the perks that
come with the job.
Conform (to sth) (tun theo) [v] obey the rule or reach the necessary stated
Example: Before buying the baby's car seat, make sure that it conforms to
the official safety standards.
Cherish (yu mn, coi trng) [v] keep hopes, memories in your mind because
they are important to you and bring you pleasure

Example: I cherish the memories of the time we spent together.

21. Activities near water

21.1. What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time
at a beach or near the ocean?
To be honest, I have always dreamt of surfing and chasing big waves as well as
enjoying a glass of wine leisurely in the sunshine on the beach. Therefore, if I have
chance to spend my spare time at a beach, I will give priority to do these things.
21.2. Why do some people like water sports?
Personally, I think some people prefer aquatic sports because they want to be
immersed in water which is a logical activity to do on hot summer days.
Additionally, they may be a tendency to be curious about water which isnt a natural
environment for humans.
21.3. Do you think the government should invest money in developing
facilities for water sports?
I definitely agree with this idea because if the government invests its budget in
developing facilities for these kinds of sports, they will gain a lot in profit such as
from taxes from ticket sales.
21.4. Do you think that human activity is posing a threat to the oceans of
the world?
It is obvious that human activity namely over fishing or depositing industrial waste
into the ocean has affected the oceans adversely and has led to negative consequences
such as the loss of biodiversity and marine pollution.
21.5. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of
travelling on the ocean?

Travelling on the sea can allow people to feel free and see aquatic animals in their
natural environment. Regarding drawbacks, in addition to the risks of experiencing
storms and nasty weather, being seasick can make people feel miserable and
21.6. Do you think it's important for children to learn how to swim?
Yes, of course because most children would be vulnerable to death by drowning if
they arent taught to swim. So it is very important to educate them how to swim early
as a wise precaution.
21.7. Do you think it's best for a child to be taught to swim by a parent or
by someone else?
In my opinion, children had better learn how to swim from trained professionals in
health clubs rather than from their parents because these trainers are the ones who are
sufficiently equipped with the skills to prepare children correctly. There is no
guarantee that parents can do the same.

Aquatic/water sport(s): (th thao di nc) sports that are done on or in
water, for example sailing and waterskiing
Ex: There are many people who like water sports such as swimming or
sailing, especially in hot summers.
Immerse (verb): (m mnh, chm) to put somebody/something into a liquid
so that they or it are completely covered
Ex: The seeds will swell when immersed in water.
Marine pollution (noun): ( nhim bin, i dng) pollution under the sea
or ocean

Ex: One of the main reasons for marine pollution is that some boats or even
countries deposit their waste directly into the ocean
Vulnerable (d b tn thng, d c nguy c b) weak and easily hurt
physically or emotionally
Ex: In cases of food poisoning, young children are especially vulnerable.
Drowning (noun): (cht ui) the process of dying because of being
underwater and unable to breathe for long enough; an act of dying in this way
Ex: Alcohol plays a part in an estimated 30% of drowning.
Precaution (noun): (phng nga, cn trng) something that is done in
advance in order to prevent problems or to avoid danger
Ex: I'll keep the letter as a precaution.

22. Birthday
22.1. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?
It is popular for children in my country to have birthday parties at home or in
restaurants and invite friends, and relatives to join. On this occasion, they are usually
given gifts and money.
22.2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
On my last birthday, I had the best birthday ever. I and friends made an all day
excursion to Phu Quoc Island, the largest island of Vietnam. We celebrated with a
barbecue party outside and danced together under the moonlight.
22.3. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

Im really interested in handmade gifts because they represent not only the
creativeness but also the passion of the senders. Therefore, I always appreciate
receiving them and try to keep them as long as I can.
22.4. Is there a difference between the way you celebrate your birthday in
the past and in the present?
Yes. In the past, when I was a child, I could only celebrate birthday parties at home
and invited friends to join. However, as Im mature now, I can decide to do more
things to make it special such as by travelling to explore new places.

Excursion (noun): (chuyn du lch ngn ngy) a short journey made for
pleasure, especially one that has been organized for a group of people
Ex: There are regular weekend excursions throughout the summer.
Barbecue (noun): (tic nng) an outdoor meal or party when food is cooked
on a metal frame over an open fire outdoors.
Ex: The supermarket sells a range of food ideal for summer barbecues.
Handmade (adjective): (lm bng tay) made by a person using their hands
rather than by machines.
Ex: Im really interested in handmade gifts because they contain not only the
creativeness but also the passion of senders.

23. Chocolate
23.1. How often do you eat chocolate?
To be honest, I have a sweet tooth so I eat sweets and chocolate all the time. Id even
eat chocolate for breakfast if my mother let me do it.

23.2. What's your favorite flavor?
My taste in chocolate varies a lot depending on my mood. But in general, I like dark
chocolate the best.
23.3. When was the first time you ate chocolate?
To the best of my recollection, it was 15 years ago when I ate chocolate for the first
time. The 5-year-old me was over the moon when eating something that amazing.
23.4. Is chocolate popular in Vietnam?
It used to be unpopular in the past but recently, the number of Vietnamese chocolate
consumers has risen dramatically, especially in young consumers.
23.5. Is chocolate good for our health?
I reckon it depends on the amount you consume. This indulgence is beneficial for the
heart and blood pressure in small quantities but conversely, it may contribute to low
bone density.

Have a sweet tooth (ho ngt) [expression] to desire eating many sweet foods.
Example: I have a sweet tooth, and if I don't watch it, I'll really get fat.
Over the moon (v cng hnh phc) [idiom] extremely pleased and happy.
Example: When he sent me flowers and a note, I was over the moon.
Beneficial (tt, c li) [adj] helpful, useful, or good
Example: The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial effect on the
company as a whole.
Low bone density (chng long xng) [noun] the situation when the amount
of bone mineral in bone tissue is lower than normal.
Example: A vitamin D deficiency is one of risk factors for low bone density.

24. Hometown
24.1. Whats (the name of) your hometown?
Soc Son is my hometown. It is a suburb of Hanoi and it takes approximately a 1 hour
drive from Hanoi city center to get there.
24.2. Is that a big city or a small place?
Well, my hometown is a large district with roughly 24 wards. The booming
population and economy have turned it into a promising hotspot for many investors.
24.3. Please describe your hometown a little?
There are two words to describe my hometown, which are natural and dynamic. It
has beautiful scenery of mountains and lakes. On the other side of the coin, its
industry is growing fast; and a lot of industrial zones are being built there.
24.4. How long have you been living there?
I had spent a happy childhood in my hometown for 18 years until I left for Ho Chi
Minh City to study at university. Its 5 years since the day I left, but the memory of
my hometown is always in my mind.
24.5. What do you like (most) about your hometown?
I think thats the peace and quiet of the countryside, which give me peace of mind.
The people live close together and always give anybody a hand when they need it.
24.6. Is there anything you dislike about it?
Maybe theres one thing I dislike about it, thats most of people in my hometown
speak with a speech defect. For instance, they make no difference when pronouncing
l and n. I think it could be a big problem for them while communicating with
24.7. Do you think you will continue living there for a long time?

I think I will definitely go back to my hometown, find a job and settle down there. I
believe that my hometown will always be a safe, clean and livable place for

booming (bng n, pht trin mnh) [adjective] something grows in large
amounts, becomes thriving
Example: We are now witnessing the booming development in technology all
over the world
turn it into (bin n thnh) [phrasal verb] change something, to make it
different from its initial appearance
Example: She didnt realise that the magic had turned her charming prince into
a frog
promising (ha hn, trin vng) [adjective] showing possibilities of
achievement or success.
Example: The Highlands was a promising land for many young people in the
dynamic (nng ng) [adjective] active, developing
Example: We should maintain a dynamic economy in the context of
leave for (ri, chuyn n) [phrasal verb] move to another place
Example: I will leave for London tomorrow
peace of mind (s thanh thn tm hn) [idiom] feeling peaceful and calm,
without anxiety
Example: Yoga exercises help us gain peace of mind

give a hand (gip ) [phrasal verb] help, support somebody
Example: If only there were somebody to give me a hand!
Speech defect (ni ngng) [noun] a general speech disorder in this case;
pronouncing l and n incorrectly, for instance.
Example: She spoke with a lisp when saying no and low
Settle down (n nh, an c lc nghip) [phrasal verb] become stable in one
place or life style
Example: She graduated, married and settled down in her homeland
Livable (ng sng, sng c) [adjective] worth living, with favourable
conditions for living
Example: Melbourne is considered a liveable place for many foreigners

25. Singing
25.1. Do you often sing?
Yeah, singing gets me in a good mood so I almost sing everyday, although my voice
is not really good, in fact off-key most of the time.
25.2. When do you like to sing?
Whenever Im alone, I start singing, especially when Im taking a shower or doing
the dishes. Im too shy to sing in front of other people.
25.3. How much time do you spend in singing every day?
Actually, apart from singing while doing things, I always try to set aside another 10
minutes every other day to catch up on music. Its also time to rest my brain.
25.4. What kinds of music do you like to sing?

Well, Im a big fan of R&B and EDM but the thing is, theyre extremely difficult to
sing along to. So although I listen to those kinds of music, I like to sing ballads and
pop songs.
25.5. Is it difficult to sing well?
Obviously it is. I reckon one has to be talented to sing acceptably well. To sing
beautifully, a person needs technique and enough training.
25.6. Do you want to be a singer?
No, definitely not. Singing is just a way to entertain. I would find it impossible to
make ends meet with my terrible voice.

Off-key (sai nhc) [adv] If you sing or play music off-key, you produce notes
that are slightly higher or lower than they should be
Example: Adele explained her off-key Grammys performance by indicating
something wrong with her audio.
Set aside sth (dnh ra) [phrasal verb] to save for a particular purpose
Example: He sets aside some time every day to read to his children.
Acceptably (tng i) [adv] satisfactorily and able to be agreed to or
approved of
Example: The samples varied in quality but were generally acceptably good.
Make ends meet (kim tin sng) [idiom] to have enough money to pay for
your basic expenses
Example: To make ends meet, she runs a day-care center out of her home.

26. Sunny days


26.1. Do you like sunny days?

To be honest, Im not into sunny weather. Id prefer a partially cloudy day without
rain, when the weather is pretty cool, so that I could pleasantly take part in outdoor
activities without getting sunburn or sweating from the heat of the suns rays.
26.2. What do you like to do when it's a sunny day?
On a sunny day, I like to wake up early and take a walk around my neighborhood to
enjoy the warmth of the sunshine , when the temperature isnt too high. I also prefer
to do the laundry as clothes dry faster due to the lower humidity on these days.
26.3. Would you like to stay at home or go outside when the weather is
Ive always had the urge to go outside on a nice day, as the beautiful weather makes
me feel really comfortable from the inside. Also, theres no hindrance of crappy
weather to outdoors activities, so I think I just cant stick to staying in bed and
missing such an occasion.
26.4. Are there many sunny days in your hometown?
My hometown is in the middle region of a tropical country which means theres
usually sunshine. In fact, due to its coastal location, its the driest and hottest region
in my country, especially in the summer, so the weather is somewhat extreme.

Be into something ( thch ci g) [idiom] be interested or involved with
Example: Once you retire, its important to be into some hobby youve always
wanted to try.

Sunburn (chy nng) [n] painful red skin caused by spending too long in the
hot sun
Example: Her face was red with sunburn, and the salt air made it worse.
humidity ( m) [n] moistness/ the amount of water vapor in the air
Example: Dehydration, in heat and humidity as well as dry winter weather, is
a major headache trigger.
Have the urge to do something (cm thy mun lm g) [idiom] suddenly want
to do something
Example: She had the urge to hit the road as she wanted to experience
paddleboard on Lake Tahoe.
Hindrance (s cn tr) [n] an impeding, stopping, preventing, or the like.
Example: Ignorance was no hindrance to advancement, socially and
Crappy (d, khng hp dn) [adj] extremely bad, unpleasant
Example: We booked a really crappy studio with no air conditioning and we
just plotted up there.
Stick to (bm cht ly, trung thnh vi ci g) [idiom] remain faithful to/ keep
ones attachment to
Example: They vowed to stick to one another no matter what happened.
Coastal (thuc b bin, ven bin) [adj] relating to/ located near a coast
Example: Policies that presently encourage development in low-lying
floodplains and coastal areas should be immediately reexamined.

27. Weekends
27.1. What do you usually do on weekends?

I often spend my weekends hanging out with friends, going to the gym or simply
staying indoors watching the latest episode from my favorite TV series that may
have been missed from the week due to my busy schedule.
27.2. What did you do last weekend?
Last weekend, I went to the gym. Its a good way to keep in shape to fight off illness,
and prevent me from becoming flabby and weak. Exercise helps me get a sounder,
deeper sleep as well.
27.3. When do you spend time with your family?
Well, I used to spend time with my family almost every night, but now, as Im
studying and working far from home, I can only arrange to meet my family on
27.4. What do other people in your hometown (or in your country)
usually do on the weekend?
Generally, people in my country spend their weekend playing sports or going to
trade centers in the city for recreational activities. The old tend to visit their relatives,
while the young will plunge themselves into beautiful landscapes on a short road
trip as an escape from city madness.
27.5. Do you think it is important to make the most of your weekend?
Yes, obviously. The weekend is precious after an exhausting working week. A
relaxing weekend will not only get me ready to tackle another monster of a week, but
it will also help me to avoid getting sucked into a routine that feels a lot like a daily
27.6. Do you feel that weekends now are more important to you than
when you were a child?

Yes. Its clear that working time now accounts for higher proportion of my schedule
than it did in the past, so time off definitely means much more to me. It gives me
chance to recharge my batteries and stay connected to family and friends, which I
find harder to do at present than when I was a child.

Fight off (chin u li) [phrasal verb] to defend against / to struggle to avoid
Example: Chilly winter weather alone does not cause colds, but cold weather
may numb the body's ability to fight off cold viruses.
Flabby (nhn,mm ch c bp/ mm yu, y m) soft with skin hanging
loosely or in folds/ lacking force
Example: His muscles were wasting away, and what were left were soft
and flabby.
Plunge oneself into (something) [phrasal verb] suddenly experience something
(challenging situation)
Example: Visitors to Belarus can plunge themselves into the atmosphere of
the Belarus Middle Ages, after seeing its symbol- the Mir castle.
Tackle (gii quyt , ng u) [v] try to deal with something/someone
Example: The president is clearly in a dilemma over how to tackle the crisis.
Get sucked into (mc kt trong) [phrasal verb] become involved in an
unpleasant/harmful situation
Example: I got sucked into the argument because I was a friend of the family.
A daily grind (cng vic cc nhc u u) [idiom] everyday routine,

Example: At times, daily commitment may feel like a daily grind, but its a
daily gift to work toward a goal.
Account for (chim) [phrasal verb] to form the total of something
Example: Students account for the vast majority of our customers.
Recharge the batteries (ngh ngi, phc hi) [idiom] to rest and relax for a
period of time so that you can feel energetic again
Example: She took a trip to the South of France to recharge her batteries.

28. Art
28.1. Do you like art?
Yes, I have a passion for art, especially painting. Im a member a painting club and
have a part-time job at an art gallery in Hanoi.
28.2. Do you think art classes are necessary? (Why?)
Well, yes, I think art classes are necessary for everyone, as arts tend to build
confidence and creativeness in learners. There is no True or False in arts. Artists
always think outside the box and feel free to express their own styles.
28.3. How do you think art classes affect children's development?
Im sure that learning art helps children think creatively, with an open mind. And
school becomes more interesting for children, in fact playing is also learning.
28.4. What kind of paintings do Vietnamese people like?
As far as I know, most Vietnamese people like landscape paintings. They often hang
on the wall pictures of awe-inspiring natural scenery, such as mountains, lakes, sea,
or of peaceful countryside with endless paddy fields.
28.5. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?

Of course as painting is my hobby, I can draw a lot of beautiful pictures which depict
memorable moments in life. Those pictures can be given as a gift to friends on
special occasions.
28.6. How often do you visit art galleries?
As I said above, I have a part-time job in an art gallery, so I go there quite often.
Sometimes I also drop by some other art galleries around Hoan Kiem lake at the
weekend to update myself on new art trends.
28.7. What kinds of things do you like to draw?
I like to draw portraits most. I have drawn a lot of pictures of my familys faces and
never am I fed up with that.
28.8. Is it easy to learn how to draw?
Actually learning how to draw is not difficult as long as you have the passion for it.
However, to become an artist depends on many other factors, such as talent,
patience, etc.

Passion for art (am m ngh thut) [idiom] a strong / deep interest in
something, such as a hobby, activity, etc.
Example: She said on TV that she had a passion for cooking and travelling
confidence (s t tin, lng tin) [noun] the quality of being certain of your
ability or of having trust in people.
Example: What the government has to do now is to restore the confidence of
the public.
creativeness (tnh sng to) [noun] the ability of being creative, thinking or
producing new and different things

Example: His creativeness surprised all of the people
outside the box (vt xa khi khun kh) [idiom] think creatively
Example: He always encourages his students to think outside the box
feel free (thoi mi) [phrasal verb] you can do something you want.
Example: If I make any mistake, feel free to laugh at me
landscape (phong cnh) [noun] scenery, a large area of land
Example: I love to draw landscape pictures of my hometown
memorable (ng nh) [adjective] likely to be remembered or worth
Example: She posts all her memorable pictures with him on Facebook
Drop by (gh thm) [phrasal verb] visit
Example: He often drops by a coffee shop and buys a cappuccino
As long as (min l, ch cn) [idiom] if, on condition that
Example: I will do everything for you as long as you call me.
Depend on (ty thuc vo, ph thuc vo) [phrasal verb] rely on, in need of
Example: Whether he joins our picnic or not depends on the weather.

29. Family
29.1. How often do you meet with your family?
Its normally once a month. At present Im studying and working in another city,
which is quite far from my hometown, so I can only set aside time for my family at
the end of the month, because of the distance and heavy workload, you know.
29.2. How do you spend the time with your family?
We often spend quality time together on eating scrumptious meals prepared by my
mother, talking with each other while enjoying our favorite delicious foods. Its a

precious time when we can momentarily get away from the hectic whirlwind of
daily activities.
29.3. Do you want to live with your family in the future?
Id prefer we live in the same city, so that we could take good care of each other,
while making sure our familys bond is secure and will not suffer from potential
discrepancies in our individual lifestyles or the generation gap.
29.4. What activities do your family like doing together?
My family often gather around the table enjoying a cozy mealtogether,
communicating and sometimes busting into laughter because of my fathers
humorous stories. Were also particularly into family game nights, when we huddle
together to play cards or other family favorites.
29.5. Are you close to of your family members?
Most of them. Actually Im a little bit more distant with my brother as compared to
other members. We have personality conflicts, and different viewpoints so we often
have arguments over even the smallest things.
29.6. How has your family influenced you?
My family has definitely shaped who I am now. They have imprinted on me proper
principles like respect, moral values and good manners. I have also inherited
humbleness from my mother , and determination and patience from my father.
29.7. Do you want to be married or to be single in the future?
Yes, I do want to get married. We all ultimately find our true love in life, you know,
and marriage is the ultimate commitment that we can make to our soulmate.
Moreover, I want to build a loving and supporting home for my children like my
parents have done for us.

Set aside ( dnh ra) [phrasal verb] reserve for a special purpose, put to one
Example: Some doctors advise setting aside a certain hour each day for
Scrumptious ( ngon tuyt ) (thc n) [adj] very pleasing, delicious
Example: From breakfast until dinner, hawkers sell an infinite variety of some
of the world's most scrumptious snacks.
Hectic whirlwind (of activity) (vng xoy bn rn ca cng vic ) [expression]
a busy schedule
Example: Within a hectic whirlwind of activity demanded by her vast
portfolio, Powell makes time for personal life with her husband, Richard.
Discrepancy (s khc bit ) [n] lack of agreement or balance/ difference
Example: WFI called in police last November after spotting
apparent discrepancies between donations made to the organisation and its
Burst into laughter (ph ln ci) [idiom] suddenly begin to laugh
Example: The situation was so ridiculous, they simply burst into laughter.
Huddle together ( tm tm vo nhau) [v] gather/bunch together
Example: Four teens huddled together for comfort Sunday at the memorial
service to honor victims of the attack at Columbine High School.
Imprint ( cy vo, n su vo) [v] to establish securely, as in the mind or
Example: Its believed that most of our habits are imprinted early in

Ultimate ( cui cng, mang tnh nn tng) [adj] / fundamental, elemental/most
Example: Of course the ultimate responsibility for
the present conflict without doubt lies with the aggressor.

30. Handcrafts
30.1. Do you like collect things made by hand?
I dont really take an interest in collecting hand-made things. But I appreciate it if
someone gives me a present made by them.
30.2. Did you ever take handcrafts lessons at school?
Yes, I took handcraft classes when I was in primary school. I was taught how to make
a picture by cutting and gluing colourful paper together.
30.3. Are handcrafts popular in Vietnam?
Yes, there are a lot of traditional handcraft villages in Vietnam. Handcrafts are one of
the best-selling types of souvenir for tourists.
30.4. Do you think children should learn more about handcrafts?
Yes, I think handcraft lessons should be encouraged at school to teach pupils how to
be patient and dexterous.
30.5. Do you think handcrafts are meaningful activities?
Yes, handcrafts have been traditional activities of Vietnamese people for hundreds of
years. Many people think that making these works is a piece of cake. In fact, they
require creativity, patience and meticulousness.


appreciate (nh gi cao, trn trng) [verb] to recognize how good someone
or something is and to value him, her, or it.
Example: We really appreciate all the help you gave us with our assignments
last weekend.
dexterous ( nhanh tay, kho tay) [adjective] quick and skillful with hands.
Example: He is such a dexterous goalkeeper that many football clubs have
offered him lucrative contracts.
a piece of cake [idiom] A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple.
Example: The midterm test was just a piece of cake to her because she had
learned all of the textbooks by heart.
meticulousness (s t m) [noun] great attention to every detail.
Example: the job description states that it requires meticulousness and

31. Hats and bags

31.1. Do you like to wear hats?
Yes. They help me to shield my hair and eyes from the sun or other natural elements
like wind or dust. But I guess the feeling of being chic and stylish, and especially
when the hat perfectly matches my outfit is the main reason why Im so into wearing
31.2. What kinds of hats do you have?
Im particularly keen on baseball caps, so theyre the only type of hat Ive got in my
wardrobe. Its a kind of soft cap with a rounded crown in front and has become
ubiquitous here and now. It gives me a sporty and strong look, you know.
31.3. Where do you like to buy hats?

Well I patronize a hat store in the city, and I often go there to pick my new hats.
They are always on trend with the latest fashions and their tastes in fashion match
mine, so I can find my favorite new hats easily and quickly there.
31.4. Is wearing hats popular in your country?
Its not very popular, I think. The main means of transport in my county is the
motorbike, so most of the time going out, people will wear helmets. But hats seem to
prevail among the young nowadays as fashion items.
31.5. Do you like bags?
Yes. Of course! Not only are they fundamental tools in our daily life that help to
carry peoples belongings, but they also serve as a fashion accessory that specifically
complements our look.
31.6. What types of bags do you like?
Im a big fan of handbags. Theyre not too big like backpacks, therefore are pretty
convenient to carry. Most of all, handbags often come in gorgeous and dazzling
designs that I just cant take my eyes off.
31.7. Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)?
Yes. Most of the time. The pockets of womens garments are generally inadequate,
you know, so I have to put things in a bag and bring it along when Im out, to make
sure that I dont lose or leave my belongings somewhere else.
31.8. Do you have different bags for different occasions (or, different
Yes, I do. I often carry a backpack when going to work or university. On casual
occasions like hanging out or go shopping, I wear a purse or satchel. I have also
invested in a high quality fashion handbag for special events that requires formality.
31.9. What do you put in these bags?

Well my bag normally contains a cellphone, basic beauty products like lipsticks,
lotions, to soften and moisturize the skin, especially in the colder season; cash and a
pair of earphones in case of long walks to my next destination.
31.10. What sorts of bags do women like to buy?
Its hard to say. It depends on the specific tastes and needs of each individual. But I
think generally, any woman would fall in love with a well-designed handbag of
quality material that will instantly add a glamorous touch to their outfit.

Shield (che ch, bo v) [v] to protect someone/ something
Example: She held her hands above her eyes to shield them from the sun.
Ubiquitous (c mt khp ni) [adj] seeming to be everywhere
Example: The mobile phone, that most ubiquitous of consumer-
electronic appliances, is about to enter a new age.
Here and now (by gi) [idiom] at the present time
Example: Too late, she remembered that Mme Arlette was French and it was
her problem here and now.
Patronize (l khch hng quen, trung thnh) [v] be a regular customer of a shop
or a restaurant etc
Example: The restaurant was patronized by many artists and writers
On trend with (theo kp,bt kp) (xu hng) [idiom] Having characteristics
which conform to current fashion trends.
Example: His fashion designs are very on trend.

Prevail ( thnh hnh, ph bin) [v] to be most frequent or common among a
group of people or area at a particular time
Example: The Republicans are expected to prevail in next years election
Complement ( b sung) [v] make something else seem better or more attractive
when combining with it

II. Part 2 and Part 3
1. Describe a person/something that made you laugh
You should say:
When this happened
Where this happened
Who were there
And explain why you laughed

ANSWER (Trch t Describe situation when a child made you laugh)

One of my best friends has a 3-year-old baby girl; so every time we went out, she
would take her with us.
Her little girl is such a witty kid, and she is always full of energy. As she begins to
be aware of the outside world, she asks a lot of questions just to satisfy her curiosity.
It happened one day when we went out shopping. While her mother and I took turns
trying clothes on, she was sitting quietly on the bench. Then she looked at me and
her mother and started to express her opinions on our clothes.
The way she talked was so funny that we couldnt stop laughing. She was so used to
playing with her Barbie doll that she suggested we should dress like one of her dolls.
She even taught us how to walk like models because she thought that was pretty. All
the customers who walked in the store noticed her, even the store owner couldnt
stop laughing at her since she was still a baby girl, but she talked and acted like a
grown-up woman.
That was probably the best part of the shopping trip that I will never forget.

witty: [adjective] able to say clever and funny things
Example: Everybody laughed during the lesson, because the teacher was so witty.
satisfy her curiosity: [verb phrase] to have an answer to a strong wish to know
about something
Example: My answer did not satisfy his curiosity, so he asked me for more
details about what had happened.
trying clothes on: [verb phrase] to put on clothes to see if they fit and if they
look good
Example: Try these clothes on before you buy them to make sure that they are
the correct size.
models: [noun] people whose job it is to wear and show new styles of clothes
Example: The dream of many young people is to become fashion models and
appear in magazines.
grown-up: [adjective] typical of an adult
Example: The child was used to being treated in a grown-up way by his parents.


1.1. How would you define happiness?
I believe different people have different ways of defining happiness, but for me,
happiness means living this life knowing that I am loved by the people around me
and no matter what I decide to do with my life, I am sure that those people would
always be by my side, to not only support me but also to guide me through the tough
times. It is thanks to such positive ways of thinking that I am/have been able to feel
much happier and more confident about myself.

1.2. Do Vietnamese people like to watch comedy?
Yes, definitely. Even though comedies are not as popular as they used to be, I think
Vietnamese people still tend to seek out good comedy TV shows to have a good
laugh and decompress after a hard day at the office or school.
1.3. Who is the most popular comedian in Vietnam?
Honestly Im not really into Vietnamese comedy shows so Im not so sure who the
most popular comedian is at the moment. But my most favorite gagman, I would
have to say, is Xuan Bac. Hes been in showbiz for, I think, nearly 20 years now but
hes still very well-loved by the public and continues to be one of the most sought-
after men in comedy right now.
1.4. What do you do when you feel unhappy?
It depends, really. Some days I just want to go out and be with somebody Im
comfortable with like my close friends. If Im in a chatty mode, I may share with
them about all the things that have been troubling my life, but if I dont feel like
talking then Id rather just forget about it all and try to have some fun with my friends
doing things that we love, such as going shopping, going to the cinema or eating
some good food. Other days, I may want to spend the whole day being by myself and
watch some of my favorite Korean variety shows which have never failed to lift my
mood and help me unwind my thoughts in some of the most difficult times of my
1.5. Why do children tend to be happier than adults?
I think it is because most children are nave and so they have the ability to simplify
everything that they see, feel and encounter, which helps them to be more carefree
and not over-analyze things like most adults do. For those kids who often forget
what happened five minutes ago, neither the past nor the future is of significant

importance to them, and thats the reason why most of the time we dont see kids
wasting time worrying about the future or letting a past mistake stop them from
enjoying their present. Though obviously children dont have responsibilities and
havent been exposed to the darker side of the world like adults, I personally believe
such simplicity in childrens way of thinking is the key to living a life with much
freedom and joy.

To guide sb through: hng dn, dn dt (ai ) qua iu g
I will really appreciate if you guide me through this and tell me which Career
Path will be more suitable for me according to my situation.
Decompress (verb): gim sc p
After two weeks' hiking, we'll need a few days to decompress.
Well-loved (adj): c yu thch
In his closet, all his sneakers and boots looked brand new, but his Converse shoes
appeared faded and well-loved.
Sought-after (adj): c sn lung
At the age of 17 she is already one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses.
To be in a chatty mode: trong trng thi mun tn chuyn, bun chuyn
Variety show (noun): show truyn hnh gii tr
Running Man has constantly been one of most famous Korean variety shows in
recent years.
To lift sbs mood: lm tm trng (ai ) kh hn
Food can lift my mood instantly.
To unwind sbs thought: g ri suy t

It took me so many years to unwind my thoughts and fill myself with positive
Carefree (adj): v t, thnh thi
I remember my carefree student days.
Over-analyze (verb): phn tch qu mc
More people are prone to over-analyze than they will readily admit.

2. Describe your favorite movie

You should say:
when and where you saw it;
what type of film it was;
what the film was about;
and explain why it is your favorite film

ANSWER (Trch t Describe a film you watched at home or in a cinema)

As a frequent moviegoer, I watch a lot of films. One of the movies that I enjoyed the
most recently was The Martian. The movie was based on a novel of the same title by
Andy Weir. Just like many other sci-fi films, it was about man travelling in space,
however, this time; our main character was stuck on Mars due to a dust storm which
nearly killed him. All of the crewmates thought that he was dead, so they went back
to Earth without him. But fortunately he was still alive, thus two and a half hours of
the movie told the story of how he fought for his life in the brutal environment of
Mars, until NASA devised a plan to rescue him.
My best friend is a big fan of astronomy, so she had read the novel before. Thats
why she insisted on me going to see the movie with her. After watching the trailer

and reading the plot, I was hooked. It was maybe the best two and a half hours of my
week so far.
After watching the movie, I was amazed at how ingenious and strong humans can be
when it comes to a life and death situation. Mark Watney, the hero of the movie, was
a perfect portrayal of a young, humorous, brilliant and skillful engineer cum
botanist. Although the hostile environment of Mars threatened his existence many
times, he relentlessly refused to quit. Instead, he overcame one problem at a time
until he was successfully rescued. The message that I learned from the film is never
to give up, however hopeless things seem to be.

moviegoer: [noun] a person who goes to the cinema.
sci-fi: [noun] science fiction; based on imagined scientific discoveries of the
future, such as space travel or life on other planets.
Example: Sci-fi movies have become more popular since space travel has become
stuck on Mars: the man was unable to escape from the planet.
Example: we were stuck in traffic and so we arrived late for work.
dust storm: [noun] a storm that carries clouds of dust in the wind over a wide
Example: a lot of plants die after a dust storm passes through an area.
crewmates: [noun] all the people working on a ship or, in this case, a
fought for his life: [verb phrase] he made a great effort to stay alive. Example:
The man was badly injured in the accident, but he fought for his life and he

recovered later in hospital.
brutal: [adjective] if an environment is described as brutal this means that it is
very dangerous and it is difficult for a person to survive.
devised: [verb] NASA invented something new to rescue the man. Example: a
new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
astronomy: [noun] the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars and planets.
trailer: [noun] a series of short scenes from a film or programme, shown in
advance to advertise it.
Example: after watching an exciting trailer, I decided to go to see the film.
plot: [noun] the events which form the story of a book, play or film.
Example: the book has a plot about a prisoner who escaped.
hooked: [adjective] enjoying something so much that you want to see or do it.
ingenious: [adjective] very clever at inventing new ideas.
Example: many ingenious researchers are working on ways to combat cancer.
portrayal: [noun] the act of describing or showing something or sb in a book,
play or film.
Example: the actor gave a fantastic portrayal of a clever detective in the film.
botanist: [noun] a person who studies plants.
hostile: [adjective] a hostile environment is unsafe for humans, because there
are many dangers.
Example: in the hostile environment of the desert, you must take a lot of water
with you.
threatened his existence: the many dangers and difficult conditions on Mars
were a danger to his life.
relentlessly: [adverb] in a way that continues strongly, without giving up.

Example: the soldiers relentlessly pursued their enemies after the battle.
hopeless: [adjective] without hope
Example: after searching for the lost plane for many days, the situation seemed
hopeless and it seemed that the rescuers would never find it.


2.1. Do you think (watching) films have (has) any educational benefits?
Personally, I agree with the idea that films bring a lot meaningful lessons to the
audience. For example, romantic films can educate people about the value of love,
honesty, and faithfulness. They can make the audience sympathize with other people
and respect what they have. Indeed, films can teach people good virtues in order to
be better citizens through stories.
2.2. In what ways are documentary films and films only for entertainment
Documentary films are different from entertaining films in various aspects, especially
their purposes.
Regarding their objectives, documentary filmmakers strive to document some
aspects of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction, education or maintaining
a historical record.
In contrast, entertaining films aim mainly to provide fun. Directors try to find funny
storylines and hire the best comedy actors, such as Jackie Chan, and use good
scriptwriters to come up with dialogues that will make audiences laugh.
2.3. Why do you think documentary films are not so popular?

Documentary films are not as popular as entertainment films because audiences may
prefer to watch films in order to escape from the harsh realities of everyday life and
Documentary films are primarily aimed at educating audiences and they may,
therefore, lack entertaining features as well as dramatic elements. As a result, there is
always a danger that audiences may feel bored or distracted.
2.4. How are movies and real life different ?
Movies are not the same as reality in a number of ways.
Firstly, movies contain dramatic scenes which can make audiences experience
various emotions, through happiness to sorrow or excitement just in a few seconds. In
real life, this rarely happens.
Secondly, films will often dramatize and invent scenarios for the convenience of
moving a story along or making the audience feel sympathy or some other emotion
for a character.
However, these scenarios contrast sharply with what would happen if these situations
were encountered in real life.
2.5. Do men and women like to watch the same kinds of films?
Personally, I think men and women have different preferences when it comes to
In general, men tend to watch action films with fast and dangerous scenes like car
chases, or science fiction films which relate to unrealistic stories with imaginative,
futuristic plots.
On the other hand, a large number of women prefer romantic films or comedies
which bring worthy messages.
2.6. Do different age groups like the same kinds of films?

It is obvious that different generations prefer different kinds of films. For example,
youngsters are usually fond of funny cartoons or comedies. Adults tend to watch
various types of films such as action films, romantic films or films based on real
events, depending on their interests.
2.7. Do you like any particular film star? Why?
Yes. My favorite film star is Emma Watson, who was the actress in the Harry Porter
film series which I have followed since I was a child. I particularly like her due to her
superb performance and admirable personal qualities.
In terms of performance, I have been really impressed by her acting ability, playing
convincing roles in all the films she has starred in. Moreover, she has also received
various important awards for the best actress.
In terms of her personality, she is a kind-hearted, generous person who is always
willing to help disadvantaged people.
Every time I see her on TV, I remember my childhood and that makes me happy. I
think I will continue to follow her career in the long run.

Sympathize (verb): (thng cm, ng cm) to feel sorry for somebody; to show
that you understand and feel sorry about somebodys problems
Ex: I know what it's like to have migraines, so I really sympathize (with you).
Strive (verb): try very hard to achieve something
Ex: This restaurant strives to serve good food at reasonable prices.
Document (verb): (dn chng bng ti liu, ghi li chi tit s vic) to record the
details of something
Ex: Causes of the disease have been well documented.

Primarily (adverb): (chnh, ch yu) mainly
Ex: The report is primarily concerned with aircraft safety.
Storyline (noun): the basic story in a film/movie
Ex: Some of Shakespeares plays have a very sad and tragic storyline.
Scriptwriter (noun): a person who writes the words for films/movies
Ex: Every good actor needs an expert scriptwriter in order to play their
role well in a film.
Come up with (phrasal verb): find or produce an answer or idea
Ex: He came up with an idea for a movie about dinosaurs.
Dialogue (noun): conversations in a film/movie
Ex: The dialogues in romantic films are usually longer than the dialogues in
action films.
Harsh realities (expression): the difficulties [of daily life]
Ex: For many elderly people, coping with poor health is one of the harsh
realities of life.
Dramatize (verb): (son thnh kch) to present a book, an event, etc. as a
play or a film/movie
Ex: Jane Austens Emma was dramatized on television recently.
Scenario(s) (noun): (vin cnh c th xy ra) a description of how things might
happen in the future
Ex: The worst-case scenario (= the worst possible thing that could happen) would
be for the factory to be closed down.
Superb (adjective): (tuyt vi, xut sc) excellent; of very good quality
Ex: Taylor scored a superb goal at the end of the first half.
Admirable (adjective): having qualities that you respect

Ex: The dedication of the doctors and nurses in this hospital is admirable.
Convincing (adjective): that makes somebody believe that something is true
Ex: The dinosaurs in the film are very convincing in fact, children are quite
scared of them!
Star (verb): have one of the main parts in a film/movie
Ex: Next year, she plans to star in a new romantic movie filmed in Paris.
Kind hearted (adjective): (tt tnh) A kind-hearted person is one
who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them.
Ex: She is also a kind-hearted, generous person who is always willing to help
disadvantaged people.
Disadvantaged (adjective): not having enough money or skills to succeed in life
Ex: The free meals service is designed to help disadvantaged people in the local

3. Describe a piece of equipment in your home

You should say:
what it is;
how often you use it;
who you usually use it with;
and explain why this item is important to you.

VERSION 1 (Trch t Describe a product you bought that you were
happy with)

It was last summer that I bought a new yogurt maker and I am very satisfied with
This machine is quite small and fits conveniently into my kitchen. Interestingly, it
looks like a cooker with six glasses inside. And the most important thing is that it is
very easy to use. You just have to pour the mixture of ingredients to make yogurt
into these glasses, turn the yogurt maker on and leave it for a few hours. Then, you
will have delicious home-made yogurt.
Thanks to the simple instructions, I can make yogurt for my whole family any time I
want. As yogurt is good for our health, eating it daily can make people healthier, it
can help to prevent some potentially fatal diseases and boost the human immune
system. Therefore, the members of my family have all adopted the habit of eating
yogurt every day. Owning a yogurt maker helped me to cut down considerably the
amount of time that it took to make yogurt, not to mention the higher quality as
opposed to the traditional method.
At present, I still make yogurt every day for my family with this machine and I think
that this is an indispensable product for preparing an essential part of our regular

fits: [verb] is the right shape and size for something.
Example: This jacket fits me perfectly, but those shoes dont fit at all.
pour: [verb] to make a liquid flow from a container.
Example: Pour some milk into my glass, please.
potentially: [adverb] used to say that something may develop into something.

Example: Smoking will not kill you immediately, but it is potentially harmful
for your health.
fatal: [adjective] causing or ending in death.
Example: Police were called to a fatal accident, in which 3 people were killed.
immune system: [expression] the system in your body that helps it fight
against infection and disease.
Example: A strong immune system is necessary to remain fit and healthy.
adopted the habit: [expression] started to use a particular method of doing
Example: Last month, my friend adopted the habit of running for one hour
every day in order to keep fit.
cut down: [phrasal verb] reduce the amount, size or number of something.
Example: I should cut down my working hours and spend more time just
indispensable: [adjective] too important to be without it
Example: A good dictionary is indispensable for learning a foreign language.

I would like to talk about a household appliance which plays an important role in
my daily life and that is a washing machine. I and my family members use it every
day to wash laundry such as clothing or sheets.
Personally, I think a laundry machine is very advantageous to me due to its
convenience. Instead of spending nearly an hour on cleaning clothing by hand, it
takes me only 5 minutes to put all the clothing in a washing machine. Moreover, my
clothes washer has a large capacity up to 10kg so I can run a load of clothing

through it at one time in order to save both water and time. As a result, I can save a
huge amount of time in order to do other household chores or even learn new things
that Im interested in; namely foreign languages or cooking.
In addition, a washing machine can dry clothing dramatically; therefore, I neednt to
worry about wet clothing in the rainy season or winter.
I think the washing machine is one of the greatest inventions of the industrial
revolution that brings various benefits for me and other people using it.

Household appliance (noun): ( gia dng) a machine that is designed to do a
particular thing in the home, such as preparing food, heating or cleaning
Ex: They sell a wide range of domestic household applianceswashing
machines, dishwashers and so on.
Laundry (noun): (qun o cn git) clothes, sheets, etc. that need washing, that
are being washed, or that have been washed recently
Ex: I and my family members use washing machine every day to wash laundry
such as clothing or sheets.
Sheet (noun): (khn, ga tri ging) a large piece of thin cloth used on a bed to
lie on or lie under
Ex: He slid between the sheets and closed his eyes.
Laundry machine = washing machine = clothes washer (noun): (my git) an
electric machine for washing clothes
Ex: I ran a load of laundry through the washing machine.
Capacity (noun): (cng sut, sc cha) the number of things or people that a
container or space can hold

Ex: The theatre has a seating capacity of 2000.
Load of sth: (lng ln) a large number or amount of somebody/something;
Ex: Uncle Jim brought a whole load of presents for the kids.
Household chores (noun): (vic nh) tasks that you do regularly
Ex: I'll go shopping when I've done my chores (= done the jobs in or around
the house).


3.1. Have (the item you chose to talk about) changed much over the years?
Yes. The washing machine has been radically/ considerably/ significantly improved
over the years. The early laundry machine used an enclosed container or basin to
clean the clothes but they still remained dirty or muddy. Over the years, greater
advances have been made to produce a high-tech machine with a huge capacity that
can produce stainless clothing in the shortest time.
3.2. Do you think that (the item you chose to talk about) are important to
society? (How?)
Of course, I think so. The washing machine has had a great influence on both the
social and economic sectors. People started buying clothes washers due to its benefits
that will make profit for the producers as well as boost the economy.
It also helps vastly reduce the amount of work needed to do household chores and
allow women to enter labor work market.
3.3. Do you think everyone needs to know how to use the item you chose to
talk about?

Obviously, people should know how to operate the washing machine in order to use
it correctly and avoid damaging it. Moreover, knowing how to use a laundry machine
will bring various benefits to users. It is really time-saving and convenient for people
to utilize the washing machine instead of washing by hand. Consequently, they can
make use of time to do other necessary tasks.
3.4. What kinds of electrical appliances are most used in the home, besides
the telephone and computer?
In addition to the telephone and the computer, another electrical appliance people
tend to use at home is the television. It is widely used as a means of recreation. For
example, family members usually spend time watching TV when having dinners or
during their free time for relaxation.
3.5. What are some examples of electronic or electrical equipment that are
used for communication?
There are various electrical devices that help people keep in touch with each other
namely smart phones, computers, and tablets. Nowadays, most people own a mobile
phone; therefore, they can call others at any time. Moreover, with an Internet
connection, people can easily download programs for chatting such as Skype,
Facebook that are really convenient.

