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Vulnerability Scan Remediation Plan

Summary.................................................................................................................... 1
Scope.......................................................................................................................... 1
Remediation............................................................................................................... 1
Apply Resolution...................................................................................................... 2
Tests of the Environment......................................................................................... 2
2015 Cybertrust Scan Results for Desktops...............................................................3
By OS Name............................................................................................................ 3
Count by Severity.................................................................................................... 4

Security team will perform a scan of the environment to ensure risk is
being effectively managed
b. Scanning should include restricted subnets to ensure all computers are

The threats will be addressed based on highest threat level and then volume of
threat. Application groups such as Adobe with threats across multiple levels may
resolve issues in one process across all levels.

Apply Resolution
The solutions to vulnerabilities vary depending on the kind of threat. Each threat
will be evaluated for best process to remediate. Common remediations include:

1. Vendor provided patch

2. Registry Key change
3. Group Policy Object change

The method for apply a fix will involve development testing, end user testing, and
deployment to Production.

Tests of the Environment

As issues are resolved rescanning will be used to confirm the threat is resolved. To
ensure risk has been mitigated scanning of the environment will be completed in
three ways:

2. Qualys Scans on Demand

a. This can be requested at will
Vulnerability Scan Remediation Plan

b. Used to confirm changes are effective

3. Monthly Patch Management Scans (KACE)
a. OS patching, ensures latest Microsoft patches are applied
b. Middleware patching, ensures all software is being checked for
available updates
4. Qualys Regular Scans to be determined by Security Team

The Cybertrust Scan reveals Unique Vulnerabilities and possible Vulnerabilities that
are then counted for the total number of times the threat appears in the
environment. These vulnerabilities cover the Operating System and all installed
Software (Middleware). These threats are broken down by severity and volume to
develop a plan to remediate.

In Scope are Windows Desktop Operating Systems and software installed on the
computer. This covers both Physical and Virtual computers. The fixes are not
limited to those identified in the scan, and should be seen as a risk to be addressed
across all Windows Desktop Operating Systems. Along with the remediation plan is
a plan to manage risk going forward.

First steps, include scan result review and classification of threats. The highest
severity combined with number of threats sets the remediation order. There are
three classifications for threat level:

High 7, 8, 9, 10
Medium 4, 5, 6
Low 1, 2, 3

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