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Name: Bryan Holloway Date(s): February 16, 2017

Subject: Physical Education Grade Level: Kindergarten

1. TEKS: 116.2 PE-K B (1), A- Students will 2. Big Understanding: To learn body awareness
demonstrate competency in fundamental while learning to walk around different people
movement patterns and proficiency in a or objects. This is relevant when exploring
specialized movement forms. new places with foreign objects and unknown

Objective: Travel in different ways in a large

group without bumping into others or falling.

3. Summative Assessment Evidence: Students will be able to demonstrate walking in space around
other students and objects without the teachers guidance.

4. Opening Hook: Today we will be using different movements and talking with our classmates while we
learn the proper use of body awareness.

5. Instructional Strategies / Student Activities/ Grouping Patterns:

Teacher Input/Modeling: The teacher will show the students the freeze and melt activity but stopping
(to show body position) then by moving at proper speed.

Guided Practice: WE DO: Throughout the activity, the teacher will call out Freeze and Melt and
guide students to know proper spacing.

CFU (Checking for understanding) (Formative Assessment): While students are frozen and after the
lesson, the teacher will use Cues and Questions to see if students understand the process.

Independent Practice: YOU DO (Individual students): Assist if students have trouble with the
movement patterns until the student can do it on their own.

6. Higher Level Questions to Incorporate: List 3 to 4 activities that body awareness is used in.

7. Materials/Resources: Gym floor, stop watch, cones, random objects, and the students.

8. Grouping Patterns: Will be separated into groups by having them draw a color and then go to that
color hula-hoop.

9. Ending, Summary/Reflection: The Three Ws

What have you learned by walking by people and objects?
Can you tell me why this is important to life?
What activities can we use body awareness here in P.E.?
10. Technology: Students can use MusicWorkout to use their music to inform them when it is time to be
active and when to rest.

Cur. 16a

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