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Journal of Infection (2004) 48, 289302


The zoonotic potential of rotavirus

Nigel Cooka,*, Janice Bridgerb, Kevin Kendallc, Miren Iturriza Gomarad,
Laila El-Attarb, Jim Grayd

Central Science Laboratory, Sand Hutton, York YO41 1LZ, UK
Royal Veterinary College, London, UK
Askham Bryan College, Askham Bryan, York, UK
Health Protection Agency, Colindale, London NW9 5HT, UK

Accepted 23 January 2004

KEYWORDS Summary Rotaviruses are generally species-specific, but cross-species transmission is

Zoonotic; Rotavirus; possible, as has been demonstrated experimentally. Several case studies have
Reassortants indicated infection of humans by animal rotaviruses. Comparison of genetic sequences
of human and animal rotaviruses often reveals close identity. Surveillance of
circulating rotaviruses in the human population has revealed the presence of several
uncommon genotypes. Many of these have been found in domestic animals, and it is
possible that they arose in the human population through zoonotic transmission. The
low incidence of uncommon strains would suggest that such transmission, or at least
the establishment of an animal rotavirus or a human/animal reassortant virus in the
human population, does not happen with any great frequency. However, many millions
of people will be exposed year on year to animal rotaviruses. This happens within
farming communities, and potentially to visitors to the countryside. There may be
some measure of environmental contamination through livestock excrement. This
exposure may not result in high levels of infection, but some infection could occur.
There may be a continual input of rotavirus strains or sequences into the human
population from the animal population albeit at a very low level.
Crown Copyright Q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection
Society. All rights reserved.

Introduction animals play a role as a source of rotavirus

infection in humans. But it was observed, using
Rotaviruses have a wide host range, infecting RNA RNA hybridization assays, that most of the
many animal species as well as humans. As it corresponding genes of animal and human
was found that certain animal rotavirus strains rotaviruses do not have a high degree of
had antigenic similarities to some human homology whereas those of rotaviruses from
strains,1 speculation increased about whether the same species do.2 4 These observations led
to the view that rotaviruses have a restricted
*Corresponding author. Tel.: 44-1904-462-623; fax: 44- host range in nature due to lower fitness in non-
1904-462-111. host tissues in terms of replication efficiency,
E-mail address: and under natural conditions animal rotaviruses

0163-4453/$30.00 Crown Copyright Q 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The British Infection Society. All rights reserved.
290 N. Cook et al.

do not infect humans or vice versa.1 There is after (e.g. a few days) another has initiated
however an alternative view that animal infection.8,12
rotaviruses can indeed infect humans and cause
disease whenever the chance exists.5 This is
based on the identification of unusual rotavirus Experimental evidence for zoonotic
types, with properties of strains more commonly transmission of rotavirus
found in animals, which were isolated from
various cases of human infection. These unusual
It has been demonstrated many times that animals
human rotavirus types may have arisen either as
of one species can be infected by rotaviruses which
whole virions or as genetic reassortants between
have been isolated from another species, including
human and animal strains during coinfection of a
humans. The early studies of this type were
single cell. The segmented nature of the genome
reviewed by Theil.13 Two more recent examples
suggests that, like other viruses with segmented
of experimental cross-species infectivity are
genomes such as influenza virus,6,7 rotaviruses
worthy of note. The first is that the human G1
are able to form new strains by a mechanism of
P[8] rotavirus strain Wa is pathogenic for exper-
reassortment. Reassortment can occur when two
imental pigs14 and is currently used as a pathogenic
rotaviruses of two different strains infect the
challenge inoculum in pigs to assess efficacy of
same cell, and during replication and packaging
potential human rotavirus vaccines.14,15 The rota-
they exchange genome segments. 8 The 11
virus NSP1 and NSP4 non-structural proteins show
genome segments of the parental virus strains
species specificity, but phylogenetic analyses of the
can theoretically reassort into 2048 (211) different
Wa NSP1 and NSP4 genes show that both genes
possible genome constellations, if reassortment is
cluster with those of porcine rotaviruses.16,17 In
addition, G1 rotaviruses are known to infect pigs.18
Gouvea and Brandtly9 hypothesized that rota-
It is possible that these relationships may explain
viruses exist as mixed populations of reassortants,
the molecular basis for the observed infectivity of
and that reassortment was the driving force
human rotavirus Wa for pigs. A second example of
behind diversity. A prerequisite of diversity is
experimental cross-species infectivity where the
co-circulation of many different rotavirus types
genetic composition of the infecting rotavirus has
in a population; and more diversity, and more
been examined is that of the bovine rotavirus
frequency of uncommon strains, is seen in years
isolate PP-1, which was highly pathogenic to
with the highest number of co-circulating
experimental pigs but replicated poorly in exper-
strains.10,11 Gouvea and Brandtly9 considered
imental cattle.18 Sequence analysis showed that
that mixed populations of rotaviruses are being
this G3 rotavirus had porcine NSP4 and VP4 genes
continually propagated in human and animal
but a bovine NSP1 gene. This strongly suggested
hosts, resulting in new and diverse progeny popu-
that PP-1 was a reassortant between bovine and
lations of rotavirus.
porcine rotaviruses but that a species-specific NSP1
There is a question as to whether transmission of
was not critical in cross-infection between cattle
rotaviruses from animals to humans are dead
and pigs. These two examples unequivocally
ends, i.e. do the viruses involved have any
demonstrate that cross-species rotavirus infection
capacity for secondary transmission to other
does occur, at least experimentally, and that this
humans and for initiating an outbreak? Viruses
infection can be pathogenic in the heterologous
which have arisen by reassortment between
human and animal rotaviruses however, may have
greater fitness and become established in the
human population.
With regard to new rotavirus strains arising Epidemiological evidence for zoonotic
through reassortment, a concept of zoonotic transmission of rotavirus
genes may be developed. These can be defined as
genes originating in animal rotaviruses which can Until recently, specific rotavirus types have been
interact with genes of human rotaviruses, to form associated with specific animal species. For example,
infectious rotavirus particles which are serially human rotaviruses most commonly belong to G types
propagated in the human population. 1 4 and P types [4] and [8],19 whereas bovine
It is possible that reassortant rotaviruses can rotaviruses most commonly belong to G types 6, 8
arise not only through simultaneous infection by and 10 and P types [1], [5] or [11].20 Rotavirus
two different strains, but also after asynchro- subgroup II is strongly associated with human strains
nous infection where one strain infects a host, (L. Svensson: personal communication). As more
Zoonotic rotavirus 291

