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(Anyone who spreads such information is bound to experience a

cruciatus curse.)
Easy Questions Each correct answer = 1 point

1. What is the basic accounting equation? Assets = Liabilities - Equity

2. Which industry started first in India?

a. Spices b. Tea c. Biscuits

3. What is the currency of Greece? Drachma

4. Setting the organizations goals and deciding how best to achieve those goals is
defined as:

a. Organizing b. Controlling c. Planning and Decision making

5. Which country is popularly called The Land of the Maple Leaf? Canada

6. Which planet is named after the Roman god of war? Mars

7. Which financial statement shows the results of the operating activities of a firm
for a specific period of time?

8. What is the meaning of the acronym: IMF? International Monetary Fund

9. This is a skill that refers to the managers ability to prioritize work, to work
efficiently and to delegate properly. Time Management

10. When Revenue is greater than expenses, you have a ___? Net Income

Medium Questions each correct answer =3 points

1. The starting point for all job design activities is determining the level of desired

a. Rotation b. Specialization c. Enlargement

2. Triskadeccaphobia is the fear of:

a. the number 13 b. the dark c. the number 30

3. What type of acid is used in car batteries. Sulfuric Acid

4. When completing the financial statements, it is necessary to complete the

income statement before the balance sheet. True or False

5. The huge white and hairy sea creature washed up on shore in Cagdainao, Dinagat
Islands is:
a. a globster b. a sea cow (dugong) c. a whale

6. The salivary gland secrete saliva that contains what enzyme? Ptyalin

7. Kourou city is well-known for which purpose? Satellite launching

8. On which date did the United Nation Organization came into existence? October
24, 1945

9. True or False. It is forbidden for an aircraft to fly over the Taj Mahal. True

10. What is the largest body of fresh water in the world? Lake Superior

Difficult Questions = 5 points each

1. What is a group of owls called? Parliament

2. Why was the Eiffel Tower built? For the 1889 Worlds Fair
3. The financial ratio which divides a companys liquid assets by current
liabilities is known by what popular term?
a. Current Ratio
b. Acid Test
c. Working Capital Ratio
4. What does the letter W mean in the acronym SWOT for SWOT analysis?
5. What does the business acronym IPO stand for? Initial Public Offering
6. What is a village called without a church? Hamlet
7. Ictheologists study what? Fish
8. Which part of the human body contains the most gold? Toenails
9. This is a place in which the government, laws and social conditions are perfect.
10.True or false. The Pacific Ocean is saltier than the Pacific Ocean. False

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