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PROPERTY RIGHTS OF PARTNERS in the property until after the liquidation of

IN GENERAL partnership affairs.

The property rights of a partner are: It is also not subject to support precisely
(1) Rights in specific partnership property; because it is a property of the partnership and
(2) Interest in the partnership; and not of the individual partners.
(3) Right to participate in the management
[Article 1810].


With constant value Value varies with market A partner's interest in the partnership is his
Conditions Includes only actually contributed share of the profits and surplus [Article 1812].
and promised capital Includes the contributions This interest is subject to support and may be
and property acquired by the partnership assigned.


(1) The ownership of property used by the Assignment by a partner of his whole interest
partnership depends on the intention of the in the partnership does not, of itself:
parties, which may be drawn from an express (1) Dissolve the partnership; or
agreement or their conduct. (2) Entitle the assignee to:
(a) A partner may allow the property to be (a) Interfere in the management or
used by the partnership without transfer of administration of the partnership business or
ownership, contributing only the use or affairs;
enjoyment thereof. (b) Require information or account of
(b) He may also hold title to partnership partnership; or
property, without acquiring ownership thereof (c) Inspect the partnership books.
[Article 1819]. It merely entitles the assignee to:
(2) Property acquired by a partner with (1) Receive the profits to which the assigning
partnership funds is presumed to be partner was entitled;
partnership property. (2) In case of fraud in management, avail
(3) The same presumption also arises when the himself of the usual remedies;
property is indicated in the partnership books (3) In case of dissolution:
as partnership asset. (a) Receive his assignor's interest; and
(4) Other factors may be considered to (b) Require an accounting from the date only of
determine ownership of the property. the last account agreed to by all the partners
[Article 1813].
The partners are co-owners of specific CHARGING OF PARTNERSHIP INTEREST BY
partnership property. As such: PERSONAL CREDITOR OF PARTNERS
(1) A partner has an equal right with his Partnership creditors are preferred over the
partners to possess such property for personal creditors of the partners as regards
partnership purposes. partnership property [Article 1827].
For other purposes, the consent of his partners
is necessary. If the partner is excluded, he may However, on due application by any judgment
ask for: creditor of a partner, a competent court may:
(a) Formal accounting [Article 1809]; or (1) Charge the interest of the partner for the
(b) Dissolution by judicial decree [Article 1831]. satisfaction of the judgment debt;
(2) A partner's right in such property is not (2) Appoint a receiver of the share of the profits
assignable, except when all the partners assign and of any other money due or to fall due to
their rights in the same property. the partner; and
(3) The right is not subject to attachment or (3) Make all other orders, directions, accounts
execution, except on claim against the and inquiries, which the debtor partner might
partnership. Also, in case of such attachment, have made, or which the circumstances may
the partners, or any of them, or the require.
representatives of a deceased partner, cannot The interest charged may be redeemed before
claim any right under the homestead or foreclosure or, in case of sale directed by the
exemption laws; court, may be purchased without causing
(4) The right is also not subject to legal support dissolution:
under Article 291 [Article 1811]. (1) With separate property, by one or more of
A partner's right in specific property cannot be the partners; or
separately assigned, since it is impossible to (2) With partnership property, by one or more
determine the extent of his beneficial interest of the partners, will consent of all, except the
debtor partner.
The partner debtor is not deprived of his right stipulation exempting him from the losses is
under exemption laws. [Article 1814] naturally valid since if the partnership fails to
realize profits, he can no longer withdraw his
CHARGING ORDER work or labor. He cannot but share in the loss.
A charging order subjects the interest in the
partnership of the debtor partner with the OBLIGATION TO RENDER INFORMATION
payment of an unsatisfied amount of a Partners shall render on demand true and full
judgment debt against him, with the least information of all things affecting the
interference with the partnership business and partnership to any partner or the legal
the rights of the partners. By virtue of the representative of any deceased partner or of
order, any amount or portion thereof which the any partner under legal disability [Article
partnership would otherwise pay to the debtor 1806].
partner is instead given to the judgment
creditor [De Leon (2010)]. BASIS OF OBLIGATION
This obligation arises from the mutual trust and
confidence among partners. Thus, there must
RIGHT TO PROFITS AND OBLIGATION FOR be no concealment between them in all
LOSSES matters affecting the partnership [De Leon
The distribution of profits and losses shall be in OBLIGATION TO ACCOUNT AND ACT AS
accordance with the following rules TRUSTEE
(1) They shall be distributed in conformity with Every partner must account to the partnership
