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a SaahRnan Ga FOREWORD Rigging tools and craning equipment are used throughout Ontario Hydro in both the construction and maintenance of its facilities. Safety in the use of this equipment begins with scheduled inspec- tion and maintenance, a knowledge of established practices, selec- tion of the proper equipment, and common sense in application. This handbook is particularly recommended to supervisors and workers directly engaged in rigging and craning. It outlines many procedures and practices which have been found to be safe and efficient and which should be fully developed within the working groups. ad A NOTE REGARDING TRAINING: While this handbook does not deal specifically with the training of crane operators, it is recommended that: 1. Allsupervisors with mobile craning and rigging responsibilities should take the 5-day supervisor's course given by the Operat- ing Engineers’ Training Institute of Ontario (OETIO), There is r alsoan | 1-day course available which is more intensive, provid- ing training with respect to interpreting load charts and crane selection. Which course is appropriate will depend on the BB involvement of the supervisor. 2. Any Hoisting Engineer licensed pre-1985, involved with mo- bile craning and rigging, should take the 11-day classroom craning course presented by the OETIO. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Thanks are due to the Construction Safety Association of Ontario for permission to use certain material from its Rigging Manual. Many other organizations and individuals have contributed to this’ book. NOTICE Neither Ontario Hydro, nor any person acting on its behalf, makes ay any warranty, express or implicit, with respect to the use of any information, data, procedures, practices or recommendations con- tained in this handbook; or assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any such information, data, procedures or recommendations. Copyright © 1991 by Ontario Hydro B FOREWORD......... ACKNOWLEDGEM CONTENTS 8 CONTENTS sGcnciacins.. SCOPE ... REFER! BE DEFINITIONS ..... Ss. PARTI: RIGGING 1.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PERSONNEL . es Planning .. 1.2 Supply and Care of Rigging Equipment i3 Rigging Operation 1.4 Hoisting Operation 1.5 Compliance with Rules : 1,6 Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA)....4 PAC DOR OR SABE UY cis: cecqscccsviersasissteshess sch soerseessee 5: WIRE ROPE. oe 3.1 General Information 8 3.2 Wire ROpe Terminations: t..........cnecscsenchecesssate 22 3.3 Handling, Care and Inspection of Wire Rope ..33 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 FIBRE ROPE 4.1 General Information 42 Knots and Splices ... 43 Handling, Care and ence of Fibre Rope ..55 5.L General Information 5.2. Chain Fittings ....... 5.3 Handling, Care and Inspection of Chain ..........65 ROPE AND: CHAIN FITTINGS <..cccsccsssicsssdssstsesnsiseverrs 69 * 6.1 Fittings for Wire Rope and Fibre Rope ............ 70 6.2 Chain Fittings ......... 6.3 Fittings for Rope or Ch oa 6.4 Tackle Blocks and Snatch Blocks ...........-...-.-. 96 SLINGS o1o---cssonteerusnncconcea ocvantvayaagotenstanlennranbedisesaieste 107 u Te General: 255, ctor co seenaeeae LOB 7.2 Sling Angle src 108 13 Measuring Sling Angle 110 7.4 Determining Sling Tension..............-..20.. 112 7.5 Sling Materials, Construction and Capacity ...113 g 71.6 Multiple Leg Slings: ..ccscpsissss esate LBZ Fal = SMI GAO s,s aici nse erage ere bed ° Nd o RIGGING AND HOISTING PRACTICES .............. 135 8.1 Personnel Savety scascccsrsssscaessseatgseuceverssnscieosacs LOO 8.2 Load Stability .. 8.3 Load Levelling . 8.4 Hitches ...... 8.5 Turning the Load . 8.6 Long Loads........... ¥ 8.7 APRS Od EMO GUIS 5 sccrressses tuceesepcntdqucstintecactiaases 144 RIGGING TOOLS AND DEVICES .........csssssesseereee 147 9.1 Inspection and Maintenance Program ............ 148 9.2 Small Hoisting Devices . 9.3 Hand Operated Chain Hoists 9.4 Wire Rope Tensioners or Cable Type Hoists . 15 5 AGI sas pain 9.6 Wooden Rolle: Gof Caged Steel Roles i ccc-isrnseverenressersreeeneseorsee 157 9.8 Load Binders On Dynamometer: 10). ~SYRReae Or BOATS ica oesovasssssisseesierraszonuntsreriorsaa kom PART II; CRANING 10.0 GENERAL CRANING CONSIDERATIONS. .......... 10.1 Responsibilities of Personnel .......... 10.2 Equipment Inspection and Maintenance 10.3. Use of Wire Rope .. 10.4 Safe Practices... 105 =COMMEMCRMONS a. cssiiibacaaatamibnn 179 11.0 ROAD MOBILE, ROUGH TERRAIN AND: CRAWEER CRANES: arisaaiinutintensannnt 187 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Configurations 11.3. Operation ........ ‘ 1}:4 Soil Bearing Capacity icon ia cu en 202 11.5 Electrical Precautions .. 11.6 Safety Check ........50 11.7 Rental and Contractor Cranes .......c.0s00. 210 11.8 Manbaskets on Crane Booms ........:..4:.0:0:000.212 12.0 TRAVELLING OVERHEAD BRIDGE AND GANTRY CRANES .. 12.1 Introduction 12.2. “Scope ics, 12.3. Crane Configurations... siriavaniearustniuanicee ee 12.4 Responsibilities of Personnel ............0..00000+ 216 12.5 Restrictions to Access and Operation.of Crane *rtrcsenetenseetanasioasin 2 7 12.6 ¥ 12.7 12.8 12.9 & 13.0 TOWER CRANES .... 13.1 | | {3.2 133 fe Appendix I Appendix II Appendix III B Appendix IV a Appendix V Checks by Operator ..... Operation and Use of Cranes Shutdown Procedure Crane Inspection Sheet Responsibilities of Personnel ..........:...