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Joints. Joints. Table of Contents. Types of Joints, ___________-_-~~ Page 2 Expansion Joints, _____________- Page 2 Structural Joints, ___________-~~~ Page 7 Settlement Joints.-____$_$_»_-______- Page 9 Casting Joints, _—_________-_-~~~ Page 15 Short Cantilever.-______$___-_-~~- Page 16 © Conyright Eng, Yasser ErLeathy 2009, All copyrights reserved i Reproduction of hese notesin par or. whole for se sully pote Joints. Printing is allowed for personal use only. Page No. 1 Types of Joints. @® Expansion Joints. ss5\ jolsi @ Structural Joints. «s2s) Joly @ Settlement Joints. oy.» Jolgi @ Casting Joints. ao polsd @ Expansion Joints. ssci\ J.o\55 Maud otec dl gle oyu pype Saod (PLO E+) Ge GW pS Jyball aly 131 + Aaa cree I gle dole 5 osha) Slejs ass 44 SA 2k A * A 24 SA 4A 1 4 i ee Oe 7 © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints. Reproduction ofthese notes in part of 35a whole for sl i strictly prohibited. N Printings allowed for personal use only. Page No. 2 rlbeh ll SII Jalal! penal OY oad auall yaya Jeold Jas aay 1 PE Ge daly! Sell Ugh whe ¥ Cay sodac Yl gle oshall Sle ys jab5 G4 ASU pyjel! JS WL © Conran Reproduction ofthese noes Ih pat or 23 whel or sl st protibed. Pring i allowed for personal se ony. Yasser ELeathy 2009. All copyrights reserved ‘Joints. Page No. 3 + Gata ylay 0h.i3 See roll Nhe acd y rey oe JR F pay -L5 tem Guslee 2 systems Jac -) saelyil gb rad aay: Y Gfosaly cued le gue gage » LU Gd Jaf 4S US Yo lin y © Copyright Eng. Yasser El-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved. Joints. Reproduiction of these notes in part or as a whole for sale i strictly prohibited. 7 Printing i allowed for personal use only. Page No. 4 eal Jobs st folie Usd0 gaa Joli abe Ala} yy) Gi © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints. Reproduction ofthese notes in part of 35a whole for sl i strictly prohibited. N Printings allowed for personal use only. Page No. 5 zero moment «b% uc intermediate Hinge Jc -¥ + oT! soy Laie Ly of + ABU) Gd Uke SISLGY cling GU yedyt Jad! Me a [ey 2B yy © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints. Reproduction ofthese notes in part of 35a whole for sl i strictly prohibited. N Printings allowed for personal use only. Page No. 6 @ Structural Joints, «pt2s¥) Joli) + 9S) system JI juts 131-1 Or ee |_40 Qh ~ 42 Sec. (2-2) |A,> Ag a wl, system JS oy GLb 45 deflection JI gi G5 syo5) das 2 system JI be Jold oo cry IY - abd! od typ Sass 2cem. n Ne 1 _ i te) 2em et — Hh pe a + i — Sec. (1-1) © Copyright Eng. Yasser ErLeathy 2009. All copyighs reserved Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part of as a whole forsale is stctly prohibited, i i P ve Page No. 7 Printing is allowed for personal use only. + plate jab plan JN ood gin JSS GIS 151-7 T 3S L Sm gle Plan Ji gi WSS 45% Gill lull Jee Chal Phe dale usd osey the WIL y etal Gd Gad Geel 0.6, 09% + ell gle Torsion Jas SWE 50.6, JI we Lathes 355 F Jj AI sl C.G; Lateral ¥) Load pate daly JS SSS olize Wl Abgatd EUS 4 PHY epad Gold Jac py WW vote gle pate JU CG. II sre aysleil coil 585 Plan II gd Jpbine oad ,_ Ob “road Ld | 0-6. © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints. Reproduction ofthese notes in part of 35a whole for sl i strictly prohibited. N Printings allowed for personal use only. Page No. 8 ® Settlement Joints. o5:0)\) Jol 55 deferential Settlement S51m pi sie 5 ddsee ll 65S Lie determinate system is: of Jai moment J) JSS yrtiy bogie) Sogaa sre Frame Ji slay of (See Wh 5 Fixed Frame Indeterminate 3 Hinged Frame Determinate moment J) JSS jai GJ bg) Syao we Frame Ji slay J dWh » JA © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints. Reproduction ofthese notes in part of 35a whole for sl i strictly prohibited. N Printings allowed for personal use only. Page No. 9 determinate le» Jai; 4 Li) Jie deferential Settlement J aojcu) Bll i eS yay Yate ley uf zero moment abi uc intermediate Hinge gy: Continuos Girder (2 Spans) Intermediate Hinge ga determinate ll abso we | 2em. * © Conran Reproduction ofthese noes Ih pat or 23 whel or sl st protibed. Pring i allowed for personal se ony. 5. Yasser El-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved. Page No. 10 Continuos Girders (More than 2 Spans) ‘© Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved ‘Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part or as a whole forsale is sctly prohibited. Ni Printing is allowed for personal use only. Page No. 11 dae! oe pb ed Jeo Gen pabdie Gis Godle pipe Ghee tony te bated! Ge Differential Settlement Dslie bye Sore JUry Laagl sel sill ood hail! ais y Cyd | | | | I I L___I @ Using Strap Beams. aaa oe Solan’ GF tae Jo ‘ ‘ + oS ay gle = + Strap Beam Strap Beam o = % / LA \ = om, Va NU Glolas} falas \ to / Mita \ ‘© Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved ‘Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part or as a whole forsale is sctly prohibited. Ni Printing is allowed for personal use only. Page No. 12 © Floating Bay on Two Cantilevers. pe i i | | Lot qe Floating Bay | | © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints Reproduction ofthese notes in part or 25a whole forsale i stricly prohibited. y, Prining i alowed for personal use only Page No. 13 Bridge between two buildings. cate oe (sop) yids die dgay UL od Determinate Gis)! lie G5 of Gee Determinate Beam. Floating Bay Short Cantilever / 0 eee J yy —lyplL ‘© Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved ‘Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part or as a whole forsale is sctly prohibited. Ni Printing is allowed for personal use only. Page No. 14 @ Construction Joint (Casting Joint) a)\ Jo) 55 Dy 9 GLI Gd Gua ol fee pe poll oad cual JLSY ASG! ae gs pl Isl Ht BV olelye Gay WW Slates} J3f able Gs oll g 9% gf -! Point of Zero Moment , 2 +l pase ie LB G9 4 Se | Stable Gsuad! jel gs of -Y Se Stable YO ie 4-7 Unstable ® N\S AU], otra) Slo SII ge Gell cdl os of -1 “EO Aysly Lay che 9 Gd |[-—— ‘© Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved ‘Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part or as a whole forsale is sctly prohibited. 7 Printing is allowed for personal use only. Page No. 15 . Short Cantilever. t J) E> Lb Usb Ge ST Adee Cantilever ge le 50 5 + ASLeal {Sarg yabe pact) gle Joie! pjell gf atiee 4 lal oe delsd ded y Crane Girder JI Jad osle padin » Crane Cirder ~\ Short Cantilever ad. otk ‘© Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved ‘Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part or as a whole forsale is sctly prohibited. 7 Printing is allowed for personal use only. Page No. 16 Dimensions of Short Cantilever. __--} woo aif SLIS adil, aah) OLY © Copyright Eng. Yasser E-Leathy 2009. All copyrights reserved, Joints. Reproduction of these notes in part of as a whole forsale is stictly prohibited. ’ Printing fs allowed for personal use only Page No. 17

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