the agreement. for any benefit, and hold as a trustee for it any
(2) If only the share in profits has been profits derived by him without the consent of
stipulated, the share in the losses shall be in the other partners from any transaction
the same proportion. connected with the formation, conduct, or
(3) In the absence of any stipulation: liquidation of the partnership or from any use
(a) The share in the profits of the capitalist by him of its property [Article 1807].
partners shall be in proportion to their
contributions. BASIS OF OBLIGATION
(b) The losses shall be borne by the capitalist This obligation also arises from the fiduciary
partners, also in proportion to the nature of the partnership relation, and operates
contributions; to prevent a partner from making a secret
(c) The share of the industrial partners in the profit out of the partnership. Note that the
profits is that share as may be just and obligation extends from the formation to the
equitable. If he also contributed capital, he will liquidation of the partnership.
receive a share of the profits in proportion to
his contribution; and Operation of the Partnership
(d) The industrial partner, who did not FIRM NAME
contribute capital, is not liable for losses Every partnership shall operate under a firm
[Article 1797]. name, which may or may not include the name
of one or more of the partners.
DESIGNATION OF SHARE BY THIRD Those who, not being members of the
PERSONS partnership, include their names in the firm
The designation of the share of each one in the name, shall be subject to the liability of a
profits and losses can be delegated to a third partner [Article 1815].
person, in which case, it cannot be impugned:
(a) Unless it is manifestly inequitable; RIGHT TO CHOOSE FIRM NAME
(b) The partner impugning it has begun to General rule: The partners may adopt any firm
execute the designation; or name desired.
(c) The partner has not impugned it within 3 Exceptions:
months from the time he had knowledge (1) They cannot use a name that is "identical or
thereof. deceptively or confusingly similar to an existing
The designation cannot be delegated to one of [partnership] or corporation or to any other
the partners [Article 1798]. name already protected by law or is patently
deceptive, confusing or contrary to existing
EXCLUSION OF PARTNER FROM SHARE laws" [Section 18, Corporation Code].
A stipulation excluding one or more partners (2) Use of names of deceased partner in law
from any share in the profits or losses is void firms is "permissible provided that the firm
[Article 1799]. indicates in all its communications that said
With reference to the industrial partner, since partner is deceased" [Rule 3.02, Code of
the law itself excludes him from losses, a Professional Responsibility].
The absence or disability of one cannot be
MANAGEMENT OF THE PARTNERSHIP alleged, unless there is imminent danger of
Management of the partnership is primarily grave or irreparable injury to the partnership.
governed by the agreement of the partners in [Article 1802]
the articles of partnership. It may be managed
(1) All the partners; or AGREED UPON
(2) A number of partners appointed as When there is no agreement as to the manner
managers, which may be appointed: of management, the following rules apply:
(a) In the articles of partnership; or (1) All the partners are considered agents
(b) After constitution of the partnership. (mutual agency). Whatever any one does alone
binds the partnership, unless there is a timely
POWERS OF A MANAGING PARTNER opposition to the act, under Article 1801.
General rule: The partner designated as (2) Any important alteration in the immovable
manager in the articles may execute all acts of property of the partnership, even if useful to
administration despite opposition by the other the partnership, requires unanimity. If the
partners. alteration is necessary for the preservation of
Exception: He cannot do so when he acts in the property, however, consent of the others is
bad faith. not required [De Leon (2010)].
If the refusal is manifestly prejudicial to the
REVOCATION OF POWER OF MANAGING partnership, court intervention may be sought
PARTNER [Article 1803].
The powers of the managing partner may be
(1) If appointed in the articles of partnership, (1) Partners can dispose of partnership
when: property even when in partnership name
(a) There is just or lawful cause for revocation; [Article 1819].
and (2) An admission or representation made by
(b) The partners representing the controlling any partner concerning partnership affairs is
interest revoke such power. evidence against the partnership [Article
(2) If appointed after the constitution of the 1820].
partnership, at any time and for any cause (3) Notice to any partner of any matter relating
[Article 1800]. to partnership affairs is notice to the
partnership [Article 1821].
(4) Wrongful act or omission of any partner
acting for partnership affairs makes the
MANAGEMENT BY TWO OR MORE partnership liable
PARTNERS [Article 1822].
When there are two or more managing (5) Partnership is bound to make good losses
partners appointed, without specification of for wrongful acts or misapplications of partners
their duties or without a stipulation on how [Article 1823].
each one will act:
(1) Each one may separately execute all acts of Obligations of partnership/
administration. partners to third persons
(2) If any of them opposes the acts of the
others, the decision of the majority prevails.
(3) In case of a tie, the partners owning the