rotaviruses have been characterized, the host that available evidence suggested that whereas
species specificity of P and G types has become some feline and canine rotavirus strains have
less distinct. Human group A rotavirus strains that spread into human populations as whole virions,
posses genes commonly found in animal rotaviruses bovine rotaviruses were involved in reassortment
have been isolated from infected children in both with human rotaviruses, leading to the emergence
developed and developing countries. Strains such as of unusual strains in various parts of the world.
G3 (found commonly in species such as cats, dogs, Apparent dual infection with human and animal
monkeys pigs, mice, rabbits and horses), G5 (pigs rotaviruses has been observed. Nakagomi et al.37
and horses), G6 and G8 (cattle), G9 (pigs and recovered G1P[5] and G1P[8] strains from an infant
lambs), and G10 (cattle) have been isolated from with severe diarrhoea. The G1P[5] rotavirus was
the human population throughout the world.21 G genotypically similar to bovine strains. It was not
and P type combinations which are found in man isolated from the infant in high titre, and possibly
have also been found in animal species. For had little if any effect on the childs disease.
example, G10P[11] was found in American and Nonetheless it would have had the potential to
Canadian cattle by Lucchelli et al.22 and in Indian reassort with the coinfecting strain.
cows and buffaloes by Gulati et al.23 G3P[6] and It is possible that some human rotaviruses have
G4P[6] were found in pigs in Poland and the USA by multiple origins. Holmes et al.38 speculated that an
Winiarczyk et al.24 and G1P[8] and G5P[8] were unusual G8 P[14] type was derived from reassort-
found in pigs in Brazil by Santos et al.25 The ment between human, bovine and lapine strains.
emerging G9 strains26 28 may have arisen in humans This review will examine the potential for
through transfer from animals. They have been zoonotic transmission of rotaviruses from a United
found in lambs and pigs.25,29 In humans, they appear Kingdom perspective, describing the incidence of
to cause more severe symptoms than the common uncommon rotavirus strains, detailing potential
rotavirus strains,26,30 which might be due to less routes of transmission of animal rotaviruses to
immunity to these emerging strains, or to greater humans, and discussing risks of exposure, which
virulence being conferred by their genetic makeup. should be illustrative of the situation in a wider
Several studies have indicated symptomatic geographical context.
infection of humans by animal viruses. Nakagomi
and Nakagomi31 reported that almost all gene
segments of a rotavirus G3 strain (AU228) isolated
from a child with a pet cat were identical to those Evidence for zoonotic group A
of a feline rotavirus strain (FRV-1). Strains very rotaviruses in the United Kingdom
similar to this may have become established in
humans.5 A three week-old baby in an Israeli During a survey of circulating rotavirus strains
household which had a young dog (, 6 months old) carried out in the UK between 1995 and 1998,39
was infected with an animal rotavirus G3 strain.32 several uncommon genotypes were identified.
An outbreak of group B rotavirus gastroenteritis Reassortment between common human strains
occurred in Maryland, USA in 1985.33 Six out of 16 could explain the presence of some of these
people (adults and children) with gastroenteritis uncommon strains, but not all. Some of the strains
excreted a virus similar to a group B rotavirus strain with unusual G and/or P types, i.e. G1P[9], G3P[6],
in rats. G3P[9], G8P[8], G9P[6] and G9P[8] could be the
Das et al.34 reported that a G8 rotavirus which result of zoonotic transmission or of gene transfer
had widely circulated in newborn infants in India, by reassortment. Many of these virus types are
causing asymptomatic infection, had VP7 and VP4 found circulating in domestic animals and pets.21
gene sequences which were identical to those of a mara et al.40 considered that the G9
bovine rotavirus strain. It was not certain whether strains resulted from the recent introduction into
this strain was a pure bovine virus, or whether some the UK of G9P[6] rotavirus, followed by reassort-
of is genes were derived from human rotaviruses via ment with the common G1P[8], G3P[8] or G4P[8]
reassortment. Its NSP1 gene was highly homologous viruses. They observed that the G9P[8] strains
to that of a G3 strain which was later isolated from increased in incidence between 1995 and 1998,
cattle, suggesting reassortment had occurred.35 whereas that of G9P[6] declined: this could suggest
Cooney et al.36 suggested that, since G8 strains that G9P[6] has a replicative disadvantage in
possess diverse P-types, the exchange of serotype humans, which could be consistent with an animal
G8 VP7 genes between humans and cattle may have origin. Cubitt et al.26 observed that children
occurred on more than one occasion, or may be infected with G9 strains were older, and had more
continuing. Nakagomi and Nakagomi5 considered severe symptoms than those infected with other
292 N. Cook et al.