Advancement (noun): (s tin b, pht trin) the development or improvement
of something
Ex: All she was interested in was the advancement of her own career.
Stainless (adjective): (khng mt vt bn) with no marks on clothing

Ex: Over years, more advancement has been done to produce a high-tech
machine with huge capacity that can make clothing stainless in the shortest time.
Influence on (noun): (s nh hng) the effect that somebody/something has on
the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that something works or
Ex: What exactly is the influence of television on children?
Profit (noun): (li nhun) the money that you make in business or by selling
things, especially after paying the costs involved
Ex: There isnt much profit in running a restaurant these days.
Operate (verb): (vn hnh/hot ng) to work in a particular way
Ex: Solar panels can only operate in sunlight.
Make use of (idiom): (s dng li th ca ci g ) to use something/somebody,
especially in order to get an advantage
Ex: We could make better use of our resources.
Device(s) (noun): (thit b) an object or a piece of equipment that has been
designed to do a particular job
Ex: This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead
of speaking.
Keep in touch/remain in touch (idiom): (gi lin lc) to maintain
communications with someone; to maintain up-to-date knowledge about someone
or something.
Ex: After my neighbor moved, we still remained in touch.

4. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others

You should say:

When it happened
Who you gave it to
What gift you gave to the person
And explain why you gave this gift to others

ANSWER (Trch t Describe a gift you gave that took a long time to
Choosing a gift for someone is usually a very difficult task, because you want to
make sure that the person who receives it will like it. For that reason, I always
spend a lot of time picking gifts for my relatives and friends. Today, I am going to
share with you the time when I had to choose a gift for my little sisters birthday.
It was her 5th birthday and I wanted to give her something memorable and special.
I decided to go to a Build-a-bear workshop to buy her a stuffed bear. At this shop,
you actually spend time picking materials to build your furry friend, from the cotton
inside to the clothes outside. You also got to give this teddy bear a heart and a voice
recorder, so that when you squeezed it, it would say whatever you recorded before.
After finishing building the stuffed toy, the store would give him or her a birth
certificate with a name and birthday.
My little sister was so happy when she received the bear. Well, kids always love a
furry friend anyway. However, what was special was that as she grew up, she
understood how much love I had put in the bear when building it for her at the store,
so she came to appreciate the gift even more.

pick: [verb] to choose something from a group of things.

Example: The man picked a blue tie from the collection in the shop.
memorable: [adjective] something special, good or unusual and therefore easy
to remember.
Example: I will never forget the memorable holiday that I had in Japan.
workshop: [noun] a place where you can do a practical activity to create
Example: As a student, I attended drama workshops, because I had always loved
stuffed bear: [noun] a toy in the shape of a bear, filled with cloth and made of
some soft material.
Example: When I was a child, I had a stuffed bear, which I used to keep in my
furry: [adjective] covered with fur a soft thick mass of hair that grows on the
body of some animals.
Example: People love pandas because they are so furry, with thick black and
white fur all over their
get to (+ infinitive): [phrasal verb] to be allowed to do something.
Example: When we visited the football stadium, we got to meet some of the
famous players.
teddy bear: [noun] this is just another name for a stuffed toy bear.
squeeze: [verb] to press something firmly, especially with your fingers.
Example: Every time you clean your teeth, you squeeze the tube of toothpaste.
appreciate: [verb] to recognise the good qualities in something or somebody.
Example: At school, I appreciated the help that I received from my teachers.

4.1. In Vietnam, when (on what occasions) do people give gifts to others?
Well there are multiple occasions that we can gifts to each other, like birthdays,
weddings, Christmas, graduation ceremonies or anniversaries.
4.2. What sorts of things do they give?
It can be all sorts of things, you know; from clothes, jewelry, accessories to souvenirs
and even money. It really depends on what kind of occasion it is and who the person
you are giving that present to.
4.3. Do people today still give the same kinds of gifts that people used to
give, many years ago?
I think mostly yes. I still go for conventional gift choices, some of which I just
mentioned earlier, when picking out presents for friends birthdays. But sometimes, if
the person receiving my gifts is someone rather special to me, I usually put more
thought and effort into selecting the right gifts, for example, I might prepare
something tailor-made for him/her or make something myself to really show that
person how much they mean to me.
4.4. Why do people like to receive gifts?
I think people feel happy when receiving gifts because it goes to show that they are
appreciated and adored by the other person, enough for that person to remember their
special days and send them gifts on top of that. Besides, everybody loves freebies.
Gifting someone, especially something that theyve always wanted but cannot afford,
on a special occasion, I believe would never fail to put a smile on both the giver and
receivers face.
4.5. Do you think it's suitable to give money as a gift?

I dont really see a problem with gifting people with money. Sometimes, rather than
material things, cash seems to be a much more practical gift. The notion behind
giving money as a gift, in my opinion, is that with the same gift budget, the givers
wouldnt have to ponder on what presents to buy while the recipient would also have
full autonomy to use that money on whatever purpose that reflects their needs.
4.6. Do you think it's a good idea for people who are doing business with
each other to exchange gifts?
I think its absolutely fine for business partners to exchange gifts. If anything, I
believe gift-giving is an important part of business protocol nowadays, especially in
Eastern countries like Japan.
4.7. Why do some people not give gifts to others very often?
You might not believe this but choosing perfect gifts can really stress people out.
Some just refuse to deal with all the hassle of picking out the right gifts and the
possibility of disappointing the recipients with their presents; hence they might end
up not gifting others very often. Plus, some people might not want to burden the
recipients with the obligation of responding in kind when the givers have special
occasions too, so they may choose to not gift anything at all in the first place.

To go for sth: to choose something chn ci g
What sort of printer are you going to go for?
Conventional (adj): traditional, usual c truyn, thng thng
But business is all based on conventional wisdom.
Tailored-made (adj): specially made for a particular purpose c lm ra ring
cho mt mc ch nht nh no

It sounds as though you're tailor-made for the job.
Freebie (noun): something that you are given, usually by a company, and do not
have to pay for qu biu, qu tng
More and more companies are giving freebies and samples away.
Practical (adj): suitable for a particular purpose thit thc, c ch
The scientists expect to make these cells practical to use within just 2 years.
To ponder on sth: to think on something; to consider something cn nhc iu
I need to ponder on what university I should go to after graduating high school.
Autonomy (noun): freedom from external control or influence quyn t ch
The government formally granted universities autonomy over academic and
financial affairs.
Protocol (noun): the accepted or established code of procedure or behavior in any
group, organization, or situation nghi thc ngoi giao
Protocol dictates that officers remove their caps when entering the courtroom.
Hassle (noun): trritating inconvenience s phin nhiu
Just the thought of going into a fish shop and knowing you can get something
that's gluten free with no hassle and no fuss is wonderful.
To stress sb out: to make someone feel very nervous and worried lm ai cm
thy lo lng.
Interviews always stress me out.
To burden sb with sth: to give someone problems, trouble, or responsibilities
to gnh nng cho ai
He was burdened with debts.
In kind: in the same way; with something similar (tr li) ci ng nh vy

People got up and told stories about my mom and she replied in kind.

5. Describe an interesting song

You should say:
What kind of song it is
How you found it
What it is about
And explain why it is interesting to you

ANSWER (Trch t Describe a song that has special meaning for you)
I love listening to music, so I like many songs. However, one of my favorite
songs that I want to talk about today is Hall of Fame by The Script and
This song was written for the 2012 Olympic Games.
When it came out, it quickly became a hit on every single music chart throughout the
world, not just because of its catchy melody, but also for its meaningful lyrics. The
song talks about how each of us can be a champion or anything we want to be as
long as we dedicate our time and efforts to doing what we are passionate about. The
song is played at big athletic events
to pump up the crowd, but you can easily relate to the song at other times as well,
especially when you are about to give up.
I think this song has such a powerful message that whenever I was tired or had
decided to quit, it would lift me up right away. It made me think about why I had
started in the first place and that I needed to finish the job that I was currently doing.

became a hit: when a song becomes a hit, it means that it is super popular and
that people are listening to it on the radio and buying it on iTunes or elsewhere.
Example: Taylor Swifts song Bad Blood became a hit instantly.
catchy melody: the melody is the part that you sing along with and if it is
catchy, it means that it is easy to sing along with and people like it, you easily
remember it and it sticks in your mind.
Example: The song Uptown Funk has a catchy melody that people love to sing.
meaningful lyrics: lyrics are the words in a song and if they are meaningful, it
means that they actually mean something or have some sort of importance or
significance; they arent just silly, meaningless words.
Example: His sister writes meaningful lyrics for her songs.
champion: someone who wins, a winner.
Example: He didnt see himself as a champion until he had reached his goals.
dedicate: to commit your time to doing something; to make a promise to
yourself to do something.
Example: You were able to get a high score on the test because you dedicated 2
hours every day to studying and preparing yourself.
effort: the work that you put into doing something.
Example: The time and effort he spent improving his English paid off when he got
a $10,000 raise.
passionate: if you are passionate about something it means you have a strong
desire to do something or a strong interest in something.
Example: Elite athletes are passionate about their sport and want to become the

played at: to play a song at an event means to broadcast it over loudspeakers so
everyone can hear it.
Example: They always play the song We Are the Champions at basketball
to pump up the crowd: to get the people excited about the game or event.
Example: The cheerleaders tried to pump up the crowd during the football game.
relate to: to see yourself in something or to understand it in a personal way.
Example: She can relate to the lyrics of that song about love and loss.
give up: to quit; to stop doing something.
Example: He decided to give up smoking after 10 years.
quit: to stop doing something; to give up.
Example: She convinced her son not to quit the soccer team.
lift me up or lift someone up: to make someone feel better.
Example: His brother is good at lifting others up when they are feeling down.


5.1. What do old people like to listen to ?
Im not sure what the elderly like listening to most but itd be fair to say that they are
keen on news broadcasts like reports or weather forecasts, which help them to keep
updated. They derive pleasure from discussing these topics with their colleagues or
telling their family about them. Other than that, Ive noticed that elderly people are
particularly fond of classical music. Unlike the young who stream music videos on
the internet, the old usually turn to radios or cassettes instead.
5.2. How would your grandfather feel if you gave him some hip hop music
to listen to?

I have never thought carefully about this but if I were to play my grandfather some
hip hop, I doubt he would take to this genre. Hip hop is known to have picky listeners
as not everyone can * warm to the unfamiliar beats and rap lines. Additionally, some
hip hop songs contain inappropriate subject matter such as sex, drugs or
discrimination, making it difficult for older people to enjoy them.
* warm to someone/something - to begin to like someone or something
5.3. Why do you think old people like old songs?
I guess the main reason for this is because old songs serve as a memento of the past
to elderly people. Its a way through which they reminisce about their life so in
terms of spiritual value, old songs have an advantage over contemporary ones.
Another reason may involve old people being unreceptive towards new ideas and
culture. They dismiss modern culture as inappropriate and prefer to revisit old and
familiar experiences instead.
5.4. Why do you think people of different age groups have different
favourite songs?
Personally, I think taste in music depends on the society in which people grew up.
Old people prefer classical songs since they were popular during their youth while
the young prefer upbeat songs, which are more in demand in modern times. The
clash of two different mindsets might be another reason. In the past, people used
to be more reserved and conservative but now, they are more open to express
themselves, which results in such a difference.
5.5. What kinds of music do (small) children in Vietnam like to listen to ?
Originally, most Vietnamese children are fond of traditional folk songs that are
especially composed for them. However, with the advent of technology, more
particularly the internet, children have free access a variety of online streams, which

means they can now listen to any kinds of music they want. This is why childrens
taste in music is slowly changing. They enjoy pop songs that are going viral on the
internet in place of traditional children songs.
5.6. What are the differences between popular music and the music that
(young) children like to listen to ?
Thats an interesting question. I think it would be fair to say that children songs tend
to be shorter and catchier so that its easy for children to memorise and sing along to
the lyrics. Additionally, the topics about which they are written are relatively simple
such as family, friends or nature so that children understand the meaning quickly.
Popular music, on the other hand, sometimes contains obscenities , which are
inappropriate for children and revolves around more abstract topics, for example
5.7. Why do you think some people like to play instruments in the open?
I guess there can be various explanations for this. It could be that the players simply
want to perform in front of an audience. This may serve as a kind of self-fulfillment
to some people or as a way to earn a living by * showing off their talents to others. It
is also possible that they are seeking publicity. Performing in the open can attract
quite a number of people and this helps to boost a player or a bands popularity in a
much shorter time.
* to show sth off - to show people something that you are very proud of so that they
will admire it

Stream (xem trn mng) [verb]: to watch something online

o Example: Teenagers often stream music videos instead of downloading them
Discrimination (s phn bit i x) [noun]: the practice of unfairly
treating a person or group of people differently from other people or
groups of people
o Example: She sued the company for gender discrimination.
Compose (sng tc) [verb]: to create and write (a piece of music or
o Example: She composed a letter to her sister.
To go viral (tr nn ni ting) [expression]: to become popular, widely
o Example: The scandalous video of the star went viral on the internet.
Catchy (d nh, d thuc) [adjective]: appealing and easy to remember
o Example: The new slogan isn't as catchy as the old one.
Memorise (ghi nh, hc thuc) [verb]:
Example: The actress is memorising her lines.
Obscenity (li chi th) [noun]: an offensive word
o Example: Obscenity is a fundamental part of rap music
Abstract (tru tng) [adjective]: difficult to understand
o Example: Love and hate are abstract ideas.
Memento (k vt) [noun]: something that is kept as a reminder of a
person, place, or thing
Example: It was a memento of our trip.
Reminisce (hi tng) [verb]: to talk, think, or write about things that
happened in the past

Example: She reminisced about her time in Europe
Upbeat (si ng) [adjective]: positive and cheerful
o Example: I like a story with an upbeat ending
Clash (s xn t) [noun]: a situation in which there is fighting or
o Example: There was a clash between the police and protesters yesterday.
Pulicity (s qung b) [noun]: attention that is given to someone or
something by newspapers, magazines, television news programs, etc.
o Example: The film has gotten some good publicity.

6. Describe a creative inventor or musician

You should say:
Who this person is
What this person does
how you knew this person
and explain why you think this person is creative

I am going to talk about a creative person who I really admire. That person is Albert
Einstein - one of the most well-known physics scientists in the world. He was born in
1879 in a Jewish family in Germany.
He was a theorical physicist and is now recognized as the father of modern physics.
Above all, he was the founder of the Theory of Relativity, which became an
important contribution to the science of mankind. It was to be the biggest
achievement of his life. In 1921, he was awarded the Nobel Physics Prize. He was

a prolific writer and published about 300 scientific articles covering150 topics as well
during his career.
I came across a new biography about him on the internet and there was a lot of
interesting information which really inspired me a lot. His childhood was not carefree
as I had thought. He had a problem learning how to talk until he was about 8 years
old. Besides, because of his unconventional character, he tended to be bullied and
teased a lot, however, he ignored all these taunts and concentrated on doing
experiments in the laboratory.
What I really admire him is how passionately he worked and what he contributed to
physics and our understanding of the world. He lived and worked with passion and
the enthusiasm all his life, and he is a shining example for me to follow.

theoretical physicist: [noun] a person who studies some branch of physics,
using mathematical models to understand, explain and predict nature. This is
in contrast to a physicist who uses experiments to test ideas.
Example: People who study the world through building mathematical models
are called theoretical physicists.
founder: [noun] a person who creates an organization, company or idea.
Example: Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft.
relativity: [noun] the word for how things only have importance in relation to
other things.
Example: Einsteins Theory of Relativity says that the way that anything
[except light] moves through time and space depends on the position and
movement of someone who is watching.

prolific: [adjective] producing many written works.
Example: Picasso was a prolific artist who produced many paintings.
came across: [phrasal verb] met or found something/someone by chance.
Example: While I was looking for my passport, I came across some old
photos from my schooldays.
biography: [noun] the story of a persons life written by another person.
Example: I have just read a new biography about the life of Shakespeare.
inspired: [verb] gave me the confidence and enthusiasm to do something well.
Example: My father inspired me to follow his example and to study hard at
carefree: [adjective] having no worries or problems.
Example: After she retired from work, she had a carefree life with no
unconventional: not following what is done or considered normal or
acceptable by most people.
Example: The normal solutions to traffic congestion have not been effective,
so a more unconventional approach is necessary.
bullied: [verb] frightened or hurt a weaker person.
Example: My son was bullied by the older boys at school.
teased: [verb] laughed at somebody and made jokes about them sometimes
in an unfriendly way.
Example: The boy was teased at school because he was fat.
taunts: [noun] insulting remarks intended to make someone angry or upset.
Example: Racist taunts were often shouted at black football players in the

shining example: [noun] excellent and inspiring example.
Example: President Obama is a shining example for young, black people in
America who want to have a successful career.


6.1. What creative activities did you like to do when you were young?
I remember when I was young, I was really into cartoons and comics, especially
Japanese animation (anime and manga), and so I often spent hours everyday drawing
the cartoon characters that I liked. I even came up with a new story for all of my
favorite ones and almost made it into a complete comic book. But as I got into high
school, I became so much busier with all the homework and exams that I barely had
time to pursue my hobby and eventually lost interest in drawing.
6.2. Why do people like to copy others' ideas these days?
I think people might just run low on both inspiration and motivation to actually be
original. Maybe they find it much easier to claim others work as theirs than going
out of their way and put the effort into producing something as their own.
Sometimes, it can even earn you some short-term fame if youre good enough at
imitating others. For example, a Vietnamese singer has got himself rather famous
nationwide for being a G-Dragon copycat. Despite the criticism, it is undeniable that
he has got quite a number of fans and followers thanks to such an outright copying
6.3. What's the best way to cultivate children's creativity?
I think nothing works better than providing children with the urge and motivation to
be creative and be their true selves. Not only kids but even grown-ups need to be
regularly reminded that they can be anything that they want to be and that they

should not be afraid to be different, think differently or act differently. Only when
children are encouraged to have breakthrough thinking from inside the box can
they really have the freedom to express themselves and nurture their creativity.
6.4. Do you think creativity can be learned?
I personally dont think so. To be creative, one must be original to begin with. If you
need someone to teach you how to think and perform in order to reach a certain level
of creativity then in my opinion, you can no longer call yourself original as youre,
in essence, just basing your ideas and thoughts on someone else visions, not your
6.5. Why does art help to nurture creativity?
Just like how I was inspired to draw a comic book due to the endless hours I invested
into watching anime and manga, I think art in general can inspire others to create
something of their own as long as they are passionate enough about such an idea.
Also, in order to be a successful artist, one needs more than just a standard melody or
a predictable plot; hence, artists are often in a constant battle with themselves to keep
pushing the boundaries and explore new horizons, to stay different but still
relatable, which is obviously not an easy task to do but I believe thats the reason
why art can serve as the best catalyst to creative thinking.

To come up with: ny ra, ngh ra tng g
She's come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
Barely (adv): hu nh khng
His wages are barely enough to keep body and soul together.
To run low on: trong tnh trng cn kit

The car is running low on gas.
Original (adj): nguyn bn, nguyn th
This is a daring new film by one of our most original modern directors.
To go out of ones way: c gng hn mc bnh thng
They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome.
To put the effort into sth/doing sth: t ht kh nng vo lm vic g
Put more effort into a project and youll become more passionate about it
Imitate (verb): bt chc
Some of the younger pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.
Copycat (noun): ngi bt chc mt cch m qung
Sales of the product have fallen by 42% since copycat versions were launched.
Tactic (noun): chin thut
We need to agree tactics before the game.
To breakthrough thinking from inside the box = To think outside of the box =
Creative thinking: kh nng suy ngh sng to
To think outside the box is to look further and to try not thinking of the obvious
things, but to try thinking of the things beyond them.
Plot (noun): ct truyn
The plots of his books are basically all the same.
To push the boundaries: c gng vt qua gii hn bn thn
At Intel, we constantly push the boundaries of innovation in order to make
people's lives more exciting, more fulfilling, and easier to manage.
To explore new horizons: khm ph nhng chn tri mi
Now that he has entered Hollywood, he has to explore new horizons as an actor.

7. Describe a special meal you have had
You should say:
where you would like to have it;
who you would like to have it with;
what you would like to eat;
and explain how you would feel about the meal.

ANSWER (Trch t Describe a meal you had your friends in someone's

Last month, I had a get-together with some of my high school friends whom I had
not met since we graduated. Then, we decided to have lunch at a well-known pizza
restaurant in the city centre.
Arriving at the restaurant, we were quickly given the menu. What surprised me the
most was that there were various types of pizza and drinks; hence, it took me quite a
long time to choose the food. After that, we talked with each other while waiting
for the dishes. Some of my friends were studying at the same university, some had
decided to get a job. And I was especially impressed by the decision of one friend to
take a gap year. She said that as she had a strong passion for traveling, she would
spend one year visiting lots of places.
Then, the dishes were served. The pizza was out-of-this-world and the drinks were
tasty although they were a bit pricey. We kept talking and enjoyed the meal and
drinks for about two hours. Actually, meeting them reminded me of the time when
we studied at high school and I realized that now we were all grown-up, we had
our own plans to pursue. But we all promised to meet up regularly.

get-together: [noun] an informal meeting or gathering of friends.
Example: We usually have a family get-together during the New Year
gap year: [noun] the year that a young person spends working and/or travelling
after leaving school and starting university.
Example: Im planning to take a gap year before I start my university course, and
I have decided to go to see India and China.
have a passion for: [expression] have a hobby or activity that you like very
Example: He has a passion for traditional music, and he is learning to play some
traditional musical instruments.
out-of-this-world: [adjective] used to emphasize how good or beautiful
something is.
Example: The variety of Vietnamese food available during the Tet holiday is out-
tasty: [adjective] having a very delicious flavour.
Example: When I want something tasty to eat, I often buy some chocolates or
a bit pricey: [adjective] a little expensive.
Example: Although my favourite restaurant serves food that is out-of-this-world,
it is unfortunately a bit pricey, so I cant afford to eat there often.
grown-up: [adjective] mentally and physically an adult.
Example: She has a grown-up daughter who works in our local hospital.

meet up: [phrasal verb] to meet someone, usually by arranging a time and place
with them first.
Example: After work, we all met up at the cinema to watch the new James Bond


7.1. Describe what you think is a healthy diet.
A large number of people reckon a healthy diet is a balanced diet that contains a
variety of foods that give you the nutrients you need to maintain your health, feel
good, and have energy. Personally, I suppose it depends on your personal health
situation. For example, a developing child needs high-protein rich diets, but
consuming excessive protein is extremely risky for people who have gout.
7.2. Are there many vegetarians in Vietnam?
I dont know for sure but I think there are plenty of Vietnamese veggies, mainly
thanks to its large Buddhist population. In addition to that, vegetarian restaurants are
incredibly commonplace. I see signs for chay, which means vegetarian in
Vietnamese. These chay restaurants are almost everywhere in Vietnam, and
traditional restaurants often have optional chay menus. So again, I believe Vietnam
has a large number of veggies.
7.3. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
There are a range of reasons certain people choose to adopt a meatless diet. First,
practicing a religion that advocates vegetarianism is a popular reason why some
people follow a meat-free diet. For example, the Hindu religion considers the cow
sacred, and most of its followers do not eat meat. Another reason is for the health

benefits this lifestyle has to offer. Cholesterol comes from eating animal products,
and people who eat fewer or no animal-based foods will benefit from this diet.
7.4. Is the food that people eat today in Vietnam different to the food that
people used to eat in the past? (if yes, in what ways has it changed?)
Actually, theres a huge discrepancy between the food Vietnamese people eat today
and what they used to eat in the past. Economic growth has considerably changed
the way Vietnamese people eat by introducing some Western habits and products.
Modern Vietnamese eating habits are straying from the past, with more and more
processed products, enriched with artificial nutrients, artificial flavorings, rich bad
fats, well, too name a few.
7.5. How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?
Well, in the foreseeable future, how we feed ourselves will definitely change a bit.
First, the protein-centric dinner plate will be obsolete. Instead, vegetables will take
center stage. Another change is that, we will eat more insects, which provide as much
nutritional value as ordinary meat and are a great source of protein. Maybe things like
crickets and grasshoppers will be used as an ingredient in things like burgers. In the
further future, the dream of a meal-in-a-pill will come true. But I hope it wont, or at
least, I wont take that pill instead of my mouth-watering foods.
7.6. Is American-style 'fast food' popular in Vietnam? (Why? Popular with
I hate to admit it but that kind of food definitely is becoming more and more popular
in Vietnam, especially among young people. The name of MC Donalds and KFC are
so familiar not only with American but also young Vietnamese. Well, cooking
traditional food is really time-consuming, while fast food is much more convenient.
Additionally, American food and beverage chains have been customizing their menus

in eastern markets for years to adapt to local tastes and help them appeal more to
7.7. What do you think of this popularity- is it as good thing?
As a big fan of Vietnamese food, I find this popularity somehow hinders traditional
Vietnamese food development. Vietnamese food is one of the healthiest and most
balanced foods in the world but if the current Vietnamese generation prefers Western
food, they cannot spread the reputation of our traditional food far and wide. Another
negative is, processed products contribute to a growing rate of obesity, which can
lead to several other health problems, both in Vietnamese children and teenagers.
7.8. More and more people are becoming overweight nowadays. What do
you think might be the causes of this?
As I said already, the increasing consumption of fast food contributes a lot to a
growing rate of obesity. Along with unhealthy diets, a sedentary lifestyle is a big part
of the overweight problem. Nowadays, people tend to entertain themselves with high
tech stuff like cellphones and tablets rather than engaging in outdoor activities. As a
result, they just sit on a chair all day and are physically inactive. The energy
generated from their meals finds no release from their body, and this ends up causing

Excessive (qu nhiu) [adj] too much
Example: Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.
Advocate (ng h) [verb] to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or
way of doing something
Example: Heart disease specialists advocate a diet low in cholesterol.

Sacred (thing ling) [adj] considered to be holy and deserving respect, especially
because of a connection with a god or a religion
Example: This area is sacred to the Apaches.
Discrepancy (khc bit) [noun] a difference between two things that should be the
Example: The committee is reportedly unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers.
Considerably (ng k) [adv] large or of noticeable importance
Example: He's considerably fatter than he was when I knew him.
Foreseeable (c th thy c, tng tng c) [adj] as far into the future as
you can imagine or plan for
Example: He asked me if there was any point in the foreseeable future when I'd
like to have children.
Obsolete (li thi) [adj] not in use any more, having been replaced by something
newer and better or more fashionable
Example: Gas lamps became obsolete when electric lighting was invented.
Time-consuming (tn thi gian) [adj] takes a lot of time to do
Example: Producing a dictionary is a very time-consuming job.
Adapt (thch nghi) [verb] to change something to suit different conditions or uses
Example: Many software companies have adapted popular programs to the new
operating system.
Reputation (danh ting) [noun] the opinion that people in general have about
someone or something, or how much respect or admiration someone or something
receives, based on past behaviour or character
Example: He acquired a reputation as an entertaining speaker.

8. Describe a favorite part of your city or home that you often visit/
Describe a place where you relaxed
You should say:
Where it is.
When do you normally visit this place.
Explain why you like it
You should say:
where it is
what you usually do there
how often you go there
and explain why it is a relaxing place

ANSWER (Trch t Describe an interesting public place in your

Today, Im going to share with you an interesting public place where I really enjoy
going to to hang out with my close friends in my spare time, which is a lovely caf
named The Hanoi Social Club.
It is situated at Hoi Vu alley a small quiet lane near Hang Bong street in the centre
of Hanoi. The coffee house is decorated in an old, traditional French style, with a lot
of paintings on the wall, and it attracts a lot of foreign customers. As a full-time
student, I have been so caught up in my studies, therefore, I just take a day off to go
there on weekends after a long stressful week.
There are many live music events taking place there performed by acoustic guitarists,
so I often check them out on the internet and come with my friends. Because this type

of music is my kind of thing, I am in my element just humming the tune of the songs
and relaxing in a comfy chair to enjoy myself.
The fast food tastes quite savoury and especially the coffee in The Hanoi Social Club
is always irresistibly delicious. That might be the reason why it was ranked among
the top 5 best coffee shops in Hanoi in 2015. What I really love is how cozy the
atmosphere is, something which I have not found in any other coffee shop yet.
Whenever things go wrong, I often go there as a hideaway to escape from all the
pressures and order a cup of coffee to relieve my stress. It always works wonders. I
find it extremely therapeutic and soothing. Therefore, its more than likely that I will
still keep coming back to it as my favourite place in the near future.

hang out: [phrasal verb] spend time in a particular place.
Example: I sometimes hang out at the shopping mall on Sundays and meet up
with my friends.
lane: [noun] a narrow street in a city, with buildings on both sides.
Example: The lane behind the museum will take you directly to the train station.
decorate: [verb] make something more attractive.
Example: Her living room is always decorated with flowers.
caught up: [phrasal verb] involved in a concentrated way, so that you forget
other things around you.
Example: I was so caught up in the film that I forgot to feed the cat.
acoustic: [adjective] designed to make natural sound, not sound produced by
electrical equipment.

Example: Artists who play traditional music usually use acoustic instruments,
copying the way in which the music was originally played.
in my element: [expression] doing what I enjoy.
Example: I am really in my element at parties, because I love dancing and
mixing with friends.
hum: [verb] sing a tune with your lips closed.
Example: He began humming along to the music.
comfy: [adjective] comfortable.
Example: This new jacket isnt as comfy as my old one.
irresistibly: [adverb] in a way that is so strong that it cannot be stopped.
Example: Romeo and Juliet in Shakespeares play were two young lovers who
were irresistibly attracted to each other.
cozy: [adjective] warm and comfortable and safe, often used to refer to
something small.
Example: I felt cozy and relaxed sitting by the fire.
hideaway: [noun] a place where you can go to be alone.
Example: He escapes to his hideaway in the country at weekends.
relieve: [verb] remove or reduce an unpleasant feeling or pain.
Example: To relieve his feeling of guilt, he decided to tell the truth to the police.
work wonders: [expression] have a very good effect on someone or something.
Example: If you have a bad cold, a hot lemon drink at night works wonders.
therapeutic: [adjective] helping you to relax.
Example: I find that yoga is very therapeutic, and I always feel better after my
yoga class.
soothing: [adjective] that makes someone who is anxious or stressed, feel better.

Example: The doctor has such a soothing voice that his patients feel relaxed


8.1. How often do you visit parks?
Actually, when I was a child, I used to go to my local green parks on a daily basis. I
was really into the atmosphere in those parks and their decorative flower beds. But
now Im a grown-up, busy with tons of work to do, so alas no more time for parks,
you know.
8.2. Do we need big parks or small parks in the city?
Well, if I had to choose, then small parks would be better. Its the quality that
matters. A big park takes up too much space and it will be hard for a large number of
big places like that to be available in the city. On the other hand, there are plenty of
smaller areas in every corner of the city that can be landscaped into small parks.
That would make a great contribution to the tranquility of the city and it would be
very handy for everyone to just pop into a local small park.
8.3. Why is it important to have parks in a city?
Well, its important because they act like natural air conditioners in cities with their
trees and grass. Second, in a city, green parks are the only places that people can live
in harmony with the nature. They provide a habitat for a host of plants and animals
and theyre places for citizens to engage in either relaxing or energetic outdoor
8.4. Do you like to visit movie theaters?
I would say yes, definitely. Actually, I call myself a movie buff, so whenever a
blockbuster is shown in the cinemas, I will try to catch it straight away. I think the

atmosphere in the cinema adds a lot to the experience and you can focus solely on the
film itself, instead of having lots of distractions like you might have if you watched
the film at home.
8.5. Where do Vietnamese people like to go on weekends?
I dont know how it was in the past, but nowadays, shopping centres like Vincom,
Mipec or Aeon Mall have become the most fashionable places to go on weekends.
Coming to those places, visitors of all ages can have easy access to a variety of goods
and amusement facilities, such as a cinema complex or restaurants. Some other
popular options are sports centres, green parks and cafes.
8.6. What do old people do to relax?
There is a wide range of entertainment options for the elderly. Speaking of outdoor
activities, they often go to green parks to take part in tai chi or yoga classes. There
are also organised outings for senior citizens to relax and visit their relatives. For
sedentary entertainment, old people tend to read books, play board games and watch

Decorative [adjective] decorated to look attractive or pretty
Example: The bright paintings look very decorative in the hall.
Tons of work (1 ng cng vic) [expression] a large amount of work
Example: Weve got tons of work to do.
Take up (chim ch) [phrasal verb] to fill a particular amount of space or time
Example: These files take up a lot of disk space.
Landscape (ci to) [verb] to change the appearance of an area of land, especially
next to a building or road so that it looks more like natural countryside

Example: The area in front of the museum was landscaped using trees and
Tranquility (s thanh bnh, trong lnh) [noun] quality or state of being tranquil;
calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity.
Example: We ate in his Sukka, surrounded by a tranquility and quiet that I, in my
busy life, rarely experience.
Pop into [phrasal verb] to go somewhere quickly and suddenly for a short time
Example: I popped into the shop to buy some chocolate.
Live in harmony (sng ha thun) [expression] living together peacefully rather
than fighting or arguing
Example: This river has different kinds of fish living in harmony.
Movie buff (mt phim) [expression] when someone is addicted to movies and
actively goes to the cinema on a regular basis.
Example: John is a film/movie buff who has always enjoyed watching movies
and reading about the industry and his favorite filmmakers.
Blockbuster (phim bom tn) [adjective] a book or film that is very successful
Example: A blockbuster film is very popular and achieves enormous sales.
Distraction (s gy gin on) [noun] something that prevents someone from
giving their attention to something else.
Example: I can turn the television off if you find it a distraction.
Outing [noun] a trip usually with a group of people
Example: There is a school outing to the zoo tomorrow I cant wait !
Sedentary [adjective] in which you spend a lot of time sitting down
Example: He has a sedentary job working in an office.

9. Describe a bicycle/motorbike/car trip that is interesting
You should say:
where you would like to go;
how you would like to go there;
who you would like to go with;
and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.

VERSION 1 (Tham kho t 23 trong sch 2015 Describe a long car
journey that you went on)
Like many other young people, I dont have the habit of waking up early every day,
only for special occasions. Last weekend, I and a group of my friends decided to go
on a trip to the mountainous area of Vietnam called Mu Cang Chai. We had to leave
very early in the morning so that we did not get stuck in the traffic. In addition, we
would have more time to spend there.
It wasnt easy to get up early in the morning, because I had been so excited about the
trip that I had barely slept that night. I had never been to Mu Cang Chai before. It is
located in the northern part of Vietnam, so I knew that we faced a long drive ahead
. We had decided to go by car since, that way, all 5 of us could travel together.
Moreover, everyone reckoned that it would be safer than going by motorbike.
After 5 hours driving, we arrived at our destination. We were amazed to see a vast
land filled with the yellow color of terraced rice fields, ready to be harvested. Under
the sunlight, these rice fields sparkled like gold.
We stayed for one night with a local host and helped the family with their regular
tasks before setting out for home the next day. It was such an amazing trip, and it

helped us to learn more about the countryside and the way of life of those who live
there. Id love to make more trips
like that in the future.

get stuck: [verb phrase] to be in an unpleasant situation that you cant escape
from. Example: I left work early, because I didnt want to get stuck in traffic on
my way home.
barely: [adverb] something that can be achieved, but only with difficulty.
Example: We barely had time to catch the train, so we ran all the way to the
faced a long drive ahead: [verb phrase] a long car journey. Example: My
advice is to sleep well if you face a long drive ahead the next day.
reckon: [verb] to think or have an opinion about something. Example: If I want
to lose weight, I reckon that I will have to eat less bread.
freshen: [verb] to make something cooler and more pleasant.
Example: The rain freshened the air.
vast: [adjective] very big.
Example: The Amazon is a vast rainforest.
harvest: [verb] to cut and collect a crop, such as rice. Example: Every year,
bananas are harvested from the trees on my uncles farm.
sparkle: [verb] to shine brightly. Example: The sky sparkled with thousands of
setting out: [phrasal verb] leaving a place and beginning a journey. Example: I
finished my breakfast and set out for the train station

Id like to describe a travelling idea that I think would make an awesome experience.
Its a motorbike trip to Tam Dao, a town of Vinh Phu province, which has become an
attractive place for Hanoi residents to visit at weekends and during holidays.
Tam Dao, also known as Da Lat of the North due to its cool weather around the year,
is not far from Hanoi. Its just 70 kilometers away from our capital city, so I think
itd be sensible to travel there by motorbike.
I think itd be an ideal trip if we had a small group of 4 or 5 members, who all knew
each other well, as travelling companions. We would need to share a lot of common
interests as well as characteristics, you know, so the experience would be more laid-
back, fun and memorable, in my opinion.
There are several reasons why I prefer travelling by motorbike rather than by car, but
most of all, I wouldnt want to miss the breathtaking scenery along the way.
Moreover, my travelling timeline would be more flexible if I went there by
motorbike, as I wouldnt have to worry about being stuck in traffic jams. Last but
not least, I think it would be a way to make the trip somehow more challenging and
interesting, so we would have more things to recall afterwards.

captital city (th ) [n]
a city which physically includes the offices and meeting places of the seat of
government and is usually fixed as the capital by law or by the constitution
Example: Hanoi is the capital city of Vietnam and the countrys second largest

sensible ( hp l) [adj] reasonable and practical.
Example: Its sensible to keep a note of your passport number
Travelling companion ( bn ng hnh trong chuyn du lch) [expression]
someone you spend a lot of time with during your trip, who accompanies you.
Example: We should also agree about money when choosing a travelling
companion; it can be pretty uncomfortable when you reach your first destination
and find your companion wants to spend on a meal way beyond your budget.
common interests (s thch chung) [expression] similar interests
Example: Studies show that shared common interests between people boost the
chances of a lasting relationship, and also bring about a 2% increase in life
laid-back [adj] relaxed, without any worries
Example: I prefer a laid-back holiday, just sunbathing on the beach and listening
to the sound of the sea.
breathtaking (hp dn, ngon mc)[adj] very impressive, exciting or surprising
Example: The view from my bedroom window was absolutely breathtaking.


9.1. Do Vietnamese people prefer to travel by car or by train?
Generally, although the train is one of the fastest means of transportation, most
Vietnamese people prefer travelling by car because of its convenience. Unlike the
train, which has a specific terminal where people must stop, passengers can hop into
and out of the car anywhere they want. Moreover, in order to take a train, they must
follow the schedule. In contrast, by using their car, people can travel at any time
which suits them.

9.2. What are the advantages of travelling with a group of people?
Travelling with friends or family members will bring a lot of benefits. Firstly, it will
be their greatest time when they can share best moments of life with their loved ones
and closest friends. Being accompanied by other people, they can enjoy doing things
together and build a closer bond through sharing experiences. Secondly, travellers
can also avoid risks of injuries or dangers with the assistance of other group
members. Consequently, they will have a safe, carefree trip with lots of happy
9.3. Should young people travel abroad?
I definitely agree with the idea that youngsters should travel to other countries. Going
abroad can provide young and curious people with opportunities to explore new
things about other cultures and places. It is really true that travel broadens the mind
and teaches cultural sensitivity.
Moreover, travelling will help them build confidence and social skills, as they will
encounter people from different nations. They will learn to adapt to globalization
and integration with strangers, which will be very beneficial in their future careers.
9.4. Where do Vietnamese people like to travel?
Regarding ideal places for travelling, it depends largely on peoples hobbies. For
example, active and adventurous people prefer challenging places such as
mountainous areas or forests. Other people love to go to resorts or famous places for
entertainment, nightlife or relaxation.
9.5. Is international travel popular with people in your country?
To be honest, Vietnam is a middle-income country, so most people in my country
are unable to afford international trips. However, recently, it has become more
common for Vietnamese people to travel to different places for their holidays or in

their free time, especially because of the availability and affordability of high-speed
means of transportation.

Means of transportation (expression): any vehicle that you can travel in
Example: I cant afford a car, so my only means of transportation is my bike.
Terminal (noun): (nh ga) a place, building or set of buildings where journeys by
train, bus or boat begin or end
Example: Unlike the train which has a specific terminal where people must stop,
passengers can get into and out of the car anywhere they want.
Hop into/hop out of (phrasal verb): to go or move somewhere quickly and
Example: I turned off the TV and hopped into bed.
Suit (verb): to be convenient for somebody
Example: We should meet for lunch. What time would suit you?
Loved ones (noun): people that you love, usually members of your family
Example: After I heard about the accident, I rang the police to check if my loved
ones were safe.
Accompany (verb): (ng hnh, i cng) to travel or go somewhere with
Example: His wife accompanied him on the trip.
Bond (noun): something that forms a connection between people, such as
friendship or shared experiences
Example: There is a special bond between a mother and her children.
Assistance (noun): (tr gip, gip ) help or support

Example: He can walk only with the assistance of crutches.
Carefree (adjective): having no worries or responsibilities
Example: We spent a carefree week just relaxing on the beach.
Sensitivity (noun): (s nhy cm) the ability to understand other peoples
Example: She pointed out with tact and sensitivity exactly where he had gone
Encounter (verb): (bt gp, gp g) to meet somebody, or discover or experience
something, especially somebody/something new, unusual or unexpected
Ex: She was the most remarkable woman he had ever encountered.
Globalization (noun): (ton cu ha) the fact that different cultures and
economic systems around the world are becoming connected and similar to each
other because of the influence of large multinational companies and of improved
Example: We must take advantage of the increased globalization of
the commodity trading business.
Integration (noun): (hi nhp) the act or process of mixing people who have
previously been separated, usually because of color, race, religion, etc.
Example: The purpose of the induction program is to encourage the integration
of new staff into the team.
Adventurous (adjective): willing to take risks or try new ideas
Example: She is very adventurous her favourite hobby is mountain biking.
Nightlife (noun): entertainment that is available at night
Example: Las Vegas in the USA is famous for its nightlife especially the
casinos which are open all night.

Middle-income country (noun phrase): (quc gia c thu nhp trung bnh) one
of the countries of the world that is neither very rich nor very poor:
Example: The World Bank will stop lending to middle-income countries that
have access to global financial markets.
Affordability (noun): being cheap enough for people to buy
Example: The good thing about my city is the affordability of housing.

10. Describe a person that you admire

You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What you like to do together
Why you admire this person

VERSION 1 (Trch t Describe a person (you know), much older than you,
who you admire)
I would like to describe one of my teachers who taught me at high school. She had a
great influence on me and was a role model whom I look up to.
Her name is Yen and she taught me Math for 3 years of high school. She was in her
50s, and so she had a lot of teaching experience. Actually, we met each other almost
everyday as she was also my form teacher. She cared about us as if we had been her
sons and daughters. For example, she always brought some kinds of medicines so
that whenever her students got a cold, coughed or something like that, she would
give them the medicines immediately.

Above all, I was most influenced by the way she taught us in class. Her
thoroughness in teaching inspired me to study Math, even though I had not been
interested in the subject before. Thanks to her effective teaching method, I was able
to pass the university entrance exam with a high Math grade. Besides, I was also
influenced by her lifestyle, which was so simple and worthy of respect that I really
wanted to copy her. As she is a warm-hearted person, she always gave us advice
about any problems we faced. At times, I felt that she was like my friend who I
could share everything with.
Although we have now all graduated from high school, my friends and I often visit
her at the weekends to tell her about our daily life at university.

role model: [noun phrase] a person that you admire and try to copy.
Example: Parents are usually the most important role models for a child.\
in her 50s: [expression] between the ages of 50 and 59.
Example: My mother retired from her job as a teacher when she was in her 50s.
cared about: [phrasal verb] felt that we were important and worth worrying
Example: Everybody had a good opinion of the hospital the doctors and nurses
really cared about the health of the patients.
thoroughness: [noun] the quality of doing things very carefully and with great
attention to detail.
Example: The report was perfectly organised and included every important detail,
and I had to admire his thoroughness.
lifestyle: [noun] the way in which a person or group of people live and work.

Example: When I moved to the countryside from Hanoi, I had to change my
lifestyle completely.
warm-hearted: [adjective] kind and generous
Example: He often gave money and chatted in the street to poor people that he
knew he was a very warm-hearted person.

