Linear Circuit Analysis (ELEN-1100) : Lecture # 8: Bridges and Delta Wye Conversion

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Linear Circuit Analysis (ELEN-1100)

Lecture # 8: Bridges and delta wye conversion

Engr. Dr. Hadeed Ahmed Sher

Assistant Professor, EED
KFUEIT, Pakistan Learning Management System

Slide credits
-Y derivation is based on the material presented in

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Measuring resistance | The wheatstone bridge
Assessment problem
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits
Assessment problem

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Measuring resistance | The Wheatstone Bridge
Accurate resistance measurement is possible using
bridge configurations.
Very precise with readings as good as 0.1%.
R1, R2 and R3 are known.
Rx is unknown.
R3 is varied until Ig=0
The bridge is balanced.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Measuring resistance | The Wheatstone Bridge
Apply KCL when bridge is balanced
At node a
I1=I3 (1)
At node b
I2=Ix (2)
Therefore, a and b are at same potential.
Apply KVL
I3R3=IXRX (3)
I1R1=I2R2 (4)
I1R3=I2Rx (5)
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Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Measuring resistance | The Wheatstone Bridge
Dividing (5) by (4)
I1R3 /I1R3=I2Rx / I2R2


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Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Measuring resistance | The Wheatstone Bridge
Some observations about Wheatstone bridge is as
If the ratio of R2 and R1 is unity then Rx=R3
Therefore, R3 should have a value more than Rx
Example : If Rx=1000 and R3 is a 100 rheostat then bridge
could never be balanced.
Therefore, for a wide range of measurements, ratio of R2
and R1 is made flexible.
Lower resistances are difficult to measure on Wheatstone
bridge because of thermoelectric voltage and i2R effects.
Higher resistances are difficult to measure on Wheatstone
bridge because of leakage currents.
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Assessment Problem 3.7 (8th Ed.)
Find Rx if R1=100 , R2=1000 and R3=150
Rx=R2R3/R1 Rx=(1000)(150)/100 Rx=1500
If V=5V and all resistances can dissipate 250mW max,
can the bridge be left in balanced state without
damaging it ?
Under balanced condition I=V/Req=5/227.27=0.02A
I1=(0.02x2500)/2750=0.018A I2=0.0018 [CDR]
Yes it can be safely operated
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits
If galvanometer is replaced with an equivalent
resistance Rm then
Simple series parallel simplifications cannot be applied to
find Req across the terminals of V.

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Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits
Delta in bridge are
R1, R2 and Rm
Rm, Rx and R3
Wye in bridge are
R1, R3 and Rm
R2,Rx and Rm
The conversion of delta to wye and vice versa is not
just the change in shape.
Because the terminal behavior should remain same.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits
Consider the figure below
Rab=Rc(Rb+Ra) /Ra+Rb+Rc=R1+R2 (1)
Rbc= Ra(Rb+Rc) /Ra+Rb+Rc=R2+R3 (2)
Rca=Rb(Rc+Ra) /Ra+Rb+Rc=R3+R1 (3)

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits
In order to derive the equivalence we will do
mathematics of adding eq. (1)-(3)+(2)
R1+R2=Rc(Rb+Ra) /Ra+Rb+Rc (1)
R3+R1=Rb(Rc+Ra) /Ra+Rb+Rc (3)
R2+R3=Ra(Rb+Rc) /Ra+Rb+Rc (2)
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Delta to Wye equivalent circuits
Similarly, R1 and R3 can be derived. The delta to
wye conversion is summarized below.
R1=RbRc/Ra+Rb+Rc (4)
R2=RcRa/Ra+Rb+Rc (5)
R3=RaRb/Ra+Rb+Rc (6)

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Wye to Delta equivalent circuits
The transformation from wye to delta is based on eq.
(4),(5), and (6).
The derivation is as follows
Choose the eq. which has only one instance of delta
variable e.g eq. (4) has only one instance of Ra.
Simplify and solve the equation for that resistance.
Substitute that value in the denominator of suitable
equation and find the answer.
Lets derive the formulae to find Ra.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Wye to Delta equivalent circuits
Consider eq. (4) because it has only one time
occurrence of Ra
R1=RbRc/Ra+Rb+Rc (4)
Ra=(RbRc/R1)-Rb-Rc (6)
Consider eq.(5) and put the value of Ra in it.
R2=RcRa/Ra+Rb+Rc (5)
R2RbRc=R1 RcRa
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Wye to Delta equivalent circuits
R2RbRc=R1 RcRa
We replace Rb and Rc in
eq.(6) given below.
Ra=(RbRc/R1)-Rb-Rc (6)
Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Wye to Delta equivalent circuits
This way the conversion cab be performed for all the
Summary of the wye to delta transformation is


Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Example 3.7 [8th ed.]
Find current and power supplied by the 40V source.
We need Req to solve this circuit.
We can either convert upper
delta or lower delta to get Req.
Let us convert the upper delta.

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Example 3.7 [8th ed.]
I= V/Req =40/80=0.5A

Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].
Assessment problem 3.8 [8th ed.]
Use a wye to delta transformation to find voltage v
in the circuit. Source value is 2A


Cite as: Hadeed Sher, course materials for EE-110 Linear Circuit Analysis, Spring 2017. (, Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and
Information Technology. Downloaded on [DD Month YYYY].

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