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Basic Course Outline

SUBJECT : Assessment
PRE-REQUESITES : Student have been programed Basic Education (Teaching and Learning Process I)
DESCRIPTION : Analysis the assessment strategies in education and learning process, analysis the learning
outcome, interpret the analysis results, using the assessment results to improve the learning
quality and application for subject matter
COMPETENCE Understanding the role of assessment in education and learning, varios assessment strategies
traditionally and autenticaly.
LECTURER : Drs. Supriyono, M.Sc., Mukhayyarotin Niswati Rodliyatul Jauhariyah, M.Pd,.

BOOK : 1. Anderson, L.W., D.R. Krathwohl, P.W. Airasian, K.A. Cruikshank, R.E. Meyer, P.R. Pintrich, M.C.
REFFERENCE Wittrock. 2001. A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assesing. New York: Addison
Wesley Longman.
2. Azwar, S. 1990. Tes Prestasi, Fungsi dan Pengembangan Pengukuran Prestasi Belajar.
Yogyakarta: Liberty.
3. Depdiknas. Kurikulum SMP dan SMA (1984, 1994, 1999, 2004).
4. Gronlund, N.E.1980. Construction Achievement Test. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc.
5. Gronlund, N.E. 1991. How To Write and Use Instructional Objective. New Jersey: Prentice Hall,
6. Kardi, S. 1994. Bagaimana Mengembangkan Tes Hasil Belajar. Surabaya: Unipress IKIP
7. Linn, R.I., Gronlund, N.e. 1995. Measurement and Assesment in Teaching. Ohio: Merrill.
8. Nitko, Anthony, J.1983. Educational Test and Measurement. London: Hocourt Brace

Assessment Page 1
Standard of Competence: 1. Undertsand the role of assessment in education and learning process traditionally dan autenticaly

Metting Basic Time

Topics Indicators Laerning experience Evaluation
Competence Estimate
1-2 1.1
Describe the The role of Distinguish between Identify Oral test and 1 x 4 x 50
role of assessment in measurement and measurement and Written test
assessment in education and assessment assessment
education and learning. Explain the meaning of Discuss the
learning. assessment in education and meaning of assessment
learning Discuss the
Explain the objectives objectives and function
and function of assessment of assessment
Explain the principles Discuss the
of assessment principles of
Describe varies Assessment basic Explain the principles to Discuss the assssment Oral test and
strategy for concepts: conduct assessment principles Written test
assessment: traditional, Explain the traditional Discuss the traditional
traditional, authentic assessment assessment
authentic Explain the authentic Discuss the authentic
assessment assessment
Make conclussion for types Explore the various
of assessment types of assessment

Assessment Page 2
Standard of Competence: 2. Identify, develop and apply indicators of cognitive aspects of learning based on Bloom's taxonomy, along with test
planning steps.

Basic Time
Meeting Topics Indicators Learning experiences Evaluation
Competnece Estimate
3-4 2.1
Applying Taxonomy and Explain Bloom's Discussion of Oral test 1x4x
Bloom's cognitive taxonomy information on Written test 50
taxonomy in development of Creating a learning Bloom's taxonomy
the cognitive learning outcome indicators in Analyze the
aspects of indicators accordance with Bloom's curriculum to make
development taxonomy the indicators
indicators according to Bloom's
2.2 Discussion of
Describing the Test Planning Describe the steps for information about Oral test
test planning preparing test the steps for Written test
steps Summarize the preparing test Presentation 1x4x
advantages of each Create a 50
assessment specification table

Assessment Page 3
Competency Standard: 3. Identify, develop and implement indicators of affective and psychomotor aspects in the development of instruments

Basic Time
Meeting Topics Indicators Learning Experience Evaluation
Competence Estimate
5-8 3.1
Applying the The forms of Comparing types of Presenting examples Presentation 2 x 4 x 50
indicators in item test and multiple choice tests, of the types of test Oral and
Written Test
the rule drafting objective essay, essay of Discussion about the
development non-objective, short rules of the test
of forms of answer, match constructing
item test Explain the rules of the Discussions of
preparation of each form advantages and
of test disadvantages of
Concluding advanteges each types of test
and weaknesses of each Analyze the
type of test curriculum to create
Construct the various a types of test
types of tetst as an according to
indicator indicators
Applying Develop Develop indicators of Review the scope of Witten Test 2 x 4 x 50
indicator indicators of affective aspects of Presentation
affective aspect
affective and affective and Develop measurement learning
psychomotor psychomotor instruments affective Develop instruments
domains in the domains and aspects affective aspects
development develop them in Develop indicators of Analyze coverage
of instruments instruments form psychomotor aspects psychomotor aspects
in the learning (activities of
Develop a measurement
laboratory, field,
instrument psychomotor
aspects (performance)
Develop instruments
psychomotor aspects
Assessment Page 4
Meeting 9: Midle Test

Competency Standard: 4. Understanding reliability and validity of a test and its application

Basic Time
Meeting Topics Indicators Learning Experience Evaluation
Competence Estimate
10-11 4.1
Describe the Review Distinguish a review tests Identify the review Written Test 2 x 4 x 50
review questions, aqualitatively and question/test Oral Test
questions, scoring, quantitatively Discussion of
scoring, interpretation, Describe the scoring information about
interpretation and reporting, techniques of each type the scoring technique
learning of test Discussion about
outcomes Describe the conversion converting scores
of scores into value into value
Describe the Interpreting the results of Discussing the
Analyze the
reporting of learning outcomes student learning outcome student learning
learning based on data outcomes based on
Outcomes Reporting the results of data
students learning Discussing the
outcome reporting of learning

Assessment Page 5
Competency Standards: 5 Understanding reliability and validity of a test and its application

Basic Time
Meeting Topics Indicators Learning Experience Evaluation
Competence Estimate
12-13 5.1
To describe the Reliability and Distinguish the various Identify the various Written tests 2 x 4 x 50
validity validity Oral Tests
reliability and validity test
validity tests Explain the factors that Discussion about the
affect the validity factors affecting the
Explain the factors that validity
affect reliability Discussion about the
Distinguish methods to factors that affect
find the coefficient of reliability
reliability collect information
about the reliability
Calculate the Exercise calculate
Calculating the reliability Assignment
validity and reliability of tests
of test based on norms
reliabiliaty of Exercise determine
and criterion referenced
tests the validity test
Determining the validity
of tests

Assessment Page 6
Competency Standards: 6.Understand how to analyze the items test and use it to improve the quality of learning

Basic Time
Meeting Topics Indicators Learning Experiences Evaluation
Competence Estimate
14-15 6.1
Analyze the Analyze the items Determining the level of Exercise of Assigment 2 x 4 x 50
items test and test achievement of each calculating the level Written Test
(NRA dan CRA)
use it to indicator of items tests of learning
improve the according to criterion achievement
quality of reference indicators
learning Calculating sensitivity Exercise of
index of test according to calculating the
the criterion reference sensitivity index of
Excercise Determining the level of the tests
Apply in
difficulty, different Exercise of
making tests
resources, the calculating the level
effectiveness of the of difficulty,
option, the validity of the different resources,
item the tests according the effectiveness of
to norm reference the option, the
validity of the tests
according to norm
Determine the questions reference
that valid and reliable

Meeting 16 : Final Test

Assessment Page 7
Assessment Page 8

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