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BASIC | _ RIGGING | | & | _SLINGING | _ COURSE | TUV “SUDDEUTSCHLAND 1. LEGISLATION Wherever you are working, you will find there is legislation regarding Health and Safety which Puts the onus on the employer to provide a safe place of work. This duty includes the provision of all Recessary instruction, training and supervision. Equally important, you will Find thet as an employee, you will also have a responsibilty to take reasonable care for your own health and safely and that of other people who may be affected by your conduct at work. "This includes complying with any safety requirements imposed by either your employer or the owner/operator of the work site. Should you be operating a crane, local regulations will dictate that Crane Operators shoud have received adequate training or al least have the relevant practical experience to enable them to demonstrate their competence. If you are involved with using lifting gear and equipment, you will be aware that as part of the certfication criteria, it must be inspected at regular intervals. Local standards will indicate a maximum time span between these examinations but, outwith this, alitems of liting gear must be sxamined by VOU prior to each use to ensure so far as is practical they are in a good state of repair and fit for purpose to carry out the intended task safely. {you are dealing with dangerous goods, there are Intemational regulations describing how they should be segregated if necessary, packaged safely and marked up with hazard labels as appropriate. 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF RIGGER To Qualify 2s a Stinger/Banskman, the person should: ¥ Be medically anc physically it (have a good eye sight, hearing) Y _ Have been trained in the safe use of iting equipment. Abily to select and use the lifting tackles as per load configuration, To be able to provide necessary signals for crane operators as per standard signals attached in this training material. To locate load in away, to ensure safety of load and working personnel To understand his companies’ rules and regulation, colour coding and certification of lifting tackle. : v To be able to communicate with radio where the crane operator is out of image. STEEL WIRE ROPE SLING What is a Wire Rope? A wire rope consists of steel wires in groups of between 6 and 60 or more twisted together into strands. The strands (numbering between 3 to 8 in simple constructions) are in tum twisted together around the core. The steel wire is drawn from rod of diameters between Core 6 and 10mm to wire of the exact diameter found to give the best performance in the rope to be made. Most specifications for wire ropes stipulate outside diameter tolerance of +4% and - 0%, so with upwards of 100 wires per rope the tolerance on each wire is in effect very small As the wire diameter is reduced by drawing through progressively smaller tungsten carbide dies, the tensile strength is raised by cold working, so that by varying the number and sizes of dies, a wire can be produced with the correct diameter, with a tensile strength ranging from 1420N/sq mm to upwards of 2150N/sq mm, and with the required characteristics of hardness and flexibility. The wires can be galvanized or left ungalvanized (or bright). This account is, of course, very much simplified. In practice, many variables are introduced and the number, size and arrangement of wires in the strand and strands in the rope (ie. the “construction” of the rope) carries according to the rope specification to give varying degrees of strength, flexibility, resistance to abrasion, crushing and shock loading. Some further explanation of these factors will be found in the following pages. Every time a wire rope bends each wire moves slightly in relation to its neighbours, therefore the sizes and dispositions of the wires are very important to the performance and life of the rope. One distinction can clearly be drawn here between two different types of strand construction, Equal Lay and Cross Lay. TUV ‘SUDDEUTSCHLAND Equal Lay - all layers of wire are in spirals of the same pitch, so that each wire Supports or is supported by its length. These constructions are more compact, therefore have a higher density of steel than a cross lay, so the strand is nol easily crushed out of shape and the wires do not have points of relatively high contact Pressure, Examples of equal lay ropes are 6 x 19 Sale, 6 x 19 Filler and 6 x 36 Warrington Seale, which are shown in cross sections below: 6x36 Wartington Seale Construction $x19 Ordinary, 8x 19 Ordinary, 6 x.19. Seale IWRC 8 x 19 Ordinary, Fibre Core Fibre Core Fibre Core er netennteneensnnnnee Ne COPE ‘Warrington Construction Filler Construction 6x LD Werrington, 8x19 Warrington, 6 x 21 Filler, Fibre. Sx 19 Filler, IWRC Fibre Core Fibre Core. Core ret OE Basic 19 Wire Strand-Constructian 19 Wire Warring Strand 6 x 19 Seale IWRC Details of 19 Wire $x19 Warrington, Details af 19 Wire Rope Seale Strand Fibre Core Rope Warrington Strand 25 Wire Filler Strand 6x25 Filler, IWRC Rope Details of 25 Wire Filler Strand _ “SiopEvTscHLAND | “OBS Ct | GRID@PA)FC © 6x19 (0N) «6x 19 (ANGHEHN) -6 wIOACIOVEHER/I) | (6x 198) IWRC. FC (6x I6F) TWRE 6x 2610/5 & S/5/1) 6 N26 (1O/S and 6 x31 (12/6+6/G/N) 6 x 31 (12/6+6/6/1) FC x 26 WS) 5/5/1) TWRCE FC (6 x 16WS) IWRC (8) 6x19 group 6 «36 (14/7 eund 1/71) FC (6.x 36 WS 6x41 (1G and 8/81)" 6 x 46 Warrington Seale. 6x49 Warrington Seale IWRC . (16/8 and 8/8/8/1) FC {16/8 and 8/8/8/1) IWRC. () 6x36 gréup- 6x 19 and 6 x 36 construction groups SOBDEUTSCHLAND ‘one with F.C. 4 rope with an I.W.R.C. is also superior in very het working conkitions, such as steel making plant where the F.G. will soon dry out and cease to support the outer strands, In general a rope with an IW.R.C. has a breaking strength 8% higher than a similar rope with F.C. Wire rope lay This term is applied in various ways: Te describe the direction of rotation of wires and strands: 'n an Ordinary Lay (Regular Lay) rope, the wires are laid in one direction and the strands in the other, so that the visible wires appear to run parallel, to the rope axis. In this construction a rope under tension may rotate as the strands ‘unwind’, but at the same time the wires is the strands are being twisted more tightly, and a balance is achieved between the two opposing rotational forces. On reskaxation of the tension on the rope it wil return toils normal state. ‘This construction has more resistance than Langs Lay to drum crushing when multi-layered. ina Langs Lay rope, the wires and strands are laid in the same direction, so that the visible wires fun at an angle of about 30° to the rope axis. In this way a longer length of each wire is presented 1 cana Surface to spread abrasion more evenly, so this construction offers a high resistance iP Sbtasion, e.g. in earthmoving equipment or conveyor systems. Langs Lay rope does not have ins same built-in resistance to unlaying and therefore SHOULD NOT BE USED WHERE one END OF THE ROPE IS FREE TO ROTATE. the direction or lay or rotation of the strands is normally right hand, but some machinery needs (et hand