strains; this would support the recent introduction work, but they can leave the farm and straightaway
hypothesis, since this population would thus lack participate in a recreational activity, for instance
immunity to these strains. Furthermore, G9 strains meeting friends in a public house, where others can
were not detected in archived rotaviruses collected get exposed to any pathogenic microorganisms
before 1995 in the UK. which they may harbour on their clothing or hands.
The uncommon rotavirus strains in the UK study As well as faeces, dust and effluent may be
made up 2.3% of the total identified.39 From this potential vehicles of transmission of rotaviruses
data, it can be estimated that a minimum of 850 of between animals and farm workers, and also to
the reported 17,000 cases of rotavirus infection in others with access to farms. Within piggeries, there
England and Wales annually were caused by strains is a continuous cycle of rotavirus infection, with
of unusual types. If this extrapolated to the whole transmission of rotavirus from piglet to piglet, and
population, a total of 25,000 infections with from litter to litter.41,42 Rotaviruses have been
rotaviruses of unusual types might be expected detected in samples of dust, faeces and effluent
annually.39 collected from a piggery.43 They were detected in
The following sections will focus on the routes samples taken from farrowing and weaner rooms
whereby animal rotaviruses may be transmitted to but not from fattener and sow houses. The
humans, to demonstrate the risk of exposure to following house had previously been cleaned and
these agents in the UK population. disinfected, and the weaner house had actually
been free of piglets for 3 months. Porcine rota-
viruses can survive in faeces for at least 4 months
with only a 2 log10 reduction in the titre of
Direct contact with animals
infectious virus.43
In the UK, there are large numbers of farm
In many developing countries, there is close contact
animals. The latest DEFRA statistics show that in
between humans and domestic livestock. In areas
2000 there was a total agricultural workforce of
prone to flooding, or with a monsoon climate, this
550,000, of which approximately 50% will come into
can increase the chances of contact with animal
direct contact with farm animals. This is just under
faeces. In the UK and other developed countries,
0.5% of the UK population.
contact with farm animals is relatively limited, in
As an illustrative example of a potential con-
terms of the proportion of the population working
sequence of farm workers exposure to rotavirus, a
on farms, but this contact could be sufficient to
hypothetical estimate of the number of infections
allow ingress of animal rotavirus strains or genes
with bovine rotaviruses through contact with calves
into the human population. Exposure of humans to
on dairy farms can be made. In England, there are
animal rotaviruses may also be promoted through
approximately 18,000 dairy farms. It can be
contact with domestic pets, particularly cats and
assumed that, since young cattle need extensive
care, a minimum of 1 person per day per farm is in
direct contact with them. On dairy farms, the
Contact with farm animals calving season lasts all year. Therefore the number
of calf contact days per person per year in England
All farm workers handling livestock, especially the is 6,570,000. The average number of dairy cattle
young animals that are frequently handled, get per herd in approximately 80, each of which will
contaminated continuously with livestock faeces. It calve once per year. All the calves become infected
is common for piglets, lambs and calves to be with rotavirus, for a 5-day period in their second or
handled frequently during the first few weeks of third week of life, and shed virus in their faeces at a
life. Not many farm workers wear gloves, and they concentration of at least 1 106 infectious rota-
may eat using soiled hands. Smoking also may be virus particles per ml. If it is assumed that on
another way to acquire the viruses. Clothing and average each worker ingests 1 ml faecal material
footwear can be heavily contaminated, then taken per day, e.g. when eating lunch with soiled hands,
into residential accommodation. Because farm them they will ingest at least 1 103 infectious
workers are predominantly engaged in manual rotavirus particles each day of contact with
work, their hands can get quite rough and provide infected calves. From the results of the study of
cracks where viruses can become located, evading Ward et al.,44 ingestion of 1000 infectious human
removal by light washing. Aerosolised viruses rotavirus particles will cause infection in approxi-
produced from cleaning practices, e.g. hosing of mately 85% of people. Therefore, approximately
pens, could also contaminate hair and skin. Often, 5.5 million infections per year could occur through
it is not farm workers practice to shower after farm workers exposure to animal rotaviruses. Of
Zoonotic rotavirus 293

