Quran Chronology Themes

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Peter Riddell

Prof P G Riddell 25/06/2016 1

Imagine that the books of the entire Bible

were ordered from the longest to the
shortest. How would that affect your reading
of the Bible from start to finish?

4 25/06/2016

Psalms 2526 Rev 404

Heb 303
Genesis 1533 Ezra 280
Jeremiah 1364 Esther 272
Isaiah 1291 2 Cor 256
Ecclesiastes 222
Numbers 1289 Zechariah 211
Ezekiel 1271 Hosea 197
Eph 155
Exodus 1213
Lamentations 154
Luke 1151 Gal 149
Matt 1071 Amos 146
Song of Solomon 117
Job 1068 1 Tim 113
Acts 1006 James 108
Deuteronomy 959 Micah 105
1 Peter 105
1 Chronicles 943 1 John 105
Proverbs 915 Phil 104
John 879 Col 95
1Thess 89
Leviticus 859 Ruth 85
2 Chronicles 821 2 Tim 83
1 Kings 817 Joel 73
2 Peter 61
1 Samuel 810 Habakkuk 56
2 Kings 719 Malachi 55
Zephaniah 53
2 Samuel 695
Jonah 48
Mark 678 Nahum 47
Joshua 658 2Thess 47
Titus 46
Judges 618
Haggai 38
Daniel 530 Phlm 25
1 Cor 437 Jude 25
Obadiah 21
Rom 433 3 John 15
Nehemiah 405 2 John 13 5


When the [four] There is no compulsion

forbidden months are in religion: true
over, wherever you
encounter the idolaters, guidance has become
kill them, seize them, distinct from error, so
besiege them, wait for whoever rejects false
them at every lookout gods and believes in
post; but if they turn [to
God], maintain the God has grasped the
prayer, and pay the rmest hand-hold, one
prescribed alms, let them that will never break.
go on their way, for God God is all hearing and
is most forgiving and all knowing.

Q9:5 Q2:256

Theodor Nldeke (1836-1930) identifies 3

Meccan phases and one Medinan
Allows for composite suras (e.g. 6, 8-12, 14,
15, 18, 31, 46 etc.)

Prolific online provision for dawa

The Noble Quran - quran.com
Quran Explorer -
Promoted as An easy way to read and recite Quran
Quran Flash - www.quranflash.com
And many, many more sites


A number of these sites offer the user the

option of adjusting the order of the Qurans
Between the standard (non-chronological) order
And an order that is claimed to represent the
chronological order of the chapters
NB Meccan & Medinan

Q53:1-12: Muh. stakes claim to authority as the Consolidating claims of the Messenger
Messenger of Allah
The Quran is nothing less than a revelation that is sent
Muhammad aligned with previous prophets
to him. [The Prophets] own heart did not distort what (21:41, 25:4-6)
he saw. Are you going to dispute with him what he saw Muhammad responds to the rejecters
with his own eyes?
Role of the Messenger is to call all to the Significant space devoted to reassuring
message of the revealed Quran Muhammad, as opposition built up
Sura 112 encapsulates the faith that Muhammad was
calling his audience to embrace: Say, He is God the One,
God the eternal. He begot no one nor was He begotten.
No one is comparable to Him.
repeatedly told to give warning to the unbelievers


Continuing rejection triggers Messengers Role of Muh further clarified; increasingly

distress and warning: elevated in his position and authority
(6:35) If you find rejection by the Q58: how believers should conduct themselves in
disbelievers so hard to bear his presence
Q45:7-8: Woe to every lying sinful person Obey God and His Messenger (4:59,69;
8:1,20,46; 24:52; 33:33; 49:14; 64:12).
who hears Gods revelations being recited to
him, yet persists in his arrogance as if he had Those who pledge loyalty to you [Prophet] are
actually pledging loyalty to God Himself (48:10)
never heard them- Prophet bring him news of
We have prepared a blazing Fire for those who
a painful torment!
do not believe in God and His Messenger

Role of Muh cont.

not to raise ones voice above his or your
[good] deeds may be cancelled out (49:2)
God and his messenger may make decisions
together which are to be undisputed (33:36)

