Lab Report: Rocket Ship Project: Meaw Ngao

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Lab Report : Rocket ship project

Team Name : Meaw Ngao

Janista Chaikanjanasak (Eye)
Kooltawatch Jeerataweesook (Tae)
Chirateep Chatchonbut (Win)
Viwat Eakkaparksawat (Ton)

As a work for Ms. Patraporn Sanguansat

Mahidol University International Demonstration School
The aim for this experiment is to demonstrate the result of the reaction
between NaHCO3 baking soda -- and vinegar or HCH3COO by creating a
bottle rocket, using all the ideas from physics class and chemistry
appropriately. the equation CH3COOH+NaHCO3 => CO2+H2O+CH3COONa
baking soda and vinegar will mixed and turn into CO2 which make the rocket
fly. Materials we use was bottle, plastic board, venigar, baking soda and wine
cork. We fill the rocket with vinegar and roll baking soda in a tissue paper and
put them in the rocket and close it with wine cork. We did 4 trials but fail
ultimately because of many factors, mainly was because the reaction makes the
carbonic acid and that is unstable and the angle of the launcher cant be
adjusted. The farthest the rocket goes was 14m - 400 ml of vinegar was used /
50g of baking soda and the weight of the rocket was 142.53g. Lastly, we didnt
meet our expectations, but instead we gained knowledge on Chemistry while
applying various learned concepts in real life and hope to do it better next time.
The concept of the acid-base reaction will always be kept in our good

The creator of this experiment aims to demonstrate the result of the
reaction between NaHCO3 a chemical substance more commonly known as
baking soda -- and vinegar, which is more commonly known as HCH3COO. It
is commended to keep in perspective that the demonstration is created to
launch a bottle rocket, not only to prove the well-known chemical reaction.

The lab report is about the rocket ship project. Using the knowledge of
chemistry and physics class to build the rocket appropriately. A rocket will be
upward by the unbalanced force is exerted. The amount of force depends upon
how much the vinegar and baking soda that putting in the rocket to make a

Equation: CH3COOH+NaHCO3 => CO2+H2O+CH3COONa

The vinegar and baking soda will be mixed to be CO2 which is the
engine of the rocket to rise up.

1. water bottles
3. cutter
4.fillter board
5.baking soda
7.vine cock


1. we fill the vinegar inside the rocket bottle with the among that we use
2. put baking soda in the tissue paper in the among that we need
3. stick the tissue with tape
4. put the tissue with baking soda inside the rocket bottle
5. close the vine cork at the bottom of the bottle
6. put the rocket on the launcher and wait for a second
Our group launch the rocket for 4 trail but the rocket didnt hit the target
because of many factor

Data Result
Number Rocket (g) Vinegar Baking Angle Distance
of trial (ml) Soda (g) (m)
1 126.62 g 380 ml 51 g 35 degree 12 m
2 142.53 g 380 ml 79.75 g 35 degree 11 m
3 142.53 g 400 ml 55 g 35 degree 14 m
4 142.53 g 460 ml 50 g 35 degree 10 m

Our rocket mass and design is suitable. Our group makes the weight of
rocket to increase is because we want it to hit the tarket and for the furtest
distance. Also, the quantity of chemical compound that putting in the rocket to
make it fly is appropriate for the mass and the size of the rocket. The vinegar is
acid and the baking soda is base. When we mix the baking soda with the
vinegar, it produce bubble and foam because the reaction of acid and base
release in to dioxide gas. The bubbles and the foam that produce are filled with
the carbon dioxide that is released by acid and base reaction. The vinegar is the
acetic acid that dissolved in the water and baking soda is a base which can be
called as sodium bicarbonate. The reaction makes the carbonic acid and that is
unstable. Thats why the gas leave the water. and it created bubble and foam
along the way. However, we think that our problem is our launcher that unable
to adjust the angle not the chemical reaction. Our launcher angle is 35 degree.
That is the reason why our rocket cannot reach the target but it can only reach
14 meters as the furthest distance.

Discussion and Calculation

The chemical formula for baking soda + vinegar is
CH3COOH+NaHCO3 => CO2+H2O+CH3COONa. the fuel of rocket is
mixed between vinegar and baking soda in ratio of 7:1 is the best ratio. The
limiting reagent is baking soda and excess reagent is vinegar and rocket use
400 ml of vinegar and 55 g of baking soda. The mole of vinegar is 6.66 and the
mole of baking soda is 0.65 and 1 mole of carbon dioxide = 44 grams so, 0.65
mole of carbon dioxide = 44x 0.65 = 28.60 g the error cause by many factor
such as the wind make the baking soda gone a little when wrap in the tissue
paper so the among of baking soda has decreased a little. If there is the rocket
experiment in the future, the things that should be improve is the launcher. It
should change to be the launcher that able to adjust the angle. Also, the wing of
the rocket should be better than this rocket. It should makes more balance for
the rocket to fly with the good accuracy.


As though the final result of this experiment didnt perfectly meet our
expectations, we, the creators of this bottle rocket, as General Chemistry
students, gained knowledge on Chemistry while applying various learned
concepts in real life. There are certain things we are proud of and certain things
we believe we could do better. In the future, hopefully we will still keep the
concept of the acid-base reaction in our brains and keep this experience to
improve the next experiment to be better.


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