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Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893

Volume 125, Issue 11 Monday, March 20, 2017

WXYC celebrates 40 years of airtime

I walked itself, transmitting the first WXYC
signal was not guaranteed.
(Former WXYC Station Manager)
in and was Jim Bond and I were in a transmitter
facility we were not sure at all that

immediately it would work, Srebro said. I think

we went home at like 1 oclock after
turning it off and turning it on like 15
accepted times, but you know how it goes.
After everything WXYC went

into this tribe through to get on the air in the first

place, there was no way it was going
off anytime soon.
By Sarah Vassello On Oct. 5, 1965, a campus-wide
Swerve Director referendum passed 3,301 to 1,099,
voting to establish a campus radio
It was Friday, March 18, 1977. station. Although the interest was
Jimmy Carter was president, and there, the student legislature did not
the top hit on the radio was Barbra act on the measure and money was
Streisands Evergreen, the theme not set aside in the budget.
song from the 1976 film A Star is But in 1966, students received
Born. transmissions from stations in the
But thats not what came out of basements of residence halls like
the WXYC soundwaves. From the Ehringhaus, Morrison and Granville.
second floor of the Frank Porter Each transmission was local to these
Graham Student Union, the speak- dorms through current carrier sta-
ers started to play You Turn Me On, tions. These stations conglomerated to
Im a Radio by Joni Mitchell. form WCAR, the first form of WXYC.
Call me at the station, the lines On Sept. 19, 1973, a student
are open, she sang over twangy referendum supporting the estab-
acoustic guitars and mellow beats. lishment of a student FM radio sta- DTH/NATHAN KLIMA
It was the first song the station tion passed 1,356 to 498. Student WXYC alumni held a reunion to celebrate their 40th anniversary at the Chapel Hill/Carrboro Downtown Hampton Inn.
played. WXYC, after years of fight- Congress allocated $35,000 for ini-
ing for funding and recognition, was tial construction costs. Congress, it was a difficult road. cedence over the recently founded WXYC board and former station
finally on the air and it was here Legal and political struggles were It was just always a challenge, WCAR. manager. We would have regular
to stay. one thing, but construction was said Gary Davis, WXYC DJ and But in 1972, funding was raised softball games across the street by
On Saturday at the Chapel Hill/ another as WCAR-affiliated stu- chief engineer from 1975 to 1979. from $2,000 a year to more than Carmichael against the DTH.
Carrboro Downtown Hampton Inn, dents self-identified broadcasting We were always at the mercy of stu- $10,000, signifying commitment to
a group of about 35 WXYC alumni geeks helped with technical con- dent government. the organization. Color on a palette
the ones who were there on that day, struction, installing everything from When WCAR was funded by stu- And in 1984, WXYC petitioned
the ones who came before it and the signal processors to a high fidelity dent government in the 1970s, it was to have constitutional funding 4 For Burton, WXYC station man-
ones who came after were all there microwave studio. The FM tower directly competing with The Daily percent of the annual budget, which ager in the mid-1980s, WXYC was
to celebrate 40 years of WXYC. was installed on top of the Manning Tar Heel, the Yackety Yack yearbook passed and brought their annual a place where students could be
Some of you may not know, I Drive water tower, Srebro said. and a student graphics group. budget up to around $40,000, themselves.
noticed this at lunch, but today I like to think of myself as a fairly David Klinger, WXYC news edi- which is where the budget is set I walked in and was immediately
is March 18, said Jim Srebro, a intelligent person, but I was a stu- tor from 1974 to 1975 and a former today. accepted and fell into this tribe that
WXYC alum and first chairperson of pid person when I climbed on that DTH writer, said this caused a lot They went on the air 24 hours was my tribe of people, he said.
Student Educational Broadcasting, tower, he said. of animosity between these groups, a day immediately after, and have Within a week, I had like 40 new
Inc., the entity that holds the FCC Nodding heads and laughter in especially toward the DTH. been on 24 hours a day ever since. friends, and that was the real turn-
license to the station. This is, in the room showed he wasnt the only The Tar Heel was really an asser- Feuds were even settled. ing point of what WXYC meant to
fact, the day that WYXC signed on one. tive, aggressive paper, he said. One of the things I realized we me.
the air at 5 oclock in the morning. Most of the time, Klinger said, needed to do was get over this busi- Its that spirit thats kept WXYC
Funding feuds funding was allocated to the orga- ness with the DTH where they hated going for 40 years.
WCAR days nizations with more success. The us and were always writing articles Under Burton, who was music
Although WCAR and eventu- award-winning DTH and subscrip- about how we were a catastrophe,
Like the creation of the station ally WXYC were funded by Student tion-selling Yackety Yack took pre- said Bill Burton, chairperson of the SEE WXYC, PAGE 9

Q&A with BOG member Madeline Finnegan

Earlier this month, the N.C. Madeline when we have the 32 mem- board so I worry that it will General Assembly. But the MF: No, I dont think there are
General Assembly passed a Finnegan, bers. So in that respect I think be more competitive and not Board of Governors should enough students on the board.
law decreasing membership of a student at it will be good. to our advantage. be something that operates You know, Im at every board
the Board of Governors from N.C. State But on the other hand, I exclusively for stakeholders meeting, and I definitely try
32 to 24 by 2019. Staff writer University, is think when we decrease the DTH: Is the BOG a separate in the UNC system, specifi- to make a case for students.
Carina McDermed spoke with the only stu- number of people on the entity from the General cally students, faculty mem- I collaborate with student
Madeline Finnegan, the only board, we could decrease the Assembly? bers, staff and, on a broader body presidents and people
dent member
student member, about the bill amount of diversity and rep- scale, taxpayers. But it should in student governments to
and board representation.
on the BOG. resentation. We already dont MF: In an ideal place, its operate with the goal of bet- formulate our official opinions
see it in two different lights: have a super diverse board, completely separate from the tering our universities, not on things I bring to the board.
The Daily Tar Heel: How might One, I think that having a and I worry that this will General Assembly. Of course, focusing on what the General But its a lot for one student
House Bill 39 affect the rep- smaller board can lead to make positions on the Board the board has to coordinate Assembly would want. to handle. Additionally, I can
resentation of the Board of each individual voice having of Governors more com- with the General Assembly reflect the opinions of the
Governors? more power. I think people petitive. Board of Governors about legislative priorities DTH: Do you think one student students I speak with but at
will be more inclined to speak members lobby legislators and budget priorities because voice on the board is enough?
Madeline Finnegan: I think I up, especially in a big setting to get a coveted spot on the we get our money from the SEE FINNEGAN, PAGE 9

Runoff election set for Friday North Carolina survives with late run
Elizabeth Adkins and any reason to delay it.
Kushner said Adkins received
things that we, my campaign and
myself, that I want to promote

Maurice Grier will be 44.3 percent of the vote in the

last election and Grier received
that should be the culture here on
campus which is love, he said.
the only candidates. 22.7 percent of the vote. In planning for the week, ARKANSAS65
With no outstanding Adkins said she was planning
By Acy Jackson complaints or UNC Student on meeting student groups she By C Jackson Cowart
University Editor Supreme Court injunctions, the wasnt able to meet with before. Sports Editor
two candidates are proceeding So hopefully well be able to
Student body president elec- with their campaign plans. use this week as an opportunity GREENVILLE, S.C. This could have
tions continue with a runoff Were very excited to have to continue to meet with them been it.
election on Friday. this extra week to campaign for and spread our ideas and talk Isaiah Hicks pondered his career, which
Paul Kushner, chairperson the runoff election, Adkins said. with them, she said. was potentially four minutes from final-
of the UNC Board of Elections, Were really looking at it as Grier said he doesnt have ity. He exchanged glances with Kennedy
said there will only be two an opportunity to just be able concrete plans for the next week. Meeks. They werent ready for the end.
options on the ballot Maurice to engage with more and more Things are ever-changing, Nate Britt swallowed his fears and
Grier and Elizabeth Adkins. students and be able to interact he said. So its very difficult, clung to the bench. Eleven months after
Kushner said there is no cur- with them and explain to them especially you know in an elec- losing in the national title game, North
rent reason why the election our policies tion or a campaign, to say this is Carolina was staring at a second-round
should not happen on Friday. Grier said he wanted to use what were going to do and this is exit and Arkansas had all the momen-
We dont have any outstand- this week to continue to spread going to be the outcome because tum.
ing reason to make this not hap- his campaign message. you never know what the next I dont think any of us thought that we
pen on Friday, he said. Theres Honestly, I think the most challenge is going to be. would lose this game or saw the road end- DTH/ALEX KORMANN
nothing thats been presented important thing is to just stay Trailing 65-60 with 3:28 left, UNC closed
to the board that would give us focused on the mission and the SEE BASKETBALL, PAGE 9 the game on a 12-0 run to beat Arkansas.