+::000:+.-226 Operating Practices .. Erection, Dismantling, Climbing and Storage 228 “all Protection ... ees Metric Conversion Factors 1... 236 Weights of Common Construction Materials . 238 ATOAS ANG VOLUMES wciscsssseeseeressveangnezecstectsesstiee DD Overhaliling Weeightsis.s.siscisasyacitssiteqiplaivossass 244 vii SCOPE 1. This handbook is issued for the guidance of Ontario Hydro 3 personnel involved in the use of tools and equipment for routine rigging and craning work. 2. The book is not a design guide. It is intended for the use of riggers, crane operators and supervisors on the job. The design of special systems and engineered lifts should be referred to line management. g 3. Notwithstanding anything in this book, work must comply with the most recent amendments of the Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), the Hoisting Engineers’ Act and other applicable legislation, and the recom- mendations of the manufacturers of the equipment. Ontario Hydro’s Corporate Safety Rules and Divisional, Regional or Project instructions may also take precedence over this book. 4. This book was produced in consultation with stakeholders within Ontario Hydro. Questions and suggestions regarding this book may be addressed to: a The Manager of Safety Design and Construction Branch 5. The book is divided into two main parts. The first deals with rigging generally, rigging tools, and small hoisting devices Al Part Two refers to Craning, especially Mobile Cranes, Travel- ling Overhead Cranes, and Tower Cranes. REFERENCES Obviously, this small book does not contain all of the information available on rigging and craning. More detail can be found in the following publications, amongst others: Construction Safety Association of Ontario Rigging Manual Mobile Crane Manual Crane Handbook OHSA Construction Regulations (O. Reg. 213/91), particularly Sections 150 - 180 OHSA Industrial Regulations (O. Reg. 692/80 as amended), particularly Sections 49 - 64 Operating Engineers Training Institute of Ontario (OETIO), Mobile Craning Today Rossnagel, Higgins & MacDonald, Handbook of Rigging Ontario Hydro: Construction & Services Division, Construction Practices (various) Distribution Systems Division, Line Trade Handbook Design and Development - Transmission, Regions Trades and Operating Information System (RTOS) (various documents) Regions Branch, RTOS (various documents) Production Branch, Code of Good Practice: Operation & Maintenance of Overhead Cranes DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this book, the following definitions apply. The # reader is referred to the definitions included in OHSA as well. APPROVED - Accepted as satisfactory by a duly constituted | administrative or regulatory authority. AUTHORIZED PERSON - One designated by a duly constituted administrative or regulatory authority. BRIDLE SLING - A sling composed of multiple legs gathered in a a fitting that goes over the lifting hook. CABLE LAID - A type of wire rope made by twisting together a number of smaller wire ropes into one. B COMPETENT PERSON - A person who: (a) is qualified because of knowledge, training and experience to organize the work and its performance, and a (b) is familiar with the provisions of the act (OHSA) and the regulations that apply to the work, and (c) has knowledge of any potential or actual danger to health orf safety in the workplace. DESIGNATED PERSON - Selected or assigned by the employer or employer’s representative to perform specific duties. ENGINEERED LIFT - A non-routine lift requiring special atten- tion to all features of the operation. These considerations may include loads in excess of a certain percentage of the crane’s load chart rating, the weight, size or awkwardness of the load, or its location. Engineered lifts are covered by Divisional, Departmen- tal, or Project policies. FACTOR OF SAFETY - Ratio of breaking strength to the force | be applied. ; « GROMMET - An endless rope formed from a single continuous strand. HITCH, BASKET - Loading with the sling passed under the load and both ends on the hook or a single master link. HITCH, CHOKER - Loading with the sling passed through one eye and suspended by the other. HITCH, VERTICAL - Loading with the load suspended vertically on a single part or leg of the sling. LANGS LAY - A wire rope in which the wires composing the strands and the strands composing the rope are laid in the same direction. LINK, MASTER - A steel link or ring used to support all legs of a sling. MEGAGRAM, (Mg) - A metric tonne of 1000 kg. NON-ROTATING ROPE - R is unlaying when under tension. Also known as rotation-resistant wire rope (RRWR) or non- spinning rope. OHSA - The Occupational Health and Safety Act, including the Regulations for Construction Projects and the Regulations for Industrial Establishments. OVERHAUL WEIGHT - The weight attached to the hook or hook block of a crane which pulls out the load line as the hook is lowered. RADIUS - The horizontal distance from the centre of rotation of a crane to the hook supporting the load. RATED CAPACITY - The maximum allowable working load. REGULAR LAY - Wire rope in which the wires of the strands and the strands in the rope are laid in opposite directions. RIGGING - The connecting of a load to a source of power so that itcan be lifted or moved