MT 3.1 Module 3 - Population Analysis Mastery Test Time: 90 Minutes

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MT 3.

Module 3 - Population Analysis

Mastery Test

Time: 90 minutes

This test will be carried out in a group mode.

Prepare a Population Analysis Report based on the information contained in the Futureland
CAA Case Study and the information in the attached Attitudes towards Training
Questionnaire, which was obtained after applying it to 20 DAO employees of Futureland

The report should be structured as follows:

1. Introduction (10 points)

2. Description of the Group to be Trained, identifying the Primary and Secondary Target
Populations (if applicable) (40 points)
3. Usefulness and applicability of previously received training and attitudes towards
training (40 points)
4. Indicators of staff satisfaction (10 points)

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Attitudes towards Training Questionnaire

I. Purpose

This survey is an attempt to find out the way you learn best and which training methods
would suit you most, in order to help us to design training that matches your needs.

II. Instructions

This is not a test. We only want your opinion. Most of the questions are multiple choice
questions. Select the answer which you feel corresponds best to your opinion and put a cross
in the box next to the answer.

Read each question carefully before you answer it. Do not consult with anyone. We want to
know your opinion.

We shall use some of the information regarding your personal particulars for statistical
purposes. Do not write your name on the questionnaire.

1. Recent Training

How many training courses have you attended in the last three years?
a) none (10)
b) 1-2 (7)
c) 3-4 (3)
d) 5 or more

If your answer is none, go to Section 3

2. Attitudes towards Training

2.1 What is your opinion about the usefulness of the training that you received recently?

a) All the training was needed to enable me to do my job.

(7) b) A minor part of the training was irrelevant, but most of it was useful.
(2) c) Most of the training didnt help me to do my job.
(1) d) All of the training was a waste (I had to learn the job by doing it).

2.2 Did you learn how to perform your current job tasks in any of the training
courses that you took?

a) Yes, when I started work after finishing training, I knew what and
to do my job. (6)
b) Yes, some of them. (4)
c) No, because the course(s) didnt cover my speciality.
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d) No, because the course (s) was (were) too theoretical.

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2.3 How much time on the job did you need to learn to perform all your tasks correctly?

a) less than a week

b) 1 week - 1 month (2)
c) 1 - 3 months (7)
d) 3 - 6 months (1)
e) more than 6 months.
2.4 What did you like least in your past training? (Describe briefly in block letters)

2.5 What did you like most in your past training? (Describe briefly in block letters)

2.6 Would you like to attend a training course in your specialty?

a) Yes, I think I really need it. (9)

b) Yes, it would be useful but I dont really need it.
(1) c) No

3. Attitude towards self-training

3.1 Besides training, do you read any other technical literature by yourself?

a) Regularly (5)
b) Sometimes (11)
c) Seldom (4)
d) Never
3.2 Can you learn by reading the handout literature alone?

a) with little difficulty (1)

b) with some difficulty (3)
c) I find it very difficult (3)
d) I usually prefer somebody to explain it

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3.3 When you are studying from books or notes, do you

usually a) make notes and write down important points

b) underline the important parts (2)
c) do both a) and b) above (15)
d) do neither a) nor b) (1)
3.4 Rank the following list of training techniques in order of effectiveness.
The most effective will be 1, the next 2 and so on. Put the number in the boxes next to
each technique and indicate to what extent you have been exposed to each method.

Rank Frequently Seldom Never

a) Lectures 2nd (20)

b) Educational film 4th (15) (5)
c) E-training (computer-based) 3rd (3) (17)
d) Demonstration and practical exercises 1st (10) (6) (4)

3.5 Do you know what a programmed test is?

Yes No
3.6 If your answer to 3.5 was no, proceed to 3.7. If your answer was yes, what is
your opinion on programmed testing?

a) Find it interesting and answer all the questions

b) Find it interesting to read but do not answer the questions
c) Find the method tedious
d) Do not like at all

3.7 Do you use the computer at home?

a) Yes, almost every day (12)

b) Sometimes (5)
c) Seldom (3)
d) Never
4. Preferred Ways of Learning

4.1 New equipment is installed in your lab. A few things, which you would like to learn or
do, are listed below. Rank them 1, 2, 3, 4 in the order of importance, in the boxes opposite
each item.

a) learn how to operate it (4)

b) know what it is used for (6)
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c) know how it works (2)
d) know how to connect the components and understand the connections

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4.2 When you learn, do you prefer:

a) To learn the principles first and then the applications (8)
b) To see a concrete application first and then learn about the theory behind (7)
it c) To learn the theory only (2)
e) To learn how to apply it in real life only. (3)

5. Personal Data

5.1 Your age is:

a) under 20 years
b) 20-29 years (9)
c) 30-39 years (7)
d) 40-49 years (3)
e) over 50 years (1)

5.2 Your experience in your present job is:

a) less than 1 year (2)

b) 1-2 years (3)
c) 2-5 years (6)
d) 5-10 years (5)
e) more than 10 years (4)

5.3 Your highest education is:

a) completed primary school

b) part of secondary school
c) completed secondary school
d) university or college studies (not completed) (18)
e) university degree (2)


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