Oh, you know. Life is a cabaret.
2 Monday, March 20, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

The Daily Tar Heel
Established 1893
124 years of editorial
Obama wants us to win, were never going to fail
freedom By Rachel Jones and Jenni picked UNC to win the and shoot some hoops ahead
Ciesielski National Championship in of the NCAA tournament
JANE WESTER Assistant Swerve Editors 2009 and 2012 one out of you know, casual.
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF two isnt that bad, honestly. And yes, we know that
Welcome back, UNC! Thankfully, hes continued Zuckerberg stopped at Duke
HANNAH SMOOT The sun is shining slightly the tradition this year and as well. But we think the
MANAGING EDITOR more than it was last week, has picked UNC to cut down Carolina Way really won him
midterms are behind us and the nets in April. Take that, over in a Facebook post
DANNY NETT we are in the thick of March Krzyzewski. about the day, he gave a
ONLINE MANAGING EDITOR Madness. If you, like us here Anyway, its nice to know special thanks to the UNC
at Swerve, are well-meaning that at least one politi- team, who took the court
JOS VALLE but slightly clueless about cian is on our side. North with him and gave him the
VISUAL MANAGING EDITOR basketball, dont worry: weve Carolina governor (and UNC nickname Zuckerbuckets.
got you with a comprehensive graduate) Roy Cooper picked Its a good thing Facebook
ALISON KRUG guide of all the non-athletic Kentucky to win it all. He has those heart reactions
DTH@DAILYTARHEEL.COM important basketball stuff didnt even send UNC to the now.
thats happened since you Final Four, but he sent Duke. DTH FILE/ALEX KORMANN
stepped off campus. Shameful. 3. Wot in Tar (Heel) The North Carolina bench erupts in celebration after guard
INVESTIGATIONS Nation Kanler Coker (13) made a reverse layup on Friday.
SPECIAL.PROJECTS@DAILYTARHEEL.COM 1. Thanks, Obama 2. Roy Williams has
On March 15, pictures of travelling by horses instead designed a hat for each of his
ACY JACKSON seriously. accepted your friend
UNIVERSITY EDITOR the team travelling for the of planes. teammates and coaches, let-
UNIVERSITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM request Because the team vaguely ting them all pick their own
While the current admin- tournament gained national
JANE LITTLE istration has maintained A former president isnt the attention, and not just looked like those wot in tar- colors and designs.
CITY EDITOR radio silence on its March only one rooting for North because theyre the Southern nation memes, the pictures Its good to see that this
CITY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM sparked confusion until team truly has their head in
Madness picks, former Carolina basketball. Facebook No. 1 seed.
COREY RISINGER President Barack Obama is founder Mark Zuckerberg Roy and his boys were all people found out where the the game.
STATE & NATIONAL EDITOR still coming in clutch. During stopped by Chapel Hill last decked out in cowboy hats, hats came from. First-year
STATE@DAILYTARHEEL.COM player Shea Rush custom
his time in office, Obama Monday to talk to the team looking like they should be
DESIGN & GRAPHICS EDITOR Someone was trespassed take anything, reports state. demeanor larceny at the Food Someone reported van-
DESIGN@DAILYTARHEEL.COM on the 700 block of North Someone disturbed the Lion at 1720 Fordham Blvd. at dalism on the 100 block of
SARAH DWYER, Columbia Street at 6:43 a.m. Someone disturbed the peace on the 100 block of 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, according East Franklin Street at 2:25
ALEX KORMANN Monday, according to Chapel peace at Pazzo at 700 Market East Franklin Street at 1:16 to Chapel Hill police reports. p.m. Wednesday, according to
PHOTO EDITORS Hill police reports. St. at 8:46 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tuesday, according to The person trespassed Chapel Hill police reports.
PHOTO@DAILYTARHEEL.COM The person was intoxicated according to Chapel Hill Chapel Hill police reports. and took an energy drink, The person scratched the
and refused to leave the prop- police reports. The person refused to leave Listerine and a pack of Stride entire side of a vehicle with
ELLIE SCIALABBA, erty, reports state. The person caused a dis- the victims car, reports state. Sour Patch gum, valued at an unknown object, caus-
turbance in the restaurant, $7.86 total, from the store ing $500 in damage, reports
COPY@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Someone reported a reports state. Someone disturbed without paying, reports state. state.
breaking and entering with the peace on the 400 block
ASHLEN RENNER no force on the 100 block of Someone reported receiv- of Martin Luther King Jr. Someone reported bark- Someone reported a sus-
VIDEO EDITOR Windsor Place at 2:52 p.m. ing suspicious text messages Boulevard at 2:38 p.m. ing dogs on the 100 block of picious person on the 200
MULTIMEDIA@DAILYTARHEEL.COM Monday, according to Chapel on the 1300 block of Ephesus Tuesday, according to Chapel Culbreth Park Drive at 7:17 block of Elizabeth Street
Hill police reports. Church Road at 10:49 p.m. Hill police reports. p.m. Tuesday, according to at 12:35 a.m. Wednesday,
The person opened the vic- Monday, according to Chapel Chapel Hill police reports. according to Chapel Hill
Mail and Office: 151 E. Rosemary St. tims front door, but did not Hill police reports. Someone committed mis- police reports.
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Jane Wester, Editor-in-Chief, 962-4086 Someone reported lar-
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our distribution racks by emailing charger, valued at $16.99, Chapel Hill police reports. Contact Managing Editor Hannah Smoot at with issues about this policy. from the store without pay- The person was mastur-
2015 DTH Media Corp. ing, reports state. bating in the library, reports
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The Daily Tar Heel Southern Living The INDY

Learn How to Saturday, March 18, 10-11:30 a.m.

Composting Demonstration Site LBP ALWAYS COMES
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composting expert, Muriel Williman.
No registration is necessary and
children are welcome with an adult.
outdoors using a variety of For more info: Call (919) 968-2788 or
containers and recipes. management . rentals
The Daily Tar Heel Opinion Monday, March 20, 2017 3

Established 1893, 124 years of editorial freedom

I come from a very loving, wonderful, very
journey to see whats human about that.
Bekah Brunstetter, on her new play The Cake
Just dont overlook the current competition.

Evana Bodiker
Mistress of Quirk Stacy Wynn, on UNCs basketball teams Redemption group chat
English and religious studies major
from Concord.
LETTERS TO and Joe Van Gogh fea-
tures global coffee blends.

Listen to THE EDITOR

DTH needs better
Furthermore, theyre local,
and its crucial that we sup-
port these businesses and

Lordes print distribution

others like them.