controlling interest will decide [Article 1801]. LIABILITY OF PARTNERS FOR
(1) Two or more partners have been appointed CONTRACTS
as managers; The partnership is primarily liable for contracts
(2) There is no specification of their respective entered into in its name and for its account,
duties; and under its signature and by a person authorized
(3) There is no stipulation that one of them to act for it.
shall not act without the consent of all the Upon exhaustion of its assets, all partners are
others. liable pro rata with all their property.
Any partner may enter into a separate
STIPULATION ON UNANIMITY OF obligation to perform a partnership contract
In case there is a stipulation that none of the
managing partners shall act without the NATURE OF INDIVIDUAL LIABILITY
consent of others, the concurrence of all is The pro-rating should be understood to mean
necessary for the validity of the acts. equally or jointly, not proportionally [De Leon
(2010), citing Article 1839(4); note, however,
that this conclusion does not find textual ACTS NOT APPARENTLY FOR CARRYING ON
support in Article 1816]. OF THE USUAL
The fact that a partner has left the country and General rule: Acts of a partner which is not
the payment of his share of the liability cannot apparently for carrying on of the usual business
be enforced [Co-Pitco v. Yulo (1907)] or his does not bind the partnership.
liability is condoned by the creditor [Island Exception: The partnership is bound if the
Sales v. United other partners authorized him to do the act.
Pioneers (1975)] cannot increase the liability of
the other partners. ACTS OF STRICT DOMINION
The liability is subsidiary or secondary. It only General rule: One or some of the partners have
arises upon exhaustion of partnership assets. no authority to do the following acts of strict
However, they may be joined as party dominion:
defendants in the action against the (a) Assign the partnership property in trust for
partnership, subject to their right to prior creditors or on the assignee's promise to pay
exhaustion of partnership assets [Cia. Maritima the debts of the partnership;
v. Muoz (1907)]. (b) Dispose of the goodwill of the business;
General rule: The partners are liable pro-rata (c) Do any other act which makes it impossible
and subsidiarily, with all their property. to carry on the ordinary business of the
Exceptions: partnership;
(1) A third person who transacted with the (d) Confess a judgment;
partnership can hold the partners solidarily (e) Enter into a compromise concerning a
liable for the whole obligation if the case falls partnership claim or liability;
under Articles 1822 or 1823 [Muasque v. CA (f) Submit a partnership claim or liability to
(1985)]. arbitration;
(2) A person admitted as a partner into an (g) Renounce a claim of the partnership.
existing partnership is liable for all the Exception: They may do so if:
obligations of the partnership arising before his (1) Authorized by all the partners; OR
admission, except that his liability shall be (2) The other partners have abandoned the
satisfied only out of partnership property, business.
unless there is a stipulation to the contrary.
An industrial partner, who is not liable for RESTRICTION
losses, is not exempt from this liability. Any act of a partner in contravention of a
However, he can recover the amount he has restriction on authority does not bind the
paid from the capitalist partners, unless there partnership to persons having knowledge of
is a stipulation to the contrary. [Cia. Maritima v. the restriction [Article 1818].
Muoz (1907)].
Any stipulation against this liability is void and TITLE IN THE PARTNERSHIP NAME
does not affect third persons. The stipulation, Any partner may convey the property in the
however, is valid only as among the partners name of the partnership.
[Article 1817]. The partnership can recover it, except when:
(1) The act of the partner binds the partnership
LIABILITY OF PARTNERS FOR under 1st par., Article 1818 (i.e., for the
PARTNERSHIP CONTRACTS carrying on of the usual business of the
OF USUAL BUSINESS (2) If not so authorized, the property has been
General rule: Every partner is an agent of the conveyed by the grantee, or a person claiming
partnership for the purpose of its business and under him, to a holder for value and without
any act of a partner which is apparently for the knowledge that the partner exceeded his
carrying on of the usual business of the authority.
partnership binds the latter, including the
execution of any instrument in the partnership TITLE IN THE PARTNERSHIP NAME
name [1st par., Article 1818]. A partner, authorized to act under 1st par.,
Exception: The partnership is not bound when: Article 1818, may convey, in his own name, the
(1) The partner has in fact no authority to act; equitable interest of the partnership.
(2) The person with whom he deals has
knowledge of such fact.
TITLE IN THE NAME OF ONE OR MORE All partners are solidarily liable with the
(NOT ALL) OF THE PARTNERS AND THE partnership for its liabilities under Articles 1822
OF THE PARTNERSHIP This is without prejudice to the guilty partner
The partners having title may convey title. being liable to the other partners. However, as
The partnership may recover it if the act does far as third persons are concerned, the
not bind it under 1st par., Article 1818, unless partnership is answerable.
the purchaser or his assignee is: LIABILITY IN CASE OF PARTNERSHIP BY
(1) A holder for value; AND ESTOPPEL
(2) Without knowledge that the act exceeded


