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Written Language of

by Pat, Kun, Belle 10-03
The native writing systems of Ancient Egypt used to record the Egyptian
language include both the Egyptian hieroglyphs and Hieratic from Protodynastic
times, the 13th century BC cursive variants of the hieroglyphs which became
popular, then the latest Demotic script developed from Hieratic, from 3500 BC
The Egyptians began to form a pictographic written language about 5000 years ago,
which they continued to use for more than 3500 years, until about 400 AD. Eventually,
the pictures they used to represent words came to represent sounds. These symbols,
hieroglyphs, or "sacred inscriptions" were adapted for use in everyday life, in addition
to their important religious/mystical identity.
Papyrus paper is used for writing on it.
Example of Egyptian Written Language
Thank you for listening

Pat) Thanawin
Belle) Sumeta
Kun) Vorapol Leelarit

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