VERSION 2 (Trch t Describe a leader who you admire)

I would like to share with you my impression of a leader who I really admire. Her
name is Huong, the director of the VPBank Hoan Kiem Branch, where I had a chance
to do an internship for over 3 months last year.
She has not only a wide knowledge of banking but also a lot of experience of being a
good leader. That can be seen through the way that staff carry out their duties in the
bank that she has been running. Although that bank is just a small branch of
theVPBank, the work of the employees is extremely professional and efficient.
Not only has she succeeded in her career path, she also pays attention to her clothing
style and physical appearance. She is in her 30s with shoulder-length hair. Because
her business requires meeting with customers a lot, she always knows how to choose
smart and suitable clothes to complement her figure.
What I really admire is how well she treats her subordinates not only in terms of
working relationships but also in daily life, if their personal problems affect their
performance at work, always taking care thoughtfully of each person in her company.
I will try my best to become a good leader like her in the future.

impression: [noun] an idea or feeling about someone/something.

Example: My first impression of Australia is that the people are very friendly.
branch: [noun] a local office or shop/store belonging to a large company or
Example: The bank has branches in every big town and city in the country.
internship: [noun] a period of time when a student or graduate gets practical
experience in a job for example during a summer vacation.
Example: My brother has just finished his accountancy course at university, and
this summer he is going to do an internship at a leading company of accountants
in the city.
run: [verb] in this context, it means manage a company or business.
Example: I am going to apply for the job of a director, running the new sports
centre in town.
career path: [noun] the route taken by an employee, from the time that they first
enter a company or organisation until the time that they retire from work.
Example: He followed a successful career path, starting work as a simple
cleaner and later becoming a senior manager in the company.
in her 30s: [expression] aged between 30 and 39.
Example: Although she is only in her 30s, my sister has already bought her own
complement: [verb] add to something in a way which makes it look better/more
Example: The excellent choice of food is complemented by a good wine list.
figure: [noun] the shape of a human body, especially a womans body that is
attractive or smart.
Example: Although she is in her 60s, my grandmother still has a smart figure.

subordinates: [noun] people with less authority within an organisation or
Example: I always discuss things with my subordinates in the business before
making my decisions.
thoughtfully: [adverb] in a way that shows you think about and care about other
Example: When we arrived, the hotel had thoughtfully provided a special meal
for us.


10.1. What kinds of people can become role models?
Personally, I think everyone can become a role model for people to look up to as
long as they possess good qualities and virtues.
Good examples are successful people such as celebrities, businessmen or professors,
due to their great efforts in their career that inspire others.
Role models may also be normal people who have a positive attitude and do
worthwhile activities such as helping underprivileged people.
10.2. What should schools teach to help students become better citizens?
Obviously, learning environment has a great influence on students
In order to teach students to become better members of society, teachers should act as
role models with outstanding personal qualities for students to emulate.
In addition to theories, students should also be taught practical lessons about the
virtues of good citizenship by offering them chances to do volunteering activities, for
example helping orphans and elderly people.

10.3. What can we learn from old people?
There are various things youngsters can learn from elderly people, such as their
practical experiences, their reflections on life and even their mistakes.
Of course, young people cannot live long enough to experience everything, so it is
essential for them to follow valuable advice that older people give them as well as
avoid their failures. If they do that, they will have more opportunities to explore and
be successful.
10.4. What can parents do to give children correct guidance?
There are many ways for parents to give children correct guidance. Firstly, children
tend to imitate their parents behaviors unintentionally; so parents should become
role models by setting a good example for their children to follow. Secondly,
parents can tell stories, show pictures, videos or even educate their children through
real situations about good things that they want them to understand.
10.5. In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?
I suppose that in Vietnam, leaders are the ones whose voices contain the power to
make others follow them voluntarily. It means that these people must have thorough
knowledge and practical experience of the field, and be passionate enough to inspire
other people in the team. Actually, leaders at large companies are often people aged
over 50 who have greatly contributed to the companies for a long time, so
employees look up to them and are ready to follow their directions.
10.6. Has there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have?
Yes, I think that the essential qualities of leadership have changed over time. For
example, in the past, a leader was considered as the one who was able to command
others, he just needed to sit in his room and give orders to his employees. But
nowadays, a leader is defined as one who can inspire all team members and

communicate effectively with them in order to boost the performance of the team, as
well as unite their efforts. In my opinion, leaders today have become an equal part of
a team rather than a supervisor.
10.7. Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can
be leaders?
Well, its a quite hard topic, but Ill give it a go. In my opinion, women can be great
leaders, but maybe not only because of the large amount of money they can earn.
Nowadays, men and women are treated equally in the organizational environment
and have equal opportunity for promotion, therefore, as long as their performance at
the company is rated highly enough, they can become a leader. In addition, women
generally have better soft skills in negotiation and communication than men, so its
easier for them to deal with conflicts and problems if or when these happen.

Role model (noun): a person who you admire and try to copy
Ex: We need positive role models for young women to aspire to.
Look up to (phrasal verb): to admire and respect
Uncle Ho is a role model for all generations to look up to.
Possess good qualities and virtues (expression): having the character and
understanding of how to behave towards other people
Ex: Anyone can be a role model for others to look up to as long as they possess good
qualities and virtues.
Good examples (noun phrase): a person or their behavior that is considered to be a
good model for others to copy

Ex: The ParaOlympic sportsmen and sportswomen are good examples for all young
people with disabilities to follow.
Worthwhile (adjective): important, worth spending time and effort on
Ex: He supports several worthwhile causes, such as charities for disabled people and
environmental campaigns.
Underprivileged people (noun phrase): having less money and fewer opportunities
than most people in society
Ex: She sometimes helps underprivileged people who are homeless and hungry.
Learning environment (noun phrase): the location and culture in which people
study or try to learn
Ex: The library is an effective learning environment it is a quiet place to study
and it has a lot of resources such as books and computers.
Have an influence on (expression): the effect that somebody/something has on the
way a person thinks or behaves, or on the way that something works or develops
Ex: My grandmother had a strong influence on my early childhood.
Outstanding (adjective): extremely good, excellent
Ex: He was an outstanding student at school, and it was no surprise that he went
on to study at university.
Emulate (verb): to try to do something as well as somebody else because you
admire them
Ex: I would like to emulate my fathers professional achievements and become a
doctor like him.
Citizenship (noun): accepting the responsibilities of being a good citizen
Ex: Some schools teach citizenship, so that students will learn to be responsible
members of their community.

Orphan (noun): a child who does not have parents
Ex: She is an orphan, so now she lives with her aunt and uncle.
Youngster (noun): a child or young person
Ex: The summer camp is for youngsters aged between 8 and 14.
Reflection (noun): careful thought about something, usually over a long period of
Ex: I asked my grandfather about his experiences and reflections on the war.
Failure (noun): lack of success in doing or achieving something
Ex: They were disappointed by the failure of their team to win the World Cup.
Unintentionally (adverb): in a way that is not deliberate, but happens by accident
Ex: He unintentionally delivered the pizza to the wrong address.
Set a good example (expression): to behave in a good way that somebody can copy
Ex: You should not be wasting your time you should be setting a good example
to your younger brother.
Thorough (adjective) T m, k lng Done completely; with great attention to
Example: The police carried out a thorough investigation, paying attention to every
piece of information and evidence.
Passionate (adjective) am m Having or showing strong feelings of enthusiasm
for something or belief in something.
Example: She has a passionate interest in music. She goes to a lot of concerts and
shes also learning to play the piano.
Contribute (verb) ng gp, cng hin To give something, especially money or
goods, to help somebody/something.
Example: We contributed 5000 to the earthquake fund.

To look up to (phrasal verb) Ngng m To admire and respect somebody.
Example: I look up to my father, he is honest, hard-working and kind.
Command (verb) Ra lnh To tell somebody to do something.
Example: The general commanded his army to attack the enemy.
Unite (verb) To join together.
Example: A good boss knows how to unite the workforce in order to meet the
production targets.
Supervisor (noun) Ngi gim st A person who checks or organises the work of
Example: I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic.
To give something a go (expression) Th To attempt to do something.
Example: I have never tried to cook chicken before, but Im willing to give it a go.
Rate (verb) To think that somebody or something has a particular level of quality or
Example: Shakespeare is rated as one of the greatest writers who ever lived.
Conflict (noun) Xung t A situation in which people, groups or countries are
involved in a serious disagreement or argument.
Example: The violence was the result of political and ethnic conflicts.

11. Describe an interesting photo

You should say:
Who took it
Who was in the photo
When the photo was taken
Why it was interesting

ANSWER (Trch t Describe a photo of yourself that you had taken)
Today, I would like to describe a photo of myself that I had taken by a friend.
Honestly, I kind of do not like posing for pictures and I only do so on very special
occasions. That photo was taken at my university with my extended family last year
during the graduation ceremony, you know, and it was special because it was one of
the best family moments in our lives.
When I graduated from university, my whole family that is my grandparents, my
parents and a lot of my siblings brothers and sisters - came to celebrate the day with
me. Everyone was extremely cheerful and really proud of me. I remembered that we
had not had a family get-together for ages, so I came up with the idea of taking a
photo together in order to save our memorable day on film.
The House of Culture in my university was the place that we chose to take this photo.
I asked one of my classmates to help us to capture that moment. He was really good
at photography and so I had total confidence in him. He put everyone at their ease, so
it was really a wonderful photo because there were brilliant smiles from all the
members of our whole family group.
Whenever I look back at that photo, I feel very emotional and happy because it not
only marked a major turning-point in my life, but it was also a valuable opportunity
for my extended family to strengthen our relationship. I think sometimes it is
necessary for us to capture moments and save them as notable memories in our lives.

posing: [verb] sitting or standing in a particular position in order to be

Example: I have an old photo of my grandparents, posing in front of a statue in
the park.
extended family: [noun] a family group that includes not only children and
parents, but also uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins......
Example: When our extended family all met for a meal, there were probably
about 50 of us at the restaurant.
sibling: [noun] a brother or sister.
Example: I went to a different school from most of my siblings.
get-together: [noun] an informal meeting or party.
Example: Most of the students were more interested in social get-togethers than
going to lectures.
for ages: [expression] for a long time.
Example: How are you? I havent seen you for ages. their ease: [expression] make someone relaxed, so they do not feel
nervous or embarrassed.
Example: Our friendly host at the party soon put everyone at their ease.
smiles: [noun] the expression that you have on your face when you are happy.
Example: After they won the match, all the players had big smiles on their faces.
look back: [phrasal verb] think about something in your past.
Example: When I look back at my schooldays, I realise that I was not happy at
that time.
marked: [verb] indicated an event that was important.
Example: The celebrations last month marked the 90th birthday of the Queen.
turning point: [noun] a time when an important change takes place, usually with
the result that a situation improves.

Example: The promotion to manager marked a turning point in her career.
capture: [verb] film or record something/someone.
Example: The video camera captured the moment of the accident.
strengthen: [verb] make stronger.
Example: The President said that he was determined to strengthen his countrys
relations with China.
notable: [adjective] important and deserving to receive attention.
Example: She achieved notable success as a famous writer of books for children


11.1. What are the occasions when people take photographs?
I think people take photographs to remember important occasions. Examples can be a
ceremony or an anniversary, like graduation day or wedding anniversary. Other
people may want to take photos of the places they have visited. Or, you know, just
simply a birthday party. Basically I believe there are a lot of occasions for taking
11.2. Why do people like to take many photos when they are travelling?
To keep the memories, I guess. Like when I had my first chance to visit Korea, I took
tons of photos because I really loved it there and I wanted to have something
reminding me of that time. Also because I didnt know when I would be able to
return to Korea, I took photos so that I wouldnt regret having nothing as a memory
of Korea.
11.3. Do you think photographs can really help people remember past
events in their lives?

Most of the time, yes. A photograph carries a memory in itself, but people can be
reminded of their past through photographs only when the event represented in the
photo carries some meaning to those people. For example, you would be able to
remember the day you bought your first car forever by looking at a photo of it, but
you would be unlikely to remember it just by looking at a random photo of a car on
the internet.
11.4. What is the value/importance of photographs?
Photographs are used to mark the milestones of ones life or to keep memories. Most
people will take pictures of life-changing events, like when you have a new job or
when you marry someone you love. These photos later stay as a token of those
events, which you can take out and look at when you have time, or show to your
friends and family members which makes me believe that photographs can also
connect people too, as when one looks at a photo, one also remembers the people
standing next to them, not just the event.
11.5. Do you think it's good to take photos?
I think it depends on the situation when the photos are taken. I remember seeing a
photo of a girl taking a selfie while sitting on a tomb, which in this case only shows
her ignorance and disrespect to whoever had passed away. But taking photos at
weddings, at birthday parties, though, is completely normal and is to be encouraged.
So to sum up, photos should only be taken on the right occasion.
11.6. Do you think photographs are more important for adults or for
The importance of photographs doesnt depend on a persons age, I believe. Its as
important to a kid to keep a memory through photos as to an adult, and I havent seen
any cases of people prioritizing adults or kids when it comes to taking pictures.

11.7. Why do you think it is important to take photos (or videos) of one's
Because it shows the familys bond. Isnt it nice looking at a photograph of all the
family members smiling happily? You may feel content and connected to your flesh
and blood when you look at the family photo. Also, you know, to some families,
taking photos is like a tradition established over time and one just needs to take part /
participate. I guess family photos are that important.

Come up in ones mind (xut hin trong u) [expression] appear in ones mind
e.g. That person came up in my mind after I looked at this picture.
Milestone (du mc quan trng) [noun] a significant stage or event in the
development of something
e.g. Here are important milestones on the road leading up to the current situation.
Token (bng chng, vt tng trng) [noun] a thing serving as a visible or
tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc.
e.g. I wanted to offer you a small token of my appreciation.
Take a selfie (chp nh t sng) [expression] take a photograph of oneself
e.g. I saw her taking a selfie in the restroom.
Ignorance (s thiu hiu bit) [noun] lack of knowledge or information
e.g. There are vast tracts of ignorance in my knowledge and really there are lots
of other people who know more than me.
Pass away (mt) [phrasal verb] die (used in formal circumstances)
e.g. My grandfather just passed away yesterday.

Prioritize (u tin) [verb] determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or
tasks) according to their relative importance
e.g. These different roles must be prioritized in their order of importance in your
When it comes to (khi nhc n) [expression] regarding
e.g. I always hate it when it comes to dealing with selfish people.
Content (hi lng, hnh phc) [adjective] in a state of peaceful happiness;
e.g. She thought of how content and peaceful she felt being with Yu Min.
Ones (own) flesh and blood (mu m rut tht) [idiom] A near relative or ones
close family
e.g. He felt as much for that girl as if she had been his own flesh and blood.

12. Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive

You should say:
what it is;
how much it usually costs;
who you usually do it with;
and explain why you like to do this activity.

I would like to talk about one of my most favorite workout activities which does not
cost a fortune/ is affordable; that is swimming. At the weekend, I usually go to the

swimming pool near my house called Lam Son club in district 5, HCM City with my
As I am a sporty person, I am really keen on playing sports. Especially, I prefer
swimming to other sports due to its various benefits.
Firstly, in order to join in a swimming pool, it costs me only about $1 per hour. It is
a reasonable price for teenagers in general. Therefore, I can go swimming regularly
without worrying about its cost /its effect on my finances.
Secondly, swimming is extremely beneficial to my / a persons level of health. It
builds endurance and cardiovascular fitness in order to prevent people from
suffering diseases; namely heart disease. It bulks up a healthy weight and muscle
Lastly, going swimming is a good means of recreation as it allows me to relax,
release stress and even develop new relationships.
Thanks to these advantages, I will definitely continue going swimming in the future.

Budget (noun): (ngn qu) the money that is available to a person or an
organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time
Example: We decorated the house on a tight budget (= without much money to
Sporty (adjective): (ham m v gii v th thao) A
sporty person enjoys sport and is good at it
Example: She's perfect for me, as she's both studious and sporty.
Join in (phrasal verb): (tham gia, tham d) to take part in an activity with
other people

Example: All the members of the interviewing panel joined in with questions.
Endurance (noun): (kh nng chu ng) the ability to continue doing
something painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining
Example: He showed remarkable endurance throughout his illness
Cardiovascular (adjective): (thuc v tim v mch mu) connected with the
heart and the blood vessels (= the tubes that carry blood around the body)
Example: cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death for men in the
United States, killing 321,000 men in 2013
Prevent sb/sth from doing sth (v): (ngn chn, ngn cn) to stop somebody
from doing something; to stop something from happening
Example: His disability prevents him (from) driving
Bulk up (phrasal verb): (lm tng cn, c bp) to make your body bigger and
heavier, especially by gaining more muscle
Example: This season he has bulked up to 230 pounds
Recreation (noun): (s gii tr) a way of enjoying yourself when you are
not working
Example: Emma's only form of recreation seems to be shopping


12.1. What sports are popular in your country?
Well, football tops the list of famous sports in Vietnam without a doubt. But whats
amazing is, I suppose something called dancesport comes close behind. In the early
mornings, Vietnamese dancesport enthusiasts gather in parks or public places to
practice. Dancesport has been spreading rapidly because it allows dancers to improve
physical fitness and mental well-being and it is suitable for people of all ages,

shapes, and sizes. Apart from them, volleyball, tennis, badminton are also
fashionable in Vietnam.
12.2. What are the benefits of playing a sport?
I believe engaging in sporting activities helps the players to improve their physical
and spiritual health. For example, dancing helps older people improve their physical
health and memory. The dancers have to count their steps and remember the moves.
In addition to that, playing sports brings us a reasonable chance of enhancing our
relationships with other people when playing together.
12.3. Do you think the types of sport that are popular will change in the
Personally, I think there will be a considerable change in the types of popular sports.
People will opt for virtual games and sports rather than sports outdoors such as
football, cycling, etc. Thanks to high tech development, virtual sports will be able to
bring excitement like youre playing with real life opponents while you are actually
in front of your computer and doing nothing. I suppose this popularity will encourage
a sedentary lifestyle, especially among young people.
12.4. How can sports bring people from different countries closer together?
Sports can play a role in bringing communities together in countless ways. For
example, sports break barriers and boundaries between cultures. No matter who you
are, what the colour of your skin is, as long as we enjoy the same sport, we can
understand fulfillment, hopes, or even disappointment that sport brings us. Second,
team sports encourage us to be willing to take responsibility and value diversity. As a
result, it can help establish more cohesive, tolerant and inclusive communities.
12.5. What are the major differences between extreme sports and ordinary

Well, the distinction between an extreme sport and a conventional one is the level of
danger involved. Extreme sports refer to certain activities having a high level of
inherent danger. Another one is the difference in judgement. In traditional sports,
performance is judged on the basis of some quantitative approaches such as distance,
time and speed, whereas in extreme sports the performance is evaluated on the basis
of qualitative criteria such as innovative methods to complete the task.
12.6. What do you think of expensive sports?
Actually, I can think of nothing special about those kinds of sports. I find them
ordinary like other sports theyre also joyful, exciting, they keep the players healthy
and they are good for the mind as well. If youre capable of playing them, then
theres nothing more to say. If I had a chance, I would like to try doing equestrian
events, or a sport involving, riding and running with horses.
12.7. Why do you think some people strongly dislike playing sports?
Well, there are a wide array of reasons why certain people are anti-sports. Maybe
they are far more attracted to inactive activities such as reading books or drawing or
something like that. Maybe they dont want to communicate with other people.
Another reason is maybe sports can remind people of childhood trauma such as being
ridiculed or bullied while playing sports. If you have had a bad experience with
them, then its natural to hate them.
12.8. Would you like to do a rather dangerous sporting activity?
No. Definitely no. Some people may find it fantastic but Im the inactive type and am
a bookworm, I just try to do sport like cycling or basketball once in a while to
improve my health. Nothing more, nothing less. I will opt for my favorite books to
find fulfillment rather than doing that kind of stuff.
12.9. Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?

I dont know for sure because Im not really into those kinds of activities. But I guess
the motivation behind practicing extreme sports is the satisfaction they get out of
challenging themselves and being victorious in the end. Besides being physically
challenging, extreme sports are also very mentally demanding, because one needs to
fight their fear to be able to do these dangerous activities. You know, nothing can
compare with the feelings when you are able to surpass yourself.

Mental (tr tu, tinh thn) [adj] relating to the mind, or involving the process of
Example: A doctor was asked about the mental state of the prisoner.
Fashionable (thi thng, ph bin) [adj] popular at a particular time
Example: She spends the summer jet-setting around the fashionable European
Reasonable (thch hp, hp l) [adj] based on or using good judgment and
therefore fair and practical
Example: He went free because the jury decided there was a reasonable doubt
about his guilt.
Enhance (y mnh, nng cao) [verb] to improve the quality, amount, or
strength of something
Example: These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.
Sedentary (t vn ng) [adj] involving little exercise or physical activity
Example: My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too

Inclusive (trn gi, tnh ton b) [adj] An inclusive price or amount includes
Example: My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too
Inherent (vn c) [adj] existing as a natural or basic part of something
Example: I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.
Bully (k bt nt) [noun] someone who hurts or frightens someone who is smaller
or less powerful, often forcing them to do something that they do not want to do
Example: It takes courage to stand up to a bully.
Bookworm (mt sch) [noun] a person who reads a lot
Example: Although Mohammed was a charismatic and influential leader, he was
not much of a bookworm.
Surpass (vt qua) [verb] to do or be better than
Example: The book's success has surpassed everyone's expectations.

13. Describe a garden you visited and like.

You should say:
Where the garden is.
How you felt about it.
Explain why you like it

I would like to share with you my impressions of a garden that I visited last summer,
which was full of colour and interest: Claude Monets house and garden in Giverny,

As a big fan of Monets paintings, especially the famous Water Lilies, I had always
dreamed of seeing the scene in real life. So, when some friends suggested a visit last
year, I jumped at the chance. After a journey of about an hour by train from our
hotel, we arrived at Giverny. The garden was exactly as he had painted it it was a
riot of colour, from the peaceful white of the water lilies to the striking reds and
oranges which filled some of the flowerbeds.
The two parts of the garden complemented each other perfectly. We first admired
the array of bright flowers and fruit trees in the Clos Normand, but my favourite
part was the water garden, and we enjoyed a leisurely stroll, taking in all the
colours, perfumes and bird songs. Monet avidly collected
prints of Japanese gardens, and these inspired the Japanese bridges covered with
wisterias, the water lilies in the pond, and the bamboo and weeping willows which
he planted.
For me, it was like a wonderland of colours and a dream come true after so many

impression: feeling or feelings (in the plural) about the garden (impressions)
His impression of the meeting was that it didnt go very well.
fan: although the word is often used in the context of football nowadays, here it
means a person who admires [ Monets paintings].
She is a huge fan of Maroon 5.
jumped at the chance: I enthusiastically accepted the opportunity to visit the

He jumped at the chance to go to Las Vegas with his boss.
a riot of colour: a collection of many different colours.
Sandras rose garden is a riot of colour.
striking: very attractive and unusual.
The woman he was with was wearing a striking outfit last night.
flowerbeds: a piece of a garden or park in which flowers are grown.
He loves digging in his flowerbeds.
complemented each other: each part of the garden added something different
to the other part, so that the garden as a whole became more attractive.
The wine and the fish complemented each other to form a perfect meal.
the array of bright flowers: the large and impressive collection of flowers.
The array of bright flowers in her garden surprised everybody. They didnt
realize she had planted so many varieties.
a leisurely stroll: a slow, relaxing walk.
We went for a leisurely stroll along the beach this morning.
taking in all the colours: our eyes noticed all the colours and features of the
We were taking in all the colours of his garden, when all of a sudden we heard a
large crash outside the garden gate. Two cars had just bumped into each other.
avidly: Monet collected prints of Japanese gardens enthusiastically.
He studied English avidly, from morning until late in the evening.
prints: copies of original drawings or paintings.
The artist offered her prints for $100 each.
wisterias: white or purple flowers which cover walls, bridges or trees.

The wisterias in the garden were in full bloom.
pond: a small area of still water, usually in a garden.
There are many beautiful fish in the pond.
bamboo: tall tropical plants which have hollow stems [the long, thin part of
the plant] used for building or furniture.
Pandas love to eat bamboo.
weeping willows: trees which grow near water and have branches which hang
There are two weeping willows on the property, but we should cut one down.
wonderland: an imaginary place in childrens stories.
The amusement park was a wonderland for both children and adults.


13.1. Are there many public gardens in Vietnam?
To be honest, there are only a few public gardens in Vietnam, due to the shortage of
residential areas especially in large towns and cities. Vietnamese authorities seem to
pay excessive attention to economic growth and ignore the provision of green spaces
for citizens enjoyment and relaxation. For example, Ho Chi Minh City has a small
number of public gardens, but a lot of high-rise buildings.
13.2. Do you think there are enough public gardens in your hometown?
Personally, I think the number of public gardens in my hometown is insufficient.
Due to the shortage of housing and the increasing number of citizens, people tend to
make use of land for living or cultivation rather than giving priority to public areas
such gardens or parks.
13.3. What do you think are the benefits of having gardens in the city?

Having sufficient urban green spaces will bring many ecological and health benefits
for the city and its residents. Regarding the environmental benefit, public gardens
help to preserve various species of wild plants, they have beautiful flowers and they
keep the ecological balance of the area. City gardens also have a positive impact on
the health of city dwellers and factory workers.
13.4. Very often, public gardens are not designed in a simple way but,
instead, are laid out in a rather complex way. Why do you think this is
the case?
In my opinion, a public garden built in a complex design pattern is very eye
catching and attractive for people to visit. A garden consisting of sculptures, various
rare species of plants and special landscaping will be more appealing to visitors
who wish to explore something unique. To make an analogy, I believe that public
gardens are designed to capture public attention in the same way that architects
design the structure of their buildings.
13.5. Do you think governments should provide more public gardens for
people to visit?
Of course, I definitely agree with the idea that governments and authorities ought to
provide more public gardens for their citizens for the following reasons.
Public gardens are collections of plants and flowers; they are used not only for
enjoyment but also education so that people, especially children, can have the chance
to understand and be close to nature. In this function as outdoor classrooms , they
raise an awareness of environmental issues as well as the conservation of special

Also, urban green spaces play an important role in leisure and recreation imagine
the pleasure of sitting and reading a book or strolling and chatting with friends,
surrounded by the sight and smells of beautiful flowers.
13.6. What do people do when they go to a public garden?
There are various reasons why citizens go to a public garden, but I think the main one
is to find an oasis of peace and tranquility amid the frenzy and chaos of city life.
Residents in general can go there to enjoy the fresh, tranquil atmosphere and relax
themselves simply by appreciating the beauty of the flowers and the songs of the
Moreover, it is very practical for children and students to visit public gardens in order
to be in touch with nature and acquire knowledge about it. As a student, I would say
that public gardens are also a great place to read a book and to reflect on the lectures
or seminars of the day.
13.7. How do people of different age groups use public gardens?
Different age groups will have dissimilar preferences in using public gardens. For
example, elderly people tend to go there to relax, go jogging or doing exercises like
tai chi. Then again, when public gardens also incorporate play areas, these are very
safe environments in which parents can keep a watchful eye on their children.

Residential areas [noun]: areas consisting of houses, not factories or offices
Example: She lives in a quiet residential area, but she has to travel a long way to
Excessive [adjective]: greater than what seems reasonable or appropriate
Example: They complained about the excessive noise made by their neighbours.

High-rise [adjective]: a building that is very tall, and has lots of floors
Example: She lives on the 10th floor of a high-rise apartment block.
Insufficient [adjective]: not large, strong or important enough for a specific
Example: There was insufficient time in the exam to answer all the questions.
Urban green spaces [expression]: areas of open land within large towns or cities
Example: In our city there are insufficient urban green spaces for residents to
Preserve [verb]: to keep something in existence and in good condition
Example: The society was founded in order to preserve elephants from
Ecological [adjective]: the relationship between plants and animals to their
environment and to each other
Example: When rats were introduced to the island, they destroyed the ecological
balance between the animals already living there.
Eye-catching [adjective]: immediately noticeable, because it is very attractive
Example: The actors wore beautiful clothes in eye-catching colours.
Landscaping [noun]: the process of making a garden or other pieces of land more
attractive by changing the design or planting trees and flowers
Example: The new campus at the university has beautiful landscaping, making it
a very attractive place at which to study.
Appealing [adjective]: attractive and interesting
Example: The design of the doll is very appealing to young girls.
Unique [adjective]: very special or unusual

Example: As a fluent Russian speaker, he is in a unique position to sell our
products in Russia.
Analogy [noun]: a comparison of two things that are similar
Example: Our biology teacher compared the human heart to a pump.
Raise (an) awareness of [expression]: create interest in or understanding of
Example: The campaign aims to raise awareness of the dangers of smoking.
Conservation [noun]: the protection of the natural environment
Example: The conservation of elephants requires strong enforcement of the laws
to protect them.
Oasis [noun]: a pleasant place in the middle of something unpleasant
Example: The park is an oasis of peace where you can escape from the noise of
the city traffic.
Frenzy [noun]: a state of uncontrolled activity that is often violent or frightening
Example: When the President arrived, there was a frenzy of activity among the
journalists and photographers.
Chaos [noun]: a state of complete confusion and disorder
Example: The storm has caused complete chaos on the roads.
Appreciate [verb]: to recognise the good qualities of somebody or something
Example: In just a short visit, you cant really appreciate the culture of Vietnam.
In touch with [expression]: feel a strong emotion for something
Example: They decided to go camping in the countryside in order to feel in touch
with the beauty of the mountains.
Incorporate [verb]: to include something as a part of that thing
Example: The car incorporates the latest safety features.

Keep a watchful eye on [expression] to watch somebody carefully
Example: She kept a watchful eye on her son while he was playing.

14. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics,
You should say:
What it is
When you started to become interested in it
What you have learned from it
And explain why you have interest in it

Id like to describe a subject that I was particularly keen on when I was at school. It
was History.
I have to admit that I didnt like History at first, as there were so many numbers,
events and dates to remember that it used to take me hours to learn all of them by
heart to be well-prepared for the exam. However, Mrs. Huong, my history teacher
when i was at grade 10, breathed new life into this subject and it started to grow on
Ive learned a lot from the subject. Apart from historical events which help me know
what the world was like and how it worked, learning history has also brought me
closer to the culture of my country. Above all, I think, History has taught me to
appreciate the present while drawing lessons from the past.
Nevertheless, I wouldnt have been so much in love with this subject without my
teacher, Mrs Huong. The way she delivered the lessons was so enthusiastic and

passionate that it inspired me to catch her every word / absorb all information given
by her, and somehow, I fell in love with History. Now, even though History is neither
my major nor even taught at University, I still have the habit of reading historical
books whenever having free time.

learn by heart (hc thuc lng) [idiom]
to learn something so well that it can be written or recited without thinking
Example: There were well known definitions which we had to learn by heart and
two of them have remained in my memory for nearly 60 years
well-prepared (chun b tt) [adj] suitably prepared in advance
Example: 17-18 year old school leavers should be well-prepared for work.
breathe new life into ( mang li ngun nng lng mi, cuc sng mi ) [idiom]
bring ideas and energy (to something)
Example: Changes in the performance have breathed new life into a show that
seemed ready to close.
grow on sb ( dn c ai yu thch, chp nhn) [v] become increasingly liked
or appreciated
Example: At first the show seemed kind of weird, but it grew on us
draw the lesson (from something) (rt ra bi hc t ci g)[idiom] learn something
from past mistakes
Example: After the loss in the previous game, the team draw the lesson.
deliver( truyn t, truyn ti) [v] to express in word
Example: Whether students are captivated from the beginning or not depends
much on the the way the lecture is delivered.

passionate (am m, say m) [adj] arising from passion
Example: She is a teacher who is passionate about her subject
have the habit of ( c thi quen lm g) [idiom] do something usually or often
Example: I dont have the habit of getting involved in other peoples arguments


14.1. What is your opinion of modern education (in school)?
What I think about modern education I guess people are incorporating a lot of
technology in the classroom. Like at a university right now, you can see that teachers,
or should I say lecturers, deliver their lessons using computers and projectors, and
students study with the slides given by their educators. Students may also submit
their work online instead of handing it in directly like before, and some of them
study with e-books and mobile applications instead of carrying around textbooks all
day long. This approach to teaching will certainly filter down to secondary school
education, too.
14.2. What school subjects do you think are most important (in primary
school or high school)? (Why are they important?)
I would say Literacy and Math, for primary school children. They help youngsters
form their basic skills and ability like calculating, analyzing or the ability to express
their thoughts. Without these two, children may have trouble communicating and
thinking logically. Literacy and Math are like the foundation of everything, I think.
14.3. What school subject do you think will be the most useful in adult life
(or, most useful for society)?
Literacy, as in teaching people how to think critically, how to write a proper piece of
writing and how to express their thoughts. Subjects like Mathematics, well its

advanced version only, or Physics or Chemistry will rarely be applied in life unless
you really understand them and you do some kind of job related to them. Literacy,
however, assists people in both their normal life and their professional one,
particularly in the way they speak, write, and think. Thats why I believe literacy is
the subject that will be of prime importance to people throughout their lives.
14.4. Which subjects do you think should be optional and which should be
I believe subjects requiring a bit of natural ability should be optional, as not everyone
can show aptitude for things like music and art. Compulsory subjects should be
natural sciences and some part of literature which teaches writing or expressing ideas,
as these can help students form skills like critical thinking, calculating, or analyzing.
In some countries, languages should be compulsory too, for example some minorities
will need to learn a second language to be able to communicate with the world.
14.5. What are the advantages of studying computing in high school?
Studying computing in high school is really advantageous to students. Technology, or
- well in this case - the computer, is used almost everywhere nowadays you know,
you can see it being a part of almost everything. This is why learning computing
means giving students a chance to catch up with whats going on in the world.
Computing would also assist them in their future careers as more and more jobs
nowadays require the use of computers.
14.6. In the west, (upper) high school students are allowed to choose many of
the subjects they study. Do you think that would be a good idea
in Vietnam?
It depends. This would be a good idea for those who already know what they want to
do in the future, as they could easily choose the subjects that are necessary to realize

their dreams. Also, leaving students to choose the subjects they study means letting
them have a say in deciding their future from an early age, which can boost their
independence and determination. However, this would cause problems to those who
dont know yet what they want to do in the future, thus stopping them from studying
their potential favorite or important subjects.
14.7. How are educational priorities today different from those in the past?
In modern society, a higher priority is placed on the education of children than in the
past. This is simply, in my opinion, a recognition that we now live in a world of
work in which specialist knowledge and skills are essential for many jobs. So,
education now gives more priority to the ability to use technology. Students today
must be both literate and computer-literate.
14.8. What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools?
Too passive, I think. Most schools in Vietnam focus too much on teaching grammar
and vocabulary, thus neglecting speaking, listening and writing. Except for those
from specialized schools, most Vietnamese students often speak with no intonation,
their pronunciation of each sound is rarely fully correct, and its hard for them to
strike up a conversation with a foreigner in English due to their poor speaking and
listening skills. Most of them can hardly come up with a decent piece of writing
14.9. What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near
Studying in the future may include a lot of technology. Right now education
technology is already on the rise, and I think its going to be everywhere in years to
come. The role of the teacher may be minimized, and in some places the physical
classroom may also be eliminated and replaced by the virtual one.

Incorporate [verb] to include as part of something
Example: The textbook incorporates all the latest information on climate change.
Educator (thy/c gio) [noun] (formal) a person whose job is to teach or educate
people (formal)
Example: Modern educators prefer a different approach to the teaching of reading.
Submit (np) [verb] to give a document, proposal, etc. to somebody in authority so
that they can study or consider it
Example: Completed projects must be submitted by 10 March.
Hand something in (np) [phrasal verb] = submit
Example: You must all hand in your projects by the end of next week.
Filter down [phrasal verb] to move slowly down to lower levels of an organisation
or system
Example: During the day, the news that the company was going to close filtered
down to the employees.
Literacy [noun] the ability to read and write
Example: Now that most children go to school, the rate of literacy in the country is
Analyze (phn tch) [verb] to examine the nature or structure of something,
especially by separating it into its parts, in order to understand or explain it
Example: He tried to analyze her feelings and finally managed to get what she
Foundation (nn tng) [noun] a principle, an idea or a fact that something is based
on and that it grows from

Example: Repect and friendship provide a solid foundation for marriage.
Prime (hng u, bc nht) [adjective] main; most important; basic
Example: The care of the environment is of prime importance.
Aptitude (kh nng bm sinh) [noun] natural ability or skill at doing something
e.g. After working for several months, she got promoted as she showed an aptitude
for the work.
Critical thinking (t duy ph phn) [noun] the process of analyzing information in
an objective way, in order to make a judgement about it
e.g. The school encourages critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Go on [phrasal verb] happen/take place
Example: I often check the news on the internet to know whats going on in the
Realize [verb] to achieve something important that you want to do
Example: She never realized her amibition of becoming a singer.
Say (in something) (s nh hng) [noun] the right to influence something by
giving your opinion before a decision is made
Example: We had no say in the decision to sell the company.
Boost (lm tng) [verb] to make something increase, or become better or more
Example: The movie helped boost her screen career. She received several prizes and
was asked to do some TV commercials.
Potential (tim nng) [adjective] that can develop into something or be developed in
the future
Example: First we need to identify actual and potential problems, then we may come
up with some solutions.

Computer-literate [adjective] able to use computers well
Example: She is highly computer-literate and she now teaches other people to use
Apparent (r rng) [adjective] obvious
Example: It was apparent from her face that she was really upset.
Pay attention to smt/smb (quan tm, ) [expression] listen to, look at or think
about something/somebody carefully
Example: The teacher asked her students to pay their full attention to what she was
saying, as that part was really important.
Neglect (l l) [verb] not give enough attention to something
Example: She has neglected her studies all shes done is playing.
Specialized (chuyn) [adjective] designed or developed for a particular purpose or
area of knowledge
Example: The course is very specialized; only psychologists are allowed to attend it.
Intonation (ng iu) [noun] the rise and fall of the voice in speaking, especially as
this affects the meaning of what is being said
Example: In English, some questions have a rising intonation.
Strike up sth (with sb) (bt u ci g vi ai) [phrasal verb] to begin a friendship, a
relationship, a conversation, etc.
Example: He would often strike up conversations with complete strangers.
Come up with [phrasal verb] to find or produce an answer, a sum of money
Example: She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
Decent (n) [adjective] of a good enough standard or quality; acceptable to people in
a particular situation
Example: I need a decent nights sleep; I have been staying up late recently.

To come (trong thi gian ti) [idiom] in the future
Example: They may well regret the decision in years to come.
Eliminate (xo b) [verb] to remove or get rid of something/somebody
Example: The police have eliminated two suspects from their investigation.
Virtual (o) [adjective] made to appear to exist by the use of computer software, for
example on the Internet
Example: New technology has enabled development of an online virtual library.

15. Describe someone who has a great influence on you/ Describe a person
who you have met before and you want to know more about
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What influence this person has on you
Any how you think of the influence
You should say:
who this person is;
when and where you met;
what you did or talked about;
and explain why you would like to know more about this person.


I am going to talk about a woman whom I have met before who has had a great
influence on me. She is Ms. Phoebe Tran, host of 8IELTS programs which are well -
known on Youtube currently.
I met her in a seminar about IELTS strategies in HCM City a couple of months ago.
On that day, she was a speaker sharing her experiences and tips in order to be
successful in the IELTS exam.
At this seminar, besides asking for pieces of advice in learning IELTS, I asked her
about her real life experiences, since I was extremely keen to know how she had
become a successful career woman and how much effort she has had to make to
achieve her success. She was very friendly and approachable, far more than I
expected, in fact. She was willing to share her ideas and answer all my questions. I
felt that she really wanted to inspire me by her example.
She must be one of the most energetic, inspirational speakers I have ever met so far.
Now I have sufficient confidence to overcome all obstacles and reach my goal.
She is a truly a role model for me and the young generation to look up to, and thats
why I want to know more about her. And so I think I will continue to follow her on
the internet and when she gives lectures.

have a great influence on sth/sb: the power that somebody/something has to
make somebody/something behave in a particular way
Example: Her parents no longer have any real influence over her.
well known: known about by a lot of people, famous
Example: His books are well known. You can find them in any bookshop in
the city.

piece of advice: an opinion or a suggestion about what somebody should do in
a particular situation
Example: My doctor gave me a useful piece of advice about drinking lots of
water in order to avoid problems with my kidneys.
career woman: a woman whose career is very important in her life
Example: She is a successful career woman and she is now the director of the
approachable: friendly and easy to talk to; easy to understand
Example: Despite being a big star, she's very approachable.
sufficient: enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
Example: Our budget is hardly sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new
overcome: to succeed in dealing with or controlling a problem that has been
preventing you from achieving something
Example: She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal.
role model: a person that you admire and try to copy
Example: We need positive role models for young women to aspire to.
look up to: admire and respect
Example: We should look up to those people who help others in the


15.1. How do Vietnamese people make friends?
Well, I guess not much different from other countries. Usually we meet new friends
at either school, in classes or at the workplace. Sometimes, we can also befriend our

friends friends. I think thats how people make friends most of the time.
15.2. Who is more important to you, friends or family?
Ah this is such a difficult question to answer. I have always thought of my close
friends as family too so they are just as important to me as my family members. But
then I guess my family is still everything to me. Friends can turn their back on you
but family would never do that, you know. At least in my case, I can always trust my
family members to support and be there for me in difficult times, but I cannot say the
same thing about all of my friends, except for those whom Im close with.
15.3. Do you like to be friends with someone who is different from you?
I think it wouldnt be a bad idea to be friends with someone who is different from me.
Of course, there will be some disadvantages; for example, since it is more likely that
we will have opposing opinions about a situation, we might get into altercations
more often. Especially if one of us is the stubborn type, then it would be hard for us
to get along and our relationship might not end too well. Yet, I believe there are still
people with contrasting personalities, who are compatible with and complement
each other. Plus, I find it very interesting to get to know people whose personalities
are different from mine, as I feel like it would help me open my eyes to new ways of
thinking as well as change my perspective about many things.
15.4. Do you have any foreign friends?
Yes, I do. While living in Australia for the last two years, I have been able to make
many new foreign friends, some of whom I am very close to and still stay in touch
15.5. Why is it easier to make friends on the Internet than in reality?
I think its mainly because its always much easier for people to hide behind a
computer screen and express themselves than having to do so face-to-face or in front

of a lot of people. On the Internet, people dont really know who you are. They might
know you through you profile pictures and the self-description that you put up on
your personal page but they cant know everything about you. They know neither
your past nor your face unless you choose to show them and I think thats what gives
most people the courage to be their real selves without the fear of others judgment.
Also, making friends on the Internet usually requires less time and money, as usually
people would only talk or chat online without having to physically meet each other.
15.6. What social values should parents teach children?
I think if one day I have children, I would love to teach them about honesty, respect
for other people, responsibility for their family and also about giving back to the
community they are growing up in. It would be great if I could instill a mind-set of
gratitude in them, as I personally believe that only those who know how to
appreciate what they have, even the little things, will have the potential to go far in
15.7. Many children misbehave at school what are the reasons?
There can be many causes behind such misbehaviors. One reason could be that kids
can be influenced by the friends they hang out with, so if your kids are befriended by
some delinquents, theres a higher chance that they will get up to no good. Also,
this might have something to do with childrens low self-esteem. You know when
kids are young, they tend to be more insecure and reckless so they might act up and
disobey rules on purpose while trying to cover up their vulnerability and self-doubt.
15.8. Do you think mass media have a great impact on the young generation?
Yes definitely. Especially with television and the Internet becoming readily
accessible at both school and home nowadays, the impact that the media is having on
the youth is greater than ever before. Such influence can be both positive and

negative. For example, watching / viewing violent media content often enough can
make it more likely that children will behave in an aggressive way and be less
understanding of other peoples needs and feelings. On the other hand, teenagers who
are exposed to and take an interest in the news are more likely to be interested in
major social and political issues. This can help educate them and encourage them to
become more involved as citizens in their communities.
15.9. Why is it hard for adults to change?
There can be numerous reasons why some grownups resist change. I think the
primary reason lies with peoples fear of excessive uncertainty that is usually
associated with change. Imagine yourself walking off a cliff blindfolded. Scary, isnt
it? Doing things for the first time or stepping into the unknown can be pretty
frightening too. Most of the time, people only seek change when they get frustrated
with their current situation and the only way out is to look for a positive way forward.
It would be a lot harder for people to change if they couldnt find such motivation or
courage to take those first steps to move out of their comfort zone.
15.10. How to help young people to develop good habits?
In my opinion, adults, first and foremost, must lead by setting a good example for
children. As children grow and learn mostly from watching the people around them,
the way adults handle the ups and downs of life can teach the young a lot about how
to behave and get along with others. Its also important to show respect for children
and refrain from using the word dont whenever possible. Furthermore,
encouraging the kids with praise and giving them positive attention for good
behaviors can motivate them to build and maintain more good habits.