Haley France

I love reading The Daily First-Year
Tar Heel. However, over the Journalism
past several months I have

noticed that the distribu- N.C. is slipping in
tion of the DTH has gotten solar development
worse and worse.
The worst I have expe- TO THE EDITOR:

bout two weeks ago, rienced was the DTH on I was disappointed to see
Lorde blessed the news stands a full day late, that North Carolina is slip-
world with her new
song Green Light, the first
EDITORIAL but mostly it has been
available in the late after-
ping from its top position
in solar development in

A party of fluidity
single from her upcoming noons rather than first the Southeast. This year is
album Melodrama. The day thing in the morning. If the first time since at least
she released the song, I was this trend continues, I will 2012 that our state hasnt
having one of my worst days likely read the DTH online beaten every other state
thus far this semester until
I listened to the song. I lis- Being overly loyal tisanship, we receive
criticism for shamelessly
time Republicans feel
like they no longer have a
rather than reading old
news in the printed ver-
in the region in new solar
tened to it after putting on
comfort clothes and curling
to a political party shilling for the Democrats party given the election of sion. This would be unfor-
tunate as I prefer the feel of
As one of the states most
promising industries, solar
and their entire history. a far-right candidate. Over
up on my bed, a moment away is harmful. Which essentially is a the course of two years,
the paper and the smell of energy is an important fac-

from forgoing homework and the ink. tor in our future economic
succumbing to Netflix. The olitical parties are straw man argument to their party changed so Also, distributing the success. Thanks to policies
song made me want to get up constantly chang- make the Democrat much that it is no longer DTH so late is a disservice like REPS and PURPA,
and dance. And it made me ing. The 2016 party is not the same in line with their views. to your print advertisers. North Carolina has pro-
remember how much I need election was a textbook party as Jacksons, and What are the alterna- Please pick up the pace or vided great opportunity
an artist like Lorde. example of how quickly an the Republican party is tives? find a new distributor. for independent renewable
I listened to the single for American political plat- not the same party as If you dislike both par- Go Heels! energy developers. That will
the rest of the weekend on form can change. After Lincolns. ties, youre kind of in a bad probably change in the near
repeat (much to the chagrin of all, if the incentive of the To say you support the situation. Adam W. Jones future since Duke Energy
my housemate, my friends and party is to get officials Republican party because While a third party vote Class of 91 is making it harder to con-
any unsuspecting DJ I encoun- elected, it needs to change they opposed slavery in may certainly help keep tract new solar projects.
as people change. 1865 ignores their shared your conscience clean, it Dont dunk on local The new policies they pro-
Lorde, whose album Pure coffee and doughnuts pose would call for compet-
Heroine scored my senior While that is fairly role in opposition to civil isnt as effective of a voting itive bidding, which would
year of high school, managed straightforward, it also rights, support for regres- measure. TO THE EDITOR: exclude small producers
to do it again. Even now, weeks shows how remaining sive economic policies and Even then, having par- Another Dunkin Donuts from selling energy to
after the release, I find myself politically loyal to one the current attempt to ties, no matter the quan- is coming to Chapel Hill, utilities. In the end, utilities
immediately pulling the song party is harmful and can strip citizens of their right tity, lends itself to out- but the news doesnt taste would have control of solar
up on Spotify as soon as the lead to you voting for to vote. dated expectations about as sweet, knowing that its a energy without benefitting
app loads. Its just that good. a candidate not in line You can appreciate the party given current global chain. consumers.
Its not just the catchiness of with your preferences. a partys historical vic- preferences. I understand the excite- If Duke Energy con-
the song that pulls me in its The best example might tory without endorsing its Although certainly ment. After all, most tinues its attempt to limit
the relevance it has to my life. be the classic switch of entire policy history. By imperfect, maybe the way Americans including independent solar growth
The refrain of the chorus, Im myself gladly welcome in North Carolina, we
the Dixiecrats to the now, both parties are well to change our perception
waiting for it, that green light, fried dough. However, could lose a multi-million
I want it, may at first seem
current iteration of the over 100 years old. It is of American politics is to although this location is dollar industry and thou-
vague and metaphorical, but to Democrats. entirely unreasonable to think of politics as the left- regionally franchised, it sands of prospective jobs.
me, it said exactly what I have The Democratic Party say you are the same type to-right spectrum rather doesnt change the fact that Our strong solar industry
been feeling this semester. has had an awful, violent of party member as a per- than two superficially rig- large chains are detrimen- has been a source of pride
While Lorde is singing agenda against Black and son who died 60 years ago. idly defined parties. Note tal to local businesses and and hope for the future
about heartbreak, her chorus brown people for over a Even the modern that this should be seen as dont add to downtown of the state. It would be a
told a different story to me. century. They were the Democrat party has seri- a spectrum where people Chapel Hills vibrant com- shame if we were to lose all
This semester has been one predominant party sup- ous policy flaws that fall in between the words munity and culture. of that because of monopo-
of being told constantly that porting slavery in the mid- should make a party mem- right and left. Local coffee and dough- listic energy producers
the future is coming soon. 19th century. They also ber question their loyalty. While the definitions of nut shops such as Rise working in their own self-
From summer internship had many members who The continued support liberal and conservative Biscuits Donuts, Caffe interest.
applications (and rejections) Driade and Joe Van Gogh
opposed civil rights and of tough-on-crime poli- may not be easily defined
to friends starting to study for are prevalent in the Chapel Sara Edwards
grad school entrance exams to gay rights and supported cies, drone programs and either, at least it gets us Hill and Carrboro area. Junior
being asked, seemingly every failed policies like the war family-dividing deporta- thinking of politics as a Some are individual estab- Environmental Studies
day, what Im going to do with on drugs. tion programs makes it spectrum rather than cat- lishments and others are
my life, I feel like Im hitting a Almost any time this hard for many liberals to egorical parties. local chains, but each will Tell your reps to take
lot of red lights. While Im not editorial board (or any wholeheartedly support Public opinion is fluid, be affected by this addi- money out of politics
certain Im ready to accelerate opinion outlet for that the party. and our views of politics tion and so will the com-
into the future right now, a big matter) writes on par- Many moderate, long- should reflect that. munity. TO THE EDITOR:
part of me craves a sign from For instance, small busi- Perhaps my fellow citi-
the universe that lets me go nesses typically recirculate zens have failed to notice
full speed ahead. spending by purchasing that we, as a society have
The song also explores the
difficulties of being on your EDITORIAL local goods and services,
but many chains use
invested a great deal of
trust, power and authority

A learning gap
own and having to move on non-local suppliers. A in legal entities whose only
with your life while still heal- study conducted by Civic reason for existing is to
ing. One of my favorite lines Economics found that make a profit.
in the song is the bridge. She independent and locally These misguided politi-
sings, I hear sounds in my owned restaurants, on cians then strip away any
mind, brand new sounds in my How can upper- ing at pre-University edu-
cation is the best place to
can help catch you up, but
it can only do so much
average, return over two regulations from their
mind. times as much revenue to corporate patrons allowing
Instead of being terrified level classes offer a start identifying why some given the limited time of the community as national them to recklessly pursue
students have more base both the student and the
of all the big questions facing
me for the remainder of this
fair start? knowledge than others. professor.
restaurant chains. By
patronizing large chains,
profit without having to
consider their moral duty

