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Princess Sandoval

7-Diocese of SJNE

Today I am so excited because It is the start of Intramurals 2016 and

we will be having a program later down in the grounds. I joined the
game Athletics 50 meters sprint.

We go down to the grounds to start the program when we sit in our

line or place I saw a Tarpulin pasted in front of the crown jewel and
what we saw is 2 Basketball players and I think the other on is Alvin
Patrimonio I dont know the other one. When the emcee started the
program the other player is already seated in the crown jewel, Alvin
Patrimonio is isnt there yet so Mr. Cundangan told us to stand and
stretch for a moment then he said that Mr. Patrimonio is already here
so almost all of the crowd are shouting and the other basketball player
is Marlou Aquino. After they gave some speech Grade 7 students will
be staying in the grounds so they could announce the schedule of

Then they first start the games with Volleyball and Basketball. While
were watching the volleyball we are getting tired because the game is
boring when you serve the ball it is not going to the side of the
opponent , but some of them are hitting at the side of the opponent
but they cant receive the ball very well. While waiting on our section
to play Volleyball and Basketball we ate kazails chocolate while
watching at them and we are also chatting or talking on some
nonsense things. And we also take our recess and lunch.

When its time on our game our first game is volleyball, when the
game start we fully cheered our dear classmates because of course all
of us want to win the games. Our opponent will be SFLU, at first I
already know that we will loose on this game because some of the
varsities in the volleyball here in PCC is there at SFLU but when it
started I am amazed because I just see their potential on doing
volleyball at first set our game I not good but when the second set
come I think they are all fired up but then again we loose even though
they still tried to make their way on the champion.

Then we headed to the next game which is Basketball. When they

started I am amazed to Rivera because she also know how to play
basketball and it is also nice to see a girl playing basketball. In the
half of the first set the rain poured slowly then after that me and
aaliyah go to the gym to watch the game of the Basketball.When we
came at the gym it is the battle of lucena and legazpi in that game
the legazpi won so the lucena won the 3rd place in basketball. In the
next game for basketball in boys is the championship for legazpi and
alaminos. In the end the Legazpi won. Then after that the game is
ended and it is already 4 in the afternoon so we already headed top
our classroom. We hadnt played the athletics and the timba
challenge yet but they said that we will continue it on Wednesday.

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