A Fiasco Playset: by Gremlinlegions

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A Fiasco Playset

by GremlinLegions
Relationships... Needs...
A Starfleet A To boldly
a Lieutenant Commander & Ensign a ...go where no one has gone before
b Science Officer & Lab Tech b ...confront the Captain about that accident
c Sickbay Doctor & Nurse c ...ask the Nurse to marry you
d Tactical Officer & Security Guard d ...negotiate a treaty with the Halkans
e Comm Officer & Yeoman e ...break the laws of physics
f Chief Engineer & Technician f ...humiliate the Captain in front of his lover
B Friendship B To Discover
a Old War Buddies a ...new worlds & new civilizations
b Drinking Buddies b ...the cause of the Doctors abnormal behavior
c Friendly Rivalry c ...how to repair the transporters without replacement parts
d Old Shipmates d ...how to sabotage the reactor core
e Enemies in Common e ...the identity of the infiltrator!
f Fellow Cadets at the Academy f ...which one is the real Ambassador!
C Romance C To get promoted
a It was nice while it lasted a ...by whatever means necessary
b As long as Im yours, I can have anything I want... b ...by destroying the entire Halkan civilization
c They can never know... c ...by killing the Captain
d When you say no, it means Im not asking hard d ...by taking credit for everything
enough e ...through hard work and perseverance
e Unrequited affection between two species f ...despite your unique condition
f Youre my woman until I SAY youre not...
D To Sleep With
D animosity a ...every woman you see
a Ill never forgive you for that! b ...every alien you meet
b Your ways are so...primitive... c ...the Ambassadors wife
c If I cant have her, no one will! d ...the Ambassador to distract him from the mission
d ...assuming you call that green stuff in your veins e ...your Mirror Self
blood... f ...those strange, trilling furry things in the Mess Hall
e Efficiency?! Ill show you efficiency!
f Im not sure, but I think weve been insulted...
E to Defeat
a ...the hidden alien menace
E civilian b ...your strange, unnatural emotional urges
a Distant Relatives c ...the First Officer at 3-D chess at least once before you die
b From the Same Colony d ...the Armorys security system
c Shady Merchant and Customer e ...the Captains secret plans to kill the Ambassador
d Stowaways f ...the Halkans negotiator in bloody, hand-to-hand combat
e Halkan Representative and Starfleet Ambassador
f Ambassadors Personal Attendants
F To get Even
a ...with those bastards who laughed at you
F Strange b ...with the Halkans for defying your commands
a Mirror Selves c ...with the Captain for not returning your affection
b Alien Infiltrators d ...with those damned voices in your head
c Psychic Hyperbeing & Thrall e ...before they find out what you are planning
d Imprisoned Augment & Admirer f ...once the Ambassador thinks hes in the clear
e Secret Assassin & Target
f Agent from the Future & Target ...in orbit above the planet Halkan
...in orbit above the planet Halkan
Locations... Assets...
A Upper Decks A Leadership
a Bridge, Navigation Helm a We...come in peace. We mean you...no harm.
b Science Lab, Botany Section b NOW youre an Engineer!
c Chief Engineers Quarters, Liquor Cabinet c Boldly ripped and torn shirt
d Captains Quarters, Under the Bed d Chutzpah
e Tactical Systems Access Chute e Reputation from the Kobayashi-Maru Test
f Turbo Lift 2 f Impish Smile
B Amidships B Rank and Privilege
a Sickbay a Dress Uniform
b Transporter Room 4 b Medal of Honor
c Impulse Engine Access Chute c Self-Destruct Codes
d Galley, Food Reclamator d Quality Toupee
e Officers Briefing Room e Diplomatic Contacts
f Computer Core f Distinction as Starfleets Finest (deserved or not)
C Lower Decks C Logic
a The Brig a Fascinating.
b RecRoom 3 b One man cannot summon the future.
c The Armory c In critical moments men sometimes see exactly what
d Life Support Control they wish to see.
e Phaser Bank Access Chute d You may file a formal protest with Starfleet
f Inertial Dampening System Command, assuming we survive to reach a Starbase.
e It may be unappetizing, but it IS logical.
D Engineering f I do not threaten. I merely state facts.
a Warp Nacelle Access Chute
b Hangar Deck D High-Tech
c Torpedo Bay, Targeting Station a Tricorder
d Cargo Bay 2 b Medical Kit
e Power Relay Control c Communicator
f Matter-Antimatter Reactor Core Access Chute d Benchthumping (...just gotta hit it in the right spot...)
e Ultrasonic Ratchet
E Dangerous f Unintelligible Technobabble
a Inside the Matter-Antimatter Reactor Core
b On the hull of the ship E Warfare
c Floating in the vacuum of space a Personal Guards
d The Mirror Ships torture chamber b Phaser, set on Kill
e Entering the Halkan atmosphere c Trophy Klingon Batleth
f Torpedo Tube 5 d Venusian Jujitsu
e Vulcan Nerve Pinch
F Elsewhere f Hammer Punch
a Inside a strange, green energy sphere
b Aboard a cloaked Romulan Warbird F Secrets
c Micronized and injected inside the Captains brain a Small, trilling furry creature with an appetite
d A mysterious blue box, much larger on the inside b Starfleets finest hair pomade
e Interdimensional limbo c Evidence of treason within Starfleet Command
f The FUTURE! d Sexy miniskirt
e Outrageous foreign accent
...in orbit above the planet Halkan f Hidden disintegrator ray