course, this exposure would not in every instance 1979 and March 1980, Ryder et al.53 surveyed the
result in infection, as animal rotaviruses will have prevalence of antibodies to rotavirus in, and the
limited specificity for humans, and also farm incidence of rotavirus diarrhoea among cattle
workers would have a degree of immunity against ranchers, their families, and their livestock. One
the animal rotaviruses through previous contact. hundred and eighty farm workers, and 161 family
But if there is, say, a one in a million chance of a contacts were studies. The animals comprised 512
farm worker becoming infected through ingestion cattle, 35 pigs and 19 sheep. At the start of the
of 1000 bovine rotavirus particles, then each year study, less than 30% of the people and animals on all
on average at least five human infections will arise the farms had detectable antibody (IgG) to rota-
this way in the UK. If the chance is one in a virus, and there was no difference between the
thousand, then the number of human infections will workers who had daily exposure to the animals and
be 5000 per year. Many of these infections will be the women and children who rarely had contact
asymptomatic. But secondary spread to family or with the animals. No antibodies to rotavirus were
social contacts could occur. The opportunity for detected in pigs and sheep. By March, approxi-
reassortment between the bovine rotavirus strains mately 70% of the humans and nearly 40% of the
and any human rotavirus strains which may be cattle had developed detectable antibodies to
infecting the farm workers or their secondary rotavirus. No correlation could be observed
contacts also exists. between the rates of rotavirus infection in humans
Exposure to animal rotaviruses will also occur and animals, either overall or on individual farms.
with farm workers handling suckler (beef) calves, Rates of rotavirus infections among humans were
piglets and lambs, and similar calculations could the same on farms with cattle as on those with pigs
also be performed for these situations. and sheep. Also, infection rates were similar in all
Non-farm workers can also have direct contact workers, regardless of how long they had been
with rotavirus-infected livestock. Opportunities are working with animals. Looking within the workers
afforded by access of children to farms, for families, however, it was observed that there was a
example (and perhaps significantly) during the high correlation between infection of children and
lambing season, and the proliferation of open infection of adults. Infection rates were higher
farms rearing exotic species of domesticated amongst parents with four or more children than
animals, which may also harbour and excrete amongst those with fewer numbers or no children.
rotaviruses. The protozoan parasite Cryptospori- The authors of the study concluded that for
dium parvum may provide an analogous example. It rotavirus infections in humans, children are the
is zoonotic, being found in a range of animals reservoir.
including cattle.45 The transmissive stage of the While the antibody prevalences were low in this
parasite, the oocyst, cannot multiply outside a study, its results suggested that repeated episodes
host, but like a rotavirus particle, it can persist in an of rotavirus infection occurred in individuals,
infectious state in various environments.46 Also like perhaps at intervals as short as 1 year. No typing
rotaviruses, C. parvum oocysts are shed in large of rotavirus isolated was performed. So it cannot be
numbers in the faeces of infected animals.45 ruled out that some of the human infections were
Cryptosporidiosis can be acquired through direct related to the animal infections. As more of the
contact with farm animals.47 50 There have been farms studied had animal containment structures
outbreaks in non-farm workers after visits to open contiguous with the workers housing, close contact
farms, where faecally contaminated calves were between children and animals may have occurred
handled, or raw milk or animal feed consumed.51,52 with some regularity and transmission from children
There are approximately 300 farms in England to adults may have involved animal rotavirus
which actively allow school visits (data from www. strains. Guidelines do, however,
exist to help avoid infection during such visits.50 Contact with pets
They recommend amongst other things fresh bed-
ding for livestock to minimize the risk of children Several case studies have indicated infection of
coming into contact with faeces, and the removal humans by direct contact with household pets.
of animals with scour (diarrhoea). Nakagomi and Nakagomi31 reported that a rotavirus
group A G3 strain isolated from a child with a pet
Evidence against transmission of rotavirus cat was identical to a feline rotavirus strain. A 3-
from livestock week old baby in an Israeli household which had a
young dog (, 6 months old) was infected with a
In a study undertaken in Panama between August canine rotavirus group A G3 strain.32
294 N. Cook et al.

Rotavirus infections in dogs are commonly sub- could be produced through disturbance of excreta,
clinical.54 Human rotavirus has been shown, exper- e.g. during cleaning practices. Also, excreta from
imentally, to infect dogs.55 Dogs are also cattle and pigs can be stored, then spread onto
susceptible to infection with porcine56 and bovine land. All the excreta are stored, including that from
rotaviruses.57 Sequence analysis of VP7 genes from diarrhoeic animals. It is likely that rotaviruses
some canine and feline rotavirus strains revealed a could, via manure or slurry, contaminate arable
high degree of homology between them and may land, water sources, and possibly also crops. As an
reflect interspecies transmission.58 example, the potential extent of rotavirus con-
In a study of outpatients with diarrhoea on a tamination of land via cattle slurry from an average
Native American reservation, Engleberg et al.59 dairy farm in the UK can be considered.
found that dog ownership was significantly P The average number of dairy cattle per herd is
0:05 associated with rotavirus infection. Ownership approximately 80, each of which will calve once per
of cats, cattle, horses, or any other animal was not year. One dairy cow produces 53 l excreta per day
associated with illness or seropositivity to rotavirus. (data from Anonymous61); assuming it is all stored,
The most significant factor was actually contact the cattle slurry produced will be 1.5 106 l. There
with children under 2 years. Dogs were not thought are 80 calves produced per year, all of which
to be the reservoir of infection, but to act as become infected with rotavirus for a 5-day period in
transmitters of the virus by rooting around on the their second or third week of life. Assuming each
refuse piles within the reservation (which contained calf produces 2 l of rotavirus-contaminated faeces
soiled nappies) and carrying viruses on their paws or per day during infection, the total volume of
snouts. excreta the calves produce over the year is 800 l,
In a survey of healthy cats in an animal shelter in containing at least 106 infectious rotavirus particles
Melbourne, Australia between March and October per ml. After mixing with the slurry produced by the
1984, Birch et al.60 found that 5% shed G3 type older cattle, and assuming homogeneity, the
group A rotavirus. They noted that the most recent concentration will be at least 5 105 infectious
human infections (March to May 1984) were also due rotavirus per litre of slurry. A recent ADAS
to G3 rotavirus, and would not rule out the recommendation62 is that slurries should be pre-
possibility of interspecies transfer. ferentially stored for 3 months prior to land
Of the 24.5 million UK households, just under application. Bovine rotaviruses have a decay rate
around 45% own a pet. In 2001 the number of in stored slurry of less than 2 logs in 12 weeks;63
households owning pets was: dogs: 4.8 million; therefore, in the current example, the concen-
cats: 4.8 million. The number of pet dogs was 6.1 tration of rotavirus after 3 months would be around
million and pet cats 7.5 million (data from the Pet 5 103 per litre. If the slurry is spread onto land,
Food Manufacturers Association; the contamination per hectare can be estimated.
Also in the UK, there are around 1 million horses and The area of land required for spreading waste from
3 million horse riders (data from the British Horse one dairy cow housed for 6 months is 0.19 ha.61 So
Society Handling and care of 53 182.5 9.6 103 l of cattle slurry is spread
infected pets could directly expose humans to onto 0.19 ha. Therefore 1 ha will be spread with
rotaviruses. Also, household contamination of approximately 5 104 l of cattle slurry. This area
objects and surfaces with faeces from infected could then be contaminated with 2.5 108 infec-
animals may also allow transmission of rotaviruses tious rotavirus particles. In other words, 1 m2 could
to humans. be contaminated with 2.5 104 infectious rotavirus
There is a round-the-year application of cattle
slurry onto land in the UK.64 This will mediate a
Contamination of the environment and
continuous introduction of animal rotaviruses into
food the environment. Besides cattle slurry, cattle
manure, pig waste, and sheep excrement will also
Rotaviruses in livestock excreta provide vehicles for environmental contamination
with animal rotaviruses. Consequent human
The excreta from infected cattle, pigs and sheep exposure to animal rotaviruses through agricultural
contains large numbers of infectious rotavirus work is likely. With regard to farm visits, or
particles. This is a potential source of contami- recreational activities such as rambling, the Cryp-
nation in various ways. Viruses in excreta deposited tosporidium analogy may again be illustrative. The
in fields could pass via run-off water into fresh number of cases of cryptosporidiosis in England and
waters such as rivers or lakes. Aerosolised virus Wales65 and Southern Scotland66 declined in 2001
Zoonotic rotavirus 295

