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PRELIMINARIES the two realms.

For example, while the government has

the inherent authority to take and convert a property for
Government Power vs. Individual Freedom public use, and the people on the other have the right to
hold their private property, the Constitution,
1. Among the changes brought about by the Period of contemplating a case of overlap or conflict between the
Enlightenment was the shift of power from the crown to two, compromises both by prescribing that the
the individual. The long reign of monarchs came to an government gives just compensation to the private
end, and the rule of the people became the standard. owner who in turn must surrender his property.
The government, while still the repository of power, was
limited to its role as the protector of the people and the Meaning of the Bill of Rights
guardian of rights. Liberalism, which took its cue from
individualism, advocated the principle of egalitarianism, 1. From the foregoing, it is not difficult to understand
in which men, regardless of their status in life, are that the Bill of Rights refers to the declaration and
regarded as equals in terms of rights before the law. enumeration of the fundamental civil and political rights
Modern democracies are founded on these liberal ideals, of a person with the primary purpose of safeguarding the
in that the heart of democratic objectives is the person from violations by the government, as well as by
protection of human dignity and respect for human individuals and group of individuals. It includes the
rights. protection of the following rights:
(a) Civil rights or those rights belonging to
2. Nonetheless, the government remains to be a individuals by virtue of their citizenship, such as
powerful institution, capable of summoning the military, freedom to contract, right to property, and
evoking its past image as the uncontestable holder of marriage among others;
sovereignty. In fact, republicanism essentially requires
delegation of powers to the government; that although (b) Political rights which are rights pertaining to
the people remain to be the sovereign, actual exercise of the citizenship of the individual vis--vis the
it is given to the government. Protection and service of administration of the government, such as right
the people is the primal duty of the government, but be of suffrage right to hold office, and right to
that as it may, the government is still the single biggest petition for redress of wrong;
institution that exercises sovereign powers.
(c) Socio-economic rights or those which ensure
3. More so, it possesses the inherent powers which the the well-being and economic security of an
Constitution itself does not confer. Every government for individual; and
it to exist exercises police power, power of eminent
domain, and power of taxation. A constitution does not (d) Rights of the accused which refer to
grant such powers to the government; a constitution can protections given to the person of an accused in
only define and delimit them and allocate their exercise any criminal case.
among various government agencies.[1] These are
awesome powers, which, if left uncheck, may seriously 2. It must be noted that the restriction provided in the Bill
restrict and jeopardize the freedom of individuals. Thus, of Rights is directed against the government, so that it
it is inbuilt in every democratic constitution to does not govern private relations. As far as the
meticulously include provisions guaranteeing the rights Constitution is concerned, Article III can be invoked only
of the individuals and those restricting the powers of the against the government. Nonetheless, with the inclusion
government. This is to prevent the tragedy that the of almost all the constitutional rights in Article 32 of the
government created by the people will in turn be the Civil Code, the same may now be invoked in civil cases
instrument to enslave and abuse them. involving relations between private persons. Thus, the
definition above indicates that the bill of rights is a
4. The Bill of Rights (Article III) is an indispensable part safeguard not just against the abuses of the government
of the Constitution. In fact, it is one of the most important but also of individuals or group of individuals.
parts of the fundamental law since it aims at balancing
the power of the government and the various freedoms RIGHT TO DUE PROCESS AND EQUAL
of the individual. As will be seen below, the Bill of Rights PROTECTION
provide for two things: first, restrictions directed against
the state, and, second, explicit identification and Life, Liberty, and Property
limitation of rights of the individuals. On the one hand,
the government exercises its tremendous powers, but its 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 1, Article III of the
powers are limited by the Constitution. On the other Constitution states No person shall be deprived of life,
hand, the individuals are guaranteed of their rights, but liberty, or property without due process of law, nor shall
subject also to limitations in recognition of the powers of any person be denied the equal protection of the laws.
the government. What balances the two (power and The provision speaks of due process and equal
freedom) are the limitations provided by the Constitution, protection.
which limitations are by nature compromises or solutions
to situations resulting from the overlapping or conflict of
2. Scope of Protection. The protection covers all 1. Meaning. Due process of law is a constitutional
persons, whether citizens or aliens, natural or juridical. guarantee against hasty and unsupported deprivation of
some persons life, liberty, or property by the
3. Meaning of Life, Liberty, and Property. Due process government. While is it true that the state can deprive its
and equal protection cover the right to life, liberty, and citizens of their life, liberty, or property, it must do so in
property. It is important therefore to know the meaning of observance of due process of law. This right is the
the three. embodiment of the supporting idea of fair play[6] and its
essence is that it is a law which hears before it
(a) Life. When the constitution speaks of right to condemns, which proceeds upon inquiry and renders
life, it refers not just to physical safety but also to judgment only after trial.[7]
the importance of quality of life. Thus, right to life
means right to be alive, right to ones limbs 2. When Invoked. The right is invoked when the act of
against physical harm, and, equally important, the government is arbitrary, oppressive, whimsical, or
right to a good quality of life.[2] Life means unreasonable. It is particularly directed against the acts
something more than mere animal existence.[3] of executive and legislative department.

(b) Liberty. It includes negative and positive 3. Two Aspects of Due Process. Due process of law
freedom. Negative freedom means freedom has two aspects: procedural and substantive. Basically,
from, or absence of, physical constraints, while the procedural aspect involves the method or manner by
positive freedom means freedom to exercise which the law is enforced, while the substantive aspect
ones faculties. Right to liberty therefore includes involves the law itself which must be fair, reasonable,
the two aspects of freedom and it cannot be and just.
dwarfed into mere freedom from physical
restraint or servitude, but is deemed to embrace 4. Procedural due process requires, essentially,
the right of man to enjoy his God-given faculties the opportunity to be heard in which every citizen is
in all lawful ways, to live and work where he will, given the chance to defend himself or explain his side
to earn his livelihood by any lawful calling, to through the protection of general rules of procedure. It
pursue any vocation, and enter into contracts.[4] contemplates notice and opportunity to be heard before
judgment is rendered.
(c) Property. It refers either to the thing itself or
right over the thing. As a thing, property is In judicial proceedings, the requirements of procedural
anything capable of appropriation, and it could due process are:[8]
be personal or real. As a right, it refers to right to a. An impartial or objective court or tribunal with
own, use, possess, alienate, or destroy the jurisdiction over the subject matter;
thing. The constitution uses property in the b. Court with jurisdiction over the person of the
sense of right, and as such it includes, among defendant or the property which is the subject of
others, right to work, ones employment, the proceeding;
profession, trade, and other vested rights. It is c. Defendant given the opportunity to be heard
important to note however that privileges like (requirement on notice and hearing); and
licenses are not protected property; but they d. Judgment rendered after lawful hearing.
may evolve in a protected right if much is
invested in them as means of livelihood. Public Since some cases are decided by administrative bodies,
office is not also a property; but to the extent that the Court also provides requirements of procedural due
security of tenure cannot be compromised process in administrative proceedings. These
without due process, it is in a limited sense requirements, also known as seven cardinal primary
analogous to property.[5] rights, are:[9]
1) The right to a hearing, where a party may
4. These rights are intimately connected. For present evidence in support of his case;
example, if ones property right over employment is 2) The tribunal must consider the evidence
taken away, the same will adversely affect ones right to presented;
life since quality of living is jeopardized. Consequently, in 3) The decision of the tribunal
the absence of property and a good quality of life, the must be supported by evidence;
ability to do what one wants is impeded. 4) The evidence must be substantial. Substantial
evidence is such relevant evidence as a
5. Hierarchy of Rights. While the rights are intimately reasonable mind might accept as adequate to
related, they have a hierarchy. As to their order of support a conclusion;
importance, right to life comes first, followed by right to 5) The evidence must have been presented at the
liberty, and then right of property. hearing, or at least contained in the record and
known to the parties affected;
Due Process 6) The tribunal or body or any of its judges must
rely on its own independent
consideration of evidence, and not rely on the Corollary to this is the doctrine of
recommendation of a subordinate; and overbreadth which states that a statute that is
7) The decision must state the facts and the law in overly broad is void.
such a way that the parties are apprised of the o This is because it prevents a person
issues involved and the reasons for the decision. from exercising his constitutional rights,
5. Notice and Opportunity to be Heard. What matters as it fails to give an adequate warning or
in procedural due process are notice and an opportunity boundary between what is
to be heard. constitutionally permissive and not. If a
(a) Notice. This is an essential element of law, for instance, prohibits a bystander
procedural due process, most especially in from doing any annoying act to
judicial proceedings, because without notice the passersby, the law is void because
court will not acquire jurisdiction and its annoying act could mean anything to a
judgment will not bind the defendant. The passerby and as such, overly broad.
purpose of the notice is to inform the defendant
of the nature and character of the case filed Equal Protection
against him, and more importantly, to give him a
fair opportunity to prepare his defense. 1. Meaning.
Nevertheless, the notice is useless without the The guarantee of equal protection means that
opportunity to be heard. no person or class of persons shall be deprived
of the same protection of the laws which is
(b) Opportunity to be Heard. It must be enjoyed by other persons or other classes in the
emphasized that what is required is not actual same place and in like circumstances.[11]
hearing but a real opportunity to be heard. It means that all persons or things similarly
[10] If, for instance, a person fails to actually situated should be treated alike, both as to rights
appear in a hearing even though he was given conferred and responsibilities imposed.
the chance to do so, a decision rendered by the The guarantee does not provide absolute
court is not in violation of due process. equality of rights or indiscriminate operation on
Moreover, strict observance of the rule is not persons. Persons or things that are differently
necessary, especially in administrative cases. In situated may thus be treated differently. Equality
fact, in administrative proceedings, notice and only applies among equals.
hearing may be dispensed with for public need What is prohibited by the guarantee is the
or for practical reasons. It is also sufficient that
discriminatory legislation which treats differently
subsequent hearing is held if the same was not
or favors others when both are similarly situated.
previously satisfied.