academic year, Ill remember he first round of Say your high school had a While amendments ones money is effectively to the very society they ser-
Lordes belief in reinvention. midterms are over, wonderful biology teacher to the general education leaving the local economy, vice. Receiving a reward for
Every mistake is a chance to and you might be who went above and system or teaching styles which, cyclically, hurts a job well done is one thing
be reborn; every no makes feeling the squeeze of try- beyond what was expected of professors might help other community-based but behaving like a parasite
you more grateful for a yes. ing to repair that 68 you of them to make sure their solve this issue, the level of businesses. sucking its host dry is quite
At least, thats what Green Beyond the numerous another.
got in your upper-level students had a superb structural change needed
Light makes me believe. And financial reasons, local To help combat this
even when the culture at UNC biology class. As we all understanding of the sub- to bring these broad solu- businesses simply provide internal threat contact your
makes me feel like if I didnt get back to hitting the ject. Students from this tions would be impractical a unique, personal atmo- state representatives and
get my summer plans solidi- library, we may be finding high school class would to call for in this editorial. sphere. I realize Dunkin tell them you want to get
fied in January, somehow Ive ourselves nostalgic for the be in a better place to do So, we encourage all pro- Donuts has Munchkins money out of politics, then
messed up, Lorde gets that, lower-level class, where well in their Biology 101 fessors to be understand- and candy-flavored swirls. go to www.ncwethepeople.
too. Shes learned the art of let- we aced the first midterm class and then in the rest ing that not all students in However, Rise Biscuits org to learn more.
ting go. But under the songs and then the final. So of the major. They spend upper-level courses may Donuts makes creme brulee
chorus tone of submission, what happened? less time and effort play- be on the same level. doughnuts, Caffe Driade Cory Lomax
theres the sound of tomorrow. Sometimes lower-level ing catch-up, freeing up In our opinion, UNC has a patio amidst the trees Sylva
The story comes from after I courses do not prepare their time to study other professors typically
get my things and just let go. you for the subsequent subjects. already do a great job with
And thats why I needed this
song right now.
levels. The base knowl- A second origin of this this. We also suggest stu- SPEAK OUT
Thank you, Lorde, for giv- edge your 300-level pro- problem can be found in dents not be too prideful WRITING GUIDELINES
ing me a new soundtrack fessor might assume you any number of issues dur- to seek help. Getting an Please type. Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
have simply isnt there ing the intro-level class education is a two-way Sign and date. No more than two people should sign letters.
to my walks home down
leaving you miles behind at college. Snow days can street mutual effort is Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
Hillsborough Street.
the rest of the class. decrease in-person class required. Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
But more than that, thank
Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
you for giving me the certain- While certainly not all time, or a sick day can set While we may not all letters to 250 words.
ty that today might be rough, UNC students will have you back. Sometimes the start at the same level, if
but going into the night can SUBMISSION
had this experience, a professor didnt make the both professors and stu-
show me brightness even in Drop off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary St., Chapel Hill,
good portion should find subject as clear as pos- dents are willing to put in NC 27514
darkness. this relatable. The main sible. Any or all of these a few extra hours, hope- Email:
issue is that there are no problems can contribute fully we can all finish our
clear roots to this problem to an uneasy foundation at upper-level classes with

3/20: Editors Notes EDITORS NOTE: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily rep-
Online Managing Editor Danny and no clear solution. the base of a new subject. an equal understanding of resent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect the
Nett writes about gay stuff. One could argue look- Attending office hours the subject. opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which comprises 11 board
members, the opinion assistant editor and editor and the editor-in-chief.
4 Monday, March 20, 2017 2017 NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament The Daily Tar Heel

East Region 2017 NCA

1 Villanova

16 Mt. St. Marys

1 Villanova

8 Wisconsin
Basketball T
8 Wisconsin
This bracket is up to date
8 Wisconsin
9 Virginia Tech

5 Virginia
5 Virginia
12 UNC-Wilmington
4 Florida
4 Florida
4 Florida
13 East Tennessee State
New York
6 SMU March 23-26
11 USC
11 Southern California
3 Baylor
3 Baylor
3 Baylor
14 New Mexico State

7 South Carolina
7 South Carolina
10 Marquette
7 South Carolina
2 Duke
2 Duke
15 Troy

West Region
1 Gonzaga
1 Gonzaga
16 South Dakota State
1 Gonzaga
8 Northwestern
8 Northwestern
9 Vanderbilt
5 Notre Dame April 1
5 Notre Dame
12 Princeton
4 West Virginia
4 West Virginia
4 West Virginia
13 Bucknell
San Jose
6 Maryland March 23-26
11 Xavier
11 Xavier
11 Xavier
3 Florida State
3 Florida State
14 Florida Gulf Coast

7 St. Marys
7 St. Marys
10 VCU
2 Arizona
2 Arizona
2 Arizona
15 North Dakota


A Night in



Bringing the City of Lights to you!

The Daily Tar Heel 2017 NCAA Mens Basketball Tournament Monday, March 20, 2017 5
AA Mens Midwest Region
Tournament 1 Kansas
1 Kansas
1 Kansas

16 UC-Davis
e as of 11 p.m., March 19. 8 Miami
9 Michigan State
9 Michigan State

5 Iowa State
5 Iowa State
12 Nevada
4 Purdue
4 Purdue
4 Purdue
13 Vermont
Kansas City
March 23-26 6 Creighton
11 Rhode Island
11 Rhode Island
3 Oregon
3 Oregon
3 Oregon
14 Iona

7 Michigan
7 Michigan
10 Oklahoma State
7 Michigan
2 Louisville
2 Louisville
15 Jacksonville State

South Region
1 North Carolina
1 North Carolina
16 Texas Southern
1 North Carolina
8 Arkansas
8 Arkansas
9 Seton Hall
1 and 3 5 Minnesota
12 Middle Tennessee State
12 Middle Tennessee State
4 Butler
4 Butler
4 Butler
13 Winthrop
March 23-26 6 Cincinnati
6 Cincinnati
11 Kansas State
14 Kent State

7 Dayton
10 Wichita State
10 Wichita State
2 Kentucky
2 Kentucky
2 Kentucky
15 Northern Kentucky





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6 Monday, March 20, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

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The Daily Tar Heel March Madness 2017 Monday, March 20, 2017 7
Bridgeport 2017 NCAA Lexington
1 Connecticut
1 Connecticut Womens Basketball Tournament 1 Notre Dame
1 Notre Dame

16 Albany This bracket is up to date as of 11 p.m., March 19. 16 Robert Morris

1 Notre Dame
8 Syracuse 8 Green Bay
8 Syracuse 9 Purdue
9 Iowa State 9 Purdue

5 Texas A&M 5 Ohio State

5 Texas A&M 5 Ohio State
12 Penn 12 Western Kentucky
5 Ohio State
4 UCLA 4 Kentucky
4 UCLA 4 Kentucky
13 boise State 13 Belmont
Bridgeport Lexington
6 West Virginia March 25-27 March 24-26 6 N.C. State
6 West Virginia 6 N.C. State
11 Elon 11 Auburn
3 Maryland 3 Texas
3 Maryland 3 Texas
3 Maryland 3 Texas
14 Bucknell 14 Central Arkansas

7 Temple 7 Kansas State

10 Oregon 7 Kansas State
10 Oregon 10 Drake

2 Duke 2 Stanford
2 Duke 2 Stanford
15 Hampton 15 New Mexico State

Oklahoma City Stockton

1 Baylor 1 South Carolina
1 Baylor 1 South Carolina
16 Texas Southern 16 UNC-Asheville
1 South Carolina
8 LSU 8 Arizona State
9 California 8 Arizona State
9 California 9 Michigan State

5 Tennessee 5 Marquette
5 Tennessee 12 Quinnipiac
12 Dayton 12 Quinnipiac
Lerner Event Ad-DTH.qxp_Layout 1 3/2/17 12:54 PM Page 1
4 Louisville 4 Miami
4 Louisville 4 Miami
13 Chattanooga 13 Florida Gulf Coast
Oklahoma City Stockton
6 Oklahoma March 24-26 March 25-27 6 Missouri
6 Oklahoma 6 Missouri
11 Gonzaga Dallas 11 South Florida
March 31-April 2 3 Florida State
3 Washington 3 Florida State
3 Washington 3 Florida State
14 Montana State 14 Western Illinois

7 DePaul 7 Creighton
7 DePaul 7 Creighton
10 Northern Iowa 10 Toldeo
2 Mississippi State 2 Oregon State
2 Mississippi State 2 Oregon State
2 Mississippi State 2 Oregon State
15 Troy 15 Long Beach State

Consuming Temples:
German Jews and Consumer Culture
on Both Sides of the Atlantic
Monday, March 20, 2017, 5:30 p.m. / Dey Hall, Toy Lounge
PAUL LERNER, (University of Southern California) will
discuss the intertwined histories of German Jews and consumer
culture, focusing on department stores in pre-Nazi Germany
and advertising, malls, and amusement parks in post-war
America, showing how Jewish immigrants from Germany and
Austria shaped American consumer culture in the 20th century.
Concentrating on several key figures, this lecture will follow the paths of
architects, designers, and publicists who brought European notions of
planning and Freudian psychoanalysis overseas and helped create modern
American urban and commercial culture.



