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Jalan Griya Hijau Raya Pakualam Serpong Utara

KOTA TANGERANG SELATAN Telp. ( 021 ) 53126421 - ujiansmpindonesia.blogspot .com


Tahun Pelajaran 2015 -2016
Mata pelajaran : English Lesson Hari / Tanggal : Friday, 11th
0f Maret, 2016
Kelas : VIII Waktu : 90
Text for no. 1-10
An Un Lucky Camping
Choose the best
answer ! It was the beginning of wet season , but
the weather was in the fine in the
morning.d. made a fire
My classmates and I went
camping to the camping ground .
set updidourthe writer
tent go middle of a
in the
field near ?
a small river . As soon as this
was donea. To, the
we field
cooked c. to
a the
meal over an
open fire campground
. Everything was alright in the
b. In. the
at night whilesmall
d. near we were
singing songsriver by campfire , a strong wind
blew .it brought disorder
5. Where did the writer cook ?to our tent . We
couldnt sleep
a. in because itc.was
the kitchen over thundering
and raining heavily . Lightening intensified
the downpours. Soon the surrounding
b. on the stove d. in the
6. 6. What was the writer doing at
night ?
1. How was the weather at the
a. singing songs c. cooking
beginning of wet season ?
a. Bad b. good c. clear
b. watching movie d. listening
d. Fine
2. When was the weather fine ?
7. What happened at midnight ?
a. In the morning c. in
a. Strong wind blew
afternoon b. c. Raining lightly
b. In the evening d. at c. The writer was panicked
night d. The camp was on fire
3. What did the writer do them ? 8. How was the tent ?
a. Went camping a. Alright c. in good
b. went shopping order
c. Went to camp ground b. Disorder d. strong
9. Why couldnt the writer sleep ? b. A tropical hurricane
a. It was thundering and c. A snow fall
raining d. A snow flake
b. They were cooking 16.What is the effect of the terrible
c. They were singing song heat wave ?
d. It was rioting a. Starvation c.
10.How was the campfire after Diseases
raining? b. Dehydration d. Famine
a. Panicked c. flooded 17.It covered the city with mud , it
b. b. thunder d fired refer to
Text for no .11-18 a. The snow c. the
Seasons b. The melted snow d. the
It is in the middle of summer , 18.This summer is ....the previous
the air is very hot and dry. The one.
temperatur is about 34 degrees a. Better than c. worse
Celsius. I am sitting by the window than
of my living room , looking at the b. As bad as d. as
streets and drinking some iced
good as
lemon tea. Sometimes I wonder
Text for no 19 -23
why the weather in my hometown
is always bad in each seasons .
Last Winter , a big snow storm Last year , I went to a dance
paralysed this city and lasted party. In the middle of the party ,
almost a month . But things are not I saw a guy that I had a crush
easy in the spring . The snow
11.What on . To get his attention .I went
melted intoseason is itit? covered the
mud and
city. a.TheSpring
previous summer c. Winter
was to the stage and started to dance
b. Summer d.
worse , lots of people dehydrated Fall with my friends. It was my first
becouse is the
theweather like ?
heat.Hopefully , dance, and I was so busy dancing
a. Its humid c. Its hot
that I didnt pay attention to
b. Its wet d. Its
anything else. I didnt realize that
13.The weather is ...... in every I got too close to the rim of the
season. stage did
When . Suddenly,
writer goI totripped and
the dance
a. Always good c. seldom fellparty
of the stage . The music
good a. Two years ago c. this
b. Never bad d.never year
good b. Last year d. next
14.Last winter. the city was year
paralysed. What is the meaning 20.Why did she dance on the
of paralysed ? stage ?
a. Active c. a. To get the boys attention
moving b. To show off her talent
b. Unable to move d. able to c. To make jokes
d. To make her embarrassed
15.What stuck the city last winter ?
a. A snow storm
21.Why didnt she realize that she a.Three b. four c. five d.
got too close to the rim of the six
stage ? 26.We present the famous
a. Because she was nervous singer , refers to
b. Because she was too busy a. The readers c. the
b. the singers d. the
c. Because the place is too
dark Text for no. 27-29
d. Because the boy was looking
at her Cough Syrup
22.What happened after she fell
Especially for infants and
down the stage ?
a. Everybody laughed at her
Indication : Sore , Throat ,
b. Everybody pitied her
cough, abnormal secretion of
c. The boy made her relax
d. The boy helped her
Dosage : - Infants under 6
23.How did the writer feel ?
a. Proud c. happy
1 teaspoonful
b. Regretful d.
2x daily
embrassed - Infants over 6
months 1
Text for no. 24-25
- Adult : 1-2
Biggest Band Show Jim Band teaspoonful 3xdail

