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BIRTHRIGHT: A right, possession, or privilege that is one's due by birth

There are many things that we have lost sight of, largely due to us not being taught the
fundamentals of cosmic laws. Cosmic laws are those set in place by the Holy Creator that
maintain order throughout the universe. This order is further expressed within each planetary
system and the life therein. It is then broken down into units which are divided amongst the
kingdoms of life: Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Mineral, and Animalia. Each of the kingdoms
are created on and governed by cosmic intelligence. The cosmic intelligence assures the
continuation and evolution of all life forms. The life forms, which are interconnected, work
together and function under divine programming.

There is no other way to exist or create outside of the cosmic laws or divine programming. It is
the universal prototype. Everything that is within the planet exists on multidimensional levels
from the higher to lower planes of existence, seen and unseen by the physical eye. Every life
form that was created has the ability to procreate, and it has an abundance of what is necessary to
help it sustain its life force and further its evolution. Of course all of this comes from

The divine birthright is understanding where your power is within the order of creation and
knowing how to not only access it, but also how to stay within it. When you are within the flow
of life and divine order continuously, there is no confusion about how you are going to live.
When you are outside of the flow you struggle like a fish swimming upstream. The birthright is
knowing the power that God/Creator has given you and not allowing others to abuse this power.
It is understanding that you were given the blessings of the Earth to sustain your lives.

We have UNIVERSAL RESOURCES & ASSISTANCE that we do not access, to make sure the
pathway is clear for us to receive our birthrights. We do not access these resources and assistance
because of what has happened throughout generations and reincarnations of life times. We were
conditioned to focus solely on the dollar. We were made to believe that how we live and how we
are suppose to live was restricted to the corporate world. We have given up on the fact that we
are beings of light in human form. God has not sent us to this place for suffering or struggle. We
need to expand our perception on how we think we are supposed to live our lives.

The world's economy was set up under cosmic laws. Proof of this can be seen by observation of
the economy (World History Dictionary: management of a household) which is based off of
commerce (exchange of goods, commodities, services) that uses a current (like a river on a bank)
or currency (a "medium" of exchange; money; circulation) which happens to be called a dollar or

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a coin. All centers of coins are made with pure copper, but have been known to be made from
silver and gold. Copper is a conductor of energy and is used to amplify and transmit thought.
Silver is also a conductor of energy and works with the psychic abilities. Gold does so many
things, but like copper and silver, it enhances thought forms. Now, dollars are made from rag
fibers of cotton, silk, and linen. So you have the conductors of energy and amplifiers of thoughts
with the metals which use the fibers from the plant kingdom to bring these thoughts or systems
into tangible form. The fiber holds the energy for which it was created.

So why are you not aware of the cosmic laws? Why is it that people feel powerless and
completely at the mercy of the system? You have access to the Light of God because it dwells
within you. Yet, you were taught to focus outside of yourself to get everything you have ever
wanted, to experience the life you have dreamed of, to commune with God, and to be successful.
You were taught that social status is what validates you. So long as you hold on to beliefs such as
these, you will never be able to claim what is rightfully yours.

Let's look at money a bit further to see what else we can find. The shape of the money - rectangle
and circle, it also holds symbolism. We have the circle for the coin, which came from the
platonic solid known as a sphere, and represents unity, totality, and the origin of all life. The
dollar is in the shape of a rectangle. The rectangle has been said by some to be a golden rectangle
which is found in a dodecahedron. The dodecahedron historically has symbolized the concept of
the 5th Element, Ether or the universe. Currency goes back many many centuries, originating
with ancient civilizations that lived by and respected the cosmic laws. For example, the cowrie
shell was the first "coin" and used globally for commerce. The cowrie shell is associated with
Goddess, protection, destiny, rebirth, and the womb.

The current system, which may not be ideal, has not strayed too far from truth. The power of
heaven and the cosmos takes on tangible form through the elements of the earth. Just like a
mother gives birth to a child and takes care of it and nurtures it and provides its every need, the
earth does exactly the same thing for all of its inhabitants. It is through one's acknowledgment of
the Earth that they learn how to live in their prosperity. Daily communion with Mama Earth will
return the balance. It isn't much different from the Biblical story of the prodigal son. What
removes one from the presence of God and all of the blessings that come with it, is their beliefs
and state of conscious. One cannot truly be removed from that which created them. We carry the
blood of the earth in our veins. Everything that is in the planet is inside of us and it is what
makes us human. This is why we return to dust when we die. We are returning the vehicle that
the Earth provided for us to stay here. Only she has the ability to house the power of God within
a body. Only she has the ability to sustain our lives.

It is important to understand that there is an order within the universe. There is an order within
the kingdom of heaven. If you want to live within your birthright then you must acknowledge the


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Earth and seek her face. She is a living entity and she will show you what is keeping you from
living a life of abundance. Blocks to abundance are stored within the DNA, the subconscious
mind, past lives, and karma. All of which the Divine Feminine Principle has rule over. She is a
part of the divine order and holds the space for these things. Once she shows you what you need
to do to get back in sync, then the divine God-head, through your Oversoul will allow you to
change the program of what you are experiencing now on Earth. You will go from having to do
manifesting meditations daily, to just living in the flow of your blessings. Life was not meant to
be a struggle, engage your Prosperity Rites so your children and their children can have what's
due to them and the bloodline can know peace and balance once again.

Prosperity Rites Programc


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