Interested in
local issues?
Serve your community.
Apply to an advisory
board or commission.
Apply by April 3 for
assured consideration
8 Monday, March 20, 2017 News The Daily Tar Heel

UNC continues construction projects

Some of the current building I didnt have to ask
someone where it was.
middle of the semester rather
than over the summer.
projects will last into First-year sociology major
Emily Pittman agreed that
UNC Facilities publishes a
schedule of both formal and
the next school year. the work has had little impact informal projects on their
on students taking classes website which includes pro-
By Lorcan Farrell inside the building. jected start and end dates of
Staff Writer I go to Hamilton at least upcoming projects as well as
twice a day every Monday, the completion percentage
Parts of campus have been Wednesday and Friday, so and the projected budget.
closed off due to construc- I have to walk around the This schedule includes
tion recently, causing student construction, Pittman said. plans for replacing two fields
traffic jams and new routes to We havent had to relocate at Finley North with artificial
classes. our classes or anything like turf with a $12 million bud-
Some of the work being that though. get. The project will also add
done on and around Lenoir While the disruption inside two grass fields for practice
Dining Hall is the cause of Hamilton has been minor, for varsity sports.
student frustration. the closure of the sidewalks, There will be renovations
Construction on Hamilton which resulted from work to the Odum Village com-
Hall, which has been ongoing replacing chilled water pipes munity center allowing for
since the fall semester, is fix- that feed to buildings near the development of a new
ing problems associated with Lenoir Drive, has had a larger Student Veterans Center.
precast panels on the outer effect on students. This project has a $750,000
shell of the building, which The project is estimated to budget.
controls the temperature cost $5.2 million. Two additional upcoming
and keeps out wind and rain. It has caused a few issues projects are the renovation of
Construction has not inter- that I have had to work UNC Student Stores with
rupted classes. around, said junior biology Barnes and Noble College
The constructions project- major Savanna Powell. You covering the $3.8 million
ed budget costs $1.5 million. have to change your way to cost as well as the expan-
To be honest it hasnt really class sometimes or you have sion of the Eddie Smith Field
affected me outside of helping to leave earlier to avoid the House. This project is report-
me know which building I had traffic issues it causes. ed to have begun on March 6
class in at the beginning of the Powell said she was frus- and has a projected budget of
semester, said David Garcia, trated with the fact that $25 million.
a first-year exercise and sports the construction happened DTH/SHEPARD BARNES
science major. It was the only without warning during the Construction between Hamilton Hall and Lenoir Dining Hall has closed the pathway for students.

Q&A with screenwriter Bekah Brunstetter

Bekah Brunstetter is a I just wanted to be around DTH: When did you know that once to keep you humble. forced, which is why I think whats human about that.
screenwriter currently work- them. My freshman year at you had finally made it as a the episodes turn out so well. I wanted to write a play in
ing for the hit NBC show UNC I wrote my first play, playwright? DTH: What is it like working which a conservative person
This is Us. The UNC gradu- and from that moment I was on the hit show This is Us? DTH: Tell me about The Cake. was sort of the hero and show
ate will soon be returning to like, This is it; this is what I BB: When you look at a creative Are there things that have What was your inspiration them going on a journey of
her roots, as her recent play, want to do. career be it writing or direct- surprised you about the expe- and what was the process like rethinking where their belief
The Cake, will be performed ing or painting or songwriting rience? to create it? system comes from and stick-
by the PlayMakers Repertory DTH: What are some of the or whatever sometimes it ing to their beliefs, not like all
Company on campus in the biggest challenges that you seems like a person can be an BB: Ive written for three BB: The play takes place in of a sudden their beliefs had
fall. Staff writer Molly Horak face as a writer? overnight success. But really, other shows before, but this North Carolina and is basical- changed.
spoke with Brunstetter about its years and years of all these is the first with so many ly about a woman who goes From the minute I started
her career, what its like work- BB: Its really hard to commit tiny successes that add up to people watching it. And thats through this whole moral writing it, I was thinking in
ing on a popular show and to a creative life because there where the person is currently. been really cool because its dilemma because she doesnt the back of my head, Gosh,
her new play. is no guarantee that you will Things like getting into grad rare that you feel like youre feel comfortable making a I hope Playmakers does it,
ever make a living. Its hard to school, getting my first play actually writing for so many cake for these two women because I really wanted to
The Daily Tar Heel: When did you stay hopeful and confident and produced in New York, getting people. I think the success who are getting married. see it performed in North
know you wanted to become a believe that you can make it, to my first TV job, theyre all these of it has really surpassed I started writing this play Carolina. Even though Chapel
screenwriter? deal with the rejection and the little victories that add up to everyones expectations. The about a year and a half ago, Hill is quite the liberal com-
disappointment and not throw where I am now. And every actors are all really lovely; the and my goal has always been munity, I feel like most people
Bekah Brunstetter: Ive been in the towel. Ive been writing little victory is usually coupled writers are all really lovely. to humanize conservative in North Carolina have con-
writing poetry and short sto- and wanting to be a writer and with a setback. If one thing is My boss, Dan Fogelman, is values. Like a lot of people servative people in their lives
ries since I was about 6 years defining myself as a writer for happening, there is another very aware of the tone and in North Carolina do, I come and are trying to have conver-
old. Gradually that turned so long that there was never thing thats not happening. Its the stories he wants told, so a from a very loving, wonderful, sations with them.
into plays I loved plays but really another option for me really crazy how the universe lot of it falls into place pretty very conservative family, so @molly_horak
I didnt like acting in them; I just kept doing it. will throw you both things at organically. None of it is very its been my life journey to see

DTH office is open Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm

Line Classified Ad Rates Deadlines
Private Party (Non-Profit) Commercial (For-Profit) To Place a Line Classified Ad Log Onto Line Ads: Noon, one business day prior to publication
25 Words ............. $20/week 25 Words ....... $42.50/week
Extra words ..25/word/day Extra words ...25/word/day or Call 919-962-0252 Display Classified Ads: 3pm, two business days
EXTRAS: Box: $1/day Bold: $3/day BR = Bedroom BA = Bath mo = month hr = hour wk = week W/D = washer/dryer OBO = or best offer AC = air conditioning w/ = with LR = living room prior to publication

Help Wanted
of Carrboro needs a full-time veterinary assis-
tant to join a team of RVTs and well trained
veterinary assistants. Experience is preferred
Help Wanted
Help others lead an
independent and fulfilling life!
Help Wanted