lay ropes to achieve a balance of torques. A rope may be desetibed ae Right Hand Ordinary Lay, Right Hand Lang's Lay, Left Hand ordinary Lay or Left Hand Lang's Lay (see illustrations). ‘Right Hand Lay Rope TOV ‘SODDEUTSCHLAND Right Lay REGULAR LAY ». Left. Lay REGULAR LAY Lay length is the length of the rope in which one strand makes one helical revolution around the core. This may be expressed as X mm (or inches) or as Xx rope diameter. A short lay rope has more elasticity than a long lay rope, and the lay length is dictated by the application for which the rope is intencled How the anéi-Rotetional Characteristic is Built into a Non-Rotating Rope ‘When the outer and inner The tendency of ower jayers aré laid in oppasite layer to xotate to the directions. right is balsneed by inner layer tending to sotate ‘When ends are not properly seized the care can slip and either 4 on the other end or through the outer layer TUV “SUDDEUTSCHLAND tis possible for core ifthe. thinible is too small or ifthe rope end-is not tightly seized ing To protect the rope from corrosion, a coating of zinc can be applied to the individual wires. Bridon Ropes apply this zinc coating by the Hot Dip process where the wires are passed through a bath of molten zinc. Two levels of coating are available: ‘2 type" where the wires are galvanized and the wire is then drawn to its finished size, achieving a higher tensile but lower zinc coal weight. “A Wype" where the wires are galvanized after final wire drawing. This achieves a thicker coating of zinc but with some loss in the physical properties of the wire. Engineering ropes normally have the drawn galvanized *Z type" coating, Strength and Flexibility Strength depends on rope size, construction and wire tensile strength. The standard ‘enslle strength for engineering wire rope is 1770N/sq mm but wire ropes are made in a Tange of tensiles from 1420N/sq mm to 2150N/sq mm. Fibre cores (F.C.) can be of natural fibre (Sisal, Manila or Jute) or of man-made fibre (polypropylene) and may initially give an impression of greater flexibility but can be a problem in difficult service conditions due to core deterioration. SODDEUISCHLAND Independent Wire Rope Cores (|.W.R.C.) give better support to the load bearing outer strands of the rope leading to better fatigue life. The resistance to crushing of an I.W.R.C. means that it retains its lubricant better than a fibre core. The greater the number of wires in the outer strands, the greater the flexibility. However, corrosion will affect small wires more quickly than larger wires. ts effect can be reduced by galvanizing. The fewer the number of wires in the outer strands, the better the resistance to abrasion and corrosion but flexibility is reduced, A Lang's Lay construction in six and eight strand topes can be used to further improve wear characteristics but can only be used where both ends of the rope are fixed or the load is guided (i.e. not free. to rotate). Multi-strand ropes are more liable to intemal deterioration and are poor in bending fatigue, but are essential in some applications where limited rotation is needed. Whereas six strand rope has 6% of its breaking load in the core, a multi-strand has 50% of its breaking load in the core making internal inspection essential. Dyform® or compacted ropes have strands with a smooth appearance. The compacted strand increases the breaking load due to the greater volume of steel in the cross section A Dyform® rope can replace a conventional rope but not vice versa. Important Note tis a legal requirement to be in possession of a test certificate before ropes are put into service. This will also identify the rope state the breaking and safe working loads and facilitate re-orclering ‘SUDDEUTSCHLAND WIRE ROPE MANUFACTURING Performance 14 preformed rope is unlaid (i.e. the strands and wires are separated) it will be seen that the slements all have their set helical forms and the rope can be easily laid up again. A preformed rope has the following advantages: 1) The rope is dead and is therefore more easily handled 2) When the rope is cut, the cut ends do not automatically unlay (Le. spring open) The process of preforming is carried out by a preforming head, through which the strands pase immediately before the closing head, in which they are formed into the wire rope. A Preforming Head Cores The central core of a steel wire rope maintains the circular section of the rope by supporting the Strands around it. The core may be of two classes: Fibre Cores - composed of vegetable fibre (e.g. Manilla, Jule or more commonly Sisal) or man- made fibre ( Polypropylene), which has the advantage of being more resistant to deterioration. Fibre cores are often referred to as F.C, or F.F.C. and are impregnated with a suitable preservative lubricant. Steel Cores ~ may be a Wire Strand Core - W.S.C, (usually in ropes of a diameter less than 8mm) oF @ complete rope in itself, an independent Wis Rope Core - LWIR.C. (usually of 7 x 7 construction - 6 strands of 7 wires around 1 strand of 7 wires). ACCIDENTAL DAMAGE Any accident to your rope, for instance jumping a sheave; or being struck. by falling rock or other objects being run over, or any of the many things that may happen to a ropecalls for particularly careful inspection and constant checking, as it is impossible to determine the strength remaining in the rope, If there is possibility of personal Injury, it is good practice to replace the rope immediately if you have any question at any time regarding your wire rope installation, do not hesitate to call your Yellow Strand distributor. He will be glad to inspect your ropes and your equipment, make recommendations as to grade and construction of rope and give you suggestions for prolonging rope life. HOW TO MEASURE WIRE ROPE CORRECT INCORRECT METHOD METHOD ‘diy Jou |W pue pssuejeg s| peoj 8uy Jey} yOsys UeYy ‘punoyzH ay} Jo sea/o ysnf peo) ayy Bury) Aynops Aq apew 8q Pinoys s}yij fel4} UeUy pexysew Ajueajo jou aie peo] oy} jo sjurod BuiBuyjs ey} yy ‘aN GVOT HL JO FONV TIVE AO INIOd SHL yo LHOISM SLIA@ GVOT AHL 40 FYLNZD FAL 28] SUUa} ojduis ul peo e Jo AAeID Jo a1jU9D su éqgvol Vv 40 ALIAVES JO SHIN3S SHL SI LVHM "WUO paysew suey ¢ 8S0y} SAey Op Jey} SusEH! 