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Integrated Watershed Management: A Way Towards Sustainable Societal Development

Shreyasi Gupta Choudhurya*, Tapati Banerjeeb, K. Dasa, D. C. Nayaka and S. K. Singhc

ICAR- National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, Regional Centre, Kolkata-700091, bNational Atlas
& Thematic Mapping Organisation, Kolkata-700064, cICAR- National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use
Planning, Nagpur-440033. * Corresponding authors email:

The judicious use of irreproducible natural resources acts as the most sensitive indicators of societal
economic growth, development, resilience and empowerment. Land is the most indispensable natural
resource consisting of soil, water, natural flora and fauna involving the ecosystem components. The ever
shrinking land resources and the decreasing trend of productivity might increase the probability of getting
attention towards rainfed areas. Indias 60% land is under rainfed condition which is characterized by
poor soil health, water scarcity, land degradation, low input use and productivity. Still, these areas have
huge potential for enhancing crop yield through improved resource management practices. Watershed
approach has been recognized as a vital landmark in the direction of bringing visible benefits in rainfed
areas, while attracting peoples participation in watershed programme for the improvement and
sustainability of agricultural and allied sectors for overall community development. The rainfed areas
could be brought under the limelight of developmental and climate resilient agriculture through integrated
watershed management programmes. Integrated watershed management is the process of human
interventions in maneuvering natural resources for the overall societal development under the natural
boundary of watershed. This approach allows us to protect and conserve soil, water and other biotic
resources with a rational planning process to combat the societal degradation and climate change.
Watershed management has been evolved since long and passed through several developmental stages.
Initially, it dealt only with forestry related hydrology without any active involvement of the people. With
the passage of time, it changed its direction towards land resource management including activities with
an emphasized view on economic benefits of the stakeholders. The new generation approach is focused
on the participatory and integrated watershed management, with active participation and contribution of
the local people. This integrated approach and scientific management of natural resources usually
includes soil and water conservation measures, water harvesting structures, drainage line treatments, gully
control structures, watershed based farming system approach, integrated management on crop production
consisting of INM, IPM, IWM etc. There should be a very concise and organized manner while working
with the watershed management as it directly deals with the livelihood and social up gradation of the
farmers. The following steps should be followed for a successful integrated watershed development
Selection and basic Survey work Identification of local issues
knowledge about the and need
watershed Soil survey, physiography
and land use delineation; Threatened agricultural
Traversing and Crop survey; productivity ;
identification of the Analysis of the soil and Land use change;
watershed and analysis of crop for the assessment of Reduced economic growth;
existing situation; existing agricultural Water scarcity and drought;
Local issues and threats; scenario ; Problem in animal rearing;
Ecological attributes and Water resource survey and Climatic stress and
functions. budgeting; environmental issues.
Socio-economic survey for
need identification.

Demonstration trial
Meeting/clarification of the Strategy development and
Selection of farmers for plan planning to address issues
participation in method Natural resource management
Organizing farmers day;
demonstration trial in Discussion and strategies;
random selection manner; Soil based land-use modeling
demonstration of the
Establish demonstration
proposed plan; and planning;
trial for more than two Water conservation and
Meeting with local body for
consecutive seasons;
training and acceptance of harvesting systems;
Involvement of the Provision of animal, poultry
the proposal in a
stakeholders for and fisheries;
participatory mode.
continuing the trial. Climate change strategies;
Socio-economic upliftment
strategy .

Maintenance and Critical review and Implementation in a

evaluation of the trial finalization of the plan participatory mode

Regular monitoring of the Critical review of the Integrated and participatory

trial, taking observations; demonstration trial with the farming system approach;
Meeting with farmers and stakeholders and farmers; Integrated agricultural
local people; Maneuvering of the plan as management for crop
Result demonstration; suggested according to the production;
Evaluation of the need and success story of Contour bunding, terrace
success/failure of the the trial; cultivation and mulching;
trial. Upgrading and Finalization Water harvesting and
of the plan. conservation
Judicious use of land and water
resources for maximizing
Monitoring, evaluation of the process, reporting and future income.
strategy development

Monitoring the implementation process;

Farmers day and meeting with other stakeholders for evaluation of
the implementation and planning programme;
Future strategic plan and soil-water-ecosystem based land use

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