Muhammads duty in this phase still pre- Role of Muh

jihad: Q9:81: True believers should join jihad
your only duty is to deliver the message Little tolerance for hypocrites
clearly (16:82; cf. 11:12; 13:7; 29:18; 35:23) hypocrites are liars (63:1)
This Book has been sent down to you
[Prophet]let there be no anxiety in your
heart because of itso that you may use it to
give warning and to remind the believers


Doctrine of jihad through battles and wars Doctrine of jihad through battles and wars
sura 8 (battle of Badr), Specific instructions:
believers can incur the wrath of God in hell if
sura 47, sura 3 (battle of Badr and Uhud), they flee from a disbeliever while in battle (8:16);
sura 59, sura 33 (Battle of the Trench), struggling for Gods cause is listed as one
sura 48, and sura 9 (preparations for the ingredient for inheriting Gods forgiveness (8:74);
expeditions to Tabuk) there is a high rank and tremendous reward
for those who take part in striving in Gods way
while in battle, God does not protect those who
prayinstructions are given to have some stand
guard while others pray (4:101-103)

Pervasive apocalyptic tone of these Suras

Note wealth of synonyms for the Judgment
the Day of Judgment (1:4; 56:55; 74:46; 82:15;
83:11); the Judgment (51:6; 95:7; 107:1);
Judgement Day (51:12).
the Day of Resurrection (68:39; 75:1,6)
the promised Day (70:42; 85:2)
the imminent Hour (53:57)
the Great Event (69:15)
the Overwhelming Event (88:1)
the Crashing Blow (101:1-3)
the Day of Decision (77:13f,38; 78:17)
the Day of Truth (78:39).

These Suras describe the eternal punishment a two-age apocalyptic framework:

of the wicked in Hell (55:43; 56:94; 78:21; the present life and the life to come (53:25).
79:36,39; 83:16; 89:23; 96:18) Quite often the life of this world is
and the eternal reward of the righteous in contrasted with the Hereafter (87:16-17).
Gardens of bliss (56:12,89; 68:34; Or this fleeting world is set against the life
70:35,37)(52:18; 69:22; 78:32; 85:11). to come (75:20-21).


Judgment theme continues to be reinforced Judgment theme continues to be reinforced

throughout throughout
In almost every sura there was reference to the Day the Day of Resurrection (6:12; 7:32,167,172;
of Judgement (15:35; 26:82; 37:20; 38:78), the 10:60,93; 11:98f; 16:25,27,92, 124;
Day of Decision (37:21; 44:40), the Day of 28:41f,61,71f; 29:13,25; 30:56; 32:25; 35:14;
Reckoning (38:26,53), the Day of Remorse 39:15,24,30,47,60,67; 41:40; 45:17,26; 46:5), or
(19:38), the Day of everlasting Life (50:34), etc. simply the Day (6:73,128; 7:53; 10:28,45; 11:8;
warning disbelievers of coming judgment and hell 14:44; 16:111; 28:62,74; 29:55; 34:40; 40:16,
(54:6-8; 37:19-39; 71; 76:4; 44:10-16; 50:20-30; 32f,51f,78; 41:19,47; 46:20,34), also commonly
20:15-16,74, 100-111; 26:90-104; 19:37-39, 97- referred to as the Hour (6:31,40; 7:187; 30:14;
98; 38:14-17; 36:48-65; 43:65-67; 72:15, 23-28;
67:6-11; 23:63-67, 101-104; 21:29; 25:11-14,
41:47,50; 42:18; 45:27,32), or the Last Hour
26-29; 17:8, 18, 63, 97-99; 27:90; 18:29, 52, 106) (12:107; 34:3; 42:17).

Judgment theme continues to be reinforced

the Last Day (2:8,62,126,177,228,232,264;
4:38f,59,136,162; 5:69; 9:18f,29,44f,99; 24:2;
58:22; 60:6; 65:2)
the Day (3:9,30,106; 5:109; 9:77; 22:2; 24:24,64;
33:66; 57:12f; 58:6,18)
a Day (2:48,281; 3:25; 5:119; 22:55; 66:8)
the Day of Resurrection (2:85,174,212,275;
3:55,77,161,180,185,194; 4:87,109,141,159;
5:36,64; 22:9,17,69; 58:7; 60:3)

Clearly delineates believers from unbelievers Who are the disbelievers?

