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(NENE) G.1109
BENEFIT OF THAILAND COLONISATION Pajaree Chalongkitcharoen (Nene) G.1109



Thailand is one of the countries that was never colonised. The country is well aware of

its unique heritage that doesn't include a colonial legacy, and often uses the phrase land of the

free to express their pride. Despite the vast pressure from European powers, by taking

advantage of the tension between colonising powers and maintaining stronger rulers, Thailand

able to escaped the colonial rule. But do you think that not being colonised is a good thing?

Everything must have their cons. From the fact that Thailand was never colonised, we can see

that Thailand has many weaknesses that the country developed slower than other countries in

many ways such as poor English skills, comparing to other colonised countries like Philippines.

Even though the English language was not their official language after they gained

independence, it continues to be taught today along with Tagalog in the public schools. This

makes many advantages for the country, for example, it will help in the communication with the

foreign countries about the trade and economics. Therefore, Thailand would have benefited if it

was colonised.

Better Thai English proficiency

Thai English proficiency would be better if it had been colonised. Nowadays, we can see

that Thai English proficiency is bad compare to other colonised country in Asia. According to

Thailand PBS reporters, it shows the rank of English proficiency in Thailand based on EF

English Proficiency Index 2015 of Education First Language Institute. Thailand is rated as a

non-English speaking country with very low English proficiency, ranking 62nd out of 70

countries worldwide (Thailand ranks near bottom of English proficiency index, 2015).
BENEFIT OF THAILAND COLONISATION Pajaree Chalongkitcharoen (Nene) G.1109
Compare to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Taiwan, their result is better than most of the Asian

countries, although they havent improved from the last year. From the ranking, it can shows

that Thai English proficiency is very low comparing to the other colonised country such as

Malaysia, they were scored better than Thailand. Also, according to EF English Proficiency

Index (EPI), it said about the the historical ties of colonised country to English. Some of the

countries that had historical relationships with English are India, Malaysia, the Philippines, etc..

Due to this history, English is often used as the language included in the government, instructed

at schools, or a daily communication in some region of the country. As expect, their English

proficiency is higher than in other parts of Asia. It means that the colonised countries got the

chance to used English in the daily life more than the country that was never colonised. Thats

why their English proficiency was in the high level. To summarise, Thai English proficiency is

very low due to the ranking and comparing to colonised countries, their English skills are better

because of their historical relationship to English. Therefore, Thai English proficiency should be

better if it had been colonised.

Developed Technology

Thailands technology would improve if it had been colonised. Compare to colonised

country, their technology improved much better when other country came to colonised because they

had influence from the colonise country technology. Also, some of the countries that ever came to

colonised Thailand had their own technology innovations. According to nations online, the website

that explain about the historical backgrounds of Singapore. It mentioned about how British colony

improved Singapore. Singapore was set up the trading port under British for free trade and was

developed as financial establishing, transportation, communications, and government infrastructure

to support the Britishs flourishing trade. However, after Singapore gained independence in 1965,

this made Singapore grew as major ports and transportation in the world. It means British built the
BENEFIT OF THAILAND COLONISATION Pajaree Chalongkitcharoen (Nene) G.1109
port in Singapore to benefit their trading and transportation. But after Singapore gained the

independence, it also made Singapore became as a world leader in shipping and transportation.

Plus, according to BBC news, it said about the innovation of Raspberry Pi computer. Raspberry Pi

is the credit - card sized computer created by volunteers from academia and the UK tech industry to

help in teaching the computer skills (The Raspberry Pi computer goes on general sale, 2012). It

shows that Britain, the European country that ever came to colonised Thailand, has their own

technology innovation such as Raspberry Pi, which is the computer that helps in education and

programming skills. To conclude, the developed countries came to seized the country and make

that its technology better. Also, these countries can innovated their own technology product.

Therefore, the technology in Thailand would improve if the country had been colonised.

Cons of colonisation

Some of the cons of being colonised is the colonise country may get the resources from

Thailand if they came to colonised. If the country that colonised Thailand get the resources in

the large amount, it might be affected Thailand in the way of economy, lack of natural resources,

etc.. However, if Thailand had been colonised, the country will have more developed in many

ways such as technology, English proficiency, etc... According to the Manila Times, the

Philippines online newspaper website, said about the effect of British colonisation in many

countries around the world. British in their colonising efforts raped and pillaged of natural

resources as much as any of the other powers (Colonialism, how did the PH benefit?, 2015).

However, while they were colonising around the world, they developed many things such as

setting the parliamentary systems of government, postal services, education systems, and built

roads and railways to the country that they colonised. They also established air and marine

passenger transportation. It means that although British might effect the colonised country in

some negative ways such as took natural resources from them, they also effect the colonised
BENEFIT OF THAILAND COLONISATION Pajaree Chalongkitcharoen (Nene) G.1109
country in goods ways as they developed things into that country. According to justlanded, the

website that explains about the language in Singapore, it mainly said about the status of

Singapore language after the country was colonised. Singaporean English had an influenced

from the British colony. It became the common communication when the children started to

learn in school even if they have different linguistics backgrounds. When Singapore got freedom

in 1965, the use of English became even more popular. Its the language that used in education

and business today. It shows that Singapore, which had been colonised by British, had an

influence of English language from the British for both during colonisation period. And after the

colonisation, English was used in many ways in daily life. So even though the colonise country

may get the resources from Thailand, the country may get language, which would be useful to

the country. To sum up, we can see that the colonise country get resources from the countries

that they came to colonised which can effect the country in bad ways . But it will also give back

in many good things in sustained ways. Therefore, Thailand will have more developed if the

country had been colonised.


In conclusion, Thailand would have more benefited if it had been colonised. If the country

had been colonised, many things would improved such as English proficiency and technology.

Based on the ranking of the EF English Proficiency Index 2015 of Education First Language

Institute, it shows that Thai English skills would be better if it had been colonised. According to

BBC news, it can be proved that Thailands technology would also be better if the developed

country came to colonised. Even though the country would lose the resources to the colonise

country, but it will be exchange with many good things in sustained ways such as English language,

technology, etc.. according to the Manila Times. People should know that being colonised would

not always effect in the bad ways, but it also has lots of good things in it. The country might be
BENEFIT OF THAILAND COLONISATION Pajaree Chalongkitcharoen (Nene) G.1109

better than nowadays if the country had been colonised.

BENEFIT OF THAILAND COLONISATION Pajaree Chalongkitcharoen (Nene) G.1109


Colonialism, how did the PH benefit?. (March 31, 2015). Retrieved February 15, 2017 from

History of Singapore. (n.d). Retrieved February 14, 2017 from


Historical Ties To English. (n.d.). Retrieved January 16, 2017 from


Language - The official languages of Singapore.(n.d). Retrieved January 16, 2017 from

Thailand ranks near bottom of English proficiency index. (November 4, 2015). Retrieved February

1, 2017 from


The Raspberry Pi computer goes on general sale. (February 29, 2012). Retrieved February 11, 2017


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