safely and predictably. SAFE WORKING LOAD (SWL) - See Working Load Limit. SAFETY FACTOR - Ratio of breaking strength to the force to be applied. Same as factor of safety. SEIZING - A wrapping of fibre or wire around a rope or wire rope, particularly at its ends. SERVING - A wrapping of wire around a wire rope, particularly at an eye splice. SHEAVE - A wheel with a grooved circumference over which a rope is bent. SOFTENER - Padding used to protect the load or the sling from damage while making a lift. STABILITY - The tendency of an object to return to its original position of rest after it has been displaced. STRAND LAID - A wire rope made with strands laid around a fibre strand or wire rope core. SWIVEL - A mechanism which substantially isolates the load from the effect of torque in the hoist rope or system. TAG LINE - A light line used to control the position of the load and restrain unwanted motion. WORKING LOAD LIMIT (WLL) - The maximum allowable working load established by the manufacturer or other authority. Often called the Safe Working Load (SWL). Takes into account the Factor of Safety. ati PART I Rigging 1.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PERSONNEL z 1.1 Planning 1.2 Supply and Care of Rigging Equipment a 13 ® 14 Hoisting Operation Rigging Operation LS ‘Compliance with Rules {a 1.6 Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) Responsibilities of Personnel 1 1.0 RESPONSIBILITIES OF PERSONNEL Responsibility implies answerability or accountability for the safe and economical carrying out of a job. The responsibility for the safe handling of loads must be definitely assigned by job management to on-the-job personnel. Job titles may vary from location to location and some responsibilities may be delegated. However, the essential responsibilities may be allocated on the following basis: i Li Planning Rigging operations will be planned by competent personnel to a ensure that the best methods and most suitable equipment are employed, A formal orinformal Job Safety Analysis will be cartied out as required, The Head Office functional department or engi- @ neering staff on location will provide assistance as required. 1.2 Supply and Care of Rigging Equipment * Job management must make certain that: 1. Adequate rigging equipment is available. 2. Correct load ratings are available for the material and equipment (iy used for rigging. 3. Rigging material and equipment are maintained in good working condition. a 13 Rigging Operation Some technical features of the job may be delegated to an experi- i] enced rigger or other specialist. 2 Responsibilities of Personnel : a el The supervisor of the rigging operation is responsible for: 1. The Job Safety Analysis. Proper rigging of the load. Supervision of the rigging crew. Ensuring that the rigging material and equipment have the necessary capacity for the job and are in good condition. fen uv Ensuring correct assembly of rigging material or equipment as required during the operation, such as the correct installation of lifting bolts. 6. Ensuring proper conduct of the job so that the Working Load Limits of the rigging components are not exceeded. 7, Safety of the rigging crew and other personnel as they are affected by the rigging operation. 1.4 Hoisting Operation The responsibilities of the: - Supervisor of Equipment - Supervisor of Lift - Equipment Operator - Signaler are outlined in the Craning portion of this book. LS Compliance with Rules All levels of supervision are responsible for carrying out their duties in compliance with Ontario Hydro’s Corporate Safety Rules and other applicable Corporation rules. Responsibilities of Personnel 3 1.6 Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) The Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Regulations for Construction Projects and the Regulations for Industrial Establish- ments provide many standards that concern rigging and hoisting operations. It is important that all employees make themselves familiar with those regulations that apply to the work being done, In particular, Construction Regulations Sections 150 to 180 refer to cranes and hoisting 4 Responsibilities of Personici tS @ 2.0 FACTOR OF SAFETY A factor of safety is applied to the ultimate or breaking strength of a piece of equipment to determine its Working Load Limit. It is intended to allow for unknown variability of material, deterioration over time, acceleration stresses and other unforeseeable loads, and the like. It must not be used as an excuse for carelessly or intentionally overloading the system. In its simplest form, Working Load Limit (WLL) = ae Various factors of safety may be applied to various types of rigging equipment, based on type of material, ease of inspection, and the like. The Regulations under the Occupational Health and Safety Actrecognize the factors established by the International Standards Organization (ISQ) as they apply to common rigging equipment. The working load limits quoted in this book are based on ISO factors where they apply, and the factor of safety is noted. Where no ISO or other nationally accepted standard applies, a factor of 5 is to be used. In certain engineered systems, other factors may be used by the designers. For hoisting personnel, a factor of safety of 10 is required by law. In assembling a rigging system, the WLL of each component must be