2. Purpose. The purpose of the guarantee is to prohibit
6. Substantive due process requires that the law itself
hostile discrimination or undue favor to anyone, or giving
is valid, fair, reasonable, and just. For the law to be fair
special privilege when it is not reasonable or justified.
and reasonable it must have a valid objective which is
pursued in a lawful manner. The objective of the
3. Reasonable Classification. Well established is the
government is valid when it pertains to the interest of the
rule that reasonable classification does not violate the
general public, as distinguished from those of a
guarantee, provided that the classification has the
particular class. The manner of pursuing the objective is
following requisites:[12]
lawful if the means employed are reasonably necessary
1. It must be based upon substantial distinctions;
and not unduly oppressive.
2. It must be germane to the purpose of the law;
3. It must not be limited to existing conditions only;
7. Under the doctrine of void for vagueness, a statute
or law that is vague is void because it violates the rights
4. It must apply equally to all members of the class.
to due process.
A statute is vague when it lacks comprehensible
4. Example. In one case,[13] Section 66 of the Omnibus
standards which men of ordinary intelligence Election Code was challenged for being unconstitutional,
must necessarily know as to its common as it is violative of the equal protection clause. The
meaning but differ as to its application. provision distinguishes between an elective official and
Such kind of statute is opposed to the an appointive official in the filing of theire certificate of
Constitution because it fails to accord persons candidacy. While elective officials are not deemed
proper understanding or fair notice, and because resigned upon the filing their certificates, appointive
the government is given unbridled freedom to officials are. The Supreme Court held that the law is
carry out its provision. constitutional and not violative of equal protection since
For this doctrine to be operative, however, the the classification is valid. The Court argues that elective
statute must be utterly vague. Thus, if a law, for office is different from appointive office, in that the
example, could be interpreted and applied in mandate of the former is from the people, while that of
various ways, it is void because of vagueness. the latter is from the appointing authority. The term of the
elective officials are likewise longer than that of the
appointive officials. Thus, the classification is adjudged Warrant of Arrest and Search Warrant
reasonable and valid. 1. Generally, the right against unreasonable searches
and seizures requires that before a person is arrested or
5. Discrimination against Aliens. Although the a personal property seized, it must be supported by a
protection extends to both citizens and aliens, valid warrant of arrest or a search warrant. The
discrimination against aliens may be held valid under exceptions are in cases of valid warrantless arrests and
certain circumstances. For example, citizens by virtue of searches.
their membership to the political community possess 2. A warrant of arrest is a written order of the court,
complete civil and political rights, while aliens do not issued in the name of the Philippines, authorizing a
have complete political rights. The former can vote peace officer to arrest a person, and put him under the
during elections, run for public office, own real property, custody of the court.
while aliens cannot. 3. A search warrant is a written order of the court,
authorizing or directing a peace officer to search a
6. Review of Laws. If the laws are scrutinized by the specific location, house, or other premises for a personal
court, it said to be subject to judicial review. There are property allegedly used in a crime or may be utilized as a
three standards followed by the court in judicial review, tool to prove a crime.
these are: Requisites of a Valid Warrant
(a) Deferential review in which laws are upheld to be 1. Since as a general rule, an arrest or search is
valid or consistent to the guarantee of equal reasonable when it is covered by a valid warrant, it is
protection when they are rational and the thus important to know the requisites a valid warrant.
classifications therein bear a relation to a The Court enumerates the requisites as follows:
legitimate governmental interests or purpose. In (a) It must be based upon a probable cause. Probable
here the courts do not seriously inquire into the cause refers to such facts and circumstances which
substantiality of the interest and possibility of would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent man to
alternative means to achieve the objectives; believe that an offense has been committed and that the
(b) Intermediate review in which the substantiality of objects sought in connect with the offense are in the
the governmental interest is closely scrutinized as place sought to be searched;
well as the availability of less restrictive means or (b) The probable cause must be determined personally
alternatives. This standard is used if the by the judge. That the judge personally determines the
classification involves important but not probable cause means that he personally evaluates the
fundamental interests; and report and the supporting documents submitted by the
(c) Strict scrutiny in which the government is public prosecutor regarding the existence of the probable
required to show the presence of a compelling cause, or, if the same is insufficient, require additional
government interest, rather than a mere evidence to aid him in arriving at a conclusion as to the
substantial interest, and the absence of a less existence of probable cause.[15] Thus, personal
restrictive means for achieving the interest. Upon determination does not mean that he must personally
showing of these requirements, the limitation of a examine the complainant and his witnesses.[16] He may
fundamental constitutional right is justified. This rely on reports and evidence submitted to him, on the
standard is used if the law classifies persons and basis of which he determines the existence of probable
limits others of their exercise of fundamental cause and orders the issuance of warrant. What is
rights. prohibited is to rely solely on the recommendation of the
prosecutors without doing any determination on his own;
ARRESTS, SEARCHES AND SEIZURES (c) The determination must be made after examination
under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
Right against Unreasonable Searches and Seizures witness he may produce; and
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 2, Article III states (d) It must particularly describe the place to be searched
that people have the inviolable right to be secure in their and the persons or things to be seized. The property
persons, houses, papers, and effects against subject to search includes those used in the commission
unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature of the offense, stolen or embezzled and other proceeds
and for any purpose, and a search warrant or warrant of or fruits of the offense, or used or intended to be used in
arrest can only be issued upon showing of a probable the commission of the offense.
cause determined personally by the judge after 2. General warrants are those that do not particularly
examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant describe the place to be searched or the persons or
and the witnesses he may produce, and particularly things to be seized. They are unconstitutional because
describing the place to be searched and the persons or the sanctity of the domicile and privacy of
things to be seized. communication and correspondence of individuals are
2. Scope. The protection extends to all persons, aliens or placed at the mercy, caprice, and passion of peace
citizens, natural or juridical. It is a personal right which officers.[17]
may be invoked or waived by the person directly Warrantless Arrest
affected[14] against unreasonable arrests or searches by 1. When Warrantless Arrest Valid. Arrest without warrant
the government and its agencies. It cannot, however, be is strictly construed as an exception to the general rule
invoked against private individuals. requiring warrant. Under the Rules of Court,[18] a peace
officer or a private person may arrest a person even (g) Inspection of buildings and other premises for the
without a warrant under the following instances: enforcement of fire, sanitary, and building regulations;
(a) In flagrante delicto arrest. When, in his presence, the and
person to be arrested has committed, is actually (h) Search in airports and other populous places.
committing, or is attempting to commit an offense; Administrative Searches and Arrests
(b) Hot pursuit. When an offense, has in fact just been 1. In cases of deportation, where the State expels an
committed, and he has personal knowledge of facts undesirable alien from its territory, court intervention and
indicating that the person to be arrested has committed proceedings are not required. Nonetheless, the aliens
it; and constitutional rights are still preserved because they are
(c) Arrest of escaped prisoners. When the person to be given fair trial and administrative due process.
arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal 2. Important to note is that no probable cause is required
establishment of place where he is serving final in deportation proceedings.[20] It is the Commissioner of
judgment or temporarily confined while his case is Immigration or any officer designated by him, not the
pending, or has escaped while being transferred from judge, who issues the administrative warrant, after
one confinement to another. determination by the Board of Commissioners of the
2. Citizen Arrest. It must be noted that a lawful existence of a ground for deportation.
warrantless arrest may be performed not just by a peace RIGHT TO PRIVACY
officer but also by a civilian. This is permitted under the Provisions and Laws on Right to Privacy
rules under limited circumstances, and it is called citizen 1. Constitutional Provisions. The right to privacy is
arrest. scattered throughout the Bill of Rights.[21] The right
3. In the case of flagrante delicto arrest, an offense is against unreasonable searches and seizures, in Section
committed in the presence of the arresting officer or 2, is an expression of this right, inasmuch as it is based
civilian. For example, if a person pushes illegal drugs in on the sacred right to be secure in the privacy of ones
the presence of a police officer, the latter can arrest the person, house, paper, and effects. Due process of law, in
pusher even without a warrant of arrest because an Section 1, also provides the same privacy security by
offense is actually being committed in his presence. The protecting an individuals life, liberty, and property
same principle underlies the buy-bust or entrapment against undue interference by the government. Section 6
operations conducted by police officers in catching law speaks of the right to establish and change ones home
offenders. In one case,[19] the Court held that rebellion which likewise deals with the privacy and comfort of
is a continuing offense, and so the rebel may be arrested ones home. The right to form unions or associations
anytime even without a warrant because he is deemed under Section 8, and the right against self-incrimination
to commit the offense in the presence of the arresting under Section 17 are also privacy rights which need
officer or person. protection against undue intrusion by the government.