Deadlines are NOON one business day prior to
publication for classified ads. We publish Mon- but not mandatory to apply. The ideal candi-
Full-time and Part-time positions
available helping individuals with A JOB AFTER
day thru Friday when classes are in session. A
university holiday is a DTH holiday too (i.e. this
date must like people and have excellent com-
munication skills. They should be an intelligent, intellectual and developmental
GRADUATION? If March 20th is Your Birthday...
self-motivated, hard-working individual with disabilities. This opportunity is Partnerships grow this year. Discipline provides
affects deadlines). We reserve the right to re- GREAT if youre interested in
a team player attitude and willing to meet cli-
ject, edit, or reclassify any ad. Please check your
ad on the first run date, as we are only respon- ent needs. Animal handling experience is ideal gaining experience related to CAROLINA STUDENT educational accomplishments. Changing directions with
a team project this August inspires new levels of fun and
sible for errors on the first day of the ad. Accep- as is experience as surgery/dental technician.
Benefits are available after 90 days including
your major/degree in nursing, LEGAL SERVICES romance. A profitable year blesses your family, starting
tance of ad copy or prepayment does not imply psychology, sociology, OT/PT, or
agreement to publish an ad. You may stop your paid time off, paid holidays, matching Simple other human service fields. LEGAL ASSISTANT in October. The next few years after December favor your
IRA retirement plan, continuing education al-
ad at any time, but NO REFUNDS or credits for
lowance, licenses and insurance. Work week
On the job training is provided. career. Its all for love and family.
stopped ads will be provided. No advertising
is 4 days and rotates weekends and holidays. Various shifts available! CSLS is seeking candidates
for housing or employment, in accordance with Entry-level pay starting
federal law, can state a preference based on Enjoy working in a drug free environment. for its legal assistant position
Salary based on experience. Send resume and up to $11 per hour. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
sex, race, creed, color, religion, national origin,
references to To apply visit us at to begin July 1, 2017.
handicap, marital status.
NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED AND locally owned Duties include typing, filing, Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
BOBBY G. Fun Run/Walk/Dance event at noon
on Sat. April 1 at the Old Well. 96-year-old UNC insurance agency seeks part-time or full-time reception, bookkeeping, and Today is a 9 -- Youre coming into Today is an 8 -- Home and family
athletic legend Bobby Gersten will lead a fun administrative assistant. Must possess excel-
lent phone and computer skills. Small business Summer Jobs occasional legal research. your own, with the Sun in your take priority today and tomor-
exercise event and pre-game Final Four pep sign. Achieve personal objectives. row. Partnerships grow stronger
rally/parade to promote physical fitness and environment, flexible hours with competi- SUMMER EMPLOYMENT: The Duke Faculty Requirements include this month, with the Sun in Aries.
tive wages. Please email inquiries, resume to Youre in your element this month.
support the Tar Heels. Free ice cream served by
Club is hiring camp counselors, lifeguards, strong working knowledge Collaborate with someone you
Maple View Farm. Click Fun Run at uncwalk- swim coaches and instructors for Summer Professional opportunities arise to sign up. PERSONAL ASSISTANT need student to work 2017. Visit our website ( of Macintosh computers today and tomorrow. love.
part-time in home office. 8+ flexible hours per for applications and information. and Microsoft Office, Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Child Care Wanted week. Will train on QuickBooks. $10/hour. Car
required. Please email PM SERVERS, AM HOSTS especially Excel. Must also Today is a 6 -- Peaceful medita- Today is a 9 -- Get your message
SUMMER NANNY for Durham family with 5 and Needed for Elmos Diner, DURHAM. Full-time,
be very familiar with Quicken. tion and introspection provide out over the next two days. Your
9 year-old girls. Mid-June to mid-August. Com- SALES: SALARY + part-time available. Start now and avoid sum- Knowledge of website great ideas and clarity of purpose physical health and vitality grows
petitive pay. Hours flexible with some camps under the Aries Sun. Energize your
mixed in. Must have clean driving record. Con- BONUSES mer rush! Apply in person from 9-11am or development is preferred. this month under the Aries Sun.
2-5pm M-F at 776 9th Street, Durham. work and exercise this month.
tact The Daily Tar Heel is hiring! Free sales training Looking for an individual who Complete old projects and plan
whats next. Launch later. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
WE ARE LOOKING for an energetic, depend-
in the spring; guaranteed salary and bonuses
for 2017-18 school year. Flexible work sched- Travel/Vacation is a self-starter with good
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Today is a 9 -- Today and tomorrow
able individual to help after school with 3
ule, NO night and weekend hours. You will sell, problem solving skills.
school aged children 2-3 days/week. in Today is an 8 -- Manage shared get profitable. Youre lucky in love
Carrboro. Must have clean driving record.
coordinate and manage advertising campaigns. BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK Three letters of reference and play this month, with the Sun
Competitive wages. Contact sitter4three@
Must have strong organizational and commu- $189 for 5 DAYS. All prices include: Round trip finances today and tomorrow.
nication skills, and be able to work 6-8 hours luxury party cruise, accommodations on the is- are required. Get into a four-week social phase, in Aries. Someone finds your energy
weekly during the 6-week spring semester land at your choice of 10 resorts. Appalachia attractive. Deepen a romance.
training period. Successful trainees are guaran- Travel. www., 800-867-5018. This is a full-time position, with the Sun in Aries. Spend
time with people who share your Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
For Rent teed paid positions beginning in August. Email
cover letter & resume to Advertising Director
Monday -Friday, 8:30am
interests. Today is a 7 -- Follow a personal
Rebecca Dickenson,
by 5 p.m. on March 20. Place a DTH 5:00pm, requiring a 12-month
commitment starting July 1,
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Today is an 8 -- Reach a new pro-
dream today and tomorrow. Focus
on home improvement this month,
2017 and ending June 30, 2018.
this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Lost & Found Perfect for a May graduate
fessional level this month, with with the Sun in Aries. Provide
upgrades in beauty and functional-
Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to the Sun in Aries. Collaborate with
advertise any preference, limitation, or dis-
crimination based on race, color, religion, sex,
FOUND KEYS in front seat of my Uber on Satur-
day. Call 919-260-5794 and describe.
www.dailytarheel. who wants work experience your partner today and tomorrow. ity.
handicap, familial status, or national origin, com/classifieds before law school. Avoid conflicts between love and Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is an 8 -- Concentrate on
or an intention to make any such preference, money.
limitation, or discrimination. This newspa- Mail or email resume with your studies and travels over the
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
per will not knowingly accept any advertising cover letter as soon as Today is an 8 -- Begin a travel next month, with the Sun in Aries.
which is in violation of the law. Our readers are
hereby informed that all dwellings advertised possible but no later than and expansion phase. Indulge Explore your curiosity. Make plans
in this newspaper are available on an equal March 17, 2017, to: your curiosity this month, with over the next two days.
opportunity basis in accordance with the law.
To complain of discrimination, call the U. S. Fran Muse, the Sun in Aries. Nurture your Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Department of Housing and Urban Develop- Director health today and tomorrow; slow Today is a 9 -- Its easier to make
ment housing discrimination hotline: 1-800- Carolina Student Legal to avoid accidents. money, with the Sun in Aries. Make
Services, Inc. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) hay while the sun shines. Teamwork
WALK TO CAMPUS! 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms. Today is an 8 -- Partnership grows gets the job done today and tomor-
Washer/Dryers, $625 to $1,695/month. Com- PO Box 1312
pare to dorm prices! www.chapelhillrentals. Chapel Hill, NC 27514 with the Sun in Aries. Its a good row.
com 919-933-5296 month for financial planning.
FURNISHED STUDIO NEAR UNC MED Perfect (Use Legal Invest for long-term growth.
for quiet scholar, sunny studio rents by sem Assistant as Subject Line) Collaboration can get especially (c) 2016 TRIBUNE MEDIA SERVICES, INC.
for $650/mo incl utl, wifi. no pets. woodburn- romantic today and tomorrow.
walk@gmail CSLS, Inc. is an Equal Employment
Opportunity employer.
The Daily Tar Heel From Page One Monday, March 20, 2017 9
BASKETBALL said. Its gotta be with our
brain and our heart both.
sive rebound, but Moses
Kingsley sent his put-back
before slipping into the lane
and throwing down a retribu-
He missed. But Meeks con-
ting out a furious scream to
put the exclamation point on
FROM PAGE 1 Weve gotta get stops and attempt flying into the UNC tory slam over Kingsley to verted his trademark tip-in to a 12-0 UNC run.
ing here, Britt said. weve got to get shots. bench. It wasnt over. But to pull within one. Half a minute take a 3-point lead. It wasnt the end not yet.
With 3:47 left in UNCs Ten seconds later, Joel the fans in the Bon Secours later, he knocked down two This isnt it, Hicks said. A second-round scare wasnt
72-65 win on Sunday, head Berry committed his only Wellness Arena, it felt like it. free throws to take the lead. Lets go. One stop. enough to keep the Tar Heels
coach Roy Williams pleaded turnover of the game to give I just told my teammates We just didnt want it to The Tar Heels blanked from their third straight Sweet
with his team. The No. 8 seed Arkansas a five-point lead. to believe, Berry said. be it, he said. Arkansas in the final minutes. 16. A similar performance
Razorbacks (26-10) led by On the next possession, a After the inbounds pass, On the ensuing defensive And on the final possession, likely wont be enough to stave
three. The top-seeded Tar frantic exchange left Berry Berry drew a foul and sank possession, Meeks blocked a the UNC defense swarmed off Butler in Memphis on
Heels (29-7) hadnt had a with an open 3-pointer. So both shots from the stripe to 3-point attempt to preserve Dusty Hannahs at midcourt Friday. But on Sunday, the Tar
game like this all season it he fired, errantly, for his 10th cut it to three. On the next the lead. On the other end, for its 19th forced turnover. Heels didnt care.
was time to win one. miss in 12 attempts. play, Hicks started to set a Berry bowled into a defender Jackson took it uncontested @CJacksonCowart
Weve got to be tough, he Hicks skied for the offen- screen for Justin Jackson and threw a prayer at the for a two-handed flush, let-