404 J] aBUEYD 11 3sn. LON Oa V UO pexysew SW € 8S9y3 BAeY JOU Saop } 4] SPog snGJoOD "¢ ‘ON UOHeIARUEP] “Z “TMS “L UO PSyseu suie} € Sey pue UOBIPUOD poos ul S! juewdinbe Guns anoA pepinoid Pen eq Ajeyes ues jeyy peoj ey) SI! (TMS) peoy Bupopy ayes é( TM's) avoi ONIMYOM S34VS 4O ONINVSIN SHL SI LYHM peouejeg sj peoy oy oe HET IER A ew uogisod siu3 oyu) Buys 1131 “peourjeq you Si peo] ayL 1 cle Buowm Zo | ‘pasuejequy, *B'9 J8A0 pa quay \I/ | ‘papuedsns TOV SODDEUTSCHLAND WIRE ROPE TOLERANCES DIAMETER OF WIRE ROPE The components of a wire rope each has a small but definite size tolerance. Therefore, the fope itself must have a diameter at least equal to the nominal, or catalog, size never smaller, Standard ropes may exceed the nominal-diameter by the amounts shown below. Nominal Diameter of rope In Undorsize Inches ‘Oversize inches Inches f 0-% oO 41132 ut 1 aie-1 18 oO 3/64 1 3ne—1% 0 16 1 o6- 2% oO 3/32 2 8/16 and larger 0 18 These tolerances do not apply to elevator ropes. Consult our Engineering Dept. on elevator applications, > Establishing wire rope safe working load. > The Safe Working Load of wire rope can be calculated by the following formula SWL = M.BLL. SF. Where : M.B.L. = Wire Rope Minimum Braking Load S.F. = Safety Factor S.W.L. = Wire rope Remarks: The Safety Factor for the wire rope is 5:1. Example: > Asample of 1" dia steel wire rope has @ M.B.L. of 40Tonnes. Determine the S.W.L, Answer: Since the S.F. for the wire rope is 5:1 then SWL= _40_ = 8Tons 5 SWL= 8Tons > The wire S.W.L. can be achieved using common table produced by the wire rope mig. a sample of such table is shown hereunder: ‘SODDEUTSCHLAND TWO HOOK TURNING Two-hook turning is used for turning loads freely in air while supported. Turn loads in air only when absolutely necessary, It is the most difficult type of rigging operation and should be done only after careful preparation and caution have been executed. One sling on the Main hoist supports the load and acts as the pivot around which the turn is made. A second sling on an auxiliary hook is employed to provide control, Note: It is necessary to disconnect the Auxiliary sling prior to turning in air, and then to reconnect after the tum has been made. Aux MAIN AUX MAIN AUX RIK [| s foal F |e CONDITIONS TO CONSIDER FOR PROPER RIGGING ABRASION - A basket hitch made with a choker sling having both loops in one crane hook should not be used for tuming loads because of the inevitable movement of the load against a small portion of the sling. This movement causes abrasion of the individual wires in the rope and possible actual failure of the sling. Where two crane hooks are available, @ pair of two-legger bridle slings can be used — one placed to unwrap while the opposite sling wraps around the load. Slings should not be attached to the ends of a rolling load if either slippage or rubbing of the load against the sling will occur. DESIGN FACTOR = FIVETO ONE DESIGN FAGTOR = This isthe number of times the récommended lifting” capacity is multiplied to equal the ultimate or breaking strength of the sling. Wire rope slings are recommended for use at a design factor of five or more. This design factor is designated to take care of any overload that cannot be foresees, such as shock loads, incorrect use or other unusual conditions, Catalog ratings are based on new slings. Load ratings on wom slings should be reduced. Never use a sling with a design factor less than three. “SODDEUTECHTAND SLING ANGLES — Sling angles are shown in different ways in various catalogs. Regardless of how the sling angle is stated, or the method used to figure the stress in a sling leg, the load rating should be the same. The following description applies to the included angle measured between ‘one sling and a plumb line suspended from the hook A lot of misunderstanding results from the change in carrying capacity of a sling when the leg angle is changed. Actually, there is no change in the tensile strength of the sling leg, [that happens: is that the operator is picking the load straight up or vertically, but the sling {eg is pulling at a disadvantage. For quick figuring in the shop, a 30° included leg angle causes a loss in lifting capacity of 15%., . .45°leg angle — 30% .... 60° leg angle —50% It's not 100% accurate, but easy to remember and slightly on the safe side. SLING ANGLES I's always good practice, within limits, to keep the sling leg angle as small as possible. However, the length and width of the load, the sing leg length or the available headroom sometimes determine the sling leg angle. ie itt ett ‘SUODEUTECHLAND WIRE ROPE SLING CAPACITY CHART BS i290 DIA 1Omm(3/ 13mm(1/2") 2.2T 3.0T 22T 46T 4.6T | 3.3T 16mm(5/8") 33T 4.6T aat | 6.9T 6.9T 4.6T 19mm(3/4") 4.7T 6.5T 4.1T 9.8T 98T 7.0T 22mm(7/8") 6.3T 8.8T 63T 13.2T 13.2T 94T | 25mm(1") 8.8T 12.3T 88T 18.4T 18.4T 13.37 28mm(1.V/8") | 10.SF-]. 14.77 | 10.57 32mm(1.14") 3Smm(1.3/8"")e 38mm(1.1/2"). 44mm(1.3/4") TOV ete It is neither economical nor good practice to exceed a 60° sling leg angle. Angles greater than 60° not only build up tension in the sling legs out of all proportion to the weight of the load; they also create a much greater “in-pull’ on the ends of the load. This Produces eccentrically loaded column effect. Long, slender objects have a tendency to buckle. Inclided angles greater than 60° indicate some thought should be given to the use of a lifting beam in connection with the lift. Lifting capacities on slings are misleading unless the sling angle is stated. A sling that will handle 10 Tons al 15° ircluded leg angle will only handle 5 Tons if the angle is increased to 60°. Sling Angle Stresses per with Vertical | Sling Leg Per-i.000 Lbs Tetal-Load > Types of wire rope sling > The wire rope sling has been manufactured in a variety of shapes to suit different load configuration lift @ single, two leg, three leg and four leg wire rope sling is shown in here under: © Basket hitch Diar,90° RieLA (@ Basket hitch, araltel 142.0 (1) Straight putt Asi @) Choke bitch Meg. (5) Two-leggcil sting’ MeL ©) Four-legied! sling M20 (a) Single strop (Q) Straight pull Ma2.0 (Q) Choke hitch DM8.6 (3) Basket bitch Max$0° Ma2.8 (4) Basket hte parallel M=0 (b) Endless sting > As shown in the above sketch the sling angle and configuration has direct affect on the sling S.W.L. The factor M in each configuration can be applied in the formula to determine the exact S.W.L. of sling during the lifting operation. TOV “SODDEUTSCHLAND > The following are other types of common used wire rope slings. Effective length TOV ‘SODDEUTSCHLAND Figure 1. BASKET HITCH NOTE 1: The total load that may be lifted when the included angle does not exceed 90° is 1.4 x that marked on the sling. NOTE 2: A basket hitch should only be used when the sling is passed through part of the load and the load is balanced on the sling. ‘SODDEUTSCHLAND Figure 2. SIMPLE CHOKE HITCH NOTE: The total load that may be lifted is Qu2 x ka FRIED of WE Stns. ‘SUDDEUTECHLAND Figure 3. DOUBLE AND CHOKED NOTE: The total load that may be lifted {+(o x that marked on the sling. “SODDEUTSCHANO Figure 4. CHOKE HITCH DOUBLE WRAPPED eee NOTE: The total load that may be lifted is O, 2X MAGQLGO ead HE SLinle. “Boj ey} 0} a]qeesesy pue Guys yey} 0} enbjun Buleq yequinu Buys ayy yp sGupyew uoReoynuep! enbiun seunjoejnueu 34} esN JO sBuryew uor anblun umo sj} ajeasa yeys jusujedeq “ypeq “sBurs y9e} 0} Asee 3! Buyyeu osojosoy} pue Ho pajyepdn ue Huyureyuyew ul Siesn jsisse siuL ubOO Now, se pedweys aq pinos yun euel9 Asouyoy ‘ot -soyoadsu| Bug edoy asi payeubisep sjyuowyedeg 4easp ayy Aq ajnuey sBuys yj} uo pedweys A\se9|9 JO payweA eg pinoys JequNN uoReoyRUEpP! eYL dweis IMS ‘ON ‘Gl "ASNLON OG “T'M'S ON “younjoeynueul Aq padwieys si “TM's Gulls ONS AdOY SeIM (o# Buimeip ejdwexe 38s) (Guipues}siepup) “spueng ued (g) “(z# Buimeup ajduiexe ses) ‘BuiBeopuig (7) ‘(L# Bummeup ajdiuexe aas) ‘sau paxuny (¢) “(1 Bumesp ejdwexe eas) ‘seu peysnig (Z) *0]AIS WOdJ PAAOWAal eq LSNIN Buijs ayy ‘asn Jo uosedsul JO eWR 72 SjqISIA JoU-sI “TMS 8 Hi “HOLOSdSNI GSZINDO93Y Vv A@ GSLITIdNOD SI SIHL ‘SONIIS OLNO “TMS G3LVe SHL divLs