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Republic of the Philippines


7TH Judicial Region
Branch 3
Tagbilaran City, Bohol

Petitioner, Civil Case No. 14344
For: Declaration of Nullity of Marriage

- versus -





I, AGNES M. TEJANO-LIM, of legal age, Filipino and living at Baang, Catigbian, Bohol,
subscribing under oath, hereby depose and state that:


The person examining me is Atty. Antonette Janvy Sumampong with address at

0504 Tamblot Street, City of Tagbilaran. The examination is being held in the same place.
I am answering her questions fully conscious that I do so under oath and may face
criminal liability for false testimony and perjury.

Q: Please state your name and other personal circumstances for the record.
A: I am Agnes M. Tejano-Lim, of legal age, Filipino and living at Baang, Catigbian, Bohol.

Q: Are you the same Agnes M. Tejano-Lim, the petitioner in this case?
A: Yes Maam.

Q: Do you know a certain John Jeric Lim?

A: Yes Maam. He was the man I married on February 14, 2013 at St. Joseph Cathedral in
Tagbilaran City.

Q: Do you have proof of your marriage with John Jeric Lim?

A: Yes Maam. I have with me our marriage contract.

Q: How did you meet?

A: We were classmates when I studied law in Holy Name University.

Q: Are you already in a relationship with him back when you were both still studying law?
A: No Maam. We were not close back then. We just met again last 2010 when we were
already lawyers and both starting out in the field.

Q: When did you became close with each other?

A: It was when I accepted his offer to put up a law office together that we were able to
spend time and develop closeness with each other.

Q: How did you develop feelings for him?

A: At first, I thought I was the only one attracted to him physically and emotionally. But
then, one day he confessed his feelings for me that he is in love with me too.

Q: What did you do then?

A: I did not do anything because I was not sure if his feelings for me are real.
Q: Why were you not sure if his feelings for you is real?
A: Because, for several instances, he had introduced to me different girls on various
occasions which according to him were his girlfriend. And that none of them he is
seriously committed with.

Q: How did you two become a couple as boyfriend and girlfriend?

A: I was blinded by love that my feelings overwhelmed my senses. He was very
persistent in pursuing me and very diligent in his effort to win my heart that at the end I
have completely fallen head over heels in love with him.

Q: What kind of effort did he do in order to win your heart?

A: He became so thoughtful. He never missed a day bringing me flowers in the office or
writing short love letters. He found time to accompany me in court whenever I have
cases to attend or drives me home safe. He sent me sweet messages every now and
then. He made friends not just with my friends but as well as with my family. He kept on
telling me that I am the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life. He always bragged to
common people we knew that he has never been in love with any other woman more
than me. And most importantly, I have never seen any other woman around him since
the day he confessed his love for me. I thought he was a changed man.

Q: When did you officially become a couple as boyfriend and girlfriend?

A: We officially become a couple on February 14, 2012.

Q: Did your relationship go well?

A: During the first semester of our love story, we were very happy with each other to the
point of being so intimate. Until then, I got pregnant. The circumstances of our
relationship changed.

Q: What happened when he knew that you were pregnant?

A: We had a fight because he told me that he does not know what to do and that he does
not know how to take responsibility about it.

Q: What happened after the fight?

A: I did not see him for two weeks even in the office. He refused to take my calls, not
even a single reply to my sms. He was avoiding me.

Q: What did you do when you did not get any response from him?
A: I stopped calling or sending him sms because I thought he does not care about the
situation we have. But then, I was surprised because he visited me in our house after the
two long weeks of being cold.

Q: Why did he visit you?

A: Because he wanted to propose marriage to me.

Q: Did he propose to marry you?

A: Yes Maam.

Q: Did you accept his proposal to marry you?

A: Yes Maam. I was so happy of the proposal because finally, I will be marrying the man I
love and build, together with our baby, a family I have always dreamed of.

Q: What kind of family you always have dreamed of?

A: To live together as a family in one house; to show support to each other as husband
and wife; and to have a happy marriage with a responsible husband and father to my

Q: Were you able to fulfill this dream of yours with him?

A: No Maam.