4. Illegal Detention is the offense committed by the 2. Nonetheless, the word privacy is expressly provided
arresting officer or civilian if the warrantless arrest is in Section 3(1), Article III, which states that the privacy
performed outside the above rules. of communication and correspondence shall be
Warrantless Searches inviolable except upon lawful order of the court, or when
A search is valid even without a warrant, under the public safety or order requires otherwise, as prescribed
following instances: by law. Privacy of communication and correspondence
(a) Search as an incident to a lawful arrest. When a valid is also an expression of the right to privacy.
arrest precedes the search or contemporaneous with it, 3. Statutory Reinforcements. To reinforce these
and the search is limited to the immediate vicinity of the constitutional provisions, the Congress has passed laws
place of arrest, for purposes of securing dangerous that recognize and protect the zones of privacy of an
objects and effects of the crime; individual. These laws include: (a) The Civil Code of the
(b) Consented search. When the right has been Philippines; (b) The Revised Penal Code; (c) Anti-Wire
voluntarily waived by person who has a right, aware of Tapping Act; (d) The Secrecy of Bank Deposits; and (e)
such right, and has an actual intention to relinquish such Intellectual Property Code.
right; Privacy of Communication and Correspondence
(c) Plainview search. When prohibited articles are within 1. Subject of the Right. Invasion of communication and
the sight of an officer who has the right to be in a correspondence is one kind of search.[22] However the
position to that view; subject of search is not a tangible object but
(d) Visual search at checkpoints. When the search at an intangible one, such as telephone calls, text
stationary checkpoints is pre-announced, and limited to a messages, letters, and the like. These forms of
visual search only; communication and correspondence may be intruded
(e) Terry search. When a police officer, in interest of into by means of wiretapping or other means of
effective crime prevention, performs a stop-and-frisk or electronic eavesdropping. What the constitution prohibits
patting of outer clothing for dangerous weapons, after is government intrusion, by means of wiretapping or
observing a suspicious conduct on the part of a citizen; electronic eavesdropping, into the privacy of
(f) Search of moving vehicles, vessels, and aircrafts for communication without a lawful court order or when
violation of laws; public safety and order does not demand.
2. Rule. As a rule, the government cannot intrude into
the privacy of communication and correspondence. The
exceptions are: (a) when the court allows the intrusion, extends to right to form associations or societies not
and (b) when public safety and order so demands. contrary to law, right to access to information on matters
Anti-Wire Tapping Act of public concern, and freedom of religion. These are all
1. R.A. 4200 or the Anti-Wire Tapping Act, as a crucial to the advancement of beliefs and ideas and the
reinforcement of privacy of communication, is a law establishment of an uninhibited, robust and wide-open
which prohibits a person not authorized by all the parties debate in the free market of ideas.[23]
to any private communication, to wire tap or use any 3. Importance of the Right. Freedom of expression is
devise to secretly overhear, intercept, record, or accorded the highest protection in the Bill of Rights since
communicate the content of the said communication to it is indispensable to the preservation of liberty and
any person. democracy. Thus, religious, political, academic, artistic,
2. Wire tapping or the use of record may be permitted in and commercial speeches are protected by the
civil or criminal proceedings involving specified offenses constitutional guarantee.
principally affecting national security, and only with 4. Limitation. The right is not absolute. It must be
previous authorization by the court which must comply exercised within the bounds of law, morals, public policy
with the requirements of a warrant. The authority is and public order, and with due regard for others rights.
effective only for sixty days. Thus, obscene, libelous, and slanderous speeches are
Writ of Habeas Data not protected by the guarantee. So are seditious and
The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to any fighting words that advocate imminent lawless conduct.
person whose right to privacy in life, liberty, or security is Freedom from Prior Restraint and Subsequent
violated or threatened to be violated by an unlawful act Punishment
or omission of a public official or employee, or of a 1. Freedom of speech and of the press has two aspects:
private individual or entity engaged in the gathering, (a) freedom from prior restraint, and (b) freedom from
collecting or storing of data or information regarding the subsequent punishment.
person, family, home, and correspondence of the 2. On the one hand, freedom from prior restraint means
aggrieved party. freedom from censorship or governmental screening of
Exclusionary Rule what is politically, morally, socially, and artistically
1. The exclusionary rule states that any evidence correct. In here, persons and the media are freed from
unlawfully obtained is inadmissible as evidence before total suppression or restriction by the government of
the courts. This is based on Section 3(2), Article III which what could be disseminated, and prevents the
provides that any evidence obtained in violation of right government from being a subjective arbiter of what is
to privacy of communication or right to due process of acceptable and not. Although the system of prior
law shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any restraint is presumed unconstitutional, it is allowed under
proceeding. The same rule is applied to any evidence the following instances:[24]
taken in violate of R.A. 4200. (a) Undue utterances in time of war;
2. The rule is also called Fruit of the Poisonous Tree (b) Actual obstruction or unauthorized dissemination of
Doctrine. The name of the doctrine metaphorically military information;
describes what happens to an evidence (fruit) taken (c) Obscene publication; and
through unlawful means (poisonous tree). The (d) Inciting to rebellion.
evidence-fruit is discarded because it may infect or 3. On the other hand, freedom from subsequent
destroy the integrity of the case and forfeit the purpose punishment refers to the assurance that citizens can
of the law. speak and air out their opinions without fear of
3. For example, if police officers search a house without vengeance by the government. Subsequent
a search warrant and the same does not fall under any chastisement has the effect of unduly curtailing
of the instances of a valid warrantless search, the expression, and thus freedom therefrom is essential to
evidence obtained even if material in the case cannot be the freedom of speech and the press. The State,
admitted in court. Or if police officers wiretap a however, can validly impose subsequent punishment
conversation without court authorization, the recorded under the following instances:
conversation shall be excluded as an evidence in court. (a) Libel which is the most common form of subsequent
Thus, the evidences are said to be fruits of a poisonous punishment, refers to a public and malicious imputation
tree. of a crime, vice or defect, real or imaginary or any act or
FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION omission, status tending to cause dishonor, discredit or
Meaning and Scope contempt of a natural or juridical person, or blacken the
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 4, Article III provides memory of one who is dead;[25]
that no law shall be passed abridging the freedom of (b) Obscenity which includes works (taken as a whole)
speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the appealing to prurient interest or depicting sexual conduct
people peaceably to assemble and petition the as defined by law or lacking of serious literary, artistic,
government for redress of grievances. The right political or scientific value;[26]
underscores tolerance to different views and thoughts. (c) Criticism of official conduct made with actual malice;
2. Aspects of the Right. Freedom of expression has four [27] and
aspects, to wit: (a) freedom of speech; (b) freedom of (d) School articles which materially disrupt class work or
expression; (c) freedom of the press; and (d) freedom of involves substantial disorder or invasion of rights of
assembly. Nonetheless, the scope of the protection others.[28]
Tests to Determine When Right Maybe Suppressed be held elsewhere is a content-based restriction and not
There are six tests or rules to determine when the content-neutral because it is directed to the exercise of
freedom may be suppressed. These are: the speech right itself and not merely to the manner. As
(1) Dangerous Tendency Test which provides that if a such, the applicable test is the clear and present danger
speech is capable of producing a substantive evil which test.[30]
the State is mandated to suppress or prevent, even if it Regulations on Mass Media
did not materialize, the State is justified of restricting the Mass media may be broadcast media (e.g. television
right. This rule has already been abandoned; and radio) or print media (e.g. newspaper). The two have
(2) Clear and Present Danger Test which is a more a substantial difference in that broadcast media has a
libertarian rule, provides that the finding out of uniquely pervasive presence in the lives of Filipinos.
substantive evil is not enough to suppress the right. Thus, freedom of television and radio broadcasting is
Rather the substantive evil must have clear and present somewhat lesser than the freedom accorded to the print
danger type depending on the specific circumstances of media;[31] greater regulation is imposed over broadcast
the case. This rule is consistent with the principle of media because of its greater tendency to invade the
maximum tolerance and is often applied by the Court in privacy of everyone than print media.
freedom of expression cases; Doctrine of Fair Comment
(c) Balancing of Interest Test which provides that when 1. Meaning. Under the doctrine of fair comment, a
there is conflict between a regulation and freedom of discreditable imputation directed against a public person
speech, the court has the duty to determine which of the in his public capacity, does not necessarily make one
two demands greater protection; liable. Although generally every discreditable imputation
(d) Grave-but-Improbable Danger Test which was meant publicly made is deemed false and malicious because
to supplant the clear and present danger test, every man is presumed innocent until proven guilty,
determines whether the gravity of the evil, less its nevertheless, if the imputation directed against a person
improbability to happen, can justify the suppression of in his public is based on established facts, even if the
the right in order to avoid the danger;[29] inferred opinion is wrong, the comments as justified. As
(e) OBrien Test which provides that when speech and long as the opinion might reasonably inferred from the
non-speech elements are combined in the same facts, it is not actionable. In order to that such
course of conduct, a sufficiently important government discreditable imputation to a public official may be
interest that warrants the regulation of the non-speech actionable, it must either be a false allegation or a
element can also justify incidental limitations on the baseless comment.[32]
speech element; and 2. Example. If a case of theft was filed against a
(f) Direct Incitement Test which determines what words barangay official, and someone commented that he
are uttered and the likely result of the utterance, that is, maliciously stole things from the local residents, the
whether or not they will directly incite or produce doctrine of fair comment is applicable, inasmuch as the
imminent lawless action. opinion was based on such fact. In here, the comment is
Restrictions on Freedom of Speech justified.
1. Two Kinds of Restrictions. The State may impose two Commercial Speech
kinds of restrictions on speech under a system of prior 1. Meaning. Commercial speech is one that proposes a
restraint: content-based restriction and content-neutral commercial transaction done in behalf of a company or
restriction. The restriction is content-based when individual for purposes of profit. It is a protected speech
restriction is directed to the speech itself, while the for as long as it is not false or misleading and does not
restriction is content-neutral when it is directed, not to propose an illegal transaction.[33]
the speech itself, but to the incidents (such as time, 2. But if the government has a substantial interest to
place, or manner) of the speech. An example of a protect, even a truthful and lawful commercial speech
content-based restriction is when the government may be regulated.[34]
prohibits speeches against the President, in which case 3. Private speech is accorded more freedom and
the restriction is on the speech itself. An example of a protection than commercial speech.
content-neutral restriction is when the government Freedom of Assembly
regulates the manner of posting campaign 1. Meaning. Freedom of assembly refers to the right to
advertisements, in which case the restriction is on the hold a rally to voice out grievances against the
manner the right is made. government.
