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Read the following text carefully and decide if the sentences are T (true) or F (false).

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project was made in two years on a budget of $25,000. For directors Dan Myrick and
Ed Sanchez it was their first feature film. Myrick and Sanchez agreed that there had never been a
film that had really scared them and decided to make one. Together, they came up with the idea of
a 200-year old legend about a series of unexplained disappearances.

The story is set in the woods of Burkittsville, Maryland. Three student filmmakers go into the
woods to shoot a documentary about the Blair Witch legend, and disappear. A year later their
footage is found. This film is a compilation of the footage they took showing how they were lost
and were terrorised by something unseen.

Three unknown actors were chosen to play the parts of the three student filmmakers. The film
was shot in just eight days. The actors, who used their real names in the film, were sent into the
woods for eight days without directors, crew or script. They were given hand-held cameras and
told to film everything they saw. The only contact that they had with the crew was through notes
and minimal rations left for them to pick up daily. They knew their characters well, and knew
the general set-up of the story, but everything that happens as the story unfolds was a surprise
to them, which is why the film is so believable.

Six months before the first screening of the film, the directors set up a website , They filled it with Blair Witch mythology, updated every Friday with new
information. The net went wild and the site scored fifty million hits before the film even opened.

A documentary called The Curse of the Blair Witch was shown on American television. The public
were encouraged to believe that the story was real and not a work of fiction. The directors told
the press,

Were not saying its the truth and were not saying its not.

The film opened in just twenty-seven cinemas across twenty states in America. This is another
clever marketing ploy people were queuing for miles, and the media went mad. The outcome: it
is one of the most profitable films of all time.

1. The total amount of money spent on making the film was 25,000. T / F

2. The two directors have never made a feature film before. T / F

3. Myrick and Sanchez decided to make a scary movie based on a series of unexplained
disappointments. T / F

4. The main characters of the film are three students who study filmmaking. T / F

5. A year later they see the footsteps of the witch. T / F

6. Three famous actors play the roles of the students. T / F

7. They needed less than ten days to shoot the film. T / F

8. The actors filmed everything they saw in the woods without any help from the directors or
the crew. T / F

9. It took the directors six months to set up the website of the film. T / F

10. The US television network broadcast the documentary. T / F


1. Read the article and think of the best word for each gap. Write ONE word only. There is an
example provided (0). (10X 2 p=20p)

One of the greatest natural disasters of recent years was the tsunami that occurred on 26
December 2004. It was (0).so destructive (1)..more than 225,000 people
were killed. The tsunami ( tidal wave) was caused by (2) a powerful earthquake
that it was felt as far away as Alaska. The result was a 30 metre-high wave which hit all the
countries bordering the Indian Ocean. There was almost no warning of the tsunami. Therefore,
very few people (3) prepared for it. Many houses were destroyed because they
werent strong (4)to resist the huge wave. People who were (5)
young or weak to hold on to solid objects were swept out to sea. Many of the beaches hit by the
tsunami were popular with tourists. (6).. a result, more than 9,000 of the casualties
were European visitors. Most of the countries around the Indian Ocean didnt have
(7) resources to cope with the disaster (8) it was necessary for
international agencies to help in the rescue operation. Fortunately, there was
(9).much publicity that more than 7 billion dollars were raised worldwide enough
(10)..many people to rebuild their homes.

2. For questions 1-10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits
each gap. (10x2p=20p)
In April 2007, Morgan Pozgar became the first ____________ (1) National Texting Champion of the
United States. She won the competition in New York __________ (2) typing a message of 151 letters
in 42 seconds. She beat 250 _____________ (3) people to win the top prize of $ 25,000. Morgan,
_________ (4) was thirteen years old at the time, sends _______ (5) than 7,000 text messages a month.
In the final she __________ (6) a 21-year-old girl called Eli Tirosh. Eli finished first and everyone
______ (7) that she was the winner. But then the judges found a mistake in _________ (8) text
message, and said that Morgan was the winner.
The phone used in the competition had a QWERTY keyboard, so it was _______ (9) to use than a
normal phone. _______ (10) she won, Morgan said I cant believe that I actually won the whole
competition. Now I want to go shopping!

1. A ever B only C yet D one

2. A at B by C to D since
3. A such B each C other D else
4. A what B which C that D who
5. A more B much C most D many
6. A played B competed C won D beat
7. A think B thinking C thought D to think
8. A its B her C their D shes
9. A easier B easy C easiest D easily
10. A When B If C While D Before

3. Rephrase the second sentence so as it means the same as the first one. Use no more than
three words including the word in bold. (5 x 2p = 10 p)

1. Last week, John was shown how to write a poem by his teacher. him

Johns teacher. to write a poem last week.

2. Mary joined a reading club three years ago. been

Mary ..a reading club for three years.

3. My cousin really enjoys listening to jazz music. to

My cousin is fond .... jazz music.

4. They have never seen such a funny play. play

It was they have ever seen.

5. I bought some magazines to read during the flight to Miami. was

I bought some magazines to read while Miami.


You were at your British friend Sues house yesterday and you broke Sues alarm clock while you
were there. Write an email to Sue. In your email, you should:
- Apologise
- Describe what happened
- Offer to replace it.
Write between 60 and 80 words.



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