...in orbit above the planet Halkan

The Score An Intergalactic
Space, the final frontier
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise, on its five year
mission to seek out new life and new civilizations; to boldly go
where no man has gone before. Relationships In orbit above the planet
Ooooooooooooeeeeeeeee wah wah wah wah... Halkan
After negotiations for precious minerals with the Halkans fall For three players
through, a strange malfunction in the transporter room has caused Starfleet: Lieutenant Commander & Ensign
a rift between the dimensions, switching Federation crew members
Animosity: ...assuming you call the green stuff in your veins
with their alternate, Imperial selves. Now, with time running out,
can the crew manage to survive the deadly treachery of the Empire
long enough to get themselves back home, and maybe get some Strange: Mirror Selves
short-skirted, mid-riffed booty to boot? For four players, add...
Movie Night Romance: They can never know...
Classic STRIKE
Star Trek (in particular Mirror, Mirror), Star Trek DS9 For five players, add...
(Trials and Tribbleations) Friendship: Friendly Rivalry
Needs In orbit above the planet Halkan
n by Jason Morningstar
For three players
d by Steve Segedy
Credits To Get Promoted: ...by killing the Captain
Strike was Playset
Written of the Month, April 2010.
by GremlinLegions.
For four or five players, add...
To Defeat: ...the Halkans negotiator in bloody, hand-to-hand
Cover by GremlinLegions, too.
playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Bully
This playset is an accessory for the Fiasco role-playing game by Locations In orbit above the planet
Bully Pulpit Games.
playset is copyright 2010 by Jason Morningstar. Fiasco is copy-
2009 byThisJason
playset was producedAll
Morningstar. in 2011 by are
rights GremlinLegions.
reserved. Fiasco is For three or four players
copyright 2009 by Jason Morningstar. All rights are reserved. All Upper Decks: Captains Quarters, Under the Bed
ore information about
things Star Trek are Fiasco or to download
Paramount Pictures.other playsets and
ials, visit www.bullypulpitgames.com. For five players, add
For more information about Fiasco or to download other playsets
Lower Decks: The Brig
d likeand
to materials,
create yourvisitown
playset or other Fiasco-related content,
ike toIfhelp.
like tous at info@bullypulpitgames.com.
create your own playset or other Fiasco-related
content, wed like to help. Write us at info@bullypulpitgames.com. assets In orbit above the planet Halkan
For any number of players
Logic: I do not threaten. I merely state facts.

When you play, play hard. - Theodore Roosevelt

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