LNAIWLYVdad YASNYANMO SHL TIVHS SWIL ON LY uoneoyloeds sjaunjoesnuew Jed se Buljs uo paysew Aueajo Ty's pewey (1) “SMOTIOS SV G3LSIT SNOLLIGNOD B1avld390VNN =SHL 3O ANY UOd G3LOSdSNI 3A TIWHS SONIIS 3d0uY SelM ‘ans “BIRDCAGING IN WIRE ROPES” Example Drawing #2 | iy i ia Ha \ \ “298}INS aJ1M ay} UO UOHIaS JBAIIS 40 Aus & 105 YOO7 (4W3M BAISSIOXS) LV Ts *pouinos0 >1UP{ 94) eroym eose oun uy peusyEY °g Wom ‘peysnio eae sodou asoy gSyNm L# Bumeig ajdwiexy (sBuys Jo esnsiw Aq pesnes Ajyensn si si) «SAd0¥Y GIN 2 GALLId “‘GANSLLV14 ‘NYOM ‘GSHSNYO, SOVINVG 3d0u YIM "SallM UByOug [esAal UAaYo |jIM ado4 e Hulxe]4 + = = jedosduuy Aq pesneo yupj = ayesapoul sapun uado uy pue ezis sadoid | ayy jo seneaus sen0 | Bulpueg payeaday daye onBges jo ynsea Se SouM UaxONg Bulpuess yoy “Bulpeo] yooys Woy Buyynses QYyMI JO UoIsnjolg “Bulpeo] yD0ys Jo yNseu e se UOISNAO1d B109 og Buimwig ejdwex3 «ONIGNVYLS HOIH 2 NOISNYLOYd 3YOD AdOw SIM. ‘0s’ nT adoy pafewepuy jeu0N SESE EEE EEE Ge Ee eae ee aSadOud JuIM N3MON"” 2 GSHOLaeLs:, “sjeuBis uejnGe. asn way ‘peay uo ys dey “LSIOH NIVW 3SN *SBjD41D [ERUOZLOY {Jews uy puey aaow ‘umop Bunuiod saGuyss0 ‘paemumop “9/24}9 Je}UOZ}JoOY jjews uy puey eaow ‘dn Sunuiod sabuyasoy “JEONNOA WIeS40} UIA “LSTOH Amo puey (siduses se umoys IS 3510} “JeuBIs UoROW |4yy Bue JO yu0dj3 u! ssojuoRow puey 4eyjo eoejd pue jeuGjs woo Aue eni6 03 pueYy UO BSN “AIMOTS 3AOW “Apog $0 quo. u! spuey dsei9 "SNIHLAYZAR 50a “Ajpequozisoy 403 pue ypeq we 2Aow! ‘umop ujed ‘popueixe wy ‘dois. "AR ad BNA oN - Rie MG. Kt (Ajuo sauess 42;mes> 405) Apog so pasor pue 346i Aypidea uous ut Ajjeonj49A payero. 354 49430 JO Jonesy Jo UOROU! SulYsNd BUPjeUL SUE 2405 BAOW /UMOP YOHJOU! JeIND4ID Aq peze21pu!l UORIEP — ‘pasjes AMYBI[S pue usdo puey sued ‘papus}xe Su sul 921]. aYIsOddo janes} ‘Js1y poster ‘paensos papucyxo uuy *(syeaL, = Aq poesipu apis uo es} 34} P07 YjOg euedD JeIMe4D) “TEAVEL *(Qj9e4, BU SURAD 421;MeID) “TEAVEL Tai bibl etch betas uonpesp ul uoRoW Bulysnd eee Apog jo juo4s ur SIsly YO" ayew ‘pasies ApyBIs ¢ @ Buy HL. +(suroog Buidoasaja4) pue uédo puey ‘paemuoy wood Lovulad "WOO GN3LXa pepuspe way “GAVEL SNOILVYAdO ANVYO ONITIOULNOS YOs STVNOIS GNVH “peaisep Ss} JuaWoAOW “peuisap si juaueaow ee peo} se Guoj se yno pue pep] se Guo] se Jno pue ws susbuy xey ‘umop Buuiod hats suGuy xey ‘dn Gunujod “wooq quinuy pepueyxe ue Ya quant "Pepuerxe Wie WM 40 Buims yo uoRaa4ip *dvO13HL 3SIvu “GVO SHL YaMO1 uy se6uy ym quiod NV WOOS 3HL w3M0T 3HL ONW WOOd 3HL 3SIVY ‘pepuayxe way “DNIMS “paemumop BuRuiod ‘paemdn Bunuiod quinyy “sjeuBis sejn5es quinuy ‘pasoj suBuyy ‘pesoj> susBuyy ‘popuszxe SN way fpueY au UM Moga deL papusy~e Way "WOOs Y3MO7T wy ‘WOOd 3STVa “(CASIO AMVITIXNV) SNTIdIHM JsN Ey ANTE 'SNTUNUad ao ON A iM os rn nae * SYNTHETIC WEB SLINGS Web sling are available in two materials — nylon and polyester (Dacron), Nylon is resistant to many alkalis whereas polyester is resistant to many acids. Consult the manufacturer before using web slings in a Chemical environment. Nylon slings are more common but polyester slings are often recommended where headroom is limited since they stretch only half as much as nylon slings. Synthetic web slings offer a number of advantages for rigging purposes > Their relative softness and width create much less tendency to mar or scratch finely machined, highly polished or painted surfaces and less tendency to crush fragile objects than fibre rope, wire rope or chain, slings. SYNTHETIC WEB SLINGS DO NOT DAMAGE OR CRUSH LOADS > Because of their flexibility, they tend to mold themselves to the shape of the load. WEB SLINGS MOLD THEMSELVES TO THE LOAD Synthetic web slings are not affected by moisture and certain chemicals. They do not rust and thus will not stait omamental précast concrete or stone. They are non-sparking and can be used safety in explosive atmospheres. They minimize twisting and spinning during lifting. Their light weight permits ease’ of rigging, their sbftness precludes hand cuts, and the: danger of harm from a frée-swinging sling is minimal. = They are. elastic and stretch under load more tharv-either wire rope or chain and can thus absorb heavy shocks and cushion loads, in cases where sling stretching must be minimized, a sling of larger load capacity or a polyester sling should be used, » Synthetic web slings are available in a number of configurations useful in construction. vyevvy v Sato bloging 2 Saphir Course : { TYPE OF WEB SLINGS I Choker End Fittings Telangle End Fittings METAL END FITTINGS Sefataeing 8 Stagine Coursa Page 24 of 49 TOV “SuDDENTECHLAND Endless or Grommet Slings -both ends of one piece of webbing lapped and sewn to forms a continuous piece. They can be used as vertical hitches, bridle hitches, in choker arrangements or as basket hitches. Because load contact points can be shifted with every lift, wear is evenly distributed and sling life extended. ENDLESS OR GROMMET SLINGS Standard Eye-and-Eye—webbing assembled and sewn to form a flat body sling with an eye at each end and eye openings in the same plane as the sling body. The eyes may be either full web width or tapered by being folded and sewn narrower than the webbing width STANDARD EYE-AND-EYE SLINGS Twisted Eye—an eye-and-eye with twisted terminations at both ends. The eye openings are at 9090 the plane of the sling body. This configuration is available with either full: width or tapered eyes, | | | | SeroMiguing 8 Staghag bourse Page 25 of 49 Seto Gleging.s Staing Conse ‘SIDSEUTSCHLAD The rated capacity of synthetic web slings is based on the tensile strength of the webbing, a factor of safety of #7and the fabrication efficiency. Fabrication efficiency accounts for loss of strength, in the webbing after it is stitched and otherwise modified during’ manufacture. Fabrication efficiency is typically 80 to 85% for single-pBy slings but will be lower for multi-ply slings and very wide slings. Although manufacturers provide, tables for bridle and. basket configurations, these should be used with extreme caution. At low sling angles on edge of the web will be overloaded and the sling will tend to tear. Ifthe sling angle is too low the web can tear here EFFECT OF LOW SLING ANGLE ON WEBBING | Slings with aluminum fittings should never be used in acid or alkali environments. Nylon and polyester slings must not be used at temperatures above 194°F (90°C) Inspect synthetic web slings regularly. Damage is usually easy to detect. Cuts, holes, tears, frays, broken stitching, worn eyes and wom or distorted fittings, and bums from acid, caustics or heat are immediately evident and signal the rieed for replacement. Do not attempt repairs yourself Marking (Sting Identification). Each sling shall be permanently marked to show: (a) Name or trademark of manufacturer (b) Manufacturer's code or stock number (c) Rated loads (rated capacities) for the types of hitches used (d) Type of synthetic web material i i | | | | Page 27 of 49 hoisting rough-surfaced loads. stretch in the same ratio as the sling body. REGU LAR—This is Ce npe that is cen on to grvs fixed procccnon at expected wear pois. They. can be senn anywhere on the slime ot any leteth ox one tide or on boll sides SUDBEUTSCHTANG