after the outbreak of foot and mouth disease. contaminated water could facilitate the occurrence
Hunter et al.67 considered that this was probably of human-animal virus reassortants.
due to the removal of access to the countryside, The MAFF Water Code61 recommends that farm-
one of the control measures imposed, which yard manure or slurry should not be spread within
prevented people from coming into contact with 10 m of any ditches, streams, rivers or ponds. But a
farm and wild animals and their excrement. It can recent survey of farms in England62 revealed that
be reasonably expected that exposure to animal this precaution against contamination of water-
rotaviruses also occurs through similar contact, and courses was not being observed in all cases, with
it would be interesting to examine rotavirus 22% of respondents with manure/slurry and water-
incidence likewise. Furthermore, the potential courses spreading less than the recommended
also exists for contamination of watrcourses and distance. There has been much experimental work
food crops with animal rotaviruses, via excrement. done to show that enteric viruses can be trans-
ported through soils,73 and a recent field study74
demonstrated that poliovirus seeded onto soil could
Contaminated water
be transported 21.5 m to contaminate a well.
Rotaviruses may be able to persist in freshwater
There are several enteric viruses which have been for several days. In a study by Raphael et al.,75 it
proven to be transmissible by water,68 and water was demonstrated that a 100-fold decline in
has been the vehicle in a number of outbreaks of infectious particles in river water took approxi-
rotavirus gastroenteritis worldwide. mately 10 days at 20 8C, and 32 days at 4 8C. Thus,
A risk of contamination of watercourses with rotaviruses have the potential for wide dissemina-
animal rotaviruses exists through animal excreta. tion through watercourses after a contamination
As is known to occur with Cryptosporidium,46,69 event. Humans could consequently become
rotaviruses shed from infected animals on pasture- exposed to animal viruses through drinking
land could be transported via run-off waters into untreated water, either directly or after failure of
watercourses. a potable water treatment or distribution system.
It has been shown that enteric virus excreted Bathing or recreational water would be another
from cattle can be present in river water. Ley likely source of exposure.
et al.70 demonstrated that bovine enterovirus, a In the UK, there have been no reported water-
picornavirus which can cause diarrhoea and abor- borne outbreaks of rotavirus. But sporadic cases of
tions but which is generally asymptomatic, and can waterborne viral gastroenteritis are difficult to
be detected in the faeces of cattle could also be recognise and are likely to go unnoticed.68 This
found in pasture pools, run-off streams and an will be even more apposite of any animal rota-
adjacent river. In a study conducted in Switzerland, viruses, given the probable low risk of symptomatic
Metzler et al.71 detected rotavirus by RT-PCR in infection. But the size of the recorded outbreaks in
approximately 40% of samples (23/58), which other countries demonstrates the magnitude of
included sewage effluent, river water, lake water, exposure which waterborne human rotavirus trans-
spring water and well water. Five isolates of mission can cause, and gives some indication of the
infectious rotaviruses were isolated from the potential exposure of a human population to animal
samples by cell culture. When typed, three isolates rotaviruses, which could be continually present in
were G8P[1], one was G8 but unidentified P type, some water sources. It would be informative to
and another was unidentified. Rotaviruses of the verify, and ascertain the extent of, this presence by
G8P[1] type have been exclusively detected in a survey of freshwater sources for animal
cattle, but when Metzler et al.71 examined 18 rotaviruses.
faecal samples from diarrhoeic calves in the area of
their study, G8P[1] rotaviruses were not detected. Contaminated food
They did not state whether any human clinical
samples were also screened, and the origin of the Animal rotaviruses could potentially be transmitted
unusual rotaviruses was therefore not clear. Grata- by foods directly, i.e. through consumption of meat
cap-Cavalier et al.72 detected bovine and porcine from infected animals, or indirectly, through con-
(group A but type not reported) rotaviruses in sumption of foods contaminated with organic
drinking water from homes in Isere, France, where waste. Another indirect route of transmission
there were children with rotaviral gastroenteritis. might be handling of food, such as fresh produce,
The rotavirus isolates were not the same as those sold on farms, by farm workers exposed to infected
which were infecting the children, but the authors animals.
considered that consumption of animal rotavirus- The foods which are normally associated with
296 N. Cook et al.

