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We are All

{A book for the two-way bilingual classroom}

By: Nicole Loewen

It was the first day of school. All of my classmates
and I lined up on the side of the wall next to our
classroom. Backs to the wall, feet on the ground,
and eyes not looking all around. That is what our
principal would sing as he walked by when we
waited outside of our classroom. Backs to the
wall, feet on the ground, and eyes not looking all
I had my backpack on with all the school supplies
that we needed to have for first grade in Miss Ls
class. No one had met our first grade teacher yet.
She was a mystery to us all! We wanted to know
over summer but everyone told us, Just wait until
the fall!

Ben told me that he thinks she assigns a lot of

homework! But I heard she is the easiest of them
I was a little nervous to walk in the classroom but
the door was open so we all came in. The principal
stood in the doorway with a big grin. He said our
teacher was running a little late. On the first day? I
thought to myself. Teachers are normally here at
I dont know what she could possibly be doing that is
more important than being here on the first day.
Maybe when she finally arrived she would say.

The whole class put their backpacks away in their

cubbies and found the desk where their name tag
About half my class I do not know very well! Some
students only spoke Spanish, so they find it difficult
to talk to me. And I tried to speak in Spanish but I
couldnt always say what I wanted, so I just let it be.
So when recess time came around, I would play with
my English speaking classmate. Sometimes our
whole class would play a game, we would run
around and count by eight, or play a game about
guessing which state! But I never felt quite
confident enough to speak in Spanish.
I sat down at my desk and looked around at my
peers, we all looked so different. I looked around
the classroom, it was gray and blue! There were a
lot of drawers that were filled with different
blocks, colorful paper, and even glitter glue!
A long string of different countrys flags were
draped across the ceiling. Each flag had a number
next to it. I thought to myself, what for? And then
I got a feeling!

The number must represent where we all are

from. For our class is so diverse, it would be quite
fitting! But I will still ask Miss L when she gets here,
which is hopefully soon, I am so tired of sitting!

There were not many posters on the walls, but

there were a few. Each poster had a matching one
in Spanish and English so we could read them in the
language we knew.
I looked at the clock that read 8:28. That means our
teacher has two minutes to come to class or shell
be late! My thoughts were interrupted as the
principal said have a good first day, and waved at
our class as he walked into the hallway.

Miss L walked in and then shut the door behind her.

Our teacher was finally here! At least we thought it
was her. The classroom was mostly silent but some
students started to whisper.
She walked in front of the class.
She had a folder in front of her face as she passed.
Finally Miss L took a seat. At her desk in front of
the classroom where we would finally meet.
We still could not see Miss Ls face because of the
We did not even know what Miss L looked like, the
folder perfectly hid her!
As a class, we were confused, we looked around,
and we stared even harder at the folder without a
We looked at the manila folder that covered her
face and we wished we knew what was going on,
but instead, we felt so out of place.
Miss L finally spoke in a relaxed tone. The class
perked up as if they all had grown. Miss L dijo,
Clase, ahora necesito que todos saquen un papel y
escriben sus ideas sobre cmo soy. She paused and
then continued, Qu color es mi pelo? Cunto
I looked around a bit confused after Miss L spoke
I had understood a little bit of what she said but I
still didnt know. Should I ask a classmate maybe? I
could just give them a little poke!
I learned Spanish last year but the whole summer
had passed. I hadnt spoken a word of it! I should
have practiced but there is nothing I can do now,
that is all in the past!
Some students started taking out pieces of paper,
and some looked confused
Miss L then began again, saying, Please take out a
piece of paper. Write what you believe I look like
behind this manila folder.
The rest of the class began to work, we had finally
caught on. Our papers were out and our confusion
was gone. We all started to write down what we
believe Miss L looks like.
I sneaked a peak around the classroom, trying to
see other students papers. What did the other
students believe our teacher might be like?
But no such luck, the manila folder blinded me and
the classmates alike. I stared at my teacher behind
her desk, I could not see much of her but her dark
purple long sleeve dress.
I wondered to myself who I would be looking at the
rest of the school year. I was just so curious,
hopefully not someone weird! She wont show her
face! When would she? Hopefully the time was

I thought to myself, who wont show their face?

How weird! I started to feel nervous and had a little
bit of fear. What if I did not like her? What if she
was weird? I guess we would find out when she puts
down the manila folder. Oh no, what if she never
does? Oh dear!
Students were still writing and drawing, a well
thought out prediction, describing how they think
Miss L looks. We all turned over our papers when
we felt done and waited until Miss L addressed
One student got up and walked to sharpen their
pencil. At least that was their excuse to try and
sneakily see our teacher!
We were all so curious, what did she look like?
The last pencil dropped and Miss L crinkled her
folder. She slowly brought it down, that is the
folder that hid her. She had eyes that looked very
inviting a big smile spread across her face.

Anyone could see that this was her favorite place.

Not just the classroom, the decorated lights, and
the reading nook, but most importantly, the
students that filled the classroom, no matter the
way they look!
Miss L finally spoke, she said look downMira para
abajo. Our eyes followed her command, we
reread our papers and then looked around.
Our teacher, Miss L, looked around the room and
asked, Whose description matches what I look
No one had a correct prediction of what they
believe Miss L looked like, not one person in the
The lesson we learned that day hit us all with a
See, the lesson I learned on the first day of school,
wasnt in Math, Science, Social studies or reading.
But it was that no matter someones appearance, we
have so much in common, we all are a little
different and that is what will help us all help each
other in succeeding!
See, its like two eggs.
They can be brown or white.
But when you crack them open, they look alike!
They can be from completely different chickens.
But theyre not that different when you lose sight,
kind of liking being blinded by a manila folder, thats
exactly right!
We learned that what was behind the folder wasnt
what mattered. It was that we knew Miss L and we
learned that she wants to teach us.
In two languages so we learn not only math, science,
and language artsbut two languages! Thats the
exciting part!
Now as I look around, I see a big group of first
graders, whose backgrounds might be different but
whose similarities are much much bigger!
The End
P.S. I cannot wait for an
exciting year!

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