Despite their inherent toughness, synthetic web slings can be cut by repeated use around sharp-cornered objects and abraded by continually Protective devices offered by most sling manufacturers can minimize these effects. > Buffer strips of leather, nylon, or other materials sewn on the body of the sling protect against wear Leather pads are most resistant to wear and cutting, but are subject to weathering and differ from these of webbing. On the other hand, nylon web wear pads are more resistant to weathering, oils, grease and, most alkalis. Moreover they > Edge guards consist of strips of webbing or leather sewn around each edge of the sling. This is necessary whenever sling edges are subject to damage. > Sleeve or sliding tube wear pads are available for slings used to handle material with sharp edges. The pads are positioned on the sling where required, will not move when the sling stretches, adjust to the load and cover both sides of the sling. EDGEGUARD—A sity of webbing or leather is sewn around each edge of the sing This necessary for ceetsin applicatrons where the sling edues ore suiect ta danae SLEEVE-Somietimes called sliding sleeve of tube pe wear fds, these pads are ideal for handling merial with sharp edges bscause the sleeve doesn’t move when the sling stetchics ‘nid adjusts to the load, Sleeves cover both sides ofthe sling id ‘an be shifted to pains of expected ssinruin wear. WEB SLING >! Reinforcing strips: sewn intorthe:sling eyes double or-triple. the eye thickness and greatly increase sling life and saféty. > Coatings provide added resistance to abrasion and chemicals as well as @ better grip on slippery loads, Coatings can be brightly coloured for safety or load rating. > Cotton-faced nylon webbing affords protection for hoisting granite and other rough surfaceci material. Sata going 8 Stagingr Bourse | I ‘S@oDEUTECH AND EXAMINATION AND REMOVAL CRITERIA A sling shall be removed from service if damage such as the following is visible and shall only be returned to service when approved by a designated person. (a) acid or caustic bums (b) _renelting or charring of any part ofthe sling (c)_ Faoles, tears, cuts, orsnags + (4) tproken or wom stitching in load bearing splices (€) excessive abrasive wear () Knots in any part of the sting (9) excessive pitting or corrosion, or cracked, distorled, or broken fittings (h) other visible damage that causes doubt as to the strength of the sling Sttohicaty 8 Staving Gomes Page 280140 39 KNOTS ILLIGIBLE TAG sevaanavomnaipercncrnewn tran G = a = tears - ‘tures, punc snags. a iy ey, snags, damaged yarn 42 RE _ACID EXPOSU id exposure ack 43 waome a TYPICAL WEB AND ROUND SLINGS WITH SWL AND MODE MARKINGS THE S.WL. ARE IN TONNES SINGLE LEG a ss SLING 7 BASKET ASSEMBLY MODE | STRAIGHT | CHOKE PARALLEL BASKET 90° ENDLESS WEB _ SLING & ROUND SLING | MODE FACTOR i 08 2 14 WLLL. [COLOUR] SWI. -. MODE OF ASSEMBLY ~ SW, | 10 VIOLET 1 08 2 T 14 2.0 | GREEN 2.0 16 46 2.8 30 | YELLOW 30 | 24 60 42 J | GREY 4.0 32 aeRO ol 5.6 5.0 [RED 5.0 4.0 10.0 2.0 ry (“so sRown | 60 48 [ao 8.4 50 BLUE 8.0 6.4 16.0 12 | 100 “[ORANGE| 16.0 80) 20.6 14.0 120 [ORANGE 12.0 9.6 24.0 16.8 A Safe Working E.oad and Mode of Czpreity label is sewn into the sting, the capacity cal also be designated by cotour coding the entire fabric of the sting. 45 CHAIN SLINGS MADE FROM STEEL Modem chains are made from steel. A number of grades of chain are manufactured which is dependant on the properties of the steel itself and the heat treatment during manufacture. Each grade of steel has its own strength and shock absorbing properties and it follows that chain slings manufactured from different steels have differing SAFE WORKING LOADS. All chain sling fittings, such as hooks, rings etc. are assembled with a similar type of steel to that of the chain to which they are attached. Do not therefore interchange chain sling fittings. ‘lis Very important to check the SAFE WORKING LOAD marked ona ng before use as chains of the same diameter do not always have the m2 SAFE WORKING LOAD. The following grades of steel are in common use, where it may easily be seen the need to double check the SAFE WORKING LOAD marked on alll items of lifting tackle. The safe working loads listed are alll for 12.7 mmm diameter chain. Grade M or Grade 40 higher tensile steel Amedium carbon steel which produces good general purpose chains, hooks and shackles with a SAFE WORKING LOAD of 2.0 tons. Grade S or Grade 60 alloy steel An alloy steel giving lighter slings and fittings, having high shock absorbing properties and resistance to weaf with a SAFE WORKING LOAD of 3.0 tons, Grade T or Grade 80 alloy steel A high alfoy steel, riuch harder than the lower grades giving a greater resistance. to wear at.the same time retaining ample shook absorbing properties and allowing a lighter sling with a SAFE WORKING LOAD of 5.0 tons. 46 CHAIN SLINGS | Chain Try to avoid using chain when it is possible to use wire rope. The failure of a single link of a chain results in the complete failure of the chain, whereas the wire rope is made up of many Wires and strands and they must all fail before the rope breaks, Chain usually gives no warning when It is about to break, Other than obvious visible signs, whereas a wire rope breaks through a progression of snapping wires and strands which can usu- ally be clearly heard. Chain is not suitable for impact loading as there is no elasticity. A wire rope should nat be shock loaded either, but it does allow limited flexibility. Chains are better suited than wire rope for -ertain jobs as they will withistand rougher handling and will not kink. Chains are much more. resistant to abrasion and corrosion then wire rope and well suited as slings in industrial plants for lifting loads such as heavy castings Rasen © oe FIG. 6 CHAI “ster nk Lower sag fetings Chain Grade Identification Chain should have an identitying mark stamped regularly on the link, a3 indicated in illustration #76. Chain quality identifica- tion is confusing as every manufacturer uses a different system of marking, although some of the more common markings for alloy hoisting chain are "A", "T", ora version of the number "8", such as "80" or "800" ASTER Une cua ures | 2 a) Mustration #76 ~ Chain Isentiticstion Siagit Leg Stings ‘Coupting tink | | chain Coyating tine Coupling fink LING MAJOR COMPONENTS Lower end fing TYPICAL CHAIN SLINGS WITH SWL MARKINGS As an alternative to‘the stamp markings on rings ete. permanent metal tabs can be fitted skrowing the SWL and identity number 48 GRADE 80 ALLOY STEEL CHAIN SLING CAPACITIES Mate &} jo°-90° You will note from the capacity ratings that for both 3 leg and 4 leg the Safe Working Loads are the same. In practice most of the load is taken up on only 3 legs of the sling. 