considered. Catalogue values or working loads embossed on the equipment may be used, provided the manufacturer designs to standards equivalent to ISO. Cheap, unidentifiable components must not be used. Ontario Hydro's Central Stores is a reliable source of quality equipment. CAUTION A factor of safety is not to be treated as reserve strength and used for additional capacity. Factor of Safety 5 3.0 WIRE ROPE General Information Size Construction Grade of Steel Core Fabrication Lay Description Strength of Wire Rope: General Rigging Strength of Wire Rope: Craning PEO Lwin w we uw fee ee WwewAMEWNH— 32 Wire Rope Terminations 3.2.1 Hand Spliced or Tucked Eye 3.2.2 Flemish Eye Splice for Six-Strand Wire Rope 3.2.3 Clipped Eye 3.2.4 Turn-Back Eye 3.2.5 End-To-End Connections Handling, Care and Inspection of Wire Rope 3.3.1 Handling 3.3.2 Winding Wire Rope on a Drum 3.3.3 Fleet Angle 3.3.4 Seizing and Cutting Wire Rope 3.3.5 Sheave Diameter and Sheave Grooves 3.3.6 Storage 3.3.7 Inspection of Wire Rope we te Wire Rope 7 3.0 WIRE ROPE 3.1 General Information Wire rope consists of a number of preformed wires laid into strands and a number of strands laid around a centre core. The type and size of wire used, the number of wires in the strands and the type of core determine the strength of a wire rope of a given size. Various rope constructions differ in flexibility, resistance to abra- sion, shock resistance and fatigue life. A description of wire rope will include size, construction, grade of steel and core construction. The basic components (wires, strands, core) are shown in Figure 3-1. Centre Wire 4 FIGURE 3-1 Basic Components of Wire Rope 8 Wire Rope 3.1.1 Size The size of a wire rope is expressed as its diameter in inches or millimetres, and of course its length in feet or metres. The diameter is measured over the widest points. This can be done by the use of calipers, see Figure 3-2. Incorrect Correct FIGURE 3-2 Measuring Wire Rope Using Calipers an 7 te 3.1.2. Construction The number of strands in a wire rope may vary from three to 36 and the number of wires in a strand may vary from seven to 49. Ropes with strands containing a larger number of small wires are more flexible; ropes with strands made with larger wires are less flexible but are more resistant to abrasion and crushing. The most common ropes used in rigging have six strands and a minimum of 17 wires per strand. These ropes come in two classifications based on flexibility: 6 x 19 classification with 17 to 26 wires per strand and 6 x 37 classification with 31 to 49 wires per strand, Within each classification, all Imperial ropes of a given diameter have the same strength. Metric ropes of both classifications have the same strength, size for size. “Wire Rope 9 Central Stores carries chiefly 6 x 19 classification ropes and the most common one supplied is known as 6 x 25 filler construction. This rope has six strands of 25 wires and some of these are small filler wires in the spaces between the main wires, Figure 3-3. 6 x 26 filler wire with fibre core FIGURE 3-3 Construction of Wire Rope 3.1.3 Grade of Steel Steel is described in CSA Standard G4. Several grades are recognized, but only one, 110/120, is stocked in Central Stores. This is an intermediate grade combining flexibility and strength, The metric equivalent grade is Grade 1770, Some cranes may be equipped with higher strength ropes. 3.1.4 Core Wire rope may be made with a fibre rope core (FC) for maximum flexibility or an independent wire rope core (IWRC) for added strength. Both types are available from Central Stores. Fibre rope core ropes must not be used for slings. 10 Wire Rope i 3.1.5 Fabrication Wire ropes are preformed. That is, the wires are bent to shape to fit their position in the finished rope, Preformed rope handles more easily than non-preformed, and resists unlaying when it is cut. 3.1.6 Lay Although rope can be made in right or left lay, and in regular or Langs lay, right regular lay is the only one likely to be encountered in normal rigging. Figure 3-4. The exposed surface wires have minimum exposure to wear, and line up with the axis of the rope. FIGURE 3-4(a) Right Regular Lay FIGURE 3-4(b) Right Langs Lay Wire Rope II 3.1.7 Description Wire rope will normally be obtained from Central Stores, Class 361. A complete description of the most common type, for direct purchase, would be: “(ength)(diameter) wire rope, 6 x 25 Filler, Grade 110/120, Fibre core (or IWRC), Right Regular Lay, Preformed”. In metric units a similar description would be: “(length)(diameter) wire rope 6 x 25 Filler, Grade 1770, Fibre core, (or IWRC) Right Regular Lay, Preformed”. 3.1.8 Strength of Wire Rope: General Rigging Tables 3-1(a) and (b) give ratings for the ropes most commonly used in rigging. For wire ropes used on cranes, see Section 3.1.9 12 Wire Rope TABLE 3-1(a) Working Load Limits of Wire Ropes Selected Sizes - Imperial 6x 17 to 6 x 26 Stranding Safety Factor = 5 Rope Weight WLL #/ft Tons of 2000# Notes: 1. The figures are based on end fittings developing 100% of the rope strength. 2. All ropes are the same grade of steel: 110/120 to CSA G4, 3. FC means Fibre Core. [WRC means Independent Wire Rope Core. 4. Slings may be obtained in other strandings and constructions. See the section on slings in this book. Wire Rope 13 TABLE 3-1(b) Working Load Limits of Wire Ropes Selected Sizes - Metric 6x 17 to 6 x 26 Stranding Safety Factor = 5 Rope Mass WLL Dia Kg/100 m Mg FC 8 1.3 3 1.2 Notes: 1. The figures are based on end fittings developing 100% of the rope strength. 