2. Appropriate Tests for Each Restriction. If the 2. Freedom not Subject to Prior Restraint. As a rule,
governmental restriction is content-based, the applicable freedom of assembly is not subject to prior restraint or
rule or test is the clear and present danger test. This is to prior issuance of permit by government authorities.
give the government a heavy burden to show justification Nevertheless, it must be exercised in such a way that will
for the imposition of such prior restraint which bears a not to prejudice public welfare. Freedom of assembly is
heavy presumption of unconstitutionality. If the restriction reinforced by Batas Pambansa Blg. 880, otherwise
is content-neutral, the applicable rule is only an known as the Public Assembly Acts of 1985, which
intermediate approach, inasmuch as the restraint is only basically provides the requirements and procedure for
regulatory and does not attack the speech directly. holding rallies. It also implements the observance of
3. Example. In one case, the court held that the act of maximum tolerance towards participants of rallies
granting a permit to rally under the condition that it will consistent with the clear and present danger test.
3. Permit Requirement. Under the said law, permit is consultation of treaties and executive agreement, and
required to hold a rally. It must be emphasized, however, privilege speech).
that the permit is not a requirement for the validity of the FREEDOM OF RELIGION
assembly or rally, because the right is not subject to prior Two Aspects of Freedom of Religion
restraint. Rather, the permit is a requirement for the use 1. Freedom of religion has two aspects: (a) the freedom
of the public place. to believe, and (b) the freedom to act on ones belief.
4. When Permit not Required. Permit is not required if The first aspect is in the realm of the mind, and as such
the rally is held in a private place, in a campus of a state it is absolute, since the State cannot control the mind of
college or university, or in a freedom park, in which case the citizen. Thus, every person has the absolute right to
only coordination with the police is required. If the believe (or not to believe) in anything whatsoever without
application for permit is not acted upon by the mayor any possible external restriction by the government. The
within two working days, then the same is deemed aspect refers to the externalization of belief as it is now
granted. brought out from the bosom of internal belief. Since it
5. Political rally during election is regulated by the may affect peace, morals, public policy, and order, the
Omnibus Election Code, not by BP 880. government may interfere or regulate such aspect of the
Right to Form Associations right.
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 8, Article III provides 2. The second aspect is expressed in Section 5, Article
that the right of the people, including those employed in III, thus The free exercise and enjoyment of religious
the public and private sectors, to form unions, profession and worship, without discrimination or
associations, or societies for purposes not contrary to preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test
law shall not be abridged. shall be required for the exercise of civil or political
2. Who may Exercise the Right. The right of association rights.
may be exercised by the employed or the unemployed Non-establishment Clause
and by those employed in the government or in the 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 5, Article III provides
private sector. It likewise embraces the right to form that no law shall be made respecting an establishment
unions both in the government and private sector. The of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
right of civil servants to unionize is expressly provided in 2. Explanation. The non-establishment clause holds that
Section 2(5), Article IX-B: The right to self-organization the State cannot set up a church or pass laws aiding one
shall not be denied to government employees. The right religion, all religion, or preferring one over another, or
of labor in general to unionize is likewise provided in force a person to believe or disbelieve in any religion.
Section 3, Article XIII: [The State] shall guarantee the [37] In order words, it prohibits the State from
rights of all workers to self-organization, collective establishing an official religion. It discourages excessive
bargaining and negotiations, and peaceful concerted government involvement with religion and manifest
activities, including the right to strike in accordance with support to any one religious denomination. Manifestly,
law. the clause is rooted in the principle of separation of
3. Right to Strike not Included. The right to form church and state.
associations or to self-organization does not include the 3. Particular Prohibitions. In particular, the non-
right to strike. Thus, public school teachers do not enjoy establishment clause prohibits, among others, prayers of
the right to strike even if they are given the constitutional a particular denomination to start a class in public
right of association.[35] The terms and conditions of schools,[38] financial subsidy of a parochial school,
employment in the Government, including in any political [39] display of the ten commandments in front of a
subdivision or instrumentality thereof and government courthouse,[40] law prohibiting the teaching of evolution,
owned and controlled corporations with original charters, [41] mandatory reading of the bible,[42] and using the
are governed by law and the employees therein shall not word God in the pledge of allegiance.[43]
strike for purposes of securing changes.[36] 4. Exceptions to the Prohibition. The clause, however,
Right to Information permits the following:
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 7, Article III provides (a) Tax exemption on property actually, directly and
that the right of the people to information on matters of exclusively used for religious purposes;[44]
public concern shall be recognized. Access to official (b) Religious instruction in sectarian schools[45] and
records, and to documents and papers pertaining to expansion of educational facilities in parochial schools
official acts, transactions, or decisions, as well as to for secular activities;[46]
government research data used as basis for policy (c) Religious instruction in public schools, elementary
development, shall be afforded the citizen, subject to and high school, at the option of parents or guardians
such limitations as may be provided by law. expressed in writing, within regular class hours by
2. Scope and Limitation. The right guarantees access to designated instructors, and without additional costs to
official records for any lawful purpose. However, access the government;[47]
may be denied by the government if the information (d) Financial support given to priest, preacher, minister,
sought involves: (a) National security matters, military or dignitary assigned to the armed forces, penal
and diplomatic secrets; (b) Trade or industrial secrets; (c) institution or government orphanage or leprosarium;[48]
Criminal matters; and (d) Other confidential information (e) Government sponsorship of town fiestas which
(such as inter-government exchanges prior to traditions are used to be purely religious but have now
acquired secular character;[49] and
(f) Postage stamps depicting Philippines as the venue of 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 6, Article III provides
a significant religious event, in that the benefit to that the liberty of abode and of changing the same
religious sect is incidental to the promotion of the within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired
Philippines as a tourist destination.[50] except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the
Tests to Determine whether Governmental Act right to travel be impaired except in the interest of
Violates Freedom of Religion national security, public safety, or public health, as may
1. Different tests are used to determine if there are be provided by law.
governmental violations of non-establishment clause and 2. Aspects of the Freedom. Freedom of movement has
free exercise clause. On the on hand, Lemon Test is two aspects: (a) Freedom to choose and change ones
used to determine whether an act of the government domicile, and (b) Freedom to travel within and outside
violates the non-establishment clause. Under this test, a the country. A persons place of abode or domicile is his
law or a governmental act does not violate the clause permanent residence.
when it has a secular purpose, does not promote or Limitations
favor any set of religious beliefs, and does not get the 1. Freedom of movement is not an absolute right. It has
government too entangled with religion.[51] limitations. Liberty of abode may be impaired or
2. On the other hand, Compelling State Interest restricted when there is a lawful court order.
Test and Clear and Present Danger Test are used to 2. The right to travel may also be restricted in interest of
determine whether there is violation of free-exercise national security, public safety, or public health, or when
clause. Compelling state interest test is used to a person is on bail, or under a watch-list and hold
determine if the interests of the State are compelling departure order.
enough to justify intrusion into an individuals freedom of Right to Return to Ones Country
religion. Under this test, government infringement is Although the right to return to ones country is not among
justified if the burden it creates on freedom of religion is the rights expressly mentioned in the Bill of Rights, it is
due to a sufficiently compelling state interest and the nonetheless recognized and protected in the Philippines.
means used to attain its purpose is the least intrusive. It is a generally accepted principle of international law,
Clear and present danger test is used to determine and as such it is part of the law of the land, pursuant to
whether the circumstance are of such nature as to create the doctrine of incorporation. It is different from the right
a clear and present danger that will bring about a to travel and is guaranteed under the International
substantive evil which the state has the right to prevent. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.[55]
3, Example. In one case,[52] the Court held that NON-IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACTS
expulsion from school is unjustified if is based on the Contract Clause
conflict between religious beliefs and school practices 1. Section 10, Article III provides that no law impairing
(saluting the flag). The expulsion violates the right of the obligation of contracts shall be passed. This is the
children to education. Using the clear and present so-called contract clause, which seeks to restrain
danger test, the Court held that the danger of disloyalty substantial legislative impairment of, or intrusion into,
which the government is trying to prevent may be the the obligations of contracts. What the clause guarantees
very same thing that it advocates if expulsion is is the integrity of contracts against undue interference by
validated. Times have changed. Freedom of religion is the government.
now recognized as a preferred right. 2. For example, if a lawyer enters into a contract with a
Religious Solicitations client by which the latter will pay 5% of the value of the
Under Presidential Decree No. 1564, also known as monetary claim, a subsequent law which deprives the
the Solicitation Law, permit is required before lawyer of the said value is arbitrary and unreasonable
solicitations for charitable and public welfare purposes since it is destructive of the inviolability of contracts, and
may be carried out. The purpose of the law is to protect therefore invalid as lacking of due process.[56]
the public from fraudulent solicitations. Nonetheless, Contracts Affected
permit is no longer required if the solicitation is for 1. Only valid contracts, either executed or executory, are
religious purposes. Fraud is much less in religion. If the covered by the guarantee.
law is extended to religion, then it becomes 2. The agreement of the parties, as long as it is valid, is
unconstitutional; it constitutes restriction on freedom of the law between them. Their will should prevail, and this
religion as resources necessary for maintenance are must be respected by the legislature and not tampered
deprived of churches. with by subsequent laws. Well-established is the policy
Conscientious Objector Test that the subject of contractual agreements is imbued
A conscientious objector is someone who sincerely with paramount public interest.
claims the right to refuse to perform military Kind of Impairment Covered
service[53] and salute a flag[54] on the grounds of 1. For the clause to be operative, the impairment caused
freedom of thought, conscience, and/or religion. He may by law must be substantial. Substantial impairment
be granted exemption from military service or from happens when the law changes the terms of a legal
saluting the flag if he establishes that his objection is contract between parties, either in the time or mode of
sincere, based on religious training and belief, and performance, or imposes new conditions, or dispenses
not arbitrary. with those expressed, or authorizes for its satisfaction
LIBERTY OF ABODE AND RIGHT TO TRAVEL something different from that provided in its terms.[57] In
Freedom of Movement
other words, the act of impairment is anything that themselves, are given free legal services and access to
diminishes the value of the contract.[58] courts.