49 SAFE USE OF SHACKLES. Beis important ia the case of shackles fitted with » bolt, nyt and split eotter pia (type L, figure 7) that the ny Accembiy lng ee lan portion of dhe bt uch tat te ma : will jam on the inner end-of the thread and not on the ‘Shackles shauld be inspected before use to ensure eves of the shackle, thus leaving the bolt free torotate, thee tnd thatthe nut and Bolt re cross dilled fora slit eoteer {0} the body of the shackle and the pin are both pin when inthis position, identifiable as being of the some quatity rade: () all soathcieigs sta eadable, Usha fc} the pins favo the cortect fyPE: Sledt te GOrvtch type of shickle for aparticotar cee agpliestion from the information gizen (0) the threéack of the pin and the body are undsmesed; (2) the shack andpin are not distorted; j ‘ Shackles shouldbe fitted to the foad in @ manner (0) we shazkteand pin are not undsly worm; |. ag thous the shackle body to-takt the loadin # tue tine (6) the shactefé andpin are free from nicks, gouges, along its tenteeline; and not in such @ way that bending cracks and comtotion, oats are induced, ather than those for which the shackle Enuure, whete appropriate, thatthe pin it cocrecsly is dorignied, See figure 8. screwed into the sharkle eye, i. Gghies Tingéetghs, then tock using a sonatt tominiy bar oF suitable foo! so that the blac of the pin ie fully ested on the shackle eye. Ensure that the pin is of the eorréct length so-that it pénetsates the full depth of the screwed eye and allows the collar of the pin to bed on the wisfoce of the gilled eve. Incorrect seating of thé’ pin lay be due to a bent pin, too tight #ieting theead oF misalignment of pin holes, Dont use the sfackle under these circumstances, but refer the matter to.acompetent person, Never replace a shackle pin with 2 bolt, other then one detigned for he porpose, Sit may not be saab or ieorret the loads impened See gure 8 Neve repince » shockle pin oid ‘ot (eevee! ‘The foad weit bend the Bote Figure 8. treeoreet replacement of shackle pin Figure 9, Correct ond incorrect uve of shucks SHACKLE INFORMATION MANUFACTURERS LOGO Designating angle of Diameter of Normally marked as W.L.L. (Weight Load Limit) When pin sc: here Plain hole must be true with tapped hole 51 Ba] a[Buls 10) pasn sepjoeys Sep 9/4 ‘SBuys BjdiyjNU Joy pesn sepjoeys Mog < “SOM Jo}2M UO JO UOS@ULOS jo pouad peo} Jo) pesn aye sepyeYs 490} Ajayes yy anu pue yor < SpPOeys JOySUy apjoeys Urey punoy adh, Mayes apiseys wleyd apjoeys ureyd ulg punoy Ulg Mel9g epjoeys Joyouy epjaeys soyouy ulg punoy Ud Mas 52 uolsueunp yoaai09 40} ojgey appeysyseyg | | * feu! $0 %CE 53 VATS LON. dVLS TMS speauy, pebeweg sa]4eYS U! 1Nd90 UeD Jey} saBeweg Jo sajdwexy 9# Guimesg ajdwexg Incorrect — Shackle pin bearing an running line can work loose. Correct Correct ~ Shackle pin cannot turn, Figure 10, U se of loose spacers on shackle pin Figure 11. Use of shackles co avoid ppin unscrewing : exemple 55 ACCORDING TO U.S, FEDERAL SPECIFICATION RR-C-2718 eo oT oo eo) laside: ‘Approx. weight with | par ica POS of fe Bow | "screw | Safety pia | pin am | tgs | kos 165 | 225 - 20 s - a 115 - 26 14 - 29 19 - 32 a | 38 43 63 70 54 96 | 100 se | 185 | 170 85 95 8.50 68 230 260 90 108 9.50 7s | 324 | 380 ey 94 115 12 83 440 | 480 a ee i i i 11s | 133 | 13.50 92 | 600 | 700 127 146 Ww 99 750 850 149 17a | 25 126 | 1400 | 1600 {pj —| 5 i741 197 35 yas} 1992.|. 2100 SHACKLE at - en er te 105 203 284 55 ras | 3718 | 4200 ee sy 127 230 0 85 190 - | 6300 . at | af | tas | 267 | 301 | 120 | ae [| - |rz000 \ | ee MINIMUM BREAKING STRENGTH =6 TIMES 56 aie SAFE WORKING LOAD. EYE BOLTS AND EYE NUTS There are two basic types of eye bolt:-.with and without a collar, The collar eyebo It is designed for side loading up to an angle of 45 degrees from the vertical. eee Sas ani | ‘The eyeboit With no collar Is calied a dynamo eyebolt, it Is only suitable for vertical lifts, no side loading whatsoever. Ifa plece of equi pment Is installed that needs to be lifted is installed with two dynamo eyebolts a spreader beam should be used to apply a vertical lift to both eyebolts. When fitting a eyebolt to a machine for lifting make sure the threads match and that the thread is of the correct length. Do not force thre eyebolt or eye nut, but make sure the shoulder of the eye bolt or nut _ is sectiré Against the face of the machiné before attempting the lift. For lifting of a vertically mounted electric motor or pump from side mounted syebolts extreme care must be taken as a right angled load is being applied to the eyebolt. You must ensure that the eyebolts so fitted are the ones designed for that particular purporse, not alternatives. It follows that it is not good working practice to remove an eye bolt or nut from a machine once installed. 57 WT100 wiann SVU Stee ibe i AA Tr CS 5 | yan GaaWvIS aT Y ‘ROTI 40 TAAL STWILLTT ee “C1 INV1d SI UATWON “MINLIVANNYW 40 UVIA 58 “OmuAWAL F GAHONIND THE COLLAR EYE BOLT AND NUT SUITAESLE FOR SIDE LOADING UP TO 45 DEGREES FROMTHE VERTICAL THE DYNAMO EYEBOLT ONLY SUITABLE FORA VERTICAL LIFTING 59 speaiyy padeus pue pedding uowoysig eZ — + syjoqeA3 ul! unos0 ued Jey} saBeweg Jo sejdwexy eos 60 Bucs, peo} eg PEO? opis SMOOH TSuuva: BAg 3SusaAaa GNNOY SMOOH dvNS = eae yoqe7] Bupjao7 eagisog uAh YMOOH ONILYOS OOH ONS YO Odd OOH YSWOHS ONIGMS: OOH 3A3 907— YNHS ONIGWaedS LOU! syova 3Aq YOoH ug AeoN| @alssa0x3| HOLWT ONISSIIN 62 low HLIM 3as4dYSLNI NV dOO7 ‘goae JUSIaIp Ul peyIuued si poyyaw yoly noqe Aouedasosip epim e s] o18yy yuouuedep VHSOISHDO eIqeoydde oy; YM 498UD t SLON ab “ssovds pauytios uj suoposfosd uo sBeus 11 ynsai e se pur ‘Big 003 sj dooj arg Jeu you af] 0} anp pasn aq jouues saupowos yng ‘suogeinBas Aayes Auew ul s} yor poygow & st 9 UORENSNI|) “puo peep 617 0} paddya st adou yo qrys poys y ueindod ysow! s] yoiym poze ou) si g UORERSNII] “aul] peo} ayy eGewep 0} yBnous 1489 eq JOU pinoys dijo op pue sul] peo] ayy Uo paseld si ajppes dijo auy YoR]s apy e eAeY Pinoys pus peap oy ‘sul PeO| et 03 peddijo sj pue peep etg “y UORERSNII Ul “O'a'y # UopeRSNI uy UMoYs ase edos eum a4 Jo pus peep ey Buynoes Jo spowjeu! easy, quoWYoERE pue peap atp Guyussouos Area suogeinBe: Gees yewoos otp ye JEM Ss] e189 UBYM AjfeoIPoLed 40 3nd eq 0} pus oY smoqe Siu, “Auessoou UsYy Jaquny YGnoJUg pus peep op ind yo}008 eBpom & 0} edos euym e Busyoene UeyAg? “paulquiod AjUOUIUIOD Sie Aeuy Jenamoy Sjoyoos abpam unm esn Jo} pepuawuosal jou si ados Bupeos-uoy “urd ey wos eur 3yBjens e uy Gund THE TURNBUCKLE ‘The turnbuckle consists of a barrel with opposite threads at each end, into which may be screwed 2 number of end fittings, such ast- eyes, hooks and a shackle type of fitting. 