transmission of enteric viral disease are those which sites.80 Group A rotaviruses have been detected
are eaten raw, such as soft fruit and salad by EM and ELISA in lettuces sold in Costa Rican
vegetables, or only lightly cooked, such as shell- markets.81 The detection by EM implied that the
fish.76,77 However, foods which have been contami- viruses were present on the lettuces in high
nated by infected handlers post-cooking can also numbers (at least 105 106 particles per gram of
cause outbreaks of viral disease. lettuce), but their source was undetermined.
Although rotaviruses should be as easily trans- The Advisory Committee for the Microbiological
mitted by foods as most other enteric viral Safety of Foods78 considered that there was a
pathogens, foodborne disease outbreaks are seldom possible role of sludge derived from human sewage
reported. In England and Wales, the most common as a potential source of viral contamination of
identified cause of foodborne viral disease are crops. This concern could also be appropriate with
noroviruses,78 which between 1992 and 1995, regard to animal rotaviruses in manure or slurry. In
accounted for 6% of reported outbreaks of food- a report to the Department for the Environment,
borne gastroenteritis, and 95% of foodborne gastro- Transport and the Regions, Carrington et al.82,83
enteritis outbreaks where a viral agent was reviewed various experiments on virus survival in
positively identified.78 The reason for this dispro- sewage sludge-amended soils. They produced a
portionate figure may be that most of the cases quantitative interpretation of viral decay rates
occurred in large outbreaks, and the food vehicle from the data produced by these studies, and
was relatively easily identified. It is unlikely that calculated decimal reduction times for the viruses
this would occur with animal rotaviruses, again involved (enteroviruses including poliovirus). These
given the probable low risk of symptomatic infec- studies under review were mostly performed with
tion. However, the possibility of sporadic food- North American soil types and indigenous climatic
borne infection cannot be ruled out. Also, the conditions, and information is lacking on persist-
correlates of protection from rotaviruses and ence of viruses in soils and conditions pertaining to
noroviruses are poorly understood although symp- other countries. Carrington et al.83 pointed out that
tomatic reinfection with noroviruses is not uncom- in countries like the United Kingdom, mean soil
mon. Repeated rotavirus infections are usually temperatures seldom exceed 15 8C at 10 cm depth
asymptomatic or very mild. is summer, and are about 5 8C in winter. They
Group C rotaviruses were the cause of a large suggested that viral decay rates would be slow
foodborne outbreak affecting schoolchildren and under such conditions, with decimal reduction
teachers in seven elementary schools in Fukui City, times from 24 days to over 100 days. This estimate
Japan:79 this affected more than 3000 individuals. is supported by the work of Damgaard-Larsen
One particular preparation center supplied lunch to et al.,84 who studied the survival of enteroviruses
all the affected schools, and this was the basis for in sludge-amended soil under Danish winter con-
attributing the outbreak to infected food, although ditions. In December 1975 they added Coxsack-
no particular food item was incriminated through ievirus B3 to municipal sludges, which were then
questionnaire responses and the virus could not be placed on soil lysimeters, and dug in by spade.
detected in food samples. The rotavirus isolated Samples were taken each month until May 1976.
from the patients was immunologically similar to The viral titre fell by 0.5 1 log10 per month, but
porcine group c rotaviruses, and Matsumoto et al.79 some viruses could still be detected at the end of
speculated whether it was actually of porcine the experiment. Carrington et al.83 considered that
origin. As pork is usually thoroughly cooked it is cultivation of soil after sludge application would
unlikely that it was the vehicle in this outbreak; encourage viral decay by encouraging evaporation,
post-cooking contamination of foods by improper but this practice could also result in aerosolisation
hygienic practice (e.g. contact with raw pork on of virus particles. Irrigation of crops with contami-
preparation surfaces) cannot however be dismissed nated water or organic waste is a potential means
as a possibility. of contaminating foofdstuffs with enteric viruses,
There is a potential risk of transmission of animal and studies have demonstrated that rotaviruses can
rotaviruses if crops, particularly those which are be transferred to the surfaces of vegetables and
eaten raw, are exposed to farmyard waste. There is persist there for several days, following the
no published information on detection or survival of application of sewage sludge to effluent. Once on
rotaviruses in crops or soil amended with farmyard foodstuffs such as vegetables, viruses may persist
waste, although information accruing from a under normal storage conditions over the times
European research project on Cryptosporidium in usual between purchase and consumption.85 Using
food and water may be useful with regard to simian rotavirus SA-11 as a model, Badawy et al.86
analogous situations involving protozoan para- showed that rotavirus could survive on lettuce,
Zoonotic rotavirus 297

