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REFRAIN: Restore to me the joy of Your salvation
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet Uphold me with a willing spirit
And a light unto my path, So I will teach transgressors Your ways
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet And sinners will return to You (Refrain)
And a light unto my path.
When I feel afraid, You are pleased with sincerity of heart
And think I've lost my way. Not with sacrifices or with holocausts
Still, you're there right beside me. My sacrifice is a broken spirit
Nothing will I fear For You will not refuse a humble heart
As long as you are near; (Refrain)
Please be near me to the end. (ref)
LORD WE GATHER Create in me a clean heart

Lord, we gather today YOUR HEART TODAY

in Your house, we kneel down and pray.
We ask for Your mercy as we open our hearts Where there is fear I can allay
to receive Your forgiveness, O Lord. Where there is pain I can heal
Where there are wounds I can bind
Lord, we lift up to You And hunger I can fill
all these gifts, we offer for Your glory.
We will eat this living bread; we will drink this REFRAIN:
saving cup Lord, grant me courage
and feel Your presence, O Lord. Lord, grant me strength
Grant me compassion
As we offer this bread That I may be Your heart today
and as we bring you this wine,
Bless them, Lord Jesus. Where there is hate I can confront
Feed us now, give us life. Where there are yokes I can release
Send us Your Spirit, Where there are captives I can free
the source of our lives, And anger I can appease (REFRAIN)
and together, we will serve You with love.
CREATE IN ME When comes the day I dread
To see our broken world
REFRAIN: Compel me from my cell grown cold
Create in me a clean heart That Your people I may behold
Put a new and right spirit within me
Cast me not away from Your presence Where there is fear I can allay
And take not Your Holy Spirit from me Where there is pain I can heal
Where there are wounds I can bind
VERSE 1: And hunger I can fill (REFRAIN)
Have mercy on me, O God, in Your goodness
In Your compassion, blot out all my sin CODA:
Thoroughly cleanse me from all of my guilt And when I've done all that I could
Wash me till Im whiter than snow (Refrain) Yet there are hearts I cannot move
Lord, give me hope
That I may be Your heart today

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