7 eee eee ‘The opposing (clockwise and anti-clockwise threads) allow rotation of thé barrel to ~ tighten or loosen the end fittings and attached slings. This is a very valuable and often under used item of lifting tackle. It is very useful for making adjustments to the rigging on odd shaped loads that require unequal sling lengths for a balanced lift. As with all items of lifting tackle, this should be marked with its Safe Working Load. SECURING OF TURNBUCKLE END FITTINGS (hams End Fittings must be secured. =a ¢ ‘ ICH Tm kVA KOO “peelyy ay} UO peo} 2U} 0} ppe Ay) “wey; yy paddinbs awoo jou OP YOIYM Sepjonquiny Uo s}nu Wel asn jou og “Bun pue ay} Jo Swed 843 490] 0} jueLoduy s} y1 Queseud S! UOHeIGIA yy SUNW AYP ash 2oNOe fincas sunt puz eponquiny— voRegsnii) poonpey sey yoo amg. mee ‘UOHeSAIyI Ul Peyeo|puy eve suemYoeye apjonquiny snowe, 000'8e wb oos's oor'tz Ke o00's ooz'‘st %”L 00's ooo‘os v o00'y o's BIL 00's o0z‘s % ‘osz'z oos‘e Big oos‘t ooze % 00", o0z'h are oz 008 Sus oo oos % {spunog) (spunog) sBunyy pug (seyouy) Sums ‘ang Jepouelq Uy YooH ‘oka ‘mer __ 19g PeO7 Bupyoyy eseg sapyonquin L e198 U! PeleoIpu! e4e Sepjonquan3 Jo speo] Bupyom 8488 84) “uoHJod papesiuy ayy so sajewerp 843 UO spuedep peo; Bupjom ayes ayy “Papjam aq jou pynoys Pue jes Aye Jo |q pinoys seponquiny 65 No general description is needed of a chain hoist. for any rigger worthy of the title is well acquainted with it, There are, however, ‘four types of chain -hoists, namely,’ the spur-geared, the screw: geared, differential, and the pull-lift types. he first thiree types are used for hoisting, while the last type is used primarily for pulling a horizontal direction. For frequent use and where a minimum of labour is awailable to operate it, the spur- eared hoist (Figs) recommended though the cost of this hoist is the highest, it ‘will prove most economical to operate. Where the hoist is to be used infrequently, Such as in a public garage, and where: ‘the first cost is a consideration, the screw-geared hoist is commonly used. For very frequent use, such as in 4 private garage ancl where light weight and low cost are important, the differential hoist finds its ptace In the screw-geared hoist (Fig.2) about 85 per cent of the eneray the operator exerts, is concerted into useful work fifting the load; the other 15 per cent is wasted in overcoming the ‘friction in the gears, bearing, chains, etc. The screw-geared hoist transforms from one-third of the energy input. Some hoist manufacturers roduce @ special ball-bearing differential ist, which has a higher efficiency. The screw—geared and differential hoists have sufficient internal friction to prevent the load from running on the lowering motion. Such’ is not the case with the Spur-geared hoist, so a load brake is incorporate d with it All chain fioists are designed with their hooks as the weakest parts, the two hooks not being interchangeable. In other words, if the hoist is overloaded it is first indicaled b the spreading or opening up of the lower: hook." As designed, the inner contour of the hook is an are of a circle, and any deviation from a circle is evidence of overloading. If sufficiently overloaded, the hook” will gradually straighten Sut until it finally releases the load, and yet no damage should have beer done ‘to other load-bearing parts of ‘Safe igolay a Stiagtagr bourse 66 the hoist SOoDEUTSCHAND CHAIN HOISTS As shown in this illustration, a distorted hook de prana-tede evidence of not a minor overload but rather of overloading of great magnitude. All the hooks shown are rated at ton capacity (2,000 Ib). Even an overload of 2,000 Ib does not cause noticeable distortion. An overload of 3,800 Ib on a 2.000 Ib boom causes very little spreading Yet it is not uncommon to see chain hoists in. use-with the hook opened up and this required an-overioad of 4,800 Ib. Of course, there is no excuse whatsoever for overloading any chain hoist to this extend. Fig.1 Typical efur- Fig. 2 Typical screw- geared chein hols. geared chain hoist. (Yee 8 Toms Wa Co) | (Yale @ Towne Ma Vinge a hook has been severety oveticades. it anould ber replaced by 9 new buck, Never ‘sitempl to Forge & spresc hook back into Shape. A mew hook Ig toa chaap 19 waciant taking any chiarces with an overtoad naok, W there Is ewHence of severe overloading, have the chain hoisl sent fo ihe maintenance shop for @ complete Inlmat examination 2nd overhaut. Pay particular attention la ine wear ‘on the brake caused by excessive toad. Occasional la a manufacturing plant a chains heist Is used for towering material inte cil balns of for holding material while il is sprayee wath cit In elther case tha foad chsln may be coated with an excensive amount of ei, and when Ine neiis! is oparates Ihe all iz transtered {o the sprocket and may eventualy in its way in the fowd Drake. thus redusing its holding power, For service such as mis the sorex- eared er differentia! helet shoud be weed, Only forgect steel should be used for holt parts that are subject to sivoss, such as tne hooks, swivels, chain, sprackel, gears, an similat parts. yet some koisls are mace by Figura 4 typeal citerantist ‘epulabte manufacturers wath same such made of cast iron or malleable in, laingpesting 2 chain noiat iis not only necessary 12 examine the boeks anc the ‘yenefal appearance of the chain eatetully. Det 4 more thorough examination i vary important. Figure (4) shows a hook of & chain hola! Rint was used In w Inclustisl plast for continuous service on thvee shitis. A safety Inspector observed that ina nook wes badly ‘wom, and he-ordered i-eaplacad by 2 new hook. However, he tai (o inspect the chaia, (herouphly. Much to the surprise of ait eacerned, when the hook was removes, | vas discovered thal the chain wat in even ‘worte consition thaa the: hook, as indicalen by ‘ne ore fink remaining ailached to the hock For puting horizontally, (Fig. §) such Bs wien removing tee alumes, baller Wbes, ar vehicles stuck tn the mud, 2 screw-geared loas hook if the load being lovered shou'd foul ‘an cbttruetion, It ts good practice to lasts ox the hook 2 rugged safety laich. IN such ws no: roxily obtainable, make a mousing ol several \veags of manila rope yara or mwin on the hock, one hain hott (Yale & Towns Mig Co Figare 4: “his hook wns condemned by the Sotery | toapeetor. Unen removal lar enain ness the worn Tak was dssoovered Figure 5. Lever Operated Daxice for puting ‘8ME f0p0 vertically or tarizontaly (Geahaist, Inc} Sale Rlgalag 8 Stgtag Course _ 67 Tv SLINGING PROCEDURE PREPARATION 4. Assessing the weight of the load. Before starting any lifting always know the weight of the load to be lifted, usually is marked on the packing case, it not use a weighting device (S.L.I) or check the manifest or loading list. 2. Checking the route or path. Always check the path that the load will be traveling through, look out for overhead obstructions or personnel working in the vicinity. Make sure that they are aware of the lift that is going on, and always ensure that wooden bearers or similar are available and in position to land the lift. 3. Select your lifting material. Select your lifting equipment, ensuring that it has the 3 items on it, ie colour code, S.W.L. & L.D. markings, if it does not do not use it, | change it for lifting equipment that does have these 3 items on it. 4, Inspection of your lifting equipment. Now that you have selected your lifting equipment, check it for wires broken, nicks or gouges in your shackles, and generally badly worn equipment. 6. Centre of gravity. The centre of gravity of any lift can usually be found already marked on its lifting case, however, if it is not, a trial lift should be carried out with caution. 