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Minimum Design Loads

I Dead Loads
Description Default Load Width Load
Ceiling 0.24 kPA x 1.10 m 0.264 kN/m
Utility 0.06 kPA x 1.10 m 0.066 kN/m
Finishing 0.77 kPA x 1.10 m 0.847 kN/m
Perimeter Wall 2.6 kPA x 1.10 m 2.86 kN/m
slab kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
Partition 2.4 kPA x 1.10 m 2.64 kN/m
n/a kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
n/a kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
n/a kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
n/a kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m

II Live Load Note: Provide only necessary data

Description Default Load width Load
Residential 1.9 kPA x 1.10 m 2.09 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 1.10 m 0 kN/m

III Other Load Note: Provide only necessary data

Description Default Load Area Load
Wind kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
Earth Quake 3.81 kPA x 1.00 m 3.81 kN/m
Lateral Pressure of Soil
and Water kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
Roof Live Load kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
Ponding Load kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
Rain Load kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
Fluid Load kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
kPA x 2.00 m 0 kN/m
Compressive Strength, fc' =
Steel Yield Strength, fy =
Concrete Unit Weight =
Main RSB Diameter, db =

Beam Length, L =

LL =
Reduction Factor for moment, =
Beam Width, b =
Beam depth, d =
Triburaty Area, Ls =
Tributary Area, Ll =
Clear Covering =
Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es =
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete, Ec =
Moment of Inertia =
Stirrups Diameter, ds =
Beta Factor, =

Initial Deadload = 6.68

Initial Live Load = 2.09

Total Dead Load = 10.91

Combination of Loads
a. Wu = 1.4(DL + FL)
b. Wu = 1.2(D + F +T)+ 1.6(L + H)+ 0.5(L,or R)
c. Wu = 1.2D + 1.6(L,or R) + (f, L or O.8W)
d. Wu = 1.2D + 1.6W + f,L+0.5( L, or R)
e. Wu = 1.2D+ 1.0E+fL
f. Wu = 1.2(D + F +T)+ 1.6(L + H)+ 0.5(L,or R)
g. Wu = 0.9D +1.6W + 1.6H
h. Wu = 0.9D +1.6E + 1.6H
i. Wu = 1.2 D + 1.6 L

Wu = 19.00 kN/m
Computation for Ultimate Moment
Mu = Wu L2
Mu = 37.99 kN-m

Determine if Beam is Singly Reinforced or Doubly Reinforced

Effective depth = 252.00 mm

Rn = Mu
Rn = 4.43 Mpa


= 0.0189

min = 1.4/fy
min = 0.01

max = 0.75b
max = 0.0284

Max Mu = reduction factor x fc'bd^2 x (1-0.59w)

Max Mu = 52.23 kN-m

Remarks: Design as Singly Reinforced

For Singly Reinforced Beam -

For Doubly Reinforced Beam
21.00 MPa
275.00 MPa
23.54 kN/m^3
16.00 mm

4.00 m

2.09 kPa
150.00 mm
300.00 mm
1.10 m
4.50 m
40.00 mm
200.00 Gpa
4,700.00 GPa
3.38E+08 m^3
10.00 mm



= 15.28 kN/m
= 16.44 kN/m
= 15.19 kN/m
= 15.19 kN/m
= 19.00 kN/m
= 16.44 kN/m
= 9.82 kN/m
= 15.92 kN/m
= 16.44 kN/m
= 0.85

c'bd^2 x (1-0.59w)

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click here
Design of Singly Reinforced Beam

Use Ultimate Moment Capacity

Act Mu = 37.99 kN-m Checking : max Mu > Mu 52.23

Remarks: SAFE

Compute for Area of RSB

= 0.02

As = Steel Ratio x b x d
As = 712.68 mm^2

Check for moment capacity of As

a = As x fy
.85 x fc x b
a = 73.20 mm

Mu = reductio factor x As x fy x (d - a/2)

Mu = 37.99 kN-m

Compute for Number of Rebars

Area of RSB = 200.96 mm^2

No of RSB = 3.55 pcs of 16mm RSB

say 4.00 pcs of 16mm RSB

Design of Shear Reinforcements

Compute for Vu
Vu = R - Wud
Vu = 33.21 kN

a. Considering the effect of shear

Considering thee effect of Shear and Flexure only

1 fc'
Vc MP a b de
6 MP a

Vc = 28.87 kN

Considering effect of Moment with Vu

Vu de

1 fc'
Vc' MPa 120 MPa b de
7 MPa Mu
Vc' = 24.75 kN

but not greater than

Vc 0.30 fc b d

Vc 51.97 kN

Use Vc = 24.75 kN

Compute for Shear Capacity of Stirrups

Vs Vc

Vs = 14.32 kN

Compute for Stirrups Area

Av (R) 2

Av = 78.50 mm^2

Compute for Spacing of Stirrups

0.85 Vc
When Vu no stirrups is needed
Minimum Spacing = 431.75 mm
say Minimum Spacing = 400.00 mm

If 0.85 Vc stirrups is needed


say S = 400.00

Av fy de
S s

Ss = 379.94 mm
Remarks Need Stirrups

Use Ss = 370.00 mm

Checking Maximum Spacing of Stirrups

a. When 1 fc ' , max S = d/2 or 600 mm

Vs MPa b de
3 MP a

a. When 1 fc ' , max S = d/4 or 300 mm

Vs MPa b de
3 MP a

Use Ss = 126.00 mm

Use 120.00 mm

Development Length

0.25 fy
lldb db

ldb 240.04 mm

but not less than 0.04db fy

ldb 176.00 mm

Use 240.00 mm

Check on Deflection

max Wu
8 E c I

.max = 0.383 mm

Actual Deflection
. = L/360
. = 0.011 mm


> 37.99

sqrt f
Design of Doubly Reinforced Beam

Compute for M1 and M2

Mu = 37.99 kN-m M1 Moment for Tension

M2 Moment for compression
assign Mmax = M1

Mu = M1 + M2
37.99 = 52.23 + M2
M2 = (14.24) kN-m

Check if Compression Bar will Yield or not

Ast = As1 + As2

a =
As1 fy
0.85 fc' b
where As1 = 1,072.56 mm^2
a = 110.16 mm

c =

c = 129.60 mm

.s =

0.003 de c


.s = 0.00283

.y = fy

.y = 0.00138

Remarks Tension Steel Yields

Check for .s' > .y', if compression steel also yields

.s' = ( c Cc )

.s' = 0.00207

Remarks Compression Steel Yields

If Compression steel does not yield, replace fy with fs 1

fs s Es

fs = 377.78 Mpa

Compute for Steel Areas

M1 = reduction factor x As1 x Fy x (d - a/2)

M1 = 52.27 kN-m

M2 = Mu - M1
M2 = 37.99 - 52.27
M2 = (14.28) kN-m

M2 = reduction factor x As2 x fy x (d - d')

As2 = (282.83) mm^2

Steel area for tension

As = As1 + As2
As = 789.73 mm^2

Steel ratio (As2) = (0.007482)

Steel ratio (min) = (0.0073981)

steel ratio = 0.020892

Remarks OK
Max steel ratio = 0.02089236
(0.00740) < 0.0208924 < 0.02089

No of RSB for tension bars

Ab = 200.96 mm^2

No of Bars 4.00

No of RSB for Compression bars

Ab = 200.96 mm^2

No of Bars Err:502
nt for Tension
nt for compression

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