Marking Scheme Error ID pt3

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Marking Scheme


Question 1

The younger generation today are (is) extremely savvy in operating
electronic devices. From the age of two, children start play (a) playing
with electronic gadgets. This (b) These include smartphones, computers
and hand-held game sets. It has been proven that the use of electronic
gadgets will helps (c) help stimulate childrens senses and imagination,
develop theirs (d) their listening and speaking abilities and nurture their
creativity. However, excessive usage have (e) has affected children
negatively. Some youngsters tend to spent (f) spend an average of seven
hours daily on these gadgets. Consequently, their study (g) studies and
academics achievements are badly affected. Being overly addiction (h)
addicted to electronic gadgets encourages a (i) an unhealthy lifestyles
and poor time management skills. Everything has its (j) its pros and
cons! Hence, it depends on parents to control their childrens use of these

are is younger generation

play playing start + ___ING
This These Smartphones,
computers and.
helps help Will + root word
theirs their Possessive pronoun
have has Excessive usage
singular noun
spent spend To + rood word
study studies Studies noun
addiction addicted adjectives
a an Article
its its Its = it is
Its = possessive

Why do we need to read? Well, reading open up a world of potential
and it can sparks spark a persons imagination. It seems like something
we should be doing on a daily basis. Sadly, nowadays, it is become
becoming a forgotten habit. Parents and adults are constant constantly
searching for ways on how to get the younger age group to read. There
were are many ways to encourage them to read. Firstly, parents has have
to set a good example. At the same time, they should furnish their homes
for with a variety of reading materials. Parents should also try to make
reading aloud the a natural part of family life. Parents should allow
children to choose his their own books. Every child might have a
difference different interest in the choice of topics. Some might look for
fiction, while others may opted opt for non-fiction. Let them know that it
is fun to read as it is a window to the world.

open Opens Singular Noun- reading

Singular verb - opens
sparks Spark can = modal + root
become Becoming Is + becoming
constant constantly adverb
were are Present tense
has have Parents have (plural)
for with
the a Article
theirs their Possessive pronoun
difference different Adjective
opted opt May = modal + root

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