Befriend (verb): to be friendly towards someone kt bn
It is not advisable to befriend your boss, or your teacher.
To turn ones back on sb: deny, reject; also abandon, forsake b ri
I can't turn my back on my own daughter, no matter what she's done.
Altercation (noun): verbal fight cuc u khu, ci v
According to witnesses, the altercation between the two men started inside the
Stubborn (adj): having or showing dogged determination not to change one's
attitude or position on something cng u
They have huge arguments because they're both so stubborn.
To get along: have a harmonious or friendly relationship ho thun
Those two just don't get along.
Compatible (adj): able to have a harmonious relationship dung ho, ho hp
It was when we started living together that we found we just weren't compatible.
Complement (verb): add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it b
The music complements her voice perfectly.
To open ones eyes: become or make someone aware of the truth of a situation
hiu su sc thm v mt iu g; m mang tm mt
The trip to Zimbabwe opened her eyes to the difficulties faced by developing nations.
Perspective (noun): a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a
point of view gc nhn, quan im
You're approaching the problem from a completely different perspective.
To stay/keep in touch: to maintain communications with someone gi lin lc
After my neighbor moved, we still kept in touch.

Instill (verb): gradually but firmly establish (an idea or attitude, especially a
desirable one) in a person's mind lm cho thm nhun
It is part of a teacher's job to instil confidence in/into his or her students.
Mind-set (noun): the established set of attitudes held by someone t duy
It's extraordinary how hard it is to change the mindset of the public and the press.
Gratitude (noun): the quality of being thankful lng bit n
She sent them a present to show/express her gratitude.
Potential (noun): the possibility of something happening or of someone doing
something in the future tim nng
I don't feel I'm achieving my full potential in my present job.
To go far in life: be successful thnh cng trong cuc sng
Children should be encouraged to go far in life and to set their goals high and reach
for them.
Delinquent (noun): a person, usually young, who behaves in a way that is illegal or
not acceptable to most people k phm ti
There are many ways that parents can do to help juvenile delinquents change.
To be/get up to no good: doing something bad lm iu xu
I could tell from the look on Tom's face that he was up to no good.
Self-esteem (noun): confidence in one's own worth or abilities lng t trng
She suffers from low self-esteem and it prevents her from pursuing her goals.
Reckless (adj): without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action
thiu thn trng, hp tp
These punks have a reckless disregard for the law.
To act up: misbehave c x khng ng n
Sometimes kids act up because they just want attention.

Disobey (verb): fail to obey khng vng li
He was punished for disobeying orders.
Vulnerability (noun): the quality of being weak and easily hurt physically or
emotionally s d b tn thng; nhy cm
He was intensely aware of his own vulnerability.
Aggressive (adj): ready or likely to attack or confront hung hng
He gets aggressive when he's drunk.
Blindfolded (adj): to cover someones eyes with a blindfold b bt mt
She is challenged to solve the Rubiks Cube blindfolded.
Frightening (adj): making someone afraid or anxious; terrifying ng s
It is frightening to think what might happen if she left him.
Comfort zone (noun): a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your
ability and determination are not being tested vng thoi mi; gii hn bn thn.
Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
Praise (noun): the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something
li khen ngi
They deserve praise for all their hard work.

16. Describe a tall building you like or dislike.

You should say:
Where it is.
What is the appearance of it.
Explain why you like or dislike it.


Im going to describe a high-rise building in my neighborhood. Its called Hoabinh
Green City, located in Minhkhai Street, Hanoi.
Unlike other modern blocks, which are usually huge glass towers, the building is
painted yellow, although its named Green City. The structure of Hoabinh is not
dissimilar to that of most buildings in Hanoi nowadays, with the bottom half used as
a shopping center and the top half occupied by apartments.
One feature that makes the building unique is that its trade center offers Vietnamese
products only, with a view to promoting domestic products to Hanoi people and also
to supporting national manufacturers. At the entrance of the building, if you look to
the right, you can easily find a store named V+ bread, which serves traditonal bread,
a very famous street food of Vietnam, to people who just do not have enough time to
go inside, so they line up waiting to pay.
(Like) In spite of its prime location, however, Hoabinh Green City offers a
reasonable price for its apartments, which are affordable for many middle-income
families. From the building, we can look out to the Red River, as well as Vinhtuy
Bridge, and enjoy the breathtaking scenery. So, if you are planning to find a place
with a beautiful and peaceful view, or simply want to buy something traditional,
Hoabinh Green City may be a good choice.
(Dislike) What I dont like about Hoabinh Green City, however, is that its design is
neither eye-catching nor original. In fact, I personally find that it resembles Times
City, a modern building nearby. Moreover, the paint color doesnt match its modern
structures, which makes the building somehow old-fashioned. And, the quality, as
well as diversity of products on sale do not meet the expectations of most
customers. So, I guess its the reason why the building doesnt attract as much
attention from the public as expected.

high-rise: very tall and having a lot of floors
Example: These high-rise apartment blocks were built 20 years ago.
blocks: tall buildings that contain flats or offices
Example: The university science blocks are the tallest buildings on the
huge glass towers: high-level buildings with the exterior made of glass
Example: The design of the Lotte Department Store is just a huge glass tower,
but it definitely stands out and has become a famous landmark in the city.
dissimilar: not the same
Example: The English and Vietnamese languages are completely dissimilar to
each other.
feature: A prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic
Example: Large glass facades have been a familiar feature of modern
buildings for a long time.
Domestic products: goods that are manufactured within a country, by
manufacturers of that country.
Example: Famous by Boo is a clothing brand that offers domestic products.
serve: to provide food, entertainment or service
Example: Boo Cafe serves coffee and meals to many customers who call in
when they go to the store to buy clothes.
prime: excellent, the best available
Example: The store has a prime position at the entrance of the shopping

Offer a reasonable price: sell with a price that is not too high, and affordable.
Example: If a business aims to achieve sustainable development, it should
manage to offer its customers a reasonable price.
middle-income families: families in which the members have salaries which
are not very high, but also not too low
Example: He sells cars at affordable prices, mainly to middle-income
breathtaking scenery: very beautiful and spectacular landscape
Example: The beaches in Thailand are famous for their breathtaking
eye-catching : tending to attract attention, good-looking
Example: The signing of this contract was the result of many meetings to build
an eye-catching tower against the skyline of Riyadh.
resemble: look like another person or thing
Example: So many modern buildings resemble each other.
match : look good together
Example: When choosing clothes, it is common belief that we should not mix
pink items with yellow ones, as these two colours do not match.
meet expectations: be as good as expected
Example: We had heard so many good things about the new restaurant, but the
food didnt meet our expectations at all.
attract attention: make people notice something
Example: The advertisement was designed to attract the attention of young
people interested in fashion.
the public: the community/ the people as the whole

Example: In a survey, members of the public were asked about their shopping


16.1. How do people in Vietnam feel about old buildings?
Vietnams culture is tradition oriented, which obviously means Vietnamese people
have a respectful attitude toward architecture built to last for ages. This can be seen
through not only many famous old structures that are still preserved today such as the
Temple of Literature and Independence Palace, but also in interesting folktales about
their construction.
16.2. Do old people and young people in Vietnam have the same attitudes
towards old buildings?
In my opinion, there is certainly a difference between the perspective of elderly
people and that of young people on old buildings due to the generation gap. Elders
are more respectful of old architecture compared with youngsters. They enjoy the
atmosphere created by old places where they recall the old times / their own history
while the young generation finds it uninteresting.
16.3. Is it important to preserve old buildings?
Yes, I strongly support the idea of preserving old buildings. One reason for this is
that the buildings represent both Vietnamese cultural and historical values, which
could be viewed as precious artifacts worth retaining. The second reason is to create
a sense of nostalgia which helps people meditate (away from their city lives).
16.4. What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?
In terms of the cultural aspect of old buildings, they represent the religion and
lifestyle of the time. In Vietnam, the majority of the old buildings are associated with

Buddhist architecture such as the pagoda, temple and shrine. Apart from religious
design, old structures also reflect the lifestyle of Vietnamese people relating to the
tradition of agricultural work. This can be commonly seen in the countryside where
there are spacious old houses with private fields and gardens.
16.5. How do old buildings affect the appearance of a place? (Hint: Well
designed and well maintained old buildings are visually attractive and
add a touch of elegance to a location.)
There are two cases. If there are dilapidated buildings in the area, it will not only
make for a gloomy sight but also is a waste of land. In contrast, well designed and
well maintained old buildings are visually attractive and add a touch of elegance to a
location, which results in it becoming a tourist attraction, for instance, The Imperial
City in Hue.
16.6. What benefits can people get from old buildings?
There are several advantages brought by old buildings. Beside the peaceful
atmosphere they provide, old / traditional architecture plays an essential role as both
cultural and historical artifacts for us to study about our ancestors. Therefore, when
they attract a considerable number of visitors, local people can benefit from tourism.
16.7. Would you say buildings in the past were better than those of today, or
those of today are better than those in the past?
In general, todays construction techniques have developed hugely, which makes
modern towers more solid than those built a long time ago. However, there are
magnificently extraordinary ancient structures that not only get admiration from
people today but also remain mysterious such as the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
16.8. Do you think it's worth the money to preserve old buildings?

Although I appreciate the value of old buildings, I think that the government should
allocate a sensible budget to preserve them in good condition. As the population is
sharply increasing and the polar ice is melting, the problem of insufficient living land
has become more serious than ever. Therefore, antiquated buildings which are less
valuable should be demolished to facilitate urbanization.
16.9. How have buildings changed in the past few years?
During recent years, there has been a tendency to construct tower blocks and
skyscrapers as engineering techniques have considerably developed. Compared with
finicky designs of old architecture, modern buildings are simpler and more uniform
due to the construction materials changing from stone, wood and bamboo to concrete,
steel and glass.


for ages (t rt lu) [collocation] for a very long time

example: We have so many things in common that it is like we have known each
other for ages.
perspective (quan im) [noun] a particular way of considering something
Example: You're approaching the problem from a completely different
artifact (hin vt) [noun] an object made by a human being, typically an item of
cultural or historical interest.
Example: The museum's collection includes artifacts dating back to prehistoric
meditate (tnh tm, thin nh) [verb] to think calm thoughts in order to relax or
as a religious activity

Example: My aunt goes to the local pagoda to meditate for 20 minutes every day.
In terms of (v mt) [collocation] used to describe which particular area of a
subject you are discussing
Example: In terms of money, I was better off in my last job.
dilapidated ( nt) [adjective] old and in poor condition
Example: The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated
ancestor [noun] a person related to you who lived a long time ago
Example: Apparently his ancestors came over from France in the 11th century.
antiquated [adjective] old-fashioned or unsuitable for modern society
Example: It will take many years to modernize antiquated agricultural industries
in Vietnam.
demolish [verb] to completely destroy a building, especially in order to use the
land for other purposes.
Example: A number of houses in my neighborhood were demolished so that the
supermarket could be built.
skyscraper [noun] a very tall modern building, usually in a city
Example: New York is one of the biggest cities in the world in which there are
thousands of towers and skycrapers.

17. Describe a wild animal

You should say:
What it looks like
Where you can see it
What it likes to eat or do
Why you like it

I would like to tell you about an opportunity that I met a white tiger which is one of
the star attractions in Singapore Zoo during my last summer vacation.
I was recommended to see white tiger first due to its rarity and uncommon beauty. Its
habitat is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle. I was truly attracted and felt
excited at the first sight by its gorgeous appearance. This giant cat has blue eyes,
pink nose, and creamy white fur covered with brown stripes.
In the wild, this animals diet consists of monkeys, birds and other animals as it is a
carnivore. It also prefers killing young, weak or old animals because they cannot run
as fast and are often left alone by their herd. In the zoo, it is fed by animals meat
even including imported meat namely Kangaroos meat.
At the beginning I felt scared a little bit because tigers are well - known for a
dangerous species as well as the King of animals. However after encountering this
white tiger, I changed my mind since it was very cute and friendly to human.
As tigers in general and white tigers in particular are endangered species, I suggest
that people should make a great effort to preserve them.

Star attraction: famous attraction
Ex: white tiger is one of the star attractions in Singapore Zoo
Landscape: to change the appearance of an area of land, especially next to a
building or road so that it looks more like natural countryside
Ex: Its habitat is landscaped to resemble a dense jungle
Resemble: to look like or be like someone or something

Ex: After the earthquake, the city resembled a battlefield
Gorgeous: very beautiful and attractive; giving pleasure and enjoyment
Ex: you look gorgeous!
Carnivore: any animal that eats meat
Ex: lions and tigers are carnivores
Endangered species: a type of animal or plant that might stop existing because
there are only a few of that type alive
Ex: white tiger is an endangered species
Make a great effort: the physical or mental energy that you need to do
something; something that takes a lot of energy
Ex: You should make a great effort to complete this assignment.


17.1. Do you think animals have feelings and rights? (Why?/Why not?)
I think animals can think and feel too. Im sure you have heard of the story of a dog
named Hachiko that waited for his owners return every day for more than nine years
after his owners death. Such remarkable loyalty shown by a dog made me realize
that animals can have emotions too. I also believe animals should be granted rights
so that theres a clear legal limit to human behaviors in relation to animals.
17.2. Some people breed animals such as dogs for money. How do you feel
about that?
Im fine with people breeding animals for money as long as they dont hurt the
animals in the process. I know some people who breed dogs for a living but I know
that they love the dogs and truly care for them; they would never want to see the dogs
in pain, so I dont see anything wrong with such a practice.

17.3. Do you think there should be laws to protect the welfare of pets and
farm animals?
(For example, laws against cruel treatment.) Why?/Why not?
Absolutely. If you think about it, animals are vulnerable, defenseless and completely
under a mans control / in a mans charge. Nevertheless, I strongly believe that
animals deserve to live their lives free from suffering and exploitation. People who
disregard the wellbeing of animals should be brought to court and held accountable
for violating animal rights.
17.4. Are there any wild animals in Vietnam that are not found in any other
Im aware of only a few endangered species in Vietnam, such as the Vietnamese
pheasant, Tonkin snub-nosed monkey, Crested argus and the Annam black muntjac.
17.5. Are there any animal reserves in Vietnam where wild animals can live
in protection?
As far as I know, there are several national parks and nature reserves across Vietnam,
such as in the Mekong Delta, the Red River Delta, Central Highlands and so on.
17.6. How do Vietnamese people feel about the protection of wild animals?
For the most part, Im sure Vietnamese people are well aware of the importance of
protecting wild animals and endangered species. Particularly many Vietnamese
youngsters nowadays are actively playing their part in wildlife conservation by
participating in animal conservation volunteer programs in remote areas of the
country and sharing stories of illegal wildlife trade on their social medias in hope of
raising overall animal welfare standards.
17.7. What do you think are some of the benefits to humans from protecting
wild animals?

In my opinion, there are two main reasons to protect wild animals. One of them has
to do with the protection of our ecosystem. Everything in the wild has evolved to
work together to have a biosphere that sustains life. Yet, it is hard to know exactly
what might happen to an ecosystem when even the smallest contributor to that
ecosystem vanishes. Hence, wild animals, as a part of the ecosystem of the world
need to be conserved and protected. Plus, a lot of medicines used to help cure various
health conditions, such as heart diseases, disorders and other illnesses have been
derived from the chemicals produced by animals. If wild animals are gone, it will be
impossible for humans to study and learn from them.

Grant (verb): to give or allow someone something cho, ban, cp
They granted her an entry visa.
Exploitation (noun): the use of something in order to get an advantage from it
s khai li, khai thc
The protection of the Antarctic from commercial exploitation is an important goal
of environmentalists.
To hold accountable for sth: to consider someone responsible for something b
quy trch nhim v vic g
I must hold you responsible for the missing money.
Violate (verb): to break or act against something, especially a law vi phm
They were charged with violating federal law.
Endangered species (adj): animals or plants that may soon not exist because
there are very few now alive loi vt qu him c nguy c b tuyt chng

Conservation (noun): the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, and
interesting and important structures and buildings, especially from the damaging
effects of human activity s bo tn
This fundraising program was established for the purpose of funding research and
education initiatives that aid in the conservation of endangered species.
Ecosystem (noun): all the living things in an area and the way they affect each
other and the environment h sinh thi
Pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced ecosystem.
Biosphere (noun): the part of the earth's environment where life exists sinh
The biosphere extends from the deepest root systems of trees, to the dark
environment of ocean trenches, to lush rain forests and high mountaintops.
Disorder (noun): an illness of the mind or body chng ri lon
She suffers from an eating disorder.
Derive sth from sth (verb): to get something from something else ly c t
ci g
The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.

18. Describe a time when you were very busy.

You should say:
When it was
What you had to do during that time
How you managed it
And explain how you felt about being busy.

Today Im going to talk about a time when I was extremely busy. Well, that was
when my husband went on a business trip to India, so he was absent from home for
about a fortnight. I found myself totally overloaded with work then because I had to
do a lot of things on my own during that time. For instance, I had to take the kids to
school and pick them up to take them home in the evening, prepare the meals and do
the washing-up. Whats more, I still had to work for 8 hours as an accountant and
could not leave the office until 5p.m. These things seemed to be impossible tasks for
So, I decided to seek help from my family and friends. I asked my mother to pick up
the kids and look after them until I came back. Luckily it didnt matter to my
mother. She always gave me unconditional love and help, and the kids were also
happy to be with their grandmother. My friends introduced me to a part-time home
help who was really nice and trustworthy to do the housework in the evening.
Thanks to that, in spite of being busy when my husband was away, I was not
exhausted and everything went well. As the saying goes: A friend in need is a
friend indeed, experiencing that hectic time made me realise that, besides my
family, there are so many friends around who are willing to help me, so I am not

Extremely: (adv) an intensifier, like very, highly, to a high degree or extent
Example: She behaved extremely badly.
Absent from (adj):not in the place, not present
Example: I was absent from work yesterday, because I had to see my doctor.

A fortnight (noun) two weeks.
Example: We will spend a fortnight in Thailand next month.
Overloaded with work: having an excessive amount of work, the amount of
work to be done is too heavy
Example: He complained that he was overloaded with work because his boss had
given him a lot of extra jobs to do.
On my own: alone, by myself, without any help or support
Example: She lives alone, so she always has to do many things on her own.
Pick them up (home): take somebody home after work or school
Example: Can you pick me up at 6? Because I leave work at 6 and have no
Do the washing-up: to wash, clean the dishes, saucepans, knives, or anything
related to the meal preparation.
Example: After a very delicious dinner, she helped her mother to do the washing-
Look after: to keep an eye on something/somebody, pay attention to
somebody/something with care
Example: She asked her husband to look after the kids in the garden.
Unconditional (adj)/: without condition, not limited by condition. Unconditional
love means that you will love someone no matter what he does, or no matter what
happens, your love will continue.
Example: The mothers love for her child is unconditional.
Home help (noun) a person whose job it is to help with housework.
Example: When I started to work full-time, I employed a home help to keep the
house clean and tidy.

Trustworthy (adj): reliable, honest. A trustworthy person is someone you can
trust , and who never tells lies.
Example: My assistant is a trustworthy person and so he looks after my business
when I am away.
Exhausted (adj) extremely tired, having no energy or strength to do something
Example: Because he had worked without a break for 12 hours, he was finally


18.1. Do you like the fast pace of modern life?
Not really. Living life in the fast lane surely can be both mentally and physically
draining. I can see people nowadays often struggle to juggle work commitments
with the demands of the family and keeping up with friends. Besides, a hectic
lifestyle can very easily take a toll on our overall well-being if we fail to take better
care of ourselves.
18.2. How do you feel when you are really busy?
Sometimes, it does wear me out to be so busy with work and study but I dont
necessarily dislike it. When Im busy, I actually feel a sense of satisfaction, knowing
that Im doing something productive. I used to be unemployed for a short period of
time and it was seriously so frustrating to stay at home all the time, doing nothing
while earning no money. I think thats the reason why I now prefer being busy and I
often try to occupy my time with as much work and activities as possible, provided
that Im given a holiday break or time off to look forward to.
18.3. What's the best way to deal with stress?

As I am the type of people that cannot get anything done if Im under too much
stress, if Im too busy to the point of getting stressed out, I would always try to
squeeze in some quality relaxing time to do things that I love, like watching my
favorite TV shows, going shopping or hanging out with friends. I found out that the
best way for me to fight away stress often is to slow down, enjoy life more and fill
my mind with only positive thoughts. Only then can I find peace within myself and
gather more strength to fulfill my responsibilities at work and towards my family.
18.4. What kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society?
I believe people of modern times should definitely strive for a more balanced
lifestyle by making more mindful and healthier choices for the sake of their physical
well-being. People can start taking charge of their life by being more active, enjoying
hobbies and sharing time with friends and family. This, in my opinion, is the most
important investment anyone can make in his or her life.
18.5. What relaxation techniques do you usually use?
As I mentioned earlier, some of the relaxation techniques for stress relief that work
for me include getting a good belly laugh with some variety shows that I like or
simply by surrounding myself with funny and cheerful friends; listening to slow and
soothing music to calm my mind; savoring only the good experiences and trying to
focus on the present and things that really matter in life, which are good health and
having my loving family and friends by my side.

Juggle (verb): to try to do two or more jobs or activities at the same time, because
you do not have a lot of time gii quyt nhiu vic cng mt lc.
Flexible working hours help staff juggle work and family life.

Commitment (noun): the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity,
etc. s tn tm; cam kt.
He thanked them for their work on the book and their commitment to delivering a
quality product.
Hectic (adj): full of activity, or very busy and fast si ni, x b
The area has become a haven for people tired of the hectic pace of city life.
To take a toll on: to cause damage or wear by using something or by hard living
lm cho kit qu, h hng
Drug abuse takes quite a toll on the lives of people.
To wear sb out: to make someone extremely tired lm cho ai kit sc
Walking around a museum all day really wears you out.
Frustrating (adj): cause (someone) to feel upset or annoyed as a result of being
unable to change or achieve something gy bc dc, nn lng.
It can be very frustrating to find that the size you want isn't there.
To squeeze sb/sth in: to manage to do something or see someone in a short period
of time or when you are very busy c gng lm g/gp ai trong thi gian bn rn
While we're in Australia, we're hoping to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef.
To gather (up) strength/courage: to prepare to make a great effort to be strong
or brave n lc tr nn mnh m hoc dng cm
I spent a week gathering the courage to say no.
Mindful (adj): conscious or aware of something thc c iu g
It is also good to be mindful of those who have less than we do.
To strive for sth: to try very hard to do something or to make something happen
c gng phn u t c iu g
We strive to ensure that all children are treated equally.

For the sake of sb: in order to help or bring advantage to someone v li ch ca
Their parents only stayed together for the sake of the children.
Soothing (adj): making you feel calm du dng, d chu
I put on some nice soothing music.
Savor (verb): enjoy or appreciate (something pleasant) to the full tn hng,
qu trng iu g n mc ti a.
As for herself, she is going to make sure she savors every moment.

19. Describe a famous person in your country

You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What this person is famous for
And explain why you like this person

Today I am going to talk about a famous person in my country who I have admired
since I was young. He is Professor Ngo Bao Chau.
I first heard about Ngo Bao Chau on the news 6 years ago when he received the
Fields Medal, which is often described as the mathematicians Nobel Prize. However,
earlier in 2005, he was granted the title of professor in Vietnam, becoming the
countrys youngest professor ever.

Professor Ngo Bao Chau has been awarded the highest academic honor due to his
great mathematical research. He is best known for proving the Fundamental Lemma.
His work has achieved such a distinction that it has been listed as one of the top ten
scientific discoveries of 2009 by Time magazine.
The story of Ngo Bao Chau has inspired me considerably. I remember in an interview
after receiving the Medal, Ngo Bao Chau said that he had been studying maths out of
/due to / because of/ owing to his passion but not out of /due to / because of/ owing to
a desire to achieve. This statement impressed me a lot. Besides, another characteristic
I like regarding this professor is his persistence. During the time studying the
Fundamental Lemma, became stuck and almost failed to solve this complex problem.
Despite the difficulties, he did not choose to give up so finally he got through them.
His personality has been an inspiration for me working harder towards my dream.

Describe as (miu t l) [verb] to portrait a person or a thing as something in a
more particular state.
Example: My friend described our new teacher as a middle-aged woman wearing
a thick pair of glasses.
Mathematician (nh ton hc) [noun] an expert in Maths.
Example: Isaac Newton is not only a famous physicist but also a great
mathematician whose book called Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
became the catalyst to understanding mechanics.
Best known for (ni ting v) [adjective] famous for.
Example: Nha Trang is one of interesting tourist attractions which is best known
for stunning beaches and fresh seafood.

Get over (vt qua) [phrasal verb] to find a way to solve or deal with a difficult
Example: You will get over the illness more quickly if you relax and follow the
doctors instruction.
Despite (d cho) [preposition] has a similar meaning to although or even though
and expresses a contrast between two things. It is always followed by a noun or a
noun phrase.
Example: You must keep moving forward to make a success despite
Persistence (s kin tr) [noun] firm or obstinate continuance in a course of
action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
Example: Her persistence and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its
international success.


19.1. In general, how do people become famous?
In the era of technology, being famous has never been easier. People who have
extraordinary skills or abilities /talents in any field would be able to become famous
with the assistance of the media. For example, Hoang Xuan Vinh, an Olympic
shooter winning the very first gold medal for Vietnam in the Olympics, was
repeatedly referred to as a national world-class/outstanding/renowned athlete on the
news. Therefore, all Vietnamese know about his great dedication to the countrys
sporting reputation.
19.2. What kinds of people become famous?

In my opinion, there are two kinds of fame that are consistent with two types of
people. The first type is well-reputed people with admirable skills or dedication to
furthering to/ contributing to the civilization. They are usually scientists, researchers,
athletes, or soldiers spending their lifetime working toward success without the desire
to become well-known. The other type is attention/publicity-seeking people, who
often are celebrities in the entertainment industry, politicians or those becoming
famous overnight.
19.3. Do you think. to be famous, a person needs to have some special
talent (or ability)?
No, I dont think so. Besides incredible aptitudes, people can also be famous for
other qualities such as beauty or charity work.
19.4. What are some general qualities of famous people? Do they have
any qualities that are different from ordinary people?
The basic benchmark of famous people is special talent or ability, which not so many
people can possess. However, there are other qualities which are common that
anyone can have such as beauty or kindness because these are not difficult to achieve,
for example, undergoing cosmetic surgery or doing charity work.
19.5. Compare how people become celebrities today with how people
became celebrities years ago, for example, 30 or 50 years ago.
Nowadays, thanks to the modernization of technology, it takes only a few seconds to
change a persons life. The invention of smart devices as well as social networking
has made a person famous at one fell swoop whereas in the past, the only way to be
celebrities was appearing on the television or radio.
19.6. Can you give me some examples of celebrities in your grandfather's
time (i.e.,about 50 years ago)?

Hmm50 years represent a considerable generation gap, therefore, I only know a
few celebrities in that time. They are actress Marilyn Monroe, rock star Elvis Presley
and the pop music band The Beatles.
19.7. Compare what kinds of people were famous in China in the past
(e.g when your grandfather was young) to the kinds of people who are
famous today.
In the my grandfathers era, only people who dedicated their talents and knowledge
to achieve great feats were respected by the public in China. However, the young
Chinese generation today is familiar with social networking where they can easily
gain either good or bad public attention. For instance, videos about a group of
bullying girls were so popular on the Internet that school violence became
phenomenal in the country.
19.8. In your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous
before better than they are now?
From my personal point of view, the qualities of being famous in the past were by
far more appropriate than they are at the present. Today, the invention of smart
devices as well as social networks has made it easier to be famous. People can gain
public attention just by sharing controversial photos or videos regardless of common

extraordinary (phi thng) [adjective] very unusual, special, unexpected, or
Example: She has an extraordinary memory that is able to remember small details
in a novel after the first time reading it.

with the assistance of (vi s tr gip ca) [phrase] helped by something
Example: With the assistance of her private tutor, she passed the final exams with
flying colors.
prominent (ni bt) [adjective] very well known and important
Example: The shop occupies a very prominent position on the main street.
reputation (danh ting) [noun] the positive beliefs or opinions that are generally
held about someone or something
Example: Harvard University has a worldwide reputation for quality of higher
notorious (tai ting) [adjective] famous for something bad
Example: Although its dishes are delicious, the restaurant is notorious for poor
customer service.
becoming famous overnight (ni ting ch sau mt m) [phrase]
Example: There are various ways to become famous overnight on the Internet
since many people are using social networks.
aptitudes (thin ph, ti nng bm sinh) [noun] a natural ability or skill
Example: Apart from her passion for swimming, Nguyen Thi Anh Vien, the
Vietnamese youngest swimming athlete, also possesses an aptitude for this sport.
undergoing cosmetic surgery (phu thut thm m) [phrase]
Example: Being ashamed of her round face, Mary decided to undergo cosmetic
surgery to obtain a V-line jowl.
at one fell swoop (ch trong mt ln) [idiom] all at once.
Example: I got all my Christmas shopping done at one fell swoop.
considerable (ng k) [adjective] large amount or of noticeable importance

Example: You wouldnt have failed the exam if you had put considerable effort
and time into revision.
familiar with (quen thuc vi) [phrase] Having a good knowledge of something.
Example: Our English teacher tries not to use too much local idioms or slangs
during lectures as other students may not familiar with the language.
phenomenal (mang tnh hin tng) [adjective] extremely popular or special,
especially in a surprising way.
Example: His first movie was quite phenomenal which brought him two
nominations for the Oscar.
by far (hn c) by a great amount
Example: She is by far the best student in the class.
regardless of (bt k) [phrase] without being influenced by any other events or
Example: She deserved to know the truth, regardless of how desperate it was.

20. Describe an outdoor activity you like to do

You should say:
What it is
Where you like to do it
How you do it
And explain why you like to do it

My favorite outdoor activity is jogging. Its a kind of running at a slow or leisurely
pace that helps to build up your physical fitness.

I much prefer to go jogging in open spaces like parks or lakesides. There, you can
enjoy fresh air and watch people doing various types of physical activity such as
running, aerobic exercises, playing badminton, and so on.
I normally go jogging in the morning with my close friend either at weekends, or in
the afternoon, after a tiring schoolday. We often chat together while were jogging,
sharing with each other stories about school or sometimes discussing stuff that is
going viral on the Internet.
I love jogging because its beneficial to our health, that goes without saying, and it
does not require as much stamina as fast running . Moreover, unlike other forms of
exercise, jogging is quite easy to do and it allows me to watch people and things as I
pass by. I think its really relaxing and inspiring to see the world around us, watching
everyone keeping active doing their own thing and feeling part of it all when Im
out jogging.

at a slow /leisurely pace (vi nhp chm ri) [expression] at a slow speed/
Example: You can even read at a leisurely pace, as these books have no due
dates and can be returned at any time.
build up [phrasal verb] make somebody stronger and fitter
Example: I am training to build up my fitness for the race.
physical fitness (th cht) [n] general state of health and well-being
Example: Researchers have suggested that physical fitness may play a key role
in improving the brain health and academic performance of youngsters.
various (nhiu)[a] many/ several different

Example: She spoke to various members of the club.
stuff [n] items or products in general informal without specifying what they
Example: The shop sells i-pads, laptops and stuff like that.
go viral (lan truyn ) [idiom] spread quickly and widely among Internet users
Example: Gangnam Style is a video that went viral several years ago, even
though most of us dont understand a word of it.
beneficial(c li)[a] helpful, useful
Example: The improvement in sales figure had a beneficial influence on the
company as a whole.
goes without saying( khng cn phi ni ) [idiom] be generally accepted or
Example: It goes without saying that you will improve your skills with practice.
require (yu cu)[v] need (something)
Example: Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.
stamina [n] physical or mental strength that enables you to do something difficult
for a long period of time
Example: You need a lot of stamina to run a marathon.
doing their own thing [expression] following their own interests, without
worrying about what other people think
Example: When young people leave home to live abroad, they enjoy doing their
own thing, because they have more freedom to follow their interests.


20.1. Would you say people spend more time outdoors today than they did,
say, 20 years ago?
Actually, I dont think so. Nowadays, people tend to stay indoors more because they
are surrounded by so many kinds of technology gadgets such as televisions,
smartphones, computers, etc. It is extremely easy to get addicted to these things, and
we dont need to meet others face-to-face to talk. Its common to see a family where
parents are busy working on computers and answering phone calls while the kids are
concentrating on playing games, and they are all unwilling to go outside. In contrast,
in my parents generation, life was much simpler and people usually went out more
to enjoy the fresh air and meet up with friends.
20.2. What are the benefits of doing things outdoors?
I suppose that there are a number of obvious merits of spending time outside. The
most obvious one is that doing outdoor exercise is the best way to keep healthy and
stay fit. For instance, if I walk, jog or cycle outdoors, Ill have to expend a lot of
energy and burn more calories, and the fresh air outside also helps to improve the
blood pressure and heart rate. Otherwise, when I stay indoors, especially when
working on the computer for several hours, its easy to get dizzy and feel aches and
pains in my back. Another plus point is that being outdoors can greatly boost my
mood and creativity, so everytime I feel bad or try to come up with a new idea,
wandering around outside always helps.
20.3. Are there any outdoor activities that many people used to do (but
which most people don't do now)?
Well, Im not so sure about this, but I guess it may be cycling. In the past, especially
when modern means of transport were not popular, there was less traffic on the roads
and the air was also fresher. People usually used bicycles to go to work and exercise,

which was good for their health and also environmentally-friendly. However, today,
when traffic congestion and air pollution have become serious problems threatening
our lives, citizens tend to cycle less because they dont want to be stuck in traffic and
inhale a large amount of harmful emissions.
20.4. What are the most popular outdoor activities in Vietnam?
I think that many Vietnamese people enjoy walking and playing sports. Everyday,
early in the morning and during the evening, there are a lot of people walking in the
parks or around large lakes, where trees, flowers, water and the fresh air help them
unwind and refresh their minds. Its like a kind of therapy. Walking doesnt require
so much physical fitness, so it has become the first choice for many. In addition,
some sports such as football, tennis and badminton are also very common in
Vietnam, especially badminton, because people of any age and gender can play.
20.5. What sorts of activities do children like to do outdoors?
Well, I think it depends on their personalities. Many active and energetic kids are
really into playing sports, particularly football, and they spend the whole day running
and playing with the ball without worrying about getting their clothes dirty. However,
other kids who dont like taking part in those activities might be keen on outdoor
games such as playing in a sandbox or on the merry-go-round with their friends.
Some children are also pretty fond of gardening work like planting or watering trees,
which is a great activity because at the same time they can learn a lot about the
20.6. Do boys and girls like to do the same kinds of things outdoors?
Obviously, there exist some differences here. Boys tend to take part in activities that
require physical strength, such as playing football, tennis, or going backpacking.
Actually, some girls also like to do these kinds of things too, but the majority might

be more interested in less strenuous activities, for example, walking, jogging or
20.7. Do old people and young people like doing the same kinds of things
Well, I think although the old and young generation might share some similar
outdoor activities, for instance, walking, cycling or playing badminton, there are still
many kinds of things that are beyond the physical and mental endurance of elderly
people. For example, they cannot play a full game of football or basketball, or climb
a mountain, which younger ones are able to do. Instead, the elderly may prefer to do
things that require thinking and patience, such as playing chess or sitting outside with
a book.
20.8. What sorts of outdoor activities will people like to do in the future?
Its hard to foresee the future, but I think its possible that adventure activities, such
as mountain climbing, paragliding, or skateboarding, will become more popular in
the near future. Today, many young people are willing to take risks and conquer
challenges to step outside their comfort zone and dicover the new limits. The range
of equipment available in the shops for extreme sports enthusiasts will also
encourage wider participation in these activities. With all the right protective and
safety gear, adventure sports are now less risky and more people will therefore want
to try them.

Technology gadget (noun) Thit b cng ngh A small object of techonlogy (such
as a device or an appliance) that has a particular function.

Example: His room is full of the latest technology gadgets he spends hours using
them to keep in touch with his friends.
Addicted (adjective) Nghin, qu am m Spending all your free time doing
something because you are so interested in it.
Example: He spends all day in his room hes addicted to playing computer games.
Face-to-face (adverb) Trc tip, mt i mt In a way that involves people who
are close together and looking at each other.
Example: I would prefer to discuss this with you face-to-face rather than over the
Unwilling (adjective) Khng hng th Not wanting to do something and refusing
to do it.
Example: They dont like the project and they are unwilling to invest money in it.
To meet up (phrasal verb) Gp g To meet somebody, especially by arrangement.
Example: We agreed to meet up later for a drink.
Merit (noun) im mnh, li ch A good feature that deserves praise, reward or
Example: The new format of the exam has many merits most teachers like it.
Expend (verb) S dng, dng To use or spend a lot of time, money or energy.
Example: We expended a lot of energy decorating the house.

Aches and pains (expression) Bad feelings when your body hurts.
Example: A relaxing massage will help to ease your aches and pains any you will
soon feel better.
Boost (verb) y mnh To make something increase, or become better or more

Example: All this extra revision will boost my chances of passing the exam.
To come up with (phrasal verb) Ngh ra, ny ra To find or produce an answer, a
sum of money, etc.
Example: She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
Wander (verb) i lang thang, th thn To walk slowly around or to a place, often
without any particular sense of purpose or direction.
Example: She wandered around the streets without any particular idea of where she
wanted to go.
Environmentally-friendly (adjective) Thn thin vi mi trng Not harming
the environment.
Example: Wind and solar power are environmentally-friendly.
Threaten (verb) e da To say that you will cause trouble, hurt somebody, etc. if
you do not get what you want.
Example: The robber threatened the shop assistant with a gun.
Stuck (adjective) Mc kt In an unpleasant situation or place that you cannot
escape from.
Example: We were stuck in traffic without moving for almost an hour.
Inhale (verb) Ht vo To breathe in
Example: She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply before diving into the swimming

Emission (noun) Kh thi Gas or chemicals that are sent out into the air.
Example: The government has promised to protect the environment by reducing car
and factory emissions.

Therapy (noun) Liu php cha bnh The treatment of a physical problem or an
Example: Many cancer patients undergo some sort of drug therapy
Be into something (expression) Hng th To be interested in something in an
active way.
Example: Hes into surfing in a big way, hes always down at the beach.
Sandbox (noun) Khu vui chi ct cho tr em An area in the ground or a shallow
container, filled with sand for children to play in.
Example: The children played happily in the sandbox until it started to rain.
Backpack (verb) i pht To travel on holiday/vacation carrying your equipment
and clothes in a backpack.
Example: Young people enjoy backpacking, because its cheap and they dont mind
carrying all their things around on their backs.
Strenuous (adjective) Needing great effort and energy.
Example: After a big meal, avoid strenuous activity, just rest or go for a short walk.
Endurance (noun) Sc chu ng, s do dai The ability to continue doing
something painful or difficult for a long period of time without complaining.
Example: Cycling across India was a test of endurance, but after a month she
managed to complete the journey.

Conquer (verb) Chinh phc To succeed in dealing with or controlling something.

Example: She conquered her fear of flying and now she is an airline pilot.
Comfort zone (noun) Ngng an ton A place or situation in which you feel safe
or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation instead of trying
to work harder or achieve more.

Example: I had no experience of mountain climbing, but I decided to step out of my
comfort zone and go on a climbing course.
Extreme sports (noun) Th thao mo him Sports that are extremely exciting to
do and often dangerous.
Example: He likes extreme sports, but he wisely uses the best safety equipment.
Enthusiast (noun) A person who is very interested in something and spends a lot of
time doing it.
Example: She is a real chess enthusiast she plays for hours on her computer.

21. Describe an advertisement you have seen.

You should say:
What the advertisement is
What it is for
And explain how you think about it.

Well, Id like to talk about a mooncake commercial that I saw yesterday during
dinner. It made me feel quite homesick.
As you may know, the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming and this time is my favourite
time of the year. One interesting thing I found is that most of the ads for this
traditional festival are so touching and meaningful. Of course, the ad I mentioned is
no exception. It starts with the image of a little girl missing her dad, whos in the
army now and has been far from home for a long time. On the Mid-Autumn day,
while all of her family members, except her father, are gathering around the five-fruit

tray, celebrating the festival, she looks so sad hugging the Teddy Bear he gave her
last year. Suddenly, the door opens and her dad comes in with a mooncake box, she
bursts into tears, then he holds her tightly in his arms. At the end of the ad, the
whole family is enjoying mooncakes happily together.
The meaning of the Mid-Autumn festival is for family members to gather,
encouraging affection for children and expressing gratitude to the older generation,
so for me, this advertisement successfully conveyed the message of family reunion.
As I now live far from my family, it made me want to come back home right away
and enjoy the taste of my favourite mooncakes with my parents. Actually when I saw
the ad, my eyes filled with tears too, just like the little girl. Normally, I dont really
like watching ads on TV, but if all the commercials can be that meaningful, maybe
Ill change my habit.

commercial (Qung co) [n] an advertisement on the radio or TV
Example: Theyre looking for actors for a phone commercial.
homesick [n] sad because you are away from your home and family
Example: After spending a month in the USA, I felt homesick for Vietnam.
touching (Cm ng) [adj] making you feel sympathy or pity
Example: It was a touching story, which moved many of us to tears.
miss [v] feel sad because you can no longer see somebody
Example: When I first went to university, I missed my sisters a lot.
hug [v] put your arms around somebody and hold them tightly
Example: Before I got on the train, I said goodbye to my parents and I hugged
them for a few moments.

burst into tears (a khc) [expression] begin to cry suddenly
Example: The children burst into tears on hearing about the death of their dog.
affection (Tnh cm, cm xc) [n] the feeling of liking/loving somebody very
much and caring about them
Example: Children need lots of love and affection.
gratitude (S bit n) [n] the feeling of being grateful and wanting to express
your thanks
Example: The boss expressed his gratitude to all the staff for their hard work
during the year.
convey (Truyn) [v] to make ideas or feelings known to somebody
Example: I will be late for the appointment, so please convey my apologies to the
reunion (on t, sum hp) [n] the act of people coming together, after they have
been apart for some time
Example: Christmas is a time of reunion, when family and friends have the
chance to see each other again.


21.1. What are the different kinds of advertising?
I think that there are several ways of promoting a product, of which the most
dominant type is broadcast advertising, where the products are publicized through
TV commercials, radio or the Internet. Another common type of advertising is print
advertising, which relies on distributed posters and flyers or advertisement columns
in newspapers or magazines to boost a products popularity. There is also outdoor
advertising - advertising at outdoor events like concerts or trade shows.