2. All ropes are the same grade of steel: 1770 to CSA G4. 3. FC means Fibre Core. IWRC means Independent Wire Rope Core. 4. Slings may be obtained in other strandings and constructions. See the section on slings in this book. 14 Wire Rope pa 3.19 Strength of Wire Rope: Craning Eleven tables are included, giving the working load limits, both metric and Imperial, for a range of special wire rope constructions. These are used primarily in fitting out cranes with standing and running ropes, as follows: Imperial Tables Table 3-2 6x19 IWRC Grade 110/120 Table 3-3 6x19 IWRC Grade 120/130 Table 3-4 6x 37 IWRC Grade 110/120 Table 3-5 8x19 IWRC Grade 110/120 Table 3-6 8x 19 TWRC Grade 120/130 Table 3-7 18 x7 Steel Grade 110/120 Strand Core | Metric Tables Table 3-8 6x19 TWRC Grade 1770 and 6 x 37 Table 3-9 6x19 IWRC Grade 1960 Table 3-10 | 8x 18 TWRC Grade 1770 Table 3-11 | 8x19 IWRC Grade 1960 Table 3-12 | 18x7 Steel Grade 1770 | Strand Core Notes to these tables: 1. All ropes are with Independent Wire Rope Cores (IWRC), with the exception of 18 x 7 which has a steel strand core. (Continued on next page.) “Wire Rope 15 2. For factors of safety, see 10.3.1 in this book. 3. When a spin-resistant 8-strand rope (8 x 19 classification) is to be ordered, a reverse laid Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) must be specified. 4, To convert Working Load Limits from one system to the other, use the following relationships: Ib x 0.45 =kg kg x 2.2 =Ib 5. Approximately equivalent Imperial and metric rope sizes are as follows: Imperial | Metric Inches Millimetres 1/2 12 or 14 5/8 16 3/4 18 or-20 78 22 1 24 or 26 1-1/8 28 1-1/4 ae 6, At the time of writing, the interchangeability of these ropes.on drums and sheaves has not been checked either by tests or by field experience. 16 Wire Rope TABLE 3-2 Working Load Limits for 6 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Imperial Sizes, Grade 110/120, Steel Core (WRC) Rope Breaking Working Load Limits (Ib) for Factor of Safety Diameter | Strength finches) Ib 3 35 4 5 1/2 22 400 7 500 6 400 5 600 4500 5/8 35 400 11800 | 10 100 8 800 7-100 3/4 51 000 17.000 | 14600 | 12700 | 10200 V8 68 800 22900 | 19600 | 17200 | 13700 1 89 600 29900 | 25600 | 22 400 | 17900 1-1/8 112 000 37.300 | 32.000 | 28 000 | 22 400 1-1/4 140 800 46900 | 40 200 | 36 200 | 28 100 TABLE 3-3 Working Load Limits for 6 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Imperial Sizes, Grade 120/130, Steel Core (IWRC) Rope | Breaking Working Load Limits (Ib) Dianwtar | Strannth for Factor of Safety {inches} Ib 35 4 1/2 26.000 7 400 6 500 5/8 41 000 11700 | 10200 3/4 59 000, 16800 | 14700 7/8 79 600 22700 | 19900 1 103 600 29 600 | 25.900 1-1/8 131 800 37600 | 32900 1-1/4 163 000 46.600 | 40 700 “Wire Rope 17 TABLE 3-4 Working Load Limits for 6 x 37 Classification Wire Ropes, Imperial Sizes, Grade 110/120, Steel Core (IWRC) Working Load Limits (Ib) ee uae for Factor of Safety (inches) Ib 35 5 1/2 21 400 6 100 5 300 4 300 5/8 33 200 9 600 8 300 6 600 3/4 47 600 13 600 11 900 9500 718 64 800: 18 500 16 200 12900 1 84 800 24 200 21 200 16 900 1-1/8 105 200 30 000 26 300 21000 1-1/4 131 000 37 400 32 700 26 200 TABLE 3-5 Working Load Limits for 8 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Imperial Sizes, Grade 110/120, Steel Core (IWRC) Rope Diameter (inches) Breaking Strength Ib 19 400 Working Load Limits (1b) for Factor of Safety 3900 5/8 30 400 8 700 7 600 6 100 3/4 43 000 12 300 10 700 8 600 7/8 58000 | 16600 | 14500 | 11600 1 75200 | 21500 | 18800 | 15000 1-1/8 95 200 27 200 23 800 19 000 1-1/4 117 200 33 500 29 300 23 400 18 Wire Rope Leos TABLE 3-6 Working Load Limits for 8 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Imperial Sizes, Grade 120/130, Steel Core (IWRC) Rope Breaking Working Load Limits (Ib) Diameter | Strength for Factor of Safety (inches) Ib a3 4 | 5 4/2 23 400 6 700 5 800 4700 5/8 36 200 10 300 9 000 7200 3/4 51 800 14800 12900 10 400 7/8 70 000 20 000 17.500 14000 1 91 000 26 000 22 700 18 200 1-1/8 114 600 32 700 28 600 22 900 1-1/4 141 000 40 300 36 200 28 200 TABLE 3-7 Working Load Limits for 18 x 7 Classification Wire Ropes, Imperial Sizes, Grade 110/120, Steel Core (Strand) Rope Breaking Working Load Limits (Ib) Diameter | Strength for Factor of Safety (inches) Ib 12 20 600 5/8 32 000 3/4 45 800 7/8 62 000 1 80 400 1-1/8 100 800 11/4 123 800 ~ Wire Rope “19 TABLE 3-8 Working Load Limits for 6 x 19 and 6 x 37 Classification Wire Ropes, Metric Sizes, Grade 1770, Steel Core (IWRC) 8 Working Load Limits (kg) Rope Breaking for Factor of Safety Strength 9 3 i 12 | 91 | 9300| 3100 | 2600 | 2300] 1850 14 124 | 12 600 4200 3600 3100 2.500 16 161 | 16400 5 500 4700 4100 3300 18 | 204 | 20000 | 6700 | 5700 | 5000 | 4000 20 252 | 25700 8 600 7 300 6 400 5 100 22 | 305 | 31100 | 10400 | 8900 | 7800] 6200 24 | 363 | 37.000 | 12300 | 10600 | 9200] 7400 26 | 426 | 43400 | 14500 | 12400 | 10800 | 8700 28 | 494 | 50400 | 16800 | 14400 | 12600 | 10100 32_| 645 | 65 800 | 21900 | 18800 | 16400 | 13150 TABLE 3-9 Working Load Limits for 6 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Metric Sizes, Grade 1960, Steel Core (IWRC) Rope Breaking Working Load