2. The cause of the impairment must be legislative in RIGHTS OF PERSONS UNDER CUSTODIAL
nature. The obligation of contract must be impaired by a INVESTIGATION
statute, ordinance, or any legislative act for it to come Miranda Rights
within the meaning of the constitutional provision.[59] An 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 12, Article III
administrative order or court decision is not included in enumerates the rights of a person under custodial
the scope of the constitutional guarantee. investigation for the commission of an offense, to wit:
3. In one case,[60] the Court held that a Rehabilitation (a) Right to remain silent, right to have a competent and
Plan approved by the Securities and Exchange independent counsel preferably of his own choice, right
Commission which suspends contractual claims against to free legal services if he cannot afford one, and
an insolvent or bankrupt corporation does not violate the the right to informed of these rights. These rights cannot
contract clause. The impairment must be legislative in be waived except in writing and in the presence of
character. SECs approval of the plan is not a legislative counsel;
act but an administrative act. Thus, there is not (b) Right against the use of torture, force, violence,
impairment of the freedom to contract. threat, intimidation, or any other means which vitiate his
Limitations free will. Prohibition against secret detention places,
1. As between freedom of contract and police solitary, incommunicado, or other similar forms of
power, police power prevails. Thus, laws enacted in detention;
exercise of police power will prevail over contracts. After (c) Exclusion of any confession or admission obtained in
all, private rights and interest in contracts must yield to violation of this provision or the right against self-
the common good. Every contract affecting public incrimination as evidence against him; and
welfare is presumed to include the provisions of existing (d) Sanctions against violators and compensation for
laws and a reservation of police power. rehabilitation of victims.
2. The supremacy of police power is felt most clearly in 2. Why called Miranda Rights. The present provision is
labor contracts and agricultural tenancy contracts. For usually referred to as the Miranda Rights because it is
instance, a law (Blue Sunday Law) which provides for an adoption of the rights provided in the American case
work or play on a Sunday is upheld as valid even if it Miranda v. Arizona.[63]
nullifies existing labor contracts, since it is a legitimate Purpose of the Right
exercise of police power.[61] In another case, a law (R.A. The provision emphasizes on the duty of law
No. 34) changed the crop-sharing system between the enforcement officers to treat properly and humanely
landlord and tenants from 50-50 to 55-45 in favor of the those under investigation. It recognizes the fact that the
tenants. The Court held that the law is valid. Consistent environment in custodial investigations is psychologically
with the policy of social justice, the law favored the if not physically coercive in nature,[64] so that law
tenants as well as the general welfare of the people in enforcers should be reminded of the sanctity of individual
exchange of contractual rights. rights and the limitations on their means of solving
3. The power of taxation and power of eminent domain, crimes. In fact, as far as the present provision is
inasmuch as they are also sovereign powers of the concerned, the presumption of regularity of official acts
state, can validly impair obligations of contracts. and the behavior of police or prosecution is not observed
4. Licenses are different from contracts. Licenses are if the person under investigation was not informed.[65]
franchises or privileges given by the State to qualified Custodial Investigation
entities that may be withdrawn or relinquished when 1. This enumeration of rights above may be invoked
national interests so require. However, like contracts, during custodial investigations. Custodial investigation
they yield to police power. refers to any questioning initiated by law enforcement
LEGAL ASSISTANCE AND FREE ACCESS TO officers after a person has been taken into custody. The
COURTS rights are available when the person interrogated is
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 11, Article III provides already treaded as a particular suspect and the
that free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies investigation is no longer a general inquiry into an
and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to any unsolved crime. However, during this stage, no
person by reason of poverty. complaint or criminal case has been filed yet. As such,
2. Protection for the Poor. Free access is a right covered the person suspected to have committed a crime is not
by the due process clause, because a person, yet an accused, since no case was instituted against
regardless of his status in life, must be given an him.
opportunity to defend himself in the proper court or 2. During custodial investigations, suspects are identified
tribunal. Nonetheless, the right is placed in a separate by way of show-ups, mug shots, and line ups. Show-ups
provision to emphasize the desire for constitutional are done by bringing the lone suspect face-to-face with
protection of the poor.[62] the witness for identification. Mug shots are performed
3. Litigation in Forma Pauperis. In consonance with this by showing photographs to witnesses to identify the
constitutional provision, the Rules of Court provide for suspect. And in line ups, the witness identifies the
litigation in forma pauperis in which paupers and suspect from a group of persons.
indigents, who have only their labor to support Extrajudicial Confession
1. Meaning. Extrajudicial consfession refers to a RIGHT TO BAIL
confession or admission of guilt made outside (extra) the Meaning of Right
court (judicial). It is a critical area of study in 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 13, Article III
Constitutional Law. With respect to the present provision, provides that all persons, except those charged with
it refers to a confession given during a custodial offenses punishable by reclusion perpetua when
investigation, which is not judicial in nature. Under the evidence of guilt is strong, shall, before conviction, be
Miranda Rights, a person may waive his right to remain bailable by sufficient sureties, or be released on
silent and admit the charge against him because recognizance as may be provided by law. The right to
anything that he says may be used against him. bail shall not be impaired even when the privilege of the
However, the waiver or confession must be valid to be writ of habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive bail shall
admissible as evidence against him. not be required.
2. Requisites for Validity. For an extrajudicial confession 2. Meaning of Bail. Bail refers to the security given for
to be valid and admissible as evidence in court, it must the temporary release of a person in custody of the law,
be: (a) voluntary; (b) made in the assistance of a furnished by him or a bondsman, conditioned upon his
competent and independent counsel; (c) express; and appearance before any court as may be required. For
(d) in writing. instance, a person arrested and detained for the offense
3. Involuntary Confession. There are two kinds of of homicide may post a bond for his temporary release
involuntary confession: (a) confession through coercion; on the condition that he will appear in the court during
[66] and (b) confession without being informed of the the trial or when the court so requires.
Miranda rights.[67] Both forms are invalid and cannot be 3. Purpose of Bail. Probational release through bail is
admitted as evidence against the confidant, the corollary to the right to be presumed innocent and a
confession considered as a fruit of a poisonous tree. means of immediately obtaining liberty.[70] During the
Extrajudicial confessions must be given voluntarily. duration of release, the accused is given the chance to
However, there is a distinction between the two. On the prepare his defense,[71] and thus level the playing field
one hand, an extrajudicial confession alleged to be taken for the parties. Worth emphasizing is the reason why
through torture or coercion is presumed voluntarily those charge with offenses punishable by reclusion
given and valid since the law enforcers are presumed to perpetua and against whom evidence of guilt is strong,
perform their duty regularly, so that the complainant- are not allowed to bail. Under such circumstances, there
suspect should prove that there is torture to invalidate is improbability of appearance, and bail merely becomes
his confession. On the other hand, a confession given an instrument of evading the law.
without being informed of the Miranda rights is presumed Standards for Fixing Amount of Bail
involuntarily given, so that the law enforces must prove 1. The law does not prescribe for a fix amount of bail.
its regularity.[68] What it requires is that the amount should
4. Assistance of Counsel. An extrajudicial confession be reasonable and not excessive otherwise the right is
made in the absence of a counsel, or even in his rendered useless. Under the Rules of Court, the amount
presence but without adequate assistance, is also invalid is reasonable if the judge bases it primarily, but not
and inadmissible. The rule requires that the assisting exclusively, on the following guidelines:[72]
counsel must be independent and competent. For this (a) Financial ability of the accused;
matter, a fiscal or a public prosecutor, who represents (b) Nature and circumstances of offense;
the interest of the State, cannot assist the suspect or (c) Penalty for offense charged;
person under investigation. His interest is adverse to the (d) Character and reputation of accused;
latter. Thus, even if competent, he cannot be (e) Age and health of the accused;
an independent counsel for the suspect. (f) Weight of evidence against him;
5. A counsel from the Public Attorneys Office is qualified (g) Probability of his appearance at trial;
to assist a person in executing an extrajudicial (h) Forfeiture of other bonds by him;
confession, his interest not adverse to the latter. (i) The fact that he is a fugitive from justice when
6. An extrajudicial confession to a mayor, even if arrested; and
uncounselled, may be admissible.[69] While a mayor has (j) Pendency of other cases where he is also under bail.
power of supervision over the police, an admission to When Right May be Invoked
him, not in the capacity of a law enforcer, is deemed 1. General Rule. The right to bail may be invoked from
freely given. The uncounselled admission to him does the moment of detention or arrest. Even if no formal
not violate the right to legal assistance and therefore the charges have been filed yet, for as long as there is
confession is admissible as evidence against the already an arrest, the right may already be availed of.
confidant. In addition, extrajudicial confession to a media 2. Bail as a Matter of Right. Bail may be invoked as a
man who is acting as a news reporter and not under the matter of right if the charge is not punishable
supervision of the police, is admissible. by reclusion perpetua and there is no final judgment of
7. Because of the inherent danger of using information conviction yet. Technically, the instances when bail is a
from broadcast media, extreme caution must be taken in matter of right are: (a) Before or after conviction by the
further admitting similar evidence or confession. There is MTC; and (b) Before conviction of the RTC of an offense
presumption of voluntariness in confessions which media not punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life
describes as freely given. They must be strictly imprisonment.
3. Bail as a Matter of Discretion. Bail may be invoked as demands that the court must conduct a mandatory
a matter of discretion on the part of the court in the hearing to determine if evidence of guilt is strong. This is
following instances: one of the instances when bail is a matter of discretion.