ALL THE A person, not a partner, may become a partner
PARTNERS, OR IN A THIRD PERSON IN by estoppel, and be liable as a partner, when,
TRUST FOR THE PARTNERSHIP by words, spoken or written, or conduct, he:
A partner may convey equitable title in the (1) Directly represents himself to anyone as a
partnership name or in his own name, when partner in an existing or non-existing
the act is authorized under 1st par., Article partnership; or
1818 (2) Indirectly represents himself by consenting
. to another representing him as such partner.
The conveyance must be executed by all of LIABILITY OF PARTNER BY ESTOPPEL
them to pass all their rights in the property A partner by estoppel is liable:
[Article 1819]. (1) To any person who extended credit to the
partnership, actual or apparent, relying on his
ADMISSION BY PARTNER (2) In case the representation was made
An admission or representation by any partner publicly, to any person, who extended such
concerning partnership affairs within the scope credit, whether or not the communication to
of his authority may be used as evidence said creditor was made with the knowledge of
against the partnership [Article 1820]. the partner.


WRONGFUL ACTS OF PARTNER He is liable in the following manner:
The partnership is solidarily liable with the (1) When there is an existing partnership and
partner who causes loss or injury, or incurs any all the partners consented to the
penalty through any wrongful act or omission: representation, a partnership liability results,
(1) In the ordinary course of the business of the and the partner by
partnership; or estoppel is liable as though he were a partner;
(2) Not in such ordinary course of business, but (2) When there is an existing partnership and
with the authority of his co-partners [Article not all the partners consented, or when there is
1822]. no existing partnership and all those
represented as partners consented to the
LIABILITY OF THE PARTNERSHIP FOR representation, he is liable jointly and pro rata
MISAPPLICATION OF MONEY with those who consented to the
OR PROPERTY RECEIVED representation;
The partnership is liable for losses suffered by (3) When there is an existing partnership but
a third person whose money or property was: none of the partners consented, or when there
(1) Received by a partner, acting within the is no existing partnership and not all of those
scope of his apparent authority, who also represented as partners consented to the
misapplied it; or representation, he is liable separately.
(2) Received by the partnership, in the course
of its business, but is misapplied by any EFFECTS OF ACTS OF PARTNER BY
partner while it is in the custody of the ESTOPPEL
partnership [Article 1823]. The acts of a partner by estoppel have the
following effects:
LIABILITY OF OTHER PARTNERS (1) A person, thus representing himself as a
FOR WRONGFUL ACTS OR partner of other persons, becomes an agent of
MISAPPLICATION the latter, in the same manner as though he
were a partner in fact, with respect to persons
who rely upon the representation.
(2) When all the members of the existing
partnership consent to the representation, a Ratio:
partnership act or obligation results. (1) The new partner partakes of the benefits of
(3) In all other cases, only a joint act or the partnership property and an already
obligation results. [Article 1825] established business.
No real partnership is created by estoppel. It is (2) He has every means of obtaining full
only with respect to third persons that knowledge of the debts of the partnership and
partnership by remedies that amply protect his interest [De
estoppel is recognized. Leon (2010)].
However, an incoming partner may fully
ESTABLISHING LIABILITY assume the obligations of a retiring partner.
The basic elements in connection with
establishment of liability as a partner if based NOTICE TO OR KNOWLEDGE OF THE
on the doctrine of PARTNERSHIP
estoppel must encompass: The following operate as notice to or
(1) Proof by plaintiff that he was individually knowledge of the partnership:
aware of the defendant's representations as to (1) Notice to any partner of any matter relating
his being a partner or that such to partnership affairs;
representations were made by others and not (2) Knowledge of the partner acting in the
denied or refuted by the defendant; particular matter acquired while a partner;
(2) Reliance on such representations by the (3) Knowledge of the partner acting in the
plaintiff; and particular matter then present to his mind; and
(3) Lack of any denial or refutation of the (4) Knowledge of any other partner who
statements by the defendant; such denial need reasonably could and should have
not precede plaintiff's acting therein if the communicated it to the acting partner.
denial wa forthcoming promptly upon hearing These do not apply in case of fraud on the
of the representations, and if, by prudence and partnership committed by or with the consent
diligence the plaintiff might have learned of the of the partner [Article 1821].
truth or untruth of the representations.
Persons who knowingly assume to act as a PREFERENCE OF PARTNERSHIP
corporation without authority to do so are liable CREDITORS
as general partners for all debts, liabilities and Partnership creditors are preferred over
damages incurred. [Section 21, Corporation personal creditors of the partners with respect
Code] A partnership de facto is created. to partnership property.
LIABILITY OF INCOMING PARTNER However, personal creditors may ask the
A person admitted as a partner is liable as the attachment and public sale of the share of the
other partner debtor in the partnership assets.
partners for obligations subsequent to his [Article 1827]
admission. Ratio: The partnership, as a legal entity distinct
He is also liable for obligations incurred before from its members, should apply its property to
his admission, but will be satisfied only out of the payment of its debts in preference to the
the partnership property, unless otherwise claim of any partner or his individual creditors.
stipulated. (Article 1826)

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