Held : Saturday , june 24

Time : 10.00.p.m 27.We should keep the cough
Place : Parking Area Taman Impian mixture in a .. place
Jaya Ancol a.Hot b. warm c cool
d. cold
We pleasure the famous singers: 28.How long will it take an infant
- Sherly Hemington under 6 month to finish a bottle
- Bill Stewart of 60 ml ?
- Tom Barbara a.2 days b.4 days c. 6 days
Tickets : Rp. 75.000,-/adult 8 days
Rp. 50.000,-/child 29.The medicine is
For entrance ticket . please call a.for external use
Ayu : Ph. 4563287 b. a cure for cough
Devi : Ph. 3265446 c .for the relief stomach paint
Reza : Ph.73834568 d.available on medicine
24.When will the show be held ? prescription
a. In the morning c. at 30. I .. Robert at nine last
middy night.
b In the afternoon d. in a. I am calling c.
the evening called
25.There will be . Entertainers b. I was calling
performing on stage. d.calls
31. He at the library when I go 37. Every time I finished a sandcastle ,
home the
a. was studying c. waves came in and washed it
study away.
b. studied d. is Which is is the simple past ?
studying a. Finish came wash
32. she was not at home when I b. Finnished come washed
.to her c. Finished - came - washed
house yesterday. d. Finishing came - washed
a. Go c. went
b. Is sitting d. goes 38. X :
33. I didnt want to go to the zoo Y : oh , I broke it while I was
yesterday, playing a guitar
Because it .
a. Was raining c. rain a. Did you break the vase ?
b. Were raining d. rains b. Why did you break the vase /
text for no.34-35 c. What happened to the vase ?
d. What did you break the vase
for ?

39. X : what did you do in the

afternoon /
Y ; I ..... the plants in the

a. Water c. to water
b. Watered d. watering
34. Where can we find the
caution ? 40. In Kuta beach many tourist .....
a. in a laboratory c. the beach
in a library Under the sun shining.
b. in a theatre d. They like it very much.
at the beach a. Swim c. dive
35. These are the meaning of b. Lie on d. surf
the text
a. You will get risk if you swim
b. Its dangerous if you swim
c. Waves , rock and coral
under the water may cause
d. We can predict waves and
rock and coral are
36. When I was still young , I ...... five
miles to
school every day.
a. Walk c. walks
b. Walking d. walked
I. Essay !

Text for no.36

36.a. what does the caution

mean ?
b. what will happened if we 37.Read the text and answer the
obey it ? question !

Answer the question Five cows Die in Heavy Rain

below !
Qubabat is 60 kilometer s
37 a. What did you go last south of Cairo.
Sunday ? This small farming village had a
b.Did you go to the Alam Sutra rain storm for 17 hours
mall/ yesterday . The river Niles
flooded the fields . five cows
35.a. What did your mother do died in the water .The villagers
when you study last night? could only watch when the river
came into the village.
Many families climbed on to
their roofs to escape the water.
An old woman who lies in the
village said , I am eighty years
old and I was born in Qubabat .
I have lived here all my life , I
cant remember rain as bad as
this Orientation
. :

Event 1.
Reorientation :

36.Arrange the word to make a

good sentences !
a. Went-people-weekend-on-
b. Sweep- my uncle-the floor-

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