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seven ‘Accumulator Drawdown Test - Dring Engineering - Netwas Group Ot Netwas Group Oil » Dri ing Engineering Accumulator Drawdown Test Last Updated on Thu, 10 Sep 2015 | Driling Engineering iverter line Close bag "Open valves Open bag *' Close valves fnr"" —- Preventer valve Diverter ine Fig, 16-68 Typical dverter stack (Courtesy PennWell Publishing) ‘The lines should be as large as possible with a suggested minimum 1D of 6 in [Angles and bends should be minimized in the dveiter lines to avoid unnecessary restrictions. The preventer may be 2 low-pressure spherical preventer or some type of diverter bag used to direct the flow into the lines. Choke Manifold, The choke manifold 's an arrangement of valves, lines, and chokes designed to control the flow of mud and kick fluids from the annulus during the killing process. Some of the conditions that the manifold may be called upon to work under are a variety of fluids such as mus, ol, water, or gas, high pressures, upstream flow rates, downstream velocties, and obstructions in the produced fluids such as sand, shale, 01 pipe protector rubbers. The manifold should control pressures by using one of several chokes. It should divert flow to one of several areas including a burning pt, the reserve pit, 2 mud pt, or overboard a driling vessel when applicable, The choke should have pressure ratings at least equal to the preventer stack and shoulé mest all pressure testing specifications imposed on the preventers. It should be sultably anchored to Prevent movement during the killing operation. The choke should feature easy access to every manifold component, with alllines constructed as stralgnt as possible. All ines anc valves should have the same consistent inner diameter to ‘minimize turbulent erosion at diameter changes Manifold Design. The principle applied to blowout preventer stack design also will be applied in designing the choke manifold. The proper procedure i to ensure that ‘a backup system Is avallable should the primary tool fal. Also, Its @ good prac intially to use the manifold necessary to reach the total depth to avoid installing 2 1 depth. different manifold with each casing sett Fig, 16-69 ilustrates a choke manifold used in many erlling operations. Note that this design meets all ofthe requirements for choke manifolds. Buffer chambers are used at the downstream connect 5 hydraulic cushions and to ‘minimize erosion. A tap may be proviced to allow for manifold pres-surzation to ns to act prevent pressure surges when opening the valves near the stack. Two h and adjustable chokes may be provided due to their high stem and seat erosion rates and due to their tendency to pack off with cuttings. A current, and more appropriate, practice is to use two remote hyéraulic adjustable chokes and Single manual choke. A direct line from the preventer stack to the burning pt for 925 Is provided should ft become necessary to divert the well temporary, Note that this design does not constitute @ true diverter system. ‘Accumulator Systems, The accumulator system provides closing energy to all members of the BOP stack, Ths is usvally done with a hydraulic system designed and bull to provide closing power to the equipment in 5 sec or less and to maintain the required pressures as desired, “The working of the accumulator isa function of hydraulic ol stored under a compressed inert gas, usually nitrogen, As hydraulic ol is forced into a vessel (bottle) by a small-volume-output, high-pressure pump, the nitrogen Is compressed and stores potential energy. When the preventers are actuated, the hiips:tewyw.netwasgroup.sengineering-2ihiml Review Landscaping Designs Popular Articles causes Kicks Well Control Pde Cutter Technology Directional Short Collar Azimuth Directional Slip Joint Driling Procedures (ilbase Driling ids Technology cement Contamination Driling Weight on Si in Vertical Holes Solids Contamination Oriting Bingham Plastic Fluds Dring Zine Carbonate Scavenger Oring Reactive Torque Driling Guide Elipse Uncertainty Oi Well Volume Capacity Displacement Fracture Gradient Plot Eaton Oi Taide Bops Well Contr! Categories (| Well ooting Dring Fluids Driting Guide Driling Engineering Driling Engineering Drling Fluids Dring Procedures Dring Operations Directional Dring Driting Services Wiel Contral Well Control Horizontal Directional Oring Ottshore Orting Petraleurn gineering Drling Fluid Systems Aland Gas Dviling Drilling Risers Systems Formulas end