6. Controlling the load. “In any ‘lifting operation it “is essential that Control of the load is. maintained at all times. To ensure this the use of a tagline is most important, as a rigger it is your esponsibalty to make sure that all lifting operations do have at least | No. Tagline attached. Sate aging 8 Stators bourse 68 Tv LIFTING GPERATION 7. Positioning the hook of the crane. Using the correct crane signal the appointed banksman will center the hook over the centre of the gravity, ensuring that the crane operator is: able to see him at all times during the lift. 8. Taking the weight. The appointed banksmen will again check the path of the lift ensuring that it is clear, when he is satisfied it is safe to continue, he will take the weight of the lift and “float” the lift, checks will be made to make sure that the load will not slip, when the banksman is sure everything is secure, he will instruct the crane operator to move the load ‘using the correct crane signals. 9. Safety Awareness. When carrying out any lifting operation, aways expect trouble, if you are aware that something could go wrong, then you will be able to react that much quicker. 10. Travelling the load. Now that you have started moving the load you must ensure that the | crane operator can see you at all times. On completion of the traveling of the load, always ensure that the wooden blocks or anything that will enable you remove your slings safely are positioned correctly. 11. Lancding the load. | On completion of traveling the load, instruct the crane operator to “stop” the load movement, Position the load above the wooden blocks, then instruct the crane operator to lower the loads “slowly” until the | load has been landed safely. Once the load has been landed you can ~ ~safely remove the. slings, coil or roll them up and stow them safely away until then next time. Sale tgalag a Staging Course . 69 10, 4 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. SAFE IRKING PROCEDURES FOR BANKSMEN Everything possible should be done to ensure the complete safety of the crane and all personnel Ensuire crane operator and banksman are familiar with signals to be used. Be aware of obstructions within crane outreach and working area. Be aware of wind speed (pressure). Know the weight of the load and become familiar with single line maximum loads. When lifting personnel, ensure safety catch if fitted to the hook and is in good working order. Stand in a position where the crane operator can clearly see you. if your instructions are not being followed, i.e. the crane stops, it may well be that the crane operator has lost sight of your signals. Check that lifting gear being used is slung correctly to the load. When lifting, stop load just clear of deck 10 check balance and security of load before carrying on. Always use clear and distinct signals to control lifting operations and in poor light conditions exaggerate all crane signals. Warn other personnel in the area of the movement of the load. Ens.ure all hands are free from the lifing gear and stand clear before the crane takes the load. Do not stand between the load being lifted/lowered and any obstruction Make it clear to the crane operator when load has to be moved and placed if possible precede each load to its destination. Never stand beneath a suspended load or allow other persons to do so. Keep a check on other activities within the cranes operating area to avoid development of unforeseen hazards. {f anything out of the ordinary occurs STOP-CHECK. ‘Sule Rigging a Stinging Louren 70 Tuy if the crane stops and your instructions are not being followed, it may be that the crane operator has been given a signal to stop by someone who has seen a situation developing which you have missed, When banking use extreme caution when the crane is approaching its minimum radius, Become familiar with maximum boom angles. Do not slew or drag loads over the deck as this imposes severe side stresses onto the crane boom, Ensure the crane operator never leaves the crane unattended with @ load on the hook. Never instruct cranes to slew outboard when divers are in the vicinity Ensure crane is manned at all times wien supply boats are tied up in case a quick cast offis required Ensure helicopter landing officers are consulted before working in vicinity of helicopter. When working with supply boats the ultimate decision is with the supply boat captain, although consultation must take place with the OlM/crane operator! captain, When preparing a load for lifting, keep the crane hook well clear of personnel. Do not ride on @ hook or a load and do not allow anybody to do so. Suteflgaing & Stiagiees Course E 71 SIDDENTSEHLAND SAFETY PROCEDURES: CRANES OFFSHORE Personnel and equipment transfer to and from supply boat. 1 When using the personnel transfer basket always make sure that the following procedures are followed. A) When landing the personnel transfer basket on the moving deck of the supply boat, always lower enough slack in the crane wire to stop the Personnel transfer basket lifting clear of the supply boat deck, during rough sea conditions causing injury to transfer personnel. B) When carrying out personnel transfer from the ship to the supply boat, always remember that it is easier and safer for you, the crane operator, to adjust your personnel transfer baskets to the supply boat's position than for the supply boat captain to, try and adjust- his supply boat's position to your crane. Especially if passengers- are on the personnel transfer basket. 2. When landing equipment on the deck-of the supply boat, always lower enough slack in the crane wire immediately the load has landed ‘on the supply boat deck, otherwise in rough sea conditions the supply boat will fall away during wave movement, causing the load to retum ‘to the crane wire giving “shock loading” both to the crane wire and the crane boom. This is to be avoided as either wire rope failure or crane boom collapse could occur. 3, Any crane operation involving the offloading or back loading of materials to/from a supply boat then the operator must observe the following instructions. A) Ensure that all supply boat personnel are standing clear of the load being lowered or lifted, B) Ensure that the load is fitted with a tagline. ©) When lowering the load to the supply boat the operator must make sure that the load is lifted clear of personnel on deck of the platform i.e. do not travel the load over peoples heads, and when over the side of the platform the load must be sited aver the water (sea) and never above the supply boat's deck or accommodation. D) Likewise when hoisting a load from the supply boat fo the platform the load must be sited over the water (sea) as soon as the load can safely clear the supply boats side/gunwale. While this operation is ongoing all supply boat personnel must retire to a place of safety. When the load is clear of the supply boats side, the operator must keep the load over the water and not above the suppiy boat. When the load is al the required height for transfer to the platform the operator must check that the personnel both on the supply boat end the platform are clear of the load untit its landed on the platform. Sate Rlgoing ¢ Staging Course 7 72 Factors that Mer the Cranes Rated Capacity SMoseurEchCAND CONFIG! wil NI E ‘The capacities in the load chart depend on the crane’s base (how it is set up) as follows: Carrier-Mounted Cranes (including lattice boom, and rough terrain units) The base will be either: “

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