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Dorian DeShields, Erin Joyce, Jenny Philbin, Sara Strout, Tyler Wojcik

Part 1:
Executive Summary Overview of the project scope and process that includes:
Project vision statement:
Almost everyone knows that healthy eating, physical activity, and mental stability directly
correlate to academic performance, but how many students regularly eat healthy or perform regular
physical activities? Our vision is to see the all of the students, at the University of Delaware, adopt a
healthy and happy lifestyle on campus, regardless of their restrictions on time or energy. Our goal is to
inform and make students aware of all of the health and wellness resources that the University of
Delaware offers. We want to give the students the ability to easily access UDs resources, therefore, we
focused our vision to creating a Healthy HENS app. This will enable all of the students to have the health
and wellness resources, that Delaware offers, at their fingertips, readily available anytime they need it.
We are also aiming to bring Healthy HENS to the FYE classes; we believe it is crucial that incoming
Freshmen and transfer students know the resources that are available when it comes to their health and
Problem to be addressed:
The problem that needs to be addressed is the lack of knowledge of the health and wellness
resources that the University of Delaware has. Most students on campus are unfamiliar with Healthy Hens
and the resources that it offers; they do not take advantage of the facilities and benefits that Healthy Hens
provides. Every day, students are bombarded with emails, flyers, and countless posters from a multitude
of organizations on campus, making it difficult for Healthy Hens, and its benefits, to stand out.
Target organization/community - stakeholders
Our target audience is the University of Delaware campus, both faculty and student body.
Students have the biggest stake because spreading relevant knowledge, in an efficient manner, will have
the biggest impact on them. Administrators also have a stake in this goal; because in our mission to create
a curriculum for the FYE classes, we will need help from as many faculty members as possible. The
benefits of our project will also be a collective good to both faculty and students.
SMART goals of the project (intended steps that lead to vision)
Communicate with FYE instructors and the deans of each college to introduce our idea.
We would like to sit with them to come up with an effective way to plan an FYE class
that would work with their FYE courses.
Researching the deans of each college before Winter Break
Emailing and scheduling times to meet with each dean during Winter Break
Meet with each dean upon returning from Winter Break
Implementing a class for the FYW courses based on the our meetings with the
deans of each college.

Discuss the potential of adding a Healthy Hens section to the mobile University of
Delaware (m.udel) website. Our ultimate goal is to have an app specifically for Health
Hens. However, due to backlash that we may receive, an application on m.udel may be
the most we achieve.
Research the coordinator of the University of Delaware website
Dorian DeShields, Erin Joyce, Jenny Philbin, Sara Strout, Tyler Wojcik

Meeting with the m.udel subdivision of the University of Delaware website

Meet with the University of Delaware IT department.
Schedule a plan to convert the Healthy Hens websites into mobile formats
Develop and implement an app that centralizes the Healthy Hens newly
converted mobile formatted websites
In order for our group to become view our project as successful, more students would
have to utilize both the Healthy Hens services as well has the Healthy Hens section of the
m.udel website. By effectively implementing the FYE class session as well as revitalizing
the Healthy Hens mobile site, we expect for the rate of attendance of Healthy Hens events
as well as utilization of Healthy Hens services and tools to increase.

Part 2:
Detailed timeline of action steps and benchmarks for success for the project
Talk with Delaware tech/social media personnel to finalize plans for the app, its upkeep,
and any other issues that need to be addressed; be prepared to move forward with the
release in March
By the end of the month have contacted all deans/appropriate personnel for each college
and set up proposal appointments for March
Develop class curriculum and presentation for meetings in March; meet with Michelle to
go over things before presentations as well
By the end of the month have met with all deans/appropriate personnel, presented, and
get a decision; this means meeting with the deans/appropriate personnel in the beginning
of the month so they have time to ask questions and make a final decision
Finalize the app and release to the public for a test run; have this done by the end of the
month at the latest with a more appropriate goal being mid March
Finalize all curriculum issues, work with professors, and clear up logistics with all
persons involved
Assess app, make appropriate changes (if any), and release again
Prep for BHLP presentation!
Dorian DeShields, Erin Joyce, Jenny Philbin, Sara Strout, Tyler Wojcik

Part 3:
5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership
1. As a group, we found commonalities in what we stand for. Each of us ascribe to honesty,
drive, respect, integrity, and responsibility and thus easily defined these as our team
values. Through these values we will be able to efficiently resolve conflict, stay positive
and focused throughout the length of the project, to be innovative and share plenty of
ideas to create the best project possible, and to take on the workload necessary to meet
our goals. Based upon these, we have also developed group/project expectations which
are as follows:

We will respect all members, ideas, personality differences, and perspectives. We will
keep an open mind and listen to what everyone has to say.

We will be honest with each other and hold ourselves accountable. This goes for not only
honesty about ideas, but also about the work we will be able to accomplish and if we fall
short on a task.

We will be committed to this team and this project. We understand that it is a group effort
and up to all of us to make it happen.

We will strive to make this the best project we can.

2. UD Health is an important aspect of the University lifestyle. A healthy staff and student
body means an active and productive campus that propagates academic and social
growth. Becoming healthy, both physically and mentally, allows the Blue Hen
community to become well-rounded and happier. By making information readily
accessible to student and faculty, there will be an increase in the use of the resources that
would make the UD community healthier.

Our project is unique. We are not trying to create more resources, nor simply promote
what is out there. Instead, we are driven to easily connect our stakeholders directly with
the resources that are offered. We want students to know that there is guidance for living
a healthy lifestyle readily available to them, if only they knew how easy it is to access
these resources.
Dorian DeShields, Erin Joyce, Jenny Philbin, Sara Strout, Tyler Wojcik

We envision a campus where students know where to turn when they are struggling with
depression, where to go when they want to learn how to cook healthy meals in their
apartments and dorms, or when they need to check on gym programs. The campus, as a
whole, will be happier and healthier because of our project, and we hope to see that
continue year after year by introducing freshmen to the app during their FYE classes.
This information will be useful to everyone from the first time they step onto campus.
College universities are full of future leaders who are ready to change the world. Here, at
the University of Delaware, students are happier when positive changes are made to
improve their college experience and lifestyle. A healthy campus is a happy campus!

3. Since our goal is to publicize health resources to students we researched other schools
resources and organizations, noting that most have programs similar to Healthy HENS. In
comparing these schools to UD and thinking about the goals we want to reach, we
searched for: what array of programs do they offer, what typical forms of publicity do
they use, and what are some interesting tools/tactics they have in place to connect
students with resources. We found that some of these schools use location as an aid in
publicizing their resources, some have specific teams of students who help to promote
their programs, and one even utilizes an app. We really liked the idea of using social
media to challenge the process of typical publicity. Technology is such a major part of
our lives and we felt that it would be a good idea to look to this route for our project.
Thus we will be able to bring resources to students in a format that they use on a daily
basis, an app right at their fingertips. We also felt it was necessary for students to have
this information from their first semester on campus so that they can become familiar
with it and take full advantage of the resources offered. To fulfill this goal we plan to
create an FYE curriculum (written to fit FYE courses in all the colleges) that will
introduce students to the app and help them navigate it. This way everyone is given the
same access from the beginning and will be more likely to utilize their resources.

4. The colors, strengths, and general fortes of our group allow our roles to be flexible when
needed. We are able to delegate tasks each meeting dependent on schedules and available
commitment for the upcoming tasks. Our agreed general roles are as follows:

Dorian - Finance/Marketing
Erin - Liaison to outside resources
Jenny - Mentor/Group liaison
Sara - Scribe/Group liaison
Tyler - Finance/Marketing

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