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Hotfix Document

Inventory Service 9.0.02b

February 23, 2017

This document discusses the problem in Marimba and the hot fix available to resolve the problem.
This document is divided into the following two sections:
Marimba Recommendations
This section defines the problem and the actions that Marimba recommends to resolve the
Detailed description of the problem
This section describes the problem, the root cause analysis for the fix provided, the changes
in code for the hotfix, and the benefits of applying the hotfix.

Marimba recommendation
Marimba recommends applying the following hotfix:
Inventory service 9.0.02b

The hotfix resolves the following problem:

SW00511435 or SW00511969| 132105 | NPE during inventory scan.

SW00511977 | 132558 | Un-compressed exception during inventory scan.
SW00511435 | 132105 - Inventory service is throwing Violation of PRIMARY KEY
constraint Cannot insert duplicate key.
SW00505125 - Inventory service is throwing constraint errors Violation of PRIMARY
KEY constraint c_vpro_watch_pk. Cannot insert duplicate key in object

Detailed description of the Issue

1. SW00511435 | 132105 | NPE during inventory scan.
Root cause analysis
- During inventory scan, if registry scan is not able to find appropriate key pair values, it
throws null pointer exceptions.
- During inventory registry scan handled NULL Check condition.

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- Inventory registry scan will complete without any issues.

2. SW00511977 | 132558 | Un-compressed exception during inventory scan.

Root cause analysis
- During inventory registry scan, if key pair values have more than 5000 characters, then
endpoint invtree reports throw un-compressed exception issues.
- Introduced condition during registry scan for key pair values less to maintain data less
than 2000 characters and skip additional data, if any.

- Inventory registry scan will complete without any issues and invtree reports will be
sent to inventory plugin.
3. SW00511435 | 132105 - Inventory service is throwing Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint Cannot
insert duplicate key.
Root cause analysis
- During diff report update, some delete queries are unable to delete data from SQL DB.
As a result of this, violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint errors are observed during
- Regarding schema manager script applicable to SQL SERVER DB(not needed for Oracle)
Need to subscribe 8.5.00_PK_Issue_Fix file packaged channel on the tuner where
schema manager channel is subscribed and follow steps mentioned in read_me.txt.

- Regarding inventory service :

After inventory scan gets completed on endpoint machines and before uploadingreport
to plugin, inventory service will cross-check for duplicate nodes, if any.

- PRIMARY KEY constraint errors will be resolved and inventory reports for endpoints
will get inserted successfully.
4. SW00505125 - Inventory service is throwing constraint errors Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint
Root cause analysis
- After successful insertion of endpoints, due to some reason if Mac_ID of endpoint
from registry is getting changed, then from next scan inventory plugin reports
PRIMARY KEY constraint c_vpro_watch_pk exception.
- Before inserting endpoint report, verifying Mac_ID value from previous reported, if
changed then inserting full report, else following diff report insertion.

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Hot Fix Document

- Even though if endpoints Mac_ID is getting changed frequently, inventory insertion of
endpoint reports will not be affected and new Mac_ID values will get inserted

New Design change for different Mac_id reported from same hostname:
Case 1:- In inventory plugin configuration page, if allow Hostname update check box is not enabled.

We are querying scanned Mac_ID of endpoint in DB and then verifying, if Mac_ID and Hostname is
getting matched:-

If hostname is not getting matched with INVTREE, then plugin report DUPLICATE_MACID checksum
value 11111111111111111111 and request endpoint to reset

Tuner_GUID Newly introduced.
Host_GUID Newly introduced.

After resetting all these values scanner service will set property scanner.tuner_restart.required=true
in application.txt and FULL report will be uploaded to plugin. Once report is sent, while scanner service
receiving APP_STOP signal will verify property scanner.tuner_restart.required=true for restarting of
tuner. This tuner restart is used to set Tuner_GUID and HOST_GUID for endpoints vpro wake -up calls.

In second case, if hostname is getting matched with INVTREE, proceed with Diff report i nsertion.

Case 2:- In inventory plugin configuration page, if allow Hostname update check box is enabled.

In this option inventory plugin will check, whether endpoint hostname is getting mapped with Mac_ID
or not, from DB:-

If Mac_id not changed:-

Diff report will be processed for insertion, without any issues/exceptions.

If Mac_id changed:-

Then plugin will treat it as a Mac_id change case and inventory plugin will delete existing endpoint
report from DB and process FULL Scan report for insertion without any issues/exceptions. Log snippet:-

[09/Feb/2017:19:59:41 +0530] "Inventory Plug-in" info "hichel38770 (win32:8746905071768799859)"

6521 Requested full scan for this machine: EndPoint Checksum
X+UagSbpa7D16nTE+LbzPg== != Plugin Cache's Checksum 000000000000000000000000

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Hot Fix Document

[09/Feb/2017:19:59:42 +0530] "Inventory Plug-in" info "hichel38770 (win32:8746905071768799859)"

6527 Report queued: from, 66219 bytes, 8 ms( NewID: 1KAu3lExXzUwZyJrEG5ISA==,OldID:
null )

[09/Feb/2017:19:59:46 +0530] "Inventory Plug-in" info "hichel38770 (win32:8746905071768799859)"

6523 Inserted scan report in: 2689 ms, type: Full Report

Verified Inventory Service in Windows environment.
Verified Inventory Service channel behavior with 9.0.02 tuner components (like RC, CMS and
other channels) and tested publish operations.
Verified all scan components setting from plugin page.
Verified all scan components scanning process from endpoint machines by updating and
subscribing Inventory Service.
Verified endpoint INVTREE reports forwarding to Repeater Tx or Mirror Tx or Inserting Tx and
insertion happened without any exceptions.
Verified Inventory Service configuring with only SQL Server DB supported versions.

Backup procedure
The fix for the issue comes in Inventory Service 9.0.02b channel, before overriding/copyinginventory
service channel please take backup of existing one as :-
- From channel copier, select source as <Inventory Service Master Tx URL> and in
destination, click on select channel archive location option to save as .car file.
- If any issues in Inventory Service 9.0.02b, then delete the Inventory Service 9.0.02b
channel and copy back the archive .car file.
Rollback procedure
The fix for the issue comes in Inventory Service 9.0.02b channel, in any issues we can roll back to
Inventory Service (older version).

Hotfix Location
Copy from Channel Store: - 9.0.02 Current. OR 9.0.02 Hotfixes.

(Credentials: customer/care)

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