(a) After conviction by the RTC of an offense not But if the prosecutor simply manifested that he leaves it
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life to the sound discretion of the judge to grant bail and the
imprisonment; judge grants the same without hearing, then the judge
(b) Pending appeal subject to the consent of the commits an error because he cannot repose solely on
bondsman; and the prosecutor his decision. Even if there is no objection,
(c) After conviction, pending appeal when the court there must be a hearing.[76]
imposed a penalty of imprisonment for more than six RIGHTS OF THE ACCUSED
years but not more than twenty years, and it is not Criminal Cases
shown that the accused repeated a crime, an escapee, 1. Section 14, Article III deals with the rights of the
committed an offense while under the custody of the accused. It contemplates a scenario where a case has
probational release, or had the tendency of flight or to already been filed against a person, in contrast to
commit another offense. custodial investigations where a case may not have
3. Right not Suspended. The present constitutional been filed yet. The case filed is a criminal case, in which
provision clearly provides that the right to bail is not the parties are the People of the Philippines and the
suspended when the President suspends the privilege of accused. The People of the Philippines is the
the writ of habeas corpus. While bail and habeas corpus complainant, while the accused is the person formally
are remedies intended for the immediate release of a charged of a crime or offense punishable by law.
detainee, there are fundamental differences between 2. A case is said to be criminal when it involves the
them so that the suspension of one does not mean the prosecution of a crime by the State and the imposition of
suspension of the other. Firstly, in bail, there is an implicit liability on erring individuals. It highlights the relation of
recognition of the validity of detention or arrest, while in the individual and the state, with the state having the
habeas corpus, there is an assumption that the detention right to inflict punishment to an offender once his guilt is
or arrest is illegal. And secondly, the prayer in bail is for proven beyond reasonable doubt.
the temporary release of the detainee, whereas in 3. The real offended party or victim in a criminal case is
habeas corpus, the prayer is for permanent release. the State or the People of the Philippines, and not the
When the privilege of habeas corpus is suspended, the private complainant. This is because what has generally
remedy of immediate release cannot be availed of been violated is the law of the Philippines which provides
(although filing is still allowed). Under the current rules, if protection to the people and guarantees peace and order
the detainee files a bail for his temporary release, then it in the land. Violation of the law poses danger not just to
moots the purpose of habeas corpus, because it a private person, but to the people as a whole, and is a
destroys the assumption of illegality of the arrest or threat to the sovereignty of the State.
detention. 4. The accused, who is the person charged in a criminal
4. The law still allows those who jumped bail to exercise case, is pitted against the State. With all its machineries,
the right before conviction for as long as bail is still a manpower, and almost unlimited sources of money, the
matter of right. What the court must do in such cases is State is placed in an advantaged position. To level
to increase the amount of bail. therefore the playing field, the Constitution provides for
5. Bail is now available in extradition[73] cases, numerous rights of the accused and of persons under
consistent with the developments in international law investigation. Justice demands that they should be given
which now treats an individual as a subject or party.[74] a fighting chance against the most power institution,
When Right May not be Invoked which is the State.
1. It could be inferred from the present provision that the Criminal Due Process
right to bail may not be invoked if the offense for which 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 14(1), Article III
the person is detained is punishable by reclusion provides that no person shall be held to answer for a
perpetua and the evidence of guilt is strong. criminal offense without due process of law.
2. Important also to note is that the military may not 2. The provision refers to due process in criminal cases.
invoke the right to bail.[75] Among other reasons, As to its procedural aspect, criminal due process
allowing military members to bail would pose a great requires that: (a) The accused is brought into a court of
danger to national security. They are allowed to use competent jurisdiction; (b) He is notified of the case; (c)
firearms and they are paid using government money. He is given the opportunity to be heard; and (d) There is
Their sheer number and unique structure, as well as the a valid judgment deliberated and rendered by the court.
military mentality that they carry, may very well result to [77] As to its substantive aspect, the criminal cases must
the overthrow of the government if continuous allowance be based on a penal law.
of the right to bail is given them most especially when 3. The right to appeal is not a constitutional right. It is a
there are coup attempts. Allowing them to bail could statutory right granted by the legislature. But when it is
mean resumption of widespread commission of heinous expressly granted by law, then it comes within the scope
activities. of due process.
Mandatory Hearing 4. Criminal due process
When the offense charged is punishable by reclusion requires impartiality or objectivity on the part of the court.
perpetua, before rendering a judgment, due process Although a separate right to impartial trial is granted in
Section 14, paragraph 2 of the Bill of Rights, it refers the accused is already in a disadvantaged position since
only to the right of the accused during trial. Impartiality in he is pitted against the State. Presumption of guilt
criminal due process (Section 14, paragraph 1) is renders the rights of the accused nugatory. To protect
broader since it extends to preliminary therefore individual rights, in particular ones liberty, it
investigations conducted before the filing criminal cases should be the State that proves the guilt of accused, and
in court. One of the instances wherein impartiality is not that the accused proves his innocence. It is the
compromised is the so-called trial by publicity. When prosecution (State) who has the burden of overcoming
preliminary investigations are held for purposes of the presumption of innocence. It should rely on its own
determining whether an information or a case should be merits and not on the weakness of the defense.
filed against the respondent, the investigating prosecutor 2. When Presumption is Overcome. The presumption of
should not be swayed by the circumstances of pervasive innocence is overcome by proof beyond reasonable
and prejudicial publicity. It was held that prejudicial doubt. Under the rules of evidence, proof beyond
publicity may be invoked as denial of due process if it reasonable doubt is the highest quantum of evidence.
prevents the observance of those decencies or Such proof requires that the court is morally certain that
requirements of procedural due process.[78] the accused is guilty of the crime, so that if there is
5. A military court has its own unique set of reasonable doubt that lurks in the mind of the judge, the
procedures consistent with the nature and purpose of the accused must be acquitted. When the defense creates
military. Because of its distinct features, a military court reasonable doubt, the presumption of innocence
cannot try and exercise jurisdiction, even during martial remains. It must be noted that the certainty required by
law, over civilians for offenses allegedly committed by law is not absolute certainty but moral certainty as to
them as long as civilian courts are still open and every proposition of proof requisite to constitute the
functioning.[79] Due process therefore demands that offense.[80]
civilians can only be tried for an offense in civilian courts 3. Why Right is Granted. The philosophy behind the very
and not in military courts, unless no civilian court is high quantum of evidence to establish the guilt of the
available. accused is expressed by the court as follows: It is better
Rights of the Accused during Trial to acquit a person upon the ground of reasonable doubt
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 14(2), Article III even though he may in reality be guilty, than to inflict
enumerates rights of the accused in all criminal imprisonment on one who may be innocent.[81]
prosecutions, to wit: 4. Presumption of Guilt. The law and rules, however,
(a) Right to be presumed innocent until the contrary is allow that presumption of innocence may be overcome
proved; by another presumption through prima
(b) Right to be heard by himself and counsel; facie evidence. Prima facie evidence means an evidence
(c) Right to be informed of the nature and cause of the deemed sufficient unless contradicted. The is based on
accusation against him; logic and human experience. When the prosecution, for
(d) Right to have a speedy, impartial, and public trial; instance, establishes that the stolen object is in the
(e) Right to meet the witnesses face to face; and possession of the accused, it creates a prima
(f) Right to have compulsory process to secure the facie evidence that the accused committed the crime of
attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence theft. The presumption of innocence is overturned, and
in his behalf. the evidence creates a prima facie proof of the guilt of
2. Criminal Prosecution. These are rights of the accused the accused. This does not, however, mean that the
in criminal prosecutions. Under the Rules, criminal presumption of innocence is finally overcome. The
proceedings start from arraignment up to the rendition of burden of proof simply shifts from the prosecution to the
final judgment by the court. Arraignment refers to that defense (side of the accused) who will in turn present
stage of the criminal proceeding when the information is contradictory evidence to overcome the prima
read to the accused to which he pleads guilty or not facie proof.
guilty. The proceeding continues until a final judgment is Right to be Heard by Himself and Counsel
entered by the court. The judgment is final when there is 1. Right to be Heard. The right to be heard is the heart of
nothing for the court to do but to execute it. Thus, during criminal due process. Basically, it refers to all the
this duration the accused can invoke the said rights mechanisms afforded to the accused during the criminal
under the proper circumstances. proceedings. It is a safeguard against prejudicial and
Right to be Presumed Innocent partial judgments by the courts, as well as a guarantee
1. Meaning. The right refers to the constitutional that the accused be given an opportunity to participate
guarantee that the accused should be treated as if during trial in defense of himself.
innocent until he is proven guilty beyond reasonable 2. Related Rights. Participation of the accused in the
doubt. right to be heard includes three specific rights: (a) the
2. Presumption of Innocence and Criminal Due Process. right to present evidence and to be present at the trial;
Basically, the rights in Section 14(2) are elaborations of (b) the right to be assisted by counsel; and (c) the right
criminal due process. The right to presumption of to compulsory process to compel the attendance of
innocence, for instance, is based on the fundamental witnesses in his behalf.[82]
procedural rule that the court must hear first before it 3. Ratio of Right to Counsel. The right of the accused to
condemns. If what the court presumes is the guilt of the counsel is based on the reason that only a lawyer has a
accused, then procedural due process is violated. In fact, substantial knowledge of the rules of evidence, and a
non-lawyer, in spite of his education in life, may not be presentation and direct examination of witnesses by the
aware of the intricacies of law and procedure. Depriving opposing side. Both parties are allowed to test the
a person of such right constitutes violation of due veracity of the testimonies presented by the other.