Unfortunately, surrogate advertising exists as well, which markets banned products
like alcohol or tobacco in the disguise of another product.
21.2. What kind of advertising is most common in Vietnam?
Im not too sure about this, but I think its fair to say broadcast advertising and print
advertising are the two most popular means of promoting products in my country.
Commercials are aired at a high frequency here in Vietnam, especially in the
evening, when the number of viewers is considerably higher compared to that in the
morning. Its also common to see flyers being given away and banners hung on
almost every corner of the street.
21.3. What are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of
Well, I guess it depends on the types of advertisement. With TV commercials, its
essential to have a catchy theme tune or a slogan used to identify the product, so
that viewers can easily recognize it. McDonalds, for example, use Im Lovin It. It
also helps to have a celebrity who features in the commercial or endorses the
product, this would make the product appealing to a larger number of viewers. Print
advertisements, however, usually draw peoples attention with their vibrant colors
and unique graphic designs. The better the posters are, the more interest the product
might attract.
21.4. Do big companies prefer to advertise on TV or in some other ways?
In my opinion, broadcast advertising is still the most popular way for big
organizations to promote their goods and services. TV has long been the most
prevalent means of media communication, so getting a product advertised on TV
equals making it known to a larger number of people. It would be even better to

secure a slot during prime time, from about 8pm to 10pm, when virtually everyone
is sitting in front of their television. Still, its worth mentioning that online
advertisements such as pop-ups are on the rise, as more and more people are
spending time surfing the web.
21.5. What are the good and bad points of advertisements?
I suppose advertisements play an important role in introducing consumers to a wider
variety of goods. With commercials, buyers are exposed to more options, including
models, functions and prices before choosing the one product that is to their taste. On
the other hand, a well-produced advertisement might not ensure a product of the
same quality. Its not unusual to witness cases where people complain about the huge
difference between what was advertised and what the product is really like. Besides,
commercials can trigger the desire to purchase new goods, regardless of their
impracticability, resulting in the waste of both time and money.
21.6. Is advertising on the internet very influential?
To be honest, I doubt the effectiveness of internet advertising. Although pop-ups are
growing in popularity, most people find them rather bothersome and close them the
moment they appear on the screen, instead of spending time reading them. Besides,
under the impression that everything on the internet should not be trusted, people
usually dismiss online advertisements as unreliable.
21.7. Are any kinds advertising in Vietnam considered illegal?
Im not too knowledgeable about the issue, but I guess anything that fails to obey the
terms of advertisement laws is considered illegal. One of the most commonly seen
outdoor advertisements in Vietnam are billboards, which are basically huge posters
that are erected on main streets or on top of buildings. This is a completely legal way
of advertising, if the owners are granted a valid permit and take the boards down

according to the contract. However, many owners violate the law by missing the
deadline to remove them or erect them without permission.
21.8. Do you trust advertisements? (Why?/Why not?)
Quite frankly, I rarely place my trust in advertisements. They seem untruthful to me
since almost everything is exaggerated and most of the time, the products themselves
dont live up to consumers expectations. They claim to be the best but very often
there are some kind of faults. However, I do refer to advertisements when Im
looking for a product or a service, in order to broaden my range of choices. Still, only
after a long time studying the product and reading reviews will I make up my mind to
purchase one.
21.9. How do you feel about false advertising?
Like most people, I feel outraged by misleading advertisements. Untruthful
commercials can lead to many problems, and some can be disastrous. Cosmetics
advertisements, for example, if they do not cover all necessary aspects like origin,
components and potential allergic reactions on some types of skins, may cause
complexion diseases. The same goes for medicinal products. False advertising
betrays the trust of consumers and diminishes the reputation of the company itself.
By creating widespread distrust, the advertising industry as a whole is damaged by
false advertising.

Dominant (c u th, c nh hng ln) [adj]: most common
Example: TV has remained the most dominant means of media communication
throughout the years.
Publicize [v]: to make something known to the public

Example: He is in London to publicize his new book.
1. Distribute (phn phi, phn pht) [v]: to give or deliver (something) to people
Example: We need to distribute electricity equally over the country so that everyone
can enjoy the benefits.
Flyer [n]: a small sheet of paper advertising an event or product, given to a large
number of people in the street
Example: I spent the morning handing out flyers for the new supermarket which has
just opened.
Surrogate (ngi/vt thay th, i din) [n]: to put in the place of another
Example: He could not attend the meeting, so he sent his surrogate.
To be aired (c pht sng) [expression]: to be shown on the media, to be
Example: The news program is aired at 7pm every day.
On almost every corner of the street (trn mi gc ph) [expression]: almost
Example: Food stalls can be found on almost every corner of the street, so dont
worry if you need to find somewhere to eat.
Catchy [adj] pleasing and easily remembered
Example: Most popular TV series have a catchy theme tune to introduce the show.
Theme tune/theme song (bi ht ch ) [n]: a song that is played at the beginning
and end of a television show, movie, etc or in a commercial
Example: The theme song of the James Bond movie Live and Let Die became a hit.
Slogan (khu hiu) [n]:a word or phrase that is easy to remember and is used by a
group or business to attract attention

Example: Within days, virtually everyone was familiar with the newest advertising
slogan for that brand of soda.
Endorse (chng thc, xc nhn) [v]: to publicly or officially say that you support or
approve of (someone or something) OR to publicly say - in exchange for money -
that you like or use (a product or service)
Example: That brand of sneaker is endorsed by several basketball stars.
Vibrant (rc r) [adj]: very bright and strong
Example: We painted the poster a vibrant blue so that it stands out.
Prevalent (ph bin, thnh hnh) [adj]: common or widespread
Example: Ripped jeans is a fashion trend that is prevalent among teenagers.
Secure a slot [expression] get a position or time in a list of events
Example: She was very happy when she secured a slot in the big concert just before
the star was due to perform.
Prime time (gi vng) [expression]: a time in the evening when the largest number of
people are watching television
Example: The program is popular because it is shown during prime time.
Virtually (hu nh, gn nh) [adv]: almost entirely
Example: We spent virtually all day shopping.
Well-produced [adj]: well-made
Example: The movie was so well-produced that there was nothing I could complain
Trigger (gy ra) [v]: cause something else to happen
Example: Smoke triggered the fire alarm.
Bothersome (phin toi) [adj]: causing trouble or difficulty
Example: I find my brothers habit of playing music really loudly is bothersome.

Under the impression (c suy ngh rng) [expression]: believing usually wrongly -
that something is true
Example: I waited at the station for you, under the impression that you were going
to travel with me.
Obey (nghe li, lm theo lut) [v]: to do what someone tells you to do or what a rule,
law, etc., says you must do
Example: He is a good boy, he always obeys his parents.
Violate (vi phm) [v]: to do something that is not allowed by (a law, rule, etc.)
Example: The company violated its customers' privacy.
Live up to ones expectation (t c ) [expression]: to be as good as good as
someone thought something would be
Example: I thought the movie was going to be better than that. It totally failed to live
up to my expectations.
Outraged (rt tc gin) [adj]: very bad or wrong in a way that causes anger
Example: I felt outraged by her attitude! I will not put up with such treatment.
Misleading [adj]: giving the wrong idea that something is true
Example: The misleading advertisement in the newspaper neglected to mention some
important information about the used car.

22. Describe a website that you like to visit.

You should say:
What the website is
What it is used for
When you used it
And explain why you think it was interesting.

Today, I am going to tell you about one website which Im really interested in. Its
name is
It is an e-commerce website used for online shopping purposes. This website
advertises various items classified by categories such as fashion, electronics, and
motors. It allows people to order products, and make transactions online.
I always give priority to shopping online whenever I have spare time instead of
going to stores or supermarkets. So, this website is very handy for me as I can take
advantage of my mobile phone or computer with an Internet connection to access it
and purchase what I need.
I find this website very appealing due to its good layout and attractive images of
products. There is a box for me to enter what items Im looking for so I can avoid
browsing items unnecessarily, as Im able to find quickly the things I need. After that
the items I have bought will be delivered right to my door so I can save a lot of time.
Not only that, there is always the chance to get a good deal and discounts as there are
various promotion programs.
This website has important advantages for me, such as convenience and the benefits
of saving time and money. Now it plays a useful role in my daily life. In the future I
will continue to visit the site and of course recommend it to my friends.

E-commerce: the business of buying and selling goods and services on the
Example: Ebay is an e-commerce website used for online shopping purposes.

Transaction: a piece of business that is done between people, especially an act of
buying or selling
Example: You can call your bank and carry out a transaction using a Touch-
Tone phone.
Give priority to: something that you think is more important than other things
and should be dealt with first
Example: The hospital gives priority to those patients who require urgent medical
Handy: convenient
Example: My flat is very handy for the shops and the park.
Appealing: attractive or interesting
Example: Brightly colored packaging made the pens especially appealing to
Layout: the structure of a website rather than its styling
Example: This page uses a 2 column layout with one sidebar to the left of the
main content area.
Browse: the act of looking through a number of things in a book, a store or
Example: I have only browsed through the new book on dinosaurs, but I intend
to read it fully this weekend.
Get a good deal: make a good agreement to buy or sell something
Example: I got a good deal on my new car I bought it for half the price that the
man was asking for it.


22.1. What are some of the different reasons why people use the internet?
Speaking of the internet, obviously it has already surpassed newspapers and
television to be the main source of information today. And thats the most common
reason why people use the internet. Another reason is that people use the internet as
a superior means of communication. We no longer require a place like cafes or
offices to keep in touch with people. We can do it literally anywhere we happen to
be with the availability of Internet access.
22.2. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on
internet content. What do you think?
I argree that how one uses the internet varies a lot by age. For example, young people
rely almost entirely on search engines for information about entertainment, study
materials and job opportunities, while older people prefer using the internet to get
information about national and international news.
22.3. What influence can (or, does) the internet have on children? And what
about teenagers?
Well, I guess most people immediately think of negative aspects when it comes to
internet influence on our younger generation. For example, using the internet too
much makes them socially isolated and teenagers in particular seem to spend hours
on social network sites. But actually, there are plenty of positive ones as well. The
internet's wealth of information can add to the child's store of knowledge, while
online games enhance their creativity and imagination.
22.4. Do you think parents should control what internet sites their children
visit on the internet?
I would say yes. Because the sources of internet information are not always reliable,
its essential to judge the suitability of those materials. As a result, parents should

keep an eye on their childrens internet usage that until the child has learned to
discriminate between good and bad information sources.
22.5. What (kinds of) people don't use the internet and what are the
disadvantages that these people suffer because they don't use the
Well, right off the top of my head, I can only think of older people, who are not
accustomed to using the internet, and people whose jobs are not relevant to the
Personally, I think inability or unwillingness to use the internet will restrict their
circle of friends and also make it harder to access information. In some cases, they
have to spend countless hours looking for some news they need through printed
materials, while they can do it in a matter of seconds with search engines which are
available on the internet.

Superior (vt tri) [adj] better than average or better than other people or things
of the same type
Example: The weapons of the government troops were superior to those of the
Literally (ng ngha en) [adv] used to emphasize the truth of something that
may seem surprising
Example: They were responsible for literally millions of deaths.
Suitability [noun] the quality of being right or appropriate for a particular purpose
Example: At the interview, he convinced them of his suitability for the job.

Keep an eye on sth (theo di, ) [idiom] to watch or give your attention to
someone or something
Example: The mother sat by the side of the playground, keeping an eye on her
sons as they played.
Discriminate (phn bit) [verb] to treat a person or particular group of people
differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other
people, because of their skin colour, sex, sexuality, etc.
Example: She felt she had been discriminated against because of her age.
Off the top of my head [idiom] if you say something off the top of your head, you
say it without thinking about it for very long or looking at something that has been
written about it
Example: Off the top of my head I could probably only name about three women
Accustomed (quen) [adj] familiar with something
Example: She quickly became accustomed to his messy ways.
Relevant (lin quan) [adji] connected with what is happening or being discussed
Example: Education should be relevant to the child's needs.
Circle of friends [expression] a group of people who like each other because they
have the same interests or hobbies
Example: She is very popular and she has a wide circle of friends.

23. Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or
own or have) if you had the chance.
You should say:
What this business would be

Where it would be located
What people you would hire as employees
And explain why youd like to have this small business.

Well, if I were to talk about my dream business, a small book caf would definitely
be the first thing that springs to my mind right now. Actually, Ive been thinking
about it for a long time as I always enjoy reading books and drinking coffee in a
tranquil space. When I get enough money together, I will start my own business for
My desire is to create a place for people who are seeking serenity and trying to
escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, so I would look for a location in a
quiet street, maybe around the Old Quarter. My caf would be decorated elaborately
with lights and houseplants, creating a calm, homely atmosphere for the customers.
Bookshelves filled with books of every kind would run along the walls and in the
corners and everyone would be welcome to choose a book from the shelves to enjoy
while drinking their coffee.
Like many other coffee shops, I would hire students to work as part-time employees
at my book caf, especially ones who share the same passion for books as I do. They
could earn their living in a comfortable and friendly working environment, and I
would aim to nurture their love of books, so that their work would become a
Owning my own book caf has been my lifelong dream. To read books is to broaden
ones horizons, and to drink coffee is to enjoy life. When I reach a certain point in

my life where I feel satisfied enough with my career, I will resign and run my small
caf. I believe that one day I will make my dream come true.

cafe (Qun cafe) [n] a place where you can buy drinks and simple meals
Example: Every Saturday, we drink coffee and eat cakes in our local cafe.
spring to mind (Bng nhin/ngay lp tc hin ln trong u) [expression] to
appear suddenly or immediately in your thoughts
Example: The Harry Potter novels immediately spring to mind as an example of
recent best-selling books.
tranquil (Thanh bnh, tnh lng) [adj] quiet and peaceful
Example: She led a tranquil life in the countryside.
get money together [expression] save money to buy something
Example: I want to buy a new car, as soon as I can get enough money together.
serenity (S thanh bnh, tnh lng) [n] the quality of being calm and peaceful
Example: The hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the hustle
and bustle of the city.
hustle and bustle (Hot ng bn rn, n o) [expression] busy and noisy activity
Example: He wanted a little cottage far away from the hustle and bustle of city
elaborately (Cn thn, t m) [adverb] in a carefully prepared, detailed and
organised way
Example: The hotel lobby was elaborately decorated in preparation for the
Presidents visit.
homely [adj] making you feel comfortable, as if you were in your own home

Example: The restaurant was homely, with just a few tables and a relaxed
run along [phrasal verb] be in line with
Example: An electric fence ran along the top of the wall to protect the building.
passion (Nim am m) [n] a very strong feeling of some emotion love, hatred,
anger, enthusiasm
Example: She spoke with great passion about the natural beauty of her homeland.
earn a living (Kim sng) [expression] to make money in order to support
yourself financially
Example: The wages are so low in this city that I have to do three jobs just in
order to earn a living.
nurture (Nui dng) [v] to help somebody/something to develop and be
Example: My father nurtured a love of art in me and nothing gives me more
pleasure than visiting an art gallery.
horizon (Tm nhn) [n] the limit of your desires, knowledge or interests
Example: She wanted to travel and experience other cultures in order to broaden
her horizons.
resign (T chc) [v] to officially tell somebody that you are leaving your job,
leaving an organisation
Example: He resigned as manager after 8 years, in order to spend more time with
his family.


23.1. What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a

successful small business?
I think some of the hardships that small business owners might have to face include
increasing profits and growing revenues while still paying close attention to details
like client relationships. On the other hand, for many small businesses, client
dependence is a huge issue. If a business depends on a single customer for more than
half its income, that should raise a huge red flag, a situation which can threaten the
businesses growth and stability.
23.2. What should be the government's role in how small businesses are run?
I personally believe the government should create specific programs to help small
businesses start and continue to grow by offering start-up incentives, providing loan
guarantees and encouraging local banks to work with start-ups or regional businesses
that wish to expand. Lowering corporate taxes and making the regulatory process
simpler can also foster even more small-business growth.
23.3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of small businesses
compared to large companies?
One of the advantages of a small business is obviously the relatively low startup
capital needed. Also a small establishment is easier to manage compared to a large
operation since the dealings are usually local and small scale. Keeping track of
inventory, cash flow and transactions is easily manageable as well.
On the other hand, small businesses often lose in the competition for market share
with the already established firms, as many clients would prefer to conduct their
business with large firms rather than the smaller ones which are considered risky.
23.4. How can small businesses benefit the people in the community where
the businesses are located?
In my view, small businesses often give a town a sense of community as they can

meet with the customer more frequently and develop more of a personal relationship
than a large company. In addition, shopping at small, local shops means that the
customers are putting money into the pockets of local workers who may be their
neighbors or even family members, thus enhancing both the town's standards of
living and economic conditions.
23.5. What kinds of small business are most popular in Vietnam?
Probably street food vendors and local convenience stores. Street food has always
been a vital and vibrant part of Vietnamese culture, so as long as the owners can offer
high food quality along with some uniqueness to set their stores apart from other
competitors on the market, I believe the business will achieve at least semi-success.
Meanwhile, local convenience stores are usually guaranteed a loyal customer base
that is the local residents so I think they have a higher chance of breaking even and
increasing the bottom line.
23.6. Why do some people open their own business?
In my opinion, people would rather be their own bosses, looking after themselves,
instead of being observed by higher-ups. In other cases, many startup hopefuls may
have true passion for their jobs and are confident that they know a business should be
run; hence it might motivate them to go out on their own and get directly involved.
23.7. What qualities does a small business owner need to have?
I think its crucial that small business owners maintain a positive outlook and accept
100% of the responsibility for the results of his or her business. They should also
focus on making smart hires and then take the time to get to know and cultivate a
good relationship with their staff, since employees who feel seen, respected and
appreciated almost always produce more than anticipated. Being on the lookout for

new opportunities can also help a prospective entrepreneur get a small business up
and running.

Red flag (noun): a sign of danger du hiu ca s nguy him
You're not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying.
Startup (noun): a small business that has just been started cng ty nh mi
thnh lp
Working on a startup business can produce a real mix of emotions.
Inventory (noun): a complete list of items such as property, goods in stock, or the
contents of a building hng ho, ti sn
Our major customers cut back on their inventory and projections.
Cash flow (noun): the amount of money moving into and out of a business
dng tin, chu k tin mt
Small traders often have short-term cash-flow problems.
Vendor (noun): a person or company offering something for sale, especially a
trader in the street ngi bn do
She glanced around quickly, and her eyes caught a street vendor who was selling
ice cream.
Convenience store (noun): a shop that sells food, drinks, etc. and is usually open
until late ca hng tin li
The biggest difference in services between a grocery and convenience store is that
the latter usually sells gasoline.
Customer base (noun): the people who buy or use a particular product or service
ngun khch hng

A customer base is absolutely essential for business success.
To break even: to have no profit or loss at the end of a business activity ho
After paying for our travel costs, we barely (= only just) broke even.
Bottom line (noun): the final line in the accounts of a company or organization,
stating the total profit or loss that has been made l/li
How will the rise in interest rates affect our bottom line?
Hopeful (noun): a person who wants to achieve a position of power ngi c
hoi bo lm g
Five presidential hopefuls were invited to speak.
Cultivate (verb): try to acquire or develop nui dng (tnh cm vi ai)
He did his job efficiently, while also cultivating friendships with many
Outlook (noun): the likely future situation trin vng, quan im
The economic outlook is bleak.
Prospective (adj): people who are expected to buy something, employ someone,
become parents, etc. sp ti, c trin vng
Her father always wants to meet her prospective boyfriends.
Entrepreneur (noun): someone who starts their own business, especially when
this involves seeing a new opportunity ngi khi nghip
He was one of the entrepreneurs of the 80s who made their money in property.

24. Describe a time you needed to use imagination

You should say
what the situation was

why you needed to use imagination
What the difficulties were
and explain how you felt about it

Today Im going to tell you about a time when I had to make use of my imagination.
When I was a sophomore in high school, one of my literature assignments was to
recreate a short play that is based on a real book. The class was divided into small
teams, each had to choose a book of different genres, ranging from comedy to
romance to even horror. Since it was going to be assessed, everyone was required to
take an active part in the project.
This task was particularly demanding in using imagination as we had to set up as
lively a stage as possible to draw the attention of the audience. Enjoying a book can
be easy but its tough to actually act out a written scene, even for professional
actors. Therefore, as the stage director and one of cast members, I really needed to
make the best of my creativity to produce a perfect play.
Besides having to be inventive, we were also working against the clock since only
2 weeks were given to prepare. It was tricky to come up with a complete plot and
make time for group rehearsals in such a short period - not to mention having to find
the appropriate costumes and stage props.
Despite the pressure I had to deal with, I felt a great sense of achievement because
our play was well-received by the teacher and other classmates. I guess I can regard
this as a challenge for not only my imagination but also for my team-working skills.
In the future, I hope I will get the chance to be involved in other exciting projects like
this one.

To make use of sth [expression]: to use something
Eg: The students should make use of the books they are given.
Sophomore [n]: a student in the second year of high school or college
Eg: She's a sophomore in high school.
Assignment [n]: a specified task or amount of work given
Eg: The students were given a homework assignment.
Genre [n]: a particular type or category of literature or art
Eg: This book is a classic of the mystery genre.
To be assessed [expression]: to be judged, rated or scored
Eg: Students will be assessed based on their attendance and scores.
Demanding [adj]: requiring much time, attention, or effort
Eg: I have heard it is one of the most demanding courses at the university.
To draw attention [expression]: to make people notice
Eg: A good presenter must be able to draw listeners attention.
To act out sth [expression]: to present something in action
Eg: Children act out what they read, which makes the lesson more fun.
To make the best of sth [expression]: to try to think and act in a positive way
when you have to accept a bad situation
Eg: The room they've given us is too small really, but we'll just have to make
the best of it.
Inventive [adj]: creative or imaginative
Eg: They have given their new company an inventive name, which
customers are sure to remember.

To work against the clock [expression]: to work very fast because
you know you only have a limited period of time to do something
Eg: Scientists were workingagainst the clock to collect specimens before the
volcano erupted again.
To make time for sth [expression]: to allow time for something
Eg: I try to make time for my family at weekends.
Prop [n]: something used in creating or enhancing a desired effect,
especially in the theatre or in films
Eg: There was a team responsible for building stage props to make the
background more real.
A sense of achievement [expression]: a proud feeling of having done
something difficult and worthwhile
Eg: He felt a sense of achievement having won the competition.
Well-received [adj]: getting a good reaction from people
Eg: Gone with the Wind was one of the most well-received movies of all time.


24.1. Why do most children have a wild imagination?
Well, in my opinion, the reason for childrens wild imagination is their inexperience.
Obviously, children have an insatiable curiosity, always wondering and looking for
answers. Since they have little knowledge of the real world, children have to use
their imagination to come up with a explanation for their questions. It may be wrong
but its their own way of learning about the outside world.
24.2. What kinds of books can boost people's imagination?

I think any type of books can enhance creativity, but I guess the more effective
boosters would be novels. These books usually revolve around a story and there are
often a lot of descriptive scenes, therefore, readers need to let their imagination run
wild to be able to actually live in the scenes. Harry Potter, for instance, is an all-time
favourite book series which falls in the fantasy categories.
24.3. Do you like to watch movies about the future?
Definitely, I have always been curious about how the world would end up, so movies
about the future never fail to excite me. Many films have been produced based on
this theme with plots varying from robots taking over the world, to the uprising of
animals, to apocalypse, all of which are so thrilling to watch . However, a good film
depends more on the storyline, the cast acting and the quality of production rather
than the genre itself. Thats why not every movie of this kind has been highly rated
by critics or enjoyed high viewership.
24.4. What can schools do for students' creativity?
Actually, there are many ways in which schools can encourage childrens creative
thinking. They can, for example, organise contests in writing, drawing or even hand-
crafting for students to compete against each other. This will not only inspire children
to be inventive but also provide them with a chance to prove themselves and maybe,
enlarge their circle of friends. Another way is to assign educational books or movies
for them to enjoy instead of overwhelming them with a bunch of homework.

Insatiable [adj]: not able to be satisfied
Eg: Her desire for knowledge was insatiable.

Booster [n]: something that increases force, power, pressure, or
Eg: The teachers positive comments on my essay were a real confidence
Descriptive [adj]: using words to describe what someone or something is like
Eg: She gave a descriptive account of the journey.
Let ones imagination run wild [expression]: to imagine freely
Eg: Let your imagination run wild and you can come up with the best ideas.
Never fail to do sth [expression]: someone or something always does
something that you expect them to do
Eg: You never fail to impress me!
Uprising [n]: a rebellion or revolt against people in power
Eg: The uprising against the government has been defeated.
Apocalypse [n]: a great disaster
Eg: His book tells of an environmental apocalypse.
Thrilling [adj]: very exciting
Eg: Its thrilling to go on a roller-coaster.
Viewership [n]: a television audience
Eg: How I met your Mother was a TV series with very high viewership.
Circle of friends [expression]: a number of close friends who usually do things
together as a group
Eg: She is sociable, so she has a wide circle of friends.
Overwhelm sb with sth [expression]: give a person too much of something
Eg: As a beginner, I was overwhelmed with the heavy workload.

25. Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time.
You should say:
What it is.
Who you would like to do it with.
How often you do it.
Explain why you feel about it.

VERSION 1 (Trch t Describe a free-time activity that you like to do after
you have finished your study or work)
Well, I am kind of a workaholic. I am so caught up in my work on a daily basis that I
do not have too much time to relax after a long working day. Listening to music is the
only thing that I really want to do to relax at home.
There are a few things that I normally try to do to wind down, but listening to music
is how I usually like to spend my free time. Because my work takes almost all the
time during the day, I want to make the most of my evening by creating a cozy
atmosphere for myself and just put my feet up. When I stay home, I like to dim the
lights, turn on some soft music and enjoy myself for the rest of the evening. Soft light
and sounds help me to chill out pretty well.
I also enjoy grabbing a favourite book and relaxing in a big comfy chair with a
blanket and my pet cat on my lap, while listening to music in the background. It
works wonders. I find it therapeutic and relaxing when I take a little time for myself
to play an inspirational song to unwind. You see, you dont have to waste a lot of
time and money in order to have a restful evening.

If I take some days off, I will go for a short holiday to get away from all the
pressures. However, for the rest of the days when I have finished my work already,
listening to music is my preferred choice. That is wonderful for me, and so I do not
see myself changing my habit any time soon.

workaholic: [noun] a person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop
working and do other things.
Example: My sister is a workaholic she never takes a day off to relax and have
caught up in: [phrasal verb] very involved in an activity, so that you do not
notice other things.
Example: I was so caught up in my revision that I forgot to feed the dog.
wind down: [phrasal verb] rest or relax after a period of activity.
Example: After teaching all day, its nice to go and have a coffee to wind down.
make the most of: [expression] use to the best advantage.
Example: I intend to make the most of the holidays by finishing my assignment.
cozy: [adjective] warm and comfortable, because you are in a small space.
Example: I feel cozy sitting in front of the fire in my small house.
put my feet up: [expression] sit down, lie back and rest.
Example: I like to sit in my favourite armchair with a cup of coffee and just put
my feet up after I come home.
dim: [verb] make a light less bright.
Example: In the theatre, the play was about to begin. The lights were dimmed
and the audience fell silent.

chill out: [phrasal verb] spend time relaxing.
Example: I like to go out with my friends and chill out just chatting and having
a coffee.
grabbing: [verb] having or taking something quickly.
Example: You should have a good lunch grabbing a sandwich is a bad habit.
comfy: [adjective] comfortable.
Example: My new bed is really comfy and I fall asleep straight away.
works wonders: [expression] has a very good effect on someone or something.
Example: A good nights sleep works wonders for your mind and body.
therapeutic: [adjective] helping you to relax.
Example: My dentist plays soft music while her patients are waiting, because she
says that it is therapeutic.
inspirational: [adjective] something that motivates you and makes you have
exciting ideas.
Example: The President gave an inspirational speech to his supporters.
unwind: [verb] SEE: wind down.
any time soon: [expression] in the near future.
Example: After our big argument, I am not expecting her to call me any time

I normally watch movies or indulge myself by spending hours lying on the bed
listening to my favorite playlist in my leisure time. But I guess to overcome the
monotony of daily life, we need something fresh, so sometimes I ride a bike for
roughly 15 kilometers.

Its kind of road biking, and I usually cycle from my house to West Lake, then back
again. On my biking days, which often fall on weekends, I try to wake up early in
order to avoid heavy traffic and the noise in the city, you know, as well as to have
more time for cycling, as I often do it at quite a leisurely pace.
I like to have my close friend as a companion, because with her, I am better
motivated whenever I get tired. Moreover, as we usually ride for quite a long way,
its more fun to have a buddy to chat with during the journey.
I usually go for a ride bike every two weeks, as a way to chill out and keep fit.
Whenever I get on a bike and ride, it always gives me pleasure, as I sweat, you know,
and it makes me feel better. In addition, cycling in the early morning, when the city is
less noisy and not crowded with people and vehicles, simply brings me peace. Bike-
riding is healthy and easy, thats why, I guess, its becoming mainstream, much like
yoga or running.

indulge (nung chiu, chiu chung)[v] to have yourself or another person do
something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you
Example: Parents should not indulge their children too much, as it will spoil
monotony (s n iu, bun t) [n] boredom/ a situation in which something
stays the same and is therefore boring
Example: The routine was the same every day, with nothing to break the
roughly (xp x) [adv] approximately/without being exact or fully authenticated

Example: Roughly half of the students in the class passed the exam with good
road biking [n] cycling without leaving the roads to go on tracks
Example: Road biking is only stressful when you are in the city the country
roads are much quieter.
fall on (ri vo)[phrasal verb] to occur at some particular point of time
Example: The Moon Festival is a harvest festival celebrated by ethnic Chinese
and Vietnamese, which falls on the 15th day of the eight month in the Lunar
heavy traffic (xe c ng) [expression] a situation when there are a lot of vehicles
on the road
Example: If you drive during the rush hour, you are likely to hit some heavy
leisurely [adverb] without hurrying
Example: We had a lot of free time, so we walked leisurely along the beach.
companion (bn ng hnh) [n] a person who accompanies another
Example: The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.
motivated (c khuyn khch ng vin) [adj] enthusiastic or determined
because you want to do something
Example: Entrepreneurs are much more motivated by personal passion - and the
chance to be their own boss - than by making money, according to research from
buddy (bn tt) [n] a good friend, a comrade
Example: We run a buddy system to support recovering alcoholics.
chill out [phrasal verb] to spend time relaxing and stop feeling angry or anxious

Example: I like to relax with a book and just chill out after a long day at work.
mainstream (ch o) [adj] considered normal and is accepted by most people
Example: Due to its health benefits, cycling will continue to become more
mainstream for women, much like running and yoga.


25.1. How do people in Vietnam spend their leisure time, for example, after
school, after work or at weekends?
People in my country choose different ways to relax depending on the groups of
people and their personal preference. For instance, most energetic students or
adolescents prefer outdoor activities like playing football or cycling after a long day
at school. Adults, as a rule, tend to spend free time enjoying various kinds of
recreation such as watching films, listening to music or hanging out with friends. In
addition, they may go for picnics or have parties or family reunions at weekends.
25.2. Why it is important for people to have time for leisure activities?
It is essential for everybody to spend time relaxing in order to keep a balance
between their daily life and work. Having time for leisure activities such as playing
sports or watching favorite films allows people to release stress and feel happy.
Moreover, taking part in leisure activities will help to improve peoples health,
including their mental and physical health, and reduce risks of illness in the long run;
as a result, after that they will be in the best health and frame of mind to work
25.3. Compare how adults spend their leisure time with how children spend
their leisure time.

There are obvious dissimilarities between the ways children and adults make use of
their free time. Children prefer leisure activities which bring a lot of fun such as
playing video games, sports, going outside or playing with their friends. Conversely,
adults tend to do things for relaxation such as hanging out with friends or just lying
down and taking a nap.
25.4. What kinds of things do families in Vietnam do together in their leisure
According to Vietnamese culture, people always respect the family reunions and the
time they spend together. There are many fun activities they can do together, such as
going for picnics to rural areas, having meals together in the home or in a restaurant,
or simply enjoying a drive in the car. Visiting family relations who live far away is
another popular activity, because maintaining the family ties is very important.
25.5. Would you say that people have enough leisure time today?
Yes, I think so. Thanks to the advances in technology, such as computers and
mobiles, people are able to do their work more quickly and effectively. Therefore,
they can save a huge amount of time, which they can then use to relax and enjoy life.
For example, employees can work and send documents to the company using e-mails
without going to the workplace. Consequently, they will have more time for
themselves, their family and friends.
25.6. How do you think science and technology has changed people's lives
in Vietnam in the past few years?
Recently, Vietnamese peoples lives have been changed significantly due to the
development of science and technology. People can easily keep in touch with their
friends and relatives by using smart phones and social networks such as Skype or
Facebook, regardless of distance. They can also access the new world right in their

home by watching TV, videos about other countries and their cultures. However, the
downside of science and technology is that this may make people gradually become
selfish and addicted to electronic devices.
25.7. Compare the way men spend their leisure time and the way women
spend their leisure time.
Regarding gender, men and women have different preferences in their free time.
Generally, active men tend to play sports or work out at the gym whenever they have
time, to keep in shape and bulk up muscles. Women, on the other hand, may prefer
going shopping, cooking for their families or seeing their friends.
25.8. What types of leisure activities may become more popular in the
Personally, I think countryside recreation such as hiking, camping or horse riding
will become increasingly popular in the long run. Nowadays, most people are under a
lot of pressure at work and the fast pace of city life, so in order to escape from the
hustle and bustle of the city and release stress, they may like to experience the
peaceful atmosphere of the countryside. These things will make them feel better and
work more productively when they return after their break.

Energetic [adjective]: having or needing a lot of energy
Example: Some elderly people still do energetic activities like running or playing
Recreation [noun]: a way of enjoying yourself when you are not working
Example: His favourite form of recreation is playing golf with his friends.

Balance [noun]: (s cn bng) a situation in which different things exist in equal,
correct or good amounts
Example: This newspaper maintains a good balance in its presentation of
different opinions.
Take part in [expression]: (tham gia, tham d) to be involved in something
Example: How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games?
Frame of mind [expression]: the way that somebody feels about something at a
particular time
Example: Go into the exam with a positive frame of mind !
Productively [adverb]: (nng sut, hiu qu) in a way that does a lot or achieves
a lot
Example: It's important to spend your time productively.
Dissimilarity [noun] the fact of not being the same as something or somebody
Example: He is doing research on the dissimilarities of several Asian languages.
Make use of [expression] (tn dng, s dng) to utilize someone or something
Example: Can you make use of these papers for other purposes instead of
throwing them away?
Hang out with [phrasal verb] to spend time with somebody in an informal
Example: I like to hang out with my friends at a coffee shop after school.
Take a nap [expression]: (ngh ngi) to have a brief period of sleep
Example: The baby always takes a long nap for a couple of hours after lunch.
Drive [noun]: a car journey
Example: Lets go for a drive in the mountains.

Family ties: [expression] a strong connection between members of a family
Example: Christmas is a time when people remember their family ties and visit
their relations.
Keep in touch with [expression]: (gi lin lc) to maintain communication with
Example: After my neighbor moved, we still remained/kept in touch with each
Selfish [adjective] : the quality of caring only about yourself rather than about
other people
Example: Dont be selfish, leave some ice cream for your sister !
Addicted [adjective]: spending all your free time doing something because you
enjoy it
Example: He is addicted to chess he spends hours every day playing against
the computer.
Work out [phrasal verb] to train the body by physical exercise
Example: I lost weight by working out at the gym.
Bulk up [phrasal verb]: (lm tng cn, c bp) to make your body bigger and
heavier, especially by gaining more muscle
Example: This season he has bulked up to 230 pounds.
Hustle and bustle [expression] (hi h, bn rn) busy and noisy activity
Example: I cant stand the hustle and bustle of big cities I prefer the peace and
quiet of the countryside.

26. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something

You should say:

when and where it happened
what the appointment was for
what happened when you missed it
and explain how you felt about the appointment.

Im going to describe the time I was late for my first job interview. It happened in the
fall of 2012, as I recall, which is when I was a sophomore. I had always dreamed of
becoming a marketer, so Id already joined a marketing course and after that, I was
ready to apply for an internship in this field.
The company I applied to was a start-up in education technology. Specifically, they
offered online English courses to those who wanted to brush up on their English
speaking skills. They were looking for a marketing intern, and as I was interested in
both English and marketing, I applied for this position.
I sent them my CV and was accepted, so we made an appointment for an interview.
However, when the day came, I was late for the interview because I was lost. I can
still recollect the panic that I felt, and I finally managed to get to the interview, but
30 minutes late. I am so doomed, I thought, and the next thing I knew, the
interviewer just told me I was late for the interview without prior notice so
regrettably I was rejected.
That was a painful experience for me, and since then Ive tried my best not to be late
for any appointments ever again.


Sophomore [n] a student in the second year of a couse of study at a college or
e.g. Most universities provide internship opportunities for their third-year
students, or even sophomores.
Marketer [n] a person whose job it is to promote and sell the products of a
company in the best possible way:
e.g. As a marketer and developer of software, I earn a lot of money these days.
Start-up [n] a company that is just beginning to operate:
e.g. His company was a successful start-up in the field of bio-engineering.
Education technology [expression] education using technology to deliver
knowledge, e.g. using computers and projectors in class:
e.g. Education technology has become really popular these days.
To brush up on smt [phrasal verb] to quickly improve a skill, especially when
you have not used it for a long time:
e.g. I must brush up on my Spanish before I go to Spain.
To recollect [v] to remember something, especially when you make an effort to
remember it:
e.g. I recollect all the details of my flat in Paris.
Panic [n] a feeling of fear or anxiety that prevents you from thinking clearly:
e.g. Office workers fled in panic as the fire started to spread.
Doomed [adj] certain to fail, die, or be destroyed:
e.g. This is a doomed city the volcano will erupt very soon.
Prior [adj] happening or existing before something else or before a particular
e.g. Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal.

To reject [v] to refuse to accept, use, or believe something or someone:
e.g. The prime minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign.


26.1. How often do you make appointments?
I think it depends on what I have to do at the time. For example, when I was a first
year student, I didnt have a part-time job, nor did I join any clubs at university, so I
didnt have to make many appointments. But 2 years later when I became a member
of the Marketing Club, I had to make appointments every week for club meetings or
my own departments meetings.
26.2. Is it important to be punctual in your country?
Yes, of course it is, but most of the time, Vietnamese people just dont realize the
importance of being punctual. When someone is late for an appointment in Vietnam,
theyre hardly judged because its most likely that other people are late too. And
gradually, one just forgets the importance of punctuality and starts to think that
being late is normal, until one has a taste of ones own medicine.
26.3. Is it easy to make an appointment in Vietnam?
Well, it depends on the type of people youre making appointments with, and
sometimes your social class as well. For example, if youre an ordinary person and
you need to schedule an appointment with a top business executive, the process is
gonna be long and hard and the chances are that you wont be able to meet him at all.
Like you have to get through to his secretary first and that secretary will have to
squeeze you in a time slot when the businessman has no schedule. But its a different
case if youre an important partner or major client of that company, and then of
course the process will be much easier.

To judge [v] to express a bad opinion of someone's behaviour, often because
you think you are better than them:
e.g. You have no right to judge other people because of what they look like or
what they believe.
Punctuality [n] the fact of happening or doing something at the agreed or correct
time and not being late
e.g. He insists on regular attendance and punctuality.
A taste of ones own medicine [idiom] the same bad treatment that you have
given to others (gy ng p lng ng):
e.g. Let the bully have a taste of his own medicine.
Social class [expression] position in the society:
e.g. People tend to judge each other based on their social class.
Get through (to smb) [phrasal verb] make contact with somebody by phone:
e.g. I couldnt get through to him, his phone was always busy.
Squeeze smb/smt in [phrasal verb] to give time to somebody/something, although
youre very busy:
e.g. If you come this afternoon, the doctor will try to squeeze you in.

27. Describe a team project for study or entertainment

You should say:
When you did it
Where you did it

Who you did it with
How you did it
Why you liked it or disliked it

Well, when it comes to teamwork, I can only think of a bad memory. I remember
when I was a first year student, my teacher asked me and some other students in my
class to set up a team project. A girl was assigned to be the leader and we had to
prepare a presentation about our university. My teacher thought it would make a great
contribution to our friendship, and the whole thing done with the best of intentions.
But it turned out to be the worst team project ever.
All of us were freshmen, so my team was essentially a bunch of strangers who I
happened to be teamed up with. I didnt know anything about the others, and they
knew nothing about me. Moreover, it was obvious that the leader didnt have any
leadership skill. She didnt know how to allocate work to individual team members.
She always sat on the fence, I mean, she let every member raise their voice but she
didnt know which one would be the best. As a result, she wasnt able to make any
decisions. No one in our team showed any respect for her. They only did what they
wanted to do. And I was no exception. I was too busy doing my own thing. In the
end, no one did any work and nothing was done. Several weeks later, I was still
kicking myself for taking part in such a team project.

When it comes to: [expression] as for something; speaking about a particular

Example: When it comes to trouble, little boys know how to cause it.
assign: [verb] to give a particular job or piece of work to someone
Example: The case has been assigned to our most senior officer.
freshmen: [noun] first-year university or college students
Example: The dean of the university gave a speech of welcome to all the
freshmen who had arrived there to study.
A bunch of: [expression] a large group
Example: She gave me a bunch of flowers.
allocate: [verb] to give something to someone as their share of a total amount, to
use in a particular way
Example: The government is allocating 10 million for health education.
Sit on the fence: [idiom] not to take sides in a dispute; not to make a clear choice
between two possibilities in a dispute.
Example: My tutor told me to support one side of the argument or the other, and
not to sit on the fence.
Do ones own thing: [expression] following ones own interests and ideas,
without considering other people
Example: On Sundays, I just enjoy doing my own thing without any regular
To kick oneself for: [idiom] regret doing something
Example: Im kicking myself for not buying that T-shirt.


27.1. What kinds of qualities does a leader need?

Well, I suppose leaders need to possess a wide range of skills. First, they have to
know ways to inspire and motivate their followers. Second, they have to be the ones
who are willing to take responsibilities and criticism. Sometimes, their ego can
hinder them from being a great leader. Leadership skills also include their abilities to
build relationships. The stronger their relationships, the better a leader they will be.
27.2. What are the reasons for the failure of teamwork?
I reckon teamwork failure depends solely on the failure of that teams leader. If the
leader has a short vision and makes misguided decisions, he or she will lead the
whole team into a mess. Moreover, the leader is the bridge between team members
relationships. Bad relationships result in weak communications and a lack of
networking with each other. Consequently, team members cannot work effectively
together. Apart from poor leadership skills, poor time management or poor budgeting
may also cause the whole team to fail.
27.3. Do children need to know more about teamwork?
Of course they do. Children need instruction in effective teamwork for a wide variety
of reasons. When learning about teamwork, not only are children learning to work as
a team, they're also learning to actively listen and respond in a way that makes the
group effort more effective. Its beneficial for their ability to interact socially. In
addition to that, working in a team helps children learn to reflect on their individual
experience versus the experience of the group. They often get feedback from their
instructor and other members of the group. Self-reflection contributes a lot to a
childs development.
27.4. Is cooperation more important than competition?
Actually, I cant tell which one works better in general. On the one hand, by
competing against others and comparing ourselves with one another, we learn how to

improve and achieve success. On the other hand, in some cases, competition leads
directly to hostility and greed, both of which are the enemies of progress.
Cooperation also has certain advantages and disadvantages. The main strength is that
cooperation provides the chance to help other people and let them help you in return,
while the biggest weakness of cooperation is that the mass of members may lose
interest and let a small clique take over affairs and manage things for their own
benefit. So, I would say that it depends on each situation as to whether cooperation or
competition is more important.

inspire: [verb] to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do
Example: After her trip to Venezuela, she felt inspired to learn Spanish.
hinder: [verb] to limit the ability of someone to do something, or to limit the
development of something:
Example: Her progress certainly has been hindered by her lack of experience.
solely: [adverb] only and not involving anyone or anything else:
Example: He's solely in charge of the operation.
Misguided: [adjective] wrong, because you have judged a situation badly:
Example: Her decision to quit her job is, in my opinion, misguided.
Mess: [noun] a situation that is full of problems:
Example: The economy is in a mess as a result of government policies.
Result in: [phrasal verb] lead to, bring about
Example: The fire resulted in damage to their property.
Self- reflection: [noun] careful thought about your own behavior and beliefs

Example: I often do some self-reflection when Im alone.
Clique: [noun] a group of people who spend their time together and exclude
Example: A small clique of corrupt politicians are running the country.
Take over: [phrasal verb] to get control of something, or to do something instead
of someone else:
Example: She took over management of this department last winter.

28. Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work
You should say:
Where you would like to go
What kind of work/ job you would like to have
When you would like to go
And explain why you want to work in that place.

Today, I would like to talk about a place in foreign countries where I would like to
work. It is Melbourne, the second largest city in Australia which has become home
for millions of people from various countries around the world.
In Melbourne, I would like to work for an environmental NGO, as my specialty at/in
university is Environmental Resources. So, right after I finish my studies in Vietnam,
I will go to Melbourne to apply for a job there.
Well, the reasons why I would like to work in Melbourne are quite simple. First, I
have a lot of friends and relatives who live and work in Melbourne. They can help me
whenever I need. They also tell me that the community of Vietnamese overseas is

very large in Melbourne. So, the multi-cultural challenge wont be a big problem for
me. And what's more, like Sydney, Tokyo or some other cities in the world,
Melbourne is a 'liveable city' due to / because of its high ranking in education,
research and healthy lifestyle/ way of life. So I think that to live, study or work there
will be an interesting experience.

Various (khc nhau, nhiu loi): [adjective] different, a variety of, many types of.
Example: My students come from various countries in the world, such as India,
Laos, Thailand, etc.
Specialty (chuyn mn, chuyn ngnh):[noun] focus, special field of study
Example: Marie Cury was a well-known scientist with her specialty in radiation
Apply for a job/position(np n xin, ng k xin vic):[verb] to enroll in, to
write a letter asking for a job
Example: She submited a letter to apply for that post/ position
Relatives (h hng, ngi nh)
Someone who is close in the family branch, such as aunt, uncle, cousin, and so on.
Example: Tet holiday is an occasion for us to visit our relatives' houses and to
give them best wishes
Vietnamese overseas (Vit kiu)[noun]
Vietnamese people who live in foreign countries
Example: Each year, the Vietnamese overseas contribute a large amount of money
to the country's development.

Multi-cultural challenge( th thch, kh khn v a vn ha) [adj+n] difficulties
caused by the clash between so many cultures
Example:Australia is an example of multi- cultural country
Liveable (ng sng, sng c) [adjective] + city: a city with favorable
conditions for living
Example: This city is a liveable place for the poor
Ranking (xp hng, th bc, cht lng)[noun] level, qualification
The ranking of education of Vietnam is still fairly low in the region
Healthy ( lnh mnh, khe mnh) [adjective] good for health, good for operation
Example: Investors require a healthy environment for their business activities in


28.1. What kind of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?
In todays society, thanks to the great strides in technology, I think that jobs related
to this sector will be the easiest ones for expatriates to get in foreign countries.
Especially, in English-speaking countries, there are abundant jobs for IT employees
such as computer programmers or mobile app developers, regardless of their
nationalities, as long as they have sufficient qualifications and skills.
28.2. Should young adults work abroad?
Yes. It is useful for youngsters to take up a job abroad at least once, because they are
energetic and enthusiastic enough to experience new things that may be obstacles
when they get older.

Working overseas is a great opportunity for young people to meet different types of
people and gain global understanding of their industry. It also provides them with
experiences and skills that they would never get at home.
Not only that, most young people are energetic and adventurous; therefore working
abroad provides them with opportunities to travel more, and be exposed to different
cultures, which will result in higher level of knowledge and cultural sensitivity.
28.3. Why do many Vietnamese people want to work abroad?
There are various reasons behind the preference of Vietnamese people to work in
foreign countries.
Firstly, working abroad is good for their personal growth. In addition to a higher
salary, moving overseas or even getting a temporary contract abroad will give people
opportunities to meet potential customers or partners who will help them further
their career.
Secondly, expatriates can experience new cultures and a greater mix of backgrounds
that will give them invaluable perspectives in all aspects of life, including work.

Strides (noun): advances or improvements in the way that something is
Example: Since I started at a new school, I have been making great strides in my
Expatriate(s) (noun): (ngi khng sng nc mnh) a person living in a
country that is not their own
Example: My family lived as expatriates in Hong Kong before I was born.

Abundant (adjective): (phong ph, di do) existing in large quantities; more
than enough
Example: We have abundant evidence to prove his guilt.
Take up (phrasal verb): (bt u th g mi) to start or begin something such
as a job
Example: He takes up his duties next week as the head of the department.
Experience (verb): to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you
Example: When I lived in Japan, I experienced a very different way of life.
Obstacle (noun): (tr ngi) a situation, an event, etc. that makes it difficult for
you to do or achieve something
Example: A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.
Adventurous (adjective): (phiu lu, mo him) willing to take risks and try new
ideas; enjoying being in new, exciting situations
Example: For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains
with a local guide.
Be exposed to (expression): introduced to, not protected from
Example: I was exposed to a completely new culture when I first went to the
Sensitivity (noun): (s nhy cm) the ability to understand other peoples
Example: She pointed out with tact and sensitivity exactly where he had gone
Further (verb): to help something to develop and be successful
Example: Although the salary was low, she took the job to further her career by
learning all about the fashion industry.

Invaluable (adjective): (v gi, v cng hu ch) extremely useful
Example: The research should prove invaluable in the study of children's
Perspective (noun): a way of thinking about something
Example: The book gave me a new perspective on Indian culture.

29. Describe a sport stadium thats important in your city.

You should say:
where it is
how often you go there
what people do there
and explain why you think it is important

I would like to talk about My Dinh National Stadium which hosts various important
national and international level events. This multi purpose stadium is located in My
Dinh suburban commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi capital. This stadium has
a seating capacity of 50,000. Also it was officially opened in 2003.
This stadium is not far from my house, actually just about 300m to the north. I often
go there whenever there are activities which interest me. People usually visit / attend
there to encourage and support sporting events, especially Vietnam teams as well as
enjoy entertaining activities.
My Dinh stadium is very important to not only Hanoi but also the whole country due
to its irreplaceable functions. It is one of the biggest and most well-equipped
stadiums in Vietnam utilized as a showcase to stage a large number of important

events namely the 2003 Southeast Asia Games, and the 2008 AFC Champions
Moreover, this stadium plays a critical role since many foreigners might get to
know/come to know about Vietnam through the activities held there. Therefore, it is
essential to promote a good image of it in order to impress foreigners positively.

Multi-purpose (adjective): (a chc nng) having many different uses
Example: This room is multi-purpose we use it for meetings, interviews, and
taking breaks.
Capacity (noun): (sc cha) the total amount that can
be contained or produced, or (especially of a person or organization)
the ability to do a particular thing
Example: The stadium has a seating capacity of 50,000.
Interest (verb): (lm ai hng th) to attract your attention and make you feel
interested; to make yourself give your attention to something.
Example: She has always interested herself in charity work.
Irreplaceable: (adjective) (khng th thay th c) too valuable or special to
be replaced.
Example: Most of the porcelain you see in the display cabinets is irreplaceable.
Utilize: (verb) (s dng) to use something, especially for a practical purpose
Example: The Romans were the first to utilize concrete as a building material


29.1. Where do Vietnamese people play sports?

It is common for Vietnamese people to play sports in the parks, on sports fields, and
in gym clubs. For example, on sports fields football, badminton and running are all
popular, while in the gym people can do various exercises using the equipment, such
as running, walking or weightlifting.
29.2. Are there many stadiums in Vietnam?
Yes. There are a wide range of stadiums of various scales in Vietnam. For example,
in small provinces, we have small stadiums with a seating capacity for around 200
people or more. In big cities like Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, stadiums can seat
thousands of people.
29.3. What are the benefits of having stadiums in the city?
Firstly, all-seater stadiums in urban areas are built to meet the spectators demand to
watch matches or sports competitions.
Secondly, the construction of stadiums will bring economic benefits to the city and
the country as a whole. New stadiums generate many jobs, in the construction phase.
The revenue of the city is also increased thanks to the tax from ticket sales and
businesses nearby the stadium.
29.4. Do you prefer indoor sports or outdoor sports?
I prefer outdoor sports to indoor ones because playing sport outside such as cycling
or mountain climbing allows me to breathe fresh air, in the countryside and to help
ward off any future respiratory problems . Best of all, it gives me a sense of
freedom and chances to make more friends.
29.5. What are the benefits of group sports?
Playing sports as a team brings various advantages. Besides health benefits, by taking
part in team sports, people can develop cooperation and teamwork skills, social-

interaction skills, self-discipline, patience and persistence. They can also overcome
shyness and build confidence.
29.6. In what ways can children benefit from doing sports?
It is very advantageous for children to play sports. In addition to improving their
stamina and developing their muscles, they can build their confidence and
communication skills as they encounter many people who share their passion for
29.7. Should young people try dangerous sports?
Personally, I think youngsters ought to play sports which are suited to their standard
of health. Even though dangerous sports such as heli-skiing and mountain climbing
are very appealing to most young people, they will be injured if they are not strong
enough and dont have sufficient skills in those sports.

Weightlifting (noun): (y t) the sport or activity of lifting heavy weights
Example: You have to be very strong to practise the sport of weightlifting, but its
a great way to build up your muscles.
Seating capacity (noun): (sc cha) the maximum number of spectators that the
stadium can accommodate in seated areas
Example: My Dinh National Stadium has a seating capacity of 40,192 seats and
is the centerpiece of Vietnam's National Sports Complex.
All-seater (adjective): in which every spectator has a seat
Example: Nobody will have to stand in the new stadium, its all-seater.
Generate (verb): (to ra, pht sinh ra) to produce or create something
Example: The proposal has generated a lot of interest.

Phase (noun): a stage in a process of change, development or construction
Example: The new building is almost finished its in the final phase of
Revenue (noun): (ngn kh, ngn sch) the money that a government receives
from taxes or that an organization, etc. receives from its business
Example: Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.
Ward off (phrasal verb): to protect against danger, illness or attack
Example: Take Vitamin C to ward off colds and flu.
Respiratory (noun): (lin quan n ng h hp) connected with breathing
Example: City dwellers tend to suffer from respiratory problems due to the air
Self-discipline (noun): (tnh t ch, k lut) the ability to make yourself do
something, especially something difficult or unpleasant
Example: It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter.
Persistence (noun): (s bn b, kin tr) the fact of continuing to try to do
something despite difficulties, especially when other people are against you and
think that you are being annoying or unreasonable
Example: His persistence was finally rewarded when the insurance company
agreed to pay for the damage.
Overcome (verb): to succeed in dealing with a problem that has prevented you
from doing something
Example: She overcame her fear of flying, and she now travels regularly by air.
Advantageous (adjective): good or useful in a particular situation
Example: It you travel to the USA, it is advantageous if you know some English
in order to communicate with people there.

Stamina (noun): physical strength to do some activity for a long time
Example: It takes a lot of stamina to run a marathon.
Heli-skiing (noun): (b mn trt tuyt nhy t trc thng xung) the sport of
flying in a helicopter to a place where there is a lot of snow on a mountain in
order to ski there
Example: Dangerous sports like heli-skiing and mountain climbing are very
appealing to most young people.
Appealing (adjective): (hp dn, thu ht) attractive or interesting
Example: Brightly colored packaging made the pens especially appealing to
Sufficient (adjective): () enough for a particular purpose; as much as you need
Example: These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.

30. Describe an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in your

You should say:
when this celebration takes place
what people do during this celebration
what you especially like and dislike about this celebration
and explain why it is important.

Today, I am going to talk about an important holiday (or festival) that is celebrated in
my country called Lunar New Year. Besides the Western calendars New Year , the
Vietnamese people also celebrate Lunar New Year according to the lunar calendar.

The Lunar New Year, or Tet usually takes place around the end of January or the
beginning of February, depending on when the lunar calendar ends. Tet provides the
opportunity for reunions for Vietnamese families, as people tend to return to their
hometowns at this time of the year.
Like the Christmas tree in Western countries, in Vietnam, we buy a kumquat tree, an
apricot blossom tree or some branches to decorate our houses. People also buy new
clothes and clean their houses to welcome in the New Year. Some families make
Chung cake, a traditional cake for this special occasion. Chung cake is made of
rice, mung beans and fat pork, wrapped in a banana leaf in the shape of a square. It is
then boiled overnight until it is cooked.
During the Tet holiday, Vietnamese visit their relatives to wish them all a happy new
year. They also go to the pagodas frequently to wish for a better year to come for
their families. Adults give lucky money to children. I think this is the only time of
year when people can forget about all the worries of their daily lives, when they can
relax, enjoy, indulge themselves, and get ready for another new year.

Western calendar: also known as the Gregorian calendar, this calendar is used in
Western countries and the New Year begins with the first day of January.
Example: International companies usually follow the Western calendar, though
their country may also follow a different calendar.
according to: as stated or indicated by; following; based on.
Example: According to the Center for Disease Control, all travelers should be up-
to-date with their vaccines.

takes place around: to occur during a certain time period, around is used in this
instance to give you a general idea of when something happens, rather than a very
specific date.
Example: The festival takes place around the beginning of May each year, though
we wont know the exact start date until March 15th.
depending on: to be contingent on, something will not happen unless something
else happens first.
Example: Depending on the score you get on your exam, you may qualify for a
reunion: a time when people gather together again after not having seen each
other for a while; you can have family reunions, class reunions, work reunions,
Example: The graduating class of 1985 had a class reunion this past summer and
it was fantastic to see all my old classmates again.


30.1. Why is it important to protect traditions?
Well, each and every country has its own traditions, and it is these traditions that
distinguish one country from another. As a matter of fact, traditions not only
represent the people of a nation but they also reflect that nations history as well.
Therefore, I believe that if governments wish to promote patriotism and national
pride, its essential that customs are continually practised and adapted, so that they
suit modern society better yet remain relevant to the life of people.
30.2. Whats the most important tradition in your country?

I suppose one of the most important traditions in Vietnam is showing other people,
especially the elderly, respect by adding specific words into our speech and behaving
in an appropriate way. While some Westerners may see this as unnecessary and
rather awkward, for Vietnamese it is a way of being polite and avoiding giving
unintended offense. In addition to this, there are other important traditions, such as
exchanging red envelopes on Lunar New Year or eating mooncakes during the Mid-
autumn festival.
30.3. What kinds of traditions have disappeared in your country?
As society develops, some traditions have been done away with in Vietnam. For
example, the Vietnamese used to dye their teeth black in the past, but not in modern
days anymore. This is probably because of the difference in beauty standards now
and then. While it was once considered elegant to have black teeth, which entails
having to dye them several times to make them look smooth and shiny, these days,
white and even teeth are what people yearn for.
30.4. Why should children learn about traditions?
In my opinion, if children are informed about the traditions of their country, theyll
feel stronger love and responsibility for the culture of their country. Moreover, it is
young children who will eventually be responsible for preserving traditions and
passing them down to future generations. If the young arent properly educated
about traditional customs, those customs will most likely disappear in the future.
30.5. What can governments do to protect traditions?
Well, I think there are several measures that governments can take. One way is to
maintain the celebration of traditional festivals and encourage people to take an
active part in them. Its important to make sure that these festivals are not only
celebrated among local citizens but also known nationwide which, with the help of

social media, can now easily be done. Governments, especially those of developing
countries, need also to limit the impacts of globalisation on their culture to prevent
traditional customs from being replaced by foreign ones.

Distinguish (phn bit) [verb]: to notice or recognize a difference between people
or things
Example: I have trouble distinguishing the twins.
Patriotism (lng yu nc) [noun]: love that people feel for their country
Example: They supported the war with a fierce patriotism.
Relevant (c lin quan, gn vi) [adjective]: relating to a subject in an appropriate
Example: Make sure your answers during the interview are short and relevant or
you will lose marks.
Awkward (gng go) [adjective]: difficult to deal with and embarrassing
Example: There was an awkward pause in the conversation.
Offense (s xc phm, s lm mt lng) [noun]: something that causes a person
to be hurt, angry, or upset
Example: Mary didnt say hello and her teacher took it as an offense.
To be done away with (b loi b) [expression]: to be got rid of, to be made to
Example: A lot of the restrictions on imports have been done away with, so that
it is now easy to import goods.
Entail (cn n, yu cu/ gy ra) [verb]: to cause or involve by necessity or as a

Example: A lavish wedding entails extensive planning and often staggering
Yearn (khao kht) [verb]: to feel a strong desire or wish for something or to do
Example: Not having seen their families for months, the sailors out at sea yearned
for home..
Preserve (gi gn, bo tn) [verb]: to keep (something) in its original state or in
good condition
Example: The fossils were well preserved so that they could be displayed in
Pass something down (truyn li) [expression]: to give knowledge or teach skills
to your children or to younger people
Example: These traditional stories have been passed down from parent to child
over many generations.
Nationwide (khp c nc) [adjective]: extending throughout the nation
Example: The murders attracted nationwide attention. Everyone was following
the news about these cases.

31. Describe an event that resulted in a positive change in your life. Or

Describe a positive change that you made to your life.
You should say:
when it happened
where it happened
what the change was

and explain how you have benefited from this change ( or, explain how
you feel about this change)
Well, Id like to talk about the very first time that I rode a bicycle. It was a long time
ago, the summer after I finished primary school. At that age, most of my friends
could already cycle, but for me it was quite difficult, as I was extremely bad at
keeping my balance and so I was very reluctant to learn.
However, that summer, my grandfather decided to teach me how to ride and we
practised every morning. And after suffering from several bad falls, eventually I was
able ride the bicycle myself, without my grandpas help. It was a real thrill and I
remember feeling extremely happy as I rode around my neighborhood, although
actually I was also a little bit nervous and afraid of crashing into others.
Thanks to my grandpa, that day I realized that I was not as weak as I had thought
and I could conquer my fear to take on any challenge ahead.
From that time on, I started to go to school and go out with friends on my bike and
finally I was able to enjoy the pleasure of feeling independent and mature. Maybe at
that time, my grandpas purpose was only to encourage me to ride, but thanks to it, I
became stronger and more confident about myself in general. Several years later, I
read a quote that says Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must
keep moving on. It reminded me of that day and the important basic lesson that my
grandpa taught me.

Balance: the ability to keep steady with an equal amount of weight on each
side of the body.

Example: I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.
Reluctant: hesitating before you do something because you do not want to do
Example: I am reluctant to try mountain-climbing, because I am afraid of
Suffer: to be badly affected by a disease, pain, sadness, a lack of something,
Example: He is suffering from a headache.
Thanks to: used to say that something has happened because of
Example: It was all a great successthanks to a lot of hard work.
Conquer: to succeed in dealing with or controlling something.
Example: The only way to conquer a fear is to face it.
Take on: to tackle something by deciding to do it.
Example: She has taken on the task of looking after her elderly parents.
Quote: a group of words or a short piece of writing taken from a book, play,
speech, etc. and repeated because it is interesting or useful.
Example: I write my favourite quotes in a notebook.
Move on: start doing something new
Example: After doing the same job for 10 years, I decided that it was time to
move on and think about a change of career.
Remind of: to make somebody remember or think about the other person,
place, thing, etc. because of the similarities
Example: You remind me of your father when you say that.


31.1. Is your country changing rapidly?
Of course it is. Like in education, hundreds of schools and universities have been
built over these several years, and every school or university has been equipped
with high-tech devices like computers or projectors. Further evidence of this is that
more and more people are moving to the city where access to modern technology is
31.2. What can smart phones do these days?
Apart from their standard functions of phoning and texting, smartphones now offer
hundreds of other services. Like entertainment, most people use smartphones to play
games, watch video clips, listen to music or read e-books. Smartphones also play an
important part in supporting peoples work and studies, for example lots of
applications on smartphones aid our learning process like vocabulary learning apps
or SAT mock test apps.
31.3. Since most people do work on their computers, why do they still
need to go to the office?
I think people still need to go to the office as they need to communicate with their
colleagues in order to perfect their work through consultation. Though a company
has many departments, they closely relate to each other so opinions from people
belonging to different departments are really important. Also, its hard to convey
ideas to many people through computers and the Internet, especially when those
messages need to be acted on right away.
31.4. Do you think peoples work in the future will be heavily affected by
By technology? Well of course yes. Technology already has a huge impact on our
work at the very moment, not to mention in the future. I believe technology will

exert an even greater effect on peoples work in years to come, considering how
fast it is progressing right now.
31.5. Compare the pace of technological progress in the past and in the
I think its pretty apparent that technology has developed faster and faster each day. I
mean just think, it took us hundreds of years to invent a telephone, then a computer,
but the amount of time that had passed until a smartphone was invented was pretty
minimal compared to that. Right now new technology just appears in the blink of an
eye, and I wouldnt be surprised if people could even invent a, say, time machine, in
the future.

Aid (gip trong vic g) [verb] = to help
e.g. His excuse for drinking wine is that its said to aid digestion.
Perfect (hon ho ho) [verb] to make something free from faults
e.g. As he is about to attend a golf contest, he is keen to perfect his golfing
Convey (truyn ti) [verb] to express a though, feeling, or idea so that it is
understood by other people
e.g. I tried to convey in my speech how grateful we all were for his help.
Not to mention (khng k n) [expression] used when you want to emphasize
something that you are adding to a list
e.g. He is one of the kindest and most intelligent, not to mention handsome, men I
Minimal (nh b) [adjective] very small in amount

e.g. An earthquake just happened but there were no injuries and damage to the
building was minimal.
In the blink of an eye (trong chp mt) [idiom] extremely quickly
e.g. He fell in love with her in the blink of an eye.
Time machine (my dch chuyn thi gian) [noun] (especially in stories and
films) a machine in which people can travel into the past or future.
e.g. I just wish I could have a time machine to fix every mistake I made in the past.

32. Describe a piece of good news that you received.

You should say
what the news was
where you were when you received this news [Or: What you were doing when
you received this news]
who gave you this news
and explain why you felt this was good news.

Im going to talk about the time when I received the official notification of my
scholarship to study in Japan over a year ago.
Its been a long time but I can still remember that day so well. At the time I got the
news, I was taking a quick nap, then the alert sound from my phone woke me up. A
new email had arrived.
It was an email from the International Affairs Office of a university in Japan
informing me that I had been chosen to receive a scholarship during my exchange
semester there. Several months before that day, I had applied for an academic

exchange program in this university, they had accepted my application and
nominated me to the Scholarship Committee.
So, when I received this email, it took my brain a few seconds for this news to sink
in, and then my heart suddenly jumped. I leapt out of my bed and screamed out
loud, because I was extremely excited. I had been waiting for this email for two
months since I gained the admission. If I hadnt won the scholarship, my living
expenses would have become a heavy financial burden for my parents, but thanks to
the monthly grants that I received from the university, I could really enjoy my time
in Japan without worrying about financial problems. Even now, I still keep this lucky
email in my mailbox to remind me of that day.

Take a nap: take a short sleep, especially during the day.
Example: I usually take a nap after lunch.
Nominate: to formally suggest that somebody should be chosen for an
important role, prize, position, etc.
Example: He was nominated as the best actor.
Scholarship Committee: the committee in charge of reviewing and selecting
recipients for universitys scholarship.
Example: The Scholarship Committee has announced the list of scholarship
recipients this semester.
Sink in: be fully understood or realized.
Example: I was so surprised by the news of the disaster that it took a few
moments to sink in.
Jump: to make a sudden movement because of surprise, fear or excitement.

Example: Her heart jumped when she heard the news.
Leap: to move or do something suddenly and quickly.
Example: She leapt out of bed.
Scream out loud: to give a loud, high cry, because you are hurt, frightened,
excited, etc. (in this situation: excited).
Example: I screamed out loud when I saw my old friend.
Admission: the act of accepting somebody into an institution, organization,
etc.; the right to enter a place or to join an institution or organization.
Example: She failed to gain admission to the university of her choice.
Burden: a duty, responsibility, etc. that causes worry, difficulty or hard work.
Example: His illness placed a heavy financial burden on his family.
Grant: a sum of money to be used for a particular purpose in this case,
given by the university to pay for my education during that semester.
Example: The University awarded me a grant, which enabled me to undertake
a new piece of research.


32.1. How do people share good news?
Well, there are plenty of options: email, letters, Facebook, twitter, to name a few. Or
maybe we can ditch the technology and invite someone out to dinner for the big
announcement. Actually, most people prefer in-person communication for the
extremely good news and Im not exceptional. In that way I can see their expression
and I believe their happy face will definitely make my day.
32.2. How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

I would say that high tech developments impact heavily on the delivery of
information. Now you can share everything that happens around you with someone
halfway around the world in a matter of seconds with the availability of the Internet.
But with the good always comes bad. Along with the development of things like
cellphones, and computers is the disappearance of handwriting letters, which was the
most popular way of communicating a few decades ago.
32.3. What kinds of good news have you receive before?
I guess Im quite lucky because Ive received countless pieces of good news and I
would like to divide them into different categories. A promotion or an increase in
salary like the one I received yesterday is extremely good news from work, while an
invitation from my crush will be considered good news coming from an intimate
kind of relationship. Other than that, Ive received good news from other people. For
example, my friend gave birth to a baby boy 2 weeks ago and it was quite a pleasant
piece of news to hear.

Big announcement (tin quan trng, thng l tin vui) [noun] good and
important news
Example: Kelly Ripa excited Live! viewers on Wednesday, when she made a
"big announcement" as to who could be co-hosting with her next.
Make ones day (lm ai hnh phc) [idiom] to make someone very happy
Example: By telling me that I'm accepted to this job, she really makes my day.
A matter of something (ch l) [idiom] only; just, used to emphasize that an
amount is small
Example: In a matter of seconds, the building was in flames

Every cloud has a silver lining (vic g cng c 2 mt) [idiom] everything has
two sides; the good side and the bad side
Intimate (thn mt) [adj] having, or being likely to cause, a very close
friendship or personal or sexual relationship
Example: Her poetry deals with intimate personal experience.

33. Describe something special that you saved money to buy.

You should say:
What was it
Why you bought is
How long you saved money to buy it
and explain why it was important to you to buy it.

Im going to talk about the mobile phone that Im currently using. Prior to this one, I
had used 2 or 3 phones, but they were all bought with my parents money, so for me
this phone has a special meaning.
About a year ago, my old phone started to deteriorate, especially its battery,
sometimes it suddenly turned itself off and its apps ran frustratingly slowly. So I
decided to buy a new one using my own money, as I thought I couldnt keep asking
my parents to buy me all the things I want anymore.
I visited some websites to check for smartphone types, brands and prices, and finally
found the phone that I thought would meet all my needs. However, at that time, it
was quite expensive for me to afford, and I had to start saving up. I did some part-
time jobs such as working as a private tutor and interpreter to earn some extra

income, and tried to reduce the budget I spent on shopping to economize as much as
possible. During that time, I rarely bought new clothes or ate out with friends.
Finally, after nearly three months, I had enough money to buy my dream phone. At
the moment I first held it in my hands, I was extremely happy. It was not only the
feeling of owning a new technology gadget, but also the happiness of completing a
task in my to-do-list. I have kept using this phone until now and I hope it will work
well for a long time to come.

Deteriorate: to become worse.
Example: Her health deteriorated rapidly.
Frustratingly: in a way that causes you to feel annoyed and impatient because
you cannot do or achieve what you want.
Example: Progress was frustratingly slow.
Meet ones needs: satisfy what is needed
Example: The new online course meets my needs it is exactly what I want.
Afford: to have enough money or time to be able to buy or to do something.
Example: We can't afford to go abroad this summer.
Save up: to save money for something.
Example: Im saving (up) for a new bike.
Budget: the money that is available to a person or an organization and a plan of
how it will be spent over a period of time.
Example: We decorated the house on a tight budget.
Economize: use less money than you normally use.

Example: I plan to economize on holidays this year by camping instead of
booking a hotel.
Technology gadget: a small technological object (such as a device or an
appliance) that has a particular function.
Example: He is interested in technology gadgets.


33.1. What can parents do to teach children to save money?
One of the best things parents can do is to be a role model. That means they let their
child see that they save money too. Put money in a jar while their child is watching
and tell him or her its their savings jar. Moreover, they can teach their children about
frugality through stories or short clips about how its hard to earn money; therefore
they will think it over when using it.
33.2. Why do young people tend to waste money?
Personally, I think some youngsters who are simply given money such as financial
aid from their parents tend to waste it. Additionally, even though they may earn a lot
of money, young people under 25 are still growing and maturing; as a result, they are
usually more impulsive and less likely to consider the effects of their spending.
33.3. What kinds of things do people like to buy in your country?
As far as Im concerned, Vietnamese people prefer buying electrical household
appliances such as washing machines, refrigerators and vacuum cleaners in order to
save time doing household chores and make their life easier. Besides, they also tend
to update with new technological devices such as smart phones or TVs.
33.4. Do schools in Vietnam teach anything about financial management?

Vietnamese students are unlikely to be taught about how to manage their budget in
schools. However, there are many soft skills courses available to instruct students on
financial management as well as other important skills.
33.5. What is it necessary to teach teenagers to manage money?
It is undoubtedly essential to educate youngsters on how to spend their budget
properly and invest it wisely because they cannot rely on their parents generosity of
a monthly allowance anymore as theyre getting older. Moreover, it is important for
young people to become financially independent in order to develop their career and
manage their own life without their parents assistance.
33.6. How do parents give pocket money in your country?
Most children in my country receive pocket money weekly or monthly and use it
properly until the next time. With this small amount of money, they can buy their
school stationery or candy. Receiving an allowance can help children learn about the
value of money and financial management, which is a necessary skill in their lives.

Frugality (noun): (tnh tit kim) a way of living in which you use only as much
money or food as is necessary
Ex: My mother taught me about frugality so that I can use money properly and
not be in debt.
Think something over (phrasal verb): (suy ngh k, cn nhc) to consider
something carefully, especially before reaching a decision
Ex: Ill think it over and give you the answer next week.
Impulsive (adjective): (hp tp, bc ng) acting suddenly without thinking
carefully about what might happen because of what you are doing

Ex: I think I am fairly objective and not given to impulsive actions.
Pocket money (British English)/allowance (North American English) (noun):
(tin tiu vt) a small amount of money that parents give their children, usually
every week or every month
Ex: We agreed to give our child 6 a week pocket money.
School stationery (noun): (dng c hc tp) materials for writing and for using
in an office, school, for example paper, pens and envelopes
Ex: With a small amount of pocket money, children can buy their school
stationery or candy.

34. Describe a good part of your personality or character.

You should say:
what it is
what this part of your personality or character is like
how it affects your life or work
and explain why you think it is good.

Well, Im going to talk about a good aspect of my character. Im kind of an ambitious
person, even though Im not sure if this personal trait is really beneficial for me in
every situation. I think it helps me pretty well, not only in my studies but also in my
own life, though.
Personally, I suppose it is quite good for young people to have this kind of personal
trait, because it allows them to live and work more positively. I normally tend to set
high goals and show strong determination to achieve them by all means, no matter

what difficult situations Im in. I mean, I do not like playing it safe. Instead, I like
being challenged in general.
However, when you have too high expectations of something and you are not able to
live up to them, you may feel under pressure and lose confidence in yourself. So you
should be careful and be sure that your goals are realistic for you to pursue.
Up to now, I have found that my ambition has had more of a positive influence on me
than a negative one. Because of my ambitious nature, I force myself to set clear
targets, to be committed and to try my best to attain my goals, and all these things
motivate me a lot to follow my plans with drive and energy. Its an amazing feeling
of achievement on those occasions when my efforts are successful.

aspect: [noun] a particular part or feature of something.
Example: Her impatience is one aspect of her character that I dont like.
trait: [noun] a particular quality in your personality.
Example: The most notable trait of British people is their politeness.
beneficial: [adjective] having a helpful or useful effect or result.
Example: A good diet and regular exercise are beneficial for your health.
playing it safe: [expression] being careful and avoiding risks.
Example: When meeting strangers, I advise playing it safe do not tell them too
many details about your life.
challenge: [verb] test someones ability or skill, especially in an interesting way.
Example: In the IELTS exam, students are being challenged to show their
English language skills.
expectations: [noun] hopes that something good will happen.

Example: She went to college with great expectations.
live up to: [phrasal verb] to do as well as you expect or hope.
Example: I did not enjoy the film it did not live up to all the great reviews that I
had read.
under pressure: [expression] anxious about something which you have to do.
Example: The team is under pressure to win an important match tomorrow.
pursue: [verb] do something or try to achieve something over a period of time.
Example: My brother wants to pursue his ambition to become an actor.
attain: [verb] succeed in getting something, usually after a lot of effort.
Example: After many hours of climbing, they attained their goal of reaching the
top of the mountain.
motivate: [verb] make somebody want to do something, usually something
which requires a lot of hard work or effort.
Example: The teacher motivates all her students to work hard and pass their
drive: [noun] energy and determination to achieve things.
Example: No sportsperson will succeed without a strong drive to be the best.


34.1. What kinds of characteristics are common in modern society?
In todays society, there are many people who are more self assured, ambitious
and adventurous than ever before. They prefer challenges and new things that help
them to explore and learn more about our world. I have noticed that the younger
generation, in particular, appear to be very self-confident and assertive.
34.2. What qualities should a good teacher have?

In addition to having specialist knowledge in their field, good teachers who act as
role models for their students need to be enthusiastic, thoughtful and inspiring. They
should also possess virtues such as honesty and open-mindedness that students can
look up to and emulate.
34.3. Do you think parents' characters can affect young people's
I definitely agree with the idea that parents have a great influence on their childrens
development. As most young people have been brought up by their family since
they were born, so they tend to imitate behaviors and character traits of their father
or mother unconsciously. Whether a child becomes a good or bad citizen, his parents
play the most critical role in this process.
34.4. Would you like to develop a specific personality in the future?
Yes. If I could choose a specific characteristic to develop in the long run, I would like
to improve my confidence. In todays society, it is inevitable that we will encounter
different kinds of people from various cultures; therefore I would love to be more
confident to communicate with them and strike up friendships more easily.

Self assured [adjective]: (t tin) having a lot of confidence in yourself and your
Example: He grew more self-assured as he got older.
Ambitious [adjective]: determined to be successful, rich or powerful
Example: He is very ambitious and plans to become a manager of the company.
Adventurous [adjective]: (thch phiu lu, mo him) willing to take risks and
try new ideas; enjoying being in new, exciting situations

Example: She is planning to travel around the world alone. I am amazed that she
can be so adventurous.
Self-confident [adjective]: having confidence in yourself and your abilities it is
the same as self-assured.
Example: Having prepared well for the exam, she felt very self-confident when
she entered the exam room.
Assertive [adjective]: expressing opinions and desires strongly and with
Example: The President was very assertive when he defended his economic
Role model [noun] (tm gng tt) a person that you admire and try to copy
Example: Parents are a childs primary role models.
Open-mindedness [noun] a willingness to listen to and accept new ideas
Example: When I proposed a new idea to my boss, I was surprised at her open-
mindedness and she listened patiently to me.
Look up to [phrasal verb] admire and respect somebody
Example: Everybody looked up to him because of his work for charity.
Emulate [verb] to try to do something as well as someone else, because you
admire them
Example: I hope to emulate my fathers success in business.
Bring up [phrasal verb]: (c nui dng, gio dc) to care for a child,
teaching him or her how to behave, etc.
Example: He was brought up by his aunt not his parents.
Trait [noun]: a particular quality in your personality
Example: She has some of the character traits of her mother.

Unconsciously [adverb]: without being aware
Example: He unconsciously raises his voice when he talks on the phone.
Inevitable [adjective]: (khng th trnh khi) that you cannot avoid or prevent
Example: It was inevitable that there would be job losses.
Strike up [phrasal verb] to begin a friendship, begin a conversation
Example: When we met at the conference, we at once struck up a friendship.

35. Describe a person who you like to spend time with.

You should say:
what relationship the two of you have
how often you are together
what you usually do together
and explain why you like to spend time with this person.

Today, Im going to share with you my description of a person who I like to spend
time with. There are 5 members in my small family, but my dad is the one that I am
closer to than the others. I get along with him pretty well because we have many
things in common.
My father is getting on a bit. Hes in his 50s but he looks quite young for his age. He
works as a teacher in a high school. I have been told that I take after him and it makes
me feel proud because a lot of people look up to him as a devoted teacher in his
Although he is so caught up in his work, he always tries his best to make time for the
family that he loves and me, of course. Playing tennis is one of our shared hobbies, so

we tend to play together every other weekend, which is really a great time for us to
get to bond with each other. We also have an interest in watching football matches on
TV and comment about them enthusiastically like real close friends.
He has high expectations for me to become a teacher when I graduate so I will try my
best to live up to them. We usually talk to each other about many things in our life,
you know, his work in the school, my study, current affairs and sports, and stuff like
that. He imparts valuable knowledge to me, not only about his career but also about
real life experiences. I treasure my dad a lot. I realize that he really relates to me a lot
and stays by my side whenever Im in trouble.

get along with: [phrasal verb] have a friendly relationship with someone.
Example: I get along with my brother really well we never have an argument.
getting on a bit: [expression] quite old.
Example: I will be 70 next year, so I have to admit that I am getting on a bit
in his 50s: [expression] aged between 50 and 59.
Example: President Obama was quite young when he was elected, but now he is
in his 50s.
take after: [phrasal verb] look or behave like an older member of a family.
Example: Like her mother, she is very patient and everyone says that she takes
after her mother.
look up to: [phrasal verb] admire or respect someone.
Example: He is a very dedicated doctor and everyone looks up to him.
be caught up in: [phrasal verb] be involved in something.

Example: I am very caught up in revising for my exams, so I dont have any free
every other weekend: [expression] each alternate one = the 1st, the 3rd, the 5th; but
not the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th.
Example: About twice a month, that is every other weekend, she travels to
London to see her sister.
bond: [verb] develop a close relationship of trust and friendship.
Example: To enable students to bond with each other, the teachers in our school
encourage a lot of team projects, in which students work together.
expectations: [noun] strong beliefs about what will happen or how somebody
should behave.
Example: I studied hard for the exam, so I have high expectations that I will
live up to: [phrasal verb] do as well or be as good as other people expect.
Example: She hopes that she can live up to her fathers expectations and qualify
as a doctor.
stuff: [noun] used to refer to any things or objects when the name is not
Example: We talked about our hopes, our dreams, our fears stuff like that.
treasure: [verb] have or keep something/someone that you love.
Example: I treasure his friendship and I hope that we will continue to be best
friends for many years.
relates to: [phrasal verb] is able to understand and have sympathy for someone.
Example: Most children relate to their parents, although they may not always
agree about everything.

35.1. How do you usually spend your spare time?
As Im a sporty person, Im always keen on playing sports or doing exercises in my
free time in order to improve my physical and mental health. For example, I usually
go to the gym to work out after a long day of hard work.
In addition, I also spend spare time reading motivational books and the one I like
most is The 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R.Covey.
35.2. Why do some young people dislike living with old people?
In some countries, it is quite common for multiple generations of people to share a
home. However, some youngsters dislike living with elderly people due to the
generation gap between them. Each of them has differences in opinions regarding
beliefs, values or politics that can cause a lack of understanding and conflicts; as a
result, young people can feel uncomfortable when they live with elderly people.
35.3. What do you usually do when you hang out with your friends?
Whenever I have time to hang out with my best friends, we usually go to the cinema
to watch the latest films or just go along to one of our favorite coffee shops and chat
to each other. Having chances to swap stories and confidences with close friends
makes me feel much relaxed and ready to face work the next day.
35.4. Do you like to spend time on your own or with your family/friends?
Although spending time by myself is very appealing because I can do whatever I
want, I value every single moment of the family reunions; therefore, whenever I have
spare time, I go back home to visit my family. If we have enough time, we also plan
for picnics or some parties. For me, I really love feeling part of a united family.
35.5. What are the advantages of living with old people?

Obviously, it is very beneficial for people to live with elderly relatives, because they
have lived long enough to experience various aspects of life; therefore, we can learn
a lot from them from their triumphs or even their failures. We are also able to ask
them for pieces of advice as they may have deep knowledge about specific fields.
35.6. Should young adults live on their own?
Personally, I support the idea that young people should live away from their parents
in order to improve their self-confidence and independence. Living apart from
families, young adults will face many challenges and obstacles that they need to
overcome and they must be responsible for their all decisions. Eventually, they will
gain invaluable experiences for their whole life.

Sporty (adjective): (thch th thao v gii v th thao) liking or good at sport
Example: As Im a sporty person, Im always keen on playing sports or doing
exercises in my free time in order to improve my physical and mental health.
Generation gap (noun): (khong cch gia cc th h) the difference in attitude
or behavior between young and older people that can cause a lack of
Example: Spending more time to talk to each other in a family is a good way to
bridge the generation gap.
Conflict (noun): a situation in which people are in serious disagreement
Example: After their conflict over money, the two brothers did not speak to each
other for years.
Hang out (phrasal verb): (gp bn b gii tr, dnh thi gian u lu
vui chi) to spend a lot of time in a place

Example: The local kids hang out at the mall, just chatting and having an
occasional coffee.
Swap (verb): to exchange with somebody
The two old soldiers met and swapped stories about their experiences during the
Confidence (noun): a secret that you tell to people close to you
Example: I share confidences with my best friends about my hopes and dreams.
Experience (verb): to have a particular situation affect you or happen to you
Example: You need to experience living in the US to know what its like.
Triumph (noun): achievement or great success
Example: He told me that his greatest triumph in life was to qualify as a doctor.
Invaluable (adjective): (v gi) extremely useful
Example: The book will be invaluable for students in higher education.

36. Describe an item that you received and made you happy
You should say
When you received it
What the item was
Who gave you it
And explain why you felt happy

ANSWER (Trch t Describe an item of clothing that was bought for

I would like to describe a coat my parents gave me as a present on my 18th
birthday. I must say that it is really smart and exactly to my liking.

The coat is made of cotton only and by a Vietnamese clothes brand. It is a knee-
length black coat, which was in fashion at that time. What I like the most is that
there are two deep side pockets, so in winter, I always put my hands into those
pockets to avoid the cold. Besides, I can button the coat from top to bottom and its
also got a decorative waist belt.
I am so fond of this coat that I usually wear it every winter. It fits me perfectly and
makes me feel comfortable and warm, no matter how cold the weather is. I keep
myself warm by wearing the coat with jeans and boots, which match it well.
In fact, I have never thought whether it will be out of fashion. As this coat is a gift
from my parents, I treasure it a lot and for sure - I will keep wearing this coat in
the future.

really smart: [adjective] very clean, neat and attractive.
Example: If you want to look good on special social occasions, or even at work, it
is important to dress in really smart clothes.
to my liking: [expression] suitable, and how somebody likes something.
Example: The smart way in which she has decorated my house is exactly to my
button the coat: [verbal phrase] fasten the coat with buttons.
Example: Stepping outside my warm house, I quickly buttoned the coat which I
was wearing to try and keep warm.
decorative: [adjective] intended to look attractive, because of the way in which it
is decorated.

Example: Many tourists visit the Temple of Literature because of the many
decorative sculptures which they can see there.
fond of: [expression] finding something pleasant or enjoyable, especially
something that you have liked or enjoyed for a long time.
Example: My uncle is an excellent musician, and he is very fond of his hobby.
match: [verb] if things match each other, they have the same colour or style and
therefore look attractive together.
Example: None of these shoes match my jeans they are all very different and
they are too formal.
treasure: [verb] have or keep something that you love and that is very valuable
to you.
Example: Thank you for e-mailing the photos. They are superb and I will always
treasure them and the memories that they bring.