Calculations waste Management Driting Equipment Miling Grincing Dring Driting Engineering Driling Engineering Directional Oring Test Holes And Wells tel Deting| Driling Fluids Driling for Gots w seven ‘Accumulstor Drawdown Test- Driling Engineering - Netwas Greup Oi pressured ol 's released and opens or closes the preventers. Hydraulle pumps replenish the accumulator with the same amount of fluid 2s was used to work the preventers. Fig. 16-70 shows an accumulatar, which includes the bottle, pumps, controls, and @ hydraulic ol tank, [A préchargé pressure is generally applied to the nitrogen to ensure that all the ol can be forced from the bottle when necessary, The préchargés may range from '500-3,000 psi, with the desired precharged pressure dependent on the service ‘conditions during fluid drawdown. Fig, 16-71 is a drawdown curve for three diferent oréchargé pressures and is used to size preventers with respect to accumulator pressure. ‘The accumulator must be equipped with several pressure-regulating devices so that different stages of pressure can be maintained with the unit. For exemple, an accumulator prossure of 3.000 ps! is recommended in most eases, but the pressure must be regulated to provide 1,500 ps! to the spherical, Accordingly, other stack members may require diferent operating pressures. A bypass valve Is bullt nto the accumulator for use should it become necessary to use the full pressure to clase the preventers in emergency conditions. [Another purpase ofthis hycraulle system is to maintain constant pressure when stripping pipe through the spherical preventer As tool joints are strigped through the packing element, the accumulator must allow the excess fluid pressure to move from the annular closing chamber. Where the tool jint passes through 7 Fig. 16-69 Typical choke manifold design (Courtesy Cameron Iron Works) hiipsslanvw retwasgraup.uslenginserng- 2h Driling Services Heath Risk Management Driling Guide Extreme Environments Calculation Formulas Driting of Plastics Driling Riser Couplings Patterns of Driling Predation Tank Arrangeme Corrosion on Well Equlpment Driling Methods Petroleum Engineering Driting Machine Well Dring Operations Driling Fuid Technology ade Driting seven ‘Accumuletor Drawdown Test- Driling Engineering - Netwas Graup Oi 0 , aaa Aecumue srandow 20900 Legend ‘300-px! accom with 4.00098 pricarge === 2a pa acount with 1,000 9a rochrse ‘Sate eramedator wit Dp precharge Accumulator pressure, 100 a a a a ) Calls of td thdne Fig. 16-71 Drawdown curves (Courtesy PennWell Publishing Co.) the packing element, the accumulator must force adeitionalluié back into the ‘spherical preventer to maintain a constant pressure. Design Procedures, The accumulator should be able to close a minimum of three metnbers ofthe stack, one of which must be the annular preventer, without having to recharge the accumulator. Many operators require that the accumulator ‘lose all members of the stack without recharging. A tata of 50% of the original uid shoulé remain as a reserve after accumulator activation, & minimum final pressure of 1,200 psi Is required to ensure the preventers remain closed, hiipsslanvw retwasgraup.uslenginserng- 2h seven ‘Accumulator Drawdown Test - Dring Engineering - Netwas Group Ol Degassers, The degassers remove air or gas entrained in the mud system to ensure that the proper density mud is recirculated clown the drlpipe. Ifthe gas or aris not removed, the mud weight measured in the pits may be misleading This will result in the addition of unnecessary amounts of weight material, thereby giving true mud censities downhole that are more than desired. The ‘most common types of degassers are the vacuum and atmospheric types. ‘The atmospheric separator, or poor-bay degasser as itis often called, is probably the first line of defense an gas removal in mast wall control operations. A typical Unit schematic is shown in Fig, 16-72, The mud and gas enter the top and are allowed to separate through gravity segregation, The unit is useful because of Its ease of oper 1, maintenance, and construction as well ass bilty to remove. large volumes of gas. Note that the vent line should be long enough to ensure that gas isnot vented near the rig floo ise, to the top ofthe derrick. Problems associated with this unit are degasser body construction that is not sufficiently large, small-diameter vent lines, or gas flow rates through the ddegasser that perhaps should be flared at gas-to-surface conditions. ‘The vacuum degasser (Fig, 16-72) consists of a vacuum-generating tank that, in effect, pulls the gas out of the mud due to gravity segregation. Some degassers have a small sump to create a vacuum, while others {similar to the ane shown) Use the centrfugel mixing pumps to create 2 vacuum, It's Important to note that most degassers, regardless of type, have a minimum required mud throughput {or efficent operation ‘There are several other types of Gagassers avalable, such as the centrifugal spray type or the pressurized separator. The centrifugal spray type has the desirable characteristic of easy Installation and operetion. The pressurized separator is perhaps the best degassing tool for severe gas kick contral and has a good service record under © 1ese conditions. The unit is somewhat complex in operation and maintenance, Mud Menitoring Equipment. Monitoring the mud system is an important task that ‘must be fulfiled to malatain well control, The mu¢ gives warning signs and Indications of kicks that can be used to reduce the severity of the kicks by early Setection and resultant shutin before 2 large inllux is taken. If this system hiips:tewyw.netwasgroup.sengineering-2ihiml severe ‘Accumulstor Drawdown Test - Driling Engineering - Netwas Greup Oil Fig, 16-72 Atmospheric degasser (Courtesy NL. faroid) Is properly monitored, other driling problems such as lost circulation can be minimized. Flow Detectors. When a kick occurs, one of the primary warning signs willbe an Increased llow rate leaving the well, A flow monktor gauges the rate of mud flow and, should any abnormal changes occur, the monttor records the changes and ‘sounds an alarm, notifying the crew. The flow éetector also warns of kicks and lost circulation should the flow rate decrease. Fig, 16-73 Vacuum degasser (Courtesy Swaco, Inc) ‘The most common type af flow detector is a flapper placed in the flow line. A tension spring is attached to the flapper and adjusted to the warning device. If the Slow rate increases, the flapper changes postion and creates @ new tension hiipsslanvw retwasgraup.uslenginserng- 2h revere ‘Accumulator Drawdown Test - Dring Engineering - Netwas Group Ol fon the spring, which is recorded by the monitor. The reverse is true when lost reulation occurs Pump stroke counting is 2 viable procedure for filing the hole as the pipe is pulled. ‘The flow monitor can be synchronized with the mud pumps to signal that mud is flowing out of the bel nipple and then can automaticaly shut down the pumps and record the number of pump strokes required to (il the hole, Pit Monitors, Another key warning sign of @ kick is an increased pit volume, As the formation fluid enters the borehole, an equal volume of mud is displaced into the pits, which can be recorded by the proper type of detection equipment. ‘The basis of most pt monitoring systems Is 2 float level m the mud pit attached to a calibrated recorder. In many operations, especial floating ériling, the recorder should have a pit volume totalizing (PVT) feature that will compensate ‘or pit level changes cue to ship heave and ral Gas Detectors, Several g25 detectors are available that function on different of gasin the principles. However, they all generally report the gas content as u ‘ue stream. (It is interesting to note that the exact value of one unit of as is vague.) When a certain amount of gas has been sensed, an alarm will sound or a light wil signal the crew, The disadvantages of gas detectors are maintenance problems, the general inablity to function in large concentrations of gas, and a misleading nature in kick detection, The Productive Entrepreneur Entreareneurs and business owners. Discover 45 Insightful Tips To Motivate, Encourage And Energize You To Become A Successful Entrepreneur. These “Tips Will Move You Forwaré Towards Your Goals As ‘An Entrepreneur, Use It As A Handbook Whenever You Need To Get Motivated, Eby + Prewous Page Next page» Related Posts Landscaping Designs Power OF Conversational Hypnosis Mud Gas Separator Poor Boy Degasser série Figure Figure - Well Control arrae Annular Preventers - Well Control drtdrede Stripping ~ Well Control edie Degassers - Diling Fluids Responses Prima What is the minimum ID fora cverter ine according to MMS? 6 years ago Rely Post a comment Optional hiips:tewyw.netwasgroup.sengineering-2ihiml seven ‘Accumulstor Drawdown Test- Driling Engineering - Netwas Greup Oil ment it up. Comment hiipsslanvw-retwasgraup.uslenginserng-2Ichinl W

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