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Obtaining Italian citizenship in case of marriage

A person can become an Italian citizen:

if he/she is married to an Italian person

when having regularly lived in Italy for at least six months

after three years of marriage when living abroad (of coarse no divorce nor annulment can occur).

Where to go
Five copies (the original needs to have a 10 euros revenue stamp on it) of the application form must be given in at
local Prefetto, or at the Italian consular authorities when living abroad, and then the application form must be
addressed to the Minister of Interior.

Which documents are needed

Five copies of the following documents (the original needs to have a 10 euros revenue stamp on it) must be given in:
1) birth certificate
2) residence certificate
3) the certificate taken from marriage registry of the Italian Council where wedding was registered
4) family status certificate
5) criminal record certificate relesed by Public Prosecutor at local Court
6) pending prosecutions certificate released by by Public Prosecutor at local Court
7) the partners Italian citizenship certificate
8) a certified copy of the valid residence permit
9) the whole passport copy, certified by an attorney or by your own embassy
10) a translated and certified by Italian consular authorities - copy of the criminal certificate released by your own
country of origin
11) the formal application form to Italian Foreign Office which needs to assent to you becoming Italian (important: the
application form needs to be given in at your consular authorities in Italy)
12) a copy of the latest income tax return certified by an attorney or your own self-declaration stating that the
presented copy is the one given in to tax offices.
ATTENTION: you are not entitled to become Italian after marriage in the following cases:
a) if sentenced against crimes connected to the State both internationally and nationwide or against crimes
connected to citizens political rights;
b) if sentenced against a non-culpable crime (this means enforced by wilpower) for which laws provided for an at
least three years detention;
c) if sentenced to a year detention against a non political crime by a foreign court, of coarse the crime must be
recognized in Italy as well;
d) if there are prooven matters connected to the Repubblic security.
Citizenship released because of marriage is conferred by decree by minister of interior affairs and then registered at
the Audit Offices.
When no impedimental obstacles occur, becoming an Italian citizen ISNT a concession but a real subjective right.

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