36.1. What type(s) of shop would you recommend a visitor to Vietnam
should go to ? (Why?)
Vietnam has plenty of small shops selling all different kinds of products. I strongly
recommend three must-go shops for foreign tourists when traveling to my country,
namely traditional Vietnamese restaurants, coffee shops and souvenir shops. Visiting
these places is the best way to experience the local culture through many aspects
including cuisine, lifestyle as well as handicrafts.
36.2. Do you ever buy anything on the internet?
I only bought online once. Im not used to online shopping, because I wont be able
to examine the genuine quality of the product that I buy unless I pay for it first.

Therefore, I usually search for the location of the products that I want and then go
straight to stores where they sell them to look at them or try them out first-hand.
36.3. What do you think are the advantages of buying things on the internet?
Although Im not familiar with online purchasing, I agree that this buying behaviour
has several benefits. The most favourable thing about shopping on the internet is that
it is time-saving, as people can quickly go through the purchasing process without the
need to travel to actual stores. The second advantage is that both sellers and buyers
can avoid losses caused by counterfeit notes, since every online transaction is on
credit. Last but not least, the internet is an efficient source of product information,
where consumers can make comparisons among brands offering varied forms of
promotion and thus save more money.
36.4. Are there any disadvantages (or dangers) of buying on the internet?
Yes, there are some drawbacks of purchasing goods on websites. The first
disadvantage involves the issue of low-quality or fake products, as customers wont
be able to examine the genuine quality of the product they buy unless they pay for it.
The second one is that the shipping fee considerably increases the price of any
product ordered from other countries. The last disadvantage, which must certainly be
taken seriously, is the high risk that your bank account may be hacked and your
details stolen.
36.5. Do you like window shopping? (Why?/Why not?)
Yes, I really love window shopping. The reason is that I can keep up-to-date with
current trends by looking at the goods on display in department stores. Sometimes I
can even try out testers or get free samples of a new product. Besides, wandering

around the stores is a good way to pass the time and get a bit of exercise at the same
36.6. In Vietnam, how has shopping changed in the past few decades?
There have been a lot of changes in shopping in my country since the late 90s. More
shopping malls have been built in urban areas and thousands of foreign brands have
appeared on the market, which encourages Vietnamese consumers to spend more
than they did in the past. Also, the incredible growth of the internet has brought
about an advanced innovative form of shopping the purchase of goods online
which has made credit cards more popular than they used to be.
36.7. Do you think people spend too much time (or money) on shopping?
(Why?/Why not?)
Personally, I think spending some time considering a product to see whether its price
is reasonable, or if you genuinely need to buy the product, should be encouraged.
However, there are many people who waste money on shopping to show off their
wealth, instead of looking round for the best bargain. For example, upper class
consumers are used to luxury goods which indicate their high social status and
purchasing power.
36.8. What kinds of people spend an excessive amount of time or money on
I believe the majority of people who are addicted to shopping are women and
celebrities as they always desire to be beautiful. For celebrities, not only do they
spend a considerable amount of time on shopping but they are also willing to pay
thousands of dollars for a shirt or some other simple item. In addition, every woman
has an instinct for meticulous consideration, leading them to spend a lot of time
choosing something, even if its just a small box of tissues.

Genuine (tht, chnh gc) [adjective] real and exactly what it appears to be
Example: I'm not surprised the offer wasn't genuine, it sounded too good to be
First-hand (trc tip, tn tay) [adjective] (of information or experience) from the
original source or personal experience, direct
Example: students who have just graduated should apply for an internship to have
first-hand experience of their major.
Familiar with (quen thuc vi) [collocation] to know something or someone well
Example: My mother is not familiar with high-tech devices since she was born in
the time when computers had not become common in Vietnam.
Wander (i lang thang) [verb] walk around slowly in a relaxed way or without
any clear purpose or direction
Example: We spent the morning wandering around the school campus just to
pass the time before lunch.
Brought about (dn n, gy ra) [phrasal verb] caused something to happen
Example: He brought about his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
Show off (th hin, khoe khoang) [phrasal verb] to behave in a way that is
intended to attract attention or admiration, and that other people often find
Example: She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford
Bargain [noun] a thing bought for less than the usual price
Example: This offer is a bargain its less than half price.

Be addicted to [expression] unable to stop doing something
Example: Hes addicted to cigarettes, but he must stop smoking for the sake of
his health.
Meticulous (cn thn, t m) [adjective] very careful and with great attention to
every detail
Example: Many hours of meticulous preparation have gone into writing the
report, because I need an A for this assignment to pass the subject.

37. Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a
long time.
You should say:
what it is
how (or when) your family first got this thing
how long your family has kept it
and explain why this thing is important to your family.

Today, I am going to share with you an old possession that my family has kept for a
long time. It is an antique terra-cotta dish, which is displayed in an honoured position
in the living room.
This old dish originated from feudal times in Vietnam, although I am not sure of the
year exactly. It might have belonged to the Nguyen Dynasty. It is made from pottery
material with some small artificial fissures, and it was my grandfathers favourite
thing when he was still alive. There is a village picture painted in blue in the centre of
the dish.

When I was a child, my grandfather used to tell me the story of this dish. His close
friend gave it to him to celebrate his house-warming in the past. They had been
companions in arms for a long time, so that was the reason why he really treasured
their ties and that gift as a reminder of their friendship.
There is a lot of other modern furniture arranged in my house nowadays, however,
this antique object is still a treasured possession for each member of my family. We
have kept this antique dish for over 30 years, even when my grandpa passed away
and left it for my family. Whenever I look at this dish, it always reminds me of my
grandfather as a fond memento.

possession: [noun] something that you own.
Example: When leaving the plane, please make sure that you have all your
possessions with you.
antique: [adjective] old and often valuable
Example: I have an antique table in my living room which is about 200 years
terracotta: [noun] material of a red-brown colour, used to make pots.
Example: My mother still cooks using traditional terracotta pots.
honoured: [adjective] very respected, showing respect for something.
Example: The President was an honoured guest at the ceremony.
feudal: [adjective] describing a time in the past when given land and protection
by a rich person, and had to work and fight for him in return.
Example: Life in feudal times in Vietnam was very hard for poor people who
worked on the land.

dynasty: [noun] a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family.
Example: Pottery from the time of the Ming Dynasty in China is very valuable.
pottery: [noun] pots or dishes, usually made by hand from a type of earth called
clay and made hard by baking in an oven.
Example: I learned to make traditional dishes by hand by going to a pottery
fissures: [noun] long cracks in something.
Example: The rocks had many fissures, some of which were very deep.
house-warming: [noun] a party given by someone who has moved into a new
Example: My new neighbours invited our family to their house-warming party.
companions-in-arms: [noun] people who have been soldiers, fighting together.
Example: My two uncles were companions-in-arms during World War 2.
treasure: [verb] to have or keep something that you love and is very valuable to
Example: Thank you for your gift. I will always treasure it.
ties: [noun] strong connections between people, especially friendships or family
Example: She continues to have close ties with her old school friends, and she
often visits or calls them.
fond: [adjective] kind, happy and loving [when used before a noun].
Example: I have fond memories of my years in London.
memento: [noun] a thing that you have which reminds you of a person or place.
Example: We returned home with some mementos of our holiday in China.

37.1. Which do you think are better, old things or new things?
Wow, this is going to hard for me to choose. I mean I love buying and owning new
technology gadgets, like the latest iPhone 7, but at the same time, I also feel really
attached to old things because they remind me of so many nostalgic memories of the
good old days.
37.2. As well as family photographs, what are some other things that people
keep in their family for a long time?
Probably some old baby clothes and toys from the kids infancy or some vintage
items such as an antique clock or an old-model television. Another popular
heirloom to hand down through the generations is a favourite painting, because it
may have occupied a prominent place in the family home.
37.3. In your culture, what sorts of things do people often pass down from
generation to generation? (Why?)
For physical objects, I can only think of jewelry like gold rings or necklaces. In the
past, jewelry, especially gold, was used as backup currency, so it was probably
passed down from generation to generation to be used in an exchange for gold for
some extra cash in times of difficulties. Other than that, the elders also pass down
cultural traits to the younger generations, teaching us to be kind and compassionate,
to be frugal and diligent, and most importantly, to become dutiful sons and
daughters to our parents.
37.4. What are the benefits (=What is the value/what is the importance) of
keeping some old things in the family?
Like I said before, old things from the past usually represent a time period, memory,
or person that we loved but will never re-live or see again. For example, old toys

would most likely remind us of the time when we were loved and taken care of by
our parents and relatives, a time when we didnt worry about anything. So keeping
such tangible things those that we are familiar with often gives us a sense of
security and safety.
37.5. Do you think it's good to recall the past?
I personally think back on my past a lot, so I dont consider it a bad thing to do.
Most of the time, reminiscing about the good old days really makes me realize how
important it is to enjoy the present and be thankful for even the briefest moments of
happiness, because I can never know when I would be able to experience such
feelings ever again. Having said that, I think recalling the past too often might
actually prompt a person to detach him/herself from reality, to live too much in the
past and develop a sense of dissatisfaction towards their current life. So everything
should be in moderation.

Gadget (noun): a small device or machine with a particular purpose dng,
Example: Have you seen this handy little gadget - it's for separating egg yolks
from whites.
Attached (adjective): full of affection or fondness gn b
Example: Of course, I am very attached to my parents, and I am sure that most
children feel the same way.
Nostalgic (adjective): feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about
things that happened in the past bi hi, luyn tic qu kh
Example: Talking about our old family holidays has made me feel all nostalgic.

Infancy (noun): the state or period of babyhood or early childhood thi th u
Example: My mother said that I was very happy during my infancy and early
Vintage (adjective): of high quality and lasting value thuc loi c, c
Example: She loves buying vintage clothing, she thinks the old styles are the best.
Antique (adjective): having a high value because of age and quality c xa
Example: My grandmother has some antique silver dishes which must be 300
years old.
Heirloom (noun): a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for
many years
Example: That painting is an heirloom which has been in our family for many
To hand down (phrasal verb): to give or leave something to somebody who is
younger than you.
Example: Most of my clothes were handed down to me by my older brother
when I was a child.
Compassionate (adjective): feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others
c lng trc n, thng xt
Example: She is so compassionate and I am sure she will be an excellent nurse
when she is qualified.
Frugal (adjective): careful when using money or food, or (of a meal) cheap or
small in amount tit kim, thanh m
Example: We had very little money, so we ate frugal meals in cheap cafs.
Dutiful (adjective): willing to obey and show respect

Example: They are dutiful children who help their parents a lot with jobs around
the house.
Tangible (adjective): able to be shown, touched, or experienced hu hnh
Example: Other tangible benefits of the job include an increase in salary and
shorter working hours
To think back on sb/sth (phrasal verb): to remember and think about someone or
something ngh li v ai/iu g
Example: I like to think back on my childhood and try to remember what it was
Reminisce (verb): to talk or write about past experiences that you remember with
pleasure hi tng li qu kh
Example: My grandfather used to reminisce about his years in the navy.
To prompt sb to do sth (verb): to make someone decide to say or do something
khin ai ni/lm g
Example: I don't know what prompted him to leave.
Detach (verb): leave or separate oneself from (a group or place) tch ring
Example: He detached himself from the excitement of the match for a moment, in
order to text the score to his friends.
Moderation (noun): the quality of doing something within reasonable limits s
iu , tit ch
Example: You can eat whatever you want as long as it's in moderation. So, dont
be too greedy.

38. Describe a time when you made a mistake.

You should say:

where you were
what you were doing
what mistake you made
and explain what was the result of your mistake.

Today, I am going to share with you a time when I made a mistake. This situation
happened last year when I had to attend a final exam for my business management
The test required candidates to use a calculator because the exam involved doing a lot
of calculations. I was sure that putting the calculator into my bag was the first thing I
had done in the morning. As it turned out, I had not. I realized that I would definitely
not pass if I was not be able to borrow a calculator immediately.
I really did not want to put myself at risk of delaying my graduation plan, because I
had devoted a lot of valuable time to this subject, and had even paid money for the
upcoming semester. In panic, I figured out that I had to ask for help. I decided to
make a call to one of my classmates living in the dormitory to borrow her calculator.
Unfortunately, she was not in Hanoi at that time. As a result, I had to manage without
a calculator to deal with this difficult situation. Although I scraped by in the exam, I
failed to get a high mark. It was an extremely valuable lesson for me. I learnt the hard
way that I need to be more careful and well-prepared for the important things in my

calculator: [noun] a small electronic device for dealing with numbers.

Example: As my course is based on mathematics, I always carry a pocket
calculator with me.
turn out: [phrasal verb] to be discovered [for example, in a particular situation].
Example: The hotel room, as it turned out, was facing a busy road.
devote to: [phrasal verb] give an amount of time or attention to something.
Example: I devote two hours every evening to doing my homework.
upcoming: [adjective] going to happen soon.
Example: Who do you think will win the upcoming US Presidential election?
figure out: [phrasal verb] think about something until you understand it.
Example: I couldnt figure out how to install the software, so I asked my best
friend for advice.
dormitory: [noun] a room for several people to sleep, especially in a school,
college or other institution.
Example: He shares a dormitory with 4 other students, but he would prefer to
have his own private room.
manage: [verb] succeed in doing something difficult.
Example: Despite all the traffic on the roads, we managed to arrive at the airport
on time.
scrape by: [phrasal verb] to succeed in doing something, but with difficulty.
Example: He is happy that he scraped by in the exam, because he did not do any
learn the hard way: [expression] learn something by experience usually in an
unpleasant way.
Example: Since I fell off my motorbike last year and hurt my head, I have learnt
the hard way that I should always wear a helmet.

38.1. What should teachers do when students make mistakes?
Some teachers just scold students for making mistakes but I think they shouldnt do
that. Instead of reproaching students, teachers should point the mistake out to them
and encourage them to correct it on their own. I think its important that students
know what they did wrong and try to fix their mistakes.
38.2. What can people learn from mistakes?
I think people can learn a lot from their mistakes, or I should say people can grow up
from making mistakes and fixing them over and over again. Like they can try to
figure out at which stage they mess up so that they will be able to correct their errors
later when they try one more time. Its possible to gain a lot of experience, though
painful at times, from mistakes and this makes people mature.
38.3. Do you often make mistakes?
Yes of course. I am nowhere near perfect and when I encounter a new problem
without prior knowledge, I may mess up too. For example, when I was a kid and was
told to cook meals myself, I didnt know that the stove would burn if you turned the
gas on and left it there for too long. I nearly set fire to the whole kitchen at that time,
and it was a really scary yet unforgettable experience for me.
38.4. Can mistakes help people to be more successful?
I think mistakes alone cannot help people succeed. What really matters is their
attitude towards their mistakes. There are a lot of situations when, you know, people
make mistakes, feel depressed and give up trying. So I think what it really boils
down to in the end is peoples attitude towards their mistakes, not the mistakes

38.5. How to avoid making mistakes?
I think the best way to avoid making mistakes is to prepare yourself in advance as
much as possible, like doing some research about any potential problems you may
face, and come up with a plan to solve them. Well, of course theres no way to avoid
mistakes completely, but I believe good preparation will guarantee or at least
increase the likelihood of - a better outcome.

scold (ry la, trch mng) [verb] to speak to someone angrily because you
disapprove of their behavior
Example: His mother scolded him for breaking her favorite vase.
reproach (trch mng) [verb] to criticize someone, especially for not being
successful or not doing what is expected
Example: His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.
figure out [phrasal verb] to think about something until you understand it
Example: I cant figure out whats wrong with my computer. Can you help me?
mess up (lm sai, lm ri ln) [phrasal verb] (informal) mishandle a situation
Example: He misunderstood the message and totally messed up the companys
to be nowhere near + adjective (khng h) [expression] not nearly
Example: He was a famous singer, yet now hes nowhere near as popular as he
was before.
encounter (gp vn ) [verb] unexpectedly be faced with or experience
(something hostile or difficult)

Example: One problem frequently encountered is when and where to interfere in
an argument.
prior (trc) [adjective] existing or coming before in time, order, or importance
Example: I cant meet you tonight; I have a prior appointment.
attitude (thi ) [noun] a settled way of thinking or feeling about something
Example: He has a positive attitude towards any challenges.
boil down to [phrasal verb] to have something as a main or basic part of a
problem or situation
Example: There is no secret to passing the exam it all boils down to hard work
in the end.
in advance (trc) [expression] ahead in time
Example: You need to book this hotels rooms in advance.
come up with (ngh ra) [phrasal verb] to suggest or think of an idea or plan
Example: Shes come up with some amazing scheme to double her income.
guarantee (m bo) [verb] to promise that something will happen or exist
Example: European Airlines guarantees its customers top-quality service.
likelihood [noun] how likely something is to happen; the possibility of something
Example: The economy is in crisis, so that likelihood is that more people will
lose their jobs.

39. Describe a big company that you would like to work in.
You should say:
the name of this company
what this company does

where this company is
and explain why you would like to work in this company.

Today, I would like to talk about a big company that I would like to work in. Last
year, I had a chance to do an internship in Vincom for 3 months, and it is my dream
workplace where I want to apply for a job when I graduate.
The Vingroup, as you know, is one of the biggest corporations involved in many
different key fields, not only in Vietnam but also in other countries all over the world.
Vincom, the real estate company, is supposed to be the most important sector
contributing to the success of the Vingroup. They have taken over a lot of well-
known resorts, luxury villas and apartment buildings around Vietnam, incorporating a
huge range of additional facilities.
My major involves the property business, so I decided to do my internship there. It is
an extremely big company with dynamic and loyal staff, and a highly professional
working style as well. They formulate their business strategy clearly and try to reach
the targets which they have set. Their staff receive excellent compensation and
benefits packages.
It was a valuable chance for me to broaden my own knowledge not only in my major
but also in many other fields. It enhanced my soft skills and allowed me to enlarge
my social network. Therefore, I will try my best to become an employee in Vincom
in the near future.


internship: [noun] a period of time in which a student or new graduate gets
experience in a job, for example during vacations.
Example: My cousin is doing an internship with a company of lawyers after
graduating in law last month.
dream workplace: [noun] the ideal place where you would like to work.
Example: If you love chocolates, a chocolate factory would be your dream
real estate: [noun] property in the form of land or buildings.
Example: My aunt works in a real estate company, selling and renting houses to
take over: [phrasal verb] gain control of.
Example: His small electronics company was taken over by Samsung.
resorts: [noun] a place where a lot of people go on holiday/vacation.
Example: Many British tourists go to beach resorts in Thailand.
luxury villas: [noun] expensive houses where people stay on holiday/vacation.
Example: The luxury villas in Spain have private swimming pools and expensive
facilities: [noun] services or equipment that are provided for a particular purpose.
Example: The hotel has many facilities, such as satellite TVs in every room and
free wi-fi internet connection.
dynamic: [adjective] having a lot of energy and strong personality.
Example: We have to say that Batman and Superman are dynamic characters.
loyal: [adjective] always supporting someone or something.
Example: The minister has always been a loyal friend to the President.
formulate: [verb] to create or prepare something carefully and in detail.

Example: The owners of the company formulated a plan to take over a rival
compensation: [noun] something, especially money, which you receive if you
have been hurt, injured or if you have suffered in some way.
Example: When my father lost his job, the company paid him compensation of a
full salary for 1 year.
benefits package: [noun] a number of things which an employer provides in
addition to paying your salary.
Example: The job offers a good benefits package, which includes free health
insurance and the use of a company car.
soft skills: [noun] personal qualities that enable you to deal successfully with
other people.
Example: Candidates for the job should have soft skills, such as working well in
a team and an ability to listen to and respect the opinions of work colleagues.


39.1. What are the differences between big companies and small companies?
Without question, one of the clear differences that define smaller and large
organizations is the businesss size, which can be measured by either the number of
employees or the total annual sales. As far as I know, in the US, a business with more
than 500 employees or $7 million in total annual receipts is already considered a big
company. Aside from that, many small companies start as sole proprietorships or
partnerships, whereas large companies are often organized as corporations that pay
taxes separately from the owners. Also, I think small companies generally focus on a
niche market, while larger companies tend to offer more products and services to a

wider variety of consumers.
39.2. Are there many big companies in your country?
Yeah, probably. State-owned enterprises, such as PetroVietnam, Vietnam
Electricity and Viettel Group, I think, are some of the largest firms in Vietnam and
they play an important role in the country's economy.
39.3. What are the good things about working for a big company?
The most significant benefit of working for a large company has to be the valuable
experience one is going to gain from meeting and working with the smartest people
in the industry; from running the most modern and expensive pieces of equipment;
and from travelling to different places of the world to work on large-scale projects.
Besides, you can learn an awful lot about the art of politics and develop your
diplomacy skills, plus the opportunity to make connections with people inside and
outside of the company, which will come in handy when you are out on your own.
39.4. How can a small company grow big?
From what I know from studying business at university, a small business can expand
through acquisition of assets, including personnel, while making sure that sales
increase in step with such expansion. In order to expand, business owners would
need to develop effective systems to handle the daily activities in order to focus their
attention on growing the business. Additionally, innovative small companies can
benefit considerably from partnering with larger but oftentimes slower moving firms,
thus securing a bigger market share resulting from access to the larger companys
sales force and channels, along with increased revenue and a boost in credibility.
39.5. Should big companies donate more to charities?
Definitely. Corporations can acquire a favorable image from giving to charity. From
a humanistic perspective, giving back to the community can boost employee

morale, by helping the staff become more socially aware and bonding with their
colleagues as they team up to help those in need. From a business perspective, when
a business makes donations to worthy local causes, its image is often enhanced in the
publics perception. Sponsoring a charity event that has some connection with the
activities of the business is also a great way to do some good, while at the same time
getting the companys name out into the community.
39.6. Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the
Yes, I believe a richer corporation should be subject to a greater fine than a poorer
one. It, however, concerns me that many innocent people would end up losing their
jobs. There is a danger that such innocent vicims might suffer more than just some
individual wrongdoers and executives of the company if astronomical financial
penalties were imposed on the corporation rather than the real individual culprits.

Sole proprietorship (noun): a business that is owned and operated by only one
person doanh nghip c th
Example: A company that is a sole proprietorship is owned by one person, who
reports the profits on a personal income-tax return.
Niche market (noun): the subset of the market on which a specific product is
focused th trng ngch/khe
Example: My friend found a profitable niche markets looking after pets while
their owners were away.
State-owned (adjective): owned by the government c s hu bi Nh

Example: Many people bought shares in the former state-owned airline when it
was privatized in 2009.
Diplomacy (noun): the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and tactful way
ti ngoi giao
Example: All these conflicts were eventually resolved by diplomacy and
To come in handy (expression): to be useful tr nn hu ch
Example: I think that this gadget will come in handy in the kitchen.
Acquisition (noun): the process of getting something s ginh c
Example: The acquisition of huge amounts of data has helped our research
In step with (expression): at the same speed or level as something else
Example: The price of gasoline increased in step with international oil prices.
Humanistic (adjective): relating to or supporting the principles of humanism
nhn o, nhn vn
Example: The general had a humanistic concern for his soldiers and never
exposed them to danger without good reasons.
Morale (noun): the amount of confidence felt by a person or group of people
tinh thn, nhu kh
Example: A couple of victories would improve the team's morale enormously.
Executive (noun): a person with an important job as the manager of a business.
Example: My father is a top executive, responsible for the companys sales.
Astronomical (adjective): extremely large v cng to ln
Example: The price of a new house is astronomical, so I will have to continue

Culprit (noun): a person who has done something wrong or illegal.
Example: The police are looking for the culprits responsible for robbing the

40. Describe a useful app or computer program for a smart phone, computer
or tablet that you have used.
You should say:
what the app is
how long/how often you have used it (or, been using it)
what you use it for
and explain why you think it is useful.

Well, developments in technology have been providing a lot of smart applications
for users, which allows them to access entertainment and also to work more
effectively. One of those apps that youngsters have been using more and more in
their tablets and mobile phones is definitely Camera 360. And I am no exception.
This application is all about taking pictures and editing photos.
I have been a big fan of this application since I started using my Iphone 5 years ago.
Like many other apps, the designer has kept working on it to incorporate more
impressive effects so that it can compete with any other photo application.
My hobby is taking photos with my friends no matter what mood Im in, so I tend to
use this particular app as my favourite tool to make changes to the pictures to make
them look more lively and interesting. This is where Camera 360 comes in handy.

What I really appreciate is that Camera 360 is full of fun features bringing many
options with special filters, effects, themes and frames. I love how easily it can help
my photos appear more professional than my original ones, although Im not really a
photoshop expert. Thanks to this app, I am likely to be taking pictures more
frequently now that I feel extremely confident about posting them on social
networking sites.

edit: [verb] make changes to text, data or images on a screen.
Example: Editing photos can make them appear much more professional by
removing unwanted parts of the image.
fan: [noun] a person who admires or enjoys watching or listening to
Example: My son is a big football fan of Barcelona, and he watches all their
games on TV.
work on: [phrasal verb] try hard to improve something, or how something
Example: She works on her yoga skills by practising the exercises every day.
incorporate: [verb] include something, so that it then forms part of something.
Example: Many of your ideas have been incorporated into the project.
impressive: [adjective] people or things that make you feel admiration, for some
good quality that they have.
Example: The examiners agreed that she was very impressive during the
speaking test.

compete with: [phrasal verb] try to be better or more successful than someone
who is trying to do the same thing as you.
Example: In the race, I had to compete with 5 other athletes to win the gold
mood: [noun] the way that you are feeling at a particular time.
Example: Im not really in the mood to go to the party tonight.
come in handy: [expression] be useful.
Example: Dont throw your revision notes away they may come in handy for
next years course.
fun features: [noun] entertaining characteristics or things about a particular
Example: My latest iphone comes with lots of fun features which keep me
amused for hours.
post: [verb] put information or pictures on a website.
Example: Her brother has just posted some photos on their holiday on Facebook.


40.1. What are popular apps for young people in Vietnam?
Well, I suppose that the most common ones are social networking apps, such as
Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. This is mainly because in this era of
technology, the fastest way to communicate with people all over the world is to use
those social apps. Its easy to see young people surfing Facebook or chatting with
friends on free texting apps, or posting their photos on Instagram anytime and
anywhere. I think such apps are really helpful, but if youngsters get addicted to them,
its kind of time-consuming and also harmful to their eyes as well.

40.2. What kinds of app do you have on your phone?
Most of them are social media apps and productivity apps. Social apps such as
Facebook and Messenger are the things I cant live without, because most of my
friends also use them, so they have become the common ways for us to keep in
touch with each other and chat amongst ourselves. Besides, productivity apps,
namely Gmail, Outlook and Trello help me keep track of my work, therefore Im
able to set a reasonable timetable for myself everyday. Additionally, I also
downloaded some entertainment apps so that I can relax by playing games or
listening to music.
40.3. What are the drawbacks of having too many apps on your phone?
Of course there are a couple of disadvantages. The most obvious one might be that
its time-consuming if users spend too much time on them. Many people, especially
teenagers, keep using their phones too much in a ridiculous way. For example, they
post something on Facebook, then they keep checking if anyone comments or reacts
to their posts and reply to those comments. It sounds simple but it takes up almost all
of their time in the course of a day, and then the day has passed without any job being
done. Another minus point may be the waste of storage of the phone as many apps
have been downloaded and unused, theres no storage to get other useful ones.
40.4. How much time do you spend on these apps?
It depends on each kind of apps. For instance, I spend time on Facebook and
Messenger the most because I keep my phone connected with the Internet almost all
the time, then everytime theres a new notification, Ill check and reply to my
friends. For productivity apps, I check them every 3 or 4 hours to make sure that I
know my schedule of the day and if any change happens at work. In addition, I spend

around 1 hour every day to relax with entertainment apps, such as reading books on
Kindle, watching videos on Youtube or playing games.
40.5. Do you like to look for new apps or just keep using the old ones?
I normally keep using old apps for a long time as I feel that theyre the most user-
friendly and useful ones, so theres no point in changing to another one if the old app
still works well and satisfies my needs. For example, today therere various kinds of
free texting apps online, but Ive been using Messenger and Viber for years and two
of them are enough for me, so I dont download any other texting apps. However,
regarding games, I often look for new ones because for me, playing a new game is
like starting a new challenge.
40.6. Do you use free apps or the ones that you need to pay for?
Well, actually, most the the apps on my phone are free of charge. This is mainly
because those free apps are quite enough to fulfill all of my requirements and I feel
theres no need to pay for an app that I dont really need. In addition, the payment
procedures are a little bit complicated for me to understand and follow as I dont
have a credit card, so I prefer the easier way. However, sometimes I find extremely
exciting apps that Im really into, but if theyre paid ones, then I have to ask my
friends to help me pay for them.

Era (noun) Thi i, k nguyn a period of time in history that is different from
other periods, because of particular characteristics or events
Example: When she retired after 50 years working in the same company, it was
like the end of an era.
Time-consuming (adjective) Tn thi gian taking or needing a lot of time.

Example: Its quite time-consuming having to check all the labels individually.
Productivity (noun) Nng sut, hiu sut the rate at which a worker, a company
or a country produces goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much
time, work and money is needed to produce them
Example: The inspector is in the factory to study the productivity of the workers.
To keep in touch with (expression) Gi lin lc to maintain communications
with someone; to maintain up-to-date knowledge about someone or something.
Example: After my neighbor moved, we still kept in touch by phone and e-mail.
To keep track of (expression) Theo di to continue to be informed about
somebody or something
Example: I've never been very good at keeping track of how I spend my money.
Storage (noun) Lu tr trong b nh the process of keeping something in a
particular place until it is needed; the space where things can be kept
Example: There's a lot of storage space in the loft, so we can store the old
furniture there.
Notification (noun) Thng bo the act of giving or receiving official
information about something.
Example: I received notification from the university of the date of my exam.
No point in (expresssion) V ch no purpose in doing something
Example: Theres no point in going to the library, it will be closed at this time.
Procedure (noun) Quy trnh a way of doing something, especially the usual or
correct way

41. Describe a course you would like to study (or, do).

You should say:

what course it is (or, would be)
where you would do it
what you would learn in that course
and explain why you would like to do this course.

Well, speaking of the course Id like to do, I would say that its an English course.
Today, English is considered to be the most important language in the world. Thats
why it became one of the compulsory subjects and we now have to study English
from elementary onwards.
Id like to get admitted to the Foreign Trade University which offers a professional
course in Business English. They have a good reputation for teaching this course
effectively to a high standard. As I have other classes in the morning, I would like to
enroll in the afternoon course. Also, the course fee is both cheap and convenient for
me to pay using my bank account.
There are so many reasons why Id like to enroll in an English course. First of all,
English is an international language, hence, having a knowledge of English can help
people around the world to communicate better. Second, it also gives us countless
opportunities to become more acquainted with other cultures. We depend on English
to keep up to date with the latest news from all over the world, since almost all the
books and magazines are written in this language. Finally, learning English can really
help us in our careers and enhance our CVs, as these days, many firms need good
office employees to conduct international business.


compulsory: [adjective] that must be done because of a rule or law.
Example: In some countries, it is compulsory to attend school until the age of 16.
onwards: [adverb] continuing from a particular time.
Example: I will be in my office from 8:00 am onwards, until I leave at 6:00 in
the evening.
reputation: [noun] the opinion that people have about someone/something is like,
based on what has happened in the past.
Example: The restaurant enjoys an international reputation for the best Thai
countless: [adjective] very many; too many to be counted or mentioned.
Example: The teacher has warned him countless times to pay attention in class.
acquainted: [adjective] familiar with something having seen, heard or read it.
Example: The students are already acquainted with the history of our country,
having studied it at elementary level.
keep up to date with: [expression] be informed about the latest information.
Example: I watch the news on TV every day, in order to keep up to date with
the political situation.
CVs: [noun] short descriptions of your education and qualifications, which you
give to an employer when you go for an interview.
Example: Students should make sure that they write good CVs, to help them
when they apply for a job.
firm: [noun] company.
Example: She works for a firm of lawyers in Paris.
conduct: [verb] organize or do a particular activity.
Example: The school has decided to conduct all its classes in English.

41.1. Should schools teach both arts and science?
Yes, they should. Our brain is divided into the left and right brain, in which the left
brain is responsible for the artistic and creative side and the right brain is in charge of
the academic logical functions. Therefore, students should be taught both arts and
science subjects in order to help them develop the cerebral hemisphere holistically.
They will also be able to explore and develop their own interests from an early age.
41.2. What kinds of courses are useful for university students?
In my opinion, courses about specialist knowledge are very necessary for university
students so that they can acquire sufficient knowledge for their future career. In
addition, they should also take part in courses teaching soft skills, such as problem
solving or communication skills, because these are very important in work as well as
in social life.
41.3. Why do some students dislike studying at school?
At the present, most students have to spend a huge amount of time at school and the
curriculum is very hard too; therefore, they may feel exhausted by this workload and
have little time for their hobbies. Some students also hate the feeling of being
controlled by teachers and rebel against strict rules, so that they dislike studying at
41.4. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?
Personally, I think extracurricular activities organized by schools like camping or
school visits to places like museums or zoos are beneficial for students to build up
their confidence and communication skills. In addition, the creativity of children can

be stimulated through activities like music and drama. Finally, sports and games are
essential to ensure that children get enough physical exercise.

Cerebral hemisphere (noun): (bn cu no) one of the two halves of
the cerebrum (brain), each of which controls different functions
Example: Students should be taught both arts and science subjects in order to help
them develop the cerebral hemisphere equally.
Holistically (adverb): in a way that considers things as a whole, not just as a
collection of parts
Example: In dealing with criminals, we have to judge them holistically by
considering their character and also their social circumstances.
Acquire (verb): (ginh c, t c) to gain something by your own efforts,
ability or behavior
Example: He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty.
Workload (noun): the amount of work that a person has to do
Example: I have to stay late at the office again today my workload is simply
too much for one person to do.
Rebel (verb): to fight against or refuse to obey an authority your school, your
parents, the government
Example: He rebelled against the strict rules imposed by his parents.
Extracurricular activities (noun): (hot ng ngoi kha) An activity or subject
which is not part of the usual school or college timetable.

Example: Extracurricular activities organized by schools like camping or
playing team sports are beneficial for students to build up their confidence and
communication skills.
Creativity (noun): the ability to use skill and imagination to produce something
Example: The children used their imagination to write some great stories, and the
teacher praised their creativity.
Stimulate (verb): to encourage somebody to be interested in something
Example: The film about dinosaurs has stimulated my interest in them.

42. Describe a difficult decision that you made.
You should say:
what decision it was
what difficulties you faced
how you made the decision
and explain why it was a difficult decision.

It was when I prepared the application form for the university entrance exam that I
had to make an important but difficult decision. At that time, I was at a crossroads,
where I had to decide which university to apply for. Actually, my interest was in
economics, which was taught in two separate universities, one of which specialized
in international trade while the other focused more on the national economy.
Fortunately, my sister, who graduated from an economics college, gave me some
sound advice. Having weighed up the pros and cons of each school, she encouraged

me to choose the university specializing in international trade. Finally, I applied
for this school after thinking carefully about all the options.
At present, I feel so satisfied with the learning environment of this university that I
am always thankful for my decision as well as my sisters advice. Without her
guidance, I probably wouldnt be as content with my university life as I am.

at a crossroads: [expression] at an important point in someones life or
Example: His life was at a crossroads whether to join the army or to continue
studying at university.
sound advice: [adjective and noun combination] sensible and reliable advice.
Example: My parents gave me sound advice about my choice of career.
weighed up the pros and cons: [expression] considered carefully the advantages
and disadvantages of something.
Example: Having weighed up the pros and cons, I decided that it would be
more useful for me to learn English rather than French.
learning environment: [noun phrase] the conditions that affect the behaviour
and development of people who are learning a subject.
Example: The school had the latest technology, the buildings were modern and
the teachers were very helpful it was the perfect learning environment.


42.1. Whats the most important factor in decision-making?
There are many elements that play a part in the decision-making process, but the

most important factor influencing decision-making, for me, is the examination of
various options, as well as an understanding of the potential outcomes of such a
decision. If I were the decision maker, I would weigh the benefits and risks of all
possible alternatives before deciding on the best solution.
42.2. Should parents make decisions for their children?
I personally believe that children do need adults help in decision-making. I know
from my own experience that the route to full adult abstraction from child-like
concrete thinking may be bumpy at best, but parents can certainly help to make such
a transition as healthy for their kids as possible, by advising and assisting them in
making some of the most important decisions in their life. Having said that, teens
should still be allowed to make their own choices if they want to, since I think it is
just part of growing up to be responsible for their decisions, to discover and figure
out who they are, and to learn to be independent.
42.3. What can people learn from wrong decisions?
It is my view that every decision that you make, regardless of it being right or wrong,
gives you the opportunity to take credit for creating your own life, since it was once
something that you wanted, or else you wouldnt have done it. Besides, bad
decisions, I believe, are just an opportunity for you to to experience, to learn and to
feel. You learn not to fear taking risks and to be willing to accept the consequences
of your actions.
42.4. Do you like to make quick decisions?
Im a bit indecisive so I do wish that I could have better decision-making skills.
Nevertheless, I dont want to be impulsive and make a snap decision based solely on
my intuition. I think that I need to get to know myself better so that I can have more
confidence in making my own choices.

42.5. Do you think adults always make better decisions than children?
Maybe, but not all the time. Sometimes, adults might not be the better decision
makers since we all know how grown-ups tend to complicate things and so, fail to see
what it is that their hearts really yearn for. In those situations, children might be
better at making decisions, as they often have a better idea of what they want.

Alternative (noun): available as another possibility or choice s la chn
Example: In fact the experience made me wish that I had taken an alternative
form of transport.
Abstraction (noun): an idea that develops by looking at or thinking about a
number of different things s rt ra
Example: The paintings represent an abstraction of beauty, they are not
paintings of real life objects or people.
Bumpy (adjective): uncomfortable, with some difficulties
Example: Most relationships between married couples are bumpy at times.
Transition (noun): the process or a period of changing from one state or condition
to another s chuyn tip
Marriage is the most important stage in a person's life, marking the official
transition to adulthood.
To figure out sth (phrasal verb): to understand something by thinking about it
nhn ra iu g
Example: After I figured out that I would earn only eighty cents an hour, I said
forget it.

To take credit for (expression): to allow people to believe that one has done
something praiseworthy, whether or not one has actually done it nhn cng lao
v mnh
Example: Mary took credit for everything that Dave did, which was very unfair.
Indecisive (adjective): not good at making decisions khng qu quyt
Example: He is widely thought to be an indecisive leader.
Impulsive (adjective): acting or done suddenly without any planning or
consideration of the results bc ng
Example: Shes an impulsive shopper and often buys things she doesnt need.
Snap (adjective): done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or
without notice t xut, bt thn
Example: But when the opportunity presented itself, I had to make a snap
Intuition (noun): an ability to understand or know something immediately based
on your feelings rather than facts trc gic
Example: Often there's no clear evidence one way or the other and you just have
to base your judgment on intuition.
To yearn for sb/sth (verb): to desire someone or something strongly mong mi,
khao kht
Example: Mary yearned for a big bowl of high-butterfat ice cream.

43. Describe a time when you tried a new food for the first time.
You should say:
what food it was
where you ate it

what it tasted like
and explain whether or not you liked this food

Well, Im a great fan of barbecues and I would like to talk about the first time I tried
some typical barbecue food. This happened when I was 10 years old.
My familiy went out to have dinner to celebrate my younger sisters birthday. After
putting so much thought into some new savoury food to have for our meal, we
decided to go to a BBQ restautant on Ba Trieu street.
We ordered four dishes with three different tastes. One of them which really
interested me was grilled-Australian beef, flavoured with something spicy, rich and
aromatic. It not only tasted delicious, but also looked appealing. Also, it went well
with two kinds of dipping sauces and was served with baguettes. There was also a
salad, which gave it a mild taste to contrast with the spicy flavours.
The idea of a barbecue originated in America, and for us it was a novel and
sophisticated meal.
What I really enjoyed was that we could watch as it was cooked in front of us. I
loved how juicy it was and the aroma it had. Just mentioning it makes my mouth
water. I mean, the BBQ was out of this world. That was the first time I had tried it,
and I would have liked to have kept on coming back for more, but I was just too

barbecues: [noun] a meal, usually eaten outdoors, which is cooked over an open

Example: Every summer, my friends and I have barbecues on the beach and we
each bring some beef or other meat to grill.
put thought into: [expression] considered seriously and carefully.
Example: I put so much thought into my school project that I received a very
high score.
savoury: [adjective] having a delicious taste, usually containing salt.
Example: We ate some tasty savoury biscuits with cheese to finish our meal.
dish: [noun] food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal.
Example: Our meal arrived at the table two dishes of meat, with rice and salad.
flavour: [verb] add to food to give it a special taste.
Example: The fish was flavoured with spices and it tasted delicious.
aromatic: [adjective] having a pleasant smell or aroma.
Example: She grows a number of aromatic plants in her garden.
dipping sauces: [noun] different types of sauces in which you can put your food
quickly, take the food out again and eat it.
Example: The chef flavours his dipping sauces with different spices some
sweet spices and some hot ones.
baguettes: [noun] white bread in the shape of long sticks.
Example: The cheese baguettes which we ordered were hard on the outside and
soft on the inside.
mild: [adjective] not strong or severe.
Example: I prefer cheese that is mild rather than cheese with a strong flavour.
originate: [verb] happen or appear for the first time in a particular place or
Example: Tobacco originated in America and was later brought to Europe.

novel: [adjective] new, and different from anything known before.
Example: Drive-in restaurants are a novel idea which originated in America.
sophisticated: [adjective] typical of rich or socially important people.
Example: They like to dress in very sophisticated clothes, although they dont
have a lot of money.
juicy: [adjective] having a lot of juice, so that it is good to eat.
Example: He bought some delicious juicy oranges at the market.
makes my mouth water: [expression] makes me feel hungry.
Example: Thinking about Thai cuisine makes my mouth water.
out of this world: [expression] wonderful and exciting.
Example: The new James Bond film is out of this world.
full: [adjective] having had enough to eat.
Example: Although I was full after lunch, I still ate an ice-cream in the afternoon.


43.1. Do you like to try new food?
To be honest, my mothers always complaining about me being a picky eater I
always refuse to eat something Ive never experienced. I, myself, also dont know the
actual reason why Im reluctant to try unfamiliar foods. I just feel nervous and
uncomfortable when it comes to new foods.
43.2. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
Well, western food used to be the most popular foreign food in Vietnam, but recently
young Vietnamese people have shown a strong /deep interest in Korean foods.
Hallyu, which refers to Korean culture in Korean music and dramas, has caught on all

over our country. And very soon after, the interest of local people in Hallyu translated
into increased purchasing of Korean foods.
43.3. Do you like to cook at home?
Actually, Im a big fan of home cooking. If I had enough time, I would pass on
prepared foods, retreat from restaurants cook my own meals. I can season and
prepare them to suit my own personal tastes. Besides that, cooking at home helps me
to put money in my pocket and avoid food poisoning since I can pick fresh
ingredients of my own.
43.4. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?
Compared to eating at home, dining out might set you back more money. In fact, the
restaurant experience has some additional costs like service charges that make the
price of dishes outrageous. However, Vietnam is also renowned for street cuisine
with delicious and cheap foods on the citys sidewalks. With those foods, you can eat
out even when youre on a low budget.
43.5. Whats the difference between Vietnamese food and western food?
I suppose the fundamental difference between Vietnamese and western cuisine lies
in their taste and ingredients. Western foods have a tendency to pair ingredients that
share many of the same flavor compounds. Vietnamese cuisines, however, do
precisely the contrary, avoiding ingredients that share the same taste combinations.
43.6. What do you think about traditional food?
Well, traditional food refers to foods and dishes that are passed down through the
generations, so its values are not only about cuisine but also related to the history and
culture of each country. Nowadays, traditional food plays a crucial role in tourism
development as well. I reckon that its necessary to develop an incredibly rich and
varied traditional food culture to attract more foreign travelers.