process. Right to Compulsory Process
4. Related Right. Included in the right to counsel is 1. Reason for the Right. The form of criminal proceeding
the duty of the court to inform the accused of his right to is adversarial because two opposing parties battle out
counsel before arraignment and to give a counsel in against each other and only one of them could emerge
case the accused cannot afford the services of one. The as victor. It is often the case that the party with the
counsel representing the accused must be independent weightier evidence wins. In criminal proceedings, the
and competent. A counsel who has a divided interest accused needs only to create reasonable doubt on the
between the prosecution (State) and the defense mind of the court to be acquitted. Nevertheless, evidence
(accused) is disqualified on the ground of lack of is difficult to find because of peoples anxiety in testifying
independence and conflict of interest. in court as well as their dislike for burdensome court
Right to be Informed of Nature and Cause of processes. In recognition therefore of this fact, the law
Accusation and the rules give the accused the right to avail of
1. Right to be informed is again an essential aspect of compulsory means for attendance of witnesses and
procedural due process. The constitutional mandate is production of needed document or things.
complied with by the arraignment of the accused in 2. Kinds of Compulsory Processes. When the person
which he is informed by the court of the offense charged sought to testify is uncooperative or just afraid of court-
to which the accused either pleads guilty of not guilty. related actions, the remedy of subpoena ad
2. Well-settled is the rule that the allegations in the testificandum may be availed to compel the person to
complaint and not the title of the case that determines testify. When relevant documents are needed but the
the nature of the offense. holder thereof refuses to produce them, the remedy
Right to Speedy, Impartial and Public Trial of subpoena duces tecum may be availed of to compel
1. Right to speedy trial is based on the maxim the production of the same.[83] These remedies are also
that justice delayed is justice denied. Unreasonable available to the prosecution.
delays may result to a prolonged suffering of an innocent Right to be Present
accused or an evasion of justice by a truly guilty person. 1. Meaning and Purpose of the Right. As a rule, the
It offends not just the accused but also the State, accused has the right to be present at all stages of trial,
inasmuch as what is at stake is the speedy, inexpensive, from arraignment to rendition of judgment, in order that
and orderly administration of justice. Undue he may be informed of what transpires in every stage of
postponements not only depletes the funds of the the proceedings, to guard himself from technical
defense but also of prosecution. Thus, if the prosecution blunders, and ultimately, to fully defend himself from the
unreasonably delays the criminal proceedings because accusation against him. Thus, it is again an incident of
of too many postponements and unjustifiable absences, criminal due process.
the accused may be acquitted on the ground of violation 2. Waiver of Right. Right to be present, inasmuch as it is
of right to speedy trial. This does not, however, mean a right, may be waived by the accused. For as long as it
that the court cannot grant reasonable postponements. does not prejudice others, rights may be waived by its
What is prohibited is oppressive and vexatious possessor. An example of a valid waiver of the right to be
postponements. present is the so-called trial in absentia. Even in the
2. Right to impartial trial primarily requires that the judge absence of the accused, trial may still proceed (trial in
who sits in the case must be objective and renders a absentia) if after his arraignment and notification of the
decision based on the cold neutrality of the evidence date of the hearing, he still unjustifiably failed to appear.
presented. For instance, a judge who is hostile to the The effect of the waiver is that the accused will no longer
accused based on his comments and utterances, or who have the right to present evidence and confront the
is substantially swayed by the prejudicial publicity of the witnesses.
case, is a partial judge and must be inhibited from the 3. When Right not Waivable. It must be noted that the
case. presence of the accused becomes a duty, and therefore
3. Right to public trial demands that the proceedings be not waivable, in the following: (a) During arraignment
conducted in such a way that the public may know what and plea;[84] (b) When he is to be identified;[85] (c)
transpires during the trial. It is not necessary that the During the promulgation of judgment, except when it is
entire public can witness the proceedings; it is enough for a light offense.[86] In all these instances, the accused
that the relatives and friends of the interested parties are must appear because his non-appearance may either
accommodated in the trial venue. In fact, the court is prejudice his rights or that of the State.
allowed under the rules to order the public to leave the PRIVILEGE OF THE WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS
premises of the court room in interest of morality and 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 15, Article III states
order. that the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not
Right to Meet the Witnesses Face-to-Face be suspended except in cases of invasion or rebellion,
The right to confrontation enables the accused to test the when the public safety requires it. This is a reiteration of
credibility of the witnesses. The right is reinforced under Section 18, Article VII. What is constitutionally
the rules of criminal procedure by the so-called cross- guaranteed is the right of a person detained by another
examination. Cross-examination is conducted after the to test or challenge, through habeas corpus, the validity
of his detention when the authority of the detaining invoked by a timely objection to the incriminating
person or agency is at issue. question. If no objection is raised, then the answer may
2. The writ of habeas corpus is a written order issued by be used as evidence against the witness for the proper
the court directed to a person detaining another criminal charge.
commanding him to produce the body of the prisoner at 3. Although all persons subject to judicial, quasi-judicial,
a designated time and place, with the day and cause of administrative, and legislative investigations can invoke
his capture and detention, to do, to submit to, and to the right under proper circumstances, special utilization
receive whatever court or judge awarding the writ shall of the right is given to the accused. A witness can invoke
consider in his behalf. When a person is illegally the right only when the question tends to be self-
confined or detained, or when his liberty is illegally incriminating, but an accused can invoke the same in
restrained, he has the constitutional right to file a petition two ways. First is by refusing to testify altogether during
of habeas corpus. Should the court find out that the trial. And the second is, when he chooses to testify, by
person is illegally confined or detained, he shall be refusing to answer questions that tend to incriminate him
immediately released from detention. for another offense.
3. When Privilege Suspended. The privilege of habeas 4. In criminal proceedings what is prohibited is physical
corpus is suspended in cases of rebellion or invasion. or moral compulsion to extort communication from the
This is in order to meet the exigencies in such cases. accused. Subjecting the body of the accused when
4. Writ of Amparo. Aside from the writ of habeas corpus, material to solve the case is allowed and not violative of
the writ of amparo is another available remedy to any the right. In one case, the Court held that writing is not a
person whose right to life, liberty, and security has been pure mechanical act but requires the use of the intellect.
violated or threatened to be violated by an unlawful act Thus, an accused cannot be compelled to write or sign
or omission of a public official or employee, or of a and use the same as evidence against him.
private individual or entity. This remedy is especially 5. State witnesses cannot avail of the right because the
available in cases of enforced disappearances and very purpose of their being state witnesses is to give
extrajudicial killings. them immunity or protection to testify. Their testimonies
RIGHT TO SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES are so crucial to the resolution of a criminal case so that
Section 16, Article III states that all persons shall have in attainment thereof immunity is given to them by the
the right to a speedy disposition of their cases before all State. This means that they will no longer be prosecuted
judicial, quasi-judicial, or administrative bodies. Unlike for the crime for which they are testifying. Since they
the right to speedy trial which applies only in criminal have to unravel everything, even their guilt, in exchange
proceedings, the right to speedy disposition of cases of immunity, the right against self-incrimination could no
may be invoked in all cases, whether judicial, quasi- longer be invoked.
judicial, or administrative. Thus, right to speedy Basis of the Right
disposition of cases is broader than right to speedy trial. 1. The philosophy behind the constitutional guarantee is
RIGHT AGAINST SELF-INCRIMINATION similar to the other rights of the accused. From the very
Meaning of Right against Self-Incrimination start, the accused is already in an adverse position pitted
Section 17, Article III provides that no person shall be against the entire machinery of the State. If evidence will
compelled to be a witness against himself. This still be taken from the lips of the accused, it would even
constitutional guarantee is better known as right against tilt the scales heavily in favor of the State.
self-incrimination. The right allows a person not to 2. The right is founded on public policy and humanity.
answer an incriminating question. An incriminating [87] Public policy demands that a person be spared from
question is one that if answered renders a person liable answering incriminating questions because requiring him
for an offense. However, it is only when the incriminating would likely lead to the crime of perjury, which is
question is put to a witness stand that the right may be basically lying to the court after having promised to tell
invoked. the truth and nothing but the whole truth. Humanity
When Right Available prevents extorting confession by duress.
1. The right is available in all government proceedings, RIGHT AGAINST INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE
whether criminal or civil, and whether judicial or quasi- 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 18, Article III
judicial or administrative. It is even available in legislative provides that no person should be detained solely by
investigations and impeachment proceedings. In reason of his political beliefs and aspirations, nor should
addition, the right may be invoked by all persons subject involuntary servitude in any form exist, except as a
to judicial examination and legislative investigation. Thus punishment for a crime. The first part of the provision
it may be invoked not just by the accused in criminal deals with the right not to be detained by reason solely of
cases, but also defendants in civil cases, and witnesses political beliefs and aspirations. This is essentially
in all kinds of proceedings. embodied in the freedom of expression but with
2. The right, nonetheless, is not self-executing. It is not emphasis on the prohibition against incarceration of
automatically operational once an incriminating question political prisoners. The second part deals with the right
is asked. It must be properly invoked by objecting to an against involuntary servitude. Involuntary servitude
incriminating question. For example, when a witness is refers to the compulsory service of another or simply
subjected to direct examination by the opposing party, modern day slavery. The right is based on the egalitarian
and the opposing counsel asked was there an instance principle of democracy which prescribes equality of
that you cheated on your wife?, the right may be
everyone in law, and on humanity which prevents compelling reasons involving heinous crimes, the
degradation of human dignity through enforced labor. Congress hereafter provides for it. Any death penalty
2. Slavery is an ancient practice of treating man as a already imposed shall be reduced to reclusion perpetua.
commodity under the complete power of the master. This The present provision abolishes death penalty, although
has never been practiced in the Philippines, but has its with a reservation that the Congress can subsequently
remnants in modern forms of enforced labor and pass a law imposing it for compelling reasons involving
peonage. Enforced labor happens when a person is heinous crimes.
