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(Sam) G.11

South China sea

SOUTH CHINA SEA Bo Zhang (Sam) G.11


After the defeat of Japan in World War 2, they gave back South China sea and islands

on it to China, the original owner of that area. While China went in civil war after that, some

evil South east Asian countries such as Vietnam, Philippine, and Brunei started secretly

violating South China sea. Even in last several years, those countries still trying to occupy

islands and South China sea with some very aggressive way, such as South China sea

arbitration. These actions are affecting Chinese territory integrity and stability of East Asia

and South east Asia. As we all know, for every country in the world, territorial integrity is the

most important thing they have to defend and there should be no controversy about that

whenever other countries violated their territory integrity. The violation toward territory

integrity might lead to the use of military power by both aggressor and victims, furthermore,

this will result the instability of that area, or even the outbreak of a war, which might turn

Whole Asia into a war zone. To protect the peace of Asia and respect Chinese territory

integrity, Countries like Philippines, Vietnam, etc. those trying to control South China sea

must stop their violation toward South China sea and Chinese territory.

South China Sea belong to China

South China sea is an indivisible part of Chinese territory since ancient times until

today. South China sea is surrounded by Philippine, Vietnam, China, Brunei, and other

Southeast Asian countries, because South China sea is a huge area and full of natural resource

such as oil, gas, etc. Some Southeast Asian countries started to questioned and tried to took

over the territorial sovereignty of China in South China sea. The sovereignty of China in

South China sea can be proved by a few conferences and declarations such as Cairo and

Potsdam declarations. Cairo declaration signed during world war 2 in Cairo conference,

Cairo, Egypt. This declaration outlined the allied position against Japan and decisions about

postwar Asia; Those decisions include China regain all the Chinese territory those Japan

SOUTH CHINA SEA Bo Zhang (Sam) G.11

invaded in world war 2 and before, such as Taiwan, Manchu(three provinces in Northeast

China), and South China sea. At the end of World war 2, Potsdam conference was held at

Potsdam, occupied Germany; As a result, the Potsdam Declaration was signed. The main

content of Potsdam declaration is to reclaim decisions made to Japan after it surrendered,

which is similar to Cairo conference. Both Cairo and Potsdam declarations signed by US,

UK, and China, while neither of them disagree with these declarations today, that means

these declaration are still legal, which prove that sovereignty of China in South China sea is

legal, too. Furthermore, Chinese discovered South China sea first, and also the first country

that controlled South China sea and islands on it. This can be proven by historical materials

from ancient China. On the book Yiwu Zhi which written by Yang Fu in later Han dynasty

(around 150AD), Zhanghai Qitou has shallow waters and countless reefs. is the explanation

he gave to South China sea (Zhanghai is the old name of South China sea, Qitou is ancient

name for islands and riffle); this means that Chinese discovered South China sea before those

South East Asian country even formed. The first time Chinese dynasty consider South China

sea is a part of China is about a thousand years after the Yiwu Zhi had wrote (around

1200AD). The official history materials of Yuan dynasty, Yuan Shi(history of Yuan

dynasty), shows navy of Yuan dynasty patrolled south China sea at South China sea. Also,

according to the official map of Yuan dynasty, Yuandai Jiang Yu Tu Xu(Map of the territory

of the Yuan dynasty illustrated), counted South China sea as part of Chinese territory. Both

modern declaration and ancient records prove the sovereignty of China in South China sea,

which should never be violated.

Violations in South China Sea must be stopped

Nowadays, Some South East Asia countries such as Vietnam and Philippines are still

violating South China sea, a part of divisible part of Chinese territory. Actions those consider

as violation toward other country's territorial sovereignty are building a military basis without

SOUTH CHINA SEA Bo Zhang (Sam) G.11

approval, stole natural resources in that territory, etc. Some of these cases are happening at

South China sea, right now, also, most of the manager of these action are some Southeast

Asian countries like Vietnam, and Philippine. An obvious example of those violations have

reported by Reuters, one of the most trustable news publisher around the world. Reuters

reported Philippines usurpations of natural resources in South China sea, this is one of the

violations toward territorial sovereignty which I already mentioned. A Philippine offshore oil

platform, which called Malampaya, in South China sea, is still working. Even after the

government of Peoples Republic of China claim territorial sovereignty of China in South

