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Minutes of the Meeting of Fagley Primary School

Finance & General Purposes Committee

held on 2nd December 2016

Meeting commenced at 11am

Present: Denise Briggs (DB), Keira Burnsall (KB), Amanda Lee (AL), Chris Parfitt (CP)(Head), Mike
Whitehouse (MW)(Chair)

In Attendance: Tracy Isherwood (TI)(Clerk), Sandra Whitehouse (SW)(Bursar)

F15/16 Apologies for absence
No apologies were received. The absence of Andrew Naylor was noted.

F16/16 Elect Chair & Vice Chair of the committee

Governors agreed the Chair of the committee is MW, in the absence of
the chair the decision will be made who will lead the meeting from those
eligible. These roles are elected annually.

F17/16 Declarations of interest in agenda items

There were no declarations of interest in items on the agenda

F18/16 Finance update

Projected 3 year budget this has been deferred to the next
CFR budget monitoring SW at the end of the last quarter the
predicted c/f was 50,670; currently this has increased to 66,154
o There is a projected overspend for staffing due to turnover,
Performance Management, increments etc. Some
movement has taken place between cost centres to bring
the staff roles in line with other schools to aid
o E05 this shows an underspend as some money has been
received to offset the work AL has completed for A4C.
o E09 shows a possible overspend in staff training.
o E13 Grounds Maintenance it is assumed there will be a
small saving in this area at year end, AL informed there
was a further invoice to be submitted for hedge trimming.
o E16 Gas/Electric the utilities are in the heavy usage
period but are expected to be in-line with predictions.
o E18 the domestic materials are showing a slight
overspend at the moment
o E19 curriculum resources there is a slight overspend at
the moment, some school visits will take place in the next
half term but they are the Bradford unit which are not as
o E20 ICT there is currently 3,167 in this cost centre but
this is expected to be used by the year end, KB has
increased the speed of the Broadband which was an
additional 500.
o E22 Admin costs a text service bill needs to be
deducted from this cost centre which will reduce it
Signed as a true record:


significantly. Governors are included in and recognise the

importance of the text line. A governor asked what
percentage of parents the line reaches; AL explained it
reaches the vast majority there are issues when
parents/carers forget to inform school of changed numbers,
they are reminded often on newsletters.
o E26 Supply teachers there is expected to be some
balance in this cost centre, the school has done well to use
a low amount of supply cover.
o E27 Professional fees there is 6,000 from the Music
Service still to go to schools; CP explained that the school
is awaiting bills for music provision in the LAP. CP
emphasised the school will not pay more than the agreed
o E28 Professional fees other a governor asked what
the 4,164 had been used for; this was for the Childcare
vouchers for example, it includes BDS checks also.

Action: Clerk to request a breakdown of Clerking Clerk

services charges to be sent to the SBM.
o The Childrens Centre section of the funding will be
removed next year as it is no longer used. A governor
asked if the utilities and some Site Manager time are
still charged; Action for Children have only paid a small
amount (10% of submitted claims) for the SBM hours; CP
explained that the whole of the setting up costs should
have been charged. A4C have not taken over the
telephone system yet and Fagley continue to cover costs
on time until it is settled to prevent their credit rating being

Action: AL to invite a representative from A4C to the AL

next FGB meeting to discuss working together.
The remit of the Childrens Centres have now changed and
o services are now only for cases of Child Protection,
Children in Need and families in need; Fagley has a lot of
unstable families who are losing out on support from the
Childrens Centre. We have employed a member of staff
from the CC as a successful Family Support Worker; she
runs a club in school on a Thursday for vulnerable families
(similar to cook and eat), this helps to teach against
obesity, promote health & wellbeing and budgeting; the
classes are run on a 3 week cycle.

At the first session the families made healthy pizzas, one

family had divulged they did not have a cooker at home,
the school is currently seeking a funding channel to claim
for them a cooker this would previously have been done
via the Childrens Centre. A governor highlighted the
benefits of supporting families as it has a knock on
effect with the school;
o Income

Signed as a true record:

o I08 Miscellaneous income this includes anticipated
income from A4C and could change.

