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Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad

Attendance System
The attendance is the core of education as it decides the participation of student in the day to day
life of any institute. In Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad we have two steps of
Attendance monitoring System.

1. Manual Attendance System

2. ERP Attendance system (Online)

Manual Attendance system:

In the present system all work is done on paper. The whole session attendance is stored in
register and at the and of the session the reports are generated. We are interested in generating
report in the middle of the session or as per the requirement because it helps in monitoring the
status of the students. These reports are generated fortnight and sent to Monitoring & Mentoring
Committee which are later forwarded to the respective mentors.

The attendance sheet has a specified standard format issued by the Registrar Office. The faculty
has to submit the Attendance sheet with the Course file at the end of the session.

Sample attendance sheet

ERP Attendance System (Online)

The manual attendance system is easy to maintain but it has many disadvantages which are as

Not User Friendly: The existing system is not user friendly because the retrieval of data is
very slow and data is not maintained efficiently.

Difficulty in report generating: We require more calculations to generate the report so it is

generated at the end of the session. And the student not get a single chance to improve their

Manual control: All calculations to generate report is done manually so there is greater chance
of errors.

Lots of paperwork: Existing system requires lot of paper work. Loss of even a single
register/record led to difficult situation because all the papers are needed to generate the reports.

Time consuming: Every work is done manually so we cannot generate report in the middle of
the session or as per the requirement because it is very time consuming.
Moving into the digital world we are in the process of implementing an Enterprise Resource
Planning (ERP) for Automation of the System. This system is to implement following

1. Reduce paperwork and save time and money with mobile and cloud-based attendance
management system

2. Eliminate duplicate data entry and errors in time and attendance entries

3. Improve visibility to track and manage student attendance & absenteeism across multiple

4. Real-time status tracking of leave requests

5. Automatic calculation of leave and reward points accrued

6. Easy attendance recording using RFID & Biometric based attendance system

7. Track the attendance of teachers and staff, assign work and manage allocation

8. Keep the parents informed about the students performance via Email & SMS alerts

9. Auto-generate various types of reports of class or student attendance

10. Increased security and confidentiality with role-based permissions to users

The IMS ERP is online and can be accessed by the Faculty, Students, HOD, Management &
Parents anywhere anytime. All the users are provided with their specific highly secured LoginID
and Password. The module working as follows:

1. Registrar Office Creates the Subjects, Classes, Sections, Rooms.

2. Assign Students to Sections and Subject to Faculty.
3. Course Coordinator (Time Table Incharge) assigns time to the respective subjects keeping
in mind the collision, although the system itself checks for any discrepancies.
4. Subjects, Sections & Attendance sheet are visible to the faculty members with their
allotted respective data.
5. The Attendance sheet can be generated with the student name and can be printed out as
required by the Faculty members.
6. The Faculty has to upload the attendance daily to the module as per their classes.
7. The Attendance of the Student is calculated Automatically and following reports are
generated daily or as required by the Monitoring & Mentoring Committee.
8. If the Student is Absent then an SMS is sent to his registered mobile number and also to
his parents registered mobile number illustrating his absent detail.
9. The attendance sheet can be printed in the Manual attendance sheet format at the end of

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