China sea over and over to government of Philippine. Natural resource in one countrys

territory is part of its national assets, if another country just came in and get those resources

without any approval from its true owner, then, what is the difference between that country

and thief? Any acts of larceny to natural resources in foreign territory are violation toward

territorial sovereignty. Moreover, there is another violation which is more serious than stole

natural resource, it is build a military basement. According to ABC news, Vietnam have a

military basement in Spratly island, and now they are expanding runway of the military

airport on Spratly island, the runway will be more than 1.2 km after extended. There is two

serious violations Vietnam government done in Spratly island; First, Vietnam build a military

basement in Spratly island, this is violating Chinese territorial sovereignty and national

security; Second, after extended, that runway will be able to accommodate maritime

surveillance aircraft and transport plans, as well as combat aircraft, consider those aircrafts as

military forces, and they are in Chinese territory, it is clear that Vietnam have the willing to

damage Chinese public and national security. These violations are totally unacceptable, also

unmoral. Both examples showed that Vietnam and Philippines have desire on takeover south

China sea. This is shall not be allowed and tolerant, moreover, these violations may lead to

SOUTH CHINA SEA Bo Zhang (Sam) G.11

break out of war. In addition to that, all these actions are violating international law, all of

these action should be stopped and responsible countries need to be punished.

South China sea arbitration is unreliable

In the other hand, some opposite voices are questioning Chinese territory sovereignty

in South China sea. The most well-known case of opposite voice are Philippines sue China,

also known as South China sea arbitration. In South China sea arbitration, Philippine sue that

Chinese nine dash line (Chinese border in South China sea) is invalid. At the end, the tribunal

judge China didnt own the sovereignty in South China sea, and China need to stop every

action in South China sea; Also, China violated the international law of sea, and damaged the

right of Philippine. But many different ideas and thought appear to against this result. Quote

from Liu Xiaoming, Chinese ambassador to London(2016): South China sea arbitration is a

political farce. The reason he said for this idea is this arbitration have no jurisdiction in this

case (2016): Issues of territorial sovereignty are clearly beyond the scope of the UN

Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and issues of maritime delimitation have been

excluded by the declaration that China made years ago in accordance with UNCLOS. The

declaration of exception to the maritime delimitation in accordance to UNCLOS means that if

China disagree, there will be no tribunal can judge the sovereignty of Chinese maritime

territory. Furthermore, Liu Xiaoming questioned credibility of the tribunal of this arbitration,

South China morning post also mentioned the same thing such as relationship between

Permanent court of arbitration (PCA) and UN. PCA is not a part of UN international court of

justice, and not any part of UN. PCA is a tribunal that worked in same building with UN

international court of justice, but there is not much relations between them. Moreover, neither

of five arbitrators are Europeans, this means they didnt know much about what is going on

in Asia and history of South China sea. If judgers dont understand the background of the

case, it will be hard for them to make a believable and impartial judge on this case. Also, it is

SOUTH CHINA SEA Bo Zhang (Sam) G.11

hard to understand why Philippines choose PCA, instead of the more credible and well

known tribunals such as UN international court of justice. It is clear that the result of this

arbitration is not reliable, this means what this arbitration was trying to prove wrong, Chinese

territory sovereignty in South China sea, is true and should not be violated. In this arbitration,

some countries like Philippines and Vietnam were showing their desire of take over South

China sea illegally. These actions are violations toward Chinese territory which should be



In conclusion, territorial violations of Philippines, Vietnam, and other countries are

doing in South China sea need to be stop now. The reason is simple and evident: China

discovered and have owned territorial sovereignty of South Chinas sea since thousands of

years ago. Moreover, ABC and Reuter, two of the most trustable News publisher around the

world, reported news of Vietnam military action and Philippine Stealing action to natural

resources in South China sea. Last of all, govern for a long time and other reasons make

South China Sea beyond dispute; So it is definitely wrong that Philippines sue China for

violating their right and willing to stole a part of South China sea in a tribunal thats looks not

really credible. If these aggressor and thief let violation and conflict grow bigger, China

might consider military power as a solution to these violations; As I see, Philippines and

Vietnam will also against China by military, then, these might cause an outbreak of war,

range from partial war to world war, depending on each sides alliance (USA, Russia, UK,

etc.). To maintain peace and respect for national sovereignty, those Southeast Asian countries

need to stop.

SOUTH CHINA SEA Bo Zhang (Sam) G.11

1. China the First Country to Discover and Name South China Sea Islands. (2016).
Retrieved March 13, 2017, from
2. Cruz, E. D. (2016). Philippines' oil still in troubled waters after South China Sea
ruling. Retrieved March 13, 2017, from
3. Vietnam expanding South China Sea runway: reports. (2016). Retrieved 2017, from
4. Xiaoming, L. (2016). South China Sea arbitration is a political farce. Retrieved 2017,
5. Zhou, L. (2016). United Nations stresses separation from Hague tribunal. Retrieved
2017, from

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