Q56 categories ungrateful to God (Q100:6)
Best believers deny the truth
Ordinary believers amuse themselves with idle chatter
thrust into the Fire of Hell (Q52:12,13)

Activity: Read Q 56 and discuss


message that works without belief are Even Satan and false gods will renounce
fruitless (Q18:103-105) disbelievers on Judgement Day
Character of believer irreproachable They will take full responsibility for their
(Q25:63ff) unbelief and disobedience
Believers show gratitude to God; disbelievers
do not

Calls for unity among the believers (Q3:105;

Introduces warnings for believers: urges them
not to buy the life of this world at the price
of the Hereafter. (Q2:86)

References to biblical characters:

Adam (20:115-123; 15:26-50; 17:61);

Just as previous prophets were rejected in the
Noah (54:9-15; 37:75-82; 71:1-28; 26:105-122; 23:23-30; past, so too is Muhammad rejected
21:76-77; 25:37);
Abraham (37:83-113; 26:69-89; 15:57-60; 19:41-50; 38:45 they all rejected the messengers and they
43:26; 21:51-70); were deservedly struck by My punishment.
Lot (54:33-40; 37:133-138; 26:160-175; 15:61-77; 21:71-75;
27:54-58); (Saad,14)
Ismail (19:54-55; 21:85)
Moses (37:114-122; 44:17-33; 20:9-98; 26:10-68; 19:51-53;
43:46-56; 23:45-49; 21:48-50; 25:35-36; 17:101-104);
Job (38:41-44; 21:83-84);
David and Solomon (38:17-26, 30-40; 21:78-82; 27:15-44);
Jonah (37:139-148; 21:87-88)
Zechariah (19:1-15; 21:89-90);
Mary and Jesus (19:16-34; 43:57-60; 23:50; 21:91);


Resemblances increasingly drawn between Q

and older scriptures
Growing tension with increasing rejection of
Muhs message

For first time, Muhammad understands his This new religion replaces the old Scriptures; Q28:49;
Q39: 27-28
beliefs as a new religion (Q45:16-19): We gave scripture, wisdom, and
prophethood to the Children of Israel; We provided
them with good things and favoured them above
others; We gave them clear proof in matters [of
religion]. They differed among themselves out of
mutual rivalry, only after knowledge came to them:
on the Day of Resurrection your Lord will judge
between them regarding their differences. Now We
have set you [Muhammad] on a clear religious path,
so follow it. Do not follow the desires of those who
lack [true] knowledgethey cannot help you against
God in any way.

Positive Delineation: Islam as separate faith Negative delineation: Views of Jews &
Sura 2 speaks of direction of prayer (v.142-149), Christians less favourable
fasting (v.183-187), fighting (v.190-194, 216-
218), pilgrimage (v.196-203), suffering (v.214- Messenger no longer appeals to J & C
215), gambling (v.219-220), orphans (v.220), Rather establishes practices that delineate M
marriage with disbelievers (v.221), menstruation from J & C
(v.222), sex (v.223), taking oaths(v224-227), Q2:144: Qibla introduced
divorce (v.228-232), breastfeeding (v.233),
widows (v.234), refugees (v.243), and giving Q2:183: Ramadan
(v.261-281). Q2:197: guidance on pilgrimage
ceremonial cleanliness is addressed thoroughly Later Medinan verses give instructions on
throughout. (Women, 43)
eating, praying, other codes of conduct


Views of Jews & Christians cont. Sura 87 (early Meccan)

Q3:28 dont befriend J & C [18] Verily, this is in the former Scriptures -
Q3:69-75 People of Book cannot be trusted [19] The Scriptures of Ibrhm (Abraham) and
Q9:29: Jizya set for PoB Msa (Moses) (peace be upon them).

50 25/06/2016

Sura 5 (late Medinan) Should Christians read the Quran? Why/why

[051] O ye who believe! take not the Jews and not?
the Christians for your friends and protectors: What should Christians and Muslims do about
They are but friends and protectors to each
other. And he amongst you that turns to them awkward verses in their respective texts?
(for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth How could the information in this lecture help
not a people unjust. you in forming friendships with your Muslim

51 25/06/2016 52 25/06/2016

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