Limits (kg) Dia. Strength for Factor of Safety (mm) [kN kg Be | ear meee ne 14 137 | 14.000 4700 4000 3500 2800 16 179 | 18 200 6 100 5 200 4550 3650 18 227 | 23100 7 700 6 600 5 800 4600 20 280 | 28550 9 500 8 100 7-100 5 700 22 339 | 34500 | 11500 9850 8600 6 900 24 403 | 41100 | 13700 11700 10 300 8 200 26 474 | 48 300 | 16100 | 13800 12 100 9 700 28 550 | 56100 | 18700 | 16000 14.000 | 11.200 32 720 | 73.400 | 24500 | 21000 18350 | 14700 20 Wire Rope TABLE 3-10 Working Load Limits for 8 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Metric Sizes, Grade 1770, Steel Core (IWRC) Hone Breaking “| Working Load Limits (kg) esha Strength for Factor of Safety {mm) ae a5 [3 5 2 86.5 8600 | 2500 | 2200 | 1750 14 117 11900 | 3400 | 3000 | 2400 16 153 15600 | 4500 | 3900 | 3100 18 194 19800 | 5650 | 4950 | 3950 20 240 24500 | 7000 | 6100 | 4900 22 200 29600 | 8450 | 7400 | 5900 24 345 35200 | 10000 | 8800 | 7050 26 405 41 300 11 800 10 300 8 250 28 470 47900 | 13700 | 12000 | 9600 32 615 62700 | 17900 | 15700 | 12500 TABLE 3-11 Working Load Limits for 8 x 19 Classification Wire Ropes, Metric Sizes, Grade 1960, Steel Core (IWRC) Rope Breaking Working Load Limits (kg) Diamater Strength for Factor of Safety (mm) [EN | kg 35 4 & 14 130 13250 | 3800 3300 | 2650 16 170 17300 | 4950 4300] 3450 18 215 21900 | 6250 5500 | 4400 20 265 27000 | 7700 6750 | 5400 22 321 32700 | 9300 | 8200] 6550 24 382 38900 | 11100 | 9700] 7800 26. 449 45800 | 13100 | 11450] 9150 28 520 53000 | 15150 | 13250 | 10600 32 680 69300 | 19800 | 17300 | 13850 Wire Rope “21 TABLE 3-12 Working Load Limits for 18 x 7 Classification Wire Ropes Metric Sizes, Grade 1770, Steel Core (Strand) Rope Breaking Working Load Limits (kg) | Diameter Strength for Factor of Safety (mm) KN kg 36 ests 4 Seal 12 83.5 8500 2 400 2100 1700 14 114 11.600 3 300 2900 2 300 16 149 15 200 4 350 3 800 3 050 18 188 19 200 5 500 4800 3 850 20 232 23 650 6 750 5 900 4750 22 281 28 650 8 200 7 150 5 750 24 335 34 150 9750 8 550 6 850 26 393 40 100 11 450 10 000 8 000 28 455 46 400 13 250 11 600 9 300 32. 595 60 700 17 350 15 200 | 12 150 kN =kilonewton of force. kg =kilogram-force, quoted here for convenience. 3.2 Wire Rope Terminations All wire ropes require end fittings of some sort. Even when properly made and installed, many of these do not develop the full strength of the rope. This section describes only those terminations that may be applied in the field. In replacing a termination, duplicate the existing one whenever possible, as not all terminators are suitable for all applications. 22 Wire Rope 3.2.1 Hand Spliced or Tucked Eye (Figure 3-5) For best results, this eye is made with a thimble. Eyes without thimbles have somewhat lower strength, depending on how sharply they are bent around the attachment point, but have greater flexibility. Anexperienced splicer is needed to make this splice, so details will not be included in this book. Note also that hand spliced eyes are not authorized in some jurisdictions within Hydro If the rope is allowed to unwind, the tucks in the eye may begin to pop free and weaken the eye. For this reason, and to protect the rigger’s hands, the eye splice is normally served with seizing wire or covered with a pressed sleeve. There are disadvantages to both these alternatives: the serving prevents inspection of the splice later, and pressed sleeves sometimes catch in the structure. With the approval of local management, bridle slings for temporary short-term use may be made with unserved eye splices. They must be monitored for deterioration. The efficiency of a properly finished eye splice varies as follows with the size of the rope: Up to and including 10 mm (7/16") 90 % approximately 12 mm (1/2 in.) to 20 mm (3/4") 85 % approximately 22 mm (7/8 in,) to 40 mm (1-1/2”) 80 % approximately lS HA ani FIGURE 3-5 Served Eye Splice ¥ eee ee erg 7) 7 a GeateWVire Rope 23 3.2.2 Flemish Eye Splice for Six-Strand Wire Rope The Flemish eye splice (rolled-in eye) is possibly the quickest, simplest and most reliable eye splice for field and shop use. It is especially applicable to preformed wire rope. Construction is shown in Figure 3-6(a). The strength of the Flemish eye splice depends somewhat on the friction developed between the strands in the eye, but mainly it depends on the manner of finishing the splice. A Flemish eye splice with a swaged sleeve or compression fitting, as shown in Figure 3-6(b), will develop efficiency at least 95 percent of the specified breaking strength of the rope. The efficiency of a Flemish eye with aclip is not any better than that of a properly made cable clip eye. A Flemish eye finished with tucks and uniformly wound seizing wire will develop efficiency at least 90 percent. A Flemish eye splice with the ends unrestrained or restrained only by friction tape must not be used. Tests have shown efficiencies as low as 15 percent. As with the hand tucked eye, the efficiency of the Flemish eye depends on the skill and workmanship of the splicer. The preferred sizes for Flemish eyes are shown in Table 3-13. The ferrules recommended for finishing a Flemish eye in the field are soft aluminum alloy, Table 3-14 lists the recommended sleeves and die sizes for their compression. Some of the tube sizes are available from Central Stores, Class 368. If acable clip is to be used to finish the eye, select a forged