Q: Why were you not able to fulfill this dream of yours with him?
A: Because after our marriage, he seldom came home to our conjugal house and stayed
with his parents. We would always argue on our family home because he still wanted to
stay with my in-laws, when in fact both of us have already afforded our own house and
lot. When he was with me in our conjugal house, he would choose to go out with friends
late at night in clubs and bar. He came home drunk and wasted. If confronted with
questions about his late night activities the morning after, he would always raise his
voice against me that would lead to never-ending disagreements. He does not want to be
blamed, instead pointing fingers of his mistakes to me. He is being arrogant and self-
centered. He always forgot to check my condition as well as the baby in my tummy. He
does not even bother to accompany me for my pre-natal check-ups. Worst of all, he flew
to Paris to have his vacation even if he knew that anytime that month I was expected to
give birth. He intentionally left me to enjoy his vacation without any consideration of my

Q: When you were about to give birth, who brought you to the hospital?
A: I brought myself to the hospital a day before I gave birth and called my parents to stay
by my side the whole time.

Q: Who is supposed to be with you during those times?

A: He is supposed stay with me and lend his support as husband to me because I am his
wife giving birth to his son.

Q: Before giving birth, were you able to inform him that you are about to give birth?
A: Yes, Maam. When I was in the hospital the day before I give birth, I sent him a text
message saying that anytime soon I will already deliver the baby. I also tried calling him
but he refused to answer. Instead, he only replied a goodluck message.

Q: When you gave birth to your baby, did you inform him?
A: Yes Maam. I also sent him a text message that I gave birth to a healthy baby boy.

Q: What did he do when he knew that you already gave birth to your baby?
A: Nothing. He did not even reply to my text message nor return my calls. Despite
knowing the fact that I am living alone with our baby, he still stayed in Paris to enjoy his

Q: How long was his vacation in Paris?

A: For a period of six (6) months.

Q: What happened to you during the six (6) months that he was away?
A: I left our conjugal house and stayed with my parents because I was uncomfortable
living alone with my baby while I was still recovering from giving birth.

Q: What did he do when he came back from Paris?

A: He refused to live again with me as a family. Instead, he proposed an arrangement in
our marriage.

Q: What kind of arrangement did he propose to you for your marriage?

A: He wanted to live separately and that he would only give his financial support to our
baby boy and from time to time visit the baby. He also want to maintain professional
relationship with me as associates in our office.

Q: Did you accept such arrangement?

A: Of course not. But he left me with no choice since by his contemporaneous and
subsequent acts, he is avoiding me. I tried talking to him but we always end up fighting
with each other. It worried me because he can now lift his fists against me. To live
separately from me and our son while I am here suffering an aching heart, is convenient
for him.

Q: How long was he able to maintain this kind of arrangement with you?
A: It was only a year Maam.
Q: What happened after one year of such arrangement?
A: Although I have been hurt, I realized that I still love him and I wanted to save our
marriage and be with our son as a family so I gathered all courage to talk to him again
with forgiving hearts and reconciliation love. He agreed with me and so we tried to live
together as a family again.

Q: Did it work out for both of you?

A: Unfortunately, it did not work out. We disagreed over our conjugal abode because he
still wanted to live and stay with his parents despite the fact that we already have
acquired our own house and lot. We still argued over his night life activities with his
friends such as clubbing, drinking, and getting wasted without helping me take good care
of our baby. He does not have time for me as his wife nor has he time for his son. When
you would ask him favor such as buying milk for our baby, he would raise his voice and
blame me why I, myself, did not buy milk in the grocery. He has lost respect for me and
in this marriage because it has now become his habit of hitting me when we would have
heated arguments. Worst, I also found out that he has a lover from Paris, the reason for
his vacation thereto, that he is still maintaining an affair up to present. He does not care
for our family, at all.

Q: Is there any hope of reconciliation for both of you?

A: No more Maam. We already consulted a clinical psychologist to help us. Accordingly,
the psychologist found out that my husband is psychologically incapacitated to render
his obligation and responsibility as husband to me and a father to our child. With aching
heart and broken trust, I know there is no more hope to reconcile since I already did all
my best to save this marriage but he just put it to waste. I should not be blinded for love
that is only one sided as I already have come to my senses.

Q: Is there anything you want to add?

A: No Maam.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affix my signature this __________________in

the City of Tagbilaran, Bohol, Philippines.


SUBSRIBED AND SWORN to before me this ______________ in Tagbilaran City, Bohol,

Philippines with her _____________________.

Doc. No. _____

Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 2014


I, ANTONETTE JANVY SUMAMPONG, Filipino, of legal age, single and a resident of

Tagbilaran City, after having been duly sworn to in accordance with law, depose and
state, that: I faithfully recorded the questions I asked Mrs. Agnes M. Tejano-Lim and the
corresponding answers she gave me; and neither I nor any other person then present
coached Mrs. Tejano-Lim regarding her answers.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __________________ in the City of Tagbilaran,

Bohol, Philippines by affiant with his ______________.

Doc. No. _____

Page No. _____
Book No. _____
Series of 2014

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