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Criteria C: Creating the Solution

Task C1: Plan for Manufacture

Time Plan: Gantt chart (a chart in which a series of horizontal lines shows the
amount of work done or production completed in certain periods of time in
relation to the amount planned for those periods.)

Task Descriptio Tool 6-10 13-17 20-24 27-3 6-10

n of task
required Februar Februar Februar Februar March
y y y y

Editing We Google
of edited search
articles our engine
and docs.
cited all

Started We Google
working added Docs
on Page the newspape
1 and 2 news
and the

Started We Google
working added Docs
on page the newspape
3 and 4 other

Final We Google
editing of finished Docs
product editing newspape
the final

Document We Google
finished docs
Brief of my plan: My Plan starts on February 6th
and ends on 10th

Tool used in manufacturing: Paste some pictures of the tool and web link

List all the steps

- Open google docs
- Select a template
- Write a title for your newspaper
- Select the font you want
- Select the box you want the particular article in
- Paste the article or type it down
- Add images to make it attractive
- Change fonts

Describe (explain) important point: Describe steps

- To align the text. Select the text you want to align and then
select the appropriate align button.
- To add images select insert image and then choose the file you
want to upload from your computer.
- To insert a drawing select insert, then select drawing create
your drawing and add it.
State estimate of the time requirement
I dont think it will take a lot of time as I have worked on this tool
before and I know how to edit everything. I have already explored all
the aspects during my daily use and projects. It will take e about two
weeks to make it.

Criteria C2: Final product Final Design:

Paste your final Newspaper:

This is the final design that I have created during

creating the solution.
Summarize for my skills:

I used a lot of google docs skills. I knew how to edit text and images.
The font and format. It was easy for me as I have worked on it
before in all my assignments and daily use.

Hardness that I got during making the final product:It was very
hard for us to fit everything in 6 pages and we have to do a lot of
fitting for the newspaper to have at least 6 pages. We had to find
appropriate information and adds. But then we finally managed and
got our product very clean and neat.
Criteria C3: Changes to the Design and Plan

During Creating the solution we made changes after we selected the

template. We added more advertisements and added one more
article. We changed the placement of the articles and images after
selecting selecting the font and size.

Process journal: For my design

6 feb - 17feb: Today I made 70% of my design. We selected our

template and added all the information. We still had place left.

20 feb - 24 feb: We added pictures and adds. Only 7% was left where
we had to add entertainment.
27feb - 3march: We added the entertainment part and 5% was left
where we had to to do editing.
6march - 10march: We did the final editing and showed it to maam.
She told few improvements and we finished our newspaper.


We conclude that this helped us create a informative product which

will spread awareness to the people around us about the latest
world happenings. It is a very helpful source and we developed new
skills and creativity skills.

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