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Indian J Crit Care Med April-June 2005 Vol 9 Issue 2 IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4

Case Report

Managing iatrogenic tracheal injuries

C. D. A. Goonasekera, S. T. Esufali1

We present three cases of iatrogenic tracheal injury. Two patients suffered acute tracheal injuries during
anesthesia/surgery, one was managed surgically and the other conservatively. The third case is a delayed
tracheal injury presenting as a fistula. The reasons for surgical vs conservative management of tracheal
injuries and preventive measures are discussed.

Key Words: Clinical management, Endotracheal intubation, Iatrogenic, Tracheal injury

Introduction preset ventilator. During dissection of the esophagus, a

Tracheal integrity is essential for normal respiration. hissing noise was heard at the neck incision with loss of
Hence any injury or obstruction to the trachea seriously airway pressure suggesting a large leak of air through a
jeopardizes life. It is also easily accessible for therapeu- tracheal tear. The ventilation and oxygenation of the
tic maneuvers such as oral or nasal intubation using patient could now only be instituted by occlusion of the
tubes with inflatable cuffs that prevents leak of air and tear by the surgeons finger and subsequently by a sur-
aspiration of fluids and other debris and tracheotomy. gical gauze swab. Whilst maintaining lung ventilation with
With increased use of artificial ventilation for anesthesia 100% oxygen and anesthesia with inhaled 0.75% ha-
and prolonged respiratory support in intensive care, en- lothane, a 4 cm longitudinal tear in the right-posterior
dotracheal intubation has become the most popular wall of the trachea was identified just proximal to the
method utilized for control and maintenance of the air- bifurcation and repaired with a continuous nylon suture
way. We are presenting here three case reports of tra- ensuring a seal, via right lateral thoracotomy.
cheal injury following endotracheal intubation.
Immediately postoperatively she was allowed sponta-
Case History neous breathing with humidified 40% oxygen inhalation
via a T piece (without CPAP) attached to her endotra-
Case 1 cheal tube in the intensive care unit (ICU). Adequate
A 52-year-old previously healthy female underwent a analgesia was maintained by morphine infusion (12 mg/
transhiatal oesophagectomy under general anesthesia h) and a total of 4 units of blood were transfused and
for esophageal carcinoma. Her airway was secured with hydration maintained using intravenous saline/dextrose.
a cuffed 7.5 mm endotracheal tube and she was man- Peripheral pulse oximeter oxygen saturation (SpO2) of
aged with positive pressure ventilation using a volume- 95% and comfort was achieved with this management
although patient remained intubated. Urine output was
Departments of Anesthesiology and 1Surgery, Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya, adequate (over 1 ml/kg/h).
Sri Lanka
Dr CDA Goonasekera, She became exhausted from work of breathing at 72 h
Department of Anesthesiology, Faculty of Medicine, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.
E-mail: along with an increase in her oxygen requirement (FiO2

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IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4 Indian J Crit Care Med April-June 2005 Vol 9 Issue 2

60%). Intermittent positive pressure ventilation was in- tive cough of 3-month duration not responsive to sev-
stituted immediately with a low-tidal volume (260 ml), eral courses of antibiotics, physiotherapy, and
high-respiratory rate (30/min), and low-normal range bronchodilators. This cough had originated following her
peak airway pressure (20 cm water). Radiologically there stay in another hospital previously with pesticide poi-
was no pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum. Blood soning for which she had received intensive care therapy
for D-dimers was negative. Her lung function improved constituting artificial respiratory support for 22 days.
within in 12 h and mechanical ventilation was discontin- During this time she had been intubated. A dilute barium
ued after 36 h. She was extubated on the fifth postop- swallow was attempted but failed due to severe cough-
erative day and since made an uneventful recovery. ing spasms. At upper gastro intestinal endoscopy tra-
cheal rings could be visualized through a hole in the
Case 2 esophageal wall a few centimeters distal to the upper
A 47-year-old healthy female developed swelling of esophageal sphincter.
face and difficulty in breathing and chest pain within 2 h
of a vaginal hysterectomy performed under general She was operated under general anesthesia but could
anesthesia in a peripheral hospital. She had been intu- be intubated only with a 5.5 mm endotracheal tube due
bated using a cuffed endotracheal tube during surgery. to a narrowing in the mid-tracheal region. This cuffed
Her ECG was normal except for a sinus tachycardia and endotracheal tube was placed just at carina bypassing
her swelling of face was due to surgical emphysema the fistula opening [Figure 2] ensuring adequate ventila-
[Figure 1]. Following transfer to a tertiary care center, tion of both lungs. The tracheal opening and esophageal
she was given pethidine and promethazine for pain re- opening were closed longitudinally independently with
lief. Her respiratory rate was 2426/min. She needed interrupted nylon sutures whilst the endotracheal tube
40% oxygen via facemask to maintain a peripheral SpO2 and a nasogastric tube were in situ. The mobilized and
of 95%. Her respiratory observations were stable and divided sternomastoid muscle flap was folded and inter-
hence, she was managed conservatively. A course of posed between the tracheal and esophageal suture lines.
intravenous ampicillin and metronidazole was given. Postoperatively she was managed in the ICU, whilst
After 72 h her facial swelling began to subside. She was intubated with spontaneously breathing 40% oxygen via
also pyrexial postoperatively. On the fourth day, she was a T piece, regular tracheal suction, and chest physi-
apyrexial and was no longer breathless. She has made otherapy. The endotracheal tube was removed on the
an uneventful recovery since. fourth day and the naso-gastric tube on the sixth day
postoperatively. Her voice was preserved and there was
Case 3 no stridor at follow up. Her coughing spasms and recur-
A 22-year-old female presented with a chronic produc- rent chest infections had resolved.