Picky eater (ngi kn n) [noun] A person that is adverse to a wide variety of
foods; additionally picky eaters often display an unwillingness to try new foods or
any food that contains even a small amount of a food they do not like.
Example: Sally won't eat broccoli because she hates green vegetables. She is such
a picky eater.
Reluctant (do d) [adj] not willing to do something and slow to do it
Example: The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
Season (nm gia v) [verb] to improve the flavour of savoury food by adding salt,
herbs, or spices when cooking or preparing it
Example: Drain the rice, stir in the salmon and season to taste.
Put money in ones pocket (tit kim tin) [idiom] to save money
Example: I read an article about ways to put money in your pocket and find it
pretty impractical.
Set sb back (tn km) [phrasal verb] to cost someone a large amount of money
Example: It's a handy gadget and will only set you back about $15.
Renowned (ni ting) [adj] famous for something
Example: The region is renowned for its outstanding natural beauty.
To be on a low budget (ht tin) [idiom] the same as short of money
Example: We just go window shopping since were now on a low budget.
Fundamental (c bn, ch cht) [adj] forming the base, from which everything
else develops or more important than anything
Example: Some understanding of grammar is fundamental to learning a language.

44. Describe an activity you do for your health or fitness.
You should say:
what you do
how often you do it
where you do it
and explain how you think this activity helps you stay healthy or fit.

Staying in good shape is everyones concern and I am no exception. To be honest, I
have been so caught up in my study since I entered university that I have a problem
in organizing my daily routine. However, I have been participating in a yoga class
for about 2 years, which takes me only 1 hour a day, to try to lead a healthy
Unlike dancing or running, yoga definitely involves stretching actions. You might
look at yoga and think that it is light and easy but it is more demanding than it
appears. Yoga allows me to work on all the parts of my body. It can burn a lot of
calories in just one hour of training. Also, it enhances my flexibility and suppleness
in every single movement.
What I enjoy the most about yoga is meditation. It is all about regulating your
breathing and helping you take things off your mind easily. Another thing is that
doing yoga is supposed to be good for curing headaches and digestion-related
problems, so it benefits not only physical well-being but also mental health.
By maintaining a schedule of taking part in the yoga class on a daily basis, I feel
extremely relaxed and full of energy after the class. It helps me to keep fit and

refresh my mind after a long stressful day. And of course, I dont see myself
stopping practicing this activity any time soon.

in good shape: [expression] the good physical condition of someone.
Example: For a man of his age, he is in good shape.
caught up: [phrasal verb] completely involved in something.
Example: He was so caught up in the TV program, that he forgot to do his
stretching actions: [noun] actions which make your muscles stronger by
exercises in which you extend your arms and legs.
Example: When I get up in the morning, I do some stretching actions to exercise
the muscles in my arms.
demanding: [adjective] needing a lot of effort.
Example: The work of a farmer is physically very demanding.
work on: [phrasal verb] try hard to improve something, or how something
Example: She works on her yoga skills by practising the exercises every day.
burn a lot of calories: [expression] use up a lot of energy [that comes from the
food we eat].
Example: One reason why people do exercise is to burn a lot of calories and
lose weight.
flexibility: [noun] the ability to move and bend your body easily.
Example: Regular exercise helps older people to maintain their flexibility,
especially by stretching their muscles.

suppleness: [noun] the ability to move and bend your body into different
positions it is a synonym for flexibility.
Example: Different yoga movements develop suppleness in different muscles.
meditation: [noun] thinking deeply in silence, to make you feel calm.
Example: To help you to relax, try meditation after a stressful day at work.
regulating your breathing: [expression] controlling the way in which you breathe
in and out.
Example: An important part of learning how to swim is regulating your
take things off your mind: [expression] forget things which are causing you
anxiety or stress.
Example: After an exam, I usually have a short holiday, to take things off my
mind and enjoy myself.
cure: [verb] make an illness go away.
Example: The website advertises a new drug for curing AIDS.
digestion: [noun] the process of changing the food you eat into substances that
the body can use.
Example: Unlike cows or horses, the digestion of grass is impossible for humans.
well-being: [noun] general health and happiness.
Example: The company tries to ensure the well-being of its employees by
providing good working conditions.
schedule: [noun] a plan that lists all the things that you have to do and when you
must do them.
Example: For the next few days, I have a busy schedule, which includes my yoga
class each morning.

I dont see myself stopping: [expression] I dont think that I will stop.
Example: I dont see myself stopping working in the next 10 years because I
have to support my family.
any time soon: [expression] in the near future, soon.
Example: I should receive the exam results any time soon perhaps tomorrow.


44.1. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
I think in Vietnam, the elders usually get up early and go to the park to either walk or
do some exercise there, like yoga or taichi. In Hanoi particularly, I can see a lot of
old women take part in outdoor aerobics classes around Hoan Kiem Lake in the early
44.2. What kinds of sports are popular in Vietnam?
I would say soccer is still the most popular sport in Vietnam. Other than that, our
country still keeps participating in some traditional Chinese sports such as table
tennis or badminton. A few other sports from other nations around the world such as
judo, karate or taekwondo are also very popular with the youth in Vietnam.
44.3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
It is my view that children should be allowed to play dangerous sports, provided that
sufficient research is done about how dangerous the sport might be to the youth and
whether they are physically fit enough to cope with the dangers that come with
playing such sport. Safety of the young players should also be given top priority for
these sports.
44.4. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?

I think to stay fit, its important that we lead a healthy lifestyle and follow a healthy
diet along with some daily exercise. For example, I heard that its much better to
walk than to sit after having a meal and it is advised that we should never skip
breakfast, as it is the most important meal of the day. Drinking plenty of water and
eating lots of fruit salad should also be made a part of our daily habits. I bet you can
find a good deal of health tips like these from many reliable sources on the Internet.
44.5. What do parents do to make their children like sports?
In my opinion, if a kid is good at playing a particular sport, he or she will normally
enjoy doing it and vice versa. If, through parents forcing participation in a sport,
children acquire a talent or knack for it, there is a much higher likelihood that they
will begin to enjoy it. Nevertheless, if the child expresses immediate dislike for the
sport, I believe the parents should not continue to force their participation, for deep
down, the kids might feel resentful and not apply themselves fully and so it won't
usually lead to any level of ability or talent in the sport.

Taichi (noun): thi cc quyn
The gentle movements of taichi reduce stress and offer other health benefits.
Priority (noun): a thing that is regarded as more important than others s u
Decide on your priorities and they will define and create your opportunities.
Skip (verb): fail to attend or deal with as appropriate; miss b qua
Children who skip breakfast can find it difficult to concentrate in class.
To have a knack for sth: to be exceptionally proficient at (doing) something
c khiu, s trng lm g

Jenny's got a real knack for the piano.
Resentful (adj): feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been
treated unfairly cm thy phn ut bc bi
He was angry and resentful of their intrusion.

45. Describe a situation that made you a little angry.

You should say:
what it was that made you angry
where you were when this happened
what you were doing at the time
who you were with
and explain how you handled this situation or
and explain why you felt angry.

Today, I would like to share with you a situation that made me a little angry. Two
months ago when I did some online shopping for a jacket on the internet, I had the
worst online shopping experience ever, which made me so annoyed.
I was surfing the internet to browse the options, looking for a warm casual jacket to
get me through the colder weather that will soon be upon us. I stumbled upon one
that was exactly what I wanted, so I left a comment to catch the sellers attention. I
decided to order and pay for it and asked for it to be delivered to my house as soon as
possible. She promised me that it would arrive within 2 days.
However, after 2 days I had received nothing. I found myself being cheated and it
really made my blood boil. I tried my best to reach her to ask about the jacket which I

had paid for, but there was never any answer at all when I tried to contact her. Thats
when it dawned on me that she had lied to me and the whole thing was a scam. My
anger grew and I felt frustrated and confused at that time, because I could not do
anything about it.
So, I learned the hard way that it was so risky to buy products online. I should not
have done it. In future, if I come across something on the internet that I would really
like, I will head for a store to check it out carefully before making a purchase

surf: [verb] use [the internet].
Example: I am surfing the internet for information about the new James Bond
browse: [verb] look at a lot of things, hoping to find something that you like.
Example: I sometimes go to my local bookstore to browse through the fiction
casual: [adjective] comfortable and informal clothes.
Example: In my spare time, when I dont have to go to work, I prefer to wear
casual clothes.
get me through: [expression] help me to cope with a situation successfully.
Example: When I cant sleep, I sometimes watch TV to help get me through the
stumble upon: [phrasal verb] discover something/someone unexpectedly.
Example: While I was browsing through some websites, I stumbled upon the
information that I needed for my essay.

cheat: [verb] trick someone or make them believe something which is not true.
Example: Many people felt cheated when the government failed to build more
schools, as it had promised to do.
made my blood boil: [expression] cause someone to be angry.
Example: When my laptop was stolen, it made my blood boil and I needed a few
minutes to calm down.
dawn on: [phrasal verb] realize something for the first time.
Example: When I entered the airport, it dawned on me that I had forgotten my
scam: [noun] a clever and dishonest plan for making money.
Example: The offer of a free holiday was false. It was simply a scam to
encourage people to buy tickets from the airline.
learned the hard way: [expression] learn from a bad experience, rather than being
Example: After I had an accident on my bike, I learned the hard way that I
should always wear a protective helmet.
risky: [adjective] involving the possibility of something bad happening.
Example: Working on a construction site is a risky job you always have to be
head for: [phrasal verb] go towards, go to find something.
Example: While my wife went looking for a new coat to buy, I headed for the
nearest coffee shop!


45.1. How do you control your anger?

Well, the first thing I do to calm myself down is to take a deep breath. Breathing
slowly in a controlled way helps me to relieve my anger. Then, depending on each
situation, I will visualize a relaxing experience from my memory or try a non-
strenuous, slow exercise like yoga to make my anger subside.
45.2. Why do some people get angry easily?
Well, I bet most people will say that theyre short-tempered due to their own
personality. But I suppose the fact that they get angry easily shows that they dont
respect the situation theyre in or the people theyre talking to. For example, one can
easily take out his anger on his friends or inferiors, but what about his superior? Or
his instructors? There is no excuse it stems from a lack of self-control.
45.3. Is it important to be calm?
Obviously it is. Only mental calm can lead to clarity of mind and inner peace in each
person. With those things, no matter what comes our way, we can analyze the
situation, imagine what will happen when we react hot-headedly, and then, find out
the best solutions instead. In addition to that, calm doesnt just affect us individually.
Your being calm will make you more reliable and will make people around you feel
45.4. What would you do if you make others angry at you?
Actually, it depends on each situation. Normally, I would find ways to calm them
down maybe a cup of tea or a timeout can work it out. During a time-out period, I
would do something calming to get a handle on my own emotions and give the other
person time to cool down. And then, we can discuss the issue later. If Im the one at
fault, I will apologize in a humble and polite manner.
45.5. In what ways can people manage their anger well?

As I said already, I will take a deep breath, do some yoga exercises and Id
recommend them as good ways for anyone to manage their anger, and so I think that
everyone should give them a go. Another method maybe is collecting your thoughts
before saying anything, because in the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something
you'll later regret. Well, Im afraid thats all off the top of my head now.

Subside [verb] to become calmer or quieter
Example: After her anger had subsided, we talked calmly and came to an
Short-tempered (nng tnh) [adj] If someone is short-tempered, they get angry
easily, often for no good reason.
Example: She wished to apologize for being so short-tempered that day.
Take out [phrasal verb] to behave in an unpleasant way to somebody, because
you are angry, although it is not their fault.
Example: After he failed his exam, he took out his disappointment on his
Stem from [phrasal verb] to be the result of something
Example: His fear of dogs stems from the time that a dog bit him when he was a
Inner peace (tm thanh tnh, bnh yn) [expression] refers to a state of being
mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to
keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress.
Example: Finding inner peace is often associated with traditions such as
Hinduism and Buddhism.

Hot-headedly (nng ny) [adv] do things or reacts to things quickly and without
thinking carefully first
Example: I hot-headedly chased the criminal out of the bank, and that is when he
shot me.
Timeout (tm dng) [expression] used to tell people to stop what they are doing,
especially when they are having a disagreement
Example: OK, timeout everyone, let's all quiet down and talk about this calmly.
Cool down (h ha) [phrasal verb] to reduce someone's anger.
Example: After the girls were kept apart for a while, tempers cooled down and the
shouting stopped.
Humble (khim tn) [adj] not proud or not believing that you are important
Example: He's very humble about his success.
Give it a go (th) [idiom] to give it a try
Example: I tried to give cooking a go by making a turkey dinner, but I burned
down the house.
46. Describe an occasion when you got up very early.
You should say:
when it happened
why you got up early
who you were with
and explain how you felt about getting up early.


Well, I am going to share with you a story of one time when I got up very early. To
be honest, getting up early was not really my sort of thing on a regular basis, only on
some very special occasions. One such time was during the summer holiday last year.
It was our trip to Da Nang with my whole family, which lasted for 5 days. There
were lots of things planned ahead, so I did the homework carefully. Because we
wanted to avoid rush hours that would probably ruin our whole trip, we had to wake
up at 5am to allow time for our careful preparations. It took us 2 hours to get to the
airport and fly to Da Nang in the morning.
I felt a little bit sleepy because this was the first time I had had to deal with such an
early start. However, it promised to be a great time for my extended family to get
together, so I was really excited about it. There were 10 of us altogether, and of
course we were chatting to each other all the way there. When we arrived, what really
attracted me was the fresh air at Da Nang beach. At once, the incredible view totally
banished all thoughts of sleep.
This amazing trip included many fun times to look back on and it gave all of us a
chance to bond with each other. I learnt the hard way that getting up early was as not
challenging as I had thought. If I tried my best, I knew that I could do it without too
much trouble. For sure, I will make more trips like that in the near future.

my sort of thing: [expression] something which interests me or something which
I like to do.
Example: Rock music is not my sort of thing, so I always listen to classical

rush hours: [noun] the times of day when the roads are full of traffic, so it is
difficult to reach your destination.
Example: There are usually more car accidents during the morning and evening
rush hours.
ruin: [verb] spoil something, so that there is no longer any pleasure in it.
Example: The wind and rain every day ruined our holiday.
sleepy: [adjective] feeling tired and wanting to go to sleep.
Example: After working hard all day, I felt sleepy and went to bed early.
get together: [verb] if two or more people get together, they meet each other,
having arranged the meeting before.
Example: Shall we get together for a coffee and a chat on Friday?
chatting: [verb] talking together in a friendly way.
Example: When the teacher arrived, the students stopped chatting and paid
fresh air: [noun] pleasantly clean and cool.
Example: After working in the office all day, it was nice to go outside and get
some fresh air walking home through the park.
banished: [verb] made someone or something go away.
Example: The confidence of the driving instructor banished all my fears of
learning to drive.
look back: [phrasal verb] think about something in your past.
Example: She looks back on her childhood as the happiest time of her life.
bond: [verb] develop or create a friendly relationship with someone.
Example: If a project is to be successful, the team members must all bond and
work together effectively.

learnt the hard way: [expression] did something in a way which was more
difficult than necessary.
Example: He learnt the hard way not to drink and drive. He is now recovering
in hospital after the car accident.
without too much trouble: [expression] with no great difficulty.
Example: He has a natural talent for music, so he learnt to play the piano without
too much trouble.


46.1. Who usually get up early, young people or old people?
Generally, old people have a tendency to rise earlier in the morning, which is
probably because of their difficulty in falling and remaining asleep as the older
people get, the more sensitive they are to noise. Besides, the elderly enjoy doing
morning exercise like jogging or even simple stretching, since it helps to prevent a
number of diseases, especially arthritis.
46.2. Will working late at night influence the next days work?
I believe so. Most people have difficulty in waking up early if they turn in late the
previous evening and may very well show up late for school or work. Also, not
having enough rest will cause drowsiness and inability to concentrate, hence, this
will affect ones overall productivity. In the long run, this may lead to insomnia and
fatigue, which prevent a person from performing efficiently.
46.3. Do young Vietnamese people stay up late at night?
I suppose youth in general, including those in Vietnam, go to bed late. They either
have to complete school assignments or spend time on activities before bed, which is
not always good for their health. One popular habit young people have before going

to sleep, which has been proved to have negative impacts on their well-being, is
using smart devices to surf the internet. This could be addictive and do harm to their
health if done continually.
46.4. Is it easy to get up early for you?
Personally, I dont really mind waking up early. One reason is because Im not in the
habit of going to bed late. I always try to finish work no later than 11pm in order
to get at least 7 hours of sleep, which is the recommended amount for teenagers. The
other reason is, as a student, I have to get up early for school. This has somehow
became my daily routine and now, I only need to rely on my biological clock instead
of the normal alarm clock in order to wake up.
46.5. What do you do to guarantee a good sleep?
Well, there are many things I do to ensure myself a good nights sleep. First, I make
sure that the bed is nice and comfy since its a lot easier to drift off to sleep on a
pillowy cushion than on a hard and stiff one. Another thing I do is so turn on some
music, preferably softer genres like classics or ballads, so that I can meditate and
sleep soundly. This is a brilliant way to fall asleep, especially if Im suffering from
46.6. Can you sleep well if there is noise around?
Its impossible for me to have a good sleep being surrounded by noise. Once there
was a construction site near my house and for almost 2 weeks, all I could hear at
night was the sound of machines knocking down the old building. It was so loud and
so irritating that I could barely sleep and would toss and turn all night. Thats why
during that period, I suffered major sleep loss and was always dozing off in class.


Arthritis (bnh v khp) [noun]: a disease that causes the joints of the body
to become swollen and painful
Example: Arthritis is a sign of old age.
Turn in [phrasal verb] to go to bed
Example: Its late, I think Ill turn in. Good night.
Show up [phrasal verb] to arrive where you have arranged to meet somebody or
to do something
Example: I like to show up early at the office in order to prepare my work for the
Drowsiness (tnh trng bun ng) [noun]: sleepiness
Example: Big meals may cause drowsiness, so I usually rest after lunch.
Insomnia (chng mt ng) [noun]: the condition of not being able to sleep
Example: Stressed with work, he suffered from long-term insomnia.
Fatigue (s mt mi) [noun]: the state of being very tired
Example: We were overcome by fatigue after the long journey.
Well-being (Tnh trng hnh phc, kho mnh v th xc hoc tinh thn)
[noun]: the state of being happy, healthy, or successful
Example: As a doctor, he emphasized the emotional as well as the physical well-
being of the patient.
To be in the habit of (c thi quen lm g ) [expression]: to have a habit of
doing something
Example: As he used to be a soldier, he is in the habit of waking up early.
Biological clock (ng h sinh hc) [noun]: a system in the body that
controls the occurrence of natural processes (such as waking, sleeping, and

Example: His biological clock enables him to wake up on time without an
Drift off to sleep (dn dn ri vo gic ng) [expression]:
to fall asleep gradually
Example: During that boring lecture, I drifted off to sleep a number of times.
Meditate (trm ngm, suy t v vn tm linh/ th gin) [verb]: to spend
time in quiet thought for religious purposes or relaxation
Example: He meditates for an hour every evening to shake of tiredness
from working.
Toss and turn (lt qua lt li v khng ng c) [expression]:
to be unable to sleep peacefully
Example: Bernard was tossing and turning all night because of the
uncomfortable bed.
Doze off (ng gt) [phrasal verb]: fall into a light sleep
Example: Feeling very tired, I dozed off in front of the

47. Describe a skill you learned when you were a child.

You should say:
what skill it was
who taught you this skill
how you learned it
and explain why you learned this skill.


Today, I would like to share with you a skill I learned when I was a child. Music is
really my kind of thing, especially the sound of musical instruments. One of those
that I enjoyed immensely was piano. I had always been attracted to this sound,
therefore, I signed up for a piano course when I was in grade 5.
My piano teacher was on the wrong side of 30, but she looked quite young for her
age. To be honest, I didnt pick up playing the piano very easily, so I had a problem
in learning this skill at first. Fortunately, she was a very experienced and enthusiastic
teacher, and she helped to familiarize me with every single lesson. I definitely found
it soothing and inspiring when she taught me how to play the piano effectively.
Besides taking piano lessons, I also tried my best to learn on my own through the
internet, spending a lot of time searching for online lessons to work on. I did pretty
well, and as a result, I had a chance to join a piano contest that took place at The
Opera House in Hanoi. I was really proud of that.
I have discovered that music plays an integral part in my life, getting me through
tough situations, even the hardest days. Sometimes, I think everybody needs to take a
little time to wind down and enjoy ourselves. Playing piano is actually how I usually
spend my free time because it is really a good way for me to relax and refresh my

my kind of thing (expression): something that you like or that you are into
Example: Hip hop music is my kind of thing, but I cant stand country music.
immensely (adv): greatly, especially
Example: She loves Taylor Swift immensely. I think she is her biggest fan.
to be attracted to (expression): to really like someone or something

Example: She has been attracted to fashion since she was only two or three
years old. She loves to shop for clothing.
on the wrong side of 30 (expression): to be on the downhill side of a decade, so
after 35, going toward 40, in this case.
Example: My professor must be on the wrong side of 50, but his girlfriend
doesnt care.
pick up (phrasal verb): to learn something
Example: When I was living in France, I picked up French very easily after
only a few months.
Fortunately (adv): used to say that something good or lucky has happened
Example: Fortunately for him, his mother paid for his plane ticket to New
enthusiastic (adj): excited, having a positive and upbeat attitude
Example: He is an enthusiastic swimmer; he swims every day for 2 hours.
familiarize me with (expression): to learn about something new
Example: I need to familiarize myself with this new cell phone that I just
purchased yesterday.
definitely (adv): for sure
Example: I definitely do not want to eat pizza again this evening. I have eaten
it every night this week.
soothing (adj): relaxing, usually something soft and quiet
Example: She put on some soothing music and took a bath.
inspiring (adj): that which motivates you to do something
Example: The speech that the president gave turned out to be so inspiring that
the workers decided to stop their strike.

to work on (phrasal verb): to do, to practice
Example: I have to work on my English if I want to pass the IELTS exam.
to play an integral part in (something) (expression): to be an important part of
Example: My husband plays an integral part in running the day-to-day
operations of our family business.
wind down (phrasal verb): to relax, usually after doing something hard
Example: After coming home from work, she had a glass of wine and a bath to
wind down.
refresh (verb): to make (someone) have more energy and feel less tired or less
Example: When he finishes his workout, he takes a shower to refresh himself
before going to work.


47.1. What age will make it difficult for a person to learn a skill?
I think that from mid-life onwards, maybe 40 years old and over, people will find it
difficult to take in new skills. One reason is due to that fact that the middle-aged have
been accustomed to their way of living for a long time, so they feel reluctant learn
something new. Also, some older people are quite old-fashioned, they often dismiss
everything new as unnecessary and refuse to change, even if its for the better.
47.2. Will the age of 5 or 20 be better?
It depends on the type of skills I guess. With art, music or sports, it might be the 5-
year-old who finds it easier to master these, since these skills take longer to perfect
and demand innate talent. On the other hand, when it comes to academic skills such

as debating or persuading, 20 is the more suitable age. By that time, a person would
have acquired an adequate amount of background knowledge as well as language
proficiency to discuss complex subjects which 5-year-olds couldnt comprehend.
47.3. Who will you learn a skill from, friends, teachers or parents?
Its fair to say that I could learn a lot from everyone around me. While my parents
teach me how to do housework and how to behave appropriately , my teachers show
me how to think creatively and critically. They also encourage me to think out of the
box and seek new aspects of things. My friends, on the other hand, are the people
who teach the very basic communication and social skills and inspire me to learn
many more.
47.4. Whats the difference between children learning what they like and
learning what they have to learn?
Learning their subject of interest, children will certainly be more eager to listen. They
will feel motivated to follow the lesson and theyll be enthusiastic about asking
questions, which will gradually broaden their knowledge about the subject. However,
if are made to learn something they loathe, children may very well refuse to be
attentive and feel demotivated to learn. This is sometimes considered as rebellious
by parents, causing arguments and worse, childrens further unwillingness to study.

Reluctant (chn ch, ngi ngn) [adjective]: not willing or eager to do
Example: He seems reluctant to admit his mistakes.
To be for the better (hng ti iu tt p hn) [expression]: to be an

Example: The economic reform is only for the better and the country should
now emerge from the financial crisis.
Innate talent (ti nng bm sinh) [noun]: a talent that exists from ones birth
Example: She has an innate talent for art, she can master almost everything she
Adequate () [adj]: enough, sufficient or good enough
Example: The food was more than adequate for the six of us, so we filled
our bowls.
Proficiency (s thnh tho) [noun]: the quality of being good at
Example: He acquired proficiency at golf through long hours of practice.
Comprehend (hiu, nm c vn ) [verb]: understand
Example: He spoke so fast that I could not comprehend what he was saying.
Think out of the box (suy ngh sng to, khng dng trong khun kh)
[expression]: think freely, not limited by old disciplines, structures or practices
Example: Only when you think out of the box can you be inventive.
Seek (tm kim) [verb]: find, look for, search for
Example: The company is seeking new ways to improve its service.
Loathe (rt ght) [verb]: to hate someone or something very much
Example: They were rivals who truly loathed each other.
Attentive [adjective]: listening or watching carefully and with interest
Example: The children were very attentive during the class today about
dinosaurs because, of course, all children love dinosaurs.
Rebellious [adjective]: unwilling to obey rules or accept normal standards of

Example: Teenagers are sometimes rebellious and act against the advice of their

48. Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike.
You should say:
where you travel from and to
how often you make this trip
why you make this trip
and explain why you dislike this trip.

I would like to talk about a short trip that I frequently take but dislike. My family and
I have been living in Hanoi, however, we always make time for visiting my
grandparents every other weekend in our hometown. It is situated in Ninh Binh
province, which lies about 90 kms from Hanoi.
It normally takes us around 1 hour and a half to get there by car. To be honest, I
usually get carsick, so I do not really enjoy travelling by car on trips outside the city.
I mean, it makes me feel very tired and I have a headache throughout the journey,
therefore I tend to fall asleep instead of staying awake to talk.
Despite the fact that carsickness makes it difficult for me to put up with even this
short trip, I still try my best to take time to visit my grandparents with my small
family. You know, because we are living in a big city, we are so caught up in work
and study as well, that our lifestyle does not allow us to have much time to get
together too often.

We always make the most of the family get-together, sharing the cooking, having
meals and swapping a lot of stories with each other. What I really enjoy are the
beautiful views of the countryside that my hometown offers. Once you have seen it, I
guess, you would keep coming back for more. Although it is so tough to stop my
carsickness, our family ties and the beauty of my small hometown will keep drawing
me back there.

every other: [adjective] each alternate, every second.
Example: We have to pay the electricity bill every other month in January,
March, May and so on.
carsick: [adjective] a feeling in your stomach that makes you want to be
sick/vomit because of the movement of a car.
Example: Whenever I try to read a book or newspaper in a car, I start to feel
staying awake: [expression] not going to sleep.
Example: After studying all night, I found it difficult staying awake during the
carsickness: [noun] the feeling that you are going to be sick when you travel in a
Example: We had to stop the car several times during the journey, because I was
suffering from carsickness. I felt better after a short break and a walk for a
couple of minutes.
put up with: [phrasal verb] accept someone or something which is annoying or
unpleasant, without complaining.

Example: Although our hotel room was small and uncomfortable, we decided to
put up with it for one night.
caught up in: [phrasal verb] very involved in an activity, so that you do not
notice other things.
Example: I was so caught up in my revision that I forgot to feed the dog.
get together: [expression] if two or more people get together, they meet each
other, having arranged the meeting before.
Example: Shall we get together for a coffee and a chat on Friday?
make the most of: [expression] use to the best advantage.
Example: I will make the most of my year in Spain to improve my Spanish.
swapping: [verb] giving something and receiving something in exchange.
Example: Swapping e-mails after the holiday, we arranged to keep in contact in
offers: [verb] provides the opportunity for something.
Example: The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.
tough: [adjective] difficult.
Example: I will have to study hard, because the exam is really tough.
family ties: [noun] strong connections between members of a family.
Example: Now that my sister has moved to Australia, it is difficult to maintain
our old family ties.
drawing me back: [phrasal verb] attracting or encouraging me to return.
Example: My memories of Paris keep drawing me back to visit the city.


48.1. Are there any special places for visiting in Vietnam?

Of course there are. I can name some, for example Ha Long Bay, which is a very
famous tourist attraction. Its located in Ha Long, Quang Ninh. Tourists also choose
to visit some famous beaches in Nha Trang, Da Nang, or Phu Quoc, or if one likes
high places with fresh air and a cool climate, you can choose Da Lat, Sa Pa, or Ba Na
Hills. Especially Ba Na Hills. I must say its pretty popular these last couple of years.
48.2. Do Vietnamese people like to travel abroad?
I must say it depends on ones financial situation and personality. There are people
who just dont like travelling to another country or even dont like going out at all.
They prefer staying at home as they would feel comfortable and maybe safe, I think.
Also, you have to take into account your financial condition. If you love travelling,
can afford an overseas trip and have nothing on your plate right now then theres no
reason why you cannot travel abroad.
48.3. What can people benefit from travelling?
I remember theres a saying: Travel broadens the mind, so I think the most
obvious benefit of travelling is the knowledge gained from it. For example, you have
to go to another country, say Britain, to actually learn about their culture or the way
people are with each other. Of course this information could be found on the Internet,
but what matters here is the experience you get from the journey. Also, you can also
meet a lot of other people, make new friends, or even potentially meet your better
48.4. Do you like to travel on your own or with your family?
I prefer travelling with my family. What I love about travelling is that I can spend
time enjoying myself with the people I love. We can share happy moments and this
cements our relationships. Besides, I like it better when I look at photos of me and
my family, all smiling happily rather than photos of only my face.

48.5. Do you like to visit popular places or less-known places?
I like visiting popular places more. Its just my sense of curiosity, you know; I kind
of want to figure out why that place is popular. Like what does that place offer you if
you come to visit it, are the people there friendly, is the food delicious, or is there lots
of beautiful scenery? I want to go to every popular place possible to answer those
questions, and thats why I prefer popular destinations to lesser-known ones.
48.6. Do people prefer short trips or long trips?
Short trips would be a better choice for me. I must confess that I have a hard time
adapting to a new environment and a long trip which lasts for several months at most
will cause me discomfort. I need more time to actually feel comfortable living in a
place than just several months, so it doesnt matter whether the trip is for business or
relaxation purposes, I still prefer going on short trips to long ones.
48.7. What kinds of problems would people have when they go on a long
I think going on a long trip would cause people some problems regarding their
enthusiasm and stamina. Going on a long trip would require a lot of travelling as
you need to visit different places, which can be really tiring. Also, not many places
are suitable for a long visit. In fact, some destinations only offer the best experience
for tourists who stay there for 2 days at most. If tourists stay for too long, there would
be no places left to visit and then it would be very boring.

Have smt on ones plate (c vic bn, c chuyn cn lm) [expression]
(informal) to have something, usually a large amount of important work, to deal

e.g. Shes got a lot on her plate, especially with two new projects starting this
Travel broadens the mind (i mt ngy ng, hc mt sng khn) [proverb]
when you travel, you learn things about the people and the places you see
e.g. I never realized how well-off most Americans are until I visited India. Its
really true that travel broadens the mind.
Better half (v/chng) [expression] ones husband or wife
e.g. The first time I met her, I knew immediately she would be my better half.
Cement (gn kt bn cht hn) [verb] to make something such as an agreement
or friendship stronger
e.g. After we argued, we realized our problems and managed to solve them, which
helped cement our friendship.
Curiosity (s t m) [noun] a strong desire to know or learn something
e.g. Filled with curiosity, she tried to overhear what they were talking about in the
Confess (th nhn) [verb] acknowledge something reluctantly, typically because
one feels slightly ashamed or embarrassed
e.g. I must confess that I didnt trust you at first.
Adapt (ho nhp) [verb] become adjusted to new condition
e.g. A large organization can be slow to adapt to change.
Enthusiasm (s nhit tnh) [noun] intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or
e.g. They chose teaching as a career because they loved their subject and wanted
to share their enthusiasm with others.

Stamina (sc chu ng, th lc) [noun] the ability to sustain prolonged physical
or mental effort
e.g. He didnt have the stamina to do this job he passed out on his very first

49. Describe a wedding that you have attended.

You should say:
whose wedding it was
who was there
what happened
and explain how you felt.

Today, Im gonna share with you a wedding of my friend that I attended. Last month,
I received a wedding invitation from my old friend from primary school. The
wedding was held at the beginning of April. We have been close to each other for
over 15 years, therefore, I definitely wanted to attend at all costs, due to the fact that
we hadnt had a chance to get together for ages.
Her wedding ceremony took place at The Sum Villa, located near West Lake. It was
decorated impressively with a lot of lights, candles and flowers around the room.
There were three glamorous wedding photo albums, showing tables right at the centre
of the official gate. The principal colours were likely to be white and violet, so all the
guests were requested to wear clothes with one or both of these colours. Personally, I
wore a white dress with small accessories.

It was meant to be a casual wedding, which I had never attended before. It turned out
to be refreshingly informal. One of the best moments that really touched me was
when the bridegroom sang a song for the bride and all the guests sang along with
him. Also, he made a photo clip by himself marking their 4-year romance, to show to
everyone in the room. It was no surprise that everyone clapped their hands and
cheered them. Of course, I was no exception.
It was also a good chance to catch up with my old friends and we all had a great time.
We definitely made the most of the occasion and took a lot of pictures with the bride
and the bridegroom. I gave my friend a gift to celebrate her wedding day. I had given
much thought to my wedding present when I was choosing it, and I wished her lots of
happiness for the future.

hold: [verb] have a meeting/conversation/party/wedding/event.
Example: The next Olympic Games will be held in Brazil.
close to: [expression] knowing someone well and liking them very much.
Example: She has always been close to her grandparents and often visits them.
at all costs: [expression] whatever is needed to achieve something.
Example: I knew that, at all costs, I had to catch the last train home.
for ages: [expression] for a long time.
Example: I waited for ages to speak to the doctor.
decorate: [verb] make something more attractive.
Example: Her living room is always decorated with flowers.
glamorous: [adjective] especially attractive and exciting.

Example: When my sister was young, she wanted to have a glamorous job, like a
model or a film actress.
albums: [noun] a book in which you keep photographs.
Example: All of my parents photographs are still in the family photo albums in
my drawer.
accessories: [noun] things like belts or bags, which you carry to match your
Example: The shop sells only fashion accessories, and my friend buys all her
bracelets there.
bridegroom: [noun] a man on his wedding day.
Example: The bridegroom was very nervous during the wedding ceremony.
bride: [noun] a woman on her wedding day.
Example: The bride wore a very beautiful white dress.
romance: [noun] a relationship between two people who are in love.
Example: Romeo and Juliet is a play about the romance of two young lovers.
clapped their hands: [expression] hit their open hands together, to show that they
liked or enjoyed something.
Example: At the end of the fantastic show, all the audience clapped their hands.
cheer: [verb] to shout loudly, to show support or to encourage someone.
Example: The crowd cheered when Barcelona scored the winning goal.


49.1. Do you often attend weddings?
No. To be honest, Im studying in a university now which is far away from my
hometown, so that I dont have many chances to go to my friends weddings.

However, for those who are my relatives, siblings or close friends, I always try to
manage the time and attend their weddings or other special occasions.
49.2. What wedding gifts are popular in Vietnam?
Regarding Vietnamese culture, money is considered the most important gift to give a
newly-wed Vietnamese couple because it is a symbol of prosperity. It should be
placed in a white or red envelope. As the Vietnamese are very practical, its better not
to give extravagant gifts to them. Something like kitchen or practical household
items that the couple can use on a daily basis will be appreciated.
49.3. How do you think of the perfect age for marriage?
The best time to find a spouse depends more on society than on biology. Personally, I
think women should marry at around 24 to 30 years old, and men in their 30s,
because at that time they are mature enough and can be responsible for their own life.
They may also have a good career and financial status at that age in order to take care
of their family.
49.4. Why do Vietnamese people like to go to celebrations like a wedding
People like attending special occasions such as weddings because they want to
witness the happiest moment that may be a turning point in the lives of their close
friends or loved ones. Moreover, they love going to weddings because these are
occasions when long-forgotten family members and friends come out of the
woodwork. Weddings force them to make an appearance and break out of their shells
to reach out and reconnect.
49.5. What is the difference between an elaborate wedding ceremony and an
ordinary one?

In the case of a fancy wedding, there is a perceived connection between putting a lot
of money, energy, and time into a wedding and the general anticipation of how
successful the marriage will be. In contrast, an ordinary wedding follows tradition
and does not require a huge amount of money to make it too formal and expensive.
49.6. Do women prefer to be single or to be married?
In my opinion, most women aspire to love and be loved, so that they like to get
married with their perfect spouse. Moreover, women want to solidify a family
partnership for security reasons as they can feel safe and comfortable when living
with their husbands. In contrast, in modern life, there are some women who value
freedom and privacy so that they choose to be single.
49.7. Why do women want to get married?
Well, there must be a million reasons for marriage, but when a woman wants to
marry a man, she absolutely loves that person dearly and could not bear to spend
another day without him as her husband. Moreover, she may want to find a stable life
with her partner and make a great effort to have a happy life together.
49.8. Why has the divorce rate increased over time in modern life?
Nowadays, it is common for the relationship of many couples to break down after
marriage. One of the most critical reasons is the misunderstanding between them that
can cause irreconcilable conflicts, so that they decide to separate.
Moreover, women have become a strong presence in the workforce. They no longer
depend on their husbands to support them. This independence allows them to leave
an unhappy marriage and still provide for themselves.

Newly-wed (adjective): (mi ci) recently married

Example: Money is considered the most important gift to give a newly-wed
Vietnamese couple because it is a symbol of prosperity.
Prosperity (noun): (s giu c, sung tc) the state of being successful, especially
in making money
Example: Our future prosperity depends on economic growth.
Extravagant (adjective): (qu mc, phung ph) spending a lot more money or
using a lot more of something than you can afford or than is necessary
Example: I felt very extravagant spending 100 on a dress.
Spouse (noun): (chng/ v) a husband or wife
Example: The best time to find a spouse depends more on society than on biology.
Turning point (noun): (bc ngot) the time when an important change takes
place, usually with the result that a situation improves
Example: The promotion marked a turning point in her career.
To come /crawl out of the woodwork (idiom): (bt ng xut hin) to appear
suddenly and unexpectedly after a long period without any contact
Example: When he won the lottery, all sorts of distant relatives came out of the
woodwork to renew their acquaintance with him.
Elaborate (adjective): carefully prepared and organised in detail
Example: It took them 6 months to make all the elaborate arrangements for their
wedding day.
Aspire after/to sth (verb): (khao kht, mong mun c c ci g ) to have a
strong desire to achieve or to become something
Example: He aspired to be their next leader.
Solidify (verb): (lm cho vng chc) to become or to make something become
more definite and less likely to change

Example: They solidified their position as Britain's top band after a very
successful tour of the country.
Irreconcilable (adjective): differences or disagreements that are so great that
people can never agree
Example: The dispute between the two countries was irreconcilable, so war was
Presence (noun): the fact of being in a particular place
Example: Older people now have an increasing presence in the workforce.

50. Describesomething that you have shared with others (or another person)
You should say:
what you shared
who you shared it with.
why you shared itand explain how you felt about sharing it

Well, Im kind of an introverted person so I do not tend to share my stories with
others. The only person I fully trust to confide in is my best friend from secondary
school, because we have been close for over 10 years.At my first year in university,
I was a little bored with the major that I had been studying, because it was not exactly
what I had signed up for at first. I meant to apply for the commercial English
department, but unfortunately I did not have a high enough score and, therefore,
business management was my second choice. A lot of thoughts crossed my mind at
that time, like this major was not really my thing, I would not be able to make it and

similar negative feelings.
I was really depressed and eventually turned to her to ask for help. We had a
conversation and she helped me analyze my interests, personality, strengths and
weaknesses, which allowed me to reach a decision by myself. As a result, I kept
studying my major and made time for learning English besides. As we enjoyed such a
close relationship, I felt really reassured when I received her useful advice.
Now, Im a final-year student at university, I am pleased with my decision, thanks to
her. She really is my best friend, always stays by my side and never turns her back on
me, and I treasure our friendship a lot.

introverted: [adjective] more interested in your own thoughts and feelings than
in spending time with other people.
Example: As John never interacted with others in class, his teachers considered
him to be an introverted student.
confide in: [phrasal verb] tell someone personal secrets or information because
you believe that you can trust them.
Example: Whenever she had a problem, she confided in her mother.
close: [adjective] knowing someone very well and liking them very much.
sign up: [phrasal verb] arrange to do a course of study by adding your name to
the list of people doing it.
Example: I decided to sign up for extra English classes to help me with my
business course.
crossed my mind: [expression] came into my mind.
Example: This morning, it crossed my mind that I need to see my tutor

not my thing: [expression] not something that I like to do.
Example: I dont want to go to the concert, because listening to rock music is
not really my thing.
be able to make it: [expression] be able to succeed in something.
Example: I was surprised to win the competition I never thought Id be able
to make it.
depressed: [adjective] feeling sad and without hope.
Example: He felt depressed when he failed the exam, but now he is determined
to succeed next time.
reach a decision: [expression] decide something after some difficulty.
Example: I was not sure whether to visit Thailand or Singapore, but finally I
reached a decision I would go to Singapore.
reassured: [adjective] feel less frightened or anxious.
Example: The doctor told him that the medical tests were OK, so he felt very
turns her back on: [expression] rejects someone that she is close to.
Example: She never turns her back on the people in her family she is always
ready to support them.
treasure: [verb] have or keep something that is very valuable to you.
Example: Although he is no longer living, I will always treasure my memories
of my grandfather.


50.1. Do people in your country prefer to share public transport or do they
prefer to use private transport?
I think Vietnamese people prefer private vehicles to public transportation. Its pretty
easy to understand why; I mean if people use their car or motorbike to travel, they
dont have to wait for public transport like buses. Also, using private transport,
especially bikes or motorbikes is a more popular and rational choice here in Vietnam
as there are a lot of small roads that buses cannot go down and traffic jams happen
almost every day, especially in big cities like Hanoi or HCM City.
50.2. Do many people in your country share their home with others or do
they mostly live alone?
I think most young adults will choose to live on their own if they can afford it, but
overall people tend to share their home with others. This is not limited to families,
many students or adults also opt for house sharing as it costs less and its pretty hard
to find a, how to say, perfect house that fits each and every of your criterion.
Especially in big cities like Hanoi or HCM City, houses that are near your school,
university or work can be too expensive for one to live alone, which is why home
sharing is more popular.
50.3. Do you think there are many advantages when sharing your home with
other people?
Yes, of course. Firstly, its the cost. Its apparent that you could save lots of money
when you share your home with others instead of paying the rent all by yourself.
Second, when you live with several other people, you could share the work with
them, for example house chores like cooking, cleaning or washing the dishes. You
wont have to do all that stuff alone. Another benefit is when you get sick, your
roommates may take care of you, which hardly happens if you choose to live alone.

50.4. Would you ever share your food with someone else?
Yes, of course. I mean why not? I would be happy to share my food with others, well
in most cases. I would have to think twice before I choose to share my food with
someone I hate, but if that person is really in great need of food, for example they
have been starving for days, then of course I would share my food with them.

Opt for smt/Opt to do smt (la chn) [verb] make a choice, especially of one
thing or possibility instead of others
e.g. Many students opt for business studies simply because it sounds like
a passport to a good job.
Criterion (tiu ch) (s nhiu: criteria) [noun] a standard by which you judge,
decide about, or deal with something
e.g. The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria alone.
Starving (i cn co) [adjective] (informal) very hungry
e.g. Isnt lunch ready yet? Im starving.


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