WXYC I didnt realize what a big

Welcome Back,
deal it was until a few years
FROM PAGE 1 later, Jeopardy was on, he
director before he became said, referring to a clue nam-
station manager, WXYC ing WXYC.
evolved from a station that
primarily served as an alter-
native to top 40 to a station
that celebrated music of all
I think all music is color
Looking forward
For an organization with
40 years under its belt, theres
no sign of slowing down.
Tar Heels!
on a palette, he said. Its important to maintain
Community leaders noticed these traditions, Klinger
this shift. Burton said Bill said. Media evolves, but
Friday would invite him to his communication remains the
house to talk music. Students same.
would walk in off of the street When it comes down to it,
to become student DJs, creat- radio is simple, Burton said.
ing three-hour DJ shifts for You have 10 seconds not
a variety of programming to suck, he said.
styles. And with every 10 sec-
As long as they had a good onds comes an expansion
idea and a good sound, he of a legacy that continues
would let them on the radio. to grow with every song
In 1994, a student came more than 350,400 hours of
to Burton and said he could WXYC.
get them streaming on the Still, even with such a mile-
internet. stone, Srebro said the anni-
I said, Great. Whats the
internet? he said. Two days
versary was all about reunit-
ing with old friends. Voted C Carolinas Finest 2005-2016
later, a caller from Belgium or We all built the station
Finland called in. from earth, air, water and
He said he didnt know fire, Srebro said.
the magnitude of the deci- I would have been happy
sion, but it made WXYC if we just had a few beers and
the first radio station in the told a few tales.
world to broadcast over the @sarahvassello

FINNEGAN But at the end of the day, I

dont have a vote. So if theres
FROM PAGE 1 a policy being passed in a
the end of the day, I have only committee or on the board Downtown Chapel Hill
lived my experience. as a whole, I can speak my
disapproval, but I dont get to
DTH: Do you think you should vote on it. At the current size 106 W. Franklin Street (Next to Hes Not Here)
have more decision-making of the board its really big
authority? so one vote doesnt usually
change anything. But even on
MF: Oh, absolutely. I dont a symbolic level, I think not
want to discount the voice being able to vote shows that Mon - Thurs 11:30 am - 11:30 pm
that I currently have on the the student voice isnt totally
board. I think that when I valued as much as other Fri - Sat 11:30 am - 12:00 am
say something, people listen, members on the board.
and if I ever want to talk Im @CarinaMcDermed Sunday 12:00 pm - 11:30 pm
allowed to and thats great.

Interested in becoming a
find a job buy a couch sell your car
physician, dentist, or other
health care professional? Not much of a break
The baseball team played
and won several
games games during spring break.
Visit online for more.
2015 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.

Level: 1 2 3 4 We are so emotional

University Career Services presents UNC has a new system
to field its many requests
Complete the grid from the DTH (and others).
so each row, column
Visit online for more.
and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9. Duke and Nova lost
As a non-sports reporter,
Solution to
last puzzle
this promo writer wants to
join you in gratitude. This
month is the best month.

Celebrity madness
You and Barack Obama
have this in common:
youre both sweating over a
bracket. See pg. 2 for story.

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

(C)2012 Tribune Media
Services, Inc.
All rights reserved.

March 28 Across
1 Negative attention from
the press, briefly
puzzles circled letters
62 Blanc who voiced Bugs
63 __ bet?
13 EKG organ
18 Smidgen
22 Nest egg acronym
47 Whistler, but not his
48 Blockhead
6 Deep-voiced opera singer 64 Kind of panel or system 23 Previously cut, as 49 Jimmied (open)

1:00 - 4:00pm 11 I knew it!

14 Blazing
15 Gossip spreader
65 Keats work
66 Annual celebrations, for
24 Penniless
25 Gig equipment
50 The first Mrs. Trump
51 Mary Poppins, e.g.
52 Biblical betrayer
16 Abu Dhabi is its cap. 67 Plot surprise 26 Decide not to go to 55 Timbuktus country

Great Hall in the

17 Change ones route to 27 Loosen, as a knot 56 __, poor Yorick!:
avoid heavy traffic, say Down 28 Cylindrical water toy Hamlet
19 Org. for marksmen 1 The Crimson Tide, 31 Director Lee 57 Cheeky
20 You __ here familiarly 32 School URL ending 59 Pres. #43

Student Union 21 Pipe-cleaning brand

22 Composer Stravinsky
23 Likely successor to the
2 In the distance
3 Storied water barrier
4 Ante-
33 Comprende?
35 Fairy tale starter
36 High-tech appt. books
60 Cool!
61 Immediately!

throne 5 Page turner 38 Sharp-tasting

26 Magnificent 6 Way to play music if you 39 Exodus author Leon
29 Epps of House cant read it 40 Minuscule
30 Have no doubt 7 Insurance giant 45 Tolkien beast
31 Fabulist mentioned by 8 Busybody 46 __ of Mexico
Aristotle 9 Good name for a lover of
Participating Programs: 34 Soda
37 Youre confusing me
hearty meals
10 Paddle
41 Capitol Hill fig. 11 Gut feeling at dinner
42 Quarrel time?
43 Machu Picchu resident 12 Packers quarterback
44 Me neither! Rodgers
46 Sacred river
of India
48 Sprained
For more info, visit ankle, often
53 Peter Pan
54 Safe place?
55 Help in
finding the
58 Kept under

// #ucsinfofair
@uncucs 59 Climactic
show ending,
and a literal
hint to this
10 Monday, March 20, 2017 The Daily Tar Heel

Swimming Meeks tip-in saves Tar Heels
and diving
thrives at
The Tar Heel women finished
17th, their highest finish in
the meet since 2013.
By Chris Trenkle
Staff Writer