SW reminded governors that the school should aim for a

comfortable c/f figure as funding levels are expected to reduce
by 1.5%.

The committee recognises the school do wonderful work

with the perceived failings in this area due to changes in
the Childrens Centre remit. It is acknowledged that school
do anything they can to ensure support continues for
many vulnerable children.

11:50am SW leaves the meeting

SFVS governors reviewed questions 14 to 19 as follows;
o Q14 Yes Benchmarking is discussed in more detail and
has been added to the agenda for discussions throughout
the year. Cost comparisons with like schools and
partnership schools are essential for best value and details
of benchmarking can also be found on BSO. After
discussion in meetings this evidence will be found in
governor minutes.

Benchmarking will also be linked to the SIP.

o Q15 Yes the scheme of delegation which is situated in
the school Finance policy clearly outlines the procurement,
tendering and contract requirements. Three quotes are
needed to purchase larger items which are outside the
remit of the headteacher and discussions take place about
best value. The GB also produce a Best Value Statement
which is reviewed annually, this is kept in the GB file with
the minutes.

If leasing is required prices and value for money are

researched and advice is gained from the recommended
suppliers provided by the LA. Our photocopiers are the
only item on lease and as we into the first year of a five
year contract this Is not applicable this year.
o Q16 Yes Planned use of balances are held. Balances
are held at a reasonable level with specific reserves held
for commitments approved by the finance committee and
this information is minuted and kept in the governors file in
the office. The school also uses the Control Assurance
statement which is reviewed annually and is also kept with
the minutes.
o Q17 Yes the school has a rolling programme for all
building/ICT work which is incorporated in the improvement
plan in conjunction with the 3 year budget. Health & Safety
is an item that is on every agenda for the finance
committee. Reports are submitted by the Site Manager and
each half term there is also a report from the School
Council (who carry out their own assessment) any

Signed as a true record:

problems are then passed onto the Site
Manager/contractor to repair.
There are annual checks for PAT testing and fire risk
assessment and the legionella checks are carried out
monthly with a 6 month assessment. The Asbestos unit will
update the asbestos register to confirm all work is complete
and this is then kept in the Site Managers office for
contractors who carry out work on the premises.
o Q18 Yes the school is part of the E1 LAP which works
with other schools in the area to share costs if possible.
When there are more schools involved it helps with
economies of scale. The school is also a member of the
School Business Managers network which allows the
possibility for better value for money as being part of a
larger group.

Training courses take place between local schools which

gives good reduction to costs and allows staff to mix from
local schools ensuring good value for money
o Q19 Yes Fagley has completed its extensive building
The School Business Managers forum work
together to obtain lower costs for training, goods
E1 LAP enables schools to receive training courses
at reduced costs and to share with other schools
We use our own staff for supply or in crches if
available to save money on supply if available
The school has worked with staff to reduce the
costs of paper and photocopier charges.

12:00pm Terry Pearson from the Cinderella Charity arrives.

The Bradford Cinderella Club was started in 1890 to provide treats for underprivileged
children; the club owned a holiday home in Morecambe from 1918 to the 1970s;
following a bank manager from Idle joining the club the finances became strong and the
club made some investments. The investment portfolio now provides funds for
underprivileged children, this is specifically underprivileged children, whilst the
Management committee understand the issues schools have to deal with this is for those
children who are carers or in need of respite etc.

Whilst claims can be made for one-off items i.e. to fund a school trip/for a Christmas
present/to go to McDonalds; the club wanted to invest long term in these children. A year
ago treats/respite was provided for approximately 100 children; the introduction of the
Cards for Care scheme means the children can be supported on a long term basis. The
scheme is linked to Asda and could fund for example 25 per month to support breakfast
provision or school uniforms, it is long term support. The club keeps the parent card and
the school has the student card, each month this is topped up with 25 to spend at Asda,
the receipts are then sent to the club for monitoring.