unlawfully compelled to work against his will; it is 2. Death Penalty not Cruel. The constitutional provision
involuntary and to a certain extent resembles slavery. on death penalty or capital punishment does not
When a person, because of poverty or lack of money, explicitly mention that it is cruel and inhumane. In fact,
works for another in payment of his debt, the same is the Constitution allows the Congress to impose death
prohibited by the present guarantee even if the service is penalty for the right reasons. It could even be argued
rendered voluntarily. This voluntary service in payment of that extinguishment of human life is not cruel and
debt is called peonage. While it appears voluntary, inhumane for the following reasons:
peonage is prohibited because the person is forced to (a) It is proportionate to the nature of the offense. Death
work by the circumstances of his indebtedness, although penalty may only be imposed by Congress in the
not by his creditor. commission of heinous crimes and for compelling
2. Exceptions. Involuntary servitude may be allowed reasons. Heinous crimes are crimes which are so
under the following instances: (a) as punishment for flagrant and evil so as to be shocking to the conscience
crime; (b) in the case of personal, military or civil service of civilized persons, such as genocide, rape with
in defense of the State; and (c) in compliance to a return homicide, murder, rebellion, and treason, especially
to work order issued by the Department of Labor and when committed against the innocent and helpless. With
Employment. compelling reasons, Congress may impose death
RIGHT AGAINST EXCESSIVE FINES AND CRUEL penalty since it is proportionate to the atrocities
PUNISHMENTS committed;
Meaning of Excessive Fine and Cruelty (b) This form of penalty still has currency in the
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 19(1), Article III contemporary time. Death by lethal injection is
states that excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor prevalently practiced by many countries for the
cruel, degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted punishment of heinous offenses; and
2. A fine is excessive when it is unreasonable and (c) Death by lethal injection is not cruel and inhumane
beyond the limits prescribed by law. The amount of the because it does not prolong suffering or inflict
fine is said to be unreasonable if the court does not take excruciating agony to the person punished. In truth, it
into consideration certain standards, such as the nature only induces the person to sleep through a lethal
of the offense, and the circumstances of the person substance injected in the bloodstream which thereafter
punished by fine. The imposed fine may never go painlessly put the person to death.
beyond the statutory prescription, otherwise it is Proper Treatment of Persons Legally Detained or
unlawfully excessive. Imprisoned
3. A punishment is cruel when it is shocking to the 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 19(2), Article III
conscience of mankind and it involves prolonged provides that the employment of physical,
suffering and agony to the person punished. For a psychological, or degrading punishment against any
penalty to violate the constitutional guarantee, it must be prisoner or detainee or the use of substandard or
so flagrant and oppressive so as to be degrading to inadequate penal facilities under subhuman conditions
human dignity, and it must be unreasonably shall be dealt with by law.
disproportionate to the nature of the offense as to shock 2. Purpose of the Right. This constitutional guarantee
the senses of the community.[88] The mere severity of a recognizes the inalienability of human dignity. Even
penalty does not make the punishment cruel or when a person is imprisoned or detained, and even if he
inhumane, for as long as it is within the limits provided by commits heinous crimes, he is still a person entitled to
law. As one maxim states, even if the law is harsh, it is proper treatment and protection. Paraphrasing it, the
still the law (dura lex sed lex). A penalty that is germane Constitution provides that even if a person is imprisoned
to purpose of the penal law is not cruel and inhumane. or detained, he must be protected against physical,
4. Lastly, a penalty must be acceptable to the psychological, or degrading punishment, and is entitled
contemporary society. Ancient forms of punishment, to the use of standard or adequate penal facilities under
such as pillory, disembowelment, and crucifixion, which humane conditions.
are already considered barbarous practices, are cruel
and inhumane. If a person, for instance, is paraded RIGHT AGAINST IMPRISONMENT FOR DEBT
around town naked with a tag on his neck saying I am a 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 20, Article III
thief; do not imitate me, the form of punishment is cruel provides that no person shall be imprisoned for debt or
and inhuman; it is barbarous and so ancient that it is no non-payment of a poll tax.
longer acceptable to the present-day society. 2. A debt, as covered by the constitutional guarantee,
Death Penalty refers to a contractual obligation by a debtor to pay
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 19(2) also states that money to the creditor. If by reason of poverty or lack of
neither shall death penalty be imposed, unless, for money a person cannot pay his debt, he cannot be
imprisoned by reason thereof. The creditor only has upon good indictment; (b) before a competent court; (c)
himself to blame if he voluntarily agreed to lend money after arraignment; (d) when a valid plea has been
to someone who apparently cannot pay or whom he entered; and (e) the case was dismissed or otherwise
thought could pay but did not. Nevertheless, although terminated without the consent of the accused. A case is
the debtor cannot be imprisoned, his property may be said to be terminated without the consent of the accused
taken or attached by the court, and then sold at public when there is acquittal or a final decision convicting him.
auction in payment of his debt to the creditor. 2. To substantiate therefore the claim for double
3. Estafa is not covered by this constitutional guarantee. jeopardy, the following must be proven:
What is punished in estafa is not the non-payment of (a) A first jeopardy must have attached prior to the first
debt but the deceit accompanying the act of non- jeopardy;
payment. (b) The first jeopardy must have been validly terminated;
4. Non-payment of poll tax cannot be a cause of and
imprisonment. A poll tax is a tax of a fixed amount (c) The second jeopardy must be for the same offense,
imposed on individuals residing within a specified or the second offense includes or is necessarily included
territory, whether citizens or not, without regard to their in the offense charged in the first information, or is an
property or the occupation in which they may be attempt to commit the same or is a frustration thereof.
engaged.[89] Community tax or residence tax is an RIGHT AGAINST EX POST FACTO LAW AND BILL OF
example of poll tax. As far as poll tax is concerned, non- ATTAINDER
payment is not punished by the government in Meaning of Ex Post Facto Law
consideration of the plight of the poor who cannot even 1. Constitutional Provision. Section 22, Article III
afford to pay it. Poverty could never be a reason for a provides that no ex post facto law or bill of attainder
persons imprisonment. It must be emphasized, however, shall be enacted.
that as regards other forms of taxes, non-payment may 2. An ex post facto law is one which:
be a cause of imprisonment. Failure to pay income taxes (a) Makes criminal an act done before the passage of
is considered a crime (tax evasion), and punishable the law which was innocent when done, and punishes
under the law by imprisonment. such an act;
(b) Aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was,
Meaning of Double Jeopardy (c) Changes the punishment and inflicts a greater
1. Constitutional Provision. Section 21, Article III states punishment than the law annexed to the crime when
that no person shall be twice put in jeopardy of committed;
punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished (d) Alters the legal rules of evidence, and authorizes
by a law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under conviction upon less or different testimony than the law
either shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for required at the time of the commission of the offense;
the same act. This is more famously known as the right (e) Assuming to regulate civil rights and remedies only,
against double jeopardy. in effect imposes penalty or deprivation of a right for
2. Double jeopardy means that a person is twice put at something which when done was lawful; and
the risk of conviction for the same act or offense. The (f) Deprives a person accused of a crime of some lawful
right against double jeopardy therefore means that a protection to which he has become entitled, such as the
person can only be indicted or charge once by a protection of a former conviction or acquittal, or a
competent court for an offense. When a person, for proclamation of amnesty.[91]
instance, has been charged of homicide and the court 3. Applicable only in Criminal Cases. The constitutional
acquitted him of the case, he can no longer be prohibition applies only in criminal cases.[92] One of the
prosecuted for the same offense or act. He can now characteristics of criminal law is prospectivity in which
invoke his right against double jeopardy. only crimes committed after the enactment of a penal are
3. There are two types of double jeopardy. The first punishable. It cannot retroact and punish acts which
happens when a person is put twice in jeopardy of were not yet criminalized before its passage. The basic
punishment for the same offense, and the second rule is that before an act may be considered an offense
happens when an act is punishable by a law and an or crime, it must first be defined as a crime and a penalty
ordinance at the same time, in which case the conviction must be imposed for it under a law passed by the
or acquittal in either one of them constitute as bar to legislative body. An act therefore is not a crime if there is
another prosecution for the same act. no law punishing it. In the same vein, a person does not
3. The requisites of double jeopardy are:[90] commit a crime, no matter how apparently illegal it is, if
(a) A valid complaint or information; there is no law defining and punishing it. It is for this
(b) Filed before a competent court; reason that an ex post facto law is not allowed because
(c) To which the defendant has pleaded; and it criminalizes what was not yet a crime during its
(d) The defendant was previously acquitted or convicted commission.
or the case dismissed or otherwise terminated without Meaning of Bill of Attainder
his express consent. 1. Definition. A bill of attainder is a legislative act which
When Double Jeopardy Could Be Claimed inflicts punishment without trial. Its essence is the
1. Before double jeopardy could be claimed, there must substitution of a legislative for a judicial determination of
be a first jeopardy. The first jeopardy attaches only: (a) guilt.[93]
2. Two Kinds of Bill of Attainder: (a) the bill of attainder [94] The law declared the Communist Party of the
proper which involves the legislative imposition of death Philippines (CPP) a clear and present danger to
penalty, and (b) bill of pains and penalties which involves Philippine security, and thus prohibited membership in
imposition of a lesser penalty. such organization. It is not a bill of attainder because it
3. Reason for Prohibition. The prohibition against bill of does not define a crime, but only lays a basis for the
attainder is an implementation of the principle of legislative determination that membership in CPP and
separation of powers. The legislature cannot bypass the any other organization having the same purposes is a
judiciary by enacting a law that punishes an act without crime. It does not automatically secure judgment by
need of judicial proceedings. The legislative department mere membership. In operation, the law does not render
should be confined to its law-making function; it cannot unnecessary judicial proceedings. The guilt of the
encroach the authority of the courts by prescribing a law individual members of subversive groups must still be
that directly adjudges guilt without judicial determination. judicially established.
4. Example. In one case, the Court held that the Anti-
Subversion Law (R.A. 1700) is not a bill of attainder.

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