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I. Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer.

________ 1. A device for cleaning which has a brush turned by a motor.

a. Vacuum cleaner b. Steam cleaner c. Floor
________ 2. A sewing technique for covering holes in your clothes.
a. Stitching b. Hemming c. Patching
________ 3. A container for temporarily storing waste.
a. Dustpan b. Garbage receptacle c. Vase
________ 4. A pad of abrasive material for cleaning pots and pans.
a. Broom b. Rubber gloves c. Scouring pad
________ 5. Cleaning the house is a good form of _________.
a. Practice b. Exercise c. Playing
________ 6. Potassium makes your _____ strong and firm.
a. Bones b. Legs c. Muscles.
________ 7. Is excellent in promoting a lot of bodily metabolisms.
a. Magnesium b. Calcium c. Iodine
________ 8. A type of darning where both the warp and woof threads are
torn at
the same place.
a. Straight tear b. Three-cornered tear c.
Diagonal tear
________ 9. If you are caught in a wardrobe dilemma, just remember that
it is
better to be ________ for any occasion.
a. Underdressed b. Overdressed c.
Over decorated
________ 10. Clothes that have styles that never goes out of fashion.
a. Punk b. Quintessential c. Centennial
II. True or False. Write (T) if it is True and (F) if it is False.

________ 1. Foods rich in calcium help make your bones brittle.

________ 2. When sitting properly. One should always cross legs so that it
will help
in circulating the blood in your lower extremities.
________ 3. Disinfectants are used to remove foul odor inside a room.
________ 4. Paste wax is used for polishing stone floors, wood and other
________ 5. Cleaning the house increases stress.
________ 6. Ironing is an act of washing clothes in a washing machine.
________ 7. Very bright colors are good for stout or plus size body figures.
________ 8. Horizontal stripes are advisable for those who are thin.
________ 9. Using high pillows and too soft bed mattresses can help in
proper position in sleeping.
________10. One of the proper ways to talk or speak to other people is to
talk more
And listen only when you are interested.

III. Identification. Identify the following items.

____________ 1. Is where the family gather for recreational activities and
visitors and friends are entertained.
____________ 2. The area where you prepare meals for the family and
____________ 3. An excellent implement for dusting and sweeping.
____________ 4. A sewing technique for repairing holes and worn areas in
using a thread and needle alone.
____________ 5. Is used for wooden surface, leather and imitation/synthetic
leather surfaces.
____________ 6. Is used for removing cement and plastic remains.
____________ 7. The best source of calcium
____________ 8. A fruit that is rich in potassium.
____________ 9. An act of washing clothes.
____________ 10. An area in the house where you rest and sleep.

IV. Matching type. Match column A with column B and write the
correct letter in the spaces provided.

Column A Column B
_____ 1. Insecticide a. It is a kerosene-based wax
that is good
for wooden
_____ 2. Bathroom b. It is used for making metals
_____ 3. Mop c. placing the clothes in water to
loosen dirt
_____ 4. Bleaching d. Stains may be removed by
soaking in
warm water and washing powder.
_____ 5. Metal Polish e. Used for wiping floors or other
_____ 6. Soaking f. Used to remove foul odor inside a
_____ 7. Solvent wax g. An area in the house where you and
family eat and enjoy your meals.
_____ 8. Ladder h. Used for fumigation to eliminate
and pests.
_____ 9. Dining room i. Used for hard-to-reach places when
Cleaning or placing objects.
_____10. Air Freshener j. Where you take a bath and attend to
personal necessities.

V. Enumeration. Enumerate the following.

1. Name some of the conventional cleaning tools and materials. (2)


2. Kinds of stains. (2)


3. Simple hand sewing repair of clothes. (2)


4. Cleaning compounds. (2)


5. Advantages of a clean and orderly house. (2)


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