radishes and carrots for up to 30, 30, and 25 days, the quality of food and water available to them.
respectively, at refrigeration temperature; at room Cook et al.92 drew some similarities with the
temperature, however, the survival periods were epidemiology of measles, such as the marked
25, 4, and 15 days, respectively. seasonality of disease, the ubiquity of infection,
It is well known that zoonotic agents can be and the high attack rate, to support the airborne
transmitted via meat contaminated at slaughter. route hypothesis for spread of rotavirus.
Petersen et al.87 devised a rating scheme whereby In a study of rotavirus in pigs in Venezuela,
the public health significance of the potential Utrera et al.96 noted an increase in the number of
transmission of zoonotic agents by beef could be infections during periods of low rainfall and
prioritized. The list of 25 pathogens included humidity. They suggested that the low relative
rotavirus, which was ranked 15th (the first three humidity promoted an increase in aerosol for-
were E. coli O157:H7, Salmonella, and Listeria, in mation, particularly in relation to virus-laden dust
that order). Young animals, which are more likely to from faecally contaminated surfaces, which could
be infected with rotavirus and display symptoms, result in an increased spread of infection. A dry
are not likely to be slaughtered, but older animals atmosphere, especially in combination with lower
could be infected subclinically, and rotaviruses in air temperature, appears to be conducive to the
faecal material could contaminate their meat at start of outbreaks of rotavirus gastroenteritis.97,98
slaughter. Abattoirs in the UK grade livestock on The dry air indoors when it is heated during cold
their cleanliness, using a 1 5 scale (1 clean). weather has been postulated99 as one of the causes
Only clean animals get killed. This reduces the of the seasonality of rotavirus infection, as it could
chances that carcasses are contaminated with encourage aerosol transmission of rotavirus. The
zoonotic agents from faecal material from the skin. handling of rotavirus-contaminated material can
Although rotaviruses have been detected in create aerosols of various sizes. The larger of these
shellfish,88 shellfish have not been associated with settle out rapidly and can contaminate the immedi-
transmission of rotaviral disease. Metcalf et al.89 ate surroundings, while the smaller (usually , 5 mm
speculated that this may reflect some property of diameter) become droplet nuclei which may remain
the stability of rotaviruses, e.g. loss of infectivity airborne for prolonged intervals.99,100
upon uptake by shellfish through possible removal Ansari et al.90 reviewed information derived
of surface spikes. However, Ansari et al.90 believed from experimental study of the survival of rotavirus
that shellfish harvested from sewage-polluted areas in air. Although there are differences in results
may be a likely vehicle for rotavirus, and, as which may be due to differences in the rotavirus
children seldom eat raw shellfish, and adults strains and the experimental protocols which have
seldom display symptoms of infection, shellfish- been employed, overall the information indicates
associated rotavirus gastroenteritis may go unno- that rotavirus could survive in air long enough to
ticed. Ley et al.70 found bovine enterovirus in pose a risk of infection to persons or animals in the
oysters in a river which received run-off from same environment.
pasture where cattle grazed. The virus could also Potential routes of airborne exposure to animal
be detected in the cattle faeces, and the run-off rotaviruses exist. For instance, intensive pig units
streams. are force-ventilated, as a form of temperature
control and also to prevent airborne disease such as
Contaminated air pneumonia in the pigs. The air is sucked out either
through the side or through the roof. It is
Many viral infections can be spread through air91 conceivable that this could result in dissemination
and it has been suggested that rotaviruses may be of aerosolised rotavirus, to which not only workers
airborne.92 An airborne route of rotavirus trans- but also people living in the vicinity could be
mission has been demonstrated in experimental exposed. Also, spreading of animal wastes onto
animals responsible for outbreaks of epizootic land, in particular by slurry spreading mechanisms,
diarrhoea in infant mice.93,94 Although possibly which generate aerosol-sized droplets, could result
borne by aerosol droplets into the respiratory in such exposure. In the UK, over 90% of slurry is
tract, rotaviruses may not replicate there, but be applied to land by broadcast spreading,101 and it has
translocated by mucocilliary activity into the been shown that the technique can disseminate
gastrointestinal tract and ingested.95 Airborne bacteria over distances of up to 650 m, especially
droplet spread of rotavirus has been suggested to under windy conditions.102 A current DEFRA project
explain the universal occurrence of rotavirus (WA0804) is conducting extensive studies on bac-
disease in children during the first 4 years of life, terial pathogen dissemination by land spreading of
regardless of the level of hygiene that prevails or of solid manure or slurry, and has identified the
298 N. Cook et al.

highest risks to occur for instance from the use of The low incidence of uncommon strains in the UK,
splashplate tankers, spreading of fresh slurry (no however, would suggest that such transmission, or
pathogen die-off), and during high windspeeds (N. at least the establishment of an animal rotavirus or
Nicholson: personal communiation). a human/animal reassortant virus in the human
population does not happen with any great fre-
Contaminated surfaces quency. However, the example of the G9 strains
may be instructive. These viruses appeared
Viral contamination of various objects and surfaces recently, possibly from animals: even if such
can occur either directly by contact with faeces or transmission took place through a single event,
indirectly through virus-contaminated aerosols.91, they are now found worldwide. It cannot be
Hands frequently contact environmental completely dismissed that zoonotic transmission
surfaces, and the potential for transfer of rotavirus of rotaviruses could occur in the UK, nor can it be
between surfaces and hands was demonstrated by predicted when such an occurrence could take
Ansari et al.:105 their findings showed that rotavirus place. The rapid movement of people of diverse
could retain infectivity for several hours on skin, populations throughout the world allows the intro-
and could transfer in an infectious state to other duction and spread of rotaviruses generated in
surfaces. Abad et al.106 examined the survival of developing countries through zoonotic transmission
rotavirus on surfaces composed of several and reassortment. This could have implications for
materials, aluminum, china, glazed, tile, latex a vaccine strategy: it may be that if symptomatic
infections arising from the common human rota-
and polystyrene, commonly found in households,
virus types were reduced or eliminated, then other
and found that infectious virus could persist for at
infectious strains may still exist within the animal
least 60 days. Moe and Shirley107 found that
rotavirus infectivity could persist for up to a week
In the UK, contact with animals, and the input
under conditions similar to those found in the home
into the environment of animal wastes, must
in temperate countries, namely 30% relative
frequently expose many thousands of people to
humidity and 20 8C. This could permit the survival
animal rotaviruses. This may not result in high
of infectious virus on household objects long
levels of infection, but some infection could occur.
enough to infect persons living in the same
There may be a continual, albeit very low level, of
environment with an individual or animal which is
input of rotavirus strains or sequences into the
shedding rotavirus. There is some inferential
human population from the animal population.
evidence to indicate that virus-contaminated car-
Because of the nature of the exposure, this input
pets may be a vehicle for transmission of gastroin-
will occur continually, year on year.
testinal infection.108
It is clear that there is much information lacking,
Occupational exposure to animal pathogens may
which would allow a full assessment of any risk
be a source of household contamination. Rice
which animal rotaviruses pose to the UK population
et al.109 showed that Salmonella enterica could
through zoonotic transmission. In particular, there
be cultured from the contents of vacuum cleaners
is no data on rotaviruses circulating in animals in
used in houses where one or more occupant was in
the UK. Whilst detailed surveys of the G and P types
contact with infected cattle, or involved in a
have been undertaken recently in man in the UK, no
veterinary clinic outbreak of feline salmonellosis,
comparable survey has been conducted in animals
or engaged in research on the bacterium. Thirty
and there are no published surveys of the G and P
percent (8/26) of the samples taken from the
types circulating in cattle/pigs/lambs/cats/dogs/
households whose occupant(s) had contact with
rodents in the UK. There is a lack of sequence data
infected cattle were S. enterica positive, whereas
from animal rotaviruses, which prevents close
no positive samples n 12 were identified from
comparison between human and animal strains,
houses with no known occupational exposure. It is
and little is known about the long-term molecular
quite possible that occupational exposure to rota-
epidemiology of rotavirus infections in animals. The
virus-infected animals could similarly be a source of
replicative or pathogenic potential of animal
household contamination.
rotaviruses in human hosts is not optimally
assessed. There is no information on survival of
rotaviruses in slurry- or manure-amended soil, and
Conclusions there is no information on whether rotaviruses may
be detected in UK watercourses, or on foodstuffs in
There is evidence that zoonotic transmission of the UK.
rotaviruses, or at least rotavirus genes, can occur. Several questions remain to be answered. For
Zoonotic rotavirus 299