steel U- bolt clip of the proper size for the wire rope. Reform the strand ends into a rope and lay this beside the main rope, seize the free end, and install the cable clip, Centre the clip approximately six times the cable diameter from the throat of the eye and tighten well. 24 Wire Rope aords a4q ystwayy & Jo uorONNsUO;, (8)9-€ UNO pdais gdaig zZdais 1 dais Wire Rope 25 Where a thimble in a Flemish eye is desired, the dimensions of the eye will have to be modified, usually by reducing it. Install the thimble when the first overhand knot has been tied. Itis impossible to make the eye to fit tight around the thimble. Elongate the ferrule somewhat to extend over the throat, or install a cable clip at the throat to close the wire rope around the thimble. Note that there are on the market "slip on" thimbles that can be installed after the eye splice has been made. <— 6X Rope Dia. Min, Cable Clip Finish FIGURE 3-6(b) shing a Flemish Eye Splice TABLE 3-13 Preferred Sizes for Flemish Eyes pes Rope Size Eye Size ita) mm In xin mm x mm 1/4 to S/16 6to8 2x4 80 x 100 3/8 to 1/2 10 to 12 3x8 80 x 200 9/16 to 5/8 14 to 16 5x10 130 x 250 3/4 20 6x12 150 x 300 26 Wire Rope oy TABLE 3-14 Recommended Sleeves and Die Size 6x25 Aluminum Wire Rope Conduit or Die Size Size IPS Tubing for Pressing 5/16 3/8 x 1-1/2 5/8 Hex 3/8 1/2 % 1-1/2 3/4 Hex, 7/16 3/4 x2 7/8 Hex, 1/2 1x 2-1/4 1-3/16 Hex. 5/8 1x 2-1/4 1-3/16 Hex 3/4 1-1/4 3 1-5/8 Hex. followed by 1-7/16 Hex. Note: All dimensions in inches, 3.2.3 Clipped Eye U-bolt clips are probably the most common form of field connec- tion for making an eye (Figure 3-7). When clips are properly installed and tightened, the clipped eye connection will develop at least 80 percent of the rope strength. Clipped eyes are not, however, approved for hoisting and sling applications. The eye is simple to make. Tur back the proper length of rope past the eye, making certain that the rope end is properly seized. The preferred method is to apply the first clip four rope diameters from the dead end with the U-bolt on the dead (short) end of the rope, Alternately tighten the nuts a part turn each until the correct torque is reached. Apply a clip at the base of the eye and space the remaining clips evenly between these two clips. Tighten all clips snugly, then tension the rope and tighten all clips to the proper torque. A torque wrench must be used. Wire Rope 27 Turn back sufficient rope to make an adequate tail. See Table 3-15. APPLY FIRST CLIP - One saddle width from dead end of wire: g rope - live end rests in clip saddle. Tighten nuts evenly to recommended torque. APPLY SECOND CLIP - As near loop as possible - U-Bolt over dead end - turn on nuts firm but DO NOT TIGHTEN. STEP 3 FIGURE 3-7 Clipped Eye 28 Wire Rope z Recheck nut torque after rope has been in operation. Notes: 1, Always use at least the recommended number of clips. 2, Clip spacing is 6 times the rope diameter. 3. Where possible, use a thimble to prevent rope wear in the eye and to develop maximum strength, If conditions are such that the rope cannot be tensioned, it has been found satisfactory to start with the clip at the base of the eye. Torque it, and then apply the others, taking care to keep the standing part and the tail straight and parallel. NOTE Retighten the clips immediately after the load has been applied for the first time. "Wire Rope 29 A4@a@ eonepneneueemeeaeagaen a SL/L] Oey 098 std 6 oi | os 9 Ov | Z/I-b 9/61} O6r 09 oz | te oLzt 0s 9 ge} S/E-L 91/61| O6y og O61 | ete 996 8 S ze} b/t-k b/t-L| SOB 9a OLt | b/E-9 098 ve g ez] B/InL ttt] SOE gez Osi 9 019 ve Y 9z L /L-L| SOE 9zz GEL | ets oes ig v zz| g/t gt/t-t| Set OeL StL | die Og 8l ¥ O2| ve QL/SL | OEL 36 a6 vie goE zt £ at] as | o1/si | oeL 36 (EE sae OL € riioue | ge | 06 | € 08z 6 £ zi] at | ad | 06 jot rl | a/Sz OSL 3 £ zi} ou/e vie | 09 or og (ve zl g £ o1| ge | ul urn | spunogioog| une | ur ww uw ui #3215 INN | S1/0g payesugqn5-uon| a.yueg oi eAUED aIquiyy wo xIeg sdijD 40 “oy | saawerg edoy i anbio1 Buuerysi| | Buivedg aig | unt adoy jo wnowy enn & me a = sdipa adoy ay edd | yog-p Jo uonelesuy = 7 SI-€ WTAVL Table 3-15 applies to clips with drop-forged steel saddles only. Cheaper clips may break at the torques shown. It is difficult to recognize high-quality clips, and they should be obtained from Central Stores, Class 368, whenever possible. There is only one design and it is intended to be used with all types of wire rope - right and left lay, any number of strands. The ridges in the saddle and the knurling in the U-bolt are designed to provide grip; when they are worn, or the clipis at all distorted, the clip should be discarded. This may be after only one or two uses, 3.2.4 Turn-Back Eye The turn-back eye (Figure 3-8), often referred to as the mechani- 8 cally spliced eye, is made by bending the end of the rope back to form a loop and then pressing on a steel or aluminum sleeve. It is notapproved because improper swaging ora splitsleeve may result & in complete failure. Turn-back eyes are not to be used. fig s i : i FIGURE 3-8 Turn-Back Eyes (Not Approved) Wire Rope 3I 3.2.5 End-To-End Connections The usual, and recommended, method of connecting lengths of wire rope is with a pair of clipped thimble eyes (Figure 3-9), 8 FIGURE 3-9 Clipped Eyes It is possible to make a clipped lap splice (see Figure 3-10) but care « must be taken to