When planning the schedule for the

North Carolina swimming and diving
team, head coach Rich DeSelm sen-
tenced his team to a season of grueling
dual meet battles.
But he had a plan.
The Tar Heels went 1-6 in dual meets
this season. One of those losses came
on Jan. 28 against Duke. It was the first
dual meet loss to the Blue Devils in
DeSelms career.
Still, DeSelm knew the disappoint-
ment would make his team stronger,
and they would benefit when it really
matters: the NCAA Championships. DTH/ALEX KORMANN
He was right. North Carolina forward Kennedy Meeks (3) is embraced by guard Kenny Williams on the bench at the end of the teams victory of Arkansas on Sunday.
The Tar Heel womens team finished
17th, its best finish since 2013. Three
team members reached All-American The senior helped UNC escape fight with Sweet 16 berth
status for the Tar Heels, and four more
were All-America honorable mentions By Brendan Marks might have been divine intervention. down through the net.
for North Carolina. Senior Writer And even with that slim cushion, UNCs The ball just fell in my hands, Meeks said,
Hellen Moffitt finished second in the offense couldnt sort itself out. As the shot clock and I followed through with it.
100-yard butterfly and eighth in the GREENVILLE, S.C. Think about every- wound down, Berry found himself trapped, That rebound the 999th of his career
100-yard backstroke, becoming the first thing going on in that moment: siren blar- dribbling to nowhere with no clear option of put the Tar Heels up three with time winding
Tar Heel to earn All-American honors ing, thousands of butts rising all at once out what to do. down. Arkansas missed both its free throws on
in both events since 1981. of thousands of seats, a parade of pom-poms So, he did the only thing he realistically the next possession, and as the second of the
I have been swimming both of these ruffling on the sidelines and yet, the most could he just chucked up a brick, almost an two banked to the right, Meeks was there to
events on the same day since I was important thing was a teensy, tiny little poke. overhand throw of a shot with no chance of scoop that rebound, too and give himself an
a freshman, Moffitt said. Ive never Kennedy Meeks barely did it, too. If he took going in. It soared over the rim, bounced off the even 1,000 rebounds in his four years.
done that well in both, so being able to a second longer? The shot clock and possi- backboard, and finally fell back to the ground. And so, with its season on the line and noth-
do that as a senior was really cool, and bly the North Carolina mens basketball teams A shot clock violation, it seemed, was unavoid- ing working, maybe UNC just got lucky. Maybe
it was really exciting to see that hard hopes of returning to the Final Four would able. Meeks was just in the right place at the right
work pay off. have expired. It was a horrible shot on my part, Berry time. Or maybe, its the opposite: Maybe the
The grind planned in DeSelms Thank God Kennedy was right there, Joel said, but I tried my best to get it up on the things the Tar Heels have preached all season
schedule certainly left the Tar Berry said after UNCs 72-65 win over Arkansas backboard. long, mainly to ram it inside when all else fails,
Heels well prepared. The NCAA in the second round of the NCAA Tournament. Thats what the team has been conditioned won out in the end.
Championships are always the biggest The poke or tip or whatever else you want to to do all season when things look rough: Toss it Maybe a poke with everything on the line
test of the season, and this year was call it came with less than a minute left in the into the paint and hope a big man can clean up was exactly what UNC planned.
especially challenging. game, UNC leading by just one. This, of course, the garbage. It would have made me feel a heck of a lot
This was a tough national, diving was after the Tar Heels 17-point first-half lead And with the season on the line, Meeks did. better if he hadnt just tipped it with his left
coach Abel Sanchez said. It was one turned to mush, after their offense skipped He bodied his defender, lept in the air, and hand, head coach Roy Williams said.
of the toughest nationals I have ever the tracks and wrecked itself. Considering the right as the shot clock clicked down from one to But it went in.
encountered. abomination of an offense the team trotted out zero, he poked the ball back up in the air. @BrendanRMarks
The Tar Heels rose to the challenge, for most of the game, that one point in itself It went up. Hit the backboard. Then came
but they arent stopping there. Elissa
Dawson, who earned her third straight
All-America Honorable Mention with a
10th-place finish in the 3-meter spring-
board, is already setting goals for her
senior year.
I have high expectations for myself
UNC lacrosse teams go down different paths over break
for next year, Dawson said. And I
think its possible to accomplish these
The men went 1-2 over into the game with just one loss,
which came on Feb. 25 against Johns
to lead the team, while Goldstock
has 20 points including 16 goals
as well.
Three days later, on March 14,
goals by buckling down for next year spring break, while the Hopkins. But the Pride scored four
straight goals in the second half and
and four assists. Andy Matthews
has stepped into the role of main
Elon also offered limited resistance
against a high-powered North
and giving my team that top finish at
NCAAs. women finished 3-0. defeated the Tar Heels at Fetzer distributor on the team his 15 Carolina offensive attack. UNC
Dawsons lofty goals are a product of Field by a final score of 11-9. assists are far and away the most won 15-5, with 10 assists on the 15
the environment set forth by Sanchez By John Bauman The Tar Heels didnt have to wait for the Tar Heels. goals scored.
and DeSelm and DeSelms tough Assistant Sports Editor long until getting back out onto the North Carolina has one non- The Tar Heels extended their
strategy for dual meets paid off in the field. Richmond came into town conference game left, an NCAA winning streak to five games,
end. Both the North Carolina mens two days later, but again, UNC was title game rematch against and won their third game of the
It is gratifying to see and have the and womens lacrosse teams played left disappointed. This time the Maryland on Saturday, before a break, with a 17-12 victory over
team see that when things are not three games over spring break. loss was even closer a 6-5 defeat. four-game conference slate to wrap Northwestern on Sunday.
going as well as you would like them Neither took much of a road North Carolina was up 5-3 head- up the regular season. Ela Hazar leads the team in
to be going, stay the course, DeSelm trip, as all six games over the last ing into the fourth quarter, but the points with 36. She also leads in
said. Keep on committing, keep striv- two weeks were in Chapel Hill. Spiders scored three unanswered Spring break sweep assists with 21 no other player
ing, keep holding teammates account- However, the mens and womens goals in the final period to win. has more than 12.
able and keep working hard. Do not teams had varying levels of success The Tar Heels rebounded with a The UNC womens lacrosse team UNC has its second conference
give up, because oftentimes when you against their opponents. 17-6 destruction of Dartmouth on opened up ACC play with a 21-11 game on March 25 when Boston
put that energy and emotion in when Saturday. The win was head coach explosion over Virginia on March College comes to Chapel Hill. The
things are not going quite as well, its Tough stretch Joe Breschis 99th win at UNC. 11. The 21 goals a season-high Tar Heels then finish out their sea-
going to get better. This season, Chris Cloutier and were a team effort. Molly Hendrick son with four of its final five games
And it did. The mens team began spring Luke Goldstock are leading in goals had six goals and Marie McCool coming on the road.
@christrenkle2 break with a matchup against for the Tar Heels, just as they did and Sammy Jo Tracy each had four. @bauman_john Hofstra on March 11. UNC came last season. Cloutier has 17 goals Seven different Tar Heels scored

UNC track and field takes final victory lap at Irwin Belk Track
The Tar Heels sent of the outdoor season for the
budding Tar Heel track team.
But it wont be the track that
I was on.
My Mind came on over the
speakers, and hundreds of feet
the oval out in style The team showed potential
through its young athletes.
There to witness the final
competition was the name-
started the last tread over the
Carolina Blue rubber lanes.
with a solid showing. Sophomore Kristin Hall won sake of the meet itself, Dennis While typically the first
the 400-meter hurdles in Craddock. Craddock coached competitor to finish the final
By James Tatter her new collegiate best time at UNC for 28 years, where lap gets the glory, on Saturday
Staff Writer of 1:01.71, qualifying for the his cross country and track it was the last. And that
ACC championships. and field teams picked up 45 honor belonged to Craddock,
In a running relay, there is A bevy of first-years posted ACC championships more who took his time meander-
a minuscule stretch of track their first and last marks on the than any other coach in any ing the quarter mile curve.
designated as the exchange track in their collegiate outdoor sport in conference history. The track may have seen
zone. Just a few strides long, premiere. Erin Edmundson He reminisced on the its last day, but the end of the
it marks the finite distance in won the 800-meter run, while teams he spent time with on exchange zone only marks
which one leg of the relay can Noah Shore out-leaned a the track. the beginning of the next lap.
hand off the baton to the next. competitor to win the mile. I used to kid them, Craddock had some words of
North Carolina track Distance runner Connor Craddock said, Its such a hope before handing off the
and field head coach Harlis Peeples, sprinter McKinley treasure that they should be baton to the next era at UNC.
Meaders summed up this McNeill and thrower Daniel out here eating and sleeping I hope that anyone that
weekends Dennis Craddock McArthur all collected top-five PHOTO COURTESY OF TOMMY DELAUNAY on it and not just running ever ran here, practiced here,
Carolina Relays, the last track finishes in their debuts. First-year Noah Shore (right) of UNC out leaned Samuel Goldstein track on it. competed here, officiated
meet to be held at Irwin Belk The meet served as a mea- of UNC-Club in the mile for the win with a time of 4:27.93. After the events ended, here or coached here will
Track, as the exchange zone. suring stick for the team. athletes, coaches, alumni and remember that its not the
A new multi-sport indoor prac- Weve got some weakness- be a better team on the oval. for the program, but also a fans gathered to walk one facility as much as it is the
tice facility is set to replace the es and some areas to improve Next year, that oval will be big change. ceremonial last lap. And, as is people you are working with,
track in the coming months. on the track, Meaders said. I off campus at Finley Fields. Im sure its going to be a the tradition before the last lap Craddock said.
The tracks final responsi- think we are going to make a The soon-to-be-built facility great track, redshirt senior of every race, a bell was rung. @James_Tatter
bility was to host the first meet concentrated effort ... to just is expected to be an upgrade thrower Sarah Howard said. James Taylors Carolina In

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