example: is genotyping correct? Some published date, then this would be a further proof that
G10 primers cross-react with G3 types.20 Do segments were being transferred from animal to
common human strains have a zoonotic back- human rotaviruses.
ground, i.e. are gene segments other than those 4. The potential for infection of humans by animal
encoding VP7 and VP4 derived from animal strains? rotaviruses through direct contact with animals
Examining only G and P sequences from clinical could be studied by monitoring a group, e.g.
isolated does not reveal whether other segments, incoming veterinary students, likely to handle
such as segment 11 (NSP4) may have a zoonotic infected livestock or pets.
background. Are there species-specific clusters of 5. It would be beneficial to acquire dose response
genotypes, e.g. G types? Species-specific genetic information to directly determine the infectivity
clusters of NSP4 have been described.17 of animal rotaviruses to humans. Examination of
There are several recommendations which can the data from vaccine trails should give reason-
be made. In order of priority, these are: able information in this regard.
6. The evidence for cross-species infection raises
1. To establish whether there is any relationship interesting questions about the genetic and
between rotavirus strains infecting humans and cellular basis of species specificity, and this
animals, a survey should be performed of should be established. This would provide an
concomitantly circulating strains. The survey element of prediction of replication in heter-
should compare rural and urban areas, with ologous species.
perhaps two examples of each. The study should 7. Studies to determine how long animal rotavirus
involve GP practices for collection of human can survive in soil amended with manure or slurry
samples, and veterinary practices for collection would provide useful exposure assessment data.
of animal samples (livestock and pets). The rural Such studies should model UK agricultural prac-
areas should be chosen for high prevalence of tice, and involve in situ fields settings using
different livestock types, e.g. North Humberside lysimeters over several seasons, as well as
for pigs, Cheshire for cattle. The study should laboratory microcosm experimentation, to
focus on group A rotaviruses, as the typing and thoroughly determine survival potential and
classification scheme for these is more fully examine the factors which may influence it.
developed than for other groups (although The potential for transfer of animal rotaviruses
information on group B and C rotaviruses would to crops in soil which has been amended with
also be useful), and examine the G and P types of manure or sewage sludge could also be studied in
the isolates. Genotyping should be performed these tests.
with fully validated primer sets. To provide a 8. Examination of watercourses for animal rota-
fuller picture, the NSP1 and NSP4 genes of each viruses would facilitate assessment of the extent
isolate should also be typed. Sequencing of RT- of exposure to viruses by this means.
PCR amplicons should be performed as far as
possible, to facilitate identification of lineages. If these recommendations are followed, the
2. A database of animal rotavirus sequences should information obtained will allow a fuller under-
be established. Attributes such as (1) Species of standing of the zoonotic potential of rotavirus.
origin (2) Strain name, (3) Isolation date, (4)
Geographical origin of isolate and (5) Sampling
method, i.e. whether it was sub-cultured or Acknowledgements
sampled directly, should be included. This
information could be used to order the compli- We acknowledge the support of the United Kingdom
cated rotavirus classification system as well as Department for the Environment, Food and Rural
determine phylogenetic relationships more effi- Affairs (Defra). The views expressed in this paper
ciently. These attributes would be equally as are the authors and not necessarily those held by
useful for human rotavirus isolates, and this Defra. We would like to thank the following for
information should be included in future consultation and advice: Dr Ulrich Desselberger; Dr
accessions. David Cubitt, Great Ormond Street Hospital,
3. In order to further develop the phylogenetic London; Mr Andrew Schofield, Minster Veterinary
analysis it would be advantageous to find Practice, York; Professor Lennart Svensson, Uni-
historical rotaviral sequences to include in any versity of Linko
ping, Sweden. Many thanks also to Dr
phylogenetic analysis. If a human sequence was Nick Nicholson, of ADAS, Boxworth, Cambridge and
segregating into a human clade in the past but to Professor Huw Smith of the Scottish Parasite
was segregating into an animal clade at a later Diagnostic Laboratory, Glasgow.
300 N. Cook et al.

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