Figure 1: Swelling of the face and neck due to surgical emphysema Figure 2: A large tracheo-oesophageal fistula resulting from long-
appearing a few hours following tracheal tear term tracheal intubation as demonstrated during corrective surgery

Indian J Crit Care Med April-June 2005 Vol 9 Issue 2 IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4

Discussion therapy in such cases as done in our case 2 in the ab-

Airway rupture during surgery as described in case 1 sence of airway compression. However, having a
may trigger a cascade of immediate life-threatening com- fiberoptic endoscopy assessment in such cases before
plications, namely inadequate alveolar ventilation, de- a judgment is given for conservative approach is pru-
velopment of a pneumothorax/pneumomediastinum, and dent. Massard et al. have reported two cases out of four
a reduction in cardiac output if the latter was under ten- on a watch-and-wait policy following tracheal rupture
sion.[1,2] Acute asphyxia may follow esophageal wall pro- subsequent to intubation with successful results.[8] En-
lapse into tracheal lumen. The best course of action, dotracheal intubation may also produce large tracheal
therefore, would be an immediate repair with the inter- lacerations (9.5 cm) that may need primary surgical re-
mittent packing technique to control air leaks as de- pair urgently and can only be diagnosed by emergency
scribed. The reported incidence of iatrogenic tracheo- bronchoscopy.[9] Late diagnosis can be associated with
bronchial lacerations during thoracic procedures is vari- sepsis, multiorgan failure, and high mortality.[7] Thus,
able (0.377.1%)[3,4] and are usually either popping in- brochoscopy remains the diagnostic procedure of
juries following undue inflation of the cuff, or ploughing choice[10] under full relaxation (to avoid worsening of the
injuries caused by a stylet, the tip of the catheter, or a laceration) before the conservative approach is consid-
carinal spur. ered.[7] The prognosis of tracheal lacerations depends
not only on the speed of diagnosis and the mode of treat-
Major airway injuries are usually managed preserving ment but also on the general health of the patient[4] and
spontaneous respiration and some suggest an elective the expertise of the anesthetists and surgeons and the
tracheotomy to reduce build up of airway pressure,[5] experience of the center, and hence the need for them
which may encourage passage of air and secretions to be treated in a unit with experience in managing such
through the tear into the mediastinum. Coughing, injuries.
valsalva maneuver, sneezing, laughing, and speaking
loudly also significantly increase the tracheal pressure There is no place for conservative management of large
leading to a repetitive fissure margin split that frustrates lacerations (case 1) because failed medical treatment
the healing process, thus predisposing to fistula forma- may reduce the chances of a successful delayed surgi-
tion. Occasionally there shall be no choice but to imple- cal repair due to infection and inflammation that inevita-
ment positive pressure ventilation as described in case bly follow.[3] Failure of conservative treatment (needing
1 due to poor lung function. Under this circumstance late repair) is usually due to the persistent passage of
lower peak airway pressure, low-tidal volume, and high- air and tracheo-bronchial secretions through the lacera-
respiratory rate are strategies that may be used to re- tion into the mediastinum[5] leading to mediastinal em-
duce the risk of a re-opening airway leak. Rarely, con- physema, sepsis (acute mediastinitis), and abscess
servative management of airway lacerations detected formation, ventilatory difficulty, pseudo diverticular for-
post-thoracotomy has been reported with a successful mation at the site of laceration and formation of fistulae.
outcome.[6] Acute mediastinitis is a serious condition that has a rapid
clinical course with high fever, pain in the chest, back or
The dilemma of conservative vs surgical treatment upper abdomen, dyspnea, tachycardia, and shock and
arises when tracheal lacerations occur during is frequently fatal. Immediate repair of the perforation,
nonthoracic surgical procedures due to direct trauma by wide drainage, broad spectrum antibiotics, and support-
stylet or over inflated tracheal cuff of the endotracheal ive care is the main stay of treatment.
tube or rapid rises in airway pressure as in an episode
of violent cough seen in case 2. Such events are usually Longitudinal laceration of the membranous portion of
noted a few hours postoperatively when the patient con- the trachea is considered unlikely to produce late sten-
tinues to have unexplained coughing episodes, otic lesions whereas circumferential ischemic necrosis
retrosternal chest pain, and appearance of surgical em- of airway cartilage and subsequent retraction during the
physema around the neck.[7] Such cases should be scarring process,[11] for example, postintubation or post-
closely monitored. Some consider conservative treat- tracheotomy as reported in case 3 is more likely to do
ment with cough suppression, antibiotics, and oxygen so especially if inflated cuff pressure exceeds 30 cm of

IJCCM October-December 2003 Vol 7 Issue 4 Indian J Crit Care Med April-June 2005 Vol 9 Issue 2

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