apply the clips properly. The number of clips on each side of the centre of the splice is equal to the number for a clipped eye. On each side of the centre, one rope is the standing part, the other is the tail, and the saddles of the clips are applied accordingly. This connection is about 80% efficient ifnew clips are used and tightened to specified torque. It has been reported to be less reliable under repeated loading and should therefore not be g used as a permanent connection. FIGURE 3-10 8 £ Lap Splice B a ® 32 Wire Rope Right to Left Use Len Lay Flope Start Rope at Right Flange Right Underwinid Right 10 Lett Use Right Lay Rope @aw,nrieeea a Underwind Lei to Right Use Left Lay Rope Lett Lay — Underwound 1 1 | 4 Start Rope ai eft Flange: Overmind : Reedy Left fo Right FIGURE 3-12 Starting Rope on a Drum (Original from Construction Safety Association of Ontario Rigging Manual) Wire | Rope 35 — a= FIGURE 3-13 Fleet Angle E 23 a EB a28 ene OES mo 8 Fe w Centre Line of Sheave 36 Wire Rope : Re sta ny oe 8 3.3.4 Seizing and Cutting Wire Rope When cutting wire rope, it should be properly seized to prevent nlaying of the wires and to prevent slippage of the core of IWRC and spin-resistant rope. There are two methods: 8 Using a soft annealed seizing wire, one end is placed in the valley between two strands. The long end of the wire is then turned at right angles to the rope and wound closely and tightly back over the end of the wire and around the rope several times, as shown in Figure 3-14(a). Finally the two ends of the wire are twisted together, pulling until the seizing is tight. FIGURE 3-14(a) Seizing Wire Rope After winding the seizing wire on the rope, as shown in Figure 3-14(b), the two ends are twisted together at approximately the centre of the seizing by alternatively twisting the pulling until the seizing is tight. ‘Wire rope should be seized on both sides of where a cut is to be made, preferably two seizings on each side. The most common nethods of cutting wire rope are by guillotine, mechanical shears, abrasive wheel, and flame cutting. FIGURE 3-14(b) Seizing Wire Rope Wi e Rope 37 3.3.5 Sheave Diameter and Sheave Grooves For a discussion of sheave dimensions, refer to Section 6 of this book. 3.3.6 Storage 8 Store wire rope on reels where possible, blocked clear of the ground and protected from the weather. If the manufacturer's lubrication is gone, apply a thin film of light oil to deter rust. If the rope is to be stored in coils, block them clear of the ground 3.3.7 Inspection of Wire Rope é | Wire rope used for hauling and hoisting must be inspected regu- larly, the frequency depending on the severity of service. 1. Broken wires - bend broken ends back and forth to break them off close to the rope so that they will not snag. If six or more randomly distributed wires in one lay are broken, or three or more wires in one strand in one rope lay, replace the rope. If there are broken wires close to an attached fitting, they may indicate localized fatigue. Replace the rope or cut off a length and reattach the fitting. 2. Worn or abraded wires - replace the rope or rope section when B wear exceeds one-third of the diameter of the outer wires. 3. Reduction in rope diameter - replace the rope when the rope diameter is reduced more than: a Wike Rove NomihiaiSiee “Mik Reduction in blag Inch mn Inch mm Upto 3/4 19 3/63 \ 7/8 to 1-1/8 20-29 1/16 2 I-1/4to 1-1/2 30-38 3/32 3 g 38 Wire Rope 4. Stretch-if the lay is visibly lengthened, especially accompanied by reduction in diameter, replace the rope. 5. Corrosion, rusting of wire rope or fittings - replace the rope. 6. Kinking, birdcaging, crushed, flattened or jammed strands - replace the rope. 7. Insufficient lubrication - itis difficult to lubricate the interior of old rope. The surface may be painted or sprayed with rust- resisting penetrating oil. The rope may be passed through a trough or around a sheave immersed in oil, Wipe off excess surface oil and keep clean. One satisfactory product is “Loobit”, Central Stores Cat 892-A4535. Internal inspection - in the case of rotation resistant ropes, the condition of the inner “rope” is critical. Lift two strands to expose the inner rope, see Figure 3-15. Run the spike along the rope. If broken wires are found in the inner rope, remove the wire rope from service. Wear on any individual wire must not exceed one-third of the original wire diameter, Because of the opposite lay of the strands of the inner and outer rope, this wear may appear as notches in the wires, due to point contact between wires, 9° Take care during this inspection because of the tendency of this type of wire rope to kink or open up and allow the inner rope to stick out. 9. The care of wire rope slings differs slightly from that of run- ning rigging. See Sect. 7.7 of this book, Wire Rope 39 » S FIGURE 3-15 Internal Inspection of Wire Rope (from CSAO Rigging Manual) 40 Wire Rope 4.0 FIBRE ROPE General Information Materials Synthetic Fibre Ropes Rope Strength Knots and Splices Whipping Splices in Three-Strand Rope Splices in Hollow Braid Rope and Double Braid Rope Knots, Bends and Hitches Handling, Care and Inspection of Fibre Rope Uncoiling and Coiling Kinks and Hockles Overloading Ultra-Violet Degradation Electrical Degradation Heat Care in Use Inspection Fibre Rope 41

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