Signed as a true record:

TP will send an application form to school as the web site is currently being updated and
the online form unavailable for use. Management Board meetings take place on the
second Thursday of each month; Data protection rules are followed, information is
anonymised and locked away after discussion. Questions were invited;
Q. Do you apply for grants? Action
A. No it is our money
Q. Are you a registered charity?
A. Yes
Q. if a child is a carer for a parent could the parent be taken to buy a present for the
A. No as that would be seen as supporting the parent, it cannot be used for adults or
capital items.

CP explained that at Fagley 52% of the children are disadvantaged and 20% are in
lowest 5% of the country in the IDACI. TP responded that in Bradford the lowest 20%
equals 60,000 children. The club are looking for individual cases where a difference can
be made over time.
Q. what about children who have no bed in their house?
A. We do not provide beds but do provide bedding.

Action: CP to speak with the Inclusion Manager and submit some case studies.

Governors thanked TP for attending.

12:30pm TP leaves the meeting

F19/16 Any other business and requests for agenda order variations
Pupil Premium strategy

F20/16 Minutes of the previous meeting 14th October 2016 & matters arising
Governors agreed these were a true record of the meeting, proposed by
AL, seconded by DB.
Item F05/16 Junior librarian it was felt no further training was
currently needed.
Item F06/16 the census data is a wieldy document and it is not
practical to bring this to a governors meeting; the data is available
if a governor would like further analysis.

Guidance has been introduced for Building contractors working on

site. Governors agree this document and that it has a 3 year
review period.

F21/16 Strategy for forward planning and budgeting including school action
Plan. (see doc)
The budget spent against the SIP is a cumulative document and CP,KB
will be presented to governors at each finance meeting.
Claire Greenwood has been running family learning courses see
document. Certificates were handed out to 17 parents this morning
for attending the Parent Gym for 6 weeks.

F22/16 Action for Children and CC transition update

See item F18/16
Signed as a true record:

F23/16 Premises update (see reports)
There have been problems with the heating; the Site Manager has
done a lot of work with this, hence the separate report.
All of the lights are now working in the hall
We are still looking into CCTV providers

F24/16 Health & Safety

Reports were received from the School Council for the 20/10/16
and 30/11/16. A governor asked what happens with the reports
once submitted by the School Council; they are passed to the AL
Caretaker to action if needed.

Action: the chair asked AL to respond to the School Council AL

regarding their reports and actions.

Action: AL to invite the School Council to the next committee

meeting to discuss the process.

F25/16 Staffing matters


F26/16 Policies to ratify

The Child Protection policy has been deferred to the next meeting

The following policies have all been accepted by governors;

PPA policy including price amendments to 310
Health & Safety policy
Safeguarding policy
Peer Abuse policy
Anti bullying policy
Pay policy
CCTV policy
Zero tolerance policy on abusive or threatening behaviour on and
around school premises for adults including visitors
Pupil Premium

F27/16 Any other business referred from item F19/16

Governors were invited to have their Christmas dinner in school on
the 14th December. The nativity is in the morning. MW agreed to be
a part of the celebrations in the afternoon.
KB presented the Pupil Premium strategy to governors; this now
includes the main barriers to learning for our children. The strategy
shows (pg3) the number of PP children in each class, it then goes
on to show strategies / evidence of impact and the cost. At the end
of the year an outcome review will take place. Please note; on Pg4
there is an amendment; change to To provide a Family Liaison
Worker to support families etc.

Signed as a true record:

The strategy is reported differently in as EYPP funding is
calculated differently, here 26% of children are disadvantaged and
costings are calculated as a percentage of salaries.

Governors thanked KB for her hard work with this document.

The website has been audited via the LAP and is now compliant.

F28/16 Date of the next committee meeting Friday 27th January